Merge branch 'develop' into fix/bug_51946

This commit is contained in:
OVSharova 2022-04-07 03:30:34 +03:00
commit 67d02beed0
1500 changed files with 136430 additions and 115581 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Thumbs.db

View file

@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
edit: ["Group1", ""] // current user can edit comments made by users from Group1 and users without a group.
remove: ["Group1", ""] // current user can remove comments made by users from Group1 and users without a group.
userInfoGroups: ["Group1", ""], // show tooltips/cursors/info in header only for users in userInfoGroups groups. [""] - means users without group, [] - don't show any users, null/undefined/"" - show all users
protect: <can protect document> // default = true. show/hide protect tab or protect buttons
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@
user: {
id: 'user id',
name: 'user name',
group: 'group name' // for customization.reviewPermissions parameter
group: 'group name' // for customization.reviewPermissions or permissions.reviewGroups or permissions.commentGroups. Can be multiple groups separated by commas (,) : 'Group1' or 'Group1,Group2'
recent: [
@ -145,15 +146,57 @@
reviewDisplay: 'original', // original for viewer, markup for editor
trackChanges: undefined // true/false - open editor with track changes mode on/off,
layout: { // hide elements, but don't disable feature
toolbar: {
file: { // menu file
close: false / true, // close menu button
settings: false / true, // advanced settings
info: false / true // document info
save: false/true // save button
} / false / true,
home: {
mailmerge: false/true // mail merge button
layout: false / true, // layout tab
references: false / true, // de references tab
collaboration: false / true // collaboration tab
protect: false / true, // protect tab
plugins: false / true // plugins tab
view: {
navigation: false/true // navigation button in de
} / false / true, // view tab
save: false/true // save button on toolbar in
} / false / true, // use instead of customization.toolbar,
header: {
users: false/true // users list button
save: false/true // save button
leftMenu: {
navigation: false/true,
spellcheck: false/true // spellcheck button in sse
} / false / true, // use instead of customization.leftMenu
rightMenu: false/true, // use instead of customization.rightMenu
statusBar: {
textLang: false/true // text language button in de/pe
docLang: false/true // document language button in de/pe
actionStatus: false/true // status of operation
} / false / true, // use instead of customization.statusBar
features: { // disable feature
spellcheck: {
mode: false/true // init value in de/pe
change: false/true // hide/show feature in de/pe/sse
} / false / true // if false/true - use as init value in de/pe. use instead of customization.spellcheck parameter
chat: true,
comments: true,
zoom: 100,
compactToolbar: false,
leftMenu: true,
rightMenu: true,
leftMenu: true, // must be deprecated. use layout.leftMenu instead
rightMenu: true, // must be deprecated. use layout.rightMenu instead
hideRightMenu: false, // hide or show right panel on first loading
toolbar: true,
statusBar: true,
toolbar: true, // must be deprecated. use layout.toolbar instead
statusBar: true, // must be deprecated. use layout.statusBar instead
autosave: true,
forcesave: false,
commentAuthorOnly: false, // must be deprecated. use permissions.editCommentAuthorOnly and permissions.deleteCommentAuthorOnly instead
@ -163,7 +206,7 @@
toolbarNoTabs: false,
toolbarHideFileName: false,
reviewDisplay: 'original', // must be deprecated. use instead
spellcheck: true,
spellcheck: true, // must be deprecated. use customization.features.spellcheck instead
compatibleFeatures: false,
unit: 'cm' // cm, pt, inch,
mentionShare : true // customize tooltip for mention,
@ -176,8 +219,9 @@
uiTheme: 'theme-dark' // set interface theme: id or default-dark/default-light
coEditing: {
mode: 'fast', // <coauthoring mode>, 'fast' or 'strict'. if 'fast' and 'customization.autosave'=false -> set 'customization.autosave'=true
change: true, // can change co-authoring mode
mode: 'fast', // <coauthoring mode>, 'fast' or 'strict'. if 'fast' and 'customization.autosave'=false -> set 'customization.autosave'=true. 'fast' - default for editor
// for viewer: 'strict' is default, offline viewer; 'fast' - live viewer, show changes from other users
change: true, // can change co-authoring mode. true - default for editor, false - default for viewer
plugins: {
autostart: ['asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}'],
@ -329,36 +373,6 @@
var _callLocalStorage = function(data) {
if (data.cmd == 'get') {
if (data.keys && data.keys.length) {
var af = data.keys.split(','), re = af[0];
for (i = 0; ++i < af.length;)
re += '|' + af[i];
re = new RegExp(re); k = {};
for (i in localStorage)
if (re.test(i)) k[i] = localStorage[i];
} else {
k = localStorage;
command: 'internalCommand',
data: {
type: 'localstorage',
keys: k
} else
if (data.cmd == 'set') {
var k = data.keys, i;
for (i in k) {
localStorage.setItem(i, k[i]);
var _onMessage = function(msg) {
if ( msg ) {
if ( msg.type === "onExternalPluginMessage" ) {
@ -373,8 +387,6 @@
if (msg.event === 'onRequestEditRights' && !handler) {
_applyEditRights(false, 'handler isn\'t defined');
} else if (msg.event === 'onInternalMessage' && && == 'localstorage') {
} else {
if (msg.event === 'onAppReady') {
@ -421,7 +433,7 @@
if (typeof _config.document.fileType === 'string' && _config.document.fileType != '') {
_config.document.fileType = _config.document.fileType.toLowerCase();
var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx|fods|ots)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm|fodp|otp)|(doc|docx|doct|odt|gdoc|txt|rtf|pdf|mht|htm|html|epub|djvu|xps|oxps|docm|dot|dotm|dotx|fodt|ott|fb2|xml|oform|docxf))$/
var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx|fods|ots|xlsb)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm|fodp|otp)|(doc|docx|doct|odt|gdoc|txt|rtf|pdf|mht|htm|html|epub|djvu|xps|oxps|docm|dot|dotm|dotx|fodt|ott|fb2|xml|oform|docxf))$/
if (!type) {
window.alert("The \"document.fileType\" parameter for the config object is invalid. Please correct it.");
@ -841,9 +853,24 @@
return extensionParams["url"] + "apps/";
function getTestPath() {
var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script'),
for (var i = scripts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
match = scripts[i].src.match(/(.*)apps\/api\/documents\/api.js/i);
if (match) {
return match[1] + "test/";
return "";
function getAppPath(config) {
var extensionPath = getExtensionPath(),
path = extensionPath ? extensionPath : getBasePath(),
path = extensionPath ? extensionPath : (config.type=="test" ? getTestPath() : getBasePath()),
appMap = {
'text': 'documenteditor',
'text-pdf': 'documenteditor',
@ -859,7 +886,7 @@
app = appMap[config.documentType.toLowerCase()];
} else
if (!!config.document && typeof config.document.fileType === 'string') {
var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx|fods|ots)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm|fodp|otp))$/
var type = /^(?:(xls|xlsx|ods|csv|xlst|xlsy|gsheet|xlsm|xlt|xltm|xltx|fods|ots|xlsb)|(pps|ppsx|ppt|pptx|odp|pptt|ppty|gslides|pot|potm|potx|ppsm|pptm|fodp|otp))$/
if (type) {
if (typeof type[1] === 'string') app = appMap['cell']; else
@ -887,7 +914,7 @@
if ( typeof(customization) == 'object' && ( customization.toolbarNoTabs ||
(config.editorConfig.targetApp!=='desktop') && (customization.loaderName || customization.loaderLogo))) {
index = "/index_loader.html";
} else if (config.editorConfig.mode === 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode === 'editmerge')
} else if (config.editorConfig.mode === 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode === 'editmerge' || config.editorConfig.mode === 'editole')
index = "/index_internal.html";
@ -906,19 +933,22 @@
if (config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName !== 'none') params += "&customer=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.loaderName);
} else
params += "&customer={{APP_CUSTOMER_NAME}}";
if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo) {
if (config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo !== '') params += "&logo=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo);
} else if ( (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') && config.editorConfig.customization.logo) {
if (config.type=='embedded' && (config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image || config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded))
params += "&headerlogo=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image || config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded);
else if (config.type!='embedded' && (config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image || config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageDark)) {
config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image && (params += "&headerlogo=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image));
config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageDark && (params += "&headerlogodark=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageDark));
if (typeof(config.editorConfig.customization) == 'object') {
if ( config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo && config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo !== '') {
params += "&logo=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.loaderLogo);
if ( config.editorConfig.customization.logo ) {
if (config.type=='embedded' && (config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image || config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded))
params += "&headerlogo=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image || config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageEmbedded);
else if (config.type!='embedded' && (config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image || config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageDark)) {
config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image && (params += "&headerlogo=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.logo.image));
config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageDark && (params += "&headerlogodark=" + encodeURIComponent(config.editorConfig.customization.logo.imageDark));
if (config.editorConfig && (config.editorConfig.mode == 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode == 'editmerge'))
if (config.editorConfig && (config.editorConfig.mode == 'editdiagram' || config.editorConfig.mode == 'editmerge' || config.editorConfig.mode == 'editole'))
params += "&internal=true";
if (config.frameEditorId)
@ -933,8 +963,6 @@
if (config.editorConfig && config.editorConfig.customization && (config.editorConfig.customization.toolbar===false))
params += "&toolbar=false";
else if (config.document && config.document.permissions && (config.document.permissions.edit === false && config.document.permissions.fillForms ))
params += "&toolbar=true";
if (config.parentOrigin)
params += "&parentOrigin=" + config.parentOrigin;
@ -945,6 +973,25 @@
return params;
function getFrameTitle(config) {
var title = 'Powerful online editor for text documents, spreadsheets, and presentations';
var appMap = {
'text': 'text documents',
'spreadsheet': 'spreadsheets',
'presentation': 'presentations',
'word': 'text documents',
'cell': 'spreadsheets',
'slide': 'presentations'
if (typeof config.documentType === 'string') {
var app = appMap[config.documentType.toLowerCase()];
if (app)
title = 'Powerful online editor for ' + app;
return title;
function createIframe(config) {
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
@ -954,6 +1001,7 @@
iframe.align = "top";
iframe.frameBorder = 0; = "frameEditor";
iframe.title = getFrameTitle(config);
iframe.allowFullscreen = true;
iframe.setAttribute("allowfullscreen",""); // for IE11
iframe.setAttribute("onmousewheel",""); // for Safari on Mac

View file

@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ div {
"uiTheme": queryParams.thm==="1" ? "default-light" : (queryParams.thm==="2" ? "default-dark" : undefined)
"coEditing": {
"mode": "fast",
"mode": userAuth.mode !== "view" ? "fast" : "strict",
"change": false
"wopi": {

View file

@ -99,13 +99,13 @@
right: 0;
&.top {
top: 40px;
top: 28px;
bottom: 0;
&.bottom {
top: 0;
bottom: 38px;
bottom: 28px;
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 40px;
height: 28px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 @toolbarBorderColor, inset 0 1px 0 @toolbarBorderShadowColor;
//-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 @toolbarBorderColor, inset 0 1px 0 @toolbarBorderShadowColor;
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 38px;
height: 28px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 @toolbarBorderColor, inset 0 2px 0 @toolbarBorderShadowColor;
//-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 @toolbarBorderColor, inset 0 2px 0 @toolbarBorderShadowColor;

View file

@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
@import "../../../../common/main/resources/less/spinner.less";
@import "../../../../common/main/resources/less/checkbox.less";
@import "../../../../common/main/resources/less/opendialog.less";
@import "../../../../common/main/resources/less/advanced-settings-window.less";
@toolbarBorderColor: @border-toolbar-ie;
@toolbarBorderColor: @border-toolbar;
@ -456,6 +457,14 @@
background-position: -@icon-width*4 0;
background-position: -@icon-width*4 @icon-normal-top;
&.zoom-in {
background-position: -@icon-width*5 0;
background-position: -@icon-width*5 @icon-normal-top;
&.zoom-out {
background-position: -@icon-width*6 0;
background-position: -@icon-width*6 @icon-normal-top;
&.zoom-up {
background-position: -@icon-width*5 -@icon-height;
@ -624,6 +633,32 @@
font-size: 11px;
.menu-zoom {
line-height: @line-height-base;
.title {
padding: 5px 5px 5px 28px;
float: left;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 11px;
margin: 0px;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
.zoom {
padding: 5px 3px;
float: right;
min-width: 40px;
text-align: center;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 11px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
.mi-icon {
margin: 0;
.font-size-small {

View file

@ -64,10 +64,18 @@ define([
return this.filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view')}).length;
getVisibleEditingCount: function() {
return this.filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view') && !item.get('hidden')}).length;
getEditingOriginalCount: function() {
return this.chain().filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view')}).groupBy(function(item) {return item.get('idOriginal');}).size().value();
getVisibleEditingOriginalCount: function() {
return this.chain().filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view') && !item.get('hidden')}).groupBy(function(item) {return item.get('idOriginal');}).size().value();
findUser: function(id) {
return this.find(

View file

@ -210,8 +210,10 @@ define([
templateBtnIcon +
'</div>' +
'<div class="inner-box-caption">' +
'<span class="caption"><%= caption %></span>' +
'<i class="caret"></i>' +
'<span class="caption"><%= caption %>' +
'<i class="caret"></i>' +
'</span>' +
'<i class="caret compact-caret"></i>' +
'</div>' +
'</button>' +
@ -225,12 +227,38 @@ define([
'</button>' +
'<button type="button" class="btn <%= cls %> inner-box-caption dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hint="<%= dataHint %>" data-hint-direction="<%= dataHintDirection %>" data-hint-offset="<%= dataHintOffset %>" <% if (dataHintTitle) { %> data-hint-title="<%= dataHintTitle %>" <% } %>>' +
'<span class="btn-fixflex-vcenter">' +
'<span class="caption"><%= caption %></span>' +
'<i class="caret"></i>' +
'<span class="caption"><%= caption %>' +
'<i class="caret"></i>' +
'</span>' +
'<i class="caret compact-caret"></i>' +
'</span>' +
'</button>' +
var getWidthOfCaption = function (txt) {
var el = document.createElement('span'); = '11px'; = 'Arial, Helvetica, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif'; = "absolute"; = '-1000px'; = '-1000px';
el.innerHTML = txt;
var result = el.offsetWidth;
return result;
var getShortText = function (txt, max) {
var lastIndex = txt.length - 1,
word = txt;
while (getWidthOfCaption(word) > max) {
word = txt.slice(0, lastIndex).trim() + '...';
return word;
Common.UI.Button = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
options : {
id : null,
@ -320,6 +348,37 @@ define([
getCaptionWithBreaks: function (caption) {
var words = caption.split(' '),
newCaption = null,
maxWidth = 85 - 4;
if (words.length > 1) {
maxWidth = !! || this.split === true ? maxWidth - 10 : maxWidth;
if (words.length < 3) {
words[1] = getShortText(words[1], maxWidth);
newCaption = words[0] + '<br>' + words[1];
} else {
if (getWidthOfCaption(words[0] + ' ' + words[1]) < maxWidth) { // first and second words in first line
words[2] = getShortText(words[2], maxWidth);
newCaption = words[0] + ' ' + words[1] + '<br>' + words[2];
} else if (getWidthOfCaption(words[1] + ' ' + words[2]) < maxWidth) { // second and third words in second line
words[2] = getShortText(words[2], maxWidth);
newCaption = words[0] + '<br>' + words[1] + ' ' + words[2];
} else {
words[1] = getShortText(words[1] + ' ' + words[2], maxWidth);
newCaption = words[0] + '<br>' + words[1];
} else {
var width = getWidthOfCaption(caption);
newCaption = width < maxWidth ? caption : getShortText(caption, maxWidth);
if (!! || this.split === true) {
newCaption += '<br>';
return newCaption;
render: function(parentEl) {
var me = this;
@ -341,6 +400,10 @@ define([
} else {
this.template = _.template(templateHugeCaption);
var newCaption = this.getCaptionWithBreaks(this.caption);
if (newCaption) {
me.caption = newCaption;
me.cmpEl = $(this.template({
@ -748,15 +811,19 @@ define([
setCaption: function(caption) {
if (this.caption != caption) {
this.caption = caption;
if ( /icon-top/.test(this.cls) && !!this.caption && /huge/.test(this.cls) ) {
var newCaption = this.getCaptionWithBreaks(caption);
this.caption = newCaption || caption;
} else
this.caption = caption;
if (this.rendered) {
var captionNode = this.cmpEl.find('.caption');
if (captionNode.length > 0) {
} else {

View file

@ -456,6 +456,13 @@ define([
focus: function () {
var me = this;
me.enableKeyEvents && me.monthPicker && _.delay(function() {
}, 10);
textJanuary: 'January',
textFebruary: 'February',
textMarch: 'March',

View file

@ -277,8 +277,24 @@ define([
updateFormControl: function(record) {
$(this.el).find('.form-control > .image')
.css('background-position', '10px -' + record.get('offsety') + 'px');
if (record)
$(this.el).find('.form-control > .image')
.css('background-position', '10px -' + record.get('offsety') + 'px').show();
$(this.el).find('.form-control > .image').hide();
setValue: function(value) {
this._selectedItem = (value===null || value===undefined) ? undefined : _.find(, function(item) {
if ( value<item.attributes.value+0.01 && value>item.attributes.value-0.01) {
return true;
$('.selected', $(this.el)).removeClass('selected');
this._selectedItem && $('#' + this._selectedItem.get('id'), $(this.el)).addClass('selected');
}, Common.UI.ComboBorderType || {}));

View file

@ -190,6 +190,7 @@ define([
el.on('click', '.form-control', _.bind(this.onInputClick, this));
this._input.attr('readonly', 'readonly');
this._input.attr('data-can-copy', false);
this._input.on('mousedown',function (e){e.preventDefault();})
if (me.options.hint) {
@ -544,6 +545,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
if (!this.rendered)

View file

@ -457,6 +457,7 @@ define([
this.trigger('show:after', this, e);
this.updateVisibleFontsTiles(null, 0);
Common.Utils.isGecko && this.scroller && this.scroller.update();
} else {
Common.UI.ComboBox.prototype.onAfterShowMenu.apply(this, arguments);

View file

@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ define([ =;
this.hint = this.options.hint; = || new Common.UI.DataViewStore();
this.groups = this.options.groups;
this.itemWidth = this.options.itemWidth;
this.itemHeight = this.options.itemHeight;
this.menuMaxHeight = this.options.menuMaxHeight;
@ -92,18 +93,19 @@ define([
this.needFillComboView = false;
this.minWidth = this.options.minWidth;
this.delayRenderTips = this.options.delayRenderTips || false;
this.itemTemplate = this.options.itemTemplate || _.template([
'<div class="style" id="<%= id %>">',
'<img src="<%= imageUrl %>" width="' + this.itemWidth + '" height="' + this.itemHeight + '" + <% if(typeof imageUrl === "undefined" || imageUrl===null || imageUrl==="") { %> style="visibility: hidden;" <% } %>/>',
'<% if (typeof title !== "undefined") {%>',
'<span class="title"><%= title %></span>',
'<% } %>',
this.fieldPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
cls: 'field-picker',
allowScrollbar: false,
itemTemplate : _.template([
'<div class="style" id="<%= id %>">',
'<img src="<%= imageUrl %>" width="' + this.itemWidth + '" height="' + this.itemHeight + '"/>',
'<% if (typeof title !== "undefined") {%>',
'<span class="title"><%= title %></span>',
'<% } %>',
itemTemplate : this.itemTemplate,
delayRenderTips: this.delayRenderTips
@ -128,15 +130,9 @@ define([
restoreHeight: this.menuMaxHeight,
style: 'max-height: '+this.menuMaxHeight+'px;',
enableKeyEvents: this.options.enableKeyEvents,
groups: this.groups,
itemTemplate : _.template([
'<div class="style" id="<%= id %>">',
'<img src="<%= imageUrl %>" width="' + this.itemWidth + '" height="' + this.itemHeight + '"/>',
'<% if (typeof title !== "undefined") {%>',
'<span class="title"><%= title %></span>',
'<% } %>',
itemTemplate : this.itemTemplate,
delayRenderTips: this.delayRenderTips
@ -259,6 +255,7 @@ define([
var picker = this.menuPicker;
if (picker) {
var record = picker.getSelectedRec();
this.itemMarginLeft = undefined;
this.fillComboView(record ||, !!record, true);
@ -384,6 +381,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
if (!this.rendered)
@ -418,6 +416,9 @@ define([
if (forceFill || !{'id': record.get('id')})){
if (me.itemMarginLeft===undefined) {
var div = $($(this.menuPicker.el).find('.inner > div:not(.grouped-data):not(.ps-scrollbar-x-rail):not(.ps-scrollbar-y-rail)')[0]);
if (!div || div.length<1) { // try to find items in groups
div = $($(this.menuPicker.el).find('.inner .group-items-container > div:not(.grouped-data):not(.ps-scrollbar-x-rail):not(.ps-scrollbar-y-rail)')[0]);
if (div.length > 0) {
me.itemMarginLeft = parseInt(div.css('margin-left'));
me.itemMarginRight = parseInt(div.css('margin-right'));
@ -458,6 +459,7 @@ define([
return; // return list of visible items

View file

@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* ComboDataView.js
* Created by Julia Svinareva on 6/10/21
* Copyright (c) 2021 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
], function () {
'use strict';
Common.UI.ComboDataViewShape = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
options : {
id : null,
cls : '',
style : '',
hint : false,
itemWidth : 80,
itemHeight : 40,
menuMaxHeight : 300,
enableKeyEvents : false,
additionalMenuItems : null,
minWidth: -1,
dataHint: '',
dataHintDirection: '',
dataHintOffset: ''
template: _.template([
'<div id="<%= id %>" class="combo-dataview <%= cls %>" style="<%= style %>">',
'<div class="view"></div> ',
'<div class="button"></div> ',
initialize : function(options) {, options);
var filter = Common.localStorage.getKeysFilter();
this.appPrefix = (filter && filter.length) ? filter.split(',')[0] : ''; = || Common.UI.getId();
this.cls = this.options.cls; =;
this.hint = this.options.hint; = || new Common.UI.DataViewStore();
this.itemWidth = this.options.itemWidth;
this.itemHeight = this.options.itemHeight;
this.menuMaxHeight = this.options.menuMaxHeight;
this.menuWidth = this.options.menuWidth;
this.rootWidth = 0;
this.rootHeight = 0;
this.rendered = false;
this.needFillComboView = false;
this.minWidth = this.options.minWidth;
this.delayRenderTips = this.options.delayRenderTips || false;
this.fieldPicker = new Common.UI.DataView({
cls: 'field-picker',
allowScrollbar: false,
itemTemplate: _.template('<div class="item-shape" id="<%= id %>" data-shape="<%= data.shapeType %>"><svg width="20" height="20" class=\"icon\"><use xlink:href=\"#svg-icon-<%= data.shapeType %>\"></use></svg></div>'),
delayRenderTips: this.delayRenderTips
this.openButton = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'open-menu',
menu: new Common.UI.Menu({
cls: 'menu-insert-shape',
menuAlign: 'tl-tl',
offset: [0, 3],
items: [
{template: _.template('<div class="menu-picker-container"></div>')}
dataHint: this.options.dataHint,
dataHintDirection: this.options.dataHintDirection,
dataHintOffset: this.options.dataHintOffset
// Handle resize
setInterval(_.bind(this.checkSize, this), 500);
if (this.options.el) {
fillComboView: function (collection) {
var groups = collection.toJSON(),
recents = Common.localStorage.getItem(this.appPrefix + 'recent-shapes');
recents = recents ? JSON.parse(recents) : [];
// check lang
if (recents.length > 0) {
var isTranslated = _.findWhere(groups, {groupName: recents[0].groupName});
if (!isTranslated) {
for (var r = 0; r < recents.length; r++) {
var type = recents[r].data.shapeType,
for (var g = 0; g < groups.length; g++) {
var store = groups[g].groupStore,
groupName = groups[g].groupName;
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
if ('data').shapeType === type) {
record =;
recents[r] = {
tip: record.tip,
allowSelected: record.allowSelected,
selected: false,
groupName: groupName
if (record) {
record = undefined;
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.appPrefix + 'recent-shapes', JSON.stringify(recents));
if (recents.length < 12) {
var count = 12 - recents.length;
var addItem = function (rec) {
var item = rec.toJSON(),
model = {
tip: item.tip,
allowSelected: item.allowSelected,
selected: false
for (var j = 0; j < groups.length && count > 0; j++) {
var groupStore = groups[j].groupStore;
if (j === 0) {
if (count > 0) {
} else if (j !== 3 && j !== 6 && j !== 7) {
if (count > 0) {
this.fieldPicker.on('item:select', _.bind(this.onFieldPickerSelect, this));
this.fieldPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onFieldPickerClick, this));
this.fieldPicker.on('item:contextmenu', _.bind(this.onPickerItemContextMenu, this));
this.fieldPicker.el.addEventListener('contextmenu', _.bind(this.onPickerComboContextMenu, this), false);
setMenuPicker: function (collection, recent, text) {
this.menuPicker = new Common.UI.DataViewShape({
el: this.cmpEl.find('.menu-picker-container'),
cls: 'menu-picker',
restoreHeight: this.menuMaxHeight,
style: 'max-height: '+this.menuMaxHeight+'px;',
itemTemplate : _.template('<div class="item-shape" id="<%= id %>"><svg width="20" height="20" class=\"icon\"><use xlink:href=\"#svg-icon-<%= data.shapeType %>\"></use></svg></div>'),
groups: collection,
textRecentlyUsed: text,
recentShapes: recent
this.menuPicker.on('item:select', _.bind(this.onMenuPickerSelect, this));
this.menuPicker.on('item:click', _.bind(this.onMenuPickerClick, this));
this.menuPicker.on('item:contextmenu', _.bind(this.onPickerItemContextMenu, this));
this.menuPicker.el.addEventListener('contextmenu', _.bind(this.onPickerComboContextMenu, this), false);
render: function(parentEl) {
if (!this.rendered) {
var me = this;
me.trigger('render:before', me);
me.cmpEl = me.$el || $(me.el);
var templateEl = me.template({
id :,
cls : me.cls,
style :
if (parentEl) {
me.setElement(parentEl, false);
me.cmpEl = $(templateEl);
} else {
me.rootWidth = me.cmpEl.width();
me.rootHeight = me.cmpEl.height();
me.fieldPicker.render($('.view', me.cmpEl));
me.openButton.render($('.button', me.cmpEl));
//me.menuPicker.render($('.menu-picker-container', me.cmpEl));
if ( {
if ( { = me.cmpEl;'min-width', me.itemWidth);'show:before', _.bind(me.onBeforeShowMenu, me));'show:after', _.bind(me.onAfterShowMenu, me));
me.openButton.cmpEl.on('', _.bind(me.onBeforeHideMenu, me));
me.openButton.cmpEl.on('', _.bind(me.onAfterHideMenu, me));
if (me.options.hint) {
me.cmpEl.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title : me.options.hint,
placement : me.options.hintAnchor || 'cursor'
me.rendered = true;
me.trigger('render:after', me);
if (this.disabled) {
return this;
updateComboView: function (record) {
var store =,
type = record.get('data').shapeType,
model = null;
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
if ('data').shapeType === type) {
model =;
if (!model) {
activateRecord: function (record) {
var type = record.get('data').shapeType;
if (this.isRecordActive)
$(this.cmpEl.find("[data-shape='" + type + "']")).parent().addClass('active');
this.isRecordActive = true;
deactivateRecords: function () {
$(this.cmpEl.find('.field-picker .item')).removeClass('active');
isComboViewRecActive: function () {
return this.isRecordActive;
checkSize: function() {
if (this.cmpEl &&':visible')) {
var me = this,
width = this.cmpEl.width(),
height = this.cmpEl.height();
if (width < this.minWidth) return;
if (this.rootWidth != width || this.rootHeight != height) {
this.rootWidth = width;
this.rootHeight = height;
setTimeout(function() {;
me.rootWidth = me.cmpEl.width();
}, 10);
onResize: function() {
if (this.openButton) {
var button = $('button', this.openButton.cmpEl);
var cntButton = $('.button', this.cmpEl);
button && cntButton.width() > 0 && button.css({
width : cntButton.width(),
height: cntButton.height()
/*var picker = this.menuPicker;
if (picker) {
var record = picker.getSelectedRec();
this.fillComboView(record ||, !!record, true);
if (!this.isSuspendEvents)
this.trigger('resize', this);
onBeforeShowMenu: function(e) {
var menu =;
if (menu.cmpEl) {
menu.menuAlignEl = this.cmpEl;
var offset = this.cmpEl.width() - this.openButton.$el.width() - this.menuWidth + 1;
menu.setOffset(Math.min(offset, 0));
if (this.options.hint) {
var tip ='bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
onBeforeHideMenu: function(e) {
this.trigger('hide:before', this, e);
if (Common.UI.Scroller.isMouseCapture())
if (this.isStylesNotClosable)
return false;
onAfterShowMenu: function(e) {
var me = this;
if (me.menuPicker.scroller) {
includePadding: true,
suppressScrollX: true,
alwaysVisibleY: true
onAfterHideMenu: function(e, isFromInputControl) {
this.menuPicker.selectedBeforeHideRec = this.menuPicker.getSelectedRec(); // for DataView - onKeyDown - Return key
this.trigger('hide:after', this, e, isFromInputControl);
onFieldPickerSelect: function(picker, item, record) {
onMenuPickerSelect: function(picker, item, record, fromKeyDown) {
this.needFillComboView = this.disabled;
if (this.disabled || fromKeyDown===true) return;
/*this.fillComboView(record, false);
if (record && !this.isSuspendEvents)
this.trigger('select', this, record);*/
onFieldPickerClick: function(dataView, item, record) {
if (this.disabled) return;
var isActive = item.$el.hasClass('active');
if (!this.isSuspendEvents)
this.trigger('click', this, record, isActive);
if (this.options.hint) {
var tip ='bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
if (!isActive) {
onMenuPickerClick: function(dataView, itemView, record) {
if (this.disabled) return;
if (!this.isSuspendEvents)
this.trigger('click', this, record);
onPickerItemContextMenu: function(dataView, itemView, record, e) {
if (this.disabled) return;
if (!this.isSuspendEvents) {
this.trigger('contextmenu', this, record, e);
return false;
onPickerComboContextMenu: function(mouseEvent) {
if (this.disabled) return;
if (!this.isSuspendEvents) {
this.trigger('contextmenu', this, undefined, mouseEvent);
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
if (!this.rendered)
this.cmpEl.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
$('button', this.openButton.cmpEl).toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
isDisabled: function() {
return this.disabled;

View file

@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ define([
listenStoreEvents: true,
allowScrollbar: true,
scrollAlwaysVisible: false,
minScrollbarLength: 40,
showLast: true,
useBSKeydown: false,
cls: ''
@ -272,10 +273,12 @@ define([
me.listenStoreEvents= (me.options.listenStoreEvents!==undefined) ? me.options.listenStoreEvents : true;
me.allowScrollbar = (me.options.allowScrollbar!==undefined) ? me.options.allowScrollbar : true;
me.scrollAlwaysVisible = me.options.scrollAlwaysVisible || false;
me.minScrollbarLength = me.options.minScrollbarLength || 40;
me.tabindex = me.options.tabindex || 0;
me.delayRenderTips = me.options.delayRenderTips || false;
if (me.parentMenu)
me.parentMenu.options.restoreHeight = (me.options.restoreHeight>0);
me.delaySelect = me.options.delaySelect || false;
me.rendered = false;
me.dataViewItems = [];
if (me.options.keyMoveDirection=='vertical')
@ -354,7 +357,7 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
useKeyboard: this.enableKeyEvents && !this.handleSelect,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
minScrollbarLength : this.minScrollbarLength,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -395,8 +398,9 @@ define([
rec.set({selected: false});
if (record)
if (record) {
record.set({selected: true});
} else {
if (record)
record.set({selected: !record.get('selected')});
@ -449,13 +453,24 @@ define([
var idx = _.indexOf(, record);
if (innerEl) {
if (opts && == 0)
innerEl.prepend(view.render().el); else
if (opts && (typeof'number') && >= 0) {
if ( == 0) {
} else if (!(this.groups && this.groups.length > 0)) { // for dataview without groups
var innerDivs = innerEl.find('> div');
if (idx > 0)
$(innerDivs.get(idx - 1)).after(view.render().el);
else {
(innerDivs.length > 0) ? $(innerDivs[idx]).before(view.render().el) : innerEl.append(view.render().el);
} else
} else
(this.dataViewItems.length<1) && innerEl.find('.empty-text').remove();
var idx = _.indexOf(, record);
this.dataViewItems = this.dataViewItems.slice(0, idx).concat(view).concat(this.dataViewItems.slice(idx));
var me = this,
@ -535,7 +550,7 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
useKeyboard: this.enableKeyEvents && !this.handleSelect,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
minScrollbarLength : this.minScrollbarLength,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -588,14 +603,30 @@ define([
window._event = e; // for FireFox only
if (this.showLast) this.selectRecord(record);
if (this.showLast) {
if (!this.delaySelect) {
} else {
_.each({selected: true}), function(rec){
rec.set({selected: false});
if (record) {
setTimeout(_.bind(function () {
record.set({selected: true});
this.trigger('item:click', this, view, record, e);
}, this), 300);
this.lastSelectedRec = null;
var tip = view.$'bs.tooltip');
if (tip) (tip.tip()).remove();
if (!this.isSuspendEvents) {
this.trigger('item:click', this, view, record, e);
if (!this.delaySelect) {
this.trigger('item:click', this, view, record, e);
@ -763,6 +794,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
$(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner').toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
@ -786,7 +818,7 @@ define([
paddings = parseInt(menuRoot.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(menuRoot.css('padding-bottom')),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
top = parseInt(menuRoot.css('top')),
props = {minScrollbarLength : 40};
props = {minScrollbarLength : this.minScrollbarLength};
this.scrollAlwaysVisible && (props.alwaysVisibleY = this.scrollAlwaysVisible);
if (top + menuH > docH ) {
@ -836,16 +868,18 @@ define([
focus: function(index) {
var rec;
if (typeof index == 'string') {
if (index == 'first') {
this.selectByIndex(0, true);
rec = this.selectByIndex(0, true);
} else if (index == 'last') {
if (this._layoutParams === undefined)
this.selectByIndex(this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[this._layoutParams.rows-1][0], true);
rec = this.selectByIndex(this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[this._layoutParams.rows-1][0], true);
} else if (index !== undefined)
this.selectByIndex(index, true);
rec = this.selectByIndex(index, true);
focusInner: function(e) {
@ -917,7 +951,8 @@ define([
itemTemplate: me.itemTemplate,
options: me.options
var modalParents = this.cmpEl.closest('.asc-window');
@ -954,7 +989,7 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
useKeyboard: this.enableKeyEvents && !this.handleSelect,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
minScrollbarLength : this.minScrollbarLength,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -1046,7 +1081,7 @@ define([
this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: $(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner'),
useKeyboard: this.enableKeyEvents && !this.handleSelect,
minScrollbarLength : 40,
minScrollbarLength : this.minScrollbarLength,
wheelSpeed: 10,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
@ -1131,21 +1166,30 @@ define([
if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) {
if (this.selectedBeforeHideRec) // only for ComboDataView menuPicker
rec = this.selectedBeforeHideRec;
if (this.canAddRecents) // only for DaraViewShape
this.trigger('item:click', this, this, rec, e);
if (this.parentMenu)
} else {
var idx = _.indexOf(, rec);
if (idx<0) {
function getFirstItemIndex() {
var first = 0;
while(!this.dataViewItems[first]':visible')) {
return first;
if (data.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.LEFT) {
var target = $('.dropdown-submenu.over');
if (target.length>0) {
target.find('> a').focus();
} else
idx = 0;
idx =;
} else
idx = 0;
idx =;
} else if (this.options.keyMoveDirection == 'both') {
if (this._layoutParams === undefined)
@ -1225,6 +1269,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
$(this.el).find('.inner').addBack().filter('.inner').toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
@ -1244,7 +1289,7 @@ define([
paddings = parseInt(menuRoot.css('padding-top')) + parseInt(menuRoot.css('padding-bottom')),
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight(),
top = parseInt(menuRoot.css('top')),
props = {minScrollbarLength : 40};
props = {minScrollbarLength : this.minScrollbarLength};
this.scrollAlwaysVisible && (props.alwaysVisibleY = this.scrollAlwaysVisible);
if (top + menuH > docH ) {
@ -1310,4 +1355,386 @@ define([
}, 100);
Common.UI.DataViewShape = Common.UI.DataViewSimple.extend(_.extend({
template: _.template([
'<div class="dataview inner" style="<%= style %>">',
'<% _.each(options.groupsWithRecent, function(group, index) { %>',
'<div class="grouped-data <% if (index === 0) { %> recent-group <% } %> " id="<%= %>" >',
'<% if (!_.isEmpty(group.groupName)) { %>',
'<div class="group-description">',
'<span><%= group.groupName %></span>',
'<% } %>',
'<div class="group-items-container <% if (index === 0) { %> recent-items <% } %>">',
'<% _.each(group.groupStore.toJSON(), function(item, index) { %>',
'<% if (! = Common.UI.getId(); %>',
'<div class="item" data-index="<%= index %>"<% if(!!item.tip) { %> data-toggle="tooltip" <% } %> ><%= itemTemplate(item) %></div>',
'<% }); %>',
'<% }); %>',
initialize : function(options) {
var me = this;
this.canAddRecents = true;
this._state = {
hideTextRect: options.hideTextRect,
hideLines: options.hideLines
var filter = Common.localStorage.getKeysFilter();
this.appPrefix = (filter && filter.length) ? filter.split(',')[0] : '';
me.groups = options.groups.toJSON();
// add recent shapes to store
var recentStore = new Common.UI.DataViewGroupStore,
recentArr = options.recentShapes || [],
cols = (recentArr.length) > 18 ? 7 : 6,
height = Math.ceil(recentArr.length/cols) * 35 + 3,
width = 30 * cols;
me.recentShapes = recentArr;
// check lang
if (me.recentShapes.length > 0) {
var isTranslated = _.findWhere(me.groups, {groupName: me.recentShapes[0].groupName});
if (!isTranslated) {
for (var r = 0; r < me.recentShapes.length; r++) {
var type = me.recentShapes[r].data.shapeType,
for (var g = 0; g < me.groups.length; g++) {
var store = me.groups[g].groupStore,
groupName = me.groups[g].groupName;
for (var i = 0; i < store.length; i++) {
if ('data').shapeType === type) {
record =;
me.recentShapes[r] = {
tip: record.tip,
allowSelected: record.allowSelected,
selected: false,
groupName: groupName
if (record) {
record = undefined;
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.appPrefix + 'recent-shapes', JSON.stringify(me.recentShapes));
// Add default recent
if (me.recentShapes.length < 12) {
var count = 12 - me.recentShapes.length,
defaultArr = [];
var addItem = function (rec, groupName) {
var item = rec.toJSON(),
model = {
tip: item.tip,
allowSelected: item.allowSelected,
selected: false,
groupName: groupName
for (var i = 0; i < me.groups.length && count > 0; i++) {
var groupStore = me.groups[i].groupStore,
groupName = me.groups[i].groupName;
if (i === 0) {
addItem(, groupName);
if (count > 0) {
addItem(, groupName);
} else if (i !== 3 && i !== 6 && i !== 7) {
addItem(, groupName);
if (count > 0) {
addItem(, groupName);
me.recentShapes = me.recentShapes.concat(defaultArr);
groupName : options.textRecentlyUsed,
groupStore : recentStore,
groupWidth : width,
groupHeight : height
me.options.groupsWithRecent = me.groups;
var store = new Common.UI.DataViewStore();
_.each(me.groups, function (group, index) {
var models = group.groupStore.models;
if (index > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++) {
models[i].set({groupName: group.groupName});
}); = store;, options);
me.parentMenu.on('show:before', function() { me.updateRecents(); });
if (me._state.hideLines) {
onAfterShowMenu: function(e) {
var me = this,
updateHideRect = false;
if (!me.dataViewItems) {
me.dataViewItems = [];
_.each(me.cmpEl.find('div.grouped-data'), function (group, indexGroup) {
_.each($(group).find('div.item'), function (item, index) {
var $item = $(item),
rec = me.groups[indexGroup];
me.dataViewItems.push({el: $item, groupIndex: indexGroup, index: index});
var tip = rec.get('tip');
if (tip) {
$'mouseenter', function(){ // hide tooltip when mouse is over menu
$item.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title : tip,
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex
updateHideRect = true;
if (me.updateDataViewItems &&':visible')) {
// add recent item in dataViewItems
var recent = _.where(me.dataViewItems, {groupIndex: 0});
var len = recent ? recent.length : 0;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
var tip = me.dataViewItems[i]'bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
me.dataViewItems = me.dataViewItems.slice(len);
var recentViewItems = [];
_.each(me.cmpEl.find('.recent-group div.item'), function (item, index) {
var $item = $(item),
rec = me.recentShapes[index];
recentViewItems.push({el: $item, groupIndex: 0, index: index});
var tip = rec.tip;
if (tip) {
$'mouseenter', function(){ // hide tooltip when mouse is over menu
$item.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title: tip,
placement: 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex
me.dataViewItems = recentViewItems.concat(me.dataViewItems);
if (me.recentShapes.length === 1) {
me.updateDataViewItems = false;
updateHideRect = true;
if (this._state.hideLines) {
if (updateHideRect) {
onClickItem: function(e) {
if ( this.disabled ) return;
window._event = e; // for FireFox only
var groupIndex = $(e.currentTarget).closest('div.grouped-data').index(),
itemIndex = $(e.currentTarget).closest('div.item').data('index');
var index = _.findIndex(this.dataViewItems, function (item) {
return (item.groupIndex === groupIndex && item.index === itemIndex);
var record = (index>=0) ? : null,
view = (index>=0) ? this.dataViewItems[index] : null;
if (!record || !view) return;
record.set({selected: true});
var tip ='bs.tooltip');
if (tip) (tip.tip()).remove();
if (!this.isSuspendEvents) {
this.trigger('item:click', this, view.el, record, e);
addRecentItem: function (rec) {
var me = this,
exist = false,
type = rec.get('data').shapeType,
groupName = rec.get('groupName');
for (var i = 0; i < me.recentShapes.length; i++) {
if (me.recentShapes[i].data.shapeType === type) {
exist = true;
if (exist) return;
var item = rec.toJSON(),
model = {
tip: item.tip,
allowSelected: item.allowSelected,
selected: false,
groupName: groupName
var arr = [model].concat(me.recentShapes.slice(0, 11));
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.appPrefix + 'recent-shapes', JSON.stringify(arr));
me.recentShapes = undefined;
updateRecents: function () {
var me = this,
recents = Common.localStorage.getItem(this.appPrefix + 'recent-shapes');
recents = recents ? JSON.parse(recents) : [];
var diff = false;
if (me.recentShapes) {
for (var i = 0; i < recents.length; i++) {
if (!me.recentShapes[i] || (me.recentShapes[i] && recents[i].tip !== me.recentShapes[i].tip)) {
diff = true;
} else {
diff = true;
if (recents.length > 0 && diff) {
me.recentShapes = recents;
var store = new Common.UI.DataViewStore();
_.each(me.groups, function (group) {
}); = store;
var template = _.template([
'<% _.each(items, function(item, index) { %>',
'<% if (! = Common.UI.getId(); %>',
'<div class="item" data-index="<%= index %>"<% if(!!item.tip) { %> data-toggle="tooltip" <% } %> ><%= itemTemplate(item) %></div>',
'<% }) %>'
me.cmpEl && me.cmpEl.find('.recent-items').html(template({
items: me.recentShapes,
itemTemplate: this.itemTemplate,
style :
me.updateDataViewItems = true;
fillIndexesArray: function() {
if (this.dataViewItems.length<=0) return;
this._layoutParams = {
itemsIndexes: [],
columns: 0,
rows: 0
var el = this.dataViewItems[0].el,
first = 0;
while (!this.dataViewItems[first]":visible")) { // if first elem is hidden
el = this.dataViewItems[first].el;
var itemW = el.outerWidth() + parseInt(el.css('margin-left')) + parseInt(el.css('margin-right')),
offsetLeft = this.$el.offset().left,
offsetTop = el.offset().top,
prevtop = -1, topIdx = 0, leftIdx = first;
for (var i=0; i<this.dataViewItems.length; i++) {
var item = this.dataViewItems[i];
if (":visible")) {
var top = item.el.offset().top - offsetTop;
leftIdx = Math.floor((item.el.offset().left - offsetLeft) / itemW);
if (top > prevtop) {
prevtop = top;
topIdx = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes.length - 1;
this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes[topIdx][leftIdx] = i;
item.topIdx = topIdx;
item.leftIdx = leftIdx;
if (this._layoutParams.columns < leftIdx) this._layoutParams.columns = leftIdx;
} else {
item.topIdx = -1;
item.leftIdx = -1;
this._layoutParams.rows = this._layoutParams.itemsIndexes.length;
hideTextRect: function (hide) {
var me = this;, index){
if (item.get('data').shapeType === 'textRect') {
me.dataViewItems[index].el[hide ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('hidden');
}, this);
this._state.hideTextRect = hide;
hideLinesGroup: function () {
hideLines: function () {
var me = this;, index){
if (item.get('groupName') === 'Lines') {
var el = me.dataViewItems[index].el;
if (':visible')) {
}, this);

View file

@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ define([
checkPasswordType: function(){
if(this.type == 'text') return;
if (this._input.val() !== '') {
(this._input.attr('type') !== 'password') && this._input.attr('type', 'password');
} else {
@ -298,6 +299,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
$(this.el).toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
@ -429,14 +431,14 @@ define([
validateOnBlur: true,
disabled: false,
editable: true,
iconCls: 'btn-select-range',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-select-range',
btnHint: ''
template: _.template([
'<div class="input-field input-field-btn" style="<%= style %>">',
'<input ',
'type="<%= type %>" ',
'type="text" ',
'name="<%= name %>" ',
'spellcheck="<%= spellcheck %>" ',
'class="form-control <%= cls %>" ',
@ -445,7 +447,6 @@ define([
'<span class="input-error"></span>',
'<div class="select-button">' +
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-toolbar"><i class="icon toolbar__icon <%= iconCls %>"></i></button>' +
@ -463,7 +464,6 @@ define([
name :,
placeHolder : this.placeHolder,
spellcheck : this.spellcheck,
iconCls : this.options.iconCls,
scope : me
@ -481,9 +481,12 @@ define([
var el = this.cmpEl;
this._button = new Common.UI.Button({
el: this.cmpEl.find('button'),
hint: this.options.btnHint || ''
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: this.options.iconCls,
hint: this.options.btnHint || '',
this._button.on('click', _.bind(this.onButtonClick, this));
this._input = this.cmpEl.find('input').addBack().filter('input');
@ -512,6 +515,8 @@ define([
me.rendered = true;
if (me.value)
return this;
@ -521,6 +526,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
$(this.el).toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
@ -541,4 +547,184 @@ define([
Common.UI.InputFieldBtnPassword = Common.UI.InputFieldBtn.extend(_.extend((function() {
return {
options: {
id: null,
cls: '',
style: '',
value: '',
name: '',
validation: null,
allowBlank: true,
placeHolder: '',
blankError: null,
spellcheck: false,
maskExp: '',
validateOnChange: false,
validateOnBlur: true,
disabled: false,
editable: true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-sheet-view',
btnHint: '',
repeatInput: null,
showPwdOnClick: true
initialize : function(options) {
options = options || {};
options.btnHint = options.btnHint || this.textHintShowPwd;, options);
this.hidePwd = true;
this.repeatInput= this.options.repeatInput;
render: function (parentEl) {, parentEl);
this._btnElm = this._button.$el;
this._input.on('input', _.bind(this.checkPasswordType, this));
this._button.on('click', _.bind(this.passwordClick, this));
this._btnElm.on('mousedown', _.bind(this.passwordShow, this));
return this;
passwordClick: function (e)
if(this.hidePwd) {
this.hidePwd = false;
else {
this.hidePwd = true;
var me = this;
var prevstart = me._input[0].selectionStart,
prevend = me._input[0].selectionEnd;
setTimeout(function () {
me._input[0].selectionStart = prevstart;
me._input[0].selectionEnd = prevend;
}, 1);
passwordShow: function (e) {
if (this.disabled) return;
this._button.setIconCls('toolbar__icon hide-password');
this.type = 'text';
this._input.attr('type', this.type);
if(this.repeatInput) {
this.repeatInput.type = this.type;
this.repeatInput._input.attr('type', this.type);
if(this.options.showPwdOnClick) {
else {
this._btnElm.on('mouseup', _.bind(this.passwordHide, this));
this._btnElm.on('mouseout', _.bind(this.passwordHide, this));
passwordHide: function (e) {
this._button.setIconCls('toolbar__icon btn-sheet-view');
this.type = 'password';
(this._input.val() !== '') && this._input.attr('type', this.type);
if(this.repeatInput) {
this.repeatInput.type = this.type;
(this.repeatInput._input.val() !== '') && this.repeatInput._input.attr('type', this.type);
if(this.options.showPwdOnClick) {
else {'mouseup', this.passwordHide);'mouseout', this.passwordHide);
var me = this;
var prevstart = me._input[0].selectionStart,
prevend = me._input[0].selectionEnd;
setTimeout(function () {
me._input[0].selectionStart = prevstart;
me._input[0].selectionEnd = prevend;
}, 1);
textHintShowPwd: 'Show password',
textHintHidePwd: 'Hide password'
})(), Common.UI.InputFieldBtnPassword || {}));
Common.UI.InputFieldBtnCalendar = Common.UI.InputFieldBtn.extend((function (){
return {
options: {
id: null,
cls: '',
style: '',
value: '',
type: 'date',
name: '',
validation: null,
allowBlank: true,
placeHolder: '',
blankError: null,
spellcheck: false,
maskExp: '',
validateOnChange: false,
validateOnBlur: true,
disabled: false,
editable: true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-datetime',
btnHint: '',
menu: true
render: function (parentEl) {
var me = this;, parentEl);
var id = 'id-' + Common.UI.getId() + 'input-field-datetime',
menu = new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tr-br',
style: 'border: none; padding: 0;',
items: [
{template: _.template('<div id="' + id + '" style=""></div>'), stopPropagation: true}
$('button', this._button.cmpEl).addClass('no-caret');
this._button.setMenu(menu);'show:after', function(menu) {
if (!me.cmpCalendar) {
me.cmpCalendar = new Common.UI.Calendar({
el: me.cmpEl.find('#' + id),
enableKeyEvents: true,
firstday: 1
me.cmpCalendar.on('date:click', function (cmp, date) {
me.trigger('date:click', me, date);
setDate: function(date) {
if (this.cmpCalendar && date && date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date))
this.cmpCalendar && this.cmpCalendar.setDate(date);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* Label.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 1/20/22
* Copyright (c) 2022 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
], function (base, _) {
'use strict';
Common.UI.Label = Common.UI.BaseView.extend({
options : {
id : null,
disabled : false,
cls : '',
iconCls : '',
style : '',
caption : ''
template : _.template('<label class="label-cmp <%= cls %>" style="<%= style %>">' +
'<% if ( iconCls ) { %>' +
'<i class="icon <%= iconCls %>"></i>' +
'<% } %>' +
'<span class="caption"><%= caption %></span>' +
initialize : function(options) {, options); = || Common.UI.getId();
this.cls = this.options.cls;
this.iconCls = this.options.iconCls; =;
this.disabled = this.options.disabled;
this.caption = this.options.caption;
this.template = this.options.template || this.template;
this.rendered = false;
if (this.options.el)
render: function (parentEl) {
var me = this;
if (!me.rendered) {
var elem = this.template({
id :,
cls : me.cls,
iconCls : me.iconCls,
style :,
caption : me.caption
if (parentEl) {
this.setElement(parentEl, false);
} else {
this.$label = me.$el.find('.label-cmp');
this.rendered = true;
if (this.disabled)
return this;
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
if (!this.rendered)
disabled = (disabled===true);
if (disabled !== this.disabled) {
this.$label.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
this.disabled = disabled;
isDisabled: function() {
return this.disabled;

View file

@ -651,7 +651,28 @@ define([
if (left < 0)
left = 0;
if (this.options.restoreHeight) {
if (this.options.restoreHeightAndTop) { // can change top position, if top<0 - then change menu height
var cg = Common.Utils.croppedGeometry();
docH = cg.height - 10;
menuRoot.css('max-height', 'none');
menuH = menuRoot.outerHeight();
if (top + menuH > docH + {
top = docH - menuH;
if (top <
top =;
if (top + menuH > docH + {
menuRoot.css('max-height', (docH - top) + 'px');
(!this.scroller) && (this.scroller = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: this.$el.find('.dropdown-menu '),
minScrollbarLength: 30,
suppressScrollX: true,
alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible
this.wheelSpeed = undefined;
this.scroller && this.scroller.update({alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
} else if (this.options.restoreHeight) {
if (typeof (this.options.restoreHeight) == "number") {
if (top + menuH > docH) {
menuRoot.css('max-height', (docH - top) + 'px');

View file

@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
var el = this.$el || $(this.el);
if (disabled !== this.disabled) {
el.find('button').toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
@ -242,6 +243,14 @@ define([
this.options.step = step;
getMinValue: function(){
return this.options.minValue;
getMaxValue: function(){
return this.options.maxValue;
getNumberValue: function(){
return this.checkAutoText(this.value) ? -1 : parseFloat(this.value);

View file

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ define([
var $scrollL;
var optsFold = {timeout: 2000};
var config = {};
var btnsMore = [];
var onScrollTabs = function(opts, e) {
var sv = $boxTabs.scrollLeft();
@ -99,7 +100,8 @@ define([
'<% if (typeof items[i] == "object") { %>' +
'<li class="ribtab' +
'<% if (items[i].haspanel===false) print(" x-lone") %>' +
'<% if (items[i].extcls) print(\' \' + items[i].extcls) %>">' +
'<% if (items[i].extcls) print(\' \' + items[i].extcls) %>"' +
'<% if (typeof items[i].layoutname == "string") print(" data-layout-name=" + \' \' + items[i].layoutname) + \' \' %>>' +
'<a data-tab="<%= items[i].action %>" data-title="<%= items[i].caption %>" data-hint="0" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="small" <% if (typeof items[i].dataHintTitle !== "undefined") { %> data-hint-title="<%= items[i].dataHintTitle %>" <% } %>><%= items[i].caption %></a>' +
'</li>' +
'<% } %>' +
@ -125,7 +127,9 @@ define([
$boxTabs = me.$('.tabs > ul');
me.$tabs = $boxTabs.find('> li');
me.$panels = me.$('.box-panels > .panel');
me.$boxpanels = me.$('.box-panels');
me.$panels = me.$boxpanels.find('> .panel');
optsFold.$bar = me.$('.toolbar');
var $scrollR = me.$('.tabs .scroll.right');
$scrollL = me.$('.tabs .scroll.left');
@ -233,7 +237,7 @@ define([
if ( $boxTabs.parent().hasClass('short') ) {
@ -260,7 +264,7 @@ define([
me._timerSetTab = false;
}, 500);
me.processPanelVisible(null, true);
// me.processPanelVisible(null, true);
if ( !me.isFolded ) {
if ( me.dblclick_timer ) clearTimeout(me.dblclick_timer);
me.dblclick_timer = setTimeout(function () {
@ -285,11 +289,14 @@ define([
if ( tab ) {
var panel = this.$panels.filter('[data-tab=' + tab + ']');
if ( panel.length ) {
this.lastPanel = tab;
me.setMoreButton(tab, panel);
me.processPanelVisible(null, true, true);
if ( panel.length ) {
@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ define([
return config.tabs[index].action;
var _tabTemplate = _.template('<li class="ribtab" style="display: none;"><a data-tab="<%= action %>" data-title="<%= caption %>" data-hint="0" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="small" <% if (typeof dataHintTitle !== "undefined") { %> data-hint-title="<%= dataHintTitle %>" <% } %> ><%= caption %></a></li>');
var _tabTemplate = _.template('<li class="ribtab" style="display: none;" <% if (typeof layoutname == "string") print(" data-layout-name=" + \' \' + layoutname) + \' \' %>><a data-tab="<%= action %>" data-title="<%= caption %>" data-hint="0" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="small" <% if (typeof dataHintTitle !== "undefined") { %> data-hint-title="<%= dataHintTitle %>" <% } %> ><%= caption %></a></li>');
config.tabs[after + 1] = tab;
var _after_action = _get_tab_action(after);
@ -374,7 +381,7 @@ define([
* hide button's caption to decrease panel width
* ##adopt-panel-width
processPanelVisible: function(panel, now) {
processPanelVisible: function(panel, now, force) {
var me = this;
if ( me._timer_id ) clearTimeout(me._timer_id);
@ -386,6 +393,7 @@ define([
_rightedge = data.rightedge,
_btns = data.buttons,
_flex = data.flex;
var more_section = $active.find('.more-box');
if ( !_rightedge ) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
@ -406,44 +414,53 @@ define([
data.flex = _flex;
if ( _rightedge > _maxright) {
if (_flex.length>0) {
for (var i=0; i<_flex.length; i++) {
var item = _flex[i].el;
if (item.outerWidth() > parseInt(item.css('min-width')))
item.css('width', item.css('min-width'));
for (var i=_btns.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var btn = _btns[i];
if ( !btn.hasClass('compactwidth') ) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (_rightedge <= _maxright)
data.rightedge = _rightedge;
} else {
for (var i=0; i<_btns.length; i++) {
var btn = _btns[i];
if ( btn.hasClass('compactwidth') ) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if ( _rightedge > _maxright) {
if ( (_rightedge > _maxright)) {
if (!':visible') ) {
if (_flex.length>0) {
for (var i=0; i<_flex.length; i++) {
var item = _flex[i].el;
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (item.outerWidth() > parseInt(item.css('min-width'))) {
data.rightedge = _rightedge;
} else
item.css('width', item.css('min-width'));
for (var i=_btns.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var btn = _btns[i];
if ( !btn.hasClass('compactwidth') && !btn.hasClass('slot-btn-more')) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (_rightedge <= _maxright)
data.rightedge = _rightedge;
data.rightedge = _rightedge;
if (_flex.length>0 && $active.find('.btn-slot.compactwidth').length<1) {
for (var i=0; i<_flex.length; i++) {
var item = _flex[i];
item.el.css('width', item.width);
} else {':visible') && me.resizeToolbar(force);
if (!':visible')) {
for (var i=0; i<_btns.length; i++) {
var btn = _btns[i];
if ( btn.hasClass('compactwidth') ) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if ( _rightedge > _maxright) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
data.rightedge = _rightedge;
if (_flex.length>0 && $active.find('.btn-slot.compactwidth').length<1) {
for (var i=0; i<_flex.length; i++) {
var item = _flex[i];
item.el.css('width', item.width);
data.rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
@ -476,6 +493,295 @@ define([
this.$tabs.find('> a[data-tab=' + tab + ']').parent().css('display', visible ? '' : 'none');
setMoreButton: function(tab, panel) {
var me = this;
if (!btnsMore[tab]) {
var box = $('<div class="more-box" style="position: absolute;right: 0; padding-left: 12px;padding-right: 6px;display: none;">' +
'<div class="separator long" style="position: relative;display: table-cell;"></div>' +
'<div class="group" style=""><span class="btn-slot text x-huge slot-btn-more"></span></div>' +
btnsMore[tab] = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top dropdown-manual',
caption: Common.Locale.get("textMoreButton",{name:"Common.Translation", default: "More"}),
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-more',
enableToggle: true
btnsMore[tab].on('toggle', function(btn, state, e) {
(state) ? me.onMoreShow(btn, e) : me.onMoreHide(btn, e);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('more:toggle', btn, state);
var moreContainer = $('<div class="dropdown-menu more-container" data-tab="' + tab + '"><div style="display: inline;"></div></div>');
btnsMore[tab].panel = moreContainer.find('div');
this.$moreBar = btnsMore[tab].panel;
resizeToolbar: function(reset) {
var $active = this.$panels.filter('.active'),
more_section = $active.find('.more-box'),
more_section_width = parseInt(more_section.css('width')) || 0,
box_controls_width = $active.parents('.box-controls').width(),
_maxright = box_controls_width,
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right,
delta = (this._prevBoxWidth) ? (_maxright - this._prevBoxWidth) : -1,
hideAllMenus = false;
this._prevBoxWidth = _maxright;':visible') && (_maxright -= more_section_width);
if (this.$moreBar && this.$moreBar.parent().is(':visible')) {
this.$moreBar.parent().css('max-width', Common.Utils.innerWidth());
if ( (reset || delta<0) && (_rightedge > _maxright)) { // from toolbar to more section
if (!':visible') ) {
more_section.css('display', "");
_maxright -= parseInt(more_section.css('width'));
var last_separator = null,
last_group = null,
prevchild = this.$moreBar.children().filter("[data-hidden-tb-item!=true]");
if (prevchild.length>0) {
prevchild = $(prevchild[0]);
if (prevchild.hasClass('separator'))
last_separator = prevchild;
if (prevchild.hasClass('group') && prevchild.attr('group-state') == 'open')
last_group = prevchild;
var items = $active.find('> div:not(.more-box)');
var need_break = false;
for (var i=items.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
var item = $(items[i]);
if (!':visible')) { // move invisible items as is and set special attr
item.attr('data-hidden-tb-item', true);
hideAllMenus = true;
} else if (item.hasClass('group')) {
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (_rightedge <= _maxright) // stop moving items
var offset = item.offset(),
item_width = item.outerWidth(),
children = item.children();
if (!item.attr('inner-width') && item.attr('group-state') !== 'open') {
item.attr('inner-width', item_width);
for (var j=children.length-1; j>=0; j--) {
var child = $(children[j]);
child.attr('inner-width', child.outerWidth());
if ((offset.left > _maxright || children.length==1) && item.attr('group-state') != 'open') {
// move group
if (last_separator) {
last_separator.css('display', '');
hideAllMenus = true;
} else if ( offset.left+item_width > _maxright ) {
// move buttons from group
for (var j=children.length-1; j>=0; j--) {
var child = $(children[j]);
if (child.hasClass('elset')) {
if (last_separator) {
last_separator.css('display', '');
hideAllMenus = true;
} else {
var child_offset = child.offset(),
child_width = child.outerWidth();
if (child_offset.left+child_width>_maxright) {
if (!last_group) {
last_group = $('<div></div>');
var attrs = items[i].attributes;
for (var k = 0; k < attrs.length; k++) {
last_group.attr(attrs[k].name, attrs[k].value);
if (last_separator) {
last_separator.css('display', '');
hideAllMenus = true;
} else {
need_break = true;
if (item.children().length<1) { // all buttons are moved
last_group && last_group.removeAttr('group-state').attr('inner-width', item.attr('inner-width'));
last_group = null;
} else {
last_group && last_group.attr('group-state', 'open') && item.attr('group-state', 'open');
if (need_break)
} else {
last_separator = null;
} else if (item.hasClass('separator')) {
item.css('display', 'none');
last_separator = item;
hideAllMenus = true;
} else if ((reset || delta>0) &&':visible')) {
var last_separator = null,
last_group = null,
prevchild = $active.find('> div:not(.more-box)');
var last_width = 0;
if (prevchild.length>0) {
prevchild = $(prevchild[prevchild.length-1]);
if (prevchild.hasClass('separator')) {
last_separator = prevchild;
last_width = parseInt(last_separator.css('margin-left')) + parseInt(last_separator.css('margin-right')) + 1;
if (prevchild.hasClass('group') && prevchild.attr('group-state') == 'open')
last_group = prevchild;
var items = this.$moreBar.children();
if (items.length>0) {
// from more panel to toolbar
for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
var item = $(items[i]);
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
if (!':visible') && item.attr('data-hidden-tb-item')) { // move invisible items as is
if (this.$moreBar.children().filter('.group').length == 0) {
more_section.css('display', "none");
} else if (item.hasClass('group')) {
var islast = false;
if (this.$moreBar.children().filter('.group').length == 1) {
_maxright = box_controls_width; // try to move last group
islast = true;
var item_width = parseInt(item.attr('inner-width') || 0);
if (_rightedge + last_width + item_width < _maxright && item.attr('group-state') != 'open') {
// move group
if (last_separator) {
last_separator.css('display', '');
if (this.$moreBar.children().filter('.group').length == 0) {
more_section.css('display', "none");
hideAllMenus = true;
} else if ( _rightedge + last_width < _maxright) {
// move buttons from group
var children = item.children();
_maxright = box_controls_width - more_section_width;
for (var j=0; j<children.length; j++) {
if (islast && j==children.length-1)
_maxright = box_controls_width; // try to move last item from last group
_rightedge = $active.get(0).getBoundingClientRect().right;
var child = $(children[j]);
if (child.hasClass('elset')) { // don't add group - no enough space
need_break = true;
} else {
var child_width = parseInt(child.attr('inner-width') || 0) + (!last_group ? parseInt(item.css('padding-left')) : 0); // if new group is started add left-padding
if (_rightedge+last_width+child_width < _maxright) {
if (!last_group) {
last_group = $('<div></div>');
var attrs = items[i].attributes;
for (var k = 0; k < attrs.length; k++) {
last_group.attr(attrs[k].name, attrs[k].value);
if (last_group.hasClass('flex')) { // need to update flex groups list
$ = null;
if (last_separator) {
last_separator.css('display', '');
hideAllMenus = true;
} else {
need_break = true;
if (item.children().length<1) { // all buttons are moved
last_group && last_group.removeAttr('group-state').attr('inner-width', item.attr('inner-width'));
last_group = null;
if (this.$moreBar.children().filter('.group').length == 0) {
more_section.css('display', "none");
} else {
last_group && last_group.attr('group-state', 'open') && item.attr('group-state', 'open');
if (need_break)
} else {
last_separator = null; last_width = 0;
} else if (item.hasClass('separator')) {
item.css('display', 'none');
last_separator = item;
last_width = parseInt(last_separator.css('margin-left')) + parseInt(last_separator.css('margin-right')) + 1;
hideAllMenus = true;
} else {
more_section.css('display', "none");
hideAllMenus && Common.UI.Menu.Manager.hideAll();
onMoreHide: function(btn, e) {
var moreContainer = btn.panel.parent();
if (btn.pressed) {
btn.toggle(false, true);
if (':visible')) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar, btn);
onMoreShow: function(btn, e) {
var moreContainer = btn.panel.parent(),
parentxy = moreContainer.parent().offset(),
target = btn.$el,
showxy = target.offset(),
right = Common.Utils.innerWidth() - (showxy.left - parentxy.left + target.width()),
top = - + target.height() + 10;
moreContainer.css({right: right, left: 'auto', top : top});;
hideMoreBtns: function() {
for (var btn in btnsMore) {
btnsMore[btn] && btnsMore[btn].toggle(false);

View file

@ -133,6 +133,7 @@ define([
if (!this.rendered)
disabled = !!disabled;
if (disabled !== this.disabled) {
this.$label.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
this.$radio.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);

View file

@ -272,6 +272,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
if (disabled !== this.disabled)
this.cmpEl.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
this.disabled = disabled;
@ -386,17 +387,11 @@ define([
need_sort = position < minValue || position > maxValue,
pos = Math.max(0, Math.min(100, position)),
value = pos/ + me.minValue;
if (me.thumbs.length < 3)
me.isRemoveThumb = false;
if (me.isRemoveThumb) {
if (me.thumbs.length < 3) {
$(document).off('mouseup', me.binding.onMouseUp);
$(document).off('mousemove', me.binding.onMouseMove);
me._dragstart = undefined;
me.trigger('removethumb', me, _.findIndex(me.thumbs, {index: index}));
me.trigger('change', me, value, lastValue);
me.trigger('changecomplete', me, value, lastValue);
@ -410,7 +405,6 @@ define([
$(document).off('mouseup', me.binding.onMouseUp);
$(document).off('mousemove', me.binding.onMouseMove);
me._dragstart = undefined;
!me.isRemoveThumb && me.trigger('changecomplete', me, value, lastValue);
me.isRemoveThumb = undefined;
@ -595,6 +589,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
if (disabled !== this.disabled)
this.cmpEl.toggleClass('disabled', disabled);
this.disabled = disabled;

View file

@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ define([
template: _.template([
'<div class="synch-tip-root <% if (!!scope.options.extCls) {print(scope.options.extCls + \" \");} %><%= scope.placement %>">',
'<div class="synch-tip-root <% if (!!scope.options.extCls) {print(scope.options.extCls + \" \");} %><%= scope.placement %>" style="<%= %>">',
'<div class="asc-synchronizetip">',
'<div class="tip-arrow <%= scope.placement %>"></div>',
@ -76,11 +76,13 @@ define([ =;
this.text = !_.isEmpty(this.options.text) ? this.options.text : this.textSynchronize;
this.textLink = !_.isEmpty(this.options.textLink) ? this.options.textLink : this.textDontShow;
this.placement = this.options.placement;
this.placement = this.options.placement; // if placement='target' and position is undefined show in top,left position of target, also use for arrow position
this.showLink = this.options.showLink;
this.showButton = this.options.showButton;
this.closable = this.options.closable;
this.textButton = this.options.textButton || '';
this.position = this.options.position; // show in the position relative to target = || '';
render: function() {
@ -90,6 +92,8 @@ define([
this.cmpEl.find('.close').on('click', _.bind(function() { this.trigger('closeclick');}, this));
this.cmpEl.find('.show-link label').on('click', _.bind(function() { this.trigger('dontshowclick');}, this));
this.cmpEl.find('.btn-div').on('click', _.bind(function() { this.trigger('buttonclick');}, this));
this.closable && this.cmpEl.addClass('closable');
@ -115,12 +119,28 @@ define([
applyPlacement: function () {
var showxy =;
if (this.placement=='target') {
var target = &&>0 ? : $(document.body);
var showxy = target.offset();
if (this.placement=='target' && !this.position) {
this.cmpEl.css({top : + 5 + 'px', left: showxy.left + 5 + 'px'});
if (this.position && typeof this.position == 'object') {
var top =, left = this.position.left, bottom = this.position.bottom, right = this.position.right;
if (bottom!==undefined || top!==undefined)
left = showxy.left + (target.width() - this.cmpEl.width())/2;
top = + (target.height() - this.cmpEl.height())/2;
top = (top!==undefined) ? (top + 'px') : 'auto';
bottom = (bottom!==undefined) ? (bottom + 'px') : 'auto';
right = (right!==undefined) ? (right + 'px') : 'auto';
left = (left!==undefined) ? (left + 'px') : 'auto';
this.cmpEl.css({top : top, left: left, right: right, bottom: bottom});
var placement = this.placement.split('-');
if (placement.length>0) {
var top, left, bottom, right;
@ -128,29 +148,29 @@ define([
if (pos=='top') {
bottom = Common.Utils.innerHeight() -;
} else if (pos == 'bottom') {
top = +;
top = + target.height();
} else if (pos == 'left') {
right = Common.Utils.innerWidth() - showxy.left;
} else if (pos == 'right') {
left = showxy.left +;
left = showxy.left + target.width();
pos = placement[1];
if (pos=='top') {
bottom = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - -;
bottom = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - - target.height()/2;
} else if (pos == 'bottom') {
top = +;
top = + target.height()/2;
var height = this.cmpEl.height();
if (top+height>Common.Utils.innerHeight())
top = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - height - 10;
} else if (pos == 'left') {
right = Common.Utils.innerWidth() - showxy.left -;
right = Common.Utils.innerWidth() - showxy.left - target.width()/2;
} else if (pos == 'right') {
left = showxy.left +;
left = showxy.left + target.width()/2;
} else {
if (bottom!==undefined || top!==undefined)
left = showxy.left + ( - this.cmpEl.width())/2;
left = showxy.left + (target.width() - this.cmpEl.width())/2;
top = + ( - this.cmpEl.height())/2;
top = + (target.height() - this.cmpEl.height())/2;
top = (top!==undefined) ? (top + 'px') : 'auto';
bottom = (bottom!==undefined) ? (bottom + 'px') : 'auto';

View file

@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ define([
return false;
addDataHint: function (index) { //Hint Manager
addDataHint: function (index, dataHint) { //Hint Manager
var oldHintTab = this.$bar.find('[data-hint]');
if (oldHintTab.length > 0) {
@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ define([
var newHintTab = this.tabs[index].$el;
newHintTab.attr('data-hint', '0');
newHintTab.attr('data-hint', dataHint || '0');
newHintTab.attr('data-hint-direction', 'top');
newHintTab.attr('data-hint-offset', 'medium');
newHintTab.attr('data-hint-title', 'M');

View file

@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ define([
setDisabled: function(disabled) {
disabled = !!disabled;
this.disabled = disabled;
$(this.el).toggleClass('disabled', disabled);

View file

@ -212,19 +212,7 @@ define([
var name = record.get('name');
if (name.length > 37 - record.get('level')*2)
record.set('tip', name);
if (record.get('tip')) {
var view_el = $(view.el);
view_el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title : record.get('tip'),
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : this.tipZIndex
this.listenTo(view, 'change', this.onChangeItem);
this.listenTo(view, 'remove', this.onRemoveItem);
this.listenTo(view, 'click', this.onClickItem);
@ -247,31 +235,31 @@ define([
var isExpanded = !record.get('isExpanded');
record.set('isExpanded', isExpanded);[(isExpanded) ? 'expandSubItems' : 'collapseSubItems'](record);
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
} else, view, record, e);
expandAll: function() {;
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
collapseAll: function() {;
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
expandToLevel: function(expandLevel) {;
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
expandRecord: function(record) {
if (record) {
record.set('isExpanded', true);;
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
@ -279,7 +267,7 @@ define([
if (record) {
record.set('isExpanded', false);;
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: this.scrollAlwaysVisible});
@ -361,6 +349,51 @@ define([
focus: function() {
this.cmpEl && this.cmpEl.find('.treeview').focus();
updateTip: function(item) {
var record = item.model,
name = record.get('name'),
me = this;
if (name.length > 37 - record.get('level')*2)
record.set('tip', name);
record.set('tip', '');
var el = item.$el || $(item.el);
var tip ='bs.tooltip');
if (tip) {
if (tip.dontShow===undefined)
tip.dontShow = true;
if (record.get('tip')) {
el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title : record.get('tip'),
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : this.tipZIndex
if (this.delayRenderTips)'mouseenter', function(){
el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title : record.get('tip'),
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex
else {
el.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip');
title : record.get('tip'),
placement : 'cursor',
zIndex : me.tipZIndex

View file

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
], function () {
'use strict';

View file

@ -85,16 +85,25 @@ define([
storeUsers: this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Users'),
storeMessages: this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.ChatMessages')
this.panelChat.on('render:after', _.bind(this.onAfterRender, this));
onAfterRender: function(panel) {
var viewport = this.getApplication().getController('Viewport').getView('Viewport');
viewport.hlayout.on('layout:resizedrag', _.bind(function () {
panel && panel.updateScrolls();
}, this));
setMode: function(mode) {
this.mode = mode;
this.currentUserId =;
if (this.api) {
if (this.mode.canCoAuthoring && this.mode.canChat)
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCoAuthoringChatReceiveMessage', _.bind(this.onReceiveMessage, this));
if ( !this.mode.isEditDiagram && !this.mode.isEditMailMerge ) {
if ( !this.mode.isEditDiagram && !this.mode.isEditMailMerge && !this.mode.isEditOle ) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onAuthParticipantsChanged', _.bind(this.onUsersChanged, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onConnectionStateChanged', _.bind(this.onUserConnection, this));
@ -142,7 +151,8 @@ define([
username : user.asc_getUserName(),
online : true,
color : user.asc_getColor(),
view : user.asc_getView()
view : user.asc_getView(),
hidden : !(user.asc_getIdOriginal()===this.currentUserId || AscCommon.UserInfoParser.isUserVisible(user.asc_getUserName()))
arrUsers[(user.asc_getId() == currentUserId ) ? 'unshift' : 'push'](usermodel);
@ -165,7 +175,8 @@ define([
username : change.asc_getUserName(),
online : change.asc_getState(),
color : change.asc_getColor(),
view : change.asc_getView()
view : change.asc_getView(),
hidden : !(change.asc_getIdOriginal()===this.currentUserId || AscCommon.UserInfoParser.isUserVisible(change.asc_getUserName()))
} else {
user.set({online: change.asc_getState()});

View file

@ -103,7 +103,8 @@ define([
// work handlers
'comment:closeEditing': _.bind(this.closeEditing, this),
'comment:sort': _.bind(this.setComparator, this)
'comment:sort': _.bind(this.setComparator, this),
'comment:filtergroups': _.bind(this.setFilterGroups, this)
'Common.Views.ReviewPopover': {
@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ define([
this.groupCollection = [];
this.userGroups = []; // for filtering comments
this.view = this.createView('Common.Views.Comments', { store: this.collection });
@ -695,14 +697,15 @@ define([
var end = true;
for (var i = this.collection.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (end) {'last', true, {silent: true});
var item =;
if (end && !item.get('hide') && !item.get('filtered')) {
item.set('last', true, {silent: true});
end = false;
} else {
if ('last')) {'last', false, {silent: true});
if (item.get('last')) {
item.set('last', false, {silent: true});
end = false;
@ -820,6 +823,7 @@ define([
comment.set('userid', data.asc_getUserId());
comment.set('username', data.asc_getUserName());
comment.set('parsedName', AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(data.asc_getUserName()));
comment.set('parsedGroups', AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedGroups(data.asc_getUserName()));
comment.set('usercolor', (user) ? user.get('color') : null);
comment.set('resolved', data.asc_getSolved());
comment.set('quote', data.asc_getQuoteText());
@ -830,6 +834,14 @@ define([
comment.set('removable', (t.mode.canDeleteComments || (data.asc_getUserId() == t.currentUserId)) && AscCommon.UserInfoParser.canDeleteComment(data.asc_getUserName()));
comment.set('hide', !AscCommon.UserInfoParser.canViewComment(data.asc_getUserName()));
if (!comment.get('hide')) {
var usergroups = comment.get('parsedGroups');
var group = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(t.appPrefix + "comments-filtergroups");
var filter = !!group && (group!==-1) && (!usergroups || usergroups.length<1 || usergroups.indexOf(group)<0);
comment.set('filtered', filter);
replies = _.clone(comment.get('replys'));
replies.length = 0;
@ -908,8 +920,6 @@ define([
// хотим показать тот же коментарий что был и выбран
if (this.mode && !this.mode.canComments)
hint = true;
var popover = this.getPopover();
if (popover) {
@ -1150,14 +1160,15 @@ define([
this.onUpdateFilter(this.filter, true);
for (i = this.collection.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (end) {'last', true, {silent: true});
var item =;
if (end && !item.get('hide') && !item.get('filtered')) {
item.set('last', true, {silent: true});
end = false;
} else {
if ('last')) {'last', false, {silent: true});
if (item.get('last')) {
item.set('last', false, {silent: true});
end = false;
@ -1308,6 +1319,7 @@ define([
userid : data.asc_getUserId(),
username : data.asc_getUserName(),
parsedName : AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(data.asc_getUserName()),
parsedGroups : AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedGroups(data.asc_getUserName()),
usercolor : (user) ? user.get('color') : null,
date : this.dateToLocaleTimeString(date),
quote : data.asc_getQuoteText(),
@ -1331,6 +1343,13 @@ define([
groupName : (groupname && groupname.length>1) ? groupname[1] : null
if (comment) {
if (!comment.get('hide')) {
var usergroups = comment.get('parsedGroups');
var group = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.appPrefix + "comments-filtergroups");
var filter = !!group && (group!==-1) && (!usergroups || usergroups.length<1 || usergroups.indexOf(group)<0);
comment.set('filtered', filter);
var replies = this.readSDKReplies(data);
if (replies.length) {
comment.set('replys', replies);
@ -1641,6 +1660,64 @@ define([
clearCollections: function() {
this.groupCollection = [];
fillUserGroups: function(usergroups) {
if (!this.mode.canUseCommentPermissions) return;
var viewgroups = AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getCommentPermissions('view');
if (usergroups && usergroups.length>0) {
if (viewgroups)
usergroups = _.intersection(usergroups, viewgroups);
usergroups = _.uniq(this.userGroups.concat(usergroups));
if (this.view && this.view.buttonSort && _.difference(usergroups, this.userGroups).length>0) {
this.userGroups = usergroups;
var menu =;
menu = menu.items[menu.items.length-1].menu;
var last = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.appPrefix + "comments-filtergroups");
menu.addItem(new Common.UI.MenuItem({
checkable: true,
checked: last===-1 || last===undefined,
toggleGroup: 'filtercomments',
caption: this.view.textAll,
value: -1
menu.addItem(new Common.UI.MenuItem({
checkable: true,
checked: last === item,
toggleGroup: 'filtercomments',
caption: Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(item),
value: item
setFilterGroups: function (group) {
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(this.appPrefix + "comments-filtergroups", group);
var i, end = true;
for (i = this.collection.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
var item =;
if (!item.get('hide')) {
var usergroups = item.get('parsedGroups');
item.set('filtered', !!group && (group!==-1) && (!usergroups || usergroups.length<1 || usergroups.indexOf(group)<0), {silent: true});
if (end && !item.get('hide') && !item.get('filtered')) {
item.set('last', true, {silent: true});
end = false;
} else {
if (item.get('last')) {
item.set('last', false, {silent: true});
}, Common.Controllers.Comments || {}));

View file

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* ExternalOleEditor.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 3/10/22
* Copyright (c) 2022 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
Common.Controllers = Common.Controllers || {};
], function () { 'use strict';
Common.Controllers.ExternalOleEditor = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend((function() {
var appLang = '{{DEFAULT_LANG}}',
customization = undefined,
targetApp = '',
externalEditor = null,
isAppFirstOpened = true;
var createExternalEditor = function() {
!!customization && (customization.uiTheme = Common.localStorage.getItem("ui-theme-id", "theme-light"));
externalEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor('id-ole-editor-placeholder', {
width : '100%',
height : '100%',
documentType: 'cell',
document : {
url : '_chart_',
permissions : {
edit : true,
download: false
editorConfig: {
mode : 'editole',
targetApp : targetApp,
lang : appLang,
canCoAuthoring : false,
canBackToFolder : false,
canCreateNew : false,
customization : customization,
user : {id: ('uid-'}
events: {
'onAppReady' : function() {},
'onDocumentStateChange' : function() {},
'onError' : function() {},
'onInternalMessage' : _.bind(this.onInternalMessage, this)
Common.Gateway.on('processmouse', _.bind(this.onProcessMouse, this));
return {
views: ['Common.Views.ExternalOleEditor'],
initialize: function() {
'Common.Views.ExternalOleEditor': {
'setoledata': _.bind(this.setOleData, this),
'drag': _.bind(function(o, state){
externalEditor && externalEditor.serviceCommand('window:drag', state == 'start');
'show': _.bind(function(cmp){
var h = this.oleEditorView.getHeight(),
innerHeight = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get('window-inactive-area-top');
if (innerHeight>h && h<700 || innerHeight<h) {
h = Math.min(innerHeight, 700);
if (externalEditor) {
if (isAppFirstOpened && this.oleEditorView._isExternalDocReady) {
isAppFirstOpened = false;
this.oleEditorView._oleData && this.setOleData();
if (this.needDisableEditing && this.oleEditorView._isExternalDocReady) {
} else {
this.isExternalEditorVisible = true;
this.isHandlerCalled = false;
}, this),
'hide': _.bind(function(cmp){
if (externalEditor) {
this.isExternalEditorVisible = false;
}, this)
onLaunch: function() {
this.oleEditorView = this.createView('Common.Views.ExternalOleEditor', {handler: _.bind(this.handler, this)});
setApi: function(api) {
this.api = api;
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCloseOleEditor', _.bind(this.onOleEditingDisabled, this));
return this;
handler: function(result, value) {
if (this.isHandlerCalled) return;
this.isHandlerCalled = true;
if (this.oleEditorView._isExternalDocReady)
externalEditor && externalEditor.serviceCommand('queryClose',{mr:result});
else {
this.isHandlerCalled = false;
setOleData: function() {
if (!isAppFirstOpened) {
externalEditor && externalEditor.serviceCommand('setOleData', this.oleEditorView._oleData);
this.oleEditorView._oleData = null;
loadConfig: function(data) {
if (data && data.config) {
if (data.config.lang) appLang = data.config.lang;
if (data.config.customization) customization = data.config.customization;
if (data.config.targetApp) targetApp = data.config.targetApp;
onOleEditingDisabled: function() {
if ( !this.oleEditorView.isVisible() || !this.oleEditorView._isExternalDocReady ) {
this.needDisableEditing = true;
title: this.warningTitle,
msg : this.warningText,
iconCls: 'warn',
buttons: ['ok'],
callback: _.bind(function(btn){
}, this)
this.needDisableEditing = false;
onInternalMessage: function(data) {
var eventData =;
if (this.oleEditorView) {
if (eventData.type == 'documentReady') {
this.oleEditorView._isExternalDocReady = true;
this.isExternalEditorVisible && (isAppFirstOpened = false);
this.oleEditorView._oleData && this.setOleData();
if (this.needDisableEditing) {
} else
if (eventData.type == "shortcut") {
if ( == 'escape')
} else
if (eventData.type == "canClose") {
if ( === true) {
if (externalEditor) {
if ( == 'ok')
this.isHandlerCalled = false;
} else
if (eventData.type == "processMouse") {
if ( == 'mouse:up') {
} else
if ( == 'mouse:move') {
var x = parseInt(this.oleEditorView.$window.css('left')) +,
y = parseInt(this.oleEditorView.$window.css('top')) + + 34;
this.oleEditorView.binding.drag({pageX:x, pageY:y});
} else
this.oleEditorView.fireEvent('internalmessage', this.oleEditorView, eventData);
} ,
onProcessMouse: function(data) {
if (data.type == 'mouseup' && this.isExternalEditorVisible) {
externalEditor && externalEditor.serviceCommand('processmouse', data);
showExternalEditor: function () {
if ( externalEditor ) {
var value = Common.localStorage.getItem("ui-theme-id", "theme-light");
externalEditor.serviceCommand('theme:change', value);
warningTitle: 'Warning',
warningText: 'The object is disabled because of editing by another user.',
textClose: 'Close',
textAnonymous: 'Anonymous'
})(), Common.Controllers.ExternalOleEditor || {}));

View file

@ -116,7 +116,8 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
_isLockedKeyEvents = false,
_isDocReady = false,
_isEditDiagram = false;
_isEditDiagram = false,
_usedTitles = [];
var _api;
@ -198,10 +199,21 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
var _getLetters = function(countButtons) {
var arr = _arrAlphabet.slice();
arr[0] = _arrAlphabet[0] + _arrAlphabet[0];
for (var i = 1; arr.length < countButtons; i++) {
arr.push(_arrAlphabet[0] + _arrAlphabet[i]);
var arr = _arrAlphabet.slice(),
for (var i = 0; i < _arrAlphabet.length, !firstFreeLetter; i++) {
if (_usedTitles.indexOf(_arrAlphabet[i]) === -1) {
firstFreeLetter = _arrAlphabet[i];
ind = i;
arr[ind] = firstFreeLetter + _arrAlphabet[0];
for (var i = 0; arr.length < countButtons; i++) {
var addTip = firstFreeLetter + _arrAlphabet[i];
if (addTip !== arr[ind]) {
arr.push(firstFreeLetter + _arrAlphabet[i]);
return arr;
@ -212,6 +224,7 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
var _getControls = function() {
_currentControls = [];
_usedTitles = [];
var arr = [],
arrItemsWithTitle = [];
if (_.isArray(_currentSection)) {
@ -252,6 +265,14 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
var _arrLetters = [];
if (visibleItems.length > _arrAlphabet.length) {
visibleItemsWithTitle.forEach(function (item) {
var t = $(item).data('hint-title').toLowerCase();
if (_arrAlphabet.indexOf(t) === -1) {
var ind = _arrEnAlphabet.indexOf(t);
t = _arrAlphabet[ind];
_arrLetters = _getLetters(visibleItems.length);
} else {
_arrLetters = _arrAlphabet.slice();
@ -305,7 +326,7 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
if (!_isItemDisabled(item)) {
var leftBorder = 0,
rightBorder = docW;
if (!_isEditDiagram && $(_currentSection).prop('id') === 'toolbar' && ($(_currentSection).find('.toolbar-mask').length > 0 || item.closest('.group').find('.toolbar-group-mask').length > 0)
if (!_isEditDiagram && $(_currentSection).prop('id') === 'toolbar' && ($(_currentSection).find('.toolbar-mask').length > 0)
|| ($('#about-menu-panel').is(':visible') && item.closest('.hint-section').prop('id') === 'right-menu')) { // don't show right menu hints when about is visible
@ -516,7 +537,7 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
} else {
_isComplete = false;
if (!_isEditDiagram && $(_currentSection).prop('id') === 'toolbar' && ($(_currentSection).find('.toolbar-mask').length > 0 || curr.closest('.group').find('.toolbar-group-mask').length > 0)) {
if (!_isEditDiagram && $(_currentSection).prop('id') === 'toolbar' && ($(_currentSection).find('.toolbar-mask').length > 0)) {
@ -573,9 +594,8 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
var isAlt = e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ALT;
_needShow = (isAlt && !Common.Utils.ModalWindow.isVisible() && _isDocReady && _arrAlphabet.length > 0);
if (isAlt) {
_needShow = (!e.shiftKey && e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ALT && !Common.Utils.ModalWindow.isVisible() && _isDocReady && _arrAlphabet.length > 0);
if (e.altKey && e.keyCode !== 115) {
@ -627,7 +647,7 @@ Common.UI.HintManager = new(function() {
var _setMode = function (mode) {
_isEditDiagram = mode.isEditDiagram;
_isEditDiagram = mode.isEditDiagram || mode.isEditMailMerge || mode.isEditOle;
return {

View file

@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ define([
store.where({isRevision: false}).forEach(function(item){
item.set('isVisible', needExpand);
this.panelHistory.viewHistoryList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40});
this.panelHistory.viewHistoryList.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.panelHistory.viewHistoryList.minScrollbarLength});
this.panelHistory.btnExpand.cmpEl.text(needExpand ? this.panelHistory.textHideAll : this.panelHistory.textShowAll);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2021
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* LayoutManager.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 06.10.2021
* Copyright (c) 2021 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
if (Common.UI === undefined) {
Common.UI = {};
Common.UI.LayoutManager = new(function() {
var _config;
var _init = function(config) {
_config = config;
var _applyCustomization = function(config, el, prefix) {
!config && (config = _config);
if (!config) return;
for (var name in config) {
if(config.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if(typeof config[name] === 'object')
_applyCustomization(config[name], el, (prefix || '') + name + '-');
else if (config[name] === false) {
var selector = '[data-layout-name=' + (prefix || '') + name + ']',
cmp = el ? el.find(selector) : $(selector);
cmp && cmp.hide && cmp.hide();
var _isElementVisible = function(value, config, prefix) {
!config && (config = _config);
if (!config) return true;
var res = true;
for (var name in config) {
if(config.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
if(typeof config[name] === 'object')
res = _isElementVisible(value, config[name], (prefix || '') + name + '-');
else {
if (value === (prefix || '') + name) { // checked value is in config
res = config[name];
if (res===false) return res;
return res;
return {
init: _init,
applyCustomization: _applyCustomization,
isElementVisible: _isElementVisible
* features: {
* feature: { //can be object or init value
* mode: <init value> // value1 / value2 ...
* change: false/true // hide/show feature
* } / value1 / value2 ...
* }
Common.UI.FeaturesManager = new(function() {
var _config,
var _init = function(config, licensed) {
_config = config;
_licensed = licensed;
var _canChange = function(name, force) {
return !((_licensed || force) && _config && typeof _config[name] === 'object' && _config[name] && _config[name].change===false);
var _getInitValue2 = function(name, defValue, force) {
if ((_licensed || force) && _config && _config[name] !== undefined ) {
if (typeof _config[name] === 'object' && _config[name]) { // object and not null
if (_config[name].mode!==undefined)
return _config[name].mode;
} else
return _config[name];
return defValue;
var _getInitValue = function(name, force) {
if ((_licensed || force) && _config && _config[name] !== undefined ) {
if (typeof _config[name] === 'object' && _config[name]) { // object and not null
if (_config[name].mode!==undefined)
return _config[name].mode;
} else
return _config[name];
return {
init: _init,
canChange: _canChange,
getInitValue: _getInitValue

View file

@ -39,7 +39,8 @@
], function () {
'use strict';
@ -62,8 +63,8 @@ define([
'render:before' : function (toolbar) {
var appOptions = me.getApplication().getController('Main').appOptions;
if ( !appOptions.isEditMailMerge && !appOptions.isEditDiagram ) {
var tab = {action: 'plugins', caption: me.panelPlugins.groupCaption, dataHintTitle: 'E'};
if ( !appOptions.isEditMailMerge && !appOptions.isEditDiagram && !appOptions.isEditOle ) {
var tab = {action: 'plugins', caption: me.panelPlugins.groupCaption, dataHintTitle: 'E', layoutname: 'toolbar-plugins'};
me.$toolbarPanelPlugins = me.panelPlugins.getPanel();
toolbar.addTab(tab, me.$toolbarPanelPlugins, 10); // TODO: clear plugins list in left panel
@ -219,7 +220,7 @@ define([
this.api.asc_pluginsRegister('', arr);
if (storePlugins.hasVisible())
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'plugins', true);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'plugins', Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar-plugins'));

View file

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ define([
onLaunch: function () {
this.collection = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.ReviewChanges');
this.userCollection = this.getApplication().getCollection('Common.Collections.Users');
this.viewmode = false;
this._state = {posx: -1000, posy: -1000, popoverVisible: false, previewMode: false, compareSettings: null, wsLock: false, wsProps: []};
@ -160,13 +161,23 @@ define([
this.document = data.doc;
SetDisabled: function(state) {
SetDisabled: function(state, reviewMode, fillFormMode) {
if (this.dlgChanges)
this.view && this.view.SetDisabled(state, this.langs, {comments: !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']});
if (reviewMode)
this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.previewReviewMode, state);
else if (fillFormMode)
this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.viewFormMode, state);
this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.viewMode, state);
lockToolbar: function (causes, lock, opts) {
Common.Utils.lockControls(causes, lock, opts, this.view.getButtons());
setPreviewMode: function(mode) { //disable accept/reject in popover
if (this.viewmode === mode) return;
this.viewmode = mode;
@ -179,20 +190,50 @@ define([
onApiShowChange: function (sdkchange) {
isSelectedChangesLocked: function(changes, isShow) {
if (!changes || changes.length<1) return true;
if (isShow)
return changes[0].get('lock') || !changes[0].get('editable');
for (var i=0; i<changes.length; i++) {
var change = changes[i];
if (change.get('lock') || !change.get('editable'))
return true; // lock button if at least one change is locked
return false;
onApiShowChange: function (sdkchange, isShow) {
var btnlock = true,
if (this.appConfig.canReview && !this.appConfig.isReviewOnly) {
if (sdkchange && sdkchange.length>0) {
changes = this.readSDKChange(sdkchange);
btnlock = this.isSelectedChangesLocked(changes, isShow);
if (this._state.lock !== btnlock) {
Common.Utils.lockControls(Common.enumLock.reviewChangelock, btnlock, {array: [this.view.btnAccept, this.view.btnReject]});
if (this.dlgChanges) {
this._state.lock = btnlock;
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(this.view.appPrefix + "accept-reject-lock", btnlock);
if (this.getPopover()) {
if (!this.appConfig.reviewHoverMode && sdkchange && sdkchange.length>0) {
if (!this.appConfig.reviewHoverMode && sdkchange && sdkchange.length>0 && isShow) { // show changes balloon only for current position, not selection
var i = 0,
changes = this.readSDKChange(sdkchange),
posX = sdkchange[0].get_X(),
posY = sdkchange[0].get_Y(),
animate = ( Math.abs(this._state.posx-posX)>0.001 || Math.abs(this._state.posy-posY)>0.001) || (sdkchange.length !== this._state.changes_length),
lock = (sdkchange[0].get_LockUserId()!==null),
lockUser = this.getUserName(sdkchange[0].get_LockUserId()),
editable = changes[0].get('editable');
lockUser = this.getUserName(sdkchange[0].get_LockUserId());
this.popoverChanges.reset(changes || this.readSDKChange(sdkchange));
if (animate) {
if ( this.getPopover().isVisible() ) this.getPopover().hide();
@ -200,18 +241,6 @@ define([
this.getPopover().showReview(animate, lock, lockUser);
var btnlock = lock || !editable;
if (this.appConfig.canReview && !this.appConfig.isReviewOnly && this._state.lock !== btnlock) {
if (this.dlgChanges) {
this._state.lock = btnlock;
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(this.view.appPrefix + "accept-reject-lock", btnlock);
this._state.posx = posX;
this._state.posy = posY;
this._state.changes_length = sdkchange.length;
@ -586,13 +615,15 @@ define([
onTurnSpelling: function (state) {
onTurnSpelling: function (state, suspend) {
state = (state == 'on');
this.view && this.view.turnSpelling(state);
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", state ? 1 : 0);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", state);
if (Common.UI.FeaturesManager.canChange('spellcheck') && !suspend) {
Common.localStorage.setItem(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", state ? 1 : 0);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", state);
onReviewViewClick: function(menu, item, e) {
@ -763,33 +794,24 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('editing:disable', disable, {
viewMode: false,
reviewMode: true,
fillFormwMode: false,
fillFormMode: false,
allowMerge: false,
allowSignature: false,
allowProtect: false,
rightMenu: {clear: true, disable: true},
rightMenu: {clear: disable, disable: true},
statusBar: true,
leftMenu: {disable: false, previewMode: true},
fileMenu: {protect: true},
navigation: {disable: false, previewMode: true},
comments: {disable: false, previewMode: true},
chat: false,
review: false,
review: true,
viewport: false,
documentHolder: true,
toolbar: true,
plugins: true
plugins: true,
protect: true
}, 'review');
if (this.view) {
this.view.$el.find('').css('opacity', 1);
this.view.btnsDocLang && this.view.btnsDocLang.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
button.setDisabled(disable || !this.langs || this.langs.length<1);
}, this);
createToolbarPanel: function() {
@ -803,9 +825,6 @@ define([
onAppReady: function (config) {
var me = this;
if ( me.view && Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-spellcheck", !(config.customization && config.customization.spellcheck===false)))
if ( config.canReview ) {
(new Promise(function (resolve) {
@ -868,8 +887,8 @@ define([
if (me.view) {
me.view.btnCommentRemove && me.view.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(!Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment", true) || !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']);
me.view.btnCommentResolve && me.view.btnCommentResolve.setDisabled(!Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment", true) || !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']);
me.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.hideComments, !Common.localStorage.getBool(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment", true), {array: [me.view.btnCommentRemove, me.view.btnCommentResolve]});
me.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock['Objects'], !!this._state.wsProps['Objects'], {array: [me.view.btnCommentRemove, me.view.btnCommentResolve]});
var val = Common.localStorage.getItem(me.view.appPrefix + "settings-review-hover-mode");
@ -931,11 +950,7 @@ define([
setLanguages: function (array) {
this.langs = array;
this.view && this.view.btnsDocLang && this.view.btnsDocLang.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
}, this);
this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.noSpellcheckLangs, this.langs.length<1, {array: this.view.btnsDocLang});
onDocLanguage: function() {
@ -955,6 +970,7 @@ define([
onLostEditRights: function() {
this._readonlyRights = true;
this.view && this.view.onLostEditRights();
this.view && this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.cantShare, true, {array: [this.view.btnSharing]});
changeAccessRights: function(btn,event,opts) {
@ -986,7 +1002,7 @@ define([
onCoAuthoringDisconnect: function() {
this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.lostConnect, true)
onUpdateUsers: function() {
@ -1004,15 +1020,14 @@ define([
if (!item.asc_getView())
this.view.btnCompare.setDisabled(length>1 || this.viewmode);
Common.Utils.lockControls(Common.enumLock.hasCoeditingUsers, length>1, {array: [this.view.btnCompare]});
commentsShowHide: function(mode) {
if (!this.view) return;
var value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment");
(value!==undefined) && this.view.btnCommentRemove && this.view.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(mode != 'show' && !value || !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']);
(value!==undefined) && this.view.btnCommentResolve && this.view.btnCommentResolve.setDisabled(mode != 'show' && !value || !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']);
(value!==undefined) && this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock.hideComments, mode != 'show' && !value, {array: [this.view.btnCommentRemove, this.view.btnCommentResolve]});
onChangeProtectSheet: function(props) {
@ -1024,11 +1039,7 @@ define([
this._state.wsLock = props ? props.wsLock : false;
if (!this.view) return;
var leftmenu = this.getApplication().getController('LeftMenu'),
isCommentsVisible = leftmenu && leftmenu.isCommentsVisible();
var value = Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.view.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment");
(value!==undefined) && this.view.btnCommentRemove && this.view.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(!isCommentsVisible && !value || !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']);
(value!==undefined) && this.view.btnCommentResolve && this.view.btnCommentResolve.setDisabled(!isCommentsVisible && !value || !!this._state.wsProps['Objects']);
this.lockToolbar(Common.enumLock['Objects'], !!this._state.wsProps['Objects'], {array: [this.view.btnCommentRemove, this.view.btnCommentResolve]});
textInserted: '<b>Inserted:</b>',

View file

@ -43,6 +43,10 @@ define([
@ -234,7 +238,8 @@ define([
var on_document_ready = function (el) {
// get_themes_config('../../common/main/resources/themes/themes.json');
if ( !Common.Controllers.Desktop.isActive() || !Common.Controllers.Desktop.isOffline() )
var get_ui_theme_name = function (objtheme) {
@ -279,10 +284,9 @@ define([
if ( !(Common.Utils.isIE10 || Common.Utils.isIE11) )
document.body.classList.forEach(function (classname, i, o) {
if ( !theme_name && classname.startsWith('theme-') &&
!classname.startsWith('theme-type-') && themes_map[classname] )
!classname.startsWith('theme-type-') && themes_map[classname] )
theme_name = classname;
// Common.localStorage.setItem('ui-theme-id', theme_name);
var theme_obj = {
id: theme_name,
type: themes_map[theme_name].type

View file

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ define([
userid : 0,
username : 'Guest',
parsedName : 'Guest',
parsedGroups : undefined,
usercolor : null,
date : undefined,
quote : '',
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ define([
hideAddReply : false,
scope : null,
hide : false,
filtered : false,
hint : false,
dummy : undefined,
editable : true,

View file

@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ define([
color : '#fff',
colorval : null,
online : false,
view : false
view : false,
hidden : false

View file

@ -66,17 +66,18 @@
<div class="padding-small">
<label class="header"><%= scope.textReplaceText %></label>
<div class="padding-large">
<div class="padding-small">
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-quotes"></div>
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-hyphens"></div>
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-hyperlink"></div>
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-hyperlink"></div>
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-double-space"></div>
<div class="padding-small">
<label class="header"><%= scope.textApplyText %></label>
<div class="padding-large">
<div class="padding-small">
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-bulleted"></div>
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-numbered"></div>
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-numbered"></div>
@ -85,21 +86,24 @@
<div class="padding-small">
<label class="header"><%= scope.textReplaceText %></label>
<div class="padding-large">
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-hyperlink"></div>
<div class="padding-small">
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-hyperlink"></div>
<div class="padding-small">
<label class="header"><%= scope.textApplyAsWork %></label>
<div class="padding-large">
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-new-rows"></div>
<div class="padding-small">
<div class="padding-small" id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-new-rows"></div>
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-settings-autocorrect" class="settings-panel">
<div class="inner-content" style="width: 100%;">
<div class="padding-large">
<div class="padding-small">
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-fl-sentence"></div>
<div class="padding-small">
<div id="id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-fl-cells"></div>

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
<% if (!hide) { %>
<% if (!hide && !filtered) { %>
<div id="<%= id %>" class="user-comment-item">
<!-- comment block -->
@ -70,16 +70,20 @@
<!-- edit buttons -->
<% if (!editText && !lock && !scope.viewmode) { %>
<% if (!editText && !lock) { %>
<div class="edit-ct">
<% if (editable) { %>
<div class="btn-edit img-commonctrl"></div>
<% if (!scope.viewmode) { %>
<% if (editable) { %>
<div class="btn-edit img-commonctrl"></div>
<% } %>
<% if (removable) { %>
<div class="btn-delete img-commonctrl"></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (removable) { %>
<div class="btn-delete img-commonctrl"></div>
<% } %>
<% if (editable) { %>
<div class="btn-resolve <% if (resolved) print('comment-resolved') %>" data-toggle="tooltip"></div>
<% if (editable && !scope.viewmode) { %>
<div class="btn-resolve <% if (resolved) print('comment-resolved') %>" data-toggle="tooltip"></div>
<% } else if ((!editable || scope.viewmode) && resolved) { %>
<div class="icon-resolve i-comment-resolved" data-toggle="tooltip"></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View file

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<div class="color" style="display: inline-block; background-color: <% if (usercolor!==null) { %><%=usercolor%><% } else { %> #cfcfcf <% } %>; " ></div><%= scope.getEncodedName(parsedName) %>
<div class="user-date"><%=date%></div>
<% if (!editTextInPopover || hint) { %>
<% if (!editTextInPopover || hint || scope.viewmode) { %>
<div oo_editor_input="true" tabindex="-1" class="user-message user-select"><%=scope.pickLink(comment)%></div>
<% } else { %>
<div class="inner-edit-ct">
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
<div class="user-date"><%=item.get("date")%></div>
<% if (!item.get("editTextInPopover")) { %>
<div oo_editor_input="true" tabindex="-1" class="user-message user-select"><%=scope.pickLink(item.get("reply"))%></div>
<% if (!hint) { %>
<% if (!hint && !scope.viewmode) { %>
<div class="btns-reply-ct">
<% if (item.get("editable")) { %>
<div class="btn-edit img-commonctrl" data-value="<%=item.get("id")%>"></div>
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
<!-- add reply button -->
<% if (!showReplyInPopover && !hideAddReply && !hint) { %>
<% if (!showReplyInPopover && !hideAddReply && !hint && !scope.viewmode) { %>
<% if (replys.length && !add_arrow) { %>
<label class="user-reply" style="margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 5px;" role="presentation" tabindex="-1">textAddReply</label>
<% } else { %>
@ -71,16 +71,20 @@
<!-- edit buttons -->
<% if (!editTextInPopover && !lock && !hint) { %>
<% if (!editTextInPopover && !lock) { %>
<div class="edit-ct">
<% if (editable) { %>
<div class="btn-edit img-commonctrl"></div>
<% if (!hint && !scope.viewmode) { %>
<% if (editable) { %>
<div class="btn-edit img-commonctrl"></div>
<% } %>
<% if (removable) { %>
<div class="btn-delete img-commonctrl"></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (removable) { %>
<div class="btn-delete img-commonctrl"></div>
<% } %>
<% if (editable) { %>
<div class="btn-resolve <% if (resolved) print('comment-resolved') %>" data-toggle="tooltip"></div>
<% if (editable && !hint && !scope.viewmode) { %>
<div class="btn-resolve <% if (resolved) print('comment-resolved') %>" data-toggle="tooltip"></div>
<% } else if (!hint && (!editable || scope.viewmode) && resolved) { %>
<div class="icon-resolve i-comment-resolved" data-toggle="tooltip"></div>
<% } %>
<% } %>

View file

@ -52,13 +52,13 @@ define(['gateway'], function () {
Common.Gateway.on('internalcommand', ongetstore);
var _refresh = function() {
if (!_lsAllowed)
Common.Gateway.internalMessage('localstorage', {cmd:'get', keys:_filter});
// if (!_lsAllowed)
// Common.Gateway.internalMessage('localstorage', {cmd:'get', keys:_filter});
var _save = function() {
if (!_lsAllowed)
Common.Gateway.internalMessage('localstorage', {cmd:'set', keys:_store});
// if (!_lsAllowed)
// Common.Gateway.internalMessage('localstorage', {cmd:'set', keys:_store});
var _setItem = function(name, value, just) {
@ -72,14 +72,15 @@ define(['gateway'], function () {
} else {
_store[name] = value;
if (just===true) {
Common.Gateway.internalMessage('localstorage', {
keys: {
name: value
// if (just===true) {
// TDDO: remove after ver 7.2. using external local storage is depricated
// Common.Gateway.internalMessage('localstorage', {
// cmd:'set',
// keys: {
// name: value
// }
// });
// }

View file

@ -597,4 +597,762 @@ define(function(){ 'use strict';
textValue: 'Value is'
})(), Common.define.conditionalData || {});
Common.define.effectData = _.extend(new (function () {
return {
textEntrance: 'Entrance Effect',
textEmphasis: 'Emphasis Effect',
textExit: 'Exit Effect',
textPath: 'Motion Path',
textAppear: 'Appear',
textFade: 'Fade',
textFlyIn: 'Fly in',
textFloatIn: 'Float In',
textSplit: 'Split',
textWipe: 'Wipe',
textShape: 'Shape',
textWheel: 'Wheel',
textRandomBars: 'Random Bars ',
textGrowTurn: 'Grow & Turn',
textZoom: 'Zoom',
textSwivel: 'Swivel',
textBounce: 'Bounce',
textPulse: 'Pulse',
textColorPulse: 'Color Pulse',
textTeeter: 'Teeter',
textSpin: 'Spin',
textGrowShrink: 'Grow/Shrink',
textShrinkTurn: 'Shrink & Turn',
textDesaturate: 'Desaturate',
textDarken: 'Darken',
textLighten: 'Lighten',
textTransparency: 'Transparency',
textObjectColor: 'Object Color',
textComplementaryColor: 'Complementary Color',
textComplementaryColor2: 'Complementary Color 2',
textLineColor: 'Line Color',
textFillColor: 'Fill Color',
textBrushColor: 'Brush Color',
textFontColor: 'Font Color',
textUnderline: 'Underline',
textBoldFlash: 'Bold Flash',
textBoldReveal: 'Bold Reveal',
textWave: 'Wave',
textDisappear: 'Disappear',
textFlyOut: 'Fly Out',
textFloatOut: 'Float Out',
textBasic: 'Basic',
textSubtle: 'Subtle',
textModerate: 'Moderate',
textExciting: 'Exciting',
textLinesCurves: 'Lines Curves',
textSpecial: 'Special',
textBox: 'Box',
textCircle: 'Circle',
textPlus: 'Plus',
textDiamond: 'Diamond',
textDissolveIn: 'Dissolve In',
textBlinds: 'Blinds',
textCheckerboard: 'Checkerboard',
textPeekIn: 'Peek In',
textStrips: 'Strips',
textExpand: 'Expand',
textBasicZoom: 'Basic Zoom',
textCompress: 'Compress',
textFloatUp: 'Float Up',
textRiseUp: 'Rise Up',
textStretch: 'Stretch',
textCenterRevolve: 'Center Revolve',
textFloatDown: 'Float Down',
textSpinner: 'Spinner',
textBasicSwivel: 'Basic Swivel',
textBoomerang: 'Boomerang',
textCredits: 'Credits',
textCuverUp: 'Cuver Up',
textDrop: 'Drop',
textFloat: 'Float',
textPinwheel: 'Pinwheel',
textSpiralIn: 'Spiral In',
textWhip: 'Whip',
textGrowWithColor: 'Grow With Color',
textShimmer: 'Shimmer',
textBlink: 'Blink',
textDissolveOut: 'Dissolve Out',
textPeekOut: 'Peek Out',
textContrast: 'Contrast',
textCollapse: 'Collapse',
textSinkDown: 'Sink Down',
textCurveDown: 'CurveDown',
textSpiralOut: 'Spiral Out',
textContrastingColor: 'Contrasting Color',
textPointStar4: '4 Point Star',
textPointStar5: '5 Point Star',
textPointStar6: '6 Point Star',
textPointStar8: '8 Point Star',
textCrescentMoon: 'Crescent Moon',
textEqualTriangle: 'Equal Triangle',
textFootball: 'Football',
textHeart: 'Heart',
textHexagon: 'Hexagon',
textOctagon: 'Octagon',
textParallelogram: 'Parallelogram',
textPentagon: 'Pentagon',
textSquare: 'Square',
textTeardrop: 'Teardrop',
textTrapezoid: 'Trapezoid',
textArcDown: 'Arc Down',
textArcLeft: 'Arc Left',
textArcRight: 'Arc Right',
textArcUp: 'Arc Up',
textBounceLeft: 'Bounce Left',
textBounceRight: 'Bounce Right',
textCurvyLeft: 'Curvy Left',
textCurvyRight: 'Curvy Right',
textDecayingWave: 'Decaying Wave',
textDiagonalDownRight: 'Diagonal Down Right',
textDiagonalUpRight: 'Diagonal Up Right',
textDown: 'Down',
textFunnel: 'Funnel',
textHeartbeat: 'Heartbeat',
textLeft: 'Left',
textRight: 'Right',
textSCurve1: 'S Curve 1',
textSCurve2: 'S Curve 2',
textSineWave: 'Sine Wave',
textSpiralLeft: 'Spiral Left',
textSpiralRight: 'Spiral Right',
textSpring: 'Spring:',
textStairsDown: 'Stairs Down',
textTurnDown: 'Turn Down',
textTurnDownRight: 'Turn Down Right',
textTurnUp: 'Turn Up',
textTurnUpRight: 'Turn Up Right',
textUp: 'Up',
textZigzag: 'Zigzag',
textBean: 'Bean',
textCurvedSquare: 'CurvedSquare',
textCurvedX: 'Curved X',
textCurvyStar: 'Curvy Star',
textFigureFour: 'Figure 8 Four',
textHorizontalFigure: 'Horizontal Figure 8',
textInvertedSquare: 'Inverted Square',
textInvertedTriangle: 'Inverted Triangle',
textLoopDeLoop: 'Loop de Loop',
textNeutron: 'Neutron',
textPeanut: 'Peanut',
textPointStar: 'Point Star',
textSwoosh: 'Swoosh',
textVerticalFigure: 'Vertical Figure 8',
textRightTriangle: 'Right Triangle',
textAcross: 'Across',
textFromBottom: 'From Bottom',
textFromBottomLeft: 'From Bottom-Left',
textFromLeft: 'From Left',
textFromTopLeft: 'From Top-Left',
textFromTop: 'From Top',
textFromTopRight: 'From Top-Right',
textFromRight: 'From Right',
textFromBottomRight: 'From Bottom-Right',
textLeftDown: ' Left Down',
textLeftUp: ' Left Up',
textRightDown: ' Right Down',
textRightUp: ' Right Up',
textObjectCenter: 'Object Center',
textSlideCenter: 'Slide Center',
textInFromScreenCenter: 'In From Screen Center',
textOutFromScreenBottom: 'Out From Screen Bottom',
textInSlightly: 'In Slightly',
textInToScreenBottom: 'In To Screen Bottom',
textOutToScreenCenter: 'Out To Screen Center',
textOutSlightly: 'Out Slightly',
textToBottom: 'To Bottom',
textToBottomLeft: 'To Bottom-Left',
textToLeft: 'To Left',
textToTopLeft: 'To Top-Left',
textToTop: 'To Top',
textToTopRight: 'To Top-Right',
textToRight: 'To Right',
textToBottomRight: 'To Bottom-Right',
textSpoke1: '1 Spoke',
textSpoke2: '2 Spokes',
textSpoke3: '3 Spokes',
textSpoke4: '4 Spokes',
textSpoke8: '8 Spokes',
textCustomPath: 'Custom Path',
textHorizontalIn: 'Horizontal In',
textHorizontalOut: 'Horizontal Out',
textVerticalIn: 'Vertical In',
textVerticalOut: 'Vertical Out',
textVertical: 'Vertical',
textHorizontal: 'Horizontal',
textIn: 'In',
textOut: 'Out',
textWedge: 'Wedge',
textFlip: 'Flip',
textLines: 'Lines',
textArcs: 'Arcs',
textTurns: 'Turns',
textShapes: 'Shapes',
textLoops: 'Loops',
getEffectGroupData: function () {
return [
{id: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.PRESET_CLASS_ENTR, caption: this.textEntrance, iconClsCustom: 'animation-entrance-custom'},
{id: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.PRESET_CLASS_EMPH, caption: this.textEmphasis, iconClsCustom: 'animation-emphasis-custom'},
{id: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.PRESET_CLASS_EXIT, caption: this.textExit, iconClsCustom: 'animation-exit-custom'},
{id: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.PRESET_CLASS_PATH, caption: this.textPath, iconClsCustom: 'animation-motion-paths-custom'}
getEffectData: function () {
return [
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_APPEAR, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-appear', displayValue: this.textAppear},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FADE, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-fade', displayValue: this.textFade},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-fly-in', displayValue: this.textFlyIn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLOAT_UP, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-float-in', displayValue: this.textFloatIn, familyEffect: 'entrfloat'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-split', displayValue: this.textSplit},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WIPE_FROM, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-wipe', displayValue: this.textWipe},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CIRCLE, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-shape', displayValue: this.textShape, familyEffect: 'entrshape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-wheel', displayValue: this.textWheel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_RANDOM_BARS, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-random-bars', displayValue: this.textRandomBars},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_GROW_AND_TURN, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-grow-turn', displayValue: this.textGrowTurn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_ZOOM, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-zoom', displayValue: this.textZoom},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SWIVEL, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-swivel', displayValue: this.textSwivel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOUNCE, iconCls: 'animation-entrance-bounce', displayValue: this.textBounce},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_PULSE, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-pulse', displayValue: this.textPulse},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_COLOR_PULSE, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-color-pulse', displayValue: this.textColorPulse},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_TEETER, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-teeter', displayValue: this.textTeeter},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_SPIN, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-spin', displayValue: this.textSpin},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_GROW_SHRINK, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-grow-or-shrink', displayValue: this.textGrowShrink},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_DESATURATE, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-desaturate', displayValue: this.textDesaturate},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_CONTRASTING_DARKEN, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-darken', displayValue: this.textDarken},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_LIGHTEN, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-lighten', displayValue: this.textLighten},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_TRANSPARENCY, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-transparency', displayValue: this.textTransparency},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_OBJECT_COLOR, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-object-color', displayValue: this.textObjectColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_COMPLEMENTARY_COLOR, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-complementary-color', displayValue: this.textComplementaryColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_LINE_COLOR, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-line-color', displayValue: this.textLineColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_FILL_COLOR, iconCls: 'animation-emphasis-fill-color', displayValue: this.textFillColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_DISAPPEAR, iconCls: 'animation-exit-disappear', displayValue: this.textDisappear},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FADE, iconCls: 'animation-exit-fade', displayValue: this.textFade},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO, iconCls: 'animation-exit-fly-out', displayValue: this.textFlyOut},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLOAT_DOWN, iconCls: 'animation-exit-float-out', displayValue: this.textFloatOut, familyEffect: 'exitfloat'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT, iconCls: 'animation-exit-split', displayValue: this.textSplit},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM, iconCls: 'animation-exit-wipe', displayValue: this.textWipe},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE, iconCls: 'animation-exit-shape', displayValue: this.textShape, familyEffect: 'shape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL, iconCls: 'animation-exit-wheel', displayValue: this.textWheel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_RANDOM_BARS, iconCls: 'animation-exit-random-bars', displayValue: this.textRandomBars},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SHRINK_AND_TURN, iconCls: 'animation-exit-shrink-turn', displayValue: this.textShrinkTurn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_ZOOM, iconCls: 'animation-exit-zoom', displayValue: this.textZoom},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SWIVEL, iconCls: 'animation-exit-swivel', displayValue: this.textSwivel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOUNCE, iconCls: 'animation-exit-bounce', displayValue: this.textBounce},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.MOTION_DOWN, iconCls: 'animation-motion-paths-lines', displayValue: this.textLines, familyEffect: 'pathlines'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_DOWN, iconCls: 'animation-motion-paths-arcs', displayValue: this.textArcs, familyEffect: 'patharcs'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_DOWN, iconCls: 'animation-motion-paths-turns', displayValue: this.textTurns, familyEffect: 'pathturns'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CIRCLE, iconCls: 'animation-motion-paths-shapes', displayValue: this.textShapes, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.MOTION_HORIZONTAL_FIGURE_8_FOUR, iconCls: 'animation-motion-paths-loops', displayValue: this.textLoops, familyEffect: 'pathloops'}//,
//{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CUSTOM_PATH, iconCls: 'animation-motion-paths-custom-path', displayValue: this.textCustomPath}
getLevelEffect: function (isPath) {
if (!isPath)
return [
{id: 'menu-effect-level-basic', displayValue: this.textBasic},
{id: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', displayValue: this.textSubtle},
{id: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', displayValue: this.textModerate},
{id: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', displayValue: this.textExciting}
return [
{id: 'menu-effect-level-basic', displayValue: this.textBasic},
{id: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', displayValue: this.textSubtle},
{id: 'menu-effect-level-special', displayValue: this.textModerate}
getEffectFullData: function () {
return [
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_APPEAR, displayValue: this.textAppear},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BLINDS, displayValue: this.textBlinds},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOX, displayValue: this.textBox, familyEffect: 'entrshape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CHECKERBOARD, displayValue: this.textCheckerboard},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CIRCLE, displayValue: this.textCircle, familyEffect: 'entrshape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_DIAMOND, displayValue: this.textDiamond, familyEffect: 'entrshape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_DISSOLVE_IN, displayValue: this.textDissolveIn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM, displayValue: this.textFlyIn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PEEK_IN_FROM, displayValue: this.textPeekIn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PLUS, displayValue: this.textPlus, familyEffect: 'entrshape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_RANDOM_BARS, displayValue: this.textRandomBars},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT, displayValue: this.textSplit},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRIPS, displayValue: this.textStrips},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WEDGE, displayValue: this.textWedge},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL, displayValue: this.textWheel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WIPE_FROM, displayValue: this.textWipe},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_EXPAND, displayValue: this.textExpand},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FADE, displayValue: this.textFade},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SWIVEL, displayValue: this.textSwivel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_ZOOM, displayValue: this.textZoom},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM, displayValue: this.textBasicZoom},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CENTER_REVOLVE, displayValue: this.textCenterRevolve},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CENTER_COMPRESS, displayValue: this.textCompress},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLOAT_DOWN, displayValue: this.textFloatDown, familyEffect: 'entrfloat'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLOAT_UP, displayValue: this.textFloatUp, familyEffect: 'entrfloat'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_GROW_AND_TURN, displayValue: this.textGrowTurn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_RISE_UP, displayValue: this.textRiseUp},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPINNER, displayValue: this.textSpinner},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRETCH, displayValue: this.textStretch},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_SWIVEL, displayValue: this.textBasicSwivel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOOMERANG, displayValue: this.textBoomerang},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOUNCE, displayValue: this.textBounce},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CREDITS, displayValue: this.textCredits},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CURVE_UP, displayValue: this.textCuverUp},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_DROP, displayValue: this.textDrop},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLIP, displayValue: this.textFlip},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLOAT, displayValue: this.textFloat},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PINWHEEL, displayValue: this.textPinwheel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPIRAL_IN, displayValue: this.textSpiralIn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-entrance', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHIP, displayValue: this.textWhip},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_FILL_COLOR, displayValue: this.textFillColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_GROW_SHRINK, displayValue: this.textGrowShrink},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_FONT_COLOR, displayValue: this.textFontColor, notsupported: true},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_LINE_COLOR, displayValue: this.textLineColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_SPIN, displayValue: this.textSpin},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_TRANSPARENCY, displayValue: this.textTransparency},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_BOLD_FLASH, displayValue: this.textBoldFlash, notsupported: true},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_COMPLEMENTARY_COLOR, displayValue: this.textComplementaryColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_COMPLEMENTARY_COLOR_2, displayValue: this.textComplementaryColor2},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_CONTRASTING_COLOR, displayValue: this.textContrastingColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_CONTRASTING_DARKEN, displayValue: this.textDarken},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_DESATURATE, displayValue: this.textDesaturate},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_LIGHTEN, displayValue: this.textLighten},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_OBJECT_COLOR, displayValue: this.textObjectColor},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_PULSE, displayValue: this.textPulse},
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{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_GROW_WITH_COLOR, displayValue: this.textGrowWithColor},
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{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_TEETER, displayValue: this.textTeeter},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_BLINK, displayValue: this.textBlink},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_BOLD_REVEAL, displayValue: this.textBoldReveal, notsupported: true},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-emphasis', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EMPHASIS_WAVE, displayValue: this.textWave, notsupported: true},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BLINDS, displayValue: this.textBlinds},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOX, displayValue: this.textBox, familyEffect: 'shape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CHECKERBOARD, displayValue: this.textCheckerboard},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE, displayValue: this.textCircle, familyEffect: 'shape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_DIAMOND, displayValue: this.textDiamond, familyEffect: 'shape'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_DISAPPEAR, displayValue: this.textDisappear},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_DISSOLVE_OUT, displayValue: this.textDissolveOut},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO, displayValue: this.textFlyOut},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_PEEK_OUT_TO, displayValue: this.textPeekOut},
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{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_RANDOM_BARS, displayValue: this.textRandomBars},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT, displayValue: this.textSplit},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_STRIPS, displayValue: this.textStrips},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_WEDGE, displayValue: this.textWedge},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL, displayValue: this.textWheel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM, displayValue: this.textWipe},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CONTRACT, displayValue: this.textContrast},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FADE, displayValue: this.textFade},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SWIVEL, displayValue: this.textSwivel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-subtle', value: AscFormat.EXIT_ZOOM, displayValue: this.textZoom},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM, displayValue: this.textBasicZoom},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CENTER_REVOLVE, displayValue: this.textCenterRevolve},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE, displayValue: this.textCollapse},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLOAT_DOWN, displayValue: this.textFloatDown, familyEffect: 'exitfloat'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLOAT_UP, displayValue: this.textFloatUp, familyEffect: 'exitfloat'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SHRINK_AND_TURN, displayValue: this.textShrinkTurn},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SINK_DOWN, displayValue: this.textSinkDown},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPINNER, displayValue: this.textSpinner},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-moderate', value: AscFormat.EXIT_STRETCHY, displayValue: this.textStretch},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_SWIVEL, displayValue: this.textBasicSwivel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOOMERANG, displayValue: this.textBoomerang},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOUNCE, displayValue: this.textBounce},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CREDITS, displayValue: this.textCredits},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_CURVE_DOWN, displayValue: this.textCurveDown},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_DROP, displayValue: this.textDrop},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLIP, displayValue: this.textFlip},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLOAT, displayValue: this.textFloat},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_PINWHEEL, displayValue: this.textPinwheel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPIRAL_OUT, displayValue: this.textSpiralOut},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-exit', level: 'menu-effect-level-exciting', value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHIP, displayValue: this.textWhip},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PATH_4_POINT_STAR, displayValue: this.textPointStar4},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PATH_5_POINT_STAR, displayValue: this.textPointStar5},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PATH_6_POINT_STAR, displayValue: this.textPointStar6},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PATH_8_POINT_STAR, displayValue: this.textPointStar8},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CIRCLE, displayValue: this.textCircle, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CRESCENT_MOON, displayValue: this.textCrescentMoon},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_DIAMOND, displayValue: this.textDiamond, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_EQUAL_TRIANGLE, displayValue: this.textEqualTriangle, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_FOOTBALL, displayValue: this.textFootball},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_HEART, displayValue: this.textHeart},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_HEXAGON, displayValue: this.textHexagon, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_OCTAGON, displayValue: this.textOctagon, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PARALLELOGRAM, displayValue: this.textParallelogram, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PENTAGON, displayValue: this.textPentagon, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_RIGHT_TRIANGLE, displayValue: this.textRightTriangle, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_SQUARE, displayValue: this.textSquare, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TEARDROP, displayValue: this.textTeardrop},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-basic', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TRAPEZOID, displayValue: this.textTrapezoid, familyEffect: 'pathshapes'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_DOWN, displayValue: this.textArcDown, familyEffect: 'patharcs'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_LEFT, displayValue: this.textArcLeft, familyEffect: 'patharcs'},
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{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_UP, displayValue: this.textArcUp, familyEffect: 'patharcs'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_BOUNCE_LEFT, displayValue: this.textBounceLeft},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_BOUNCE_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textBounceRight},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CURVY_LEFT, displayValue: this.textCurvyLeft},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CURVY_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textCurvyRight},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_DECAYING_WAVE, displayValue: this.textDecayingWave},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_DIAGONAL_DOWN_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textDiagonalDownRight},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_DIAGONAL_UP_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textDiagonalUpRight},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_DOWN, displayValue: this.textDown, familyEffect: 'pathlines'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_FUNNEL, displayValue: this.textFunnel},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_HEARTBEAT, displayValue: this.textHeartbeat},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_LEFT, displayValue: this.textLeft, familyEffect: 'pathlines'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textRight, familyEffect: 'pathlines'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_S_CURVE_1, displayValue: this.textSCurve1},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_S_CURVE_2, displayValue: this.textSCurve2},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_SINE_WAVE, displayValue: this.textSineWave},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_SINE_SPIRAL_LEFT, displayValue: this.textSpiralLeft},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_SINE_SPIRAL_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textSpiralRight},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_SPRING, displayValue: this.textSpring},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_STAIRS_DOWN, displayValue: this.textStairsDown},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_DOWN, displayValue: this.textTurnDown, familyEffect: 'pathturns'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_DOWN_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textTurnDownRight, familyEffect: 'pathturns'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_UP, displayValue: this.textTurnUp, familyEffect: 'pathturns'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_UP_RIGHT, displayValue: this.textTurnUpRight, familyEffect: 'pathturns'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_UP, displayValue: this.textUp, familyEffect: 'pathlines'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_WAVE, displayValue: this.textWave},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-lines_curves', value: AscFormat.MOTION_ZIGZAG, displayValue: this.textZigzag},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_BEAN, displayValue: this.textBean},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CURVED_SQUARE, displayValue: this.textCurvedSquare},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CURVED_X, displayValue: this.textCurvedX},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_CURVY_STAR, displayValue: this.textCurvyStar},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_FIGURE_8_FOUR, displayValue: this.textFigureFour},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_HORIZONTAL_FIGURE_8_FOUR, displayValue: this.textHorizontalFigure, familyEffect: 'pathloops'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_INVERTED_SQUARE, displayValue: this.textInvertedSquare},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_INVERTED_TRIANGLE, displayValue: this.textInvertedTriangle},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_LOOP_DE_LOOP, displayValue: this.textLoopDeLoop, familyEffect: 'pathloops'},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_NEUTRON, displayValue: this.textNeutron},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_PEANUT, displayValue: this.textPeanut},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_POINTY_STAR, displayValue: this.textPointStar},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_SWOOSH, displayValue: this.textSwoosh},
{group: 'menu-effect-group-path', level: 'menu-effect-level-special', value: AscFormat.MOTION_VERTICAL_FIGURE_8, displayValue: this.textVerticalFigure, familyEffect: 'pathloops'}
getEffectOptionsData: function (group, type) {
switch (group) {
case 'menu-effect-group-entrance':
switch (type) {
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BLINDS_HORIZONTAL, caption: this.textHorizontal, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BLINDS_VERTICAL, caption: this.textVertical}
case AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOX:
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOX_IN, caption: this.textIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOX_OUT, caption: this.textOut}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CHECKERBOARD_ACROSS, caption: this.textAcross, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CHECKERBOARD_DOWN, caption: this.textDown}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CIRCLE_IN, caption: this.textIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CIRCLE_OUT, caption: this.textOut}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_DIAMOND_IN, caption: this.textIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_DIAMOND_OUT, caption: this.textOut}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_BOTTOM, caption: this.textFromBottom, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_BOTTOM_LEFT, caption: this.textFromBottomLeft},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_LEFT, caption: this.textFromLeft},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_TOP_LEFT, caption: this.textFromTopLeft},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_TOP, caption: this.textFromTop},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_TOP_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromTopRight},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromRight},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLY_IN_FROM_BOTTOM_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromBottomRight}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PEEK_IN_FROM_BOTTOM, caption: this.textFromBottom, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PEEK_IN_FROM_LEFT, caption: this.textFromLeft},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PEEK_IN_FROM_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromRight},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PEEK_IN_FROM_TOP, caption: this.textFromTop}
case AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PLUS:
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PLUS_IN, caption: this.textIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PLUS_OUT, caption: this.textOut}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_RANDOM_BARS_HORIZONTAL, caption: this.textHorizontal, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_RANDOM_BARS_VERTICAL, caption: this.textVertical}
case AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT:
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_IN, caption: this.textHorizontalIn},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_OUT, caption: this.textHorizontalOut},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT_VERTICAL_IN, caption: this.textVerticalIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_SPLIT_VERTICAL_OUT, caption: this.textVerticalOut}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRIPS_LEFT_DOWN, caption: this.textLeftDown, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRIPS_LEFT_UP, caption: this.textLeftUp},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRIPS_RIGHT_DOWN, caption: this.textRightDown},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRIPS_RIGHT_UP, caption: this.textRightUp}
case AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL:
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL_1_SPOKE, caption: this.textSpoke1, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL_2_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke2},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL_3_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke3},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL_4_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke4},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WHEEL_8_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke8}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WIPE_FROM_BOTTOM, caption: this.textFromBottom, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WIPE_FROM_LEFT, caption: this.textFromLeft},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WIPE_FROM_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromRight},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_WIPE_FROM_TOP, caption: this.textFromTop}
case AscFormat.ENTRANCE_ZOOM:
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_ZOOM_OBJECT_CENTER, caption: this.textObjectCenter, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_ZOOM_SLIDE_CENTER, caption: this.textSlideCenter}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM_IN, caption: this.textIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM_IN_FROM_SCREEN_CENTER, caption: this.textInFromScreenCenter},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM_IN_SLIGHTLY, caption: this.textInSlightly},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM_OUT, caption: this.textOut},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM_OUT_FROM_SCREEN_BOTTOM, caption: this.textOutFromScreenBottom},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_ZOOM_OUT_SLIGHTLY, caption: this.textOutSlightly}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRETCH_ACROSS, caption: this.textAcross, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRETCH_FROM_BOTTOM, caption: this.textFromBottom},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRETCH_FROM_LEFT, caption: this.textFromLeft},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRETCH_FROM_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromRight},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_STRETCH_FROM_TOP, caption: this.textFromTop}
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_SWIVEL_HORIZONTAL, caption: this.textHorizontal, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BASIC_SWIVEL_VERTICAL, caption: this.textVertical}
return undefined;
case 'menu-effect-group-exit':
switch (type){
case AscFormat.EXIT_BLINDS:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BLINDS_HORIZONTAL, caption: this.textHorizontal, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BLINDS_VERTICAL, caption: this.textVertical}
case AscFormat.EXIT_BOX:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOX_IN, caption: this.textIn},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOX_OUT, caption: this.textOut, defvalue: true}
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_CHECKERBOARD_ACROSS, caption: this.textAcross, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE_OUT, caption: this.textUp}
case AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE_IN, caption: this.textIn},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE_OUT, caption: this.textOut, defvalue: true}
case AscFormat.EXIT_DIAMOND:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_DIAMOND_IN, caption: this.textIn},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_DIAMOND_OUT, caption: this.textOut, defvalue: true}
case AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_BOTTOM, caption: this.textToBottom, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_BOTTOM_LEFT, caption: this.textToBottomLeft},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_LEFT, caption: this.textToLeft},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_TOP_LEFT, caption: this.textToTopLeft},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_TOP, caption: this.textToTop},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_TOP_RIGHT, caption: this.textToTopRight},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_RIGHT, caption: this.textToRight},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLY_OUT_TO_BOTTOM_RIGHT, caption: this.textToBottomRight}
case AscFormat.EXIT_PEEK_OUT_TO:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PEEK_OUT_TO_BOTTOM, caption: this.textToBottom, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PEEK_OUT_TO_LEFT, caption: this.textToLeft},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PEEK_OUT_TO_RIGHT, caption: this.textToRight},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PEEK_OUT_TO_TOP, caption: this.textToTop}
case AscFormat.EXIT_PLUS:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PLUS_IN, caption: this.textIn},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PLUS_OUT, caption: this.textOut, defvalue: true}
case AscFormat.EXIT_RANDOM_BARS:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_RANDOM_BARS_HORIZONTAL, caption: this.textHorizontal, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_RANDOM_BARS_VERTICAL, caption: this.textVertical}
case AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_IN, caption: this.textHorizontalIn},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL_OUT, caption: this.textHorizontalOut},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT_VERTICAL_IN, caption: this.textVerticalIn, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_SPLIT_VERTICAL_OUT, caption: this.textVerticalOut}
case AscFormat.EXIT_STRIPS:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_STRIPS_LEFT_DOWN, caption: this.textLeftDown, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_STRIPS_LEFT_UP, caption: this.textLeftUp},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_STRIPS_RIGHT_DOWN, caption: this.textRightDown},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_STRIPS_RIGHT_UP, caption: this.textRightUp}
case AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL_1_SPOKE, caption: this.textSpoke1, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL_2_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke2},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL_3_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke3},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL_4_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke4},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WHEEL_8_SPOKES, caption: this.textSpoke8}
case AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM_BOTTOM, caption: this.textFromBottom, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM_LEFT, caption: this.textFromLeft},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM_RIGHT, caption: this.textFromRight},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_WIPE_FROM_TOP, caption: this.textFromTop}
case AscFormat.EXIT_ZOOM:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_ZOOM_OBJECT_CENTER, caption: this.textObjectCenter, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_ZOOM_SLIDE_CENTER, caption: this.textSlideCenter}
case AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM_OUT, caption: this.textOut, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM_OUT_TO_SCREEN_CENTER, caption: this.textOutToScreenCenter},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM_OUT_SLIGHTLY, caption: this.textOutSlightly},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM_IN, caption: this.textIn},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM_IN_TO_SCREEN_BOTTOM, caption: this.textInToScreenBottom},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_ZOOM_IN_SLIGHTLY, caption: this.textInSlightly}
case AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE:
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE_ACROSS, caption: this.textAcross, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE_TO_BOTTOM, caption: this.textToBottom},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE_TO_LEFT, caption: this.textToLeft},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE_TO_RIGHT, caption: this.textToRight},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_COLLAPSE_TO_TOP, caption: this.textToTop}
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_SWIVEL_HORIZONTAL, caption: this.textHorizontal, defvalue: true},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BASIC_SWIVEL_VERTICAL, caption: this.textVertical}
return undefined;
return undefined;
getSimilarEffectsArray: function (group, familyEffect) {
switch (familyEffect){
case 'shape':
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_CIRCLE, caption: this.textCircle},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_BOX, caption: this.textBox},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_DIAMOND, caption: this.textDiamond},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_PLUS, caption: this.textPlus}
case 'entrshape':
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_CIRCLE, caption: this.textCircle},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_BOX, caption: this.textBox},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_DIAMOND, caption: this.textDiamond},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_PLUS, caption: this.textPlus}
case 'pathlines':
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_DOWN, caption: this.textDown},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_LEFT, caption: this.textLeft},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_RIGHT, caption: this.textRight},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_UP, caption: this.textUp}
case 'patharcs':
return [
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_DOWN, caption: this.textArcDown},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_LEFT, caption: this.textArcLeft},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_RIGHT, caption: this.textArcRight},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_ARC_UP, caption: this.textArcUp}
case 'pathturns':
return [
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_DOWN, caption: this.textTurnDown},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_DOWN_RIGHT, caption: this.textTurnDownRight},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_UP, caption: this.textTurnUp},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_TURN_UP_RIGHT, caption: this.textTurnUpRight}
case 'pathshapes':
return [
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_CIRCLE, caption: this.textCircle},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_DIAMOND, caption: this.textDiamond},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_EQUAL_TRIANGLE, caption: this.textEqualTriangle},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_HEXAGON, caption: this.textHexagon},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_OCTAGON, caption: this.textOctagon},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_PARALLELOGRAM, caption: this.textParallelogram},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_PENTAGON, caption: this.textPentagon},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_RIGHT_TRIANGLE, caption: this.textRightTriangle},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_SQUARE, caption: this.textSquare},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_TRAPEZOID, caption: this.textTrapezoid}
case 'pathloops':
return [
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_HORIZONTAL_FIGURE_8_FOUR, caption: this.textHorizontalFigure},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_VERTICAL_FIGURE_8, caption: this.textVerticalFigure},
{value: AscFormat.MOTION_LOOP_DE_LOOP, caption: this.textLoopDeLoop}
case 'entrfloat':
return [
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLOAT_UP, caption: this.textFloatUp},
{value: AscFormat.ENTRANCE_FLOAT_DOWN, caption: this.textFloatDown}
case 'exitfloat':
return [
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLOAT_UP, caption: this.textFloatUp},
{value: AscFormat.EXIT_FLOAT_DOWN, caption: this.textFloatDown}
return [];
})(), Common.define.effectData || {});

View file

@ -881,7 +881,7 @@ Common.Utils.lockControls = function(causes, lock, opts, defControls) {
opts.merge && (controls = _.union(defControls,controls));
function doLock(cmp, cause) {
if ( cmp && _.contains(cmp.options.lock, cause) ) {
if ( cmp && cmp.options && _.contains(cmp.options.lock, cause) ) {
var index = cmp.keepState.indexOf(cause);
if (lock) {
if (index < 0) {

View file

@ -325,6 +325,16 @@ define([ 'text!common/main/lib/template/AutoCorrectDialog.template',
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(me.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-numbered", checked);
this.chDoubleSpaces = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: panelAutoFormat.find('#id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-double-space'),
labelText: this.textDoubleSpaces,
value: Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-double-space")
}).on('change', function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
var checked = (field.getValue()==='checked');
Common.localStorage.setBool(me.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-double-space", checked);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(me.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-double-space", checked);
// AutoCorrect
this.chFLSentence = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $window.find('#id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-fl-sentence'),
@ -337,6 +347,17 @@ define([ 'text!common/main/lib/template/AutoCorrectDialog.template',
me.api.asc_SetAutoCorrectFirstLetterOfSentences && me.api.asc_SetAutoCorrectFirstLetterOfSentences(checked);
this.chFLCells = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
el: $window.find('#id-autocorrect-dialog-chk-fl-cells'),
labelText: this.textFLCells,
value: Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-fl-cells")
}).on('change', function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
var checked = (field.getValue()==='checked');
Common.localStorage.setBool(me.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-fl-cells", checked);
Common.Utils.InternalSettings.set(me.appPrefix + "settings-autoformat-fl-cells", checked);
me.api.asc_SetAutoCorrectFirstLetterOfCells && me.api.asc_SetAutoCorrectFirstLetterOfCells(checked);
this.btnsCategory[3].on('click', _.bind(this.onAutocorrectCategoryClick, this, false));
} else if (this.appPrefix=='sse-') {
this.chNewRows = new Common.UI.CheckBox({
@ -384,7 +405,7 @@ define([ 'text!common/main/lib/template/AutoCorrectDialog.template',
this.chHyperlink // 2 tab
arr = arr.concat(this.chNewRows ? [this.chNewRows] : [this.chQuotes, this.chHyphens, this.chBulleted, this.chNumbered]);
arr = arr.concat(this.chFLSentence ? [this.chFLSentence] : []);
arr = arr.concat(this.chFLSentence ? [this.chFLSentence, this.chFLCells] : []);
return arr;
@ -829,7 +850,9 @@ define([ 'text!common/main/lib/template/AutoCorrectDialog.template',
textNewRowCol: 'Include new rows and columns in table',
textAutoCorrect: 'AutoCorrect',
textFLSentence: 'Capitalize first letter of sentences',
textHyperlink: 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks'
textHyperlink: 'Internet and network paths with hyperlinks',
textFLCells: 'Capitalize first letter of table cells',
textDoubleSpaces: 'Add period with double-space'
}, Common.Views.AutoCorrectDialog || {}))

View file

@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ define([
this.txtMessage.on('keydown', _.bind(this._onKeyDown, this));
this.trigger('render:after', this);
return this;

View file

@ -377,7 +377,21 @@ define([
visible: this.appPrefix==='de-',
checked: Common.localStorage.getItem(this.appPrefix + "comments-sort") === 'position-desc',
toggleGroup: 'sortcomments'
caption: '--',
visible: false
this.menuFilterGroups = new Common.UI.MenuItem({
caption: this.mniFilterGroups,
checkable: false,
visible: false,
menu: new Common.UI.Menu({
menuAlign: 'tl-tr',
style: 'min-width: auto;',
items: []
@ -394,6 +408,7 @@ define([
this.buttonCancel.on('click', _.bind(this.onClickCancelDocumentComment, this));
this.buttonClose.on('click', _.bind(this.onClickClosePanel, this));'item:toggle', _.bind(this.onSortClick, this));'item:toggle', _.bind(this.onFilterGroupsClick, this));
this.txtComment = $('#comment-msg-new', this.el);
this.txtComment.keydown(function (event) {
@ -449,6 +464,11 @@ define([
btns.each(function(idx, item){
btns = $(view.el).find('.i-comment-resolved');
btns.tooltip({title: me.textViewResolved, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function(idx, item){
view.tipsArray = arr;
@ -472,7 +492,7 @@ define([
updateScrolls: function () {
if (this.commentsView && this.commentsView.scroller) {
this.commentsView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40, alwaysVisibleY: true});
this.commentsView.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.commentsView.minScrollbarLength, alwaysVisibleY: true});
@ -786,7 +806,7 @@ define([
pickEMail: function (commentId, message) {
var arr = Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message).match(/\B[@+][A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9._]+\.[A-Z]+\b/gi);
var arr = Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(message).match(/\B[@+][A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9._-]+\.[A-Z]+\b/gi);
arr =, function(str){
return str.slice(1, str.length);
@ -807,6 +827,10 @@ define([
state && this.fireEvent('comment:sort', [item.value]);
onFilterGroupsClick: function(menu, item, state) {
state && this.fireEvent('comment:filtergroups', [item.value]);
onClickClosePanel: function() {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('leftmenu:change', 'hide');
@ -833,6 +857,9 @@ define([
mniAuthorDesc: 'Author Z to A',
mniDateDesc: 'Newest',
mniDateAsc: 'Oldest',
textClosePanel: 'Close comments'
textClosePanel: 'Close comments',
textViewResolved: 'You have not permission for reopen comment',
mniFilterGroups: 'Filter by Group',
textAll: 'All'
}, Common.Views.Comments || {}))

View file

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ define([
labelText: this.textDontShow
this.getChild().find('.btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
this.getChild().find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));

View file

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ define([
me.inputLabel.setValue(this.options.value || '' );
var $window = this.getChild();
$window.find('.btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
show: function() {

View file

@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ define([
'<div class="separator horizontal"></div>',
'<div class="footer" style="text-align: center;">',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn disabled" result="cancel">' + this.textClose + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok" data-hint="1" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-merge-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel" data-hint="1" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' + this.textClose + '</button>',

View file

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* ExternalOleEditor.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 3/10/22
* Copyright (c) 2022 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function () { 'use strict';
Common.Views.ExternalOleEditor = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
initialize : function(options) {
var _options = {};
var _inner_height = Common.Utils.innerHeight() - Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get('window-inactive-area-top');
_.extend(_options, {
title: this.textTitle,
width: 910,
height: (_inner_height - 700)<0 ? _inner_height : 700,
cls: 'advanced-settings-dlg',
header: true,
toolclose: 'hide',
toolcallback: _.bind(this.onToolClose, this)
}, options);
this.template = [
'<div id="id-ole-editor-container" class="box" style="height:' + (_options.height-85) + 'px;">',
'<div id="id-ole-editor-placeholder" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"></div>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"></div>',
'<div class="footer" style="text-align: center;">',
'<button id="id-btn-ole-editor-apply" class="btn normal dlg-btn primary custom" result="ok" data-hint="1" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' + this.textSave + '</button>',
'<button id="id-btn-ole-editor-cancel" class="btn normal dlg-btn" result="cancel" data-hint="1" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' + this.textClose + '</button>',
_options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(_options);
this.handler = _options.handler;
this._oleData = null;
this._isNewOle = true;, _options);
render: function() {;
this.btnSave = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#id-btn-ole-editor-apply'),
disabled: true
this.btnCancel = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $('#id-btn-ole-editor-cancel')
this.$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onDlgBtnClick, this));
show: function() {
this.setPlaceholder();, arguments);
setOleData: function(data) {
this._oleData = data;
if (this._isExternalDocReady)
this.fireEvent('setoledata', this);
setEditMode: function(mode) {
this._isNewOle = !mode;
isEditMode: function() {
return !this._isNewOle;
setControlsDisabled: function(disable) {
(disable) ? this.$window.find('.tool.close').addClass('disabled') : this.$window.find('.tool.close').removeClass('disabled');
onDlgBtnClick: function(event) {
if ( this.handler ) {, event.currentTarget.attributes['result'].value);
onToolClose: function() {
if ( this.handler ) {, 'cancel');
setHeight: function(height) {
if (height >= 0) {
var min = parseInt(this.$window.css('min-height'));
height < min && (height = min);
var header_height = (this.initConfig.header) ? parseInt(this.$window.find('> .header').css('height')) : 0;
this.$window.find('> .body').css('height', height-header_height);
this.$window.find('> .body > .box').css('height', height-85);
var top = (Common.Utils.innerHeight() - Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get('window-inactive-area-top') - parseInt(height)) / 2;
var left = (Common.Utils.innerWidth() - parseInt(this.initConfig.width)) / 2;
this.$window.css('top', Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get('window-inactive-area-top') + top);
setPlaceholder: function(placeholder) {
this._placeholder = placeholder;
getPlaceholder: function() {
return this._placeholder;
textSave: 'Save & Exit',
textClose: 'Close',
textTitle: 'Spreadsheet Editor'
}, Common.Views.ExternalOleEditor || {}));

View file

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ define([
Common.Views.Header = Backbone.View.extend(_.extend(function(){
var storeUsers, appConfig;
var $userList, $panelUsers, $btnUsers;
var $userList, $panelUsers, $btnUsers, $btnUserName;
var _readonlyRights = false;
var templateUserItem =
@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ define([
var templateRightBox = '<section>' +
'<section id="box-doc-name">' +
// '<input type="text" id="rib-doc-name" spellcheck="false" data-can-copy="false" style="pointer-events: none;" disabled="disabled">' +
'<label id="rib-doc-name" />' +
//'<label id="rib-doc-name" />' +
'<input id="rib-doc-name" autofill="off" autocomplete="off"/></input>' +
'</section>' +
'<section style="display: inherit;">' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
@ -82,30 +83,36 @@ define([
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-hbtn-print"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-hbtn-download"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
'<div class="hedset" data-layout-name="header-users">' +
// '<span class="btn-slot text" id="slot-btn-users"></span>' +
'<section id="tlb-box-users" class="box-cousers dropdown"">' +
'<div class="btn-users" data-hint="0" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' +
'<i class="icon toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-users"></i>' +
'<label class="caption">&plus;</label>' +
'<section id="tlb-box-users" class="box-cousers dropdown">' +
'<div class="btn-users dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" data-hint="0" data-hint-direction="bottom" data-hint-offset="big">' +
'<div class="inner-box-icon">' +
'<svg class=""><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-users"></use></svg>' +
'</div>' +
'<label class="caption"></label>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="cousers-menu dropdown-menu">' +
'<label id="tlb-users-menu-descr"><%= tipUsers %></label>' +
'<div class="cousers-list"></div>' +
'<label id="tlb-change-rights" class="link"><%= txtAccessRights %></label>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-share"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-mode"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-back"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-favorite"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-options"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-user-name"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-current-user btn-header hidden">' +
'<i class="icon toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-user"></i>' +
// '<div class="btn-slot slot-btn-user-name"></div>' +
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-header slot-btn-user-name hidden">' +
'<div class="color-user-name"></div>' +
'</button>' +
'<div class="btn-current-user hidden">' +
'<div class="color-user-name"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</section>' +
@ -118,23 +125,32 @@ define([
var templateTitleBox = '<section id="box-document-title">' +
'<div class="extra"></div>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-save"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-save" data-layout-name="header-save"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-print"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-undo"></div>' +
'<div class="btn-slot" id="slot-btn-dt-redo"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="lr-separator" id="id-box-doc-name">' +
'<label id="title-doc-name" />' +
// '<label id="title-doc-name" /></label>' +
'<input id="title-doc-name" autofill="off" autocomplete="off"/></input>' +
'</div>' +
'<div class="hedset">' +
// '<div class="btn-slot slot-btn-user-name"></div>' +
'<button type="button" class="btn btn-header slot-btn-user-name hidden">' +
'<div class="color-user-name"></div>' +
'</button>' +
'<div class="btn-current-user hidden">' +
'<div class="color-user-name"></div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<label id="title-user-name"></label>' +
function onResetUsers(collection, opts) {
var usercount = collection.getEditingCount();
var usercount = collection.getVisibleEditingCount();
if ( $userList ) {
if ( usercount > 1 || usercount > 0 && appConfig && !appConfig.isEdit && !appConfig.isRestrictedEdit) {
if (usercount > 1 && appConfig && (appConfig.isEdit || appConfig.isRestrictedEdit)) {
users: collection.chain().filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view')}).groupBy(function(item) {return item.get('idOriginal');}).value(),
users: collection.chain().filter(function(item){return item.get('online') && !item.get('view') && !item.get('hidden')}).groupBy(function(item) {return item.get('idOriginal');}).value(),
usertpl: _.template(templateUserItem),
fnEncode: function(username) {
return Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(username));
@ -153,7 +169,7 @@ define([
applyUsers( usercount, collection.getEditingOriginalCount() );
applyUsers( usercount, collection.getVisibleEditingOriginalCount() );
function onUsersChanged(model) {
@ -163,63 +179,40 @@ define([
function applyUsers(count, originalCount) {
if (!$btnUsers) return;
var has_edit_users = count > 1 || count > 0 && appConfig && !appConfig.isEdit && !appConfig.isRestrictedEdit; // has other user(s) who edit document
var has_edit_users = count > 1 && appConfig && (appConfig.isEdit || appConfig.isRestrictedEdit); // has other user(s) who edit document
if ( has_edit_users ) {
.attr('data-toggle', 'dropdown')
.menu = true;
} else {
.menu = false;
$panelUsers[(!_readonlyRights && appConfig && (appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length || appConfig.canRequestSharingSettings)) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
.css({'font-size': ((has_edit_users) ? '12px' : '14px'),
'margin-top': ((has_edit_users) ? '0' : '-1px')})
.html((has_edit_users) ? originalCount : '&plus;');
var usertip = $'bs.tooltip');
if ( usertip ) {
usertip.options.title = (has_edit_users) ? usertip.options.titleExt : usertip.options.titleNorm;
function onLostEditRights() {
_readonlyRights = true;
$panelUsers && $panelUsers.find('#tlb-change-rights').hide();
$btnUsers && !$ && $panelUsers.hide();
this.btnShare && this.btnShare.setVisible(false);
function onUsersClick(e) {
if ( !$ ) {
} else {
var usertip = $'bs.tooltip');
if ( usertip ) {
if ( usertip.dontShow===undefined)
usertip.dontShow = true;
var usertip = $'bs.tooltip');
if ( usertip ) {
if ( usertip.dontShow===undefined)
usertip.dontShow = true;
function onAppShowed(config) {
//config.isCrypted =true; //delete fore merge!
if ( this.labelDocName ) {
if ( config.isCrypted ) {
this.labelDocName.attr({'style':'text-align: left;'});
'<div class="inner-box-icon crypted">' +
'<svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-crypted"></use></svg>' +
this.imgCrypted = this.labelDocName.parent().find('.crypted');
if (!config.isEdit || !config.customization || !config.customization.compactHeader) {
@ -250,6 +243,14 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('markfavorite', !me.options.favorite);
if (me.btnShare) {
me.btnShare.on('click', function (e) {
me.btnShare.setVisible(!_readonlyRights && appConfig && (appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl && appConfig.sharingSettingsUrl.length || appConfig.canRequestSharingSettings));
if ( me.logo )
me.logo.children(0).on('click', function (e) {
var _url = !!me.branding && !!me.branding.logo && (me.branding.logo.url!==undefined) ?
@ -270,35 +271,18 @@ define([
.on('click', function(e) { return false; });
var editingUsers = storeUsers.getEditingCount();
var editingUsers = storeUsers.getVisibleEditingCount();
title: (editingUsers > 1 || editingUsers>0 && !appConfig.isEdit && !appConfig.isRestrictedEdit) ? me.tipViewUsers : me.tipAccessRights,
titleNorm: me.tipAccessRights,
titleExt: me.tipViewUsers,
title: me.tipUsers,
placement: 'bottom',
html: true
$btnUsers.on('click', onUsersClick.bind(me));
var $labelChangeRights = $panelUsers.find('#tlb-change-rights');
$labelChangeRights.on('click', function(e) {
$labelChangeRights[(!mode.isOffline && (mode.sharingSettingsUrl && mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length || mode.canRequestSharingSettings))?'show':'hide']();
$panelUsers[(editingUsers > 1 || editingUsers > 0 && !appConfig.isEdit && !appConfig.isRestrictedEdit || !mode.isOffline && (mode.sharingSettingsUrl && mode.sharingSettingsUrl.length || mode.canRequestSharingSettings)) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
$panelUsers[(editingUsers > 1 && appConfig && (appConfig.isEdit || appConfig.isRestrictedEdit)) ? 'show' : 'hide']();
if (appConfig.user.guest && appConfig.canRenameAnonymous) {
if (me.labelUserName) {
me.labelUserName.on('click', function (e) {
} else if (me.btnUserName) {
if (me.btnUserName) {
me.btnUserName.on('click', function (e) {
@ -348,9 +332,18 @@ define([
if ( me.btnOptions )
function onFocusDocName(e){
var me = this;
me.imgCrypted && me.imgCrypted.attr('hidden', true);
me.isSaveDocName =false;
if(me.withoutExt) return;
var name = me.cutDocName(me.labelDocName.val());
me.withoutExt = true;
function onDocNameKeyDown(e) {
@ -359,7 +352,8 @@ define([
var name = me.labelDocName.val();
if ( e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.RETURN ) {
name = name.trim();
if ( !_.isEmpty(name) && me.documentCaption !== name ) {
me.isSaveDocName =true;
if ( !_.isEmpty(name) && me.cutDocName(me.documentCaption) !== name ) {
if ( /[\t*\+:\"<>?|\\\\/]/gim.test(name) ) {
_.defer(function() {
@ -367,29 +361,34 @@ define([
, callback: function() {
_.delay(function() {
me.isSaveDocName =true;
}, 50);
} else {
} else
if(me.withoutExt) {
name = me.cutDocName(name);
me.options.wopi ? me.api.asc_wopi_renameFile(name) : Common.Gateway.requestRename(name);
name += me.fileExtention;
me.withoutExt = false;
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me);
} else {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me);
} else
if ( e.keyCode == Common.UI.Keys.ESC ) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this);
} else {
me.labelDocName.attr('size', name.length > 10 ? name.length : 10);
me.labelDocName.attr('size', name.length + me.fileExtention.length > 10 ? name.length + me.fileExtention.length : 10);
function onContentThemeChangedToDark(isdark) {
return {
options: {
branding: {},
@ -419,7 +418,6 @@ define([
id: 'btn-goback',
cls: 'btn-header',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-goback',
split: true,
dataHint: '0',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big'
@ -432,17 +430,6 @@ define([
reset : onResetUsers
me.btnOptions = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-header no-caret',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-ic-options',
menu: true,
dataHint: '0',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big'
me.mnuZoom = {options: {value: 100}};
me.btnFavorite = new Common.UI.Button({
id: 'btn-favorite',
cls: 'btn-header',
@ -454,10 +441,9 @@ define([
'app:ready': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onAppReady, me, mode);},
'app:face': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onAppShowed, me, mode);}
'app:face': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onAppShowed, me, mode);},
'collaboration:sharingdeny': function(mode) {Common.Utils.asyncCall(onLostEditRights, me, mode);}
Common.NotificationCenter.on('collaboration:sharingdeny', onLostEditRights);
Common.NotificationCenter.on('contenttheme:dark', onContentThemeChangedToDark.bind(this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('uitheme:changed', this.changeLogo.bind(this));
@ -498,13 +484,13 @@ define([
if ( role == 'right' ) {
var $html = $(_.template(templateRightBox)({
tipUsers: this.labelCoUsersDescr,
txtAccessRights: this.txtAccessRights
textShare: this.textShare
if ( !me.labelDocName ) {
me.labelDocName = $html.find('#rib-doc-name');
if ( me.documentCaption ) {
} else {
@ -538,22 +524,43 @@ define([
if ( config.canEdit && config.canRequestEditRights )
this.btnEdit = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-edit', $html.findById('#slot-hbtn-edit'), undefined, 'bottom', 'big');
if (!config.isEdit || config.customization && !!config.customization.compactHeader) {
if (config.user.guest && config.canRenameAnonymous)
me.btnUserName = createTitleButton('toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-user', $html.findById('#slot-btn-user-name'), undefined, 'bottom', 'big' );
else {
if (config.user.guest && config.canRenameAnonymous) {
me.btnUserName = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $html.findById('.slot-btn-user-name'),
cls: 'btn-header',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big',
visible: true
} else {
me.elUserName = $html.find('.btn-current-user');
$btnUserName = $html.find('.color-user-name');
if (!_readonlyRights && config && (config.sharingSettingsUrl && config.sharingSettingsUrl.length || config.canRequestSharingSettings)) {
me.btnShare = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-header btn-header-share',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon icon--inverse btn-users-share',
caption: me.textShare,
dataHint: '0',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big'
} else {
$userList = $html.find('.cousers-list');
$panelUsers = $html.find('.box-cousers');
$btnUsers = $html.find('.btn-users');
$btnUsers = $panelUsers.find('> .btn-users');
return $html;
} else
@ -562,9 +569,25 @@ define([
!!me.labelDocName && me.labelDocName.hide().off(); // hide document title if it was created in right box
me.labelDocName = $html.find('#title-doc-name');
me.labelDocName.text( me.documentCaption );
me.labelDocName.val( me.documentCaption );
me.options.wopi && me.labelDocName.attr('maxlength', me.options.wopi.FileNameMaxLength);
me.labelUserName = $('> #title-user-name', $html);
if (config.user.guest && config.canRenameAnonymous) {
me.btnUserName = new Common.UI.Button({
el: $html.findById('.slot-btn-user-name'),
cls: 'btn-header',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'big',
visible: true
else {
me.elUserName = $html.find('.btn-current-user');
$btnUserName = $html.find('.color-user-name');
if ( config.canPrint && config.isEdit ) {
@ -628,14 +651,17 @@ define([
!value && (value = '');
this.documentCaption = value;
var idx = this.documentCaption.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx>0)
this.fileExtention = this.documentCaption.substring(idx);
this.isModified && (value += '*');
if ( this.labelDocName ) {
this.labelDocName.text( value );
this.labelDocName.val( value );
// this.labelDocName.attr('size', value.length);
return value;
@ -649,7 +675,7 @@ define([
var _name = this.documentCaption;
changed && (_name += '*');
setCanBack: function (value, text) {
@ -679,7 +705,7 @@ define([
setCanRename: function (rename) {
rename = false;
//rename = true; //comment out for merge
var me = this;
me.options.canRename = rename;
@ -693,8 +719,20 @@ define([
'keydown': onDocNameKeyDown.bind(this),
'focus': onFocusDocName.bind(this),
'blur': function (e) {
me.imgCrypted && me.imgCrypted.attr('hidden', false);
if(!me.isSaveDocName) {
me.withoutExt = false;
'paste': function (e) {
setTimeout(function() {
var name = me.cutDocName(me.labelDocName.val());
me.labelDocName.attr('size', name.length + me.fileExtention.length > 10 ? name.length + me.fileExtention.length : 10);
@ -711,24 +749,25 @@ define([
setUserName: function(name) {
if ( !!this.labelUserName ) {
if ( !!name ) {
} else this.labelUserName.hide();
} else {
this.options.userName = name;
if ( this.btnUserName ) {
} else if (this.elUserName) {
title: Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(name),
placement: 'cursor',
html: true
cutDocName: function(name) {
if(name.length <= this.fileExtention.length) return;
var idx =name.length - this.fileExtention.length;
return (name.substring(idx) == this.fileExtention) ? name.substring(0, idx) : name ;
setUserName: function(name) {
this.options.userName = name;
if ( this.btnUserName ) {
} else if (this.elUserName) {
title: Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(name),
placement: 'cursor',
html: true
$btnUserName && $btnUserName.text(this.getInitials(name));
return this;
@ -737,24 +776,23 @@ define([
return this.btnSave;
else if (type == 'users')
return $panelUsers;
else if (type == 'share')
return this.btnShare;
lockHeaderBtns: function (alias, lock) {
var me = this;
if ( alias == 'users' ) {
if ( lock )
$btnUsers.addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); else
if ( lock ) {
$btnUsers.addClass('disabled').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
} else {
if (me.btnShare) {
} else if ( alias == 'rename-user' ) {
if (me.labelUserName) {
if ( lock ) {
} else {
} else if (me.btnUserName) {
if (me.btnUserName) {
} else {
@ -775,20 +813,21 @@ define([
switch ( alias ) {
case 'undo': _lockButton(me.btnUndo); break;
case 'redo': _lockButton(me.btnRedo); break;
case 'opts': _lockButton(me.btnOptions); break;
default: break;
fakeMenuItem: function() {
return {
conf: {checked: false, disabled: false},
setChecked: function (val) { this.conf.checked = val; },
isChecked: function () { return this.conf.checked; },
setDisabled: function (val) { this.conf.disabled = val; },
isDisabled: function () { return this.conf.disabled; }
getInitials: function(name) {
var fio = name.split(' ');
var initials = fio[0].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
for (var i = fio.length-1; i>0; i--) {
if (fio[i][0]!=='(' && fio[i][0]!==')') {
initials += fio[i].substring(0, 1).toUpperCase();
return initials;
textBack: 'Go to Documents',
@ -797,6 +836,7 @@ define([
tipAccessRights: 'Manage document access rights',
labelCoUsersDescr: 'Document is currently being edited by several users.',
tipViewUsers: 'View users and manage document access rights',
tipUsers: 'View users',
tipDownload: 'Download file',
tipPrint: 'Print file',
tipGoEdit: 'Edit current file',
@ -811,7 +851,8 @@ define([
tipViewSettings: 'View Settings',
textRemoveFavorite: 'Remove from Favorites',
textAddFavorite: 'Mark as favorite',
textHideNotes: 'Hide Notes'
textHideNotes: 'Hide Notes',
textShare: 'Share'
}(), Common.Views.Header || {}))

View file

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ define([
for(var i=1; i<revisions.length; i++)
revisions[i].set('isVisible', isExpanded);
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: 40});
this.scroller.update({minScrollbarLength: this.minScrollbarLength});
} else, view, record, e);
me.btnExpand.cmpEl.text(me.storeHistory.hasCollapsed() ? me.textShowAll : me.textHideAll);

View file

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ define([
var $window = this.getChild();
$window.find('.btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
show: function() {

View file

@ -183,6 +183,8 @@ define([
_options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(_options);
this._previewTdWidth = [];
this._previewTdMaxLength = 0;, _options);
render: function () {
@ -200,10 +202,11 @@ define([
this.previewInner = this.previewScrolled.find('div:first-child');
if (this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.DRM) {
this.inputPwd = new Common.UI.InputField({
this.inputPwd = new Common.UI.InputFieldBtnPassword({
el: $('#id-password-txt'),
type: 'password',
validateOnBlur: false,
showPwdOnClick: true,
validation : function(value) {
return me.txtIncorrectPwd;
@ -291,10 +294,12 @@ define([
var decimal = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.decimal : undefined,
thousands = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.thousands : undefined;
thousands = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.thousands : undefined,
qualifier = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.qualifier : '"';
var options = new Asc.asc_CTextOptions(encoding, delimiter, delimiterChar);
decimal && options.asc_setNumberDecimalSeparator(decimal);
thousands && options.asc_setNumberGroupSeparator(thousands);
qualifier && options.asc_setTextQualifier(qualifier);, state, {
textOptions: options,
range: this.txtDestRange ? this.txtDestRange.getValue() : '',
@ -414,36 +419,32 @@ define([
updatePreview: function() {
this._previewTdWidth = [];
this._previewTdMaxLength = 0;
var encoding = (this.cmbEncoding && !this.cmbEncoding.isDisabled()) ? this.cmbEncoding.getValue() :
((this.settings && this.settings.asc_getCodePage()) ? this.settings.asc_getCodePage() : 0);
var delimiter = this.cmbDelimiter ? this.cmbDelimiter.getValue() : null,
delimiterChar = (delimiter == -1) ? this.inputDelimiter.getValue() : null;
(delimiter == -1) && (delimiter = null);
var options = new Asc.asc_CTextOptions(encoding, delimiter, delimiterChar);
if (this.separatorOptions) {
switch (this.type) {
case Common.Utils.importTextType.CSV:
this.api.asc_decodeBuffer(this.preview, new Asc.asc_CTextOptions(encoding, delimiter, delimiterChar), _.bind(this.previewCallback, this));
case Common.Utils.importTextType.TXT:
this.api.asc_decodeBuffer(this.preview, new Asc.asc_CTextOptions(encoding), _.bind(this.previewCallback, this));
case Common.Utils.importTextType.Data:
this.api.asc_decodeBuffer(this.preview, options, _.bind(this.previewCallback, this));
case Common.Utils.importTextType.Paste:
case Common.Utils.importTextType.Columns:
var options = new Asc.asc_CTextOptions(encoding, delimiter, delimiterChar);
if (this.separatorOptions) {
this.api.asc_TextImport(options, _.bind(this.previewCallback, this), this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.Paste);
case Common.Utils.importTextType.Data:
var options = new Asc.asc_CTextOptions(encoding, delimiter, delimiterChar);
if (this.separatorOptions) {
this.api.asc_decodeBuffer(this.preview, options, _.bind(this.previewCallback, this));
@ -488,17 +489,28 @@ define([
if (this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.CSV || this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.Paste || this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.Columns || this.type == Common.Utils.importTextType.Data) {
var maxlength = 0;
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
if (data[i].length>maxlength)
maxlength = data[i].length;
var str = data[i] || '';
if (str.length>maxlength)
maxlength = str.length;
this._previewTdMaxLength = Math.max(this._previewTdMaxLength, maxlength);
var tpl = '<table>';
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
var str = data[i] || '';
tpl += '<tr style="vertical-align: top;">';
for (var j=0; j<data[i].length; j++) {
tpl += '<td>' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(data[i][j]) + '</td>';
for (var j=0; j<str.length; j++) {
var style = '';
if (i==0 && this._previewTdWidth[j]) { // set td style only for first tr
style = 'style="min-width:' + this._previewTdWidth[j] + 'px;"';
tpl += '<td '+ style +'>' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(str[j]) + '</td>';
for (j=data[i].length; j<maxlength; j++) {
tpl += '<td></td>';
for (j=str.length; j<this._previewTdMaxLength; j++) {
var style = '';
if (i==0 && this._previewTdWidth[j]) { // set td style only for first tr
style = 'style="min-width:' + this._previewTdWidth[j] + 'px;"';
tpl += '<td '+ style +'></td>';
tpl += '</tr>';
@ -506,12 +518,21 @@ define([
} else {
var tpl = '<table>';
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
tpl += '<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(data[i]) + '</td></tr>';
var str = data[i] || '';
tpl += '<tr style="vertical-align: top;"><td>' + Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(str) + '</td></tr>';
tpl += '</table>';
if (data.length>0) {
var me = this;
(this._previewTdWidth.length===0) && this.previewScrolled.scrollLeft(0);
this.previewPanel.find('tr:first td').each(function(index, el){
me._previewTdWidth[index] = Math.max(Math.max(Math.ceil($(el).outerWidth()), 30), me._previewTdWidth[index] || 0);
this.scrollerX = new Common.UI.Scroller({
el: this.previewPanel,
suppressScrollY: true,
@ -522,7 +543,9 @@ define([
onCmbDelimiterSelect: function(combo, record){
this.inputDelimiter.setVisible(record.value == -1);
(record.value == -1) && this.inputDelimiter.cmpEl.find('input').focus();
var me = this;
if (record.value == -1)
setTimeout(function(){me.inputDelimiter.focus();}, 10);
if (this.preview)
@ -535,19 +558,23 @@ define([
if (!SSE) return;
var me = this,
decimal = this.api.asc_getDecimalSeparator(),
thousands = this.api.asc_getGroupSeparator();
decimal = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.decimal : this.api.asc_getDecimalSeparator(),
thousands = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.thousands : this.api.asc_getGroupSeparator(),
qualifier = this.separatorOptions ? this.separatorOptions.qualifier : (this.settings || (new Asc.asc_CTextOptions())).asc_getTextQualifier();
(new SSE.Views.AdvancedSeparatorDialog({
props: {
decimal: decimal,
thousands: thousands
thousands: thousands,
qualifier: qualifier
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
me.separatorOptions = {
decimal: (value.decimal.length > 0) ? value.decimal : decimal,
thousands: (value.thousands.length > 0) ? value.thousands : thousands
thousands: (value.thousands.length > 0) ? value.thousands : thousands,
qualifier: value.qualifier
me.preview && me.updatePreview();

View file

@ -93,14 +93,7 @@ define([
if (this.$window) {
var me = this;
this.$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
this.inputPwd = new Common.UI.InputField({
el: $('#id-password-txt'),
type: 'password',
allowBlank : false,
style : 'width: 100%;',
maxLength: 255,
validateOnBlur: false
this.repeatPwd = new Common.UI.InputField({
el: $('#id-repeat-txt'),
type: 'password',
@ -112,6 +105,15 @@ define([
return me.txtIncorrectPwd;
this.inputPwd = new Common.UI.InputFieldBtnPassword({
el: $('#id-password-txt'),
type: 'password',
allowBlank : false,
style : 'width: 100%;',
maxLength: 255,
validateOnBlur: false,
repeatInput: this.repeatPwd

View file

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2022
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* User: Julia.Radzhabova
* Date: 17.05.16
* Time: 15:38
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
Common.Views = Common.Views || {};
], function (template) {
'use strict';
Common.Views.PluginDlg = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
initialize : function(options) {
var _options = {};
_.extend(_options, {
header: true,
enableKeyEvents: false
}, options);
var header_footer = (_options.buttons && _.size(_options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34;
if (!_options.header) header_footer -= 34;
this.bordersOffset = 40;
_options.width = (Common.Utils.innerWidth()-this.bordersOffset*2-_options.width)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerWidth()-this.bordersOffset*2: _options.width;
_options.height += header_footer;
_options.height = (Common.Utils.innerHeight()-this.bordersOffset*2-_options.height)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerHeight()-this.bordersOffset*2: _options.height;
_options.cls += ' advanced-settings-dlg';
this.template = [
'<div id="id-plugin-container" class="box" style="height:' + (_options.height-header_footer) + 'px;">',
'<div id="id-plugin-placeholder" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"></div>',
'<% if ((typeof buttons !== "undefined") && _.size(buttons) > 0) { %>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"></div>',
'<% } %>'
_options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(_options);
this.url = options.url || '';
this.frameId = options.frameId || 'plugin_iframe';, _options);
render: function() {;
this.$window.find('> .body').css({height: 'auto', overflow: 'hidden'});
this.boxEl = this.$window.find('.body > .box');
this._headerFooterHeight = (this.options.buttons && _.size(this.options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34;
if (!this.options.header) this._headerFooterHeight -= 34;
this._headerFooterHeight += ((parseInt(this.$window.css('border-top-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-bottom-width'))));
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = this.frameId; = 'pluginFrameEditor';
iframe.width = '100%';
iframe.height = '100%';
iframe.align = "top";
iframe.frameBorder = 0;
iframe.scrolling = "no";
iframe.allow = "camera; microphone; display-capture";
iframe.onload = _.bind(this._onLoad,this);
var me = this;
if (me.isLoaded) return;
me.loadMask = new Common.UI.LoadMask({owner: $('#id-plugin-placeholder')});
if (me.isLoaded) me.loadMask.hide();
}, 500);
iframe.src = this.url;
this.on('resizing', function(args){
me.boxEl.css('height', parseInt(me.$window.css('height')) - me._headerFooterHeight);
var onMainWindowResize = function(){
$(window).on('resize', onMainWindowResize);
this.on('close', function() {
$(window).off('resize', onMainWindowResize);
_onLoad: function() {
this.isLoaded = true;
if (this.loadMask)
setInnerSize: function(width, height) {
var maxHeight = Common.Utils.innerHeight(),
maxWidth = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
borders_width = (parseInt(this.$window.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-right-width'))),
bordersOffset = this.bordersOffset*2;
if (maxHeight - bordersOffset<height + this._headerFooterHeight)
height = maxHeight - bordersOffset - this._headerFooterHeight;
if (maxWidth - bordersOffset<width + borders_width)
width = maxWidth - bordersOffset - borders_width;
this.boxEl.css('height', height);, height + this._headerFooterHeight);, width + borders_width);
this.$window.css('left',(maxWidth - width - borders_width) / 2);
this.$window.css('top',(maxHeight - height - this._headerFooterHeight) / 2);
onWindowResize: function() {
var main_width = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
main_height = Common.Utils.innerHeight(),
win_width = this.getWidth(),
win_height = this.getHeight(),
bordersOffset = (this.resizable) ? 0 : this.bordersOffset;
if (win_height<main_height-bordersOffset*2+0.1 && win_width<main_width-bordersOffset*2+0.1) {
var left = this.getLeft(),
top = this.getTop();
if (top<bordersOffset) this.$window.css('top', bordersOffset);
else if (top+win_height>main_height-bordersOffset)
this.$window.css('top', main_height-bordersOffset - win_height);
if (left<bordersOffset) this.$window.css('left', bordersOffset);
else if (left+win_width>main_width-bordersOffset)
this.$window.css('left', main_width-bordersOffset-win_width);
} else {
if (win_height>main_height-bordersOffset*2) {
this.setHeight(Math.max(main_height-bordersOffset*2, this.initConfig.minheight));
this.boxEl.css('height', Math.max(main_height-bordersOffset*2, this.initConfig.minheight) - this._headerFooterHeight);
this.$window.css('top', bordersOffset);
if (win_width>main_width-bordersOffset*2) {
this.setWidth(Math.max(main_width-bordersOffset*2, this.initConfig.minwidth));
this.$window.css('left', bordersOffset);
textLoading : 'Loading'
}, Common.Views.PluginDlg || {}));

View file

@ -429,138 +429,4 @@ define([
groupCaption: 'Plugins'
}, Common.Views.Plugins || {}));
Common.Views.PluginDlg = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
initialize : function(options) {
var _options = {};
_.extend(_options, {
header: true,
enableKeyEvents: false
}, options);
var header_footer = (_options.buttons && _.size(_options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34;
if (!_options.header) header_footer -= 34;
this.bordersOffset = 40;
_options.width = (Common.Utils.innerWidth()-this.bordersOffset*2-_options.width)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerWidth()-this.bordersOffset*2: _options.width;
_options.height += header_footer;
_options.height = (Common.Utils.innerHeight()-this.bordersOffset*2-_options.height)<0 ? Common.Utils.innerHeight()-this.bordersOffset*2: _options.height;
_options.cls += ' advanced-settings-dlg';
this.template = [
'<div id="id-plugin-container" class="box" style="height:' + (_options.height-header_footer) + 'px;">',
'<div id="id-plugin-placeholder" style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"></div>',
'<% if ((typeof buttons !== "undefined") && _.size(buttons) > 0) { %>',
'<div class="separator horizontal"></div>',
'<% } %>'
_options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(_options);
this.url = options.url || '';
this.frameId = options.frameId || 'plugin_iframe';, _options);
render: function() {;
this.$window.find('> .body').css({height: 'auto', overflow: 'hidden'});
this.boxEl = this.$window.find('.body > .box');
this._headerFooterHeight = (this.options.buttons && _.size(this.options.buttons)>0) ? 85 : 34;
if (!this.options.header) this._headerFooterHeight -= 34;
this._headerFooterHeight += ((parseInt(this.$window.css('border-top-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-bottom-width'))));
var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); = this.frameId; = 'pluginFrameEditor';
iframe.width = '100%';
iframe.height = '100%';
iframe.align = "top";
iframe.frameBorder = 0;
iframe.scrolling = "no";
iframe.allow = "camera; microphone; display-capture";
iframe.onload = _.bind(this._onLoad,this);
var me = this;
if (me.isLoaded) return;
me.loadMask = new Common.UI.LoadMask({owner: $('#id-plugin-placeholder')});
if (me.isLoaded) me.loadMask.hide();
}, 500);
iframe.src = this.url;
this.on('resizing', function(args){
me.boxEl.css('height', parseInt(me.$window.css('height')) - me._headerFooterHeight);
var onMainWindowResize = function(){
$(window).on('resize', onMainWindowResize);
this.on('close', function() {
$(window).off('resize', onMainWindowResize);
_onLoad: function() {
this.isLoaded = true;
if (this.loadMask)
setInnerSize: function(width, height) {
var maxHeight = Common.Utils.innerHeight(),
maxWidth = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
borders_width = (parseInt(this.$window.css('border-left-width')) + parseInt(this.$window.css('border-right-width'))),
bordersOffset = this.bordersOffset*2;
if (maxHeight - bordersOffset<height + this._headerFooterHeight)
height = maxHeight - bordersOffset - this._headerFooterHeight;
if (maxWidth - bordersOffset<width + borders_width)
width = maxWidth - bordersOffset - borders_width;
this.boxEl.css('height', height);, height + this._headerFooterHeight);, width + borders_width);
this.$window.css('left',(maxWidth - width - borders_width) / 2);
this.$window.css('top',(maxHeight - height - this._headerFooterHeight) / 2);
onWindowResize: function() {
var main_width = Common.Utils.innerWidth(),
main_height = Common.Utils.innerHeight(),
win_width = this.getWidth(),
win_height = this.getHeight(),
bordersOffset = (this.resizable) ? 0 : this.bordersOffset;
if (win_height<main_height-bordersOffset*2+0.1 && win_width<main_width-bordersOffset*2+0.1) {
var left = this.getLeft(),
top = this.getTop();
if (top<bordersOffset) this.$window.css('top', bordersOffset);
else if (top+win_height>main_height-bordersOffset)
this.$window.css('top', main_height-bordersOffset - win_height);
if (left<bordersOffset) this.$window.css('left', bordersOffset);
else if (left+win_width>main_width-bordersOffset)
this.$window.css('left', main_width-bordersOffset-win_width);
} else {
if (win_height>main_height-bordersOffset*2) {
this.setHeight(Math.max(main_height-bordersOffset*2, this.initConfig.minheight));
this.boxEl.css('height', Math.max(main_height-bordersOffset*2, this.initConfig.minheight) - this._headerFooterHeight);
this.$window.css('top', bordersOffset);
if (win_width>main_width-bordersOffset*2) {
this.setWidth(Math.max(main_width-bordersOffset*2, this.initConfig.minwidth));
this.$window.css('left', bordersOffset);
textLoading : 'Loading'
}, Common.Views.PluginDlg || {}));

View file

@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'protect', true);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'protect', Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar-protect'));

View file

@ -54,6 +54,26 @@ define([
], function () {
'use strict';
if (!Common.enumLock)
Common.enumLock = {};
var enumLock = {
noSpellcheckLangs: 'no-spellcheck-langs',
isReviewOnly: 'review-only',
reviewChangelock: 'review-change-lock',
hasCoeditingUsers: 'has-coediting-users',
previewReviewMode: 'preview-review-mode', // display mode on Collaboration tab
viewFormMode: 'view-form-mode', // view form mode on Forms tab
viewMode: 'view-mode', // view mode on disconnect, version history etc (used for locking buttons not in toolbar)
hideComments: 'hide-comments', // no live comments and left panel is closed
cantShare: 'cant-share'
for (var key in enumLock) {
if (enumLock.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Common.enumLock[key] = enumLock[key];
Common.Views.ReviewChanges = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend((function(){
var template =
'<section id="review-changes-panel" class="panel" data-tab="review">' +
@ -229,44 +249,52 @@ define([, options);
this.appConfig = options.mode;
this.lockedControls = [];
var filter = Common.localStorage.getKeysFilter();
this.appPrefix = (filter && filter.length) ? filter.split(',')[0] : '';
var _set = Common.enumLock;
if ( this.appConfig.canReview ) {
this.btnAccept = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtAccept,
split: !this.appConfig.canUseReviewPermissions,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-save',
lock: [_set.reviewChangelock, _set.isReviewOnly, _set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnReject = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtReject,
split: !this.appConfig.canUseReviewPermissions,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-deny',
lock: [_set.reviewChangelock, _set.isReviewOnly, _set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
if (this.appConfig.canFeatureComparison)
if (this.appConfig.canFeatureComparison) {
this.btnCompare = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption : this.txtCompare,
split : true,
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtCompare,
split: true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-compare',
lock: [_set.hasCoeditingUsers, _set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnTurnOn = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-review',
lock: [_set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtTurnon,
split: !this.appConfig.isReviewOnly,
enableToggle: true,
@ -275,25 +303,30 @@ define([
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnsTurnReview = [this.btnTurnOn];
if (this.appConfig.canViewReview) {
this.btnPrev = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-prev',
lock: [_set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtPrev,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnNext = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-review-next',
lock: [_set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtNext,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
if (!this.appConfig.isRestrictedEdit && !(this.appConfig.customization && && {// hide Display mode option for fillForms and commenting mode
var menuTemplate = _.template('<a id="<%= id %>" tabindex="-1" type="menuitem"><div><%= caption %></div>' +
@ -303,6 +336,7 @@ define([
this.btnReviewView = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-reviewview',
lock: [_set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtView,
menu: new Common.UI.Menu({
cls: 'ppm-toolbar',
@ -349,6 +383,7 @@ define([
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
@ -356,23 +391,27 @@ define([
this.btnSharing = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-sharing',
lock: [_set.viewFormMode, _set.cantShare, _set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtSharing,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
if (this.appConfig.isEdit && !this.appConfig.isOffline && this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring && this.appConfig.canChangeCoAuthoring) {
this.btnCoAuthMode = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-coedit',
lock: [_set.viewFormMode, _set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtCoAuthMode,
menu: true,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnsSpelling = [];
@ -382,23 +421,27 @@ define([
this.btnHistory = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-history',
lock: [_set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtHistory,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
if (this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring && this.appConfig.canChat) {
this.btnChat = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-chat',
lock: [_set.lostConnect],
caption: this.txtChat,
enableToggle: true,
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
if ( this.appConfig.canCoAuthoring && this.appConfig.canComments ) {
@ -407,19 +450,23 @@ define([
caption: this.txtCommentRemove,
split: true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-rem-comment',
lock: [_set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.hideComments, _set['Objects'], _set.lostConnect],
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
this.btnCommentResolve = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
caption: this.txtCommentResolve,
split: true,
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-resolve-all',
lock: [_set.previewReviewMode, _set.viewFormMode, _set.hideComments, _set['Objects'], _set.lostConnect],
dataHint: '1',
dataHintDirection: 'bottom',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this));
@ -524,8 +571,7 @@ define([
config.isReviewOnly && me.btnAccept.setDisabled(true);
config.isReviewOnly && me.btnReject.setDisabled(true);
Common.Utils.lockControls(Common.enumLock.isReviewOnly, config.isReviewOnly, {array: [me.btnAccept, me.btnReject]});
if (me.appConfig.canViewReview) {
@ -646,7 +692,7 @@ define([
if (!me.btnHistory && separator_last)
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'review', config.isEdit || config.canViewReview || config.canCoAuthoring && config.canComments);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('tab:visible', 'review', (config.isEdit || config.canViewReview || config.canCoAuthoring && config.canComments) && Common.UI.LayoutManager.isElementVisible('toolbar-collaboration'));;
@ -685,6 +731,7 @@ define([
var button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls : 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls : 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-review',
lock: [Common.enumLock.viewMode, Common.enumLock.previewReviewMode, Common.enumLock.viewFormMode, Common.enumLock.lostConnect],
hintAnchor : 'top',
hint : this.tipReview,
split : !this.appConfig.isReviewOnly,
@ -724,40 +771,47 @@ define([
return button;
} else
if ( type == 'spelling' ) {
button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-docspell',
lock: [Common.enumLock.viewMode, Common.enumLock.viewFormMode, Common.enumLock.previewReviewMode],
hintAnchor : 'top',
hint: this.tipSetSpelling,
enableToggle: true,
dataHint: '0',
dataHintDirection: 'top',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
dataHintOffset: 'small',
visible: Common.UI.FeaturesManager.canChange('spellcheck')
return button;
} else if (type == 'doclang' && parent == 'statusbar' ) {
button = new Common.UI.Button({
cls: 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-ic-doclang',
lock: [Common.enumLock.viewMode, Common.enumLock.previewReviewMode, Common.enumLock.viewFormMode, Common.enumLock.noSpellcheckLangs, Common.enumLock.lostConnect],
hintAnchor : 'top',
hint: this.tipSetDocLang,
disabled: true,
dataHint: '0',
dataHintDirection: 'top',
dataHintOffset: 'small'
Common.Utils.lockControls(Common.enumLock.noSpellcheckLangs, true, {array: [button]});
return button;
getButtons: function() {
return this.lockedControls;
getUserName: function (username) {
return Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(AscCommon.UserInfoParser.getParsedName(username));
@ -786,7 +840,7 @@ define([
turnSpelling: function (state) {
this.btnsSpelling.forEach(function(button) {
this.btnsSpelling && this.btnsSpelling.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button && button.pressed != state ) {
button.toggle(state, true);
@ -813,34 +867,8 @@ define([
SetDisabled: function (state, langs, protectProps) {
this.btnsSpelling && this.btnsSpelling.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
}, this);
this.btnsDocLang && this.btnsDocLang.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
button.setDisabled(state || langs && langs.length<1);
}, this);
this.btnsTurnReview && this.btnsTurnReview.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
}, this);
// this.btnChat && this.btnChat.setDisabled(state);
this.btnCommentRemove && this.btnCommentRemove.setDisabled(state || !Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment") || protectProps && protectProps.comments);
this.btnCommentResolve && this.btnCommentResolve.setDisabled(state || !Common.Utils.InternalSettings.get(this.appPrefix + "settings-livecomment") || protectProps && protectProps.comments);
onLostEditRights: function() {
this._readonlyRights = true;
if (!this.rendered)
this.btnSharing && this.btnSharing.setDisabled(true);
txtAccept: 'Accept',

View file

@ -185,11 +185,12 @@ define([
function updateTextBoxHeight() {
scrollPos = parentView.scroller.getScrollTop();
if (domTextBox.scrollHeight > domTextBox.clientHeight) {
textBox.css({height: (domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight) + 'px'});
if (domTextBox.clientHeight + 2 < parseInt($(domTextBox).css('max-height'))) { // 2 = border of textarea
textBox.css({height: (domTextBox.scrollHeight + lineHeight) + 'px'});
} else {
oldHeight = domTextBox.clientHeight;
if (oldHeight >= minHeight) {
@ -268,6 +269,11 @@ define([
btns.each(function (idx, item) {
btns = $(view.el).find('.i-comment-resolved');
btns.tooltip({title: me.textViewResolved, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function (idx, item) {
btns = $(view.el).find('.btn-edit');
btns.tooltip({title: me.txtEditTip, placement: 'cursor'});
btns.each(function (idx, item) {
@ -1286,6 +1292,7 @@ define([
textFollowMove : 'Follow Move',
textMention : '+mention will provide access to the document and send an email',
textMentionNotify : '+mention will notify the user via email',
textViewResolved : 'You have not permission for reopen comment',
txtAccept: 'Accept',
txtReject: 'Reject',
txtEditTip: 'Edit',

View file

@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
'<div class="box">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<span class="btn-placeholder" id="search-placeholder-btn-options"></span>',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-search" class="input-field form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textSearchStart+'">',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-search" class="input-field form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textSearchStart+'" autocomplete="off">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-replace" class="input-field form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textReplaceDef+'">',
'<input type="text" id="sd-text-replace" class="input-field form-control" maxlength="255" placeholder="'+this.textReplaceDef+'" autocomplete="off">',
'<div class="input-row">',
'<label class="link" id="search-label-replace" result="replaceshow">'+this.txtBtnReplace+'</label>',
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
this.txtSearch.on('keydown', null, 'search', _.bind(this.onKeyPress, this));
this.txtReplace.on('keydown', null, 'replace', _.bind(this.onKeyPress, this));
this.on('animate:before', _.bind(this.focus, this));
this.on('animate:before', _.bind(this.onAnimateBefore, this));
return this;
@ -191,14 +191,18 @@
focus: function() {
var me = this;
focus: function(type) {
var field = (type==='replace') ? this.txtReplace : this.txtSearch;
}, 10);
onAnimateBefore: function() {
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