Add symbol table dialog

This commit is contained in:
Julia Radzhabova 2019-11-08 11:34:53 +03:00
parent f79725ac7a
commit 73f268aa54
5 changed files with 2332 additions and 1 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2019
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at:
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at
* SymbolTableDialog.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 07.11.2019
* Copyright (c) 2019 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
if (Common === undefined)
var Common = {};
], function () { 'use strict';
var oRangeNames = {};
oRangeNames[1] = 'Basic Latin';
oRangeNames[2] = 'Latin 1 Supplement';
oRangeNames[3] = 'Latin Extended A';
oRangeNames[4] = 'Latin Extended B';
oRangeNames[5] = 'IPA Extensions';
oRangeNames[6] = 'Spacing Modifier Letters';
oRangeNames[7] = 'Combining Diacritical Marks';
oRangeNames[8] = 'Greek and Coptic';
oRangeNames[9] = 'Cyrillic';
oRangeNames[10] = 'Cyrillic Supplement';
oRangeNames[11] = 'Armenian';
oRangeNames[12] = 'Hebrew';
oRangeNames[13] = 'Arabic';
oRangeNames[14] = 'Syriac';
oRangeNames[15] = 'Arabic Supplement';
oRangeNames[16] = 'Thaana';
oRangeNames[17] = 'NKo';
oRangeNames[18] = 'Samaritan';
oRangeNames[19] = 'Mandaic';
oRangeNames[20] = 'Arabic Extended A';
oRangeNames[21] = 'Devanagari';
oRangeNames[22] = 'Bengali';
oRangeNames[23] = 'Gurmukhi';
oRangeNames[24] = 'Gujarati';
oRangeNames[25] = 'Oriya';
oRangeNames[26] = 'Tamil';
oRangeNames[27] = 'Telugu';
oRangeNames[28] = 'Kannada';
oRangeNames[29] = 'Malayalam';
oRangeNames[30] = 'Sinhala';
oRangeNames[31] = 'Thai';
oRangeNames[32] = 'Lao';
oRangeNames[33] = 'Tibetan';
oRangeNames[34] = 'Myanmar';
oRangeNames[35] = 'Georgian';
oRangeNames[36] = 'Hangul Jamo';
oRangeNames[37] = 'Ethiopic';
oRangeNames[38] = 'Ethiopic Supplement';
oRangeNames[39] = 'Cherokee';
oRangeNames[40] = 'Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics';
oRangeNames[41] = 'Ogham';
oRangeNames[42] = 'Runic';
oRangeNames[43] = 'Tagalog';
oRangeNames[44] = 'Hanunoo';
oRangeNames[45] = 'Buhid';
oRangeNames[46] = 'Tagbanwa';
oRangeNames[47] = 'Khmer';
oRangeNames[48] = 'Mongolian';
oRangeNames[49] = 'Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended';
oRangeNames[50] = 'Limbu';
oRangeNames[51] = 'Tai Le';
oRangeNames[52] = 'New Tai Lue';
oRangeNames[53] = 'Khmer Symbols';
oRangeNames[54] = 'Buginese';
oRangeNames[55] = 'Tai Tham';
oRangeNames[56] = 'Combining Diacritical Marks Extended';
oRangeNames[57] = 'Balinese';
oRangeNames[58] = 'Sundanese';
oRangeNames[59] = 'Batak';
oRangeNames[60] = 'Lepcha';
oRangeNames[61] = 'Ol Chiki';
oRangeNames[62] = 'Cyrillic Extended C';
oRangeNames[63] = 'Sundanese Supplement';
oRangeNames[64] = 'Vedic Extensions';
oRangeNames[65] = 'Phonetic Extensions';
oRangeNames[66] = 'Phonetic Extensions Supplement';
oRangeNames[67] = 'Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement';
oRangeNames[68] = 'Latin Extended Additional';
oRangeNames[69] = 'Greek Extended';
oRangeNames[70] = 'General Punctuation';
oRangeNames[71] = 'Superscripts and Subscripts';
oRangeNames[72] = 'Currency Symbols';
oRangeNames[73] = 'Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols';
oRangeNames[74] = 'Letterlike Symbols';
oRangeNames[75] = 'Number Forms';
oRangeNames[76] = 'Arrows';
oRangeNames[77] = 'Mathematical Operators';
oRangeNames[78] = 'Miscellaneous Technical';
oRangeNames[79] = 'Control Pictures';
oRangeNames[80] = 'Optical Character Recognition';
oRangeNames[81] = 'Enclosed Alphanumerics';
oRangeNames[82] = 'Box Drawing';
oRangeNames[83] = 'Block Elements';
oRangeNames[84] = 'Geometric Shapes';
oRangeNames[85] = 'Miscellaneous Symbols';
oRangeNames[86] = 'Dingbats';
oRangeNames[87] = 'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols A';
oRangeNames[88] = 'Supplemental Arrows A';
oRangeNames[89] = 'Braille Patterns';
oRangeNames[90] = 'Supplemental Arrows B';
oRangeNames[91] = 'Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols B';
oRangeNames[92] = 'Supplemental Mathematical Operators';
oRangeNames[93] = 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows';
oRangeNames[94] = 'Glagolitic';
oRangeNames[95] = 'Latin Extended C';
oRangeNames[96] = 'Coptic';
oRangeNames[97] = 'Georgian Supplement';
oRangeNames[98] = 'Tifinagh';
oRangeNames[99] = 'Ethiopic Extended';
oRangeNames[100] = 'Cyrillic Extended A';
oRangeNames[101] = 'Supplemental Punctuation';
oRangeNames[102] = 'CJK Radicals Supplement';
oRangeNames[103] = 'Kangxi Radicals';
oRangeNames[104] = 'Ideographic Description Characters';
oRangeNames[105] = 'CJK Symbols and Punctuation';
oRangeNames[106] = 'Hiragana';
oRangeNames[107] = 'Katakana';
oRangeNames[108] = 'Bopomofo';
oRangeNames[109] = 'Hangul Compatibility Jamo';
oRangeNames[110] = 'Kanbun';
oRangeNames[111] = 'Bopomofo Extended';
oRangeNames[112] = 'CJK Strokes';
oRangeNames[113] = 'Katakana Phonetic Extensions';
oRangeNames[114] = 'Enclosed CJK Letters and Months';
oRangeNames[115] = 'CJK Compatibility';
oRangeNames[116] = 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension';
oRangeNames[117] = 'Yijing Hexagram Symbols';
oRangeNames[118] = 'CJK Unified Ideographs';
oRangeNames[119] = 'Yi Syllables';
oRangeNames[120] = 'Yi Radicals';
oRangeNames[121] = 'Lisu';
oRangeNames[122] = 'Vai';
oRangeNames[123] = 'Cyrillic Extended B';
oRangeNames[124] = 'Bamum';
oRangeNames[125] = 'Modifier Tone Letters';
oRangeNames[126] = 'Latin Extended D';
oRangeNames[127] = 'Syloti Nagri';
oRangeNames[128] = 'Common Indic Number Forms';
oRangeNames[129] = 'Phags pa';
oRangeNames[130] = 'Saurashtra';
oRangeNames[131] = 'Devanagari Extended';
oRangeNames[132] = 'Kayah Li';
oRangeNames[133] = 'Rejang';
oRangeNames[134] = 'Hangul Jamo Extended A';
oRangeNames[135] = 'Javanese';
oRangeNames[136] = 'Myanmar Extended B';
oRangeNames[137] = 'Cham';
oRangeNames[138] = 'Myanmar Extended A';
oRangeNames[139] = 'Tai Viet';
oRangeNames[140] = 'Meetei Mayek Extensions';
oRangeNames[141] = 'Ethiopic Extended A';
oRangeNames[142] = 'Latin Extended E';
oRangeNames[143] = 'Cherokee Supplement';
oRangeNames[144] = 'Meetei Mayek';
oRangeNames[145] = 'Hangul Syllables';
oRangeNames[146] = 'Hangul Jamo Extended B';
oRangeNames[147] = 'High Surrogates';
oRangeNames[148] = 'High Private Use Surrogates';
oRangeNames[149] = 'Low Surrogates';
oRangeNames[150] = 'Private Use Area';
oRangeNames[151] = 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs';
oRangeNames[152] = 'Alphabetic Presentation Forms';
oRangeNames[153] = 'Arabic Presentation Forms A';
oRangeNames[154] = 'Variation Selectors';
oRangeNames[155] = 'Vertical Forms';
oRangeNames[156] = 'Combining Half Marks';
oRangeNames[157] = 'CJK Compatibility Forms';
oRangeNames[158] = 'Small Form Variants';
oRangeNames[159] = 'Arabic Presentation Forms B';
oRangeNames[160] = 'Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms';
oRangeNames[161] = 'Specials';
oRangeNames[162] = 'Linear B Syllabary';
oRangeNames[163] = 'Linear B Ideograms';
oRangeNames[164] = 'Aegean Numbers';
oRangeNames[165] = 'Ancient Greek Numbers';
oRangeNames[166] = 'Ancient Symbols';
oRangeNames[167] = 'Phaistos Disc';
oRangeNames[168] = 'Lycian';
oRangeNames[169] = 'Carian';
oRangeNames[170] = 'Coptic Epact Numbers';
oRangeNames[171] = 'Old Italic';
oRangeNames[172] = 'Gothic';
oRangeNames[173] = 'Old Permic';
oRangeNames[174] = 'Ugaritic';
oRangeNames[175] = 'Old Persian';
oRangeNames[176] = 'Deseret';
oRangeNames[177] = 'Shavian';
oRangeNames[178] = 'Osmanya';
oRangeNames[179] = 'Osage';
oRangeNames[180] = 'Elbasan';
oRangeNames[181] = 'Caucasian Albanian';
oRangeNames[182] = 'Linear A';
oRangeNames[183] = 'Cypriot Syllabary';
oRangeNames[184] = 'Imperial Aramaic';
oRangeNames[185] = 'Palmyrene';
oRangeNames[186] = 'Nabataean';
oRangeNames[187] = 'Hatran';
oRangeNames[188] = 'Phoenician';
oRangeNames[189] = 'Lydian';
oRangeNames[190] = 'Meroitic Hieroglyphs';
oRangeNames[191] = 'Meroitic Cursive';
oRangeNames[192] = 'Kharoshthi';
oRangeNames[193] = 'Old South Arabian';
oRangeNames[194] = 'Old North Arabian';
oRangeNames[195] = 'Manichaean';
oRangeNames[196] = 'Avestan';
oRangeNames[197] = 'Inscriptional Parthian';
oRangeNames[198] = 'Inscriptional Pahlavi';
oRangeNames[199] = 'Psalter Pahlavi';
oRangeNames[200] = 'Old Turkic';
oRangeNames[201] = 'Old Hungarian';
oRangeNames[202] = 'Rumi Numeral Symbols';
oRangeNames[203] = 'Brahmi';
oRangeNames[204] = 'Kaithi';
oRangeNames[205] = 'Sora Sompeng';
oRangeNames[206] = 'Chakma';
oRangeNames[207] = 'Mahajani';
oRangeNames[208] = 'Sharada';
oRangeNames[209] = 'Sinhala Archaic Numbers';
oRangeNames[210] = 'Khojki';
oRangeNames[211] = 'Multani';
oRangeNames[212] = 'Khudawadi';
oRangeNames[213] = 'Grantha';
oRangeNames[214] = 'Newa';
oRangeNames[215] = 'Tirhuta';
oRangeNames[216] = 'Siddham';
oRangeNames[217] = 'Modi';
oRangeNames[218] = 'Mongolian Supplement';
oRangeNames[219] = 'Takri';
oRangeNames[220] = 'Ahom';
oRangeNames[221] = 'Warang Citi';
oRangeNames[222] = 'Pau Cin Hau';
oRangeNames[223] = 'Bhaiksuki';
oRangeNames[224] = 'Marchen';
oRangeNames[225] = 'Cuneiform';
oRangeNames[226] = 'Cuneiform Numbers and Punctuation';
oRangeNames[227] = 'Early Dynastic Cuneiform';
oRangeNames[228] = 'Egyptian Hieroglyphs';
oRangeNames[229] = 'Anatolian Hieroglyphs';
oRangeNames[230] = 'Bamum Supplement';
oRangeNames[231] = 'Mro';
oRangeNames[232] = 'Bassa Vah';
oRangeNames[233] = 'Pahawh Hmong';
oRangeNames[234] = 'Miao';
oRangeNames[235] = 'Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation';
oRangeNames[236] = 'Tangut';
oRangeNames[237] = 'Tangut Components';
oRangeNames[238] = 'Kana Supplement';
oRangeNames[239] = 'Duployan';
oRangeNames[240] = 'Shorthand Format Controls';
oRangeNames[241] = 'Byzantine Musical Symbols';
oRangeNames[242] = 'Musical Symbols';
oRangeNames[243] = 'Ancient Greek Musical Notation';
oRangeNames[244] = 'Tai Xuan Jing Symbols';
oRangeNames[245] = 'Counting Rod Numerals';
oRangeNames[246] = 'Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols';
oRangeNames[247] = 'Sutton SignWriting';
oRangeNames[248] = 'Glagolitic Supplement';
oRangeNames[249] = 'Mende Kikakui';
oRangeNames[250] = 'Adlam';
oRangeNames[251] = 'Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols';
oRangeNames[252] = 'Mahjong Tiles';
oRangeNames[253] = 'Domino Tiles';
oRangeNames[254] = 'Playing Cards';
oRangeNames[255] = 'Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement';
oRangeNames[256] = 'Enclosed Ideographic Supplement';
oRangeNames[257] = 'Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs';
oRangeNames[258] = 'Emoticons';
oRangeNames[259] = 'Ornamental Dingbats';
oRangeNames[260] = 'Transport and Map Symbols';
oRangeNames[261] = 'Alchemical Symbols';
oRangeNames[262] = 'Geometric Shapes Extended';
oRangeNames[263] = 'Supplemental Arrows C';
oRangeNames[264] = 'Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs';
oRangeNames[265] = 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B';
oRangeNames[266] = 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C';
oRangeNames[267] = 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D';
oRangeNames[268] = 'CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E';
oRangeNames[269] = 'CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement';
oRangeNames[270] = 'Tags';
oRangeNames[271] = 'Variation Selectors Supplement';
oRangeNames[272] = 'Supplementary Private Use Area A';
oRangeNames[273] = 'Supplementary Private Use Area B';
var aFontSelects = [];
var aRanges = [];
var aRecents = [];
var nCurrentFont = -1;// индекс в aFontSelects
var nCurrentSymbol = -1;// code
var bMainFocus = true;//фокус в основной таблице
var nFontNameRecent = -1;
var nMaxRecent = 36;
var bScrollMouseUp = false;
var sInitFont = "";
var sInitSymbol = "";
var nLastScroll = -1000;
var bShowTooltip = true;
Common.Views.SymbolTableDialog = Common.UI.Window.extend(_.extend({
options: {
width: 400,
style: 'min-width: 230px;',
cls: 'modal-dlg',
buttons: ['ok', 'cancel']
initialize : function(options) {
_.extend(this.options, {
title: this.textTitle
}, options || {});
this.template = [
'<div class="box" style="height: 260px;">',
'<table cols="2" style="width: 100%;margin-bottom: 10px;">',
'<td style="padding-right: 10px;padding-bottom: 8px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.textFont + '</label>',
'<div id="symbol-table-cmb-fonts"></div>',
'<td style="padding-bottom: 8px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.textRange + '</label>',
'<div id="symbol-table-cmb-range"></div>',
'<td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom: 8px;">',
'<div id="scrollable-table-div"></div>',
'<td colspan="2" style="padding-bottom: 8px;">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.textRecent + '</label>',
'<div id="symbol-table-recent"></div>',
'<td colspan="2">',
'<label class="input-label">' + this.textCode + '</label>',
'<div id="symbol-table-text-code"></div>',
this.options.tpl = _.template(this.template)(this.options);
this.api = this.options.api;
var fontList = this.api.pluginMethod_GetFontList();
fontList.sort(function(a, b){
if(a.m_wsFontName < b.m_wsFontName) return -1;
if(a.m_wsFontName > b.m_wsFontName) return 1;
return 0;
var oCurFont, oLastFont;
var data = [];
var oFontsByName = {};
var sCurFontNameInMap;
for(var i = 0; i < fontList.length; ++i){
oCurFont = fontList[i];
sCurFontNameInMap = oCurFont.m_wsFontName;
oLastFont = oFontsByName[sCurFontNameInMap];
oFontsByName[sCurFontNameInMap] = oCurFont;
if(oLastFont.m_bBold && oLastFont.m_bItalic){
oFontsByName[sCurFontNameInMap] = oCurFont;
else if(oLastFont.m_bBold && !oCurFont.m_bBold){
oFontsByName[sCurFontNameInMap] = oCurFont;
else if(oLastFont.m_bItalic && !oCurFont.m_bBold && !oCurFont.m_bItalic){
oFontsByName[sCurFontNameInMap] = oCurFont;
delete oFontsByName['ASCW3'];
var i = 0;
for(var key in oFontsByName){
data[data.length-1].value = i++;
data[data.length-1].displayValue = oFontsByName[key].m_wsFontName;
//initialize params
aFontSelects = data;
aFontSelects.sort(function(a, b){return (a.displayValue.toLowerCase() > b.displayValue.toLowerCase()) ? 1 : -1;});
if(oFontsByName['Cambria Math']){
sInitFont = 'Cambria Math';
else if(oFontsByName['Asana-Math']){
sInitFont = 'Asana-Math';
for(i = 0; i < aFontSelects.length; ++i){
if(aFontSelects[i].displayValue === sInitFont){
nCurrentFont = i;
if (nCurrentFont < 0)
nCurrentFont = 0;
aRanges = this.getArrRangesByFont(nCurrentFont);
if(sInitSymbol && sInitSymbol.length > 0){
nCurrentSymbol = this.fixedCharCodeAt(sInitSymbol, 0);
if(false === nCurrentSymbol){
nCurrentSymbol = -1;
for(i = 0; i < aRanges.length; ++i){
if(nCurrentSymbol >= aRanges[i].Start && nCurrentSymbol <= aRanges[i].End){
if(i === aRanges.length){
nCurrentSymbol = -1;
if(nCurrentSymbol === -1){
nCurrentSymbol = aRanges[0].Start;
}, this.options);
render: function() {;
var me = this,
$window = this.getChild();
this.cmbFonts = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $window.find('#symbol-table-cmb-fonts'),
cls : 'input-group-nr',
data : aFontSelects,
editable : false,
menuStyle : 'min-width: 100%; max-height: 200px;'
}).on('selected', function(combo, record) {
var oCurrentRange = me.getRangeBySymbol(aRanges, nCurrentSymbol);
nCurrentFont = record.value;
aRanges = me.getArrRangesByFont(nCurrentFont);
for(var i = 0; i < aRanges.length; ++i){
if(oCurrentRange.Name === aRanges[i].Name){
if(i === aRanges.length){
nCurrentSymbol = aRanges[0].Start;
nCurrentSymbol = aRanges[0].Start;
bMainFocus = true;
this.cmbRange = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $window.find('#symbol-table-cmb-range'),
cls : 'input-group-nr',
editable : false,
menuStyle : 'min-width: 100%; max-height: 200px;'
me.inputCode = new Common.UI.InputField({
el : $window.find('#symbol-table-text-code'),
allowBlank : false,
blankError : me.txtEmpty,
style : 'width: 100%;',
validateOnBlur: false,
validateOnChange: true
}).on('changing', function(cmp, newValue, oldValue) {
me.isTextChanged = true;
// this.updateView(undefined, undefined, undefined, true);
$window.find('.dlg-btn').on('click', _.bind(this.onBtnClick, this));
show: function() {, arguments);
var me = this;
// me.inputUrl.cmpEl.find('input').focus();
setSettings: function (props) {
getSettings: function () {
onBtnClick: function(event) {
onPrimary: function(event) {
return false;
_handleInput: function(state) {
if (this.options.handler) {, this, state);
encodeSurrogateChar: function(nUnicode) {
if (nUnicode < 0x10000)
return String.fromCharCode(nUnicode);
nUnicode = nUnicode - 0x10000;
var nLeadingChar = 0xD800 | (nUnicode >> 10);
var nTrailingChar = 0xDC00 | (nUnicode & 0x3FF);
return String.fromCharCode(nLeadingChar) + String.fromCharCode(nTrailingChar);
fixedCharCodeAt: function(str, idx) {
idx = idx || 0;
var code = str.charCodeAt(idx);
var hi, low;
if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF) {
hi = code;
low = str.charCodeAt(idx + 1);
if (isNaN(low)) {
throw 'Старшая часть суррогатной пары без следующей младшей в fixedCharCodeAt()';
return ((hi - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
if (0xDC00 <= code && code <= 0xDFFF) {
return false;
return code;
getArrRangesByFont: function(nFontName){
var _ret = getSupportedRangesByFont(aFontSelects[nFontName]);
if(_ret.length === 0){
_ret.push({Start:0x20, End: 0xFF});
if(_ret[0].Start < 0x20){
_ret[0].Start = 0x20;
return _ret;
getRangeBySymbol: function(arrRanges, nCode){
for(var i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i){
if(arrRanges[i].Start <= nCode && arrRanges[i].End >= nCode){
return arrRanges[i];
return null;
getRangeByName: function(arrRanges, nName){
for(var i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i){
if(arrRanges[i].Name === nName){
return arrRanges[i];
return null;
getLinearIndexByCode: function(arrRanges, nCode){
var nLinearIndex = -1;
var nCounter = 0;
var oCurRange;
for(var i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i){
oCurRange = arrRanges[i];
if(oCurRange.Start > nCode){
return -1;
if(oCurRange.Start <= nCode && oCurRange.End >= nCode){
return nCounter + (nCode - oCurRange.Start);
nCounter += (oCurRange.End - oCurRange.Start + 1);
return nLinearIndex;
getCodeByLinearIndex: function(arrRanges, nIndex){
if(nIndex < 0){
return -1;
var nCount = 0;
var oCurRange = arrRanges[0];
var nDiff;
for(var i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i){
oCurRange = arrRanges[i];
nDiff = oCurRange.End - oCurRange.Start + 1;
if(nCount + nDiff > nIndex){
return oCurRange.Start + nIndex - nCount;
nCount += nDiff;
return -1;
createTable: function(arrSym, nRowsCount, nColsCount, oDiv){
var nDivCount = nRowsCount*nColsCount;
var nCellsCounter = 0;
var sInnerHtml = '';
var sId;
var sStyle = 'style=\'border-bottom: none\'';
var sCellStyle;
for(var i = 0; i < nDivCount; ++i){
if(((i / nColsCount) >> 0) === (nRowsCount - 1)){
sCellStyle = sStyle;
sCellStyle = '';
if(i < arrSym.length){
sId = 'c' + arrSym[i];
sInnerHtml += '<div class=\"cell\" '+sCellStyle +' id=\"' + sId + '\">' + '&#' + arrSym[i].toString(10) + '</div>';
sInnerHtml += '<div class=\"cell\"'+sCellStyle +'></div>';
if(nCellsCounter >= nColsCount){
sInnerHtml += '<br class=\"noselect\">';
nCellsCounter = 0;
oDiv.innerHTML = sInnerHtml;
fillRecentSymbols: function(){
var sRecents = window.localStorage.getItem('recentSymbols');
var aRecentCookies;
if(sRecents != ''){
aRecentCookies = JSON.parse(sRecents);
aRecents = aRecentCookies;
saveRecent: function(){
var sJSON = JSON.stringify(aRecents);
window.localStorage.setItem('recentSymbols', sJSON);
checkRecent: function(sSymbol, sFont){
if(aRecents.length === 0){
aRecents.push({symbol: sSymbol, font: sFont});
for(var i = 0; i < aRecents.length; ++i){
if(aRecents[i].symbol === sSymbol && aRecents[i].font === sFont){
aRecents.splice(i, 1);
aRecents.splice(0, 0, {symbol: sSymbol, font: sFont});
if(aRecents.length > nMaxRecent){
aRecents.splice(nMaxRecent, aRecents.length - nMaxRecent);
createCell: function(nSymbolCode, sFontName){
var sId;
var nFontIndex = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < aFontSelects.length; ++i){
if(aFontSelects[i].displayValue === sFontName){
nFontIndex = i;
sId = 'r_' + nSymbolCode + '_' + nFontIndex;
sId = 'r' + nSymbolCode;
var _ret = $('<div id=\"' + sId + '\">&#' + nSymbolCode.toString() + '</div>');
_ret.css('font-family', '\'' + sFontName + '\'');
//_ret.mouseup(function (e) {
// e.stopPropagation();
return _ret;
updateRecents: function(){
var oRecentsDiv = $('#recent-table');
var nRecents = Math.min(this.getColsCount(), aRecents.length);
if(aRecents.length === 0){
oRecentsDiv.css('border', '1px solid rgb(247, 247, 247)');
oRecentsDiv.css('border', '1px solid rgb(122, 122, 122)');
for(var i = 0; i < nRecents; ++i){
var oCell = this.createCell(aRecents[i].symbol, aRecents[i].font);
oCell.css('border-bottom', 'none');
if(i === (nRecents - 1)){
oCell.css('border-right', 'none');
getColsCount: function(){
var nMaxWidth = $('#main-div').innerWidth() - 17 - 2;
return ((nMaxWidth/CELL_WIDTH) >> 0);
getMaxHeight: function(){
var nMaxHeight = $('#main-div').innerHeight() - 10 - $('#header-div').outerHeight(true) - $('#recent-symbols-wrap').outerHeight(true)
- $('#value-wrap').outerHeight(true) - $('#insert-button').outerHeight(true) - 2;
return nMaxHeight;
getRowsCount: function() {
return Math.max(1, ((this.getMaxHeight()/CELL_HEIGHT) >> 0));
getAllSymbolsCount: function(arrRanges){
var _count = 0;
var oRange;
for(var i = 0; i < arrRanges.length; ++i){
oRange = arrRanges[i];
_count += (oRange.End - oRange.Start + 1);
return _count;
setTable: function(nStartCode){
var nColsCount = this.getColsCount();
var nRowsCount = this.getRowsCount();
var nIndexSymbol = this.getLinearIndexByCode(aRanges, nStartCode);
var nAllSymbolsCount = this.getAllSymbolsCount(aRanges);
var nAllRowsCount = Math.ceil(nAllSymbolsCount/nColsCount);
var nRowsSkip = Math.max(0, Math.min(nAllRowsCount - nRowsCount, ((nIndexSymbol / nColsCount) >> 0)));
var nFirst = nRowsSkip*nColsCount;
var nSymbolsCount = nRowsCount*nColsCount;
var aSymbols = [];
var nCode;
for(var i = 0; i < nSymbolsCount; ++i){
nCode = this.getCodeByLinearIndex(aRanges, nFirst + i);
if(nCode === -1){
var oSymbolTable = $('#symbols-table')[0];
$('#symbols-table').css('font-family', '\'' + aFontSelects[nCurrentFont].displayValue + '\'');
this.createTable(aSymbols, nRowsCount, nColsCount, oSymbolTable);
return nRowsSkip;
updateView: function(bUpdateTable, nTopSymbol, bUpdateInput, bUpdateRecents, bUpdateRanges) {
//fill ranges combo box
if(bUpdateRanges !== false){
if(bUpdateTable !== false){
//fill fonts combo box
//main table
var nRowsCount = this.getRowsCount();
var nHeight = nRowsCount*CELL_HEIGHT - 1;
$('#scrollable-table-div').css('margin-bottom', this.getMaxHeight() - nHeight);
bScrollMouseUp = false;
if(bUpdateTable !== false){
//fill table
var nSymbol = (nTopSymbol !== null && nTopSymbol !== undefined)? nTopSymbol : nCurrentSymbol;
var nRowSkip = this.setTable(nSymbol);
//update scroll
var nSymbolsCount = this.getAllSymbolsCount(aRanges);
var nAllRowsCount = Math.ceil(nSymbolsCount/this.getColsCount());
var nFullHeight = nAllRowsCount*CELL_HEIGHT;
var nOldHeight = $("#fake-symbol-table-wrap").height();
var container = document.getElementById('fake-symbol-table-wrap');
// if(nOldHeight !== nHeight){
// Ps.destroy();
// Ps = new PerfectScrollbar('#' +, {
// minScrollbarLength: Math.max((CELL_HEIGHT*2.0/3.0 + 0.5) >> 0, ((nHeight/8.0 + 0.5) >> 0))
// });
// }
bShowTooltip = false;
container.scrollTop = nRowSkip*CELL_HEIGHT;
// Ps.update();
bShowTooltip = true;
var aCells = $('#symbols-table > .cell');
//aCells.mouseup(function (e) {
// e.stopPropagation();
//fill recent
//reset selection
//select current cell
$('#c' + nCurrentSymbol).addClass('cell-selected');
$('#r_' + nCurrentSymbol + '_' + nFontNameRecent).addClass('cell-selected');
//update input
if(bUpdateInput !== false){
updateInput: function(){
var sVal = nCurrentSymbol.toString(16).toUpperCase();
var sValLen = sVal.length;
for(var i = sValLen; i < 5; ++i){
sVal = '0' + sVal;
updateRangeSelector: function() {
var oCurrentRange = this.getRangeBySymbol(aRanges, nCurrentSymbol);
if(!oCurrentRange || !oCurrentRange.Name){
var oOption, i, data = [];
for(i = 0; i < aRanges.length; ++i){
value: aRanges[i].Name,
displayValue: oRangeNames[aRanges[i].Name]
textTitle: 'Symbol Table',
textFont: 'Font',
textRange: 'Range',
textRecent: 'Recently used symbols',
textCode: 'Unicode HEX value'
}, Common.Views.SymbolTableDialog || {}))

View file

@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ define([
@ -324,6 +325,7 @@ define([
toolbar.listStyles.on('contextmenu', _.bind(this.onListStyleContextMenu, this));
toolbar.styleMenu.on('hide:before', _.bind(this.onListStyleBeforeHide, this));
toolbar.btnInsertEquation.on('click', _.bind(this.onInsertEquationClick, this));
toolbar.btnInsertSymbol.on('click', _.bind(this.onInsertSymbolClick, this));
toolbar.mnuNoControlsColor.on('click', _.bind(this.onNoControlsColor, this));
toolbar.mnuControlsColorPicker.on('select', _.bind(this.onSelectControlsColor, this));
Common.Gateway.on('insertimage', _.bind(this.insertImage, this));
@ -820,6 +822,8 @@ define([
need_disable = paragraph_locked || header_locked || in_chart || !can_add_image&&!in_equation || control_plain;
toolbar.btnInsertSymbol.setDisabled(!in_para || paragraph_locked || header_locked);
need_disable = paragraph_locked || header_locked || in_equation;
@ -2470,6 +2474,24 @@ define([
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar, this.toolbar.btnInsertEquation);
onInsertSymbolClick: function() {
if (this.api) {
var me = this,
win = new Common.Views.SymbolTableDialog({
api: me.api,
handler: function(dlg, result) {
if (result == 'ok') {
// dlg.getSettings();
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
// win.setSettings();
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar, this.toolbar.btnInsertSymbol);
onApiMathTypes: function(equation) {
this._equationTemp = equation;
var me = this;

View file

@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
<div class="separator long"></div>
<div class="group">
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-insequation"></span>
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-inssymbol"></span>
<div class="separator long"></div>
<div class="group">

View file

@ -583,6 +583,14 @@ define([
this.btnInsertSymbol = new Common.UI.Button({
id: 'tlbtn-insertsymbol',
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'btn-insertequation',
caption: me.capBtnInsSymbol
this.btnDropCap = new Common.UI.Button({
id: 'tlbtn-dropcap',
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
@ -1309,6 +1317,7 @@ define([
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-blankpage', this.btnBlankPage);
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-insshape', this.btnInsertShape);
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-insequation', this.btnInsertEquation);
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-inssymbol', this.btnInsertSymbol);
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-pageorient', this.btnPageOrient);
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-pagemargins', this.btnPageMargins);
_injectComponent('#slot-btn-pagesize', this.btnPageSize);
@ -1579,6 +1588,7 @@ define([
@ -2324,7 +2334,9 @@ define([
capBtnWatermark: 'Watermark',
textEditWatermark: 'Custom Watermark',
textRemWatermark: 'Remove Watermark',
tipWatermark: 'Edit watermark'
tipWatermark: 'Edit watermark',
capBtnInsSymbol: 'Symbol',
tipInsertSymbol: 'Insert symbol'
})(), DE.Views.Toolbar || {}));