[SE] Show settings for table of contents.

This commit is contained in:
Julia Radzhabova 2018-01-18 11:58:24 +03:00
parent 5f3d992f12
commit 99c5bb7aac
2 changed files with 176 additions and 29 deletions

View file

@ -204,20 +204,30 @@ define([
onTableContents: function(type){
switch (type) {
case 0:
this.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(); break;
var props = new Asc.CTableOfContentsPr();
props.put_TabLeader( Asc.c_oAscTabLeader.Dot);
props.put_OutlineRange(1, 9);
this.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(props); break;
case 1:
this.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(); break;
var props = new Asc.CTableOfContentsPr();
props.put_TabLeader( Asc.c_oAscTabLeader.None);
props.put_OutlineRange(1, 9);
this.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(props); break;
case 'settings':
var props, me = this;
var props = this.api.asc_GetTableOfContentsPr(),
me = this;
var win = new DE.Views.TableOfContentsSettings({
api: this.api,
props: this.api.asc_GetTableOfContentsPr(),
handler: function(dlg, result) {
props: props,
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
props = dlg.getSettings();
(props) ? me.api.asc_SetTableOfContentsPr(value) : me.api.asc_AddTableOfContents(value);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);

View file

@ -131,6 +131,8 @@ define([
this.api = options.api;
this.handler = options.handler;
this.props = options.props;
this.startLevel = 1;
this.endLevel = 3;
Common.Views.AdvancedSettingsWindow.prototype.initialize.call(this, this.options);
@ -156,7 +158,6 @@ define([
labelText: this.strAlign,
value: 'checked'
// this.chAlign.on('change', _.bind(this.onAlignChange, this));
this.cmbLeader = new Common.UI.ComboBox({
el : $('#tableofcontents-combo-leader'),
@ -190,6 +191,8 @@ define([
if (newValue) {
this.levelsContainer.toggleClass('hidden', !newValue);
this.stylesContainer.toggleClass('hidden', newValue);
if (this._needUpdateOutlineLevels)
}, this));
@ -202,6 +205,8 @@ define([
if (newValue) {
this.stylesContainer.toggleClass('hidden', !newValue);
this.levelsContainer.toggleClass('hidden', newValue);
if (this._needUpdateStyles)
}, this));
@ -226,16 +231,16 @@ define([
step: 1,
width: 85,
defaultUnit : "",
value: 4,
value: 3,
maxValue: 9,
minValue: 1,
allowDecimal: false,
maskExp: /[1-9]/
this.spnLevels.on('change', _.bind(function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
if (this._changedProps) {
// this._changedProps.get_Ind().put_FirstLine(Common.Utils.Metric.fnRecalcToMM(field.getNumberValue()));
this._needUpdateStyles = true;
this.startLevel = 1;
this.endLevel = field.getNumberValue();
}, this));
this.stylesLevels = new Common.UI.DataViewStore();
@ -275,14 +280,17 @@ define([
_setDefaults: function (props) {
var styles = [];
var me = this,
styles = [];
_.each(window.styles.get_MergedStyles(), function (style) {
styles.push(new Common.UI.DataViewModel({
var level = me.api.asc_GetHeadingLevel(style.get_Name());
name: style.get_Name(),
allowSelected: false,
checked: false,
value: ''
value: '',
headerLevel: (level>0) ? level+1 : -1 // -1 if is not header
if (props) {
@ -290,50 +298,178 @@ define([
this.chLinks.setValue((value !== null && value !== undefined) ? value : 'indeterminate', true);
var start = props.get_OutlineStart(),
end = props.get_OutlineEnd();
end = props.get_OutlineEnd(),
count = props.get_StylesCount();
this.spnLevels.setValue((start<0 || end<0) ? 0 : end);
this.startLevel = start;
this.endLevel = end;
var count = props.get_StylesCount();
if ((start<0 || end<0) && count<1) {
start = 1;
end = 9;
this.spnLevels.setValue(end, true);
var disable_outlines = false;
for (var i=0; i<count; i++) {
var style = props.get_StyleName(i),
level = props.get_StyleLevel(i),
rec = _.findWhere(styles, {name: style});
if (rec) {
rec.set('checked', true);
rec.set('value', level);
rec.checked = true;
rec.value = level;
if (rec.headerLevel !== level)
disable_outlines = true;
} else {
styles.push(new Common.UI.DataViewModel({
name: style,
allowSelected: false,
checked: true,
value: level
value: level,
headerLevel: -1
disable_outlines = true;
if (start>0 && end>0) {
for (var i=start; i<=end; i++) {
var rec = _.findWhere(styles, {headerLevel: i});
if (rec) {
rec.checked = true;
rec.value = i;
var new_start = -1, new_end = -1, empty_index = -1;
for (var i=0; i<9; i++) {
var rec = _.findWhere(styles, {headerLevel: i+1});
if (rec) {
var headerLevel = rec.headerLevel,
level = rec.value;
if (headerLevel == level) {
if (empty_index<1) {
if (new_start<1)
new_start = level;
new_end = level;
} else {
new_start = new_end = -1;
disable_outlines = true;
} else if (!rec.checked) {
(new_start>0) && (empty_index = i+1);
} else {
new_start = new_end = -1;
disable_outlines = true;
this.spnLevels.setValue(new_end>0 ? new_end : '', true);
this.spnLevels.setDisabled(disable_outlines || new_start>1 );
if (this.spnLevels.isDisabled())
// this.api.SetDrawImagePlaceContents('tableofcontents-img', props);
this._changedProps = new Asc.CTableOfContentsPr();
synchronizeLevelsFromOutline: function() {
var start = 1, end = this.spnLevels.getNumberValue();
this.stylesLevels.each(function (style) {
var header = style.get('headerLevel');
if (header>=start && header<=end) {
style.set('checked', true);
style.set('value', header);
} else {
style.set('checked', false);
style.set('value', '');
this._needUpdateStyles = false;
synchronizeLevelsFromStyles: function() {
var new_start = -1, new_end = -1, empty_index = -1,
disable_outlines = false;
for (var i=0; i<9; i++) {
var rec = this.stylesLevels.findWhere({headerLevel: i+1});
if (rec) {
var headerLevel = rec.get('headerLevel'),
level = rec.get('value');
if (headerLevel == level) {
if (empty_index<1) {
if (new_start<1)
new_start = level;
new_end = level;
} else {
new_start = new_end = -1;
disable_outlines = true;
} else if (!rec.get('checked')) {
(new_start>0) && (empty_index = i+1);
} else {
new_start = new_end = -1;
disable_outlines = true;
if (new_start<0 && new_end<0) {
var rec = this.stylesLevels.findWhere({checked: true});
if (rec) { // has checked style
disable_outlines = true;
} else { // all levels are empty
new_start = 1;
new_end = 9;
this.startLevel = new_start;
this.endLevel = new_end;
this.spnLevels.setValue(new_end>0 ? new_end : '', true);
this.spnLevels.setDisabled(disable_outlines || new_start>1 );
this._needUpdateOutlineLevels = false;
getSettings: function () {
var props;
var props = new Asc.CTableOfContentsPr();
props.put_Hyperlink(this.chLinks.getValue() == 'checked');
props.put_ShowPageNumbers(this.chPages.getValue() == 'checked');
if (this.chPages.getValue() == 'checked')
props.put_RightAlignTab(this.chAlign.getValue() == 'checked');
if (this._needUpdateOutlineLevels) {
if (!this._needUpdateStyles) // if this._needUpdateStyles==true - fill only OutlineRange
this.stylesLevels.each(function (style) {
if (style.get('checked'))
props.add_Style(style.get('name'), style.get('value'));
props.put_OutlineRange(this.startLevel, this.endLevel);
return props;
addEvents: function(listView, itemView, record) {
var input = itemView.$el.find('input');
var input = itemView.$el.find('input'),
me = this;
input.on('keypress', function(e) {
var charCode = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
if(!/[1-9]/.test(charCode) && !e.ctrlKey && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.DELETE && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.BACKSPACE &&
e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.LEFT && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.RIGHT && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.HOME &&
e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.END && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.ESC && e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.INSERT &&
e.keyCode !== Common.UI.Keys.TAB || input.val().length>1){
// if (e.keyCode==Common.UI.Keys.RETURN) me.trigger('changed', me, el.val());
@ -346,6 +482,7 @@ define([
record.set('checked', !_.isEmpty(input.val()));
record.set('value', input.val());
me._needUpdateOutlineLevels = true;