[DE] Add Forms tab

This commit is contained in:
Julia Radzhabova 2020-10-07 10:43:34 +03:00
parent bcaa907108
commit c35bf4bdcd
7 changed files with 550 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ require([
@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ require([

View file

@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2020
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* FormsTab.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 06.10.2020
* Copyright (c) 2020 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function () {
'use strict';
DE.Controllers.FormsTab = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.extend({
models : [],
collections : [
views : [
sdkViewName : '#id_main',
initialize: function () {
'FormsTab': {
'forms:insert': this.onControlsSelect,
'forms:new-color': this.onNewControlsColor,
'forms:clear': this.onClearClick,
'forms:no-color': this.onNoControlsColor,
'forms:select-color': this.onSelectControlsColor,
'forms:mode': this.onModeClick
onLaunch: function () {
this._state = {
in_object: false
setApi: function (api) {
if (api) {
this.api = api;
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onFocusObject', this.onApiFocusObject.bind(this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onCoAuthoringDisconnect',_.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this));
Common.NotificationCenter.on('api:disconnect', _.bind(this.onCoAuthoringDisconnect, this));
// this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onShowContentControlsActions',_.bind(this.onShowContentControlsActions, this));
// this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onHideContentControlsActions',_.bind(this.onHideContentControlsActions, this));
return this;
setConfig: function(config) {
this.toolbar = config.toolbar;
this.view = this.createView('FormsTab', {
toolbar: this.toolbar.toolbar
SetDisabled: function(state) {
this.view && this.view.SetDisabled(state);
getView: function(name) {
return !name && this.view ?
this.view : Backbone.Controller.prototype.getView.call(this, name);
onCoAuthoringDisconnect: function() {
onApiFocusObject: function(selectedObjects) {
if (!this.toolbar.editMode) return;
var pr, i = -1, type,
paragraph_locked = false,
header_locked = false,
in_header = false,
in_equation = false,
in_image = false,
in_table = false,
frame_pr = null;
while (++i < selectedObjects.length) {
type = selectedObjects[i].get_ObjectType();
pr = selectedObjects[i].get_ObjectValue();
if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Paragraph) {
paragraph_locked = pr.get_Locked();
frame_pr = pr;
} else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Header) {
header_locked = pr.get_Locked();
in_header = true;
} else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Image) {
in_image = true;
} else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Math) {
in_equation = true;
} else if (type === Asc.c_oAscTypeSelectElement.Table) {
in_table = true;
this._state.prcontrolsdisable = paragraph_locked || header_locked;
this._state.in_object = in_image || in_table || in_equation;
var control_props = this.api.asc_IsContentControl() ? this.api.asc_GetContentControlProperties() : null,
control_plain = (control_props) ? (control_props.get_ContentControlType()==Asc.c_oAscSdtLevelType.Inline) : false,
lock_type = control_props ? control_props.get_Lock() : Asc.c_oAscSdtLockType.Unlocked,
content_locked = lock_type==Asc.c_oAscSdtLockType.SdtContentLocked || lock_type==Asc.c_oAscSdtLockType.ContentLocked;
var rich_del_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_DeleteBlockContentControl() : false,
rich_edit_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_EditBlockContentControl() : false,
plain_del_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_DeleteInlineContentControl() : false,
plain_edit_lock = (frame_pr) ? !frame_pr.can_EditInlineContentControl() : false;
var need_disable = paragraph_locked || in_equation || in_image || in_header || control_plain || rich_edit_lock || plain_edit_lock;
onControlsSelect: function(type) {
if (!(this.mode && this.mode.canFeatureContentControl)) return;
if (item.value == 'settings' || item.value == 'remove') {
if (this.api.asc_IsContentControl()) {
var props = this.api.asc_GetContentControlProperties();
if (props) {
var id = props.get_InternalId();
if (item.value == 'settings') {
var me = this;
(new DE.Views.ControlSettingsDialog({
props: props,
api: me.api,
controlLang: me._state.lang,
interfaceLang: me.mode.lang,
handler: function(result, value) {
if (result == 'ok') {
me.api.asc_SetContentControlProperties(value, id);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', me.toolbar);
} else {
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Remove Content Control');
} else {
var isnew = (item.value.indexOf('new-')==0),
oPr, oFormPr;
if (isnew) {
oFormPr = new AscCommon.CSdtFormPr();
this.toolbar.fireEvent('insertcontrol', this.toolbar);
if (item.value == 'plain' || item.value == 'rich')
this.api.asc_AddContentControl((item.value=='plain') ? Asc.c_oAscSdtLevelType.Inline : Asc.c_oAscSdtLevelType.Block);
else if (item.value.indexOf('picture')>=0)
else if (item.value.indexOf('checkbox')>=0 || item.value.indexOf('radiobox')>=0) {
if (isnew) {
oPr = new AscCommon.CSdtCheckBoxPr();
(item.value.indexOf('radiobox')>=0) && oPr.put_GroupKey('Group 1');
this.api.asc_AddContentControlCheckBox(oPr, oFormPr);
} else if (item.value == 'date')
else if (item.value.indexOf('combobox')>=0 || item.value.indexOf('dropdown')>=0)
this.api.asc_AddContentControlList(item.value.indexOf('combobox')>=0, oPr, oFormPr);
else if (item.value == 'new-field') {
oPr = new AscCommon.CSdtTextFormPr();
this.api.asc_AddContentControlTextForm(oPr, oFormPr);
Common.component.Analytics.trackEvent('ToolBar', 'Add Content Control');
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
onModeClick: function(state) {
if (this.api) {
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
onClearClick: function() {
if (this.api) {
// this.api.asc_ClearControls();
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
onNewControlsColor: function() {
onNoControlsColor: function(item) {
if (!item.isChecked())
this.api.asc_SetGlobalContentControlShowHighlight(true, 220, 220, 220);
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
onSelectControlsColor: function(color) {
var clr = Common.Utils.ThemeColor.getRgbColor(color);
if (this.api) {
this.api.asc_SetGlobalContentControlShowHighlight(true, clr.get_r(), clr.get_g(), clr.get_b());
Common.NotificationCenter.trigger('edit:complete', this.toolbar);
}, DE.Controllers.FormsTab || {}));

View file

@ -2981,7 +2981,7 @@ define([
var tab = {action: 'review', caption: me.toolbar.textTabCollaboration};
var $panel = me.application.getController('Common.Controllers.ReviewChanges').createToolbarPanel();
if ( $panel )
me.toolbar.addTab(tab, $panel, 4);
me.toolbar.addTab(tab, $panel, 5);
if ( config.isEdit ) {
@ -3005,13 +3005,17 @@ define([
tab = {action: 'protect', caption: me.toolbar.textTabProtect};
$panel = me.getApplication().getController('Common.Controllers.Protection').createToolbarPanel();
if ($panel) me.toolbar.addTab(tab, $panel, 5);
if ($panel) me.toolbar.addTab(tab, $panel, 6);
var links = me.getApplication().getController('Links');
links.setApi(me.api).setConfig({toolbar: me});
Array.prototype.push.apply(me.toolbar.toolbarControls, links.getView('Links').getButtons());
var forms = me.getApplication().getController('FormsTab');
forms.setApi(me.api).setConfig({toolbar: me});
Array.prototype.push.apply(me.toolbar.toolbarControls, forms.getView('FormsTab').getButtons());

View file

@ -161,6 +161,29 @@
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-crossref"></span>
<section class="panel" data-tab="forms">
<div class="group">
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-field"></span>
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-combobox"></span>
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-dropdown"></span>
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-checkbox"></span>
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-radiobox"></span>
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-image"></span>
<div class="separator long"></div>
<div class="group" style="padding-left: 5px;">
<div class="elset">
<span class="btn-slot text" id="slot-form-clear-fields"></span>
<div class="elset">
<span class="btn-slot text" id="slot-form-highlight"></span>
<div class="separator long"></div>
<div class="group">
<span class="btn-slot text x-huge" id="slot-btn-form-view"></span>

View file

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
* (c) Copyright Ascensio System SIA 2010-2020
* This program is a free software product. You can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL)
* version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. In accordance with
* Section 7(a) of the GNU AGPL its Section 15 shall be amended to the effect
* that Ascensio System SIA expressly excludes the warranty of non-infringement
* of any third-party rights.
* This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
* details, see the GNU AGPL at: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
* You can contact Ascensio System SIA at 20A-12 Ernesta Birznieka-Upisha
* street, Riga, Latvia, EU, LV-1050.
* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of the Program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU AGPL version 3.
* Pursuant to Section 7(b) of the License you must retain the original Product
* logo when distributing the program. Pursuant to Section 7(e) we decline to
* grant you any rights under trademark law for use of our trademarks.
* All the Product's GUI elements, including illustrations and icon sets, as
* well as technical writing content are licensed under the terms of the
* Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. See the License
* terms at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode
* FormsTab.js
* Created by Julia Radzhabova on 06.10.2020
* Copyright (c) 2020 Ascensio System SIA. All rights reserved.
], function () {
'use strict';
DE.Views.FormsTab = Common.UI.BaseView.extend(_.extend((function(){
function setEvents() {
var me = this;
this.btnTextField.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:insert', ['text']);
this.btnComboBox.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:insert', ['combobox']);
this.btnDropDown.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:insert', ['dropdown']);
this.btnCheckBox.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:insert', ['checkbox']);
this.btnRadioBox.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:insert', ['radiobox']);
this.btnImageField.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:insert', ['image']);
this.btnViewForm.on('click', function (b, e) {
me.fireEvent('forms:mode', [b.pressed]);
this.btnClearFields.on('click', function (b, e) {
$('#id-toolbar-menu-new-form-color').on('click', function (b, e) {
this.mnuNoControlsColor.on('click', function (item) {
me.fireEvent('forms:no-color', [item]);
this.mnuControlsColorPicker.on('select', function(picker, color) {
me.fireEvent('forms:select-color', [color]);
return {
options: {},
initialize: function (options) {
this.toolbar = options.toolbar;
this.paragraphControls = [];
var me = this,
$host = me.toolbar.$el;
this.btnTextField = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-field'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnText,
disabled: true
this.btnComboBox = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-combobox'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnComboBox,
disabled: true
this.btnDropDown = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-dropdown'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnDropDown,
disabled: true
this.btnCheckBox = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-checkbox'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnCheckBox,
disabled: true
this.btnRadioBox = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-radiobox'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnRadioBox,
disabled: true
this.btnImageField = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-image'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnImage,
disabled: true
this.btnViewForm = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl: $host.find('#slot-btn-form-view'),
cls: 'btn-toolbar x-huge icon-top',
iconCls: 'toolbar__icon btn-update',
caption: this.capBtnView,
enableToggle: true,
disabled: true
this.btnClearFields = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl : $host.find('#slot-form-clear-fields'),
cls : 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls : 'toolbar__icon btn-clearstyle',
caption : this.textClearFields,
disabled: true
this.btnHighlight = new Common.UI.Button({
parentEl : $host.find('#slot-form-highlight'),
cls : 'btn-toolbar',
iconCls : 'toolbar__icon btn-highlight',
caption : this.textHighlight,
disabled: true
this._state = {disabled: false};
Common.NotificationCenter.on('app:ready', this.onAppReady.bind(this));
render: function (el) {
return this;
onAppReady: function (config) {
var me = this;
(new Promise(function (accept, reject) {
me.btnHighlight.setMenu(new Common.UI.Menu({
items: [
me.mnuNoControlsColor = new Common.UI.MenuItem({
id: 'id-toolbar-menu-no-highlight-form',
caption: me.textNoHighlight,
checkable: true
{caption: '--'},
{template: _.template('<div id="id-toolbar-menu-form-color" style="width: 169px; height: 220px; margin: 10px;"></div>')},
{template: _.template('<a id="id-toolbar-menu-new-form-color" style="padding-left:12px;">' + me.textNewColor + '</a>')}
me.mnuControlsColorPicker = new Common.UI.ThemeColorPalette({
el: $('#id-toolbar-menu-form-color')
show: function () {
this.fireEvent('show', this);
getButtons: function() {
return this.paragraphControls;
SetDisabled: function (state) {
this._state.disabled = state;
this.paragraphControls.forEach(function(button) {
if ( button ) {
}, this);
capBtnText: 'Text Field',
capBtnComboBox: 'Combo Box',
capBtnDropDown: 'Dropdown',
capBtnCheckBox: 'Checkbox',
capBtnRadioBox: 'Radio Button',
capBtnImage: 'Image',
capBtnView: 'View Form',
textClearFields: 'Clear All Fields',
textHighlight: 'Highlight Settings',
tipTextField: 'Insert text field',
tipComboBox: 'Insert combo box',
tipDropDown: 'Insert dropdown list',
tipCheckBox: 'Insert checkbox',
tipRadioBox: 'Insert radio button',
tipImageField: 'Insert image',
tipViewForm: 'Fill form mode',
textNoHighlight: 'No highlighting',
textNewColor: 'Add New Custom Color'
}()), DE.Views.FormsTab || {}));

View file

@ -113,7 +113,8 @@ define([
{caption: me.textTabHome, action: 'home', extcls: 'canedit'},
{caption: me.textTabInsert, action: 'ins', extcls: 'canedit'},
{caption: me.textTabLayout, action: 'layout', extcls: 'canedit'},
{caption: me.textTabLinks, action: 'links', extcls: 'canedit'}
{caption: me.textTabLinks, action: 'links', extcls: 'canedit'},
{caption: me.textTabForms, action: 'forms', extcls: 'canedit'}
@ -2362,7 +2363,8 @@ define([
textNewComboboxControl: 'New combo box',
textNewCheckboxControl: 'New check box',
textNewRadioboxControl: 'New radio box',
textNewDropdownControl: 'New drop-down list'
textNewDropdownControl: 'New drop-down list',
textTabForms: 'Forms'
})(), DE.Views.Toolbar || {}));

View file

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ require([
@ -166,6 +167,7 @@ require([