[DE] Support for form tips

This commit is contained in:
Julia Radzhabova 2021-08-06 20:07:03 +03:00
parent 9b6f9afe22
commit d93a3740e5
5 changed files with 160 additions and 24 deletions

View file

@ -687,6 +687,7 @@
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 11px;
box-shadow: 0 6px 12px rgba(0,0,0,0.175);
max-width: 350px;
padding: 5px 12px;
white-space: pre-wrap;

View file

@ -16,7 +16,10 @@ define([
_submitFail, $submitedTooltip, $requiredTooltip,
$ttEl, $tooltip;
$ttEl, $tooltip,
$listControlMenu, listControlItems = [], listObj,
bodyWidth = 0,
ttOffset = [0, -10];
DE.Controllers.ApplicationController = Backbone.Controller.extend(_.assign({
views: [
@ -173,6 +176,7 @@ define([
onDocumentResize: function() {
this.api && this.api.Resize();
bodyWidth = $('body').width();
onBeforeUnload: function() {
@ -324,10 +328,11 @@ define([
// ttOffset[1] = -40;
ttOffset[1] = -40;
} else {
ttOffset[1] = 40;
this.appOptions.customization = this.editorConfig.customization;
@ -665,34 +670,50 @@ define([
onDocMouseMove: function(data) {
var me = this;
if (data) {
if (data.get_Type() == 1) { // hyperlink
var type = data.get_Type();
if (type == Asc.c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.Hyperlink || type==Asc.c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.Form) { // hyperlink
this.isHideBodyTip = false;
var str = (type == Asc.c_oAscMouseMoveDataTypes.Hyperlink) ? me.txtPressLink : data.get_FormHelpText();
if (str.length>500)
str = str.substr(0, 500) + '...';
str = Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(str);
if ( !$ttEl ) {
$ttEl = $('.hyperlink-tooltip');
$ttEl.tooltip({'container':'body', 'trigger':'manual'});
$ttEl.on('shown.bs.tooltip', function(e) {
$tooltip = $ttEl.data('bs.tooltip').tip();
left: $ttEl.ttpos[0] + ttOffset[0],
top: $ttEl.ttpos[1] + ttOffset[1]
$tooltip.find('.tooltip-arrow').css({left: 10});
if ( !$tooltip ) {
$ttEl.ttpos = [data.get_X(), data.get_Y()];
} else {
left:data.get_X() + ttOffset[0],
top:data.get_Y() + ttOffset[1]
$ttEl.ttpos = [data.get_X(), data.get_Y()];
if ( !$tooltip)
$tooltip = $ttEl.data('bs.tooltip').tip();
if (!$tooltip.is(':visible')) {
var tip = $ttEl.data('bs.tooltip');
tip.options.title = str;
tip.show([-1000, -1000]);
} else
var ttHeight = $tooltip.height(),
ttWidth = $tooltip.width();
!bodyWidth && (bodyWidth = $('body').width());
$ttEl.ttpos[1] -= (ttHeight - ttOffset[1] + 20);
if ($ttEl.ttpos[0] + ttWidth + 10 >bodyWidth) {
$ttEl.ttpos[0] = bodyWidth - ttWidth - 5;
if ($ttEl.ttpos[1] < 0)
$ttEl.ttpos[1] += ttHeight + ttOffset[1] + 20;
} else if ($ttEl.ttpos[1] < 0) {
$ttEl.ttpos[1] = 0;
$ttEl.ttpos[0] += 20;
left: $ttEl.ttpos[0],
top: $ttEl.ttpos[1]
@ -784,6 +805,99 @@ define([
onShowContentControlsActions: function(obj, x, y) {
var me = this;
switch (obj.type) {
case Asc.c_oAscContentControlSpecificType.Picture:
if (obj.pr && obj.pr.get_Lock) {
var lock = obj.pr.get_Lock();
if (lock == Asc.c_oAscSdtLockType.SdtContentLocked || lock==Asc.c_oAscSdtLockType.ContentLocked)
}, 500);
case Asc.c_oAscContentControlSpecificType.DropDownList:
case Asc.c_oAscContentControlSpecificType.ComboBox:
this.onShowListActions(obj, x, y);
onHideContentControlsActions: function() {
$listControlMenu && $listControlMenu.hide();
onShowListActions: function(obj, x, y) {
var type = obj.type,
props = obj.pr,
specProps = (type == Asc.c_oAscContentControlSpecificType.ComboBox) ? props.get_ComboBoxPr() : props.get_DropDownListPr(),
isForm = !!props.get_FormPr(),
me = this;
var menuContainer = this.view.getMenuForm();
if (!$listControlMenu) {
$listControlMenu = menuContainer.find('ul');
$listControlMenu.on('click', 'li', function(e) {
var value = $(e.target).attr('value');
if (value) {
value = parseInt(value);
(value!==-1) && me.api.asc_SelectContentControlListItem(listControlItems[value], listObj.get_InternalId());
}, 1);
$('#editor_sdk').on('click', function(e){
if (e.target.localName == 'canvas') {
if (me._preventClick)
me._preventClick = false;
else {
$listControlMenu && $listControlMenu.hide();
listControlItems = [];
listObj = props;
if (specProps) {
var k = 0;
if (isForm){ // for dropdown and combobox form control always add placeholder item
var text = props.get_PlaceholderText();
$listControlMenu.append('<li><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" style="opacity: 0.6" value="0">' +
((text.trim()!=='') ? text : me.txtEmpty) +
var count = specProps.get_ItemsCount();
k = listControlItems.length;
for (var i=0; i<count; i++) {
if (specProps.get_ItemValue(i)!=='' || !isForm) {
$listControlMenu.append('<li><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" value="' + (i+k) + '">' +
Common.Utils.String.htmlEncode(specProps.get_ItemDisplayText(i)) +
if (!isForm && listControlItems.length<1) {
$listControlMenu.append('<li><a tabindex="-1" type="menuitem" value="0">' +
me.txtEmpty +
menuContainer.css({left: x, top : y});
me._preventClick = true;
onDocumentContentReady: function() {
var me = this;
@ -859,6 +973,11 @@ define([
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPrint', _.bind(this.onPrint, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onPrintUrl', _.bind(this.onPrintUrl, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('sync_onAllRequiredFormsFilled', _.bind(this.onFillRequiredFields, this));
if (this.appOptions.canFillForms) {
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onShowContentControlsActions', _.bind(this.onShowContentControlsActions, this));
this.api.asc_registerCallback('asc_onHideContentControlsActions', _.bind(this.onHideContentControlsActions, this));
// this.api.asc_SetHighlightRequiredFields(true);
Common.Gateway.on('processmouse', _.bind(this.onProcessMouse, this));
Common.Gateway.on('downloadas', _.bind(this.onDownloadAs, this));
@ -1024,6 +1143,8 @@ define([
textRequired: 'Fill all required fields to send form.',
textGotIt: 'Got it',
errorForceSave: "An error occurred while saving the file. Please use the 'Download as' option to save the file to your computer hard drive or try again later.",
textCloseTip: "Click to close the tip."
textCloseTip: "Click to close the tip.",
txtPressLink: 'Press Ctrl and click link',
txtEmpty: '(Empty)'
}, DE.Controllers.ApplicationController));

View file

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ define([
'use strict';
var $btnTools;
var $menuForm;
DE.Views.ApplicationView = Backbone.View.extend({
// Render layout
render: function() {
@ -38,6 +39,17 @@ define([
return $btnTools.parent().find(name);
getMenuForm: function() {
if (!$menuForm) {
$menuForm = $('<div id="menu-container-form" style="position: absolute; z-index: 10000;" data-value="prevent-canvas-click">' +
'<div class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown"></div>' +
'<ul class="dropdown-menu" oo_editor_input="true" role="menu" style="right: 0; left: auto;max-height: 200px; overflow-y: auto;"></ul>' +
return $menuForm;
txtDownload: 'Download',
txtPrint: 'Print',
txtShare: 'Share',

View file

@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
<div class="hyperlink-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Press Ctrl and click the link" style="display:none;"></div>
<div class="hyperlink-tooltip" data-toggle="tooltip" title="" style="display:none;"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../../../vendor/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script>

View file

@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
"DE.ApplicationController.unknownErrorText": "Unknown error.",
"DE.ApplicationController.unsupportedBrowserErrorText": "Your browser is not supported.",
"DE.ApplicationController.waitText": "Please, wait...",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtEmpty": "(Empty)",
"DE.ApplicationController.txtPressLink": "Press Ctrl and click link",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownload": "Download",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadDocx": "Download as docx",
"DE.ApplicationView.txtDownloadPdf": "Download as pdf",