Merge pull request #392 from ONLYOFFICE/feature/help_translations_it
Added help translations (IT), old translations replaced with en version
@ -1,36 +1,62 @@
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm", "name": "Impostare parametri di pagina", "headername": "Istruzioni d'uso"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CopyPasteUndoRedo.htm", "name": "Copiare/incollare testo, annullare/ripristinare azioni"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/NonprintingCharacters.htm", "name": "Visualizzare/nascondere caratteri non stampabili"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm", "name": "Allineare testo nella riga o paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm", "name": "Applicare preset di formattazione"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/BackgroundColor.htm", "name": "Selezionare colore sfondo per un paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ParagraphIndents.htm", "name": "Modificare rientri di paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/LineSpacing.htm", "name": "Impostare interlinea di paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/PageBreaks.htm", "name": "Inserire interruzione di pagina"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddBorders.htm", "name": "Aggiungere bordi"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm", "name": "Impostare tipo di carattere, dimensione e colore"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/DecorationStyles.htm", "name": "Applicare stili di decorazione"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CopyClearFormatting.htm", "name": "Copiare/cancellare formattazione"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SetTabStops.htm", "name": "Impostare punti di tabulazione"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CreateLists.htm", "name": "Creare elenchi"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm", "name": "Inserire tabelle"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm", "name": "Inserire immagini"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm", "name": "Inserire forme"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm", "name": "Inserire grafici"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm", "name": "Aggiungere collegamento ipertestuale"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertDropCap.htm", "name": "Inserire un capolettera"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertHeadersFooters.htm", "name": "Inserire intestazioni e piè di pagina"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertPageNumbers.htm", "name": "Inserire numeri di pagina"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", "name": "Visualizzare informazioni sul documento"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", "name": "Salvare/scaricare/stampare documento"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", "name": "Creare nuovo documento o aprire documento esistente"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/About.htm", "name": "Informazioni su TeamLab Document Editor", "headername": "Suggerimenti"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", "name": "Formati di documenti elettronici supportati"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm", "name": "Impostazioni avanzate di TeamLab Document Editor"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm", "name": "Visualizzazione e navigazione"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Search.htm", "name": "Ricerca e sostituzione"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm", "name": "Modifica collaborativa dei documenti"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/SpellChecking.htm", "name": "Controllo ortografia"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm", "name": "Tasti di scelta rapida"}
{"src": "ProgramInterface/ProgramInterface.htm", "name": "Introducing Document Editor user interface", "headername": "Program Interface"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/FileTab.htm", "name": "Scheda File"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/HomeTab.htm", "name": "Scheda Home"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/InsertTab.htm", "name": "Scheda Inserisci"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/LayoutTab.htm", "name": "Scheda Layout di Pagina" },
{"src": "ProgramInterface/ReferencesTab.htm", "name": "Scheda Riferimenti"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/ReviewTab.htm", "name": "Collaboration tab"},
{"src": "ProgramInterface/PluginsTab.htm", "name": "Plugins tab"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm", "name": "Creare nuovo documento o aprire documento esistente", "headername": "Operazioni principali"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CopyPasteUndoRedo.htm", "name": "Copiare/incollare testo, annullare/ripristinare azioni"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm", "name": "Change color scheme"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm", "name": "Impostare parametri di pagina", "headername": "Formattazione della pagina"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/NonprintingCharacters.htm", "name": "Visualizzare/nascondere caratteri non stampabili" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm", "name": "Inserire interruzioni di sezione" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertHeadersFooters.htm", "name": "Inserire intestazioni e piè di pagina"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertPageNumbers.htm", "name": "Inserire numeri di pagina"},
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/InsertFootnotes.htm", "name": "Inserire note a piè di pagina" },
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/InsertBookmarks.htm", "name": "Aggiungere segnalibri" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddWatermark.htm", "name": "Aggiungere una filigrana"},
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm", "name": "Allineare testo nella riga o paragrafo", "headername": "Formattazione del paragrafo" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/BackgroundColor.htm", "name": "Impostare un livello di struttura del paragarfo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SetOutlineLevel.htm", "name": "Selezionare colore sfondo per un paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ParagraphIndents.htm", "name": "Modificare rientri di paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/LineSpacing.htm", "name": "Impostare interlinea di paragrafo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/PageBreaks.htm", "name": "Inserire interruzione di pagina"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddBorders.htm", "name": "Aggiungere bordi"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SetTabStops.htm", "name": "Impostare punti di tabulazione"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CreateLists.htm", "name": "Creare elenchi"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm", "name": "Applicare preset di formattazione", "headername": "Formattazione del testo"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm", "name": "Impostare tipo di carattere, dimensione e colore"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/DecorationStyles.htm", "name": "Applicare stili di decorazione"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CopyClearFormatting.htm", "name": "Copiare/cancellare formattazione" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm", "name": "Aggiungere collegamento ipertestuale"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertDropCap.htm", "name": "Inserire un capolettera"},
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm", "name": "Inserire tabelle", "headername": "Operazioni sugli oggetti" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AddFormulasInTables.htm", "name": "Use formulas in tables"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm", "name": "Inserire immagini"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm", "name": "Inserire forme"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm", "name": "Inserire grafici" },
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/InsertTextObjects.htm", "name": "Insert text objects" },
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/AddCaption.htm", "name": "Aggiungere una didascalia" },
{ "src": "UsageInstructions/InsertSymbols.htm", "name": "Inserire simboli e caratteri" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm", "name": "Align and arrange objects on a page" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ChangeWrappingStyle.htm", "name": "Change wrapping style" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertContentControls.htm", "name": "Insert content controls" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/CreateTableOfContents.htm", "name": "Create table of contents" },
{"src": "UsageInstructions/UseMailMerge.htm", "name": "Use mail merge", "headername": "Unione di stampa"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/InsertEquation.htm", "name": "Insert equations", "headername": "Equazioni matematiche" },
{"src": "HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm", "name": "Modifica collaborativa dei documenti", "headername": "Modifica congiunta dei documenti"},
{ "src": "HelpfulHints/Review.htm", "name": "Document Review" },
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Comparison.htm", "name": "Compare documents"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm", "name": "Visualizzare informazioni sul documento", "headername": "Strumenti e impostazioni"},
{"src": "UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm", "name": "Salvare/scaricare/stampare documento" },
{"src": "HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm", "name": "Impostazioni avanzate di Document Editor"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm", "name": "Visualizzazione e navigazione"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/Search.htm", "name": "Ricerca e sostituzione"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/SpellChecking.htm", "name": "Controllo ortografia"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/About.htm", "name": "Informazioni su Document Editor", "headername": "Suggerimenti utili"},
{"src": "HelpfulHints/SupportedFormats.htm", "name": "Formati di documenti elettronici supportati" },
{"src": "HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm", "name": "Tasti di scelta rapida"}
@ -1,19 +1,25 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Informazioni su TeamLab Document Editor</title>
<title>About Document Editor</title>
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<meta name="description" content="The short description of Document Editor" />
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<div class="mainpart">
<h1>Informazioni su TeamLab Document Editor</h1>
<p><b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> è un'applicazione in linea che permette di aprire e modificare i documenti
direttamente nel vostro portale TeamLab.</p>
<p>Usando <b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> potete effettuare diverse operazioni di modifica,
stampare i documenti modificati mantenendo tutti i dettagli di formattazione o scaricarli nei formati PDF, TXT, DOCX, DOC, ODT, RTF, HTML o EPUB
salvando sul disco rigido del computer.</p>
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<h1>About Document Editor</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> is an <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">online</span> application that lets you look through
and edit documents<span class="onlineDocumentFeatures"> directly in your browser</span>.</p>
<p>Using <b>Document Editor</b>, you can perform various editing operations like in any desktop editor,
print the edited documents keeping all the formatting details or download them onto your computer hard disk drive
as DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML files.</p>
<p><span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">To view the current software version and licensor details in the <em>online version</em>, click the <img alt="About icon" src="../images/about.png" /> icon at the left sidebar.</span> <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures"> To view the current software version and licensor details in the <em>desktop version</em>, select the <b>About</b> menu item at the left sidebar of the main program window.</span></p>
@ -1,42 +1,72 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Impostazioni avanzate di TeamLab Document Editor</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Impostazioni avanzate di TeamLab Document Editor" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../editor.css" />
<div class="mainpart">
<h1>Impostazioni avanzate di TeamLab Document Editor</h1>
<p>Potete sempre regolare certe impostazioni avanzate di <b>TeamLab Document Editor</b>. Per farlo, cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate...</b>. Potete usare anche l'icona <img alt="Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/advanced_settings_icon.png" /> nell'angolo destro della barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p>Le impostazioni avanzate sono le seguenti:</p>
<li><b>Input alternativo</b> si usa per attivare/disattivare i geroglifici.</li>
<li><b>Commenti in tempo reale</b> si usa per attivare/disattivare i commenti in tempo reale. Se questa opzione è disattivata, i frammenti commentati vengono evidenziati solo se cliccate sull'icona <b>Commenti</b> <img alt="Commenti" src="../images/commentsicon.png" />.</li>
<li><b>Valore di zoom predefinito</b> si usa per impostare il valore di zoom predefinito selezionandolo dall'elenco delle opzioni disponibili da 50% a 200%.</li>
<li><b>Evidenzia modifiche di collaborazione</b> si usa per specificare le modifiche che desiderate evidenziare durante la modifica collaborativa:
<li>Selezionate l'opzione <b>Tutte</b> per evidenziare tutte le modifiche apportate durante la sessione corrente.</li>
<li>Selezionate l'opzione <b>Ultime</b> per evidenziare solo le modifiche apportate a partire dall'ultimo clic sull'icona <b>Salva</b> <img alt="Salva" src="../images/saveupdate.png" />.</li>
<li><b>Hinting dei caratteri</b> si usa per selezionare la tecnica di visualizzazione dei caratteri in TeamLab Document Editor:
<li>Selezionate <b>come Windows</b> se vi piace la tecnica di visualizzazione dei caratteri usata di solito da Windows.</li>
<li>Selezionate <b>come OS X</b> se vi piace la tecnica di visualizzazione dei caratteri su Mac, cioè senza hinting.</li>
<li>Selezionate <b>Nativo</b> se desiderate visualizzare il testo con hinting incorporati nei file dei caratteri.</li>
<li><b>Salvataggio automatico</b> si usa per specificare la frequenza con cui vengono salvate le modifiche apportate al documento.
<li>Selezionate uno degli intervalli disponibili: <b>Ogni 10 minuti</b>, <b>Ogni 30 minuti</b> o <b>Ogni ora</b>.</li>
<li>Selezionate l'opzione <b>Disattivato</b>, se non desiderate che <b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> salvi le modifiche automaticamente.</li>
<li><b>Unità di misura</b> si usa per specificare le unità di misura da usare sui righelli e nelle finestre di proprietà per misurare i parametri degli elementi tra quali la larghezza, l'altezza, la spaziatura, i margini ecc. Potete selezionare una di due opzioni: <b>Centimetro</b> o <b>Punto</b>.</li>
<p>Per salvare le modifiche apportate, cliccate su <b>Applica</b>.</p>
<title>Advanced Settings of Document Editor</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="The advanced settings of Document Editor" />
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<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Advanced Settings of Document Editor</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> lets you change its advanced settings. To access them, open the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar and select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option. You can also click the <b>View settings</b> <img alt="View settings icon" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" /> icon on the right side of the editor header and select the <b>Advanced settings</b> option.</p>
<p>The advanced settings are:</p>
<li><b>Commenting Display</b> is used to turn on/off the live commenting option:
<li><b>Turn on display of the comments</b> - if you disable this feature, the commented passages will be highlighted only if you click the <b>Comments</b> <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar.</li>
<li><b>Turn on display of the resolved comments</b> - this feature is disabled by default so that the resolved comments were hidden in the document text. You can view such comments only if you click the <b>Comments</b> <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar. Enable this option if you want to display resolved comments in the document text.</li>
<li><b>Spell Checking</b> is used to turn on/off the spell checking option.</li>
<li><b>Alternate Input</b> is used to turn on/off hieroglyphs.</li>
<li><b>Alignment Guides</b> is used to turn on/off alignment guides that appear when you move objects and allow you to position them on the page precisely.</li>
<li><b>Compatibility</b> is used to <em>make the files compatible with older MS Word versions when saved as DOCX</em>.</li>
<li><span class="onlineDocumentFeatures"><b>Autosave</b> is used in the <em>online version</em> to turn on/off automatic saving of changes you make while editing.</span></li>
<li><span class="desktopDocumentFeatures"><b>Autorecover</b> - is used in the <em>desktop version</em> to turn on/off the option that allows to automatically recover documents in case of the unexpected program closing.</span></li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"><b>Co-editing Mode</b> is used to select the display of the changes made during the co-editing:
<li>By default the <b>Fast</b> mode is selected, the users who take part in the document co-editing will see the changes in real time once they are made by other users.</li>
<li>If you prefer not to see other user changes (so that they do not disturb you, or for some other reason), select the <b>Strict</b> mode and all the changes will be shown only after you click the <b>Save</b> <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon notifying you that there are changes from other users.</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<b>Real-time Collaboration Changes</b> is used to specify what changes you want to be highlighted during co-editing:
<li>Selecting the <b>View None</b> option, changes made during the current session will not be highlighted.</li>
<li>Selecting the <b>View All</b> option, all the changes made during the current session will be highlighted.</li>
<li>Selecting the <b>View Last</b> option, only the changes made since you last time clicked the <b>Save</b> <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon will be highlighted. This option is only available when the <b>Strict</b> co-editing mode is selected.</li>
<li><b>Default Zoom Value</b> is used to set the default zoom value selecting it in the list of available options from 50% to 200%. You can also choose the <b>Fit to Page</b> or <b>Fit to Width</b> option.</li>
<b>Font Hinting</b> is used to select the type a font is displayed in Document Editor:
<li>Choose <b>As Windows</b> if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on Windows, i.e. using Windows font hinting.</li>
<li>Choose <b>As OS X</b> if you like the way fonts are usually displayed on a Mac, i.e. without any font hinting at all.</li>
<li>Choose <b>Native</b> if you want your text to be displayed with the hinting embedded into font files.</li>
<li><b>Default cache mode</b> - used to select the cache mode for the font characters. It’s not recommended to switch it without any reason. It can be helpful in some cases only, for example, when an issue in the Google Chrome browser with the enabled hardware acceleration occurs.
<p>Document Editor has two cache modes:</p>
<li>In the <b>first cache mode</b>, each letter is cached as a separate picture.</li>
<li>In the <b>second cache mode</b>, a picture of a certain size is selected where letters are placed dynamically and a mechanism of allocating/removing memory in this picture is also implemented. If there is not enough memory, a second picture is created, etc.</li>
<p>The <b>Default cache mode</b> setting applies two above mentioned cache modes separately for different browsers:</p>
<li>When the <b>Default cache mode</b> setting is enabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the <b>second cache mode</b>, other browsers use the <b>first cache mode</b>.</li>
<li>When the <b>Default cache mode</b> setting is disabled, Internet Explorer (v. 9, 10, 11) uses the <b>first cache mode</b>, other browsers use the <b>second cache mode</b>.</li>
<li><b>Unit of Measurement</b> is used to specify what units are used on the rulers and in properties windows for measuring elements parameters such as width, height, spacing, margins etc. You can select the <b>Centimeter</b>, <b>Point</b>, or <b>Inch</b> option.</li>
<p>To save the changes you made, click the <b>Apply</b> button.</p>
@ -1,55 +1,100 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Modifica collaborativa dei documenti</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Consigli per la modifica collaborativa" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="../editor.css" />
<div class="mainpart">
<h1>Modifica collaborativa dei documenti</h1>
<p><b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> vi offre la possibilità di lavorare su un documento insieme con altri utenti. Questa funzionalità include:</p>
<li>accesso simultaneo di più utenti al documento modificato</li>
<li>messa in evidenza dei frammenti che stanno modificando da altri utenti</li>
<li>sincronizzazione delle modifiche con un semplice clic</li>
<li>chat per condividere le idee e discutere il documento</li>
<li>commenti con la descrizione dell'attività o del problema da risolvere</li>
<h3>Modifica collaborativa</h3>
<p>Quando un documento sta modificando da più utenti simultaneamente, i frammenti del testo modificato vengono segnati dalle linee punteggiate di colori diversi. Puntate il frammento modificato con il mouse per visualizzare il nome dell'utente che lo sta modificando al presente. Il numero di utenti che stanno lavorando sul documento corrente viene specificato nell'angolo sinistro della barra di stato - <img alt="Numero di utenti" src="../images/usersnumber.png" />. Per visualizzare chi essattamente sta modificando il file, posizionate il cursore su questa icona - i nomi degli utenti vengono visualizzati nella finestra contestuale. Se ci sono tanti utenti, fate clic su questa icona per aprire il pannello <b>Chat</b> con tutti gli utenti elencati.</p>
<p>Quando un utente salva le sue modifiche, una nota verrà visualizzata sulla barra di stato indicando che ci sono gli aggiornamenti disponibili. Per salvare le modifiche ed installare gli aggiornamenti, cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Salva" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> nell'angolo sinistro della barra superiore. Gli aggiornamenti vengono evidenziati per permettervi di controllare le modifiche apportate.</p>
<p>Potete specificare le modifiche da evidenziare durante la modifica collaborativa cliccando sull'icona <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra, selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate...</b> e scegliete tra <b>tutte</b> e <b>ultime</b> modifiche di collaborazione. Se selezionate <b>Tutte</b> le modifiche, vengono evidenziate tutte le modifiche apportate durante la sessione corrente. Se selezionate <b>Ultime</b> modifiche, vengono evidenziate solo le modifiche apportate dopo l'ultimo clic sull'icona <img alt="Salva" src="../images/saveupdate.png" />.</p>
<p>Per accedere alla chat ed inviare un messaggio ad altri utenti,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Chat" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> sulla barra sinistra,</li>
<li>scrivete il vostro testo nel campo corrispondente di sotto,</li>
<li>cliccate sul pulsante <b>Invia</b>.</li>
<p>Tutti i messaggi inviati da utenti vengono visualizzati a sinistra. Se ci sono nuovi messaggi da leggere, l'icona viene visualizzata come segue <img alt="Chat" src="../images/chaticon_new.png" />.</p>
<p>Per chiudere il pannello con i messaggi, cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Chat" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> di nuovo.</p>
<p>Per lasciare un commento,</p>
<li>selezionate un frammento di testo con un eventuale sbaglio o un problema,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Commenti" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> sulla barra sinistra per aprire il pannello <b>Commenti</b> e fate clic sul collegamento <b>Aggiungi commento al documento</b>, o<br />
fate clic destro sul testo selezionato e usate l'opzione <b>Aggiungi commento</b> dal menu,
<li>inserite il testo desiderato,</li>
<li>cliccate sul pulsante <b>Aggiungi commento/Aggiungi</b>.</li>
<p>Il commento verrà visualizzato sul pannelo a sinistra. Ogni altro utente può rispondere al commento aggiunto: fare una domanda o un riferimento al lavoro fatto. Per farlo, basta cliccare sul collegamento <b>Aggiungi risposta</b> al di sotto del commento.</p>
<p>Il frammento di testo commentato viene evidenziato. Per leggere il commento, cliccate sul frammento. Se desiderate disattivare questa funzionalità, cliccate sull'icona <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" />, selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate...</b> e deselezionate la casella <b>Attiva commenti in tempo reale</b>. In questo caso il frammento commentato verrà evidenziato solo se cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Commenti" src="../images/commentsicon.png" />.</p>
<p>Potete gestire i commenti aggiunti:</p>
<li>modificarli cliccando sull'icona <img alt="Modifica" src="../images/editcommenticon.png" />,</li>
<li>eliminarli cliccando sull'icona <img alt="Elimina" src="../images/deletecommenticon.png" />,</li>
<li>chiudere la discussione cliccando sul collegamento <b>Chiudi</b> se l'attività o il problema è stato risolto, dopo questo la discussione operta ottiene lo stato chiuso. Per riaprirla cliccate su <b>Chiuso</b> accanto e selezionate l'opzione <b>Apri di nuovo</b>.</li>
<p>Nuovi commenti aggiunti da altri utenti vengono visualizzati solo dopo un clic sull'icona <img alt="Salva" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> nell'angolo sinistro della barra superiore.</p>
<p>Per chiudere il pannello con i commenti, cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Commenti" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> di nuovo.</p>
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<h1>Collaborative Document Editing</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> offers you the possibility to work at a document collaboratively with other users. This feature includes:</p>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">simultaneous multi-user access to the edited document</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">visual indication of passages that are being edited by other users</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">real-time changes display or synchronization of changes with one button click</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">chat to share ideas concerning particular document parts</li>
<li>comments containing the description of a task or problem that should be solved (it's also possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the <em>online version</em>)</li>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<h3>Connecting to the online version</h3>
<p>In the <em>desktop editor</em>, open the <b>Connect to cloud</b> option of the left-side menu in the main program window. Connect to your cloud office specifying your account login and password. <!--В окне ввода логина и пароля также доступна ссылка для регистрации в Облаке.--></p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p><b>Document Editor</b> allows to select one of the two available co-editing modes:</p>
<li><b>Fast</b> is used by default and shows the changes made by other users in real time.</li>
<li><b>Strict</b> is selected to hide other user changes until you click the <b>Save</b> <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon to save your own changes and accept the changes made by others.</li>
<p>The mode can be selected in the <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Advanced Settings</a>. It's also possible to choose the necessary mode using the <img alt="Co-editing Mode icon" src="../images/coeditingmode.png" /> <b>Co-editing Mode</b> icon at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar:</p>
<p><img alt="Co-editing Mode menu" src="../images/coeditingmodemenu.png" /></p>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: when you co-edit a document in the <b>Fast</b> mode, the possibility to <b>Redo</b> the last undone operation is not available.
<p>When a document is being edited by several users simultaneously in the <b>Strict</b> mode, the edited text passages are marked with dashed lines of different colors. By hovering the mouse cursor over one of the edited passages, the name of the user who is editing it at the moment is displayed. The <b>Fast</b> mode will show the actions and the names of the co-editors once they are editing the text.</p>
<p>The number of users who are working at the current document is specified on the right side of the editor header - <img alt="Number of users icon" src="../images/usersnumber.png" />. If you want to see who exactly are editing the file now, you can click this icon or open the <b>Chat</b> panel with the full list of the users.</p>
<p>When no users are viewing or editing the file, the icon in the editor header will look like <img alt="Manage document access rights icon" src="../images/access_rights.png" /> allowing you to manage the users who have access to the file right from the document: invite new users giving them permissions to <em>edit</em>, <em>read</em>, <em>comment</em>, <em>fill forms</em> or <em>review</em> the document, or <em>deny</em> some users access rights to the file. Click this icon to manage the access to the file; this can be done both when there are no other users who view or co-edit the document at the moment and when there are other users and the icon looks like <img alt="Number of users icon" src="../images/usersnumber.png" />. It's also possible to set access rights using the <img alt="Sharing icon" src="../images/sharingicon.png" /> <b>Sharing</b> icon at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p>As soon as one of the users saves his/her changes by clicking the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/savewhilecoediting.png" /> icon, the others will see a note within the status bar stating that they have updates. To save the changes you made, so that other users can view them, and get the updates saved by your co-editors, click the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar. The updates will be highlighted for you to check what exactly has been changed.</p>
<p>You can specify what changes you want to be highlighted during co-editing if you click the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option and choose between <b>none</b>, <b>all</b> and <b>last</b> real-time collaboration changes. Selecting <b>View all</b> changes, all the changes made during the current session will be highlighted. Selecting <b>View last</b> changes, only the changes made since you last time clicked the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon will be highlighted. Selecting <b>View None</b> changes, changes made during the current session will not be highlighted.</p>
<h3 id="chat">Chat</h3>
<p>You can use this tool to coordinate the co-editing process on-the-fly, for example, to arrange with your collaborators about who is doing what, which paragraph you are going to edit now etc.</p>
<p>The chat messages are stored during one session only. To discuss the document content it is better to use comments which are stored until you decide to delete them.</p>
<p>To access the chat and leave a message for other users,</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar, or <br />
switch to the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar and click the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chat_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Chat</b> button,
<li>enter your text into the corresponding field below,</li>
<li>press the <b>Send</b> button.</li>
<p>All the messages left by users will be displayed on the panel on the left. If there are new messages you haven't read yet, the chat icon will look like this - <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon_new.png" />.</p>
<p>To close the panel with chat messages, click the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar or the <img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chat_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Chat</b> button at the top toolbar once again.</p>
<h3 id="comments">Comments</h3>
<p>It's possible to work with comments in the offline mode, without connecting to the <em>online version</em>.</p>
<p>To leave a comment,</p>
<li>select a text passage where you think there is an error or problem,</li>
switch to the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar and click the <img alt="Comment icon" src="../images/comment_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Comment</b> button, or<br />
use the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar to open the <b>Comments</b> panel and click the <b>Add Comment to Document</b> link, or<br />
right-click the selected text passage and select the <b>Add Сomment</b> option from the contextual menu,
<li>enter the needed text,</li>
<li>click the <b>Add Comment/Add</b> button.</li>
<p>The comment will be seen on the <b>Comments</b> panel on the left. Any other user can answer to the added comment asking questions or reporting on the work he/she has done. For this purpose, click the <b>Add Reply</b> link situated under the comment, type in your reply text in the entry field and press the <b>Reply</b> button.</p>
<p>If you are using the <b>Strict</b> co-editing mode, new comments added by other users will become visible only after you click the <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/saveupdate.png" /> icon in the left upper corner of the top toolbar.</p>
<p>The text passage you commented will be highlighted in the document. To view the comment, just click within the passage. If you need to disable this feature, click the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option and uncheck the <b>Turn on display of the comments</b> box. In this case the commented passages will be highlighted only if you click the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon.</p>
<p>You can manage the added comments using the icons in the comment balloon or at the <b>Comments</b> panel on the left:</p>
<li>edit the currently selected comment by clicking the <img alt="Edit icon" src="../images/editcommenticon.png" /> icon,</li>
<li>delete the currently selected comment by clicking the <img alt="Delete icon" src="../images/deletecommenticon.png" /> icon,</li>
<li>close the currently selected discussion by clicking the <img alt="Resolve icon" src="../images/resolveicon.png" /> icon if the task or problem you stated in your comment was solved, after that the discussion you opened with your comment gets the resolved status. To open it again, click the <img alt="Open again icon" src="../images/resolvedicon.png" /> icon. If you want to hide resolved comments, click the <b>File</b> tab at the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option, uncheck the <b>Turn on display of the resolved comments</b> box and click <b>Apply</b>. In this case the resolved comments will be highlighted only if you click the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon.</li>
<h4>Adding mentions</h4>
<p>When entering comments, you can use the <b>mentions</b> feature that allows to attract somebody's attention to the comment and send a notification to the mentioned user via email and <b>Talk</b>.</p>
<p>To add a mention enter the "+" or "@" sign anywhere in the comment text - a list of the portal users will open. To simplify the search process, you can start typing a name in the comment field - the user list will change as you type. Select the necessary person from the list. If the file has not yet been shared with the mentioned user, the <b>Sharing Settings</b> window will open. <b>Read only</b> access type is selected by default. Change it if necessary and click <b>OK</b>.</p>
<p>The mentioned user will receive an email notification that he/she has been mentioned in a comment. If the file has been shared, the user will also receive a corresponding notification.</p>
<p>To remove comments,</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Remove comment icon" src="../images/removecomment_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Remove</b> button at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the necessary option from the menu:
<li><b>Remove Current Comments</b> - to remove the currently selected comment. If some replies have beed added to the comment, all its replies will be removed as well.</li>
<li><b>Remove My Comments</b> - to remove comments you added without removing comments added by other users. If some replies have beed added to your comment, all its replies will be removed as well.</li>
<li><b>Remove All Comments</b> - to remove all the comments in the document that you and other users added.</li>
<p>To close the panel with comments, click the <img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> icon at the left sidebar once again.</p>
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<h1>Compare documents</h1>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: this option is available in the <b>paid</b> <em>online version</em> only starting from <b>Document Server</b> v. <b>5.5</b>.</p>
<p>If you need to compare and merge two documents, you can use the document <b>Compare</b> feature. It allows to display the differences between two documents and merge the documents by accepting the changes one by one or all at once.</p>
<p>After comparing and merging two documents, the result will be stored on the portal as a new version of the original file<!-- (in the <em>online version</em> of editors)-->. <!--In the desktop version, when you click the <b>Save</b> button, the dialog window will appear where you will be suggested to save a new file.--></p>
<p>If you do not need to merge documents which are being compared, you can reject all the changes so that the original document remains unchanged.</p>
<h3 id="choosedocument">Choose a document for comparison</h3>
<p>To compare two documents, open the original document that you need to compare and select the second document for comparison:</p>
<li>switch to the <b>Collaboration</b> tab at the top toolbar and press the <img alt="Compare button" src="../images/comparebutton.png" /> <b>Compare</b> button,</li>
select one of the following options to load the document:
<li>the <b>Document from File</b> option will open the standard dialog window for file selection. Browse your computer hard disk drive for the necessary <em>.docx</em> file and click the <b>Open</b> button.</li>
the <b>Document from URL</b> option will open the window where you can enter a link to the file stored in a third-party web storage (for example, Nextcloud) if you have corresponding access rights to it. The link must be a <b>direct link for downloading the file</b>. When the link is specified, click the <b>OK</b> button.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: The direct link allows to download the file directly without opening it in a web browser. For example, to get a direct link in Nextcloud, find the necessary document in the file list, select the <b>Details</b> option from the file menu. Click the <b>Copy direct link (only works for users who have access to this file/folder)</b> icon to the right of the file name at the details panel. To find out how to get a direct link for downloading the file in a different third-party web storage, please refer to the corresponding third-party service documentation.</p>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"> the <b>Document from Storage</b> option <!--(available in the <em>online version</em> only)--> will open the <b>Select Data Source</b> window. It displays the list of all the <em>.docx</em> documents stored on your portal you have corresponding access rights to. To navigate between the <b>Documents</b> module sections use the menu in the left part of the window. Select the necessary <em>.docx</em> document and click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<p>When the second document for comparison is selected, the comparison process will start and the document will look as if it was opened in the <b>Review</b> mode. All the changes are highlighted with a color, and you can view the changes, navigate between them, accept or reject them one by one or all the changes at once. It's also possible to change the display mode and see how the document looks before comparison, in the process of comparison, or how it will look after comparison if you accept all changes.</p>
<h3 id="displaymode">Choose the changes display mode</h3>
<p>Click the <img alt="Display Mode button" src="../images/review_displaymode.png" /> <b>Display Mode</b> button at the top toolbar and select one of the available modes from the list:</p>
<b>Markup</b> - this option is selected by default. It is used to display the document <b>in the process of comparison</b>. This mode allows both to view the changes and edit the document.
<p><img alt="Compare documents - Markup" src="../images/compare_markup.png" /></p>
<b>Final</b> - this mode is used to display the document <b>after comparison</b> as if all the changes were accepted. This option does not actually accept all changes, it only allows you to see how the document will look like after you accept all the changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document.
<p><img alt="Compare documents - Final" src="../images/compare_final.png" /></p>
<b>Original</b> - this mode is used to display the document <b>before comparison</b> as if all the changes were rejected. This option does not actually reject all changes, it only allows you to view the document without changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document.
<p><img alt="Compare documents - Original" src="../images/compare_original.png" /></p>
<h3 id="managechanges">Accept or reject changes</h3>
<p>Use the <img alt="To Previous Change button" src="../images/review_previous.png" /> <b>Previous</b> and the <img alt="To Next Change button" src="../images/review_next.png" /> <b>Next</b> buttons at the top toolbar to navigate among the changes.</p>
<p>To accept the currently selected change you can:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Accept button" src="../images/review_accepttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Accept</b> button at the top toolbar, or</li>
<li>click the downward arrow below the <b>Accept</b> button and select the <b>Accept Current Change</b> option (in this case, the change will be accepted and you will proceed to the next change), or</li>
<li>click the <b>Accept</b> <img alt="Accept button" src="../images/review_accept.png" /> button of the change notification.</li>
<p>To quickly accept all the changes, click the downward arrow below the <img alt="Accept button" src="../images/review_accepttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Accept</b> button and select the <b>Accept All Changes</b> option.</p>
<p>To reject the current change you can:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Reject button" src="../images/review_rejecttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Reject</b> button at the top toolbar, or</li>
<li>click the downward arrow below the <b>Reject</b> button and select the <b>Reject Current Change</b> option (in this case, the change will be rejected and you will move on to the next available change), or</li>
<li>click the <b>Reject</b> <img alt="Reject button" src="../images/review_reject.png" /> button of the change notification.</li>
<p>To quickly reject all the changes, click the downward arrow below the <img alt="Reject button" src="../images/review_rejecttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Reject</b> button and select the <b>Reject All Changes</b> option.</p>
<h3 id="comparisonnotes">Additional info on the comparison feature</h3>
<h5>Method of the comparison</h5>
<p>Documents are compared <b>by words</b>. If a word contains a change of at least one character (e.g. if a character was removed or replaced), in the result, the difference will be displayed as the change of the entire word, not the character.</p>
<p>The image below illustrates the case when the original file contains the word 'Characters' and the document for comparison contains the word 'Character'.</p>
<p><img alt="Compare documents - method" src="../images/compare_method.png" /></p>
<h5>Authorship of the document</h5>
<p>When the comparison process is launched, the second document for comparison is being loaded and compared to the current one.</p>
<li>If the loaded document contains some data which is not represented in the original document, the data will be marked as added by a reviewer.</li>
<li>If the original document contains some data which is not represented in the loaded document, the data will be marked as deleted by a reviewer.</li>
<p>If the authors of the original and loaded documents are the same person, the reviewer is the same user. His/her name is displayed in the change balloon.</p>
<p>If the authors of two files are different users, then the author of the second file loaded for comparison is the author of the added/removed changes.</p>
<h5>Presence of the tracked changes in the compared document</h5>
<p>If the original document contains some changes made in the review mode, they will be accepted in the comparison process. When you choose the second file for comparison, you'll see the corresponding warning message.</p>
<p>In this case, when you choose the <b>Original</b> display mode, the document will not contain any changes.</p>
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<h1>Tasti di scelta rapida</h1>
<th colspan="3">Lavoro con documenti</th>
<td class="function">Salva documento</td>
<td class="combination">Ctrl+S</td>
<td class="description">Salvare tutte le modifiche apportate al documento attualmente modificato con TeamLab Document Editor.</td>
<td>Aprire il pannello <b>Ricerca documento</b> per cominciare a cercare un carattere/parola/frase nel documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Stampa documento</td>
<td>Stampare il documento usando una delle stampanti o salvarlo in un file.</td>
<td>Apri il pannello 'Ricerca documento'</td>
<td>Aprire il pannello <b>Ricerca documento</b> per cominciare a cercare un carattere/parola/frase nel documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Apri il pannello 'Commenti'</td>
<td>Aprire il pannello <b>Commenti</b> per aggiungere i commenti o rispondere ai commenti di altri.</td>
<td>Apri campo del commento</td>
<td>Aprire il campo per inserire il testo del commento.</td>
<td>Apri il pannello 'Chat'</td>
<td>Aprire il pannello <b>Chat</b> ed inviare un messaggio.</td>
<td>Salva con (Scarica in)</td>
<td>Salvare il documento attualmente modificato sul disco rigido del computer in uno dei formati supportati: PDF, TXT, DOCX, DOC, ODT, RTF, HTML, EPUB.</td>
<td>Schermo intero</td>
<td>Visualizzazione TeamLab Document Editor a schermo intero.</td>
<th colspan="3">Navigazione</th>
<td>Spostati all'inizio della riga</td>
<td>Rimandare il cursore all'inizio della riga attualmente modificata.</td>
<td>Spostati all'inizio del documento</td>
<td>Rimandare il cursore all'inizio del documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Spostati alla fine della riga</td>
<td>Rimandare il cursore alla fine della riga attualmente modificata.</td>
<td>Spostati alla fine del documento</td>
<td>Rimandare il cursore alla fine del documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Spostati giù</td>
<td>Muoversi nel documento di una videata giù.</td>
<td>Spostati su</td>
<td>Muoversi nel documento di una videata su.</td>
<td>Pagina successiva</td>
<td>Spostarsi alla pagina successiva del documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Pagina precedente</td>
<td>Spostarsi alla pagina precedente del documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Zoom avanti</td>
<td>Ingrandire il documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<td>Zoom indietro</td>
<td>Diminuire il documento attualmente modificato.</td>
<th colspan="3">Scrittura</th>
<td>Fine paragrafo</td>
<td>Terminare il paragrafo corrente ed iniziare un paragrafo nuovo.</td>
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<h1>Keyboard Shortcuts</h1>
<ul class="shortcut_variants">
<li class="shortcut_toggle pc_option left_option">Windows/Linux</li><!--
--><li class="shortcut_toggle mac_option right_option">Mac OS</li>
<table class="keyboard_shortcuts_table">
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Working with Document</th>
<td>Open 'File' panel</td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd></td>
<td>Open the <b>File</b> panel to save, download, print the current document, view its info, create a new document or open an existing one, access Document Editor help or advanced settings.</td>
<td>Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd></td>
<td>Open the <b>Find and Replace</b> dialog box to start searching for a character/word/phrase in the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Open 'Find and Replace' dialog box with replacement field</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>H</kbd></td>
<td>Open the <b>Find and Replace</b> dialog box with the replacement field to replace one or more occurrences of the found characters.</td>
<td>Repeat the last 'Find' action</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F4</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F4</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>G</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F4</kbd></td>
<td>Repeat the <b>Find</b> action which has been performed before the key combination press.</td>
<td>Open 'Comments' panel</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>H</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>H</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>H</kbd></td>
<td>Open the <b>Comments</b> panel to add your own comment or reply to other users' comments.</td>
<td>Open comment field</td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>H</kbd></td>
<td>Open a data entry field where you can add the text of your comment.</td>
<tr class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<td>Open 'Chat' panel</td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>Q</kbd></td>
<td>Open the <b>Chat</b> panel and send a message.</td>
<td>Inserisci interruzione di pagina</td>
<td>Aggiungere un'interruzione di pagina senza iniziare un paragrafo nuovo.</td>
<td>Save document</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd></td>
<td>Save all the changes to the document currently edited with Document Editor. The active file will be saved with its current file name, location, and file format.</td>
<td>Backspace, Delete</td>
<td>Eliminare un carattere a sinistra (Backspace) o a destra (Delete) del cursore.</td>
<td>Print document</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd></td>
<td>Print the document with one of the available printers or save it to a file.</td>
<td>Crea spazio unificatore</td>
<td>Creare uno spazio tra caratteri per impedire di mandare a capo automaticamente le righe di testo.</td>
<td>Download As...</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd></td>
<td>Open the <b>Download as...</b> panel to save the currently edited document to the computer hard disk drive in one of the supported formats: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML.</td>
<td>Crea segno meno unificatore</td>
<td>Creare un segno meno tra i caratteri per impedire di mandare a capo automaticamente le righe di testo.</td>
<td>Full screen</td>
<td><!--<kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F</kbd>--></td>
<td>Switch to the full screen view to fit Document Editor into your screen.</td>
<td>Help menu</td>
<td>Open Document Editor <b>Help</b> menu.</td>
<td>Open existing file (Desktop Editors)</td>
<td>On the <b>Open local file</b> tab in <b>Desktop Editors</b>, opens the standard dialog box that allows to select an existing file.</td>
<td>Close file (Desktop Editors)</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>W</kbd>,<br /><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>F4</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>W</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>W</kbd></td>
<td>Close the current document window in <b>Desktop Editors</b>.</td>
<td>Element contextual menu</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F10</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F10</kbd></td>
<td>Open the selected element <b>contextual menu</b>.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Navigation</th>
<td>Jump to the beginning of the line</td>
<td>Put the cursor to the beginning of the currently edited line.</td>
<td>Jump to the beginning of the document</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Home</kbd></td>
<td>Put the cursor to the very beginning of the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Jump to the end of the line</td>
<td>Put the cursor to the end of the currently edited line.</td>
<td>Jump to the end of the document</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>End</kbd></td>
<td>Put the cursor to the very end of the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Jump to the beginning of the previous page</td>
<td><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Page Up</kbd></td>
<td>Put the cursor to the very beginning of the page which preceeds the currently edited one.</td>
<td>Jump to the beginning of the next page</td>
<td><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td>Put the cursor to the very beginning of the page which follows the currently edited one.</td>
<td>Scroll down</td>
<td><kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>Page Down</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>Fn</kbd>+<kbd>↑</kbd></td>
<td>Scroll the document approximately one visible page down.</td>
<td>Scroll up</td>
<td><kbd>Page Up</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>Page Up</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>Fn</kbd>+<kbd>↓</kbd></td>
<td>Scroll the document approximately one visible page up.</td>
<td>Next page</td>
<td><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td>Go to the next page in the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Previous page</td>
<td><kbd>Alt</kbd>+<kbd>Page Up</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>Page Up</kbd></td>
<td>Go to the previous page in the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Zoom In</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>=</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>=</kbd></td>
<td>Zoom in the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Zoom Out</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>-</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>-</kbd></td>
<td>Zoom out the currently edited document.</td>
<td>Move one character to the left</td>
<td>Move the cursor one character to the left.</td>
<td>Move one character to the right</td>
<td>Move the cursor one character to the right.</td>
<td>Move to the beginning of a word or one word to the left</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd></td>
<td>Move the cursor to the beginning of a word or one word to the left.</td>
<td>Move one word to the right</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd></td>
<td>Move the cursor one word to the right.</td>
<td>Move one paragraph up</td>
<td>Ctrl+Up arrow</td>
<td>Move the cursor one paragraph up.</td>
<td>Move one paragraph down</td>
<td>Ctrl+Down arrow</td>
<td>Move the cursor one paragraph down.</td>
<td>Move one line up</td>
<td>Move the cursor one line up.</td>
<td>Move one line down</td>
<td>Move the cursor one line down.</td>
<th colspan="3">Annulla e Ripristina</th>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Writing</th>
<td>Annullare l'ultima azione effettuata.</td>
<td>End paragraph</td>
<td><kbd>↵ Enter</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>↵ Return</kbd></td>
<td>End the current paragraph and start a new one.</td>
<td>Ripetere l'ultima azione annullata.</td>
<td>Add line break</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↵ Enter</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↵ Return</kbd></td>
<td>Add a line break without starting a new paragraph.</td>
<th colspan="3">Taglia, Copia ed Incolla</th>
<td><kbd>← Backspace</kbd>,<br /><kbd>Delete</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>← Backspace</kbd>,<br /><kbd>Delete</kbd></td>
<td>Delete one character to the left (<kbd>← Backspace</kbd>) or to the right (<kbd>Delete</kbd>) of the cursor.</td>
<td>Ctrl+X, Shift+Delete</td>
<td>Eliminare il frammento di testo selezionato ed inviarlo agli appunti del computer. Il testo copiato può essere inserito più tardi in un'altro punto nello stesso documento, in un altro documento, o in un certo altro programma.</td>
<td>Delete word to the left of cursor</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>← Backspace</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>← Backspace</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>← Backspace</kbd></td>
<td>Delete one word to the left of the cursor.</td>
<td>Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert</td>
<td>Inviare il frammento di testo selezionato agli appunti del computer. Il testo copiato può essere inserito più tardi in un'altro punto nello stesso documento, in un altro documento, o in un certo altro programma.</td>
<td>Delete word to the right of cursor</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Delete</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>Delete</kbd></td>
<td>Delete one word to the right of the cursor.</td>
<td>Ctrl+V, Shift+Insert</td>
<td>Inserire il frammento di testo copiato prima dagli appunti del computer nella posizione corrente. Il testo può essere copiato dallo stesso documento, da un altro documento, o da un certo altro programma.</td>
<td>Create nonbreaking space</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>␣ Spacebar</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>␣ Spacebar</kbd></td>
<td>Create a space between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.</td>
<td>Inserisci collegamento ipertestuale</td>
<td>Inserire un collegamento ipertestuale da utilizzare per passare ad un sito web.</td>
<td>Create nonbreaking hyphen</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Hyphen</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Hyphen</kbd></td>
<td>Create a hyphen between characters which cannot be used to start a new line.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Undo and Redo</th>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Z</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>Z</kbd></td>
<td>Reverse the latest performed action.</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Y</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>Y</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Z</kbd></td>
<td>Repeat the latest undone action.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Cut, Copy, and Paste</th>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Delete</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>X</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Delete</kbd></td>
<td>Delete the selected text fragment and send it to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document, into another document, or into some other program.</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd>,<br /><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>Insert</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd></td>
<td>Send the selected text fragment to the computer clipboard memory. The copied text can be later inserted to another place in the same document, into another document, or into some other program.</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>V</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Insert</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>V</kbd></td>
<td>Insert the previously copied text fragment from the computer clipboard memory to the current cursor position. The text can be previously copied from the same document, from another document, or from some other program.</td>
<td>Insert hyperlink</td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>K</kbd></td>
<td>Insert a hyperlink which can be used to go to a web address.</td>
<td>Copia formattazione</td>
<td>Copiare la formattazione dal frammento selezionato del testo modificato. La formattazione copiata può essere applicata ad un altro testo nello stesso documento.</td>
<td>Copy style</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>C</kbd></td>
<td>Copy the formatting from the selected fragment of the currently edited text. The copied formatting can be later applied to another text fragment in the same document.</td>
<td>Applica formattazione</td>
<td>Applicare la formattazione copiata prima al testo nel documento modificato.</td>
<td>Apply style</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>V</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>V</kbd></td>
<td>Apply the previously copied formatting to the text in the currently edited document.</td>
<th colspan="3">Selezione testo</th>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section"><a id="textselection"></a>Text Selection</th>
<td>Seleziona tutto</td>
<td>Selezionare tutto il testo nel documento con tabelle ed immagini.</td>
<td>Select all</td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>A</kbd></td>
<td>Select all the document text with tables and images.</td>
<td>Seleziona frammento</td>
<td>Selezionare il testo carattere dopo carattere.</td>
<td>Select fragment</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd> <kbd>←</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd> <kbd>←</kbd></td>
<td>Select the text character by character.</td>
<td>Seleziona dal cursore all'inizio della riga</td>
<td>Selezionare un frammento di testo dal cursore all'inizio della riga corrente.</td>
<td>Select from cursor to beginning of line</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Home</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Home</kbd></td>
<td>Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of the current line.</td>
<td>Seleziona dal cursore alla fine della riga</td>
<td>Selezionare un frammento di testo dal cursore alla fine della riga corrente.</td>
<td>Select from cursor to end of line</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>End</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>End</kbd></td>
<td>Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of the current line.</td>
<td>Select one character to the right</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd></td>
<td>Select one character to the right of the cursor position.</td>
<td>Select one character to the left</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd></td>
<td>Select one character to the left of the cursor position.</td>
<td>Select to the end of a word</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>→</kbd></td>
<td>Select a text fragment from the cursor to the end of a word.</td>
<td>Select to the beginning of a word</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd></td>
<td>Select a text fragment from the cursor to the beginning of a word.</td>
<td>Select one line up</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↑</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↑</kbd></td>
<td>Select one line up (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).</td>
<td>Select one line down</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↓</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↓</kbd></td>
<td>Select one line down (with the cursor at the beginning of a line).</td>
<td>Select the page up</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Page Up</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Page Up</kbd></td>
<td>Select the page part from the cursor position to the upper part of the screen.</td>
<td>Select the page down</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Page Down</kbd></td>
<td>Select the page part from the cursor position to the lower part of the screen.</td>
<th colspan="3">Stile testo</th>
<td>Formattare in grassetto il frammento selezionato per renderlo più scuro e intenso.</td>
<td>Formattare in corsivo il frammento selezionato per renderlo inclinato verso destra.</td>
<td>Sottolineare il frammento selezionato tracciando una linea sotto i caratteri.</td>
<td>Rendere più piccolo e sollevare il frammento selezionato.</td>
<td>Rendere più piccolo ed abbassare il frammento selezionato.</td>
<td>Titolo 1</td>
Alt+1 (for Windows and Linux browsers)
<br />Alt+Ctrl+1 (for Mac browsers)
<td>Applicare lo stile del titolo 1 al testo selezionato.</td>
<td>Titolo 2</td>
Alt+2 (for Windows and Linux browsers)
<br />Alt+Ctrl+2 (for Mac browsers)
<td>Applicare lo stile del titolo 2 al testo selezionato.</td>
<td>Titolo 3</td>
Alt+3 (for Windows and Linux browsers)
<br />Alt+Ctrl+3 (for Mac browsers)
<td>Applicare lo stile del titolo 3 al testo selezionato.</td>
<td>Elenco puntato</td>
<td>Creare un elenco puntato dal testo selezionato o iniziare un elenco nuovo.</td>
<td>Cancella formattazione</td>
<td>Rimuovere la formattazione dal testo selezionato.</td>
<td>Aumenta dimensione caratteri</td>
<td>Aumentare la dimensione dei caratteri del testo selezionato di 1 punto.</td>
<td>Riduci dimensione caratteri</td>
<td>Ridurre la dimensione dei caratteri del testo selezionato di 1 punto.</td>
<td>Allinea al centro/a sinistra</td>
<td>Allineare un paragrafo centrato a sinistra.</td>
<td>Giustifica/Allinea a sinistra</td>
<td>Ctrl+J, Ctrl+L</td>
<td>Allineare un paragrafo giustificato a sinistra.</td>
<td>Allinea a destra/a sinistra</td>
<td>Allineare un paragrafo allineato a destra a sinistra.</td>
<td>Aumenta rientro</td>
<td>Aumentare il riento di un paragrafo.</td>
<td>Riduci rientro</td>
<td>Ridurre il rientro di un paragrafo.</td>
<th colspan="3">Modifica degli oggetti</th>
<td>Limita movimento</td>
<td>Limitare il movimento dell'oggetto selezionato orizzontalmente o verticalmente.</td>
<td>Ruota di 15 gradi</td>
<td>Shift+drag (durante la rotazione)</td>
<td>Limitare l'angolo di rotazione a 15 gradi.</td>
<td>Proporzioni costanti</td>
<td>Shift+drag (durante il ridimensionamento)</td>
<td>Mantenere le proporzioni dell'oggetto selezionato durante il ridimensionamento.</td>
<td>Sposta di tre pixel</td>
<td>Premere il tasto Ctrl e utilizzare le frecce della tastiera per spostare l'oggetto selezionato di tre pixel.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Text Styling</th>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>B</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>B</kbd></td>
<td>Make the font of the selected text fragment bold giving it more weight.</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>I</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>I</kbd></td>
<td>Make the font of the selected text fragment italicized giving it some right side tilt.</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>U</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>U</kbd></td>
<td>Make the selected text fragment underlined with the line going under the letters.</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>5</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>5</kbd></td>
<td>Make the selected text fragment struck out with the line going through the letters.</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>></kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>></kbd></td>
<td>Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd><</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd><</kbd></td>
<td>Make the selected text fragment smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.</td>
<td>Heading 1 style</td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>1</kbd></td>
<td>Apply the style of the heading 1 to the selected text fragment.</td>
<td>Heading 2 style</td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>2</kbd></td>
<td>Apply the style of the heading 2 to the selected text fragment.</td>
<td>Heading 3 style</td>
<td><kbd>⌥ Option</kbd>+<kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>3</kbd></td>
<td>Apply the style of the heading 3 to the selected text fragment.</td>
<td>Bulleted list</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>L</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>L</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>L</kbd></td>
<td>Create an unordered bulleted list from the selected text fragment or start a new one.</td>
<td>Remove formatting</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>␣ Spacebar</kbd></td>
<td>Remove formatting from the selected text fragment.</td>
<td>Increase font</td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>]</kbd></td>
<td>Increase the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.</td>
<td>Decrease font</td>
<td><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>[</kbd></td>
<td>Decrease the size of the font for the selected text fragment 1 point.</td>
<td>Align center/left</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>E</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>E</kbd></td>
<td>Switch a paragraph between centered and left-aligned.</td>
<td>Align justified/left</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>J</kbd>,<br /><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>L</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>J</kbd>,<br /><kbd>⌘ Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>J</kbd></td>
<td>Switch a paragraph between justified and left-aligned.</td>
<td>Align right/left</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>R</kbd></td>
<td>Switch a paragraph between right-aligned and left-aligned.</td>
<td>Align left</td>
<td>Align left with the text lined up by the left side of the page, the right side remains unaligned. If your text is initially left-aligned</td>
<td>Apply subscript formatting (automatic spacing)</td>
<td>Apply subscript formatting to the selected text fragment.</td>
<td>Apply superscript formatting (automatic spacing)</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>+</kbd></td>
<td>Apply superscript formatting to the selected text fragment.</td>
<td>Insert page break</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>↵ Enter</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>↵ Return</kbd></td>
<td>Insert a page break at the current cursor position.</td>
<td>Increase indent</td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>M</kbd></td>
<td>Indent a paragraph from the left incrementally.</td>
<td>Decrease indent</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>M</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>M</kbd></td>
<td>Remove a paragraph indent from the left incrementally.</td>
<td>Add page number</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>^ Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd></td>
<td>Add the current page number at the current cursor position.</td>
<td>Add dash</td>
<td>Add a dash.</td>
<td>Nonprinting characters</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>Num8</kbd></td>
<td>Show or hide the display of nonprinting characters.</td>
<td>Delete one character to the left</td>
<td><kbd>← Backspace</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>← Backspace</kbd></td>
<td>Delete one character to the left of the cursor.</td>
<td>Delete one character to the right</td>
<td>Delete one character to the right of the cursor.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section"><a id="workwithobjects"></a>Modifying Objects</th>
<td>Constrain movement</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag</td>
<td>Constrain the movement of the selected object horizontally or vertically.</td>
<td>Set 15-degree rotation</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag (when rotating)</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag (when rotating)</td>
<td>Constrain the rotation angle to 15-degree increments.</td>
<td>Maintain proportions</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag (when resizing)</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag (when resizing)</td>
<td>Maintain the proportions of the selected object when resizing.</td>
<td>Draw straight line or arrow</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd> + drag (when drawing lines/arrows)</td>
<td>Draw a straight vertical/horizontal/45-degree line or arrow.</td>
<td>Movement by one-pixel increments</td>
<td><kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>←</kbd> <kbd>→</kbd> <kbd>↑</kbd> <kbd>↓</kbd></td>
<td>Hold down the <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> key and use the keybord arrows to move the selected object by one pixel at a time.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section"><a id="workwithtables"></a>Working with Tables</th>
<td>Move to the next cell in a row</td>
<td><kbd>↹ Tab</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>↹ Tab</kbd></td>
<td>Go to the next cell in a table row.</td>
<td>Move to the previous cell in a row</td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↹ Tab</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>⇧ Shift</kbd>+<kbd>↹ Tab</kbd></td>
<td>Go to the previous cell in a table row.</td>
<td>Move to the next row</td>
<td>Go to the next row in a table.</td>
<td>Move to the previous row</td>
<td>Go to the previous row in a table.</td>
<td>Start new paragraph</td>
<td><kbd>↵ Enter</kbd></td>
<td><kbd>↵ Return</kbd></td>
<td>Start a new paragraph within a cell.</td>
<td>Add new row</td>
<td><kbd>↹ Tab</kbd> in the lower right table cell.</td>
<td><kbd>↹ Tab</kbd> in the lower right table cell.</td>
<td>Add a new row at the bottom of the table.</td>
<th colspan="4" class="keyboard_section">Inserting special characters</th>
<td>Insert the Euro sign</td>
<td>Insert the Euro sign (€) at the current cursor position.</td>
<td>Insert formula</td>
<td>Insert a formula at the current cursor position.</td>
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<title>View Settings and Navigation Tools</title>
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<meta name="description" content="La descrizione degli strumenti di visualizzazione e navigazione quali righelli, zoom, pulsanti di pagina precedente/successiva." />
<meta name="description" content="The description of view settings and navigation tools such as zoom, previous/next page buttons" />
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<h1>Visualizzazione e navigazione</h1>
<p><b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> fornisce certi strumenti per aiutarvi a visualizzare e navigare nel vostro documento: righelli, zoom, pulsanti di pagina precedente/successiva, indicatore del numero di pagina.</p>
<h3>Regolare le impostazioni di visualizzazione</h3>
<p>Per regolare le impostazioni di visualizzazione predefinite e impostare il modo di lavoro più conveniente, fate clic sull'icona <b>Impostazioni di visualizzazione</b> <img alt="Impostazioni di visualizzazione" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" /> nell'angolo destro della barra degli strumenti superiore e selezionate gli elementi di interfaccia da nascondere o visualizzare.
Potete usare le seguenti opzioni dall'elenco a discesa <b>Impostazioni di visualizzazione</b>:
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>View Settings and Navigation Tools</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> offers several tools to help you view and navigate through your document: zoom, page number indicator etc.</p>
<h3>Adjust the View Settings</h3>
<p>To adjust default view settings and set the most convenient mode to work with the document, click the <b>View settings</b> <img alt="View settings icon" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" /> icon on the right side of the editor header and select which interface elements you want to be hidden or shown.
You can select the following options from the <b>View settings</b> drop-down list:
<li><b>Mostra barra degli strumenti compatta</b> si usa per attivare la modalità compatta della barra degli strumenti superiore che fornisce tutte le funzionalità di base. Per mostrare la barra predefinita fate clic su questa opzione ancora una volta.</li>
<li><b>Nascondi barra di titolo</b> si usa per nascondere la barra la più alta sulla quale viene visualizzato il nome del documento e l'opzione <b>Va' ai Documenti</b>. Per mostrare la <b>Barra di titolo</b> nascosta fate clic su questa opzione ancora una volta.</li>
<li><b>Nascondi barra di stato</b> si usa per nascondere la barra la più bassa sulla quale si trovano l'<b>Indicatore del numero di pagina</b> e i pulsanti di <b>Zoom</b>. Per mostrare la <b>Barra di stato</b> nascosta fate clic su questa opzione ancora una volta.</li>
<b>Hide Toolbar</b> - hides the top toolbar that contains commands while tabs remain visible. When this option is enabled, you can click any tab to display the toolbar. The toolbar is displayed until you click anywhere outside it.<br />To disable this mode, click the <b>View settings</b> <img alt="View settings icon" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" /> icon and click the <b>Hide Toolbar</b> option once again. The top toolbar will be displayed all the time.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: alternatively, you can just double-click any tab to hide the top toolbar or display it again.</p>
<li><b>Hide Status Bar</b> - hides the bottommost bar where the <b>Page Number Indicator</b> and <b>Zoom</b> buttons are situated. To show the hidden <b>Status Bar</b> click this option once again.</li>
<li><b>Hide Rulers</b> - hides rulers which are used to align text, graphics, tables, and other elements in a document, set up margins, tab stops, and paragraph indents. To show the hidden <b>Rulers</b> click this option once again.</li>
<p>La barra destra è minimizzata di default. Per espanderla, selezionate qualsiasi oggetto/testo e fate clic sull'icona della scheda attualmente attivata a destra (fate clic sull'icona ancora una volta per minimizzare la barra destra di nuovo).</p>
<p>Quando il pannello <b>Commenti</b> o <b>Chat</b> è aperto, potete rigolare la barra sinistra con un semplice trascinamento:
posizionate il puntatore del mouse sul bordo della barra sinistra (il puntatore viene trasformato nella freccia bidirezionale) e trascinate il bordo a destra per estendere la barra. Per ripristinare la larghezza predefinita spostate il bordo a sinistra.</p>
<h3>Usare gli strumenti di navigazione</h3>
<p>Per navigare nel documento, usate i seguenti strumenti:</p>
<p>I <b>Righelli</b> si usano per allineare testi, figure grafiche, tabelle e altri elementi in un documento, impostare margini, tabulazioni e rientri di paragrafo. Le zone riempite dei righelli consentono di segnare i margini della pagina.
I righelli sono visualizzati di default. Per nasconderli cliccate sull'icona <b>Nascondi/Mostra righelli</b> <img alt="Nascondi/Mostra righelli" src="../images/hiderulers.png" /> a destra.
Questa icona è anche usata per visualizzare i righelli se sono nascosti.</p>
<p>I pulsanti di <b>Zoom</b> sono situati nell'angolo destro inferiore e si usano per ingrandire/diminuire il documento corrente.
Per cambiare il valore di zoom selezionato visualizzato in percentuale, cliccatelo e selezionate una delle opzioni disponibili dall'elenco o
utilizzate i pulsanti <b>Zoom avanti</b> <img alt="Zoom avanti" src="../images/zoomin.png" /> o <b>Zoom indietro</b> <img alt="Zoom indietro" src="../images/zoomout.png" />.
Cliccate sull'icona <b>Adatta alla larghezza</b> <img alt="Adatta alla larghezza" src="../images/fitwidth.png" /> per adattare la larghezza della pagina del documento alla videata.
Per adattare tutta la pagina del documento alla videata cliccate sull'icona <b>Adatta alla pagina</b> <img alt="Adatta alla pagina" src="../images/fitpage.png" />.
Le impostazioni di zoom sono disponibili anche nell'elenco <b>Impostazioni di visualizzazione</b> <img alt="Impostazioni di visualizzazione" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" />. Questo può essere molto utile se decidete di nascondere la <b>Barra di stato</b>.
<p>I pulsanti <b>Pagina precedente</b> <img alt="Pagina precedente" src="../images/previouspage.png" /> e <b>Pagina successiva</b> <img alt="Pagina successiva" src="../images/nextpage.png" /> situati nell'angolo destro inferiore sotto la barra di scorrimento si usano per spostarvi alla pagina precedente o successiva nel documento corrente.</p>
<p>L'<b>Indicatore del numero di pagina</b> mostra la pagina corrente nell'insieme delle pagine del documento corrente (pagina 'n' di 'nn').
Cliccate su questa opzione e nella finestra visualizzata inserite il numero di pagina da aprire.</p>
<p>The right sidebar is minimized by default. To expand it, select any object (e.g. image, chart, shape) or text passage and click the icon of the currently activated tab on the right. To minimize the right sidebar, click the icon once again.</p>
<p>When the <b>Comments</b> <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">or <b>Chat</b></span> panel is opened, the left sidebar width is adjusted by simple drag-and-drop:
move the mouse cursor over the left sidebar border so that it turns into the bidirectional arrow and drag the border to the right to extend the sidebar width. To restore its original width move the border to the left.</p>
<h3>Use the Navigation Tools</h3>
<p>To navigate through your document, use the following tools:</p>
<p>The <b>Zoom</b> buttons are situated in the right lower corner and are used to zoom in and out the current document.
To change the currently selected zoom value that is displayed in percent, click it and select one of the available zoom options from the list
or use the <b>Zoom in</b> <img alt="Zoom in button" src="../images/zoomin.png" /> or <b>Zoom out</b> <img alt="Zoom out button" src="../images/zoomout.png" /> buttons.
Click the <b>Fit width</b> <img alt="Fit width button" src="../images/fitwidth.png" /> icon to fit the document page width to the visible part of the working area.
To fit the whole document page to the visible part of the working area, click the <b>Fit page</b> <img alt="Fit page button" src="../images/fitpage.png" /> icon.
Zoom settings are also available in the <b>View settings</b> <img alt="View settings icon" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" /> drop-down list that can be useful if you decide to hide the <b>Status Bar</b>.</p>
<p>The <b>Page Number Indicator</b> shows the current page as a part of all the pages in the current document (page 'n' of 'nn').
Click this caption to open the window where you can enter the page number and quickly go to it.</p>
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<h1>Document Review</h1>
<p>When somebody shares a file with you that has review permissions, you need to use the document <b>Review</b> feature.</p>
<p>If you are the reviewer, then you can use the <b>Review</b> option to review the document, change the sentences, phrases and other page elements, correct spelling, and do other things to the document without actually editing it. All your changes will be recorded and shown to the person who sent the document to you.</p>
<p>If you are the person who sends the file for the review, you will need to display all the changes which were made to it, view and either accept or reject them.</p>
<h3>Enable the Track Changes feature</h3>
<p>To see changes suggested by a reviewer, enable the <b>Track Changes</b> option in one of the following ways:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Track changes button" src="../images/trackchangesstatusbar.png" /> button in the right lower corner at the status bar, or</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Collaboration</b> tab at the top toolbar and press the <img alt="Track Changes button" src="../images/trackchangestoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Track Changes</b> button.</li>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: it is not necessary for the reviewer to enable the <b>Track Changes</b> option. It is enabled by default and cannot be disabled when the document is shared with review only access rights.</p>
<h3 id="displaymode">Choose the changes display mode</h3>
<p>Click the <img alt="Display Mode button" src="../images/review_displaymode.png" /> <b>Display Mode</b> button at the top toolbar and select one of the available modes from the list:</p>
<li><b>Markup</b> - this option is selected by default. It allows both to view suggested changes and edit the document.</li>
<li><b>Final</b> - this mode is used to display all the changes as if they were accepted. This option does not actually accept all changes, it only allows you to see how the document will look like after you accept all the changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document.</li>
<li><b>Original</b> - this mode is used to display all the changes as if they were rejected. This option does not actually reject all changes, it only allows you to view the document without changes. In this mode, you cannot edit the document.</li>
<h3 id="managechanges">Accept or reject changes</h3>
<p>Use the <img alt="To Previous Change button" src="../images/review_previous.png" /> <b>Previous</b> and the <img alt="To Next Change button" src="../images/review_next.png" /> <b>Next</b> buttons at the top toolbar to navigate among the changes.</p>
<p>To accept the currently selected change you can:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Accept button" src="../images/review_accepttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Accept</b> button at the top toolbar, or</li>
<li>click the downward arrow below the <b>Accept</b> button and select the <b>Accept Current Change</b> option (in this case, the change will be accepted and you will proceed to the next change), or</li>
<li>click the <b>Accept</b> <img alt="Accept button" src="../images/review_accept.png" /> button of the change notification.</li>
<p>To quickly accept all the changes, click the downward arrow below the <img alt="Accept button" src="../images/review_accepttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Accept</b> button and select the <b>Accept All Changes</b> option.</p>
<p>To reject the current change you can:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Reject button" src="../images/review_rejecttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Reject</b> button at the top toolbar, or</li>
<li>click the downward arrow below the <b>Reject</b> button and select the <b>Reject Current Change</b> option (in this case, the change will be rejected and you will move on to the next available change), or</li>
<li>click the <b>Reject</b> <img alt="Reject button" src="../images/review_reject.png" /> button of the change notification.</li>
<p>To quickly reject all the changes, click the downward arrow below the <img alt="Reject button" src="../images/review_rejecttoptoolbar.png" /> <b>Reject</b> button and select the <b>Reject All Changes</b> option.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: if you review the document the <b>Accept</b> and <b>Reject</b> options are not available for you. You can delete your changes using the <img alt="Delete change button" src="../images/review_delete.png" /> icon within the change balloon.</p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Ricerca e sostituzione</title>
<title>Search and Replace Function</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="La descrizione della funzione di ricerca e di sostituzione di TeamLab Document Editor" />
<meta name="description" content="The description of the document search and replace function in Document Editor" />
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<h1>Ricerca e sostituzione</h1>
<p>Per trovare i caratteri, le parole e le frasi necessari usati nel documento modificato cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Ricerca" src="../images/searchicon.png" /> della barra sinistra.</p>
<p>Si apre la finestra <b>Trova e sostituisci</b>:</p>
<img alt="Trova e sostituisci" src="../images/search_window.png" />
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Search and Replace Function</h1>
<p>To search for the needed characters, words or phrases used in the currently edited document,
click the <img alt="Search icon" src="../images/searchicon.png" /> icon situated at the left sidebar or use the <em>Ctrl+F</em> key combination. </p>
<p>The <b>Find and Replace</b> window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Find and Replace Window" src="../images/search_window.png" /></p>
<li>Digitate la vostra richiesta nel campo corrispondente.</li>
<li>Regolate le opzioni di ricerca selezionando le caselle adatte:
<li>Type in your inquiry into the corresponding data entry field.</li>
<li>Specify search parameters by clicking the <img alt="Search options icon" src="../images/search_options.png" /> icon and checking the necessary options:
<li><b>Sensibile al maiuscolo/minuscolo</b> si usa per trovare solo le occorenze alle maiuscole o alle minuscole secondo come è scritto (es. se scrivete 'Editor' e selezionate questa opzione, le parole 'editor' o 'EDITOR' ecc. non vengono trovate). Per disattivare questa opzione deselezionate la casella.</li>
<li><b>Evidenzia risultati</b> si usa per evidenziare tutte le occorenze trovate in una volta. Per disattivare questa opzione ed eliminare la messa in evidenza, deselezionate questa casella.</li>
<li><b>Case sensitive</b> - is used to find only the occurrences typed in the same case as your inquiry (e.g. if your inquiry is 'Editor' and this option is selected, such words as 'editor' or 'EDITOR' etc. will not be found). To disable this option click it once again.</li>
<li><b>Highlight results</b> - is used to highlight all found occurrences at once. To disable this option and remove the highlight click the option once again.</li>
<li>Fate clic su uno dei <b>pulsanti frecce</b> a destra.
La ricerca viene effettuata verso l'inizio del documento (se fate clic sul pulsante <img alt="Freccia sinistra" src="../images/searchupbutton.png" />) o verso la fine del documento (se fate clic sul pulsante <img alt="Freccia destra" src="../images/searchdownbutton.png" />) dalla posizione attuale.
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: se l'opzione <b>Evidenzia risultati</b> è attivata, usate questi pulsanti per navigare tra i risultati evidenziati.</p>
<li>Click one of the <b>arrow buttons</b> at the bottom right corner of the window.
The search will be performed either towards the beginning of the document (if you click the <img alt="Left arrow button" src="../images/searchupbutton.png" /> button) or towards the end of the document (if you click the <img alt="Right arrow button" src="../images/searchdownbutton.png" /> button) from the current position.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: when the <b>Highlight results</b> option is enabled, use these buttons to navigate through the highlighted results.</p>
<p>La prima occorenza dei caratteri richiesti nella direzione selezionata sarà evidenziata nella pagina. Se questa occorenza non è quella che cercate, fate clic sul pulsante di nuovo per passare all'occorenza successiva.</p>
<p><b>Per sostituire</b> una o più occorenze dei caratteri richiesti fate clic sul pulsante <b>Sostituisci</b> al di sotto dei <b>pulsanti frecce</b>. La finestra <b>Trova e sostituisci</b> cambia:</p>
<img alt="Trova e sostituisci" src="../images/search_replace_window.png" />
<p>The first occurrence of the required characters in the selected direction will be highlighted on the page. If it is not the word you are looking for, click the selected button again to find the next occurrence of the characters you entered.</p>
<p><b>To replace</b> one or more occurrences of the found characters click the <b>Replace</b> link below the data entry field or use the <em>Ctrl+H</em> key combination. The <b>Find and Replace</b> window will change:</p>
<p><img alt="Find and Replace Window" src="../images/search_replace_window.png" /></p>
<li>Digitate il testo di sostituzione nel campo inferiore.</li>
<li>Fate clic sul pulsante <b>Sostituisci</b> per sostituire l'occorenza selezionata o usate il pulsante <b>Sostituisci tutto</b> per sostituire tutte le occorenze.</li>
<li>Type in the replacement text into the bottom data entry field.</li>
<li>Click the <b>Replace</b> button to replace the currently selected occurrence or the <b>Replace All</b> button to replace all the found occurrences.</li>
<p>To hide the replace field, click the <b>Hide Replace</b> link.</p>
@ -1,26 +1,42 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Controllo ortografia</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Controllare ortografia del testo durante la modifica del documento" />
<meta name="description" content="Spell check the text in your language while editing a document" />
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<h1>Controllo ortografia</h1>
<p><b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> vi permette di controllare l'ortografia del vostro testo in una certa lingua e correggere gli errori durante la modifica.</p>
<p>Prima di tutto, <b>impostate la lingua</b> per il vostro documento. Cliccate sull'icona <img alt="Imposta lingua del documento" src="../images/document_language.png" /> nella parte destra della <b>Barra di stato</b>. Nella finestra aperta selezionate la lingua necessaria e cliccate su <b>OK</b>. La lingua selezionata sarà applicata a tutto il documento. </p>
<p><img alt="Imposta lingua del documento" src="../images/document_language_window.png" /></p>
<p>Per impostare una lingua diversa per un frammento, selezionate il frammento con il mouse e usate il menu <img alt="Controllo ortografia - Seleziona lingua del testo" src="../images/spellchecking_language.png" /> sulla <b>Barra di stato</b>.</p>
<p>Le parole con errori vengono sottolineate in rosso.</p>
<p>Cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse sulla parola per attivare il menu contestuale e:</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<p><b>Document Editor</b> allows you to check the spelling of your text in a certain language and correct mistakes while editing. In the <em>desktop version</em>, it's also possible to add words into a custom dictionary which is common for all three editors.</p>
<p>First of all, <b>choose a language</b> for your document. Click the <img alt="Set Document Language icon" src="../images/document_language.png" /> <b>Set Document Language</b> icon at the status bar. In the window that appears, select the necessary language and click <b>OK</b>. The selected language will be applied to the whole document. </p>
<p><img alt="Set Document Language window" src="../images/document_language_window.png" /></p>
<p>To <b>choose a different language</b> for any piece of text within the document, select the necessary text passage with the mouse and use the <img alt="Spell-checking - Text Language selector" src="../images/spellchecking_language.png" /> menu at the status bar.</p>
<p>To <b>enable</b> the spell checking option, you can:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Spell checking deactivated icon" src="../images/spellcheckdeactivated.png" /> <b>Spell checking</b> icon at the status bar, or</li>
<li>open the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option, check the <b>Turn on spell checking option</b> box and click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li>
<p>Incorrectly spelled words will be underlined by a red line.</p>
<p>Right click on the necessary word to activate the menu and:</p>
<li>selezionate una delle parole suggerite scritte in modo corretto per sostituire la parola con errore da quella suggerita. Se ci sono tante varianti trovate, usate l'opzione <b>Più varianti...</b> per visualizzarle tutte;</li>
<li>usate l'opzione <b>Ignora</b> per saltare questa sola parola ed eliminare la sottolineatura o <b>Ignora tutto</b> per saltare tutte le parole identiche nel testo;</li>
<li>selezionate una lingua diversa per questa parola.</li>
<li>choose one of the suggested similar words spelled correctly to replace the misspelled word with the suggested one. If too many variants are found, the <b>More variants...</b> option appears in the menu;</li>
<li>use the <b>Ignore</b> option to skip just that word and remove underlining or <b>Ignore All</b> to skip all the identical words repeated in the text;</li>
<li>if the current word is missed in the dictionary, you can add it to the custom dictionary. This word will not be treated as a mistake next time. This option is available in the <em>desktop version</em>.</li>
<li>select a different language for this word.</li>
<img alt="Spell-checking" src="../images/spellchecking.png" />
<p><img alt="Spell-checking" src="../images/spellchecking.png" /></p>
<p>To <b>disable</b> the spell checking option, you can:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Spell checking activated icon" src="../images/spellcheckactivated.png" /> <b>Spell checking</b> icon at the status bar, or</li>
<li>open the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar, select the <b>Advanced Settings...</b> option, uncheck the <b>Turn on spell checking option</b> box and click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li>
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<h1>Formati di documenti elettronici supportati</h1>
<p>I documenti elettronici rappresentono i file più comunamente usati.
Grazie alla rete di computer molto sviluppata è diventato possibile e anche più conveniente distribuire i documenti elettronici che i documenti stampati.
A causa della varietà dei dispositivi usati per la presentazione dei documenti ci sono numerosi formati di file proprietari e aperti.
<b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> supporta quelli più popolari.</p>
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<h1>Supported Formats of Electronic Documents</h1>
<p>Electronic documents represent one of the most commonly used computer files.
Thanks to the computer network highly developed nowadays, it's possible and more convenient to distribute electronic documents than printed ones.
Due to the variety of devices used for document presentation, there are a lot of proprietary and open file formats.
<b>Document Editor</b> handles the most popular of them.</p>
<td>Estensione file per i documenti creati da Microsoft Word</td>
<td>Filename extension for word processing documents created with Microsoft Word</td>
<td>Office Open XML<br />Formato file archiviato basato su XML sviluppato da Microsoft per la rappresentazione dei fogli elettronici, tabelle, presentazioni e documenti di testo</td>
<td>Office Open XML<br />Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents</td>
<td>Word Open XML Document Template<br />Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for text document templates. A DOTX template contains formatting settings, styles etc. and can be used to create multiple documents with the same formatting</td>
<td>Formato file di testo di OpenDocument, uno standard aperto per i documenti elettronici</td>
<td>Word processing file format of OpenDocument, an open standard for electronic documents</td>
<td>OpenDocument Document Template<br />OpenDocument file format for text document templates. An OTT template contains formatting settings, styles etc. and can be used to create multiple documents with the same formatting</td>
<td>Rich Text Format<br />Formato file di testo sviluppato da Microsoft per l'interscambio dei documenti tra le piattaforme</td>
<td>Rich Text Format<br />Document file format developed by Microsoft for cross-platform document interchange</td>
<td>Estensione file per i file di testo di solito con dati poco formattati</td>
<td>Filename extension for text files usually containing very little formatting</td>
<td>Portable Document Format<br />Formato file usato per rappresentare i documenti nel modo indipendente dai software, hardware e sistemi operativi</td>
<td>Portable Document Format<br />File format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems</td>
<td>Portable Document Format / A<br />An ISO-standardized version of the Portable Document Format (PDF) specialized for use in the archiving and long-term preservation of electronic documents. </td>
<td>HyperText Markup Language<br />Linguaggio principale di marcatura delle pagine web</td>
<td>HyperText Markup Language<br />The main markup language for web pages</td>
<td>in the online version</td>
<td>Electronic Publication<br />Standard e-book gratuito e aperto creato dal forum internazionale di editoria digitale</td>
<td>Electronic Publication<br />Free and open e-book standard created by the International Digital Publishing Forum</td>
<td>Open XML Paper Specification<br />Formato file aperto libero da brevetti creato da Microsoft</td>
<td>Open XML Paper Specification<br />Open royalty-free fixed-layout document format developed by Microsoft</td>
<td>Formato file specialmente progettato per memorizzare i documenti scansionati, sopratutto che contengono un insieme del testo, dei disegni e delle fotografie</td>
<td>File format designed primarily to store scanned documents, especially those containing a combination of text, line drawings, and photographs</td>
<td>Office Open XML Presentation<br />Formato file archiviato basato su XML sviluppato da Microsoft per la rappresentazione dei fogli elettronici, tabelle, presentazioni e documenti di testo</td>
<td>Office Open XML Presentation<br />Zipped, XML-based file format developed by Microsoft for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents</td>
<td>Formato file usato da Microsoft PowerPoint</td>
<td>File format used by Microsoft PowerPoint</td>
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<h1>Scheda File</h1>
<p>La scheda <b>File</b> consente di eseguire alcune operazioni di base sul file corrente.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Online:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda File" src="../images/interface/filetab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Desktop:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda File" src="../images/interface/desktop_filetab.png" /></p>
<p>Usando questa scheda, puoi:</p>
<li><span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">nella <em>versione online</em>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">salvare</a> il file corrente (nel caso in cui l’opzione di <b>Salvataggio automatico</b> sia disabilitata), <a href="../UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">scaricare in</a> (salva il documento nel formato selezionato sul disco fisso del computer), <a href="../UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">salvare copia come</a> (salva una copia del documento nel formato selezionato nel portale I miei documenti), <a href="../UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">stamparlo</a> o <a href="../UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">rinominarlo</a>,</span>
<span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">nella <em>versione desktop</em>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">salvare</a> il file corrente mantenendo il formato e la posizione correnti utilizzando l’opzione <b>Salva</b> o salvare il file corrente con un nome, una posizione o un formato diversi usando l’opzione <b>Salva con Nome</b>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SavePrintDownload.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">stampare</a> il file.</span>
<li class="desktopDocumentFeatures">proteggere il file utilizzando una password, modificare o rimuovere la password (disponibile solo nella <em>versione desktop</em>);</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"><a href="../UsageInstructions/OpenCreateNew.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">creare</a> un nuovo documento o aprirne uno modificato di recente (disponibile solo nella <em>versione online</em>),</li>
<li>visualizzare le <a href="../UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Informazioni documento</a> o modificare alcune proprietà del file,</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">gestire i <a href="../UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Diritti di accesso</a> (disponibile solo nella <em>versione online</em>),</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">tracciare la <a href="../UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Cronologia delle versioni</a> (disponibile solo nella <em>versione online</em>),</li>
<li>accedere all’editor <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Impostazioni avanzate</a>,</li>
<li><span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">nella <em>versione desktop</em>, aprire la cartella in cui è archiviato il file nella finestra <b>Apri percorso file</b>.</span><span class="onlineDocumentFeatures"> Nella <em>versione online</em>, aprire la cartella del modulo <b>I miei documenti</b> in cui è archiviato il file in una nuova scheda del browser.</span></li>
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<h1>Scheda Home</h1>
<p>La scheda <b>Home</b> si apre per impostazione predefinita quando si apre un documento. Permette di formattare caratteri e paragrafi. Qui sono anche disponibili alcune altre opzioni, come <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">Stampa unione</span> e Cambia combinazione colori.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Online:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Home" src="../images/interface/hometab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’editor di Documenti Desktop:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Home" src="../images/interface/desktop_hometab.png" /></p>
<p>Usando questa scheda, puoi:</p>
<li>regolare il <a href="../UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tipo, la dimensione, il colore</a> del carattere,</li>
<li>applicare <a href="../UsageInstructions/DecorationStyles.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">stili di decorazione</a> del carattere,</li>
<li>selezionare un <a href="../UsageInstructions/BackgroundColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">colore di sfondo</a> per un paragrafo,</li>
<li>creare <a href="../UsageInstructions/CreateLists.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">elenchi</a> puntati e numerati,</li>
<li>cmodificare i <a href="../UsageInstructions/ParagraphIndents.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">rientri</a> di un paragrafo,</li>
<li>impostare <a href="../UsageInstructions/LineSpacing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">l’interlinea</a> del paragrafo,</li>
<li><a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">allineare il testo</a> in un paragrafo,</li>
<li>mostrare/nascondere <a href="../UsageInstructions/NonprintingCharacters.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">caratteri non stampabili</a>,</li>
<li><a href="../UsageInstructions/CopyClearFormatting.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">copiare/cancellare</a> la formattazione del testo,</li>
<li>cambiare la <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">combinazione colori</a>,</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">usare <a href="../UsageInstructions/UseMailMerge.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Stampa unione</a> (disponibile solo nella <em>versione online</em>),</li>
<li>gestire gli <a href="../UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">stili</a>.</li>
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<h1>Scheda Inserisci</h1>
<p>La scheda <b>Inserisci</b> consente di aggiungere alcuni elementi di formattazione della pagina, nonché oggetti visivi e commenti.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Online:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Inserisci" src="../images/interface/inserttab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Desktop:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Inserisci" src="../images/interface/desktop_inserttab.png" /></p>
<p>Usando questa scheda, puoi:</p>
<li>inserire una <a href="../UsageInstructions/PageBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">pagina vuota</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/PageBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">interruzioni di pagina</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"> interruzioni di sezione</a> e <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm#columns" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">interruzioni di colonna</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertHeadersFooters.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">intestazioni e piè di pagina</a> e <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertPageNumbers.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">numeri di pagina</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tabelle</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">immagini</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">grafici</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">forme</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">collegamenti ipertestuali</a>, <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#comments" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">commenti</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTextObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">caselle di testo ed oggetti Text Art</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertEquation.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">equazioni</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertSymbols.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">simboli</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertDropCap.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">capilettera</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertContentControls.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">controlli del contenuto</a>.</li>
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<h1>Scheda Layout di Pagina</h1>
<p>La scheda <b>Layout di Pagina</b> consente di modificare l'aspetto del documento: impostare i parametri della pagina e definire la disposizione degli elementi visivi.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Online:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Layout di Pagina" src="../images/interface/layouttab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Desktop:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Layout di Pagina" src="../images/interface/desktop_layouttab.png" /></p>
<p>Usando questa scheda, puoi:</p>
<li>regolare <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm#margins" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">i margini</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm#orientation" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">l’orientatamento</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm#size" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">la dimensione</a> della pagina,</li>
<li>aggiungere <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm#columns" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">colonne</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/PageBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">interruzioni di pagina</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">interruzioni di sezione</a> e <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm#columns" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">interruzioni di colonna</a>,</li>
<li>allineare e disporre gli oggetti (<a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tabelle</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">immagini</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">grafici</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">forme</a>),</li>
<li>cambiare lo <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeWrappingStyle.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">stile di disposizione testo</a>,</li>
<li>aggiungere una <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddWatermark.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">filigrana</a>.</li>
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<h1>Plugins tab</h1>
<p>The <b>Plugins</b> tab allows to access advanced editing features using available third-party components. Here you can also use macros to simplify routine operations.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Online Document Editor window:</p>
<p><img alt="Plugins tab" src="../images/interface/pluginstab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Desktop Document Editor window:</p>
<p><img alt="Plugins tab" src="../images/interface/desktop_pluginstab.png" /></p>
<p class="desktopDocumentFeatures">The <b>Settings</b> button allows to open the window where you can view and manage all installed plugins and add your own ones.</p>
<p>The <b>Macros</b> button allows to open the window where you can create your own macros and run them. To learn more about macros you can refer to our <a target="_blank" href="" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">API Documentation</a>.</p>
<p>Currently, the following plugins are available by default:</p>
<li class="desktopDocumentFeatures"><b>Send</b> allows to send the document via email using the default desktop mail client (available in the <em>desktop version</em> only),</li>
<li><b>Highlight code</b> allows to highlight syntax of the code selecting the necessary language, style, background color,</li>
<li><b>OCR</b> allows to recognize text included into a picture and insert it into the document text,</li>
<li><b>PhotoEditor</b> allows to edit images: crop, flip, rotate them, draw lines and shapes, add icons and text, load a mask and apply filters such as Grayscale, Invert, Sepia, Blur, Sharpen, Emboss, etc.,</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"><b>Speech</b> allows to convert the selected text into speech,</li>
<li><b>Symbol Table</b> allows to insert special symbols into your text (available in the <em>desktop version</em> only),</li>
<li><b>Thesaurus</b> allows to search for synonyms and antonyms of a word and replace it with the selected one,</li>
<li><b>Translator</b> allows to translate the selected text into other languages,</li>
<li><b>YouTube</b> allows to embed YouTube videos into your document.</li>
<p class="onlineDocumentFeatures">The <b>Wordpress</b> and <b>EasyBib</b> plugins can be used if you connect the corresponding services in your portal settings. You can use the following instructions <a target="_blank" href="" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">for the server version</a> or <a target="_blank" href="" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">for the SaaS version</a>. </p>
<p>To learn more about plugins please refer to our <a target="_blank" href="" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">API Documentation</a>. All the currently existing open source plugin examples are available on <a target="_blank" href="" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">GitHub</a>.</p>
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<h1>Introducing the Document Editor user interface</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> uses a tabbed interface where editing commands are grouped into tabs by functionality.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Online Document Editor window:</p>
<p><img alt="Online Document Editor window" src="../images/interface/editorwindow.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Desktop Document Editor window:</p>
<p><img alt="Desktop Document Editor window" src="../images/interface/desktop_editorwindow.png" /></p>
<p>The editor interface consists of the following main elements:</p>
<li><b>Editor header</b> displays the logo, <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">opened documents tabs, </span>document name and menu tabs.
<p>In the left part of the <b>Editor header</b> there are the <b>Save</b>, <b>Print file</b>, <b>Undo</b> and <b>Redo</b> buttons.</p>
<p><img alt="Icons in the editor header" src="../images/interface/leftpart.png" /></p>
<p>In the right part of the <b>Editor header</b> the user name is displayed as well as the following icons:</p>
<li><img alt="Open file location" src="../images/gotodocuments.png" /> <b>Open file location</b> - <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">in the <em>desktop version</em>, it allows to open the folder where the file is stored in the <b>File explorer</b> window.</span> <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures"> In the <em>online version</em>, it allows to open the folder of the <b>Documents</b> module where the file is stored in a new browser tab.</span></li>
<li><img alt="View Settings icon" src="../images/viewsettingsicon.png" /> - allows to adjust <a href="../HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">View Settings</a> and access the editor <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Advanced Settings</a>.</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"><img alt="Manage document access rights icon" src="../images/access_rights.png" /> <b>Manage document access rights</b> - (available in the <em>online version</em> only) allows to <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">set access rights</a> for the documents stored in the cloud.</li>
<li><b>Top toolbar</b> displays a set of editing commands depending on the selected menu tab. Currently, the following tabs are available: <a href="../ProgramInterface/FileTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">File</a>, <a href="../ProgramInterface/HomeTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Home</a>, <a href="../ProgramInterface/InsertTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Insert</a>, <a href="../ProgramInterface/LayoutTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Layout</a>, <a href="../ProgramInterface/ReferencesTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">References</a>, <a href="../ProgramInterface/ReviewTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Collaboration</a>, <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">Protection,</span> <a href="../ProgramInterface/PluginsTab.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Plugins</a>.
<p>The <img alt="Copy icon" src="../images/copy.png" /> <b>Copy</b> and <img alt="Paste icon" src="../images/paste.png" /> <b>Paste</b> options are always available at the left part of the <b>Top toolbar</b> regardless of the selected tab.</p>
<li><b>Status bar</b> at the bottom of the editor window contains the page number indicator, displays some notifications (such as "All changes saved" etc.), allows to <a href="../HelpfulHints/SpellChecking.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">set text language, enable spell checking</a>, turn on the <a href="../HelpfulHints/Review.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">track changes mode</a>, adjust <a href="../HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">zoom</a>.</li>
<li><b>Left sidebar</b> contains the following icons:
<li><img alt="Search icon" src="../images/searchicon.png" /> - allows to use the <a href="../HelpfulHints/Search.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Search and Replace</a> tool,</li>
<li><img alt="Comments icon" src="../images/commentsicon.png" /> - allows to open the <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#comments" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Comments</a> panel,</li>
<li><img alt="Navigation icon" src="../images/navigationicon.png" /> - allows to go to the <a href="../UsageInstructions/CreateTableOfContents.htm#navigation" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Navigation</a> panel and manage headings,</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"><img alt="Chat icon" src="../images/chaticon.png" /> - (available in the <em>online version</em> only) allows to open the <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#chat" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Chat</a> panel, as well as the icons that allow to contact our support team and view the information about the program.</li>
<li><b>Right sidebar</b> allows to adjust additional parameters of different objects. When you select a particular object in the text, the corresponding icon is activated at the right sidebar. Click this icon to expand the right sidebar.</li>
<li>Horizontal and vertical <b>Rulers</b> allow to align text and other elements in a document, set up margins, tab stops, and paragraph indents.</li>
<li><b>Working area</b> allows to view document content, enter and edit data.</li>
<li><b>Scroll bar</b> on the right allows to scroll up and down multi-page documents.</li>
<p>For your convenience you can hide some components and display them again when it is necessary. To learn more on how to adjust view settings please refer to <a href="../HelpfulHints/Navigation.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</p>
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<h1>Scheda Riferimenti</h1>
<p>La scheda <b>Riferimenti</b> consente di gestire diversi tipi di riferimenti: aggiungere e aggiornare un sommario, creare e modificare note a piè di pagina, inserire collegamenti ipertestuali.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Online:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Riferimenti" src="../images/interface/referencestab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Finestra dell’Editor di Documenti Desktop:</p>
<p><img alt="Scheda Riferimenti" src="../images/interface/desktop_referencestab.png" /></p>
<p>Usando questa scheda, puoi:</p>
<li>creare e aggiornare automaticamente un <a href="../UsageInstructions/CreateTableOfContents.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sommario</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertFootnotes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">note a piè di pagina</a>,</li>
<li>inserire <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">collegamenti ipertestuali</a>,</li>
<li>aggiungere <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertBookmarks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">segnalibri</a>.</li>
<li>aggiungere <a href="../UsageInstructions/Addcaption.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">didascalie</a>.</li>
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<h1>Collaboration tab</h1>
<p>The <b>Collaboration</b> tab allows to organize collaborative work on the document. <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">In the <em>online version</em>, you can share the file, select a co-editing mode, manage comments, track changes made by a reviewer, view all versions and revisions. In the commenting mode, you can add and remove comments, navigate between tracked changes, use chat and view version history.</span> <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">In the <em>desktop version</em>, you can manage comments and use the Track Changes feature</span>.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>Online Document Editor window:</p>
<p><img alt="Collaboration tab" src="../images/interface/reviewtab.png" /></p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>Desktop Document Editor window:</p>
<p><img alt="Collaboration tab" src="../images/interface/desktop_reviewtab.png" /></p>
<p>Using this tab, you can:</p>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">specify <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sharing settings</a> (available in the <em>online version</em> only),</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">switch between the <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Strict and Fast</a> co-editing modes (available in the <em>online version</em> only),</li>
<li>add or remove <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#comments" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">comments</a> to the document,</li>
<li>enable the <a href="../HelpfulHints/Review.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Track Changes</a> feature,</li>
<li>choose the <a href="../HelpfulHints/Review.htm#displaymode" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">changes display mode</a>,</li>
<li>manage the <a href="../HelpfulHints/Review.htm#managechanges" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">suggested changes</a>,</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">load a document for <a href="../HelpfulHints/Comparison.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">comparison</a> (available in the <em>online version</em> only),</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">open the <a href="../HelpfulHints/CollaborativeEditing.htm#chat" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Chat</a> panel (available in the <em>online version</em> only),</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures">track <a href="../UsageInstructions/ViewDocInfo.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">version history</a> (available in the <em>online version</em> only).</li>
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<title>Aggiungere bordi</title>
<title>Add borders</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Aggiungere bordi al documento selezionando i loro stile" />
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<h1>Aggiungere bordi</h1>
<p>Per aggiungere i bordi ad un paragrafo, una pagina o tutto il documento,</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Add borders</h1>
<p>To add borders to a paragraph, page, or the whole document,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel paragrafo necessario oppure selezionate i paragrafi con il mouse o tutto il testo nel documento premendo i tasti <b>Ctrl+A</b>,</li>
<li>cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> dal menu o utilizzate il collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra,</li>
<li>aprite la scheda <b>Bordi e riempimento</b> nella finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b> aperta,</li>
<li>impostate un valore adatto per la <b>Dimensioni bordo</b> e selezionate un <b>Colore bordo</b>,</li>
<li>cliccate all'interno del diagramma disponibile oppure utilizzate i pulsanti per selezionare i bordi ed applicare lo stile scelto ad essi,</li>
<li>cliccate su <b>OK</b>.</li>
<li>put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or all the text in the document by pressing the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination,</li>
<li>click the right mouse button and select the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option from the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Borders & Fill</b> tab in the opened <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window,</li>
<li>set the needed value for <b>Border Size</b> and select a <b>Border Color</b>,</li>
<li>click within the available diagram or use buttons to select borders and apply the chosen style to them,</li>
<li>click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<p><img alt="Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo - Bordi e riempimento" src="../images/paradvsettings_borders.png" /></p>
<p>Dopo aver aggiunto i bordi, potete anche impostare i <b>margini</b> cioè la distanza tra il bordo <b>destro</b>, <b>sinistro</b>, <b>superiore</b> e <b>inferiore</b> e il testo del paragrafo.</p>
<p>Per specificare il valore desiderato, aprite la scheda <b>Margini</b> della finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b>:</p>
<p><img alt="Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo - Margini" src="../images/paradvsettings_margins.png" /></p>
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Borders & Fill" src="../images/paradvsettings_borders.png" /></p>
<p>After you add borders, you can also set <b>paddings</b> i.e. distances between the <b>right</b>, <b>left</b>, <b>top</b> and <b>bottom</b> borders and the paragraph text within them.</p>
<p>To set the necessary values, switch to the <b>Paddings</b> tab of the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window:</p>
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Paddings" src="../images/paradvsettings_margins.png" /></p>
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<title>Aggiungere una didascalia</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content=">La Didascalia è un’etichetta numerata che puoi applicare ad oggetti, come equazioni, tabelle, figure e immagini all'interno dei tuoi documenti." />
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<h1>Aggiungere una didascalia</h1>
<p>La <b>Didascalia</b> è un’etichetta numerata che puoi applicare ad oggetti, come equazioni, tabelle, figure e immagini all'interno dei tuoi documenti.</p>
<p>Ciò semplifica il riferimento all'interno del testo in quanto è presente un'etichetta facilmente riconoscibile sull'oggetto.</p>
<p>Per aggiungere la didascalia ad un oggetto:</p>
<li>seleziona l'oggetto a cui applicare una didascalia;</li>
<li>passa alla scheda <b>Riferimenti</b> nella barra degli strumenti in alto;</li>
fai clic sull’icona <img alt="Didascalia" src="../images/caption_icon.png" /> <b>Didascalia</b> nella barra degli strumenti in alto o fai clic con il pulsante destro sull’oggetto e seleziona l’opzione <b>Inserisci didascalia</b> per aprire la finestra di dialogo <b>Inserisci didascalia</b>
<li>scegli l'etichetta da utilizzare per la didascalia facendo clic sul menù a discesa <b>Etichetta</b> e selezionando l'oggetto; o</li>
<li>crea una nuova etichetta facendo clic sul pulsante <b>Aggiungi</b> per aprire la finestra di dialogo <b>Etichetta</b> Inserisci un nome per l’etichetta nella casella di testo, quindi fai clic sul pulsante <b>OK</b> per aggiungere una nova etichetta all’elenco etichette;</li>
<li>seleziona la casella di controllo <b>Includi il numero del capitolo</b> per modificare la numerazione della didascalia;</li>
<li>nel menu a discesa <b>Inserisci</b>, seleziona <b>Prima</b> per posizionare l’etichetta sopra l’oggetto o <b>Dopo</b> per posizionarla sotto l’oggetto;</li>
<li>seleziona la casella di controllo <b>Escudere l’etichetta dalla didascalia</b> per lasciare solo un numero per questa particolare didascalia in conformità con un numero progressivo;</li>
<li>puoi quindi scegliere come numerare la didascalia assegnando uno stile specifico alla didascalia e aggiungendo un separatore;</li>
<li>per applicare la didascalia fare clic sul pulsante <b>OK</b>.</li>
<p><img alt="Didascalia" src="../images/insertcaptionbox.png" /></p>
<h2>Eliminare un’etichetta</h2>
<p>Per <b>eliminare</b> un’etichetta creata, seleziona l’etichetta dall’elenco <b>Etichetta</b> nella finestra di dialogo <b>Inserisci didascalia</b>, quindi fai clic sul pulsante <b>Elimina</b>. L'etichetta creata verrà immediatamente eliminata.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota:</b> è possibile eliminare le etichette create ma non è possibile eliminare le etichette predefinite.</p>
<h2>Formattazione delle didascalie</h2>
<p>Non appena aggiungi una didascalia, un nuovo stile per le didascalie viene automaticamente aggiunto alla sezione stili. Per modificare lo stile di tutte le didascalie in tutto il documento, è necessario seguire questi passaggi:</p>
<li>seleziona il testo da cui verrà copiato un nuovo stile di <b>Didascalia</b>;</li>
<li>cerca lo stile <b>Didascalia</b> (evidenziato in blu per impostazione predefinita) nella galleria degli stili che puoi trovare nella scheda <b>Home</b> nella barra degli struemnti in alto;</li>
<li>fai clic con il tatso destro e scegli l’opzione <b>Aggiorna da selezione</b>.</li>
<p><img alt="Didascalia" src="../images/updatefromseleciton.png" /></p>
<h2>Raggruppare le didascalie</h2>
<p>Se si desidera poter spostare l'oggetto e la didascalia come un'unica unità, è necessario <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">raggruppare</a> l’oggetto e la didascalia.</p>
<li>seleziona l’oggetto;</li>
<li>seleziona uno degli <b>Stili di disposizione testo</b> usando la barra laterale destra;</li>
<li>aggiungi la didascalia come menzionato sopra;</li>
<li>tieni premuto il tasto Shift e seleziona gli elementi che desideri raggruppare;</li>
<li><b>fai clic con il tatso destro</b> su uno degli elementi e seleziona <b>Disponi</b> > <b>Ragruppa</b>.</li>
<p><img alt="Didascalia" src="../images/groupup.png" /></p>
<p>Ora entrambi gli elementi si sposteranno simultaneamente se li trascini da qualche altra parte nel documento.</p>
<p>Per separare gli oggetti fai clic rispettivamente su <b>Disponi</b> > <b>Separa</b>.</p>
@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Use formulas in tables</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Insert formulas into the table cells to perform simple calculations on data" />
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<h1>Use formulas in tables</h1>
<h3>Insert a formula</h3>
<p>You can perform simple calculations on data in table cells by adding formulas. To insert a formula into a table cell,</p>
<li>place the cursor within the cell where you want to display the result,</li>
<li>click the <b>Add formula</b> button at the right sidebar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Formula Settings</b> window that opens, enter the necessary formula into the <b>Formula</b> field.
<p>You can enter a needed formula manually using the common mathematical operators (+, -, *, /), e.g. <em>=A1*B2</em> or use the <b>Paste Function</b> drop-down list to select one of the embedded functions, e.g. <em>=PRODUCT(A1,B2)</em>.</p>
<p><img alt="Add formula" src="../images/formula_settings.png" /></p>
<li>manually specify necessary arguments within the parentheses in the <b>Formula</b> field. If the function requires several arguments, they must be separated by commas.</li>
<li>use the <b>Number Format</b> drop-down list if you want to display the result in a certain number format,</li>
<li>click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<p>The result will be displayed in the selected cell. </p>
<p>To edit the added formula, select the result in the cell and click the <b>Add formula</b> button at the right sidebar, make the necessary changes in the <b>Formula Settings</b> window and click <b>OK</b>.</p>
<hr />
<h3>Add references to cells</h3>
<p>You can use the following arguments to quickly add references to cell ranges:</p>
<li><b>ABOVE</b> - a reference to all the cells in the column above the selected cell</li>
<li><b>LEFT</b> - a reference to all the cells in the row to the left of the selected cell</li>
<li><b>BELOW</b> - a reference to all the cells in the column below the selected cell</li>
<li><b>RIGHT</b> - a reference to all the cells in the row to the right of the selected cell</li>
<p>These arguments can be used with the AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, MIN, PRODUCT, SUM functions.</p>
<p>You can also manually enter references to a certain cell (e.g., <em>A1</em>) or a range of cells (e.g., <em>A1:B3</em>).</p>
<h3>Use bookmarks</h3>
<p>If you have added some <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertBookmarks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">bookmarks</a> to certain cells within your table, you can use these bookmarks as arguments when entering formulas.</p>
<p>In the <b>Formula Settings</b> window, place the cursor within the parentheses in the <b>Formula</b> entry field where you want the argument to be added and use the <b>Paste Bookmark</b> drop-down list to select one of the previously added bookmarks.</p>
<h3>Update formula results</h3>
<p>If you change some values in the table cells, you will need to manually update formula results:</p>
<li>To update a single formula result, select the necessary result and press <b>F9</b> or right-click the result and use the <b>Update field</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To update several formula results, select the necessary cells or the entire table and press <b>F9</b>.</li>
<hr />
<h3>Embedded functions</h3>
<p>You can use the following standard math, statistical and logical functions:</p>
<td width="20%"><b>Category</b></td>
<td width="20%"><b>Function</b></td>
<td width="35%"><b>Description</b></td>
<td width="25%"><b>Example</b></td>
<td>The function is used to return the absolute value of a number.</td>
<td>=ABS(-10)<br />Returns 10</td>
<td>AND(logical1, logical2, ...)</td>
<td>The function is used to check if the logical value you enter is TRUE or FALSE. The function returns 1 (TRUE) if all the arguments are TRUE.</td>
<td>=AND(1>0,1>3)<br />Returns 0</td>
<td>The function is used to analyze the range of data and find the average value.</td>
<td>=AVERAGE(4,10)<br />Returns 7</td>
<td>The function is used to count the number of the selected cells which contain numbers ignoring empty cells or those contaning text.</td>
<td>=COUNT(A1:B3)<br />Returns 6</td>
<td>The function evaluates if a value in the cell is defined. The function returns 1 if the value is defined and calculated without errors and returns 0 if the value is not defined or calculated with an error.</td>
<td>The function returns 0 (FALSE) and does <b>not</b> require any argument.</td>
<td>=FALSE<br />Returns 0</td>
<td>The function is used to analyze and return the integer part of the specified number.</td>
<td>=INT(2.5)<br />Returns 2</td>
<td>MAX(number1, number2, ...)</td>
<td>The function is used to analyze the range of data and find the largest number.</td>
<td>=MAX(15,18,6)<br />Returns 18</td>
<td>MIN(number1, number2, ...)</td>
<td>The function is used to analyze the range of data and find the smallest number.</td>
<td>=MIN(15,18,6)<br />Returns 6</td>
<td>MOD(x, y)</td>
<td>The function is used to return the remainder after the division of a number by the specified divisor.</td>
<td>=MOD(6,3)<br />Returns 0</td>
<td>The function is used to check if the logical value you enter is TRUE or FALSE. The function returns 1 (TRUE) if the argument is FALSE and 0 (FALSE) if the argument is TRUE.</td>
<td>=NOT(2<5)<br />Returns 0</td>
<td>OR(logical1, logical2, ...)</td>
<td>The function is used to check if the logical value you enter is TRUE or FALSE. The function returns 0 (FALSE) if all the arguments are FALSE.</td>
<td>=OR(1>0,1>3)<br />Returns 1</td>
<td>The function is used to multiply all the numbers in the selected range of cells and return the product.</td>
<td>=PRODUCT(2,5)<br />Returns 10</td>
<td>ROUND(x, num_digits)</td>
<td>The function is used to round the number to the desired number of digits.</td>
<td>=ROUND(2.25,1)<br />Returns 2.3</td>
<td>The function is used to return the sign of a number. If the number is positive, the function returns <b>1</b>. If the number is negative, the function returns <b>-1</b>. If the number is <b>0</b>, the function returns <b>0</b>.</td>
<td>=SIGN(-12)<br />Returns -1</td>
<td>The function is used to add all the numbers in the selected range of cells and return the result.</td>
<td>=SUM(5,3,2)<br />Returns 10</td>
<td>The function returns 1 (TRUE) and does <b>not</b> require any argument.</td>
<td>=TRUE<br />Returns 1</td>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Aggiungere collegamento ipertestuale</title>
<title>Add hyperlinks</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Aggiungere collegamento ipertestuale ad una parola o un testo selezionato che fa riferimento ad un sito esterno" />
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<h1>Aggiungere collegamento ipertestuale</h1>
<p>Per aggiungere un collegamento ipertestuale,</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Add hyperlinks</h1>
<p>To add a hyperlink,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel punto dove desiderate inserire il collegamento ipertestuale,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Aggiungi collegamento ipertestuale</b> <img alt="Aggiungi collegamento ipertestuale" src="../images/addhyperlink.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>nella finestra aperta specificate i parametri del collegamento ipertestuale:
<li><b>Collega a</b> - inserite URL nel formato <i></i>.</li>
<li><b>Visualizza</b> - digitate un testo da cliccare per passare al sito specificato nel campo superiore.</li>
<li><b>Testo del suggerimento</b> - digitate un testo da visualizzare nella piccola finestra pop-up che fornisce una corta nota o etichetta.</li>
<p><img alt="Finestra Aggiungi collegamento ipertestuale" src="../images/hyperlinkwindow.png" /></p>
<li>place the cursor to a position where a hyperlink will be added,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> or <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Hyperlink icon" src="../images/addhyperlink.png" /> <b>Hyperlink</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>after that the <b>Hyperlink Settings</b> window will appear where you can specify the hyperlink parameters:
Select a link type you wish to insert:
<p>Use the <b>External Link</b> option and enter a URL in the format <em></em> in the <b>Link to</b> field below if you need to add a hyperlink leading to an external website.</p>
<p><img alt="Hyperlink Settings window" src="../images/hyperlinkwindow.png" /></p>
<p>Use the <b>Place in Document</b> option and select one of the existing <a href="../UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">headings</a> in the document text or one of previously added <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertBookmarks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">bookmarks</a> if you need to add a hyperlink leading to a certain place in the same document.</p>
<p><img alt="Hyperlink Settings window" src="../images/hyperlinkwindow1.png" /></p>
<li><b>Display</b> - enter a text that will get clickable and lead to the address specified in the upper field.</li>
<li><b>ScreenTip text</b> - enter a text that will become visible in a small pop-up window that provides a brief note or label pertaining to the hyperlink being pointed to.</li>
<li>cliccate su <b>OK</b>.</li>
<li>Click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<p>Per aggiungere un collegamento ipertestuale potete anche cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse nel punto dove desiderate inserirlo e selezionare l'opzione <b>Collegamento ipertestuale</b> dal menu per aprire la finestra sopra visualizzata.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: è anche possibile selezionare un carattere, una parola, una frase, un testo con immagine con il mouse o <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">usando la tastiera</a> e
cliccare sull'icona <b>Aggiungi collegamento ipertestuale</b> <img alt="Aggiungi collegamento ipertestuale" src="../images/addhyperlink.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore o cliccare con il tasto destro sulla selezione e selezionare l'opzione <b>Collegamento ipertestuale</b> nel menu.
In questo caso il testo selezionato viene visualizzato nel campo <b>Visualizza</b> della finestra di sopra.</p>
<p>Puntate sul collegamento ipertestuale per visualizzare il suggerimento con il testo specificato.
Per seguire il collegamento premete il tasto <b>CTRL</b> e cliccate sul collegamento nel vostro documento.</p>
<p>Per modificare o eliminare il collegamento ipertestuale aggiunto cliccatelo con il tasto destro del mouse, selezionate l'opzione <b>Collegamento ipertestuale</b> e l'azione da fare - <b>Modifica collegamento ipertestuale</b> o <b>Elimina collegamento ipertestuale</b>.</p>
<p>To add a hyperlink, you can also use the <b>Ctrl+K</b> key combination or click with the right mouse button at a position where a hyperlink will be added and select the <b>Hyperlink</b> option in the right-click menu.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: it's also possible to select a character, word, word combination, text passage with the mouse or <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">using the keyboard</a> and
then open the <b>Hyperlink Settings</b> window as described above. In this case, the <b>Display</b> field will be filled with the text fragment you selected.</p>
<p>By hovering the cursor over the added hyperlink, the ScreenTip will appear containing the text you specified.
You can follow the link by pressing the <b>CTRL</b> key and clicking the link in your document.</p>
<p>To edit or delete the added hyperlink, click it with the right mouse button, select the <b>Hyperlink</b> option and then the action you want to perform - <b>Edit Hyperlink</b> or <b>Remove Hyperlink</b>.</p>
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<meta name="description" content="Le filigrane di testo permettono d’indicare lo stato del tuo documento (per esempio, riservato, bozza etc.), le filigrane d’immagine permetto di aggiungere un’immagine, ad esempio il logo delle tua azienda." />
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<h1>Aggiungere una filigrana</h1>
<p>Una filigrana è un testo o un’immagine inserita sotto il livello del testo principale. Le filigrane di testo permettono d’indicare lo stato del tuo documento (per esempio, riservato, bozza etc.), le filigrane d’immagine permetto di aggiungere un’immagine, ad esempio il logo delle tua azienda.</p>
<p>Per aggiungere una filigrana all’interno di un documento:</p>
<li>Passa alla scheda <b>Layout di Pagina</b> nella barra degli strumenti in alto.</li>
<li>Fai clic sull’icona <img alt="Filigrana" src="../images/watermark.png" /> <b>Filigrana</b> nella barra degli strumenti in alto e scegli l’opzione <b>Filigrana personalizzata</b> dal menù. Successivamente verrà visualizzata la finestra <b>Impostazioni Filigrana</b>.</li>
<li>Seleziona un tipo di filigrana che desideri inserire:
<li>Utilizza l’opzione <b>Testo filigrana</b> e rogola i parametri disponibili:
<p><img alt="Testo filigrana" src="../images/watermark_settings.png" /></p>
<li><b>Lingua</b> - selezionare una delle lingue disponibili dalla lista,</li>
<li><b>Testo</b> - selezionare uno degli esempi di testo disponibili nella lingua selezionata. Per l'inglese sono disponibili i seguenti testi di filigrana: <em>ASAP</em>, <em>CONFIDENTIAL</em>, <em>COPY</em>, <em>DO NOT COPY</em>, <em>DRAFT</em>, <em>ORIGINAL</em>, <em>PERSONAL</em>, <em>SAMPLE</em>, <em>TOP SECRET</em>, <em>URGENT</em>.</li>
<li><b>Carattere</b> - seleziona il nome e la dimensione del carattere dagli elenchi a discesa corrispondenti. Utilizzare le icone sulla destra per impostare il colore del carattere o applicare uno degli stili di decorazione del carattere: <em>Grassetto</em>, <em>Corsivo</em>, <em>Sotttolineato</em>, <em>Barrato</em>,</li>
<li><b>Semitrasparente</b> - seleziona questa casella se desideri applicare la trasparenza,</li>
<li><b>Layout</b> - seleziona l’opzione <b>Diagonale</b> od <b>Orizzonatale</b>.</li>
<li>Utilizza l’opzione <b>Immagine filigrana</b> e regola i parametri disponibili:
<p><img alt="Immagine filigrana" src="../images/watermark_settings2.png" /></p>
<li>Scegli l'origine del file immagine utilizzando uno dei pulsanti: <b>Da file</b> o <b>Da URL</b> - l'immagine verrà visualizzata nella finestra di anteprima a destra,</li>
<li><b>Ridimensiona</b> - seleziona il valore di scala necessario tra quelli disponibili: <em>Auto</em>, <em>500%</em>, <em>200%</em>, <em>150%</em>, <em>100%</em>, <em>50%</em>.</li>
<li>Fai clic sul pulsante <b>OK</b>.</li>
<p>Per modificare la filigrana aggiunta, apri la finestra <b>Impostazioni Filigrana</b> come descritto sopra, modifica i parametri necessari e fai clic su <b>OK</b>.</p>
<p>Per eleminare la filigrana aggiunta, fai clic sull’icona <img alt="Filigrana" src="../images/watermark.png" /> <b>Filigrana</b> nella scheda <b>Layout di Pagina</b> della barra degli strumenti in alto e scegli l’opzione <b>Rimuovi filigrana</b> dal menù. È anche possibile utilizzare l'opzione <b>Nessuno</b> nella finestra <b>Impostazioni Filigrana</b>.</p>
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<title>Align and arrange objects on a page</title>
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<h1>Align and arrange objects on a page</h1>
<p>The added <b>autoshapes, images, charts</b> or <b>text boxes</b> can be aligned, grouped and ordered on a page. To perform any of these actions, first select a separate object or several objects on the page. To select several objects, hold down the <b>Ctrl</b> key and left-click the necessary objects. To select a text box, click on its border, not the text within it. After that you can use either the icons at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar described below or the analogous options from the right-click menu.</p>
<h3>Align objects</h3>
<p>To <b>align</b> <em>two or more</em> selected objects, </p>
<li>Click the <img alt="Align icon" src="../images/align_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Align</b> icon at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and select one of the following options:
<li><b>Align to Page</b> to align objects relative to the edges of the page,</li>
<li><b>Align to Margin</b> to align objects relative to the page margins,</li>
<li><b>Align Selected Objects</b> (this option is selected by default) to align objects relative to each other,</li>
<li>Click the <img alt="Align icon" src="../images/align_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Align</b> icon once again and select the necessary alignment type from the list:
<li><b>Align Left</b> <img alt="Align Left icon" src="../images/alignobjectleft.png" /> - to line up the objects horizontally by the left edge of the leftmost object/left edge of the page/left page margin,</li>
<li><b>Align Center</b> <img alt="Align Center icon" src="../images/alignobjectcenter.png" /> - to line up the objects horizontally by their centers/center of the page/center of the space between the left and right page margins,</li>
<li><b>Align Right</b> <img alt="Align Right icon" src="../images/alignobjectright.png" /> - to line up the objects horizontally by the right edge of the rightmost object/right edge of the page/right page margin,</li>
<li><b>Align Top</b> <img alt="Align Top icon" src="../images/alignobjecttop.png" /> - to line up the objects vertically by the top edge of the topmost object/top edge of the page/top page margin,</li>
<li><b>Align Middle</b> <img alt="Align Middle icon" src="../images/alignobjectmiddle.png" /> - to line up the objects vertically by their middles/middle of the page/middle of the space between the top and bottom page margins,</li>
<li><b>Align Bottom</b> <img alt="Align Bottom icon" src="../images/alignobjectbottom.png" /> - to line up the objects vertically by the bottom edge of the bottommost object/bottom edge of the page/bottom page margin.</li>
<p>Alternatively, you can right-click the selected objects, choose the <b>Align</b> option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available alignment options.</p>
<p>If you want to align a single object, it can be aligned relative to the edges of the page or to the page margins. The <b>Align to Margin</b> option is selected by default in this case.</p>
<h3>Distribute objects</h3>
<p>To <b>distribute</b> <em>three or more</em> selected objects horizontally or vertically so that the equal distance appears between them, </p>
Click the <img alt="Align icon" src="../images/align_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Align</b> icon at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and select one of the following options:
<li><b>Align to Page</b> to distribute objects between the edges of the page,</li>
<li><b>Align to Margin</b> to distribute objects between the page margins,</li>
<li><b>Align Selected Objects</b> (this option is selected by default) to distribute objects between two outermost selected objects,</li>
Click the <img alt="Align icon" src="../images/align_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Align</b> icon once again and select the necessary distribution type from the list:
<li><b>Distribute Horizontally</b> <img alt="Distribute Horizontally icon" src="../images/distributehorizontally.png" /> - to distribute objects evenly between the leftmost and rightmost selected objects/left and right edges of the page/left and right page margins<!--to align the selected objects by their centers (from right to left edges) to the horizontal center of the page-->.</li>
<li><b>Distribute Vertically</b> <img alt="Distribute Vertically icon" src="../images/distributevertically.png" /> - to distribute objects evenly between the topmost and bottommost selected objects/top and bottom edges of the page/top and bottom page margins<!--to align the selected objects by their centers (from top to bottom edges) to the vertical center of the page-->.</li>
<p>Alternatively, you can right-click the selected objects, choose the <b>Align</b> option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available distribution options.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the distribution options are disabled if you select less than three objects.</p>
<h3>Group objects</h3>
<p>To <b>group</b> <em>two or more</em> selected objects or <b>ungroup</b> them, click the arrow next to the <img alt="Group icon" src="../images/group_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Group</b> icon at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary option from the list:</p>
<li><b>Group</b> <img alt="Group icon" src="../images/group.png" /> - to join several objects into a group so that they can be simultaneously rotated, moved, resized, aligned, arranged, copied, pasted, formatted like a single object.</li>
<li><b>Ungroup</b> <img alt="Ungroup icon" src="../images/ungroup.png" /> - to ungroup the selected group of the previously joined objects.</li>
<p>Alternatively, you can right-click the selected objects, choose the <b>Arrange</b> option from the contextual menu and then use the <b>Group</b> or <b>Ungroup</b> option.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the <b>Group</b> option is disabled if you select less than two objects. The <b>Ungroup</b> option is available only when a group of the previously joined objects is selected.</p>
<h3>Arrange objects</h3>
<p>To <b>arrange</b> objects (i.e. to change their order when several objects overlap each other), you can use the <img alt="Bring Forward icon" src="../images/bringforward_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Bring Forward</b> and <img alt="Send Backward icon" src="../images/sendbackward_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Send Backward</b> icons at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary arrangement type from the list.</p>
<p>To move the selected object(s) forward, click the arrow next to the <img alt="Bring Forward icon" src="../images/bringforward_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Bring Forward</b> icon at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary arrangement type from the list:</p>
<li><b>Bring To Foreground</b> <img alt="Bring To Foreground icon" src="../images/bringtofront.png" /> - to move the object(s) in front of all other objects,</li>
<li><b>Bring Forward</b> <img alt="Bring Forward icon" src="../images/bringforward.png" /> - to move the selected object(s) by one level forward as related to other objects.</li>
<p>To move the selected object(s) backward, click the arrow next to the <img alt="Send Backward icon" src="../images/sendbackward_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Send Backward</b> icon at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary arrangement type from the list:</p>
<li><b>Send To Background</b> <img alt="Send To Background icon" src="../images/sendtoback.png" /> - to move the object(s) behind all other objects,</li>
<li><b>Send Backward</b> <img alt="Send Backward icon" src="../images/sendbackward.png" /> - to move the selected object(s) by one level backward as related to other objects.</li>
<p>Alternatively, you can right-click the selected object(s), choose the <b>Arrange</b> option from the contextual menu and then use one of the available arrangement options.</p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Allineare testo nella riga o paragrafo</title>
<title>Align your text in a paragraph</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Tutto che riguarda l'allineamento del testo nella riga o paragrafo: allineare a sinistra, a destra, giustificare, centrare" />
<meta name="description" content="Everything that pertains to the text alignment in a paragraph: aligning left, right, justified, center" />
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<h1>Allineare testo nella riga o paragrafo</h1>
<p>Il testo è di solito allineato nel seguente modo: a sinistra, a destra, al centro o giustificato. Per farlo,</p>
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<h1>Align your text in a paragraph</h1>
<p>The text is commonly aligned in four ways: left, right, center or justified. To do that,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel punto dove desiderate applicare l'allineamento (questo può essere una nuova riga o un testo inserito),</li>
<li>selezionate il tipo di allineamento da applicare:
<li>place the cursor to the position where you want the alignment to be applied (this can be a new line or already entered text),</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the alignment type you would like to apply:
<li><b>A sinistra</b> - l'allineamento del testo sul lato sinistro della pagina (il lato destro rimane non allineato) si fa per mezzo dell'icona <b>Allinea a sinistra</b> <img alt="Allinea a sinistra" src="../images/alignleft.png" /> situata sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</li>
<li><b>Al centro</b> - l'allineamento del testo al centro della pagina (i lati sinistro e destro rimangono non allineati) si fa per mezzo dell'icona <b>Allinea al centro</b> <img alt="Allinea al centro" src="../images/aligncenter.png" /> situata sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</li>
<li><b>A destra</b> - l'allineamento del testo sul lato destro della pagina (il lato sinistro rimane non allineato) si fa per mezzo dell'icona <b>Allinea a destra</b> <img alt="Allinea a destra" src="../images/alignright.png" /> situata sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</li>
<li><b>Giustifica</b> - l'allineamento del testo sui lati destro e sinistro della pagina (vengono aggiunti gli spazi addizionali dove necessario per mantenere l'allineamento) si fa per mezzo dell'icona <b>Giustifica</b> <img alt="Giustifica" src="../images/justify.png" /> situata sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</li>
<li><b>Left</b> alignment with the text lined up by the left side of the page (the right side remains unaligned) is done with the <b>Align left</b> <img alt="Align left icon" src="../images/alignleft.png" /> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<li><b>Center</b> alignment with the text lined up by the center of the page (the right and the left sides remains unaligned) is done with the <b>Align center</b> <img alt="Align center icon" src="../images/aligncenter.png" /> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<li><b>Right</b> alignment with the text lined up by the right side of the page (the left side remains unaligned) is done with the <b>Align right</b> <img alt="Align right icon" src="../images/alignright.png" /> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<li><b>Justified</b> alignment with the text lined up by both the left and the right sides of the page (additional spacing is added where necessary to keep the alignment) is done with the <b>Justified</b> <img alt="Justify icon" src="../images/justify.png" /> icon situated at the top toolbar.</li>
<p>The alignment parameters are also available at the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window.</p>
<li>right-click the text and choose the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option from the contextual menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> option at the right sidebar,</li>
<li>open the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window, switch to the <b>Indents & Spacing</b> tab,</li>
<li>select one of the alignment types from the <b>Alignment</b> list: <b>Left</b>, <b>Center</b>, <b>Right</b>, <b>Justified</b>,</li>
<li>click the <b>OK</b> button, to apply the changes.</li>
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Indents & Spacing" src="../images/paradvsettings_indents.png" /></p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Selezionare colore sfondo per un paragrafo</title>
<title>Select background color for a paragraph</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Learn how to select background color for a paragraph" />
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<h1>Selezionare colore sfondo per un paragrafo</h1>
<p>Il colore sfondo viene applicato a tutto il paragrafo.</p>
<p>Per applicare un colore sfondo ad un certo paragrafo o cambiare il colore attuale,</p>
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<h1>Select background color for a paragraph</h1>
<p>Background color is applied to the whole paragraph and completely fills all the paragraph space from the left page margin to the right page margin.</p>
<p>To apply a background color to a certain paragraph or change the current one,</p>
<li>selezionate una combinazione colori per il vostro documento dalle combinazioni disponibili cliccando sull'icona <b>Cambia combinazione colori</b> <img alt="Cambia combinazione colori" src="../images/changecolorscheme.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel paragrafo necessario oppure selezionate i paragrafi con il mouse o tutto il testo nel documento premendo i tasti <b>Ctrl+A</b>,</li>
<li>aprite la tavolozza cliccando sul campo colore accanto a <b>Colore sfondo</b> sulla barra destra,
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: potete anche accedere alla tavolozza cliccando sul collegamento 'Mostra impostazioni avanzate' sulla barra destra o selezionando l'opzione 'Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo' dal menu contestuale, e poi passando alla scheda 'Bordi e riempimento' della finestra 'Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate' e cliccando sul campo colore accanto a <b>Colore sfondo</b>.</p>
<li>selezionate un colore dalle tavolozze disponibili:
<p><img alt="Tavolozza" src="../images/palette.png" /></p>
<li><b>Colori tema</b> sono i colori che corrispondono alla combinazione colori del documento.</li>
<li><b>Colori standard</b> sono i colori predefiniti.</li>
<li><b>Colore personalizzato</b> - selezionate questa opzione se non avete trovato il colore adatto tra quelli disponibili. Selezionate l'intervallo di colori necessario spostando la barra verticale ed impostate il colore specificato trascinando lo strumento di selezione colori all'interno del campo colori grande. Una volta selezionato il colore, i valori RGB e sRGB corrispondenti vengono visualizzati nei campi a destra. Potete anche specificare un colore in base al modello colore RGB inserendo i valori numerici adatti nei campi <b>R</b>, <b>G</b>, <b>B</b> (Red (rosso), Green (verde), Blue (blu)) o inserire il codice sRGB esadecimale nel campo segnato da <b>#</b>. Il colore selezionato appare nella casella di visualizzazione <b>Nuovo</b>. Se c'è già un colore personalizzato, questo colore viene visualizzato nella casella <b>Attuale</b> per darvi la possibilità di confrontare il colore originale e modificato. Una volta specificato il colore, cliccate su <b>Aggiungi</b>:
<p><img alt="Tavolozza - Colore personalizzato" src="../images/palette_custom.png" /></p>
<p>Il colore personalizzato sarà applicato al paragrafo e aggiunto alla tavolozza <b>Colore personalizzato</b>.</p>
<li>select a color scheme for your document from the available ones clicking the <b>Change color scheme</b> <img alt="Change color scheme" src="../images/changecolorscheme.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar</li>
<li>put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text using the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination</li>
<li>open the color palettes window. You can access it in one of the following ways:
<li>click the downward arrow next to the <img alt="Paragraph background color Icon" src="../images/backgroundcolor.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar, or</li>
<li>click the color field next to the <b>Background Color</b> caption at the right sidebar, or</li>
<li>click the 'Show advanced settings' link at the right sidebar or select the 'Paragraph Advanced Settings' option in the right-click menu, then switch to the 'Borders & Fill' tab within the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window and click the color field next to the <b>Background Color</b> caption.</li>
<li>select any color in the available <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">palettes</a></li>
<p>Per cancellare il colore sfondo di un certo paragrafo,</p>
<p>After you select the necessary color using the <img alt="Paragraph background color Icon" src="../images/backgroundcolor.png" /> icon, you'll be able to apply this color to any selected paragraph just clicking the <img alt="Selected paragraph background color" src="../images/backgroundcolor_selected.png" /> icon (it displays the selected color), without the necessity to choose this color on the palette again. If you use the <b>Background Color</b> option at the right sidebar or within the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window, remember that the selected color is not retained for quick access. (These options can be useful if you wish to select a different background color for a specific paragraph, while you are also using some general color selected with the help of the <img alt="Paragraph background color Icon" src="../images/backgroundcolor.png" /> icon).</p>
<hr />
<p>To clear the background color of a certain paragraph,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel paragrafo necessario oppure selezionate i paragrafi con il mouse o tutto il testo nel documento premendo i tasti <b>Ctrl+A</b>,</li>
<li>aprite la tavolozza cliccando sul campo colore accanto a <b>Colore sfondo</b> sulla barra destra,</li>
<li>selezionate l'icona <img alt="Nessun riempimento" src="../images/nofill.png" /> nella tavolozza.</li>
<li>put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or the whole text using the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination</li>
<li>open the color palettes window clicking the color field next to the <b>Background Color</b> caption at the right sidebar</li>
<li>select the <img alt="No Fill" src="../images/nofill.png" /> icon.</li>
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<h1>Change color scheme</h1>
<p>Color schemes are applied to the whole document. They are used to quickly change the appearance of your document, since they are define the <b>Theme Colors</b> palette for document elements (<a href="../UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">font</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/BackgroundColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">background</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tables</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">autoshapes</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">charts</a>). If you've applied some <b>Theme Colors</b> to document elements and then selected a different <b>Color Scheme</b>, the applied colors in your document change correspondingly.</p>
<p>To change a color scheme, click the downward arrow next to the <b>Change color scheme</b> <img alt="Change color scheme" src="../images/changecolorscheme.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary color scheme from the available ones: <b>Office</b>, <b>Grayscale</b>, <b>Apex</b>, <b>Aspect</b>, <b>Civic</b>, <b>Concourse</b>, <b>Equity</b>, <b>Flow</b>, <b>Foundry</b>, <b>Median</b>, <b>Metro</b>, <b>Module</b>, <b>Odulent</b>, <b>Oriel</b>, <b>Origin</b>, <b>Paper</b>, <b>Solstice</b>, <b>Technic</b>, <b>Trek</b>, <b>Urban</b>, <b>Verve</b>. The selected color scheme will be highlighted in the list.</p>
<p><img alt="Color Schemes" src="../images/colorscheme.png" /></p>
<p>Once you select the preferred color scheme, you can select colors in a color palettes window that corresponds to the document element you want to apply the color to. For most of the document elements, the color palettes window can be accessed by clicking the colored box at the right sidebar when the necessary element is selected. For the font, this window can be opened using the downward arrow next to the <b>Font color</b> <img alt="Font color" src="../images/fontcolor.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar. The following palettes are available:</p>
<p><img alt="Palette" src="../images/palette.png" /></p>
<li><b>Theme Colors</b> - the colors that correspond to the selected color scheme of the document.</li>
<li><b>Standard Colors</b> - the default colors set. The selected color scheme does not affect them.</li>
<li><b>Custom Color</b> - click this caption if there is no needed color in the available palettes. Select the necessary colors range moving the vertical color slider and set the specific color dragging the color picker within the large square color field. Once you select a color with the color picker, the appropriate RGB and sRGB color values will be displayed in the fields on the right. You can also specify a color on the base of the RGB color model entering the necessary numeric values into the <b>R</b>, <b>G</b>, <b>B</b> (red, green, blue) fields or enter the sRGB hexadecimal code into the field marked with the <b>#</b> sign. The selected color appears in the <b>New</b> preview box. If the object was previously filled with any custom color, this color is displayed in the <b>Current</b> box so you can compare the original and modified colors. When the color is specified, click the <b>Add</b> button:
<p><img alt="Palette - Custom Color" src="../images/palette_custom.png" /></p>
<p>The custom color will be applied to the selected element and added to the <b>Custom color</b> palette.</p>
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<title>Change text wrapping</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Change the text wrapping style to specify the way the object is positioned relative to the text." />
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<h1>Change text wrapping</h1>
<p>The <b>Wrapping Style</b> option determines the way the object is positioned relative to the text. You can change the text wrapping style for inserted objects, such as <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">shapes</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">images</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm#" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">charts</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTextObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">text boxes</a> or <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tables</a>.</p>
<h3>Change text wrapping for shapes, images, charts, text boxes</h3>
<p>To change the currently selected wrapping style:</p>
<li>select a separate object on the page left-clicking it. To select a text box, click on its border, not the text within it.</li>
<li>open the text wrapping settings:
<li>switch to the the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and click the arrow next to the <img alt="Wrapping icon" src="../images/wrapping_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Wrapping</b> icon, or</li>
<li>right-click the object and select the <b>Wrapping Style</b> option from the contextual menu, or</li>
<li>right-click the object, select the <b>Advanced Settings</b> option and switch to the <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab of the object <b>Advanced Settings</b> window.</li>
<li>select the necessary wrapping style:
<p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Inline" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Inline</b> - the object is considered to be a part of the text, like a character, so when the text moves, the object moves as well. In this case the positioning options are inaccessible.</p>
<p>If one of the following styles is selected, the object can be moved independently of the text and positioned on the page exactly:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Square" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Square</b> - the text wraps the rectangular box that bounds the object.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Tight" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Tight</b> - the text wraps the actual object edges.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Through" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Through</b> - the text wraps around the object edges and fills in the open white space within the object. So that the effect can appear, use the <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option from the right-click menu.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Top and bottom" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Top and bottom</b> - the text is only above and below the object.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - In front" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>In front</b> - the object overlaps the text.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Behind" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind_toptoolbar.png" /> <b>Behind</b> - the text overlaps the object.</p></li>
<p>If you select the <b>Square</b>, <b>Tight</b>, <b>Through</b>, or <b>Top and bottom</b> style, you will be able to set up some additional parameters - <b>Distance from Text</b> at all sides (top, bottom, left, right). To access these parameters, right-click the object, select the <b>Advanced Settings</b> option and switch to the <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab of the object <b>Advanced Settings</b> window. Set the necessary values and click <b>OK</b>.</p>
<p>If you select a wrapping style other than <b>Inline</b>, the <b>Position</b> tab is also available in the object <b>Advanced Settings</b> window. To learn more on these parameters, please refer to the corresponding pages with the instructions on how to work with <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#position" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">shapes</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertImages.htm#position" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">images</a> or <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertCharts.htm#position" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">charts</a>.</p>
<p>If you select a wrapping style other than <b>Inline</b>, you can also edit the wrap boundary for <b>images</b> or <b>shapes</b>. Right-click the object, select the <b>Wrapping Style</b> option from the contextual menu and click the <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option. Drag wrap points to customize the boundary. To create a new wrap point, click anywhere on the red line and drag it to the necessary position. <img alt="Editing Wrap Boundary" src="../images/wrap_boundary.png" /></p>
<h3>Change text wrapping for tables</h3>
<p>For <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tables</a>, the following two wrapping styles are available: <b>Inline table</b> and <b>Flow table</b>.</p>
<p>To change the currently selected wrapping style:</p>
<li>right-click the table and select the <b>Table Advanced Settings</b> option,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab of the <b>Table - Advanced Settings</b> window,
select one of the following options:
<li><b>Inline table</b> is used to select the wrapping style when the text is broken by the table as well as to set the alignment: left, center, right.</li>
<li><b>Flow table</b> is used to select the wrapping style when the text is wrapped around the table.</li>
<p>Using the <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab of the <b>Table - Advanced Settings</b> window you can also set up the following additional parameters:</p>
<li>For inline tables, you can set the table <b>Alignment</b> type (left, center or right) and <b>Indent from left</b>.</li>
<li>For floating tables, you can set the <b>Distance from text</b> and the table <b>position</b> at the <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertTables.htm#position" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Table Position</a> tab.</li>
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<title>Copiare/cancellare formattazione</title>
<title>Copy/clear text formatting</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Copiare/cancellare la formattazione del testo nel documento" />
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<h1>Copiare/cancellare formattazione</h1>
<p>Per copiare una certa formattazione,</p>
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<h1>Copy/clear text formatting</h1>
<p>To copy a certain text formatting,</p>
<li>selezionate il testo con la formattazione da copiare con il mouse o <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">usando la tastiera</a>,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Copia stile</b> <img alt="Copia stile" src="../images/copystyle.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezionate il testo a cui desiderate applicare la stessa formattazione.</li>
<li>select the text passage which formatting you need to copy with the mouse or <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">using the keyboard</a>,</li>
<li>click the <b>Copy style</b> <img alt="Copy style" src="../images/copystyle.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this <img alt="Mouse pointer while pasting style" src="../images/paste_style.png" />),</li>
<li>select the text passage you want to apply the same formatting to.</li>
<p>Per facilmente cancellare la formattazione applicata al testo,</p>
<p>To apply the copied formatting to multiple text passages,</p>
<li>select the text passage which formatting you need to copy with the mouse or <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">using the keyboard</a>,</li>
<li>double-click the <b>Copy style</b> <img alt="Copy style" src="../images/copystyle.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar (the mouse pointer will look like this <img alt="Mouse pointer while pasting style" src="../images/paste_style.png" /> and the <b>Copy style</b> icon will remain selected: <img alt="Multiple copying style" src="../images/copystyle_selected.png" />),</li>
<li>select the necessary text passages one by one to apply the same formatting to each of them,</li>
<li>to exit this mode, click the <b>Copy style</b> <img alt="Multiple copying style" src="../images/copystyle_selected.png" /> icon once again or press the <b>Esc</b> key on the keyboard.</li>
<p>To quickly remove the applied formatting from your text,</p>
<li>selezionate il testo la cui formattazione desiderate cancellare,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Cancella stile</b> <img alt="Cancella stile" src="../images/clearstyle.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</li>
<li>select the text passage which formatting you want to remove,</li>
<li>click the <b>Clear style</b> <img alt="Clear style" src="../images/clearstyle.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
@ -1,23 +1,56 @@
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<title>Copiare/incollare testo, annullare/ripristinare azioni</title>
<title>Copy/paste text passages, undo/redo your actions</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Effettuate le operazioni di base con il testo del documento: copia, incolla, annulla, ripristina" />
<meta name="description" content="Perform the basic operations with the document text: copy, paste, undo, redo" />
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<h1>Copiare/incollare testo, annullare/ripristinare azioni</h1>
<p>Per effettuare queste operazioni, utilizzate le icone corrispondenti sulla barra degli strumenti superiore:</p>
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<h1>Copy/paste text passages, undo/redo your actions</h1>
<h3>Use basic clipboard operations</h3>
<p>To cut, copy and paste text passages and inserted objects (autoshapes, images, charts) within the current document use the corresponding options from the right-click menu or icons available at any tab of the top toolbar:</p>
<li><b>Copia</b> – selezionate un testo e utilizzate l'icona <b>Copia</b> <img alt="Copia" src="../images/copy.png" /> per copiare la selezione negli appunti del computer. Il testo copiato può essere inserito più tardi nell'altro punto dello stesso documento, in un altro documento, o in un certo altro programma.</li>
<li><b>Incolla</b> – trovate il punto nel documento dove desiderate incollare il testo copiato prima e utilizzate l'icona <b>Incolla</b> <img alt="Incolla" src="../images/paste.png" />.
Il testo verrà inserito nella posizione del cursore corrente. Il testo può essere copiato prima dallo stesso documento, da qualsiasi altro documento o un certo altro programma.</li>
<li><b>Annulla</b> – utilizzate l'icona <b>Annulla</b> <img alt="Annulla" src="../images/undo.png" /> per annullare l'ultima operazione effettuata.</li>
<li><b>Ripristina</b> – utilizzate l'icona <b>Ripristina</b> <img alt="Ripristina" src="../images/redo.png" /> per ripetere l'ultima azione annullata.</li>
<li><b>Cut</b> – select a text fragment or an object and use the <b>Cut</b> option from the right-click menu to delete the selection and send it to the computer clipboard memory. <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">The cut data can be later inserted to another place in the same document.</span></li>
<li><b>Copy</b> – select a text fragment or an object and use the <b>Copy</b> option from the right-click menu, or the <b>Copy</b> <img alt="Copy icon" src="../images/copy.png" /> icon at the top toolbar to copy the selection to the computer clipboard memory. <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">The copied data can be later inserted to another place in the same document.</span></li>
<li><b>Paste</b> – find the place in your document where you need to paste the previously copied text fragment/object and use the <b>Paste</b> option from the right-click menu, or the <b>Paste</b> <img alt="Paste icon" src="../images/paste.png" /> icon at the top toolbar.
The text/object will be inserted at the current cursor position. <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">The data can be previously copied from the same document.</span></li>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: per motivi di sicurezza certi browser non permettono di accedere agli appunti del tuo computer. Quindi quando provate ad effettuare una di queste operazioni il programma vi richiederà di utilizzare i tasti di scelta rapida comuni per tutti i browser: <b>Ctrl+X</b> per tagliare, <b>Ctrl+C</b> per copiare, <b>Ctrl+V</b> per incollare.</p>
<p><span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">In the <em>online version</em>, the following key combinations are only used to copy or paste data from/into another document or some other program,</span> <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">in the <em>desktop version</em>, both the corresponding buttons/menu options and key combinations can be used for any copy/paste operations:</span></p>
<li><b>Ctrl+X</b> key combination for cutting;</li>
<li><b>Ctrl+C</b> key combination for copying;</li>
<li><b>Ctrl+V</b> key combination for pasting.</li>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: instead of cutting and pasting text within the same document you can just select the necessary text passage and drag and drop it to the necessary position.</p>
<h3>Use the Paste Special feature</h3>
<p>Once the copied text is pasted, the <b>Paste Special</b> <img alt="Paste Special" src="../images/pastespecialbutton.png" /> button appears next to the inserted text passage. Click this button to select the necessary paste option. </p>
<p>When pasting the paragraph text or some text within autoshapes, the following options are available:</p>
<li><em>Paste</em> - allows to paste the copied text keeping its original formatting.</li>
<li><em>Keep text only</em> - allows to paste the text without its original formatting.</li>
<p>If you paste the copied table into an existing table, the following options are available:</p>
<li><em>Overwrite cells</em> - allows to replace the existing table contents with the pasted data. This option is selected by default.</li>
<li><em>Nest table</em> - allows to paste the copied table as a nested table into the selected cell of the existing table.</li>
<li><em>Keep text only</em> - allows to paste the table contents as text values separated by the tab character.</li>
<h3>Undo/redo your actions</h3>
<p>To perform the undo/redo operations, use the corresponding icons in the editor header or keyboard shortcuts:</p>
<li><b>Undo</b> – use the <b>Undo</b> <img alt="Undo icon" src="../images/undo.png" /> icon at the left part of the editor header or the <b>Ctrl+Z</b> key combination to undo the last operation you performed.</li>
<li><b>Redo</b> – use the <b>Redo</b> <img alt="Redo icon" src="../images/redo.png" /> icon at the left part of the editor header or the <b>Ctrl+Y</b> key combination to redo the last undone operation.</li>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: when you co-edit a document in the <b>Fast</b> mode, the possibility to <b>Redo</b> the last undone operation is not available.
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<title>Creare elenchi</title>
<title>Create lists</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Creare elenchi numerati e puntati nel documento cambiando la struttura" />
<meta name="description" content="Create bulleted and numbered lists in the document changing the lists outline" />
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<h1>Creare elenchi</h1>
<p>Per creare un elenco nel vostro documento,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel punto dove desiderate iniziare un elenco (questo può essere una nuova riga o un testo già digitato),</li>
<li>selezionate il tipo elenco da creare:
<li><b>Elenco non ordinato</b> con marcatori si crea usando l'icona <b>Elenchi puntati</b> <img alt="Elenchi puntati" src="../images/bullets.png" /> situata sulla barra degli strumenti superiore</li>
<li><b>Elenco ordinato</b> con cifre o lettere si crea usando l'icona <b>Elenchi numerati</b> <img alt="Elenchi numerati" src="../images/numbering.png" /> situata sulla barra degli strumenti superiore
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: cliccate sulla freccia verso il basso accanto all'icona <b>Elenchi puntati</b> o <b>Elenchi numerati</b> per selezionare l'aspetto dell'elenco.</p>
<li>adesso quando premete il tasto <b>Enter</b> alla fine della riga viene creata automaticamente la voce di elenco successiva. Per terminare l'elenco, premete il tasto <b>Backspace</b> e continuate il lavoro.</li>
<p>Potete anche cambiare il rientro del testo negli elenchi e il loro annidamento usando l'icona <b>Struttura</b> <img alt="Struttura" src="../images/outline.png" />, <b>Riduci rientro</b> <img alt="Riduci rientro" src="../images/decreaseindent.png" />, e <b>Aumenta rientro</b> <img alt="Aumenta rientro" src="../images/increaseindent.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: i parametri addizionali del rientro e della spaziatura possono essere cambiate sulla barra destra e nella finestra di impostazioni avanzate. Per saperne di più leggete la sezione <a href="ParagraphIndents.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Cambiare rientri di paragrafo</a> e <a href="LineSpacing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Impostare interlinea di paragrafo</a>.</p>
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<h1>Create lists</h1>
<p>To create a list in your document,</p>
<li>place the cursor to the position where a list will be started (this can be a new line or the already entered text),</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
select the list type you would like to start:
<li><b>Unordered list</b> with markers is created using the <b>Bullets</b> <img alt="Unordered List icon" src="../images/bullets.png" /> icon situated at the top toolbar</li>
<b>Ordered list</b> with digits or letters is created using the <b>Numbering</b> <img alt="Ordered List icon" src="../images/numbering.png" /> icon situated at the top toolbar
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: click the downward arrow next to the <b>Bullets</b> or <b>Numbering</b> icon to select how the list is going to look like.</p>
<li>now each time you press the <b>Enter</b> key at the end of the line a new ordered or unordered list item will appear. To stop that, press the <b>Backspace</b> key and continue with the common text paragraph.</li>
<p>The program also creates numbered lists automatically when you enter digit 1 with a dot or a bracket and a space after it: <b>1.</b>, <b>1)</b>. Bulleted lists can be created automatically when you enter the <b>-</b>, <b>*</b> characters and a space after them.</p>
<p>You can also change the text indentation in the lists and their nesting using the <b>Multilevel list</b> <img alt="Multilevel list icon" src="../images/outline.png" />, <b>Decrease indent</b> <img alt="Decrease indent icon" src="../images/decreaseindent.png" />, and <b>Increase indent</b> <img alt="Increase indent icon" src="../images/increaseindent.png" /> icons at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the additional indentation and spacing parameters can be changed at the right sidebar and in the advanced settings window. To learn more about it, read the <a href="ParagraphIndents.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Change paragraph indents</a> and <a href="LineSpacing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Set paragraph line spacing</a> section.</p>
<h3>Join and separate lists</h3>
<p>To join a list to the preceding one:</p>
<li>click the first item of the second list with the right mouse button,</li>
<li>use the <b>Join to previous list</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<p>The lists will be joined and the numbering will continue in accordance with the first list numbering.</p>
<p>To separate a list:</p>
<li>click the list item where you want to begin a new list with the right mouse button,</li>
<li>use the <b>Separate list</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<p>The list will be separated, and the numbering in the second list will begin anew.</p>
<h3>Change numbering</h3>
<p>To continue sequential numbering in the second list according to the previous list numbering:</p>
<li>click the first item of the second list with the right mouse button,</li>
<li>use the <b>Continue numbering</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<p>The numbering will continue in accordance with the first list numbering.</p>
<p>To set a certain numbering initial value:</p>
<li>click the list item where you want to apply a new numbering value with the right mouse button,</li>
<li>use the <b>Set numbering value</b> option from the contextual menu,</li>
<li>in a new window that opens, set the necessary numeric value and click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<h3>Change the list settings</h3>
<p>To change the bulleted or numbered list settings, such as a bullet/number type, alignment, size and color:</p>
<li>click an existing list item or select the text you want to format as a list,</li>
<li>click the <b>Bullets</b> <img alt="Unordered List icon" src="../images/bullets.png" /> or <b>Numbering</b> <img alt="Ordered List icon" src="../images/numbering.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>List Settings</b> option,</li>
the <b>List Settings</b> window will open. The bulleted list settings window looks like this:
<p><img alt="Bulleted List Settings window" src="../images/bulletedlistsettings.png" /></p>
<p>The numbered list settings window looks like this:</p>
<p><img alt="Numbered List Settings window" src="../images/orderedlistsettings.png" /></p>
<p>For the bulleted list, you can choose a character used as a <b>bullet</b>, while for the numbered list you can choose the numbering <b>type</b>. The <b>Alignment</b>, <b>Size</b> and <b>Color</b> options are the same both for the bulleted and numbered lists.</p>
<li><b>Bullet</b> - allows to select the necessary character used for the bulleted list. When you click on the <b>Font and Symbol</b> field, the <b>Symbol</b> window opens that allows to choose one of the available characters. To learn more on how to work with symbols, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertSymbols.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</li>
<li><b>Type</b> - allows to select the necessary numbering type used for the numbered list. The following options are available: <em>None</em>, <em>1, 2, 3,...</em>, <em>a, b, c,...</em>, <em>A, B, C,...</em>, <em>i, ii, iii,...</em>, <em>I, II, III,...</em>.</li>
<li><b>Alignment</b> - allows to select the necessary bullet/number alignment type that is used to align bullets/numbers horizontally within the space designated for them. The available alignment types are the following: <em>Left</em>, <em>Center</em>, <em>Right</em>.</li>
<li><b>Size</b> - allows to select the necessary bullet/number size. The <em>Like a text</em> option is selected by default. When this option is selected, the bullet or number size corresponds to the text size. You can choose one of the predefined sizes from <em>8</em> to <em>96</em>.</li>
<li><b>Color</b> - allows to select the necessary bullet/number color. The <em>Like a text</em> option is selected by default. When this option is selected, the bullet or number color corresponds to the text color. You can choose the <b>Automatic</b> option to apply the automatic color, or select one of the <em>theme colors</em>, or <em>standard colors</em> on the palette, or specify a <em>custom</em> color.</li>
<p>All the changes are displayed in the <b>Preview</b> field.</p>
<li>click <b>OK</b> to apply the changes and close the settings window.</li>
<p>To change the multilevel list settings,</p>
<li>click a list item,</li>
<li>click the <b>Multilevel list</b> <img alt="Multilevel list icon" src="../images/outline.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>List Settings</b> option,</li>
the <b>List Settings</b> window will open. The multilevel list settings window looks like this:
<p><img alt="Multilevel List Settings window" src="../images/multilevellistsettings.png" /></p>
<p>Choose the necessary level of the list in the <b>Level</b> field on the left, then use the buttons on the top to adjust the bullet or number appearance for the selected level:</p>
<li><b>Type</b> - allows to select the necessary numbering type used for the numbered list or the necessary character used for the bulleted list. The following options are available for the numbered list: <em>None</em>, <em>1, 2, 3,...</em>, <em>a, b, c,...</em>, <em>A, B, C,...</em>, <em>i, ii, iii,...</em>, <em>I, II, III,...</em>. For the bulleted list, you can choose one of the default symbols or use the <b>New bullet</b> option. When you click this option, the <b>Symbol</b> window opens that allows to choose one of the available characters. To learn more on how to work with symbols, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertSymbols.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</li>
<li><b>Alignment</b> - allows to select the necessary bullet/number alignment type that is used to align bullets/numbers horizontally within the space designated for them at the beginning of the paragraph. The available alignment types are the following: <em>Left</em>, <em>Center</em>, <em>Right</em>.</li>
<li><b>Size</b> - allows to select the necessary bullet/number size. The <em>Like a text</em> option is selected by default. You can choose one of the predefined sizes from <em>8</em> to <em>96</em>.</li>
<li><b>Color</b> - allows to select the necessary bullet/number color. The <em>Like a text</em> option is selected by default. When this option is selected, the bullet or number color corresponds to the text color. You can choose the <b>Automatic</b> option to apply the automatic color, or select one of the <em>theme colors</em>, or <em>standard colors</em> on the palette, or specify a <em>custom</em> color.</li>
<p>All the changes are displayed in the <b>Preview</b> field.</p>
<li>click <b>OK</b> to apply the changes and close the settings window.</li>
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<h1>Create a Table of Contents</h1>
<p>A table of contents contains a list of all chapters (sections etc.) in a document and displays the numbers of the pages where each chapter is started. This allows to easily navigate through a multi-page document quickly switching to the necessary part of the text. The table of contents is generated automatically on the base of the document headings formatted using built-in styles. This makes it easy to update the created table of contents without the necessity to edit headings and change page numbers manually if the document text has been changed.</p>
<h3>Define the heading structure</h3>
<p><b>Format headings</b></p>
<p>First of all, format headings in you document using one of the predefined styles. To do that,</p>
<li>Select the text you want to include into the table of contents.</li>
<li>Open the style menu on the right side of the <b>Home</b> tab at the top toolbar.</li>
<li>Click the style you want to apply. By default, you can use the <em>Heading 1 - Heading 9</em> styles.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: if you want to use other styles (e.g. <em>Title</em>, <em>Subtitle</em> etc.) to format headings that will be included into the table of contents, you will need to adjust the table of contents settings first (see the corresponding section below). To learn more about available formatting styles, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</p>
<p id="navigation"><b>Manage headings</b></p>
<p>Once the headings are formatted, you can click the <img alt="Navigation icon" src="../images/navigationicon.png" /> <b>Navigation</b> icon at the left sidebar to open the panel that displays the list of all headings with corresponding nesting levels. This panel allows to easily navigate between headings in the document text as well as manage the heading structure.</p>
<p>Right-click on a heading in the list and use one of the available options from the menu:</p>
<p><img alt="Navigation panel" src="../images/navigationpanel.png" /></p>
<li><b>Promote</b> - to move the currently selected heading up to the higher level in the hierarchical structure, e.g. change it from <em>Heading 2</em> to <em>Heading 1</em>.</li>
<li><b>Demote</b> - to move the currently selected heading down to the lower level in the hierarchical structure, e.g. change it from <em>Heading 1</em> to <em>Heading 2</em>.</li>
<li><b>New heading before</b> - to add a new empty heading of the same level before the currently selected one.</li>
<li><b>New heading after</b> - to add a new empty heading of the same level after the currently selected one.</li>
<li><b>New subheading</b> - to add a new empty subheading (i.e. a heading with lower level) after the currently selected heading.
<p>When the heading or subheading is added, click on the added empty heading in the list and type in your own text. This can be done both in the document text and on the <b>Navigation</b> panel itself.</p>
<li><b>Select content</b> - to select the text below the current heading in the document (including the text related to all subheadings of this heading).</li>
<li><b>Expand all</b> - to expand all levels of headings at the <b>Navigation</b> panel.</li>
<li><b>Collapse all</b> - to collapse all levels of headings, excepting <em>level 1</em>, at the <b>Navigation</b> panel.</li>
<li><b>Expand to level</b> - to expand the heading structure to the selected level. E.g. if you select <em>level 3</em>, then levels 1, 2 and 3 will be expanded, while level 4 and all lower levels will be collapsed.</li>
<p>To manually expand or collapse separate heading levels, use the arrows to the left of the headings.</p>
<p>To close the <b>Navigation</b> panel, click the <img alt="Navigation icon" src="../images/navigationicon.png" /> <b>Navigation</b> icon at the left sidebar once again.</p>
<h3>Insert a Table of Contents into the document</h3>
<p>To insert a table of contents into your document:</p>
<li>Position the insertion point where you want to add the table of contents.</li>
<li>Switch to the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>Click the <img alt="Table of Contents icon" src="../images/tocicon.png" /> <b>Table of Contents</b> icon at the top toolbar, or<br />
click the arrow next to this icon and select the necessary layout option from the menu. You can select the table of contents that displays headings, page numbers and leaders, or headings only.
<p><img alt="Table of Contents options" src="../images/tociconmenu.png" /></p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the table of content appearance can be adjusted later via the table of contents settings.</p>
<p>The table of contents will be added at the current cursor position. To change the position of the table of contents, you can select the table of contents field (content control) and simply drag it to the desired place. To do that, click the <img alt="Table of Contents content control button" src="../images/toccontentcontrol.png" /> button in the upper left corner of the table of contents field and drag it without releasing the mouse button to another position in the document text.</p>
<p><img alt="Moving the table of contents" src="../images/tocmove.png" /></p>
<p>To navigate between headings, press the <b>Ctrl</b> key and click the necessary heading within the table of contents field. You will go to the corresponding page.</p>
<h3>Adjust the created Table of Contents</h3>
<p><b>Refresh the Table of Contents</b></p>
<p>After the table of contents is created, you may continue editing your text by adding new chapters, changing their order, removing some paragraphs, or expanding the text related to a heading so that the page numbers that correspond to the preceding or subsequent section may change. In this case, use the <b>Refresh</b> option to automatically apply all changes to the table of contents.</p>
<p>Click the arrow next to the <img alt="Refresh icon" src="../images/tocrefreshicon.png" /> <b>Refresh</b> icon at the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the necessary option from the menu:</p>
<li><b>Refresh entire table</b> - to add the headings that you added to the document, remove the ones you deleted from the document, update the edited (renamed) headings as well as update page numbers.</li>
<li><b>Refresh page numbers only</b> - to update page numbers without applying changes to the headings.</li>
<p>Alternatively, you can select the table of contents in the document text and click the <img alt="Refresh icon" src="../images/tocrefreshiconcc.png" /> <b>Refresh</b> icon at the top of the table of contents field to display the above mentioned options.</p>
<p><img alt="Refreshing the table of contents" src="../images/tocrefreshcc.png" /></p>
<p>It's also possible to right-click anywhere within the table of contents and use the corresponding options from the contextual menu.</p>
<p><img alt="Contextual menu" src="../images/tocrefreshcontextual.png" /></p>
<p><b>Adjust the Table of Contents settings</b></p>
<p>To open the table of contents settings, you can proceed in the following ways:</p>
<li>Click the arrow next to the <img alt="Table of Contents icon" src="../images/tocicon.png" /> <b>Table of Contents</b> icon at the top toolbar and select the <b>Settings</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>Select the table of contents in the document text, click the arrow next to the table of contents field title and select the <b>Settings</b> option from the menu.
<p><img alt="Table of Contents options" src="../images/tocsettingscc.png" /></p>
<li>Right-click anywhere within the table of contents and use the <b>Table of contents settings</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<p>A new window will open where you can adjust the following settings:</p>
<p><img alt="Table of Contents settings window" src="../images/tocsettingswindow.png" /></p>
<li><b>Show page numbers</b> - this option allows to choose if you want to display page numbers or not.</li>
<li><b>Right align page numbers</b> - this option allows to choose if you want to align page numbers by the right side of the page or not.</li>
<li><b>Leader</b> - this option allows to choose the leader type you want to use. A leader is a line of characters (dots or hyphens) that fills the space between a heading and a corresponding page number. It's also possible to select the <b>None</b> option if you do not want to use leaders.</li>
<li><b>Format Table of Contents as links</b> - this option is checked by default. If you uncheck it, you will not be able to switch to the necessary chapter by pressing <b>Ctrl</b> and clicking the corresponding heading.</li>
<li><b>Build table of contents from</b> - this section allows to specify the necessary number of outline levels as well as the default styles that will be used to create the table of contents. Check the necessary radio button:
<li><b>Outline levels</b> - when this option is selected, you will be able to adjust the number of hierarchical levels used in the table of contents. Click the arrows in the <b>Levels</b> field to decrease or increase the number of levels (the values from 1 to 9 are available). E.g., if you select the value of 3, headings that have levels 4 - 9 will not be included into the table of contents.
<li><b>Selected styles</b> - when this option is selected, you can specify additional styles that can be used to build the table of contents and assign a corresponding outline level to each of them. Specify the desired level value in the field to the right of the style. Once you save the settings, you will be able to use this style when creating the table of contents.
<p><img alt="Table of Contents settings window" src="../images/tocsettingswindow2.png" /></p>
<li><b>Styles</b> - this options allows to select the desired appearance of the table of contents. Select the necessary style from the drop-down list. The preview field above displays how the table of contents should look like.
<p>The following four default styles are available: <em>Simple</em>, <em>Standard</em>, <em>Modern</em>, <em>Classic</em>. The <em>Current</em> option is used if you customize the table of contents style.</p>
<p>Click the <b>OK</b> button within the settings window to apply the changes.</p>
<p><b>Customize the Table of Contents style</b></p>
<p>After you apply one of the default table of contents styles within the <b>Table of Contents</b> settings window, you can additionally modify this style so that the text within the table of contents field looks like you need.</p>
<li>Select the text within the table of contents field, e.g. pressing the <img alt="Table of Contents content control button" src="../images/toccontentcontrol.png" /> button in the upper left corner of the table of contents content control.</li>
<li>Format table of contents items changing their font type, size, color or applying the font decoration styles.</li>
<li>Consequently update styles for items of each level. To update the style, right-click the formatted item, select the <b>Formatting as Style</b> option from the contextual menu and click the <b>Update toc N style</b> option (<em>toc 2</em> style corresponds to items that have <em>level 2</em>, <em>toc 3</em> style corresponds to items with <em>level 3</em> and so on).
<p><img alt="Update Table of Contents style" src="../images/toccustomize.png" /></p>
<li>Refresh the table of contents.</li>
<p><b>Remove the Table of Contents</b></p>
<p>To remove the table of contents from the document:</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Table of Contents icon" src="../images/tocicon.png" /> <b>Table of Contents</b> icon at the top toolbar and use the <b>Remove table of contents</b> option,</li>
<li>or click the arrow next to the table of contents content control title and use the <b>Remove table of contents</b> option.</li>
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<title>Applicare stili di decorazione</title>
<title>Apply font decoration styles</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Applicare diversi stili di decorazione dei caratteri: incremento/decremento valori, grassetto, corsivo, sottolineato, barrato, apice/pedice" />
<meta name="description" content="Apply font decoration styles: increment/decrement values, bold, italic, underline, strikeout, superscript/subscript" />
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<h1>Applicare stili di decorazione</h1>
<p>Potete applicare stili di decorazione dei caratteri diversi usando le icone corrispondenti situate sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: se desiderate applicare la formattazione al testo già presente nel documento, selezionatelo con il mouse o <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">usando la tastiera</a> ed applicate la formattazione.</p>
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<h1>Apply font decoration styles</h1>
<p>You can apply various font decoration styles using the corresponding icons situated at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: in case you want to apply the formatting to the text already present in the document, select it with the mouse or <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">using the keyboard</a> and apply the formatting.</p>
<td>Aumenta dimensione caratteri</td>
<td><img alt="Aumenta dimensione caratteri" src="../images/larger.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per cambiare la dimensione dei caratteri per renderli più grandi ogni volta che il tasto è premuto.</td>
<td><img alt="Bold" src="../images/bold.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to make the font bold giving it more weight.</td>
<td>Riduci dimensione caratteri</td>
<td><img alt="Riduci dimensione caratteri" src="../images/smaller.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per cambiare la dimensione dei caratteri per renderli più piccoli di un punto ogni volta che il tasto è premuto.</td>
<td><img alt="Italic" src="../images/italic.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to make the font italicized giving it some right side tilt.</td>
<td><img alt="Grassetto" src="../images/bold.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per formattare in grassetto il testo selezionato per renderlo più scuro e intenso.</td>
<td><img alt="Underline" src="../images/underline.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to make the text underlined with the line going under the letters.</td>
<td><img alt="Corsivo" src="../images/italic.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per formattare in corsivo il testo selezionato per renderlo inclinato verso destra.</td>
<td><img alt="Strikeout" src="../images/strike.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to make the text struck out with the line going through the letters.</td>
<td><img alt="Sottolineato" src="../images/underline.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per sottolineare il testo selezionato tracciando una linea sotto i caratteri.</td>
<td><img alt="Superscript" src="../images/sup.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to make the text smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.</td>
<td><img alt="Barrato" src="../images/strike.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per barrare il testo selezionato da una linea che passa attraverso le lettere.</td>
<td><img alt="Apice" src="../images/sup.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per rendere più piccolo e sollevare il testo selezionato, ad esempio nelle frazioni.</td>
<td><img alt="Pedice" src="../images/sub.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per rendere più piccolo ed abbassare il testo selezionato, ad esempio nelle formule chimiche.</td>
<td><img alt="Subscript" src="../images/sub.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to make the text smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.</td>
<p>Per accedere alle impostazioni avanzate, cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> dal menu o usate il collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra. Si apre la finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b> dove passate alla scheda <b>Tipo di caratteri</b>.</p>
<p>Qui potete usare i seguenti stili e parametri per la formattazione dei caratteri:</p>
<p>To access advanced font settings, click the right mouse button and select the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option from the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar. Then the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window will open where you need to switch to the <b>Font</b> tab.</p>
<p>Here you can use the following font decoration styles and settings:</p>
<li><b>Barrato</b> si usa per barrare il testo con una linea.</li>
<li><b>Barrato doppio</b> si usa per barrare il testo con due linee.</li>
<li><b>Apice</b> si usa per rendere più piccolo e sollevare il testo selezionato, ad esempio nelle frazioni.</li>
<li><b>Pedice</b> si usa per rendere più piccolo ed abbassare il testo selezionato, ad esempio nelle formule chimiche.</li>
<li><b>Maiuscoletto</b> si usa per rendere maiuscole piccole tutte le lettere.</li>
<li><b>Maiuscole</b> si usa per rendere maiuscole tutte le lettere.</li>
<li><b>Spaziatura</b> si usa per impostare lo spazio tra i caratteri.</li>
<li><b>Posizione</b> si usa per impostare la posizione dei caratteri in una stringa.</li>
<li><b>Strikethrough</b> is used to make the text struck out with the line going through the letters.</li>
<li><b>Double strikethrough</b> is used to make the text struck out with the double line going through the letters.</li>
<li><b>Superscript</b> is used to make the text smaller and place it to the upper part of the text line, e.g. as in fractions.</li>
<li><b>Subscript</b> is used to make the text smaller and place it to the lower part of the text line, e.g. as in chemical formulas.</li>
<li><b>Small caps</b> is used to make all letters lower case.</li>
<li><b>All caps</b> is used to make all letters upper case.</li>
<li><b>Spacing</b> is used to set the space between the characters. Increase the default value to apply the <b>Expanded</b> spacing, or decrease the default value to apply the <b>Condensed</b> spacing. Use the arrow buttons or enter the necessary value in the box.</li>
<li><b>Position</b> is used to set the characters position (vertical offset) in the line. Increase the default value to move characters upwards, or decrease the default value to move characters downwards. Use the arrow buttons or enter the necessary value in the box.
<p>All the changes will be displayed in the preview field below.</p>
<p><img alt="Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo - Tipo di caratteri" src="../images/paradvsettings_font.png" /></p>
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Font" src="../images/paradvsettings_font.png" /></p>
@ -1,39 +1,54 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Impostare tipo di carattere, dimensione e colore</title>
<title>Set font type, size, and color</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Modificate i seguenti parametri di formattazione di testo: tipo di carattere, dimensione, colore" />
<meta name="description" content="Change the following text formatting parameters: font type, size, and color" />
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<h1>Impostare tipo di carattere, dimensione e colore</h1>
<p>Potete selezionare il tipo caratteri, la loro dimensione e il colore usando le icone corrispondenti sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: se desiderate applicare la formattazione ad un testo già presente nel documento, selezionatelo con il mouse o <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">usando la tastiera</a> e applicate la formattazione.</p>
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<h1>Set font type, size, and color</h1>
<p>You can select the font type, its size and color using the corresponding icons situated at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: in case you want to apply the formatting to the text already present in the document, select it with the mouse or <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#textselection" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">using the keyboard</a> and apply the formatting.</p>
<td>Nome tipo di carattere</td>
<td><img alt="Nome tipo di carattere" src="../images/fontfamily.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per selezionare uno dei tipi di carattere dall'elenco a discesa.</td>
<td width="10%">Font</td>
<td width="15%"><img alt="Font" src="../images/fontfamily.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to select one of the fonts from the list of the available ones. <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">If a required font is not available in the list, you can download and install it on your operating system, after that the font will be available for use in the <em>desktop version</em>.</span></td>
<td>Dimensione carattere</td>
<td><img alt="Dimensione carattere" src="../images/fontsize.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per selezionare un valore preimpostato dall'elenco a discesa, può essere anche inserita a mano nel campo della dimensione carattere.</td>
<td>Font size</td>
<td><img alt="Font size" src="../images/fontsize.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to select among the preset font size values from the dropdown list (the default values are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72 and 96). It's also possible to manually enter a custom value to the font size field and then press <em>Enter</em>.</td>
<td>Increment font size</td>
<td><img alt="Increment font size" src="../images/larger.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to change the font size making it larger one point each time the button is pressed.</td>
<td>Decrement font size</td>
<td><img alt="Decrement font size" src="../images/smaller.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to change the font size making it smaller one point each time the button is pressed.</td>
<td>Highlight color</td>
<td><img alt="Highlight color" src="../images/highlightcolor.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to mark separate sentences, phrases, words, or even characters by adding a color band that imitates highlighter pen effect around the text. You can select the necessary part of the text and then click the downward arrow next to the icon to select a color on the palette (this color set does not depend on the selected <b>Color scheme</b> and includes 16 colors) - the color will be applied to the text selection. Alternatively, you can first choose a highlight color and then start selecting the text with the mouse - the mouse pointer will look like this <img alt="Mouse pointer while highlighting" src="../images/highlight_color_mouse_pointer.png" /> and you'll be able to highlight several different parts of your text sequentially. To stop highlighting just click the icon once again. To clear the highlight color, choose the <b>No Fill</b> option. <b>Highlight color</b> is different from the <a href="../UsageInstructions/BackgroundColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Background color</b></a> <img alt="Paragraph background color icon" src="../images/backgroundcolor.png" /> as the latter is applied to the whole paragraph and completely fills all the paragraph space from the left page margin to the right page margin.</td>
<td>Colore evidenziatore</td>
<td><img alt="Colore evidenziatore" src="../images/highlightcolor.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per cambiare lo sfondo usato per le frasi, le parole oppure i caratteri separati. Cliccate sulla freccia verso il basso accanto all'icona per selezionare il colore. Per cancellare il colore sfondo, selezionate l'opzione <b>Nessun riempimento</b>. Il <b>Colore evidenziatore</b> è diverso dal <b>Colore sfondo</b> perché l'ultimo viene applicato a tutto il paragrafo.</td>
<td>Colore caratteri</td>
<td><img alt="Colore caratteri" src="../images/fontcolor.png" /></td>
<td>Si usa per cambiare il colore delle lettere/caratteri nel testo. Cliccate sulla freccia verso il basso accanto all'icona per selezionare il colore. I colori delle tavolozze dipendono dalla combinazione colori scelta cliccando sull'icona <b>Cambia combinazione colori</b> <img alt="Cambia combinazione colori" src="../images/changecolorscheme.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</td>
<td>Font color</td>
<td><img alt="Font color" src="../images/fontcolor.png" /></td>
<td>Is used to change the color of the letters/characters in the text. By default, the automatic font color is set in a new blank document. It is displayed as a black font on the white background. If you change the background color into black, the font color will automatically change into white to keep the text clearly visible. To choose a different color, click the downward arrow next to the icon and select a color from the available palettes (the colors on the <b>Theme Colors</b> palette depend on the selected <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">color scheme</a>). After you change the default font color, you can use the <b>Automatic</b> option in the color palettes window to quickly restore the automatic color for the selected text passage.</td>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to learn more about the work with color palettes, please refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Applicare preset di formattazione</title>
<title>Apply formatting styles</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Applicate preset di formattazione: normale, titolo, paragrafo, tabella, ecc." />
<meta name="description" content="Apply formatting styles: normal, heading, quote, list, etc." />
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<h1>Applicare preset di formattazione</h1>
<p>Per applicare uno dei preset di formattazione di testo disponibili,</p>
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<h1>Apply formatting styles</h1>
<p>Each formatting style is a set of predefined formatting options: (font size, color, line spacing, alignment etc.). The styles allow you to quickly format different parts of the document (headings, subheadings, lists, normal text, quotes) instead of applying several formatting options individually each time. This also ensures a consistent appearance throughout the entire document.</p>
<p class="note">Style application depends on whether a style is a paragraph style (normal, no spacing, headings, list paragraph etc.), or the text style (based on the font type, size, color), as well as on whether a text passage is selected, or the mouse cursor is positioned within a word. In some cases you might need to select the necessary style from the style library twice so that it can be applied correctly: when you click the style at the style panel for the first time, the paragraph style properties are applied. When you click it for the second time, the text properties are applied.</p>
<h3>Use default styles</h3>
<p>To apply one of the available text formatting styles,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nella riga o selezionate più righe o paragrafi a cui desiderate applicare uno dei preset di formattazione,</li>
<li>selezionate il preset necessario a destra sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</li>
<li>place the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs you want to apply one of the formatting styles to,</li>
<li>select the needed style from the style gallery on the right at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<p>I preset disponibili sono i seguenti: normal (normale), no spacing (senza spaziatura), heading 1-9 (titolo 1-9), title (titolo pagina), subtitle (sottotitolo), quote (citazione), intense quote (citazione intensa), list paragraph (paragrafo elenco).</p>
<p><img alt="Preset di formattazione" src="../images/formattingpresets.png" /></p>
<p>The following formatting styles are available: normal, no spacing, heading 1-9, title, subtitle, quote, intense quote, list paragraph, footer, header, footnote text.</p>
<p><img alt="Formatting styles" src="../images/formattingpresets.png" /></p>
<h3>Edit existing styles and create new ones</h3>
<p><b>To change an existing style:</b></p>
<li>Apply the necessary style to a paragraph.</li>
<li>Select the paragraph text and change all the formatting parameters you need.</li>
<li>Save the changes made:
<li>right-click the edited text, select the <b>Formatting as Style</b> option and then choose the <b>Update 'StyleName' Style</b> option ('StyleName' corresponds to the style you've applied at the step 1),</li>
<li>or select the edited text passage with the mouse, drop-down the style gallery, right-click the style you want to change and select the <b>Update from selection</b> option.</li>
<p>Once the style is modified, all the paragraphs within the document formatted using this style will change their appearance correspondingly.</p>
<p><b>To create a completely new style:</b></p>
<li>Format a text passage as you need.</li>
<li>Select an appropriate way to save the style:
<li>right-click the edited text, select the <b>Formatting as Style</b> option and then choose the <b>Create new Style</b> option,</li>
<li>or select the edited text passage with the mouse, drop-down the style gallery and click the <b>New style from selection</b> option.</li>
<li>Set the new style parameters in the <b>Create New Style</b> window that opens:
<p><img alt="Create New Style window" src="../images/createnewstylewindow.png" /></p>
<li>Specify the new style name in the text entry field.</li>
<li>Select the desired style for the subsequent paragraph from the <b>Next paragraph style</b> list. It's also possible to choose the <b>Same as created new style</b> option.</li>
<li>Click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<p>The created style will be added to the style gallery.</p>
<p><b>Manage your custom styles:</b></p>
<li>To restore the default settings of a certain style you've changed, right-click the style you want to restore and select the <b>Restore to default</b> option.</li>
<li>To restore the default settings of all the styles you've changed, right-click any default style in the style gallery and select the <b>Restore all to default styles</b> option.
<p><img alt="Edited style menu" src="../images/editedstylemenu.png" /></p>
<li>To delete one of the new styles you've created, right-click the style you want to delete and select the <b>Delete style</b> option.</li>
<li>To delete all the new styles you've created, right-click any new style you've created and select the <b>Delete all custom styles</b> option.
<p><img alt="Custom style menu" src="../images/customstylemenu.png" /></p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserire forme</title>
<title>Insert autoshapes</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Aggiungete le forme al vostro documento e regolate le loro proprietà." />
<meta name="description" content="Add an autoshape to your document and adjust its properties." />
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<h1>Inserire forme</h1>
<p>Per inserire una forma in un documento,</p>
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<h1>Insert autoshapes</h1>
<h3>Insert an autoshape</h3>
<p>To add an autoshape to your document,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci forma</b> <img alt="Inserisci forma" src="../images/insertautoshape.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezionate uno dei gruppi disponibili: Figure di base, Frecce decorate, Matematica, Grafici, Stelle e nastri, Callout, Bottoni, Rettangoli, Linee,</li>
<li>cliccate sulla forma necessaria dal gruppo selezionato,</li>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel punto dove desiderate inserirlo,
<li>una volta aggiunta la forma potete cambiare la sua dimensione, la posizione e le proprietà.
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: per scrivere un testo nella forma assicuratevi che la forma è selezionata nella pagina e cominciate a scrivere il testo. Il testo aggiunto in tale modo rimane insieme alla forma (quando spostate o ruotate la forma, il testo si sposta e si ruota con essa).</p>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Shape icon" src="../images/insertautoshape.png" /> <b>Shape</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select one of the available autoshape groups: basic shapes, figured arrows, math, charts, stars & ribbons, callouts, buttons, rectangles, lines,</li>
<li>click the necessary autoshape within the selected group,</li>
<li>place the mouse cursor where you want the shape to be put,</li>
<li>once the autoshape is added you can change its size, position and properties.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to add a caption within the autoshape make sure the shape is selected on the page and start typing your text. The text you add in this way becomes a part of the autoshape (when you move or rotate the shape, the text moves or rotates with it).</p>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Rimodellare forma" src="../images/reshaping.png" />Per cambiare la <b>dimensione</b> della forma, trascinate i quadrati <img alt="Quadrato" src="../images/resize_square.png" /> situati negli angoli dell'oggetto. Per mantenere le proporzioni originali dell'oggetto scelto durante il ridimensionamento, premete il tasto <b>Shift</b> e trascinate uno dei quadrati negli angoli.</p>
<p>Quando modificate certe forme, ad esempio Frecce decorate o Callout, è anche disponibile l'icona a forma di diamante giallo <img alt="Diamante giallo" src="../images/yellowdiamond.png" />. Questa icona permette di regolare certi aspetti della forma, ad esempio, la lunghezza della testa di una freccia.</p>
<p>Per alterare la posizione della forma, usate la freccia <img alt="Freccia" src="../images/arrow.png" /> che appare quando posizionate il cursore del mouse sull'oggetto. Trascinate l'oggetto nella posizione necessaria mantenendo premuto il tasto del mouse.
Per spostare la forma di tre pixel, premete il tasto <b>Ctrl</b> e usate le frecce della tastiera.
Per spostare la forma precisamente orizzontalmente/verticalmente, tenete premuto il tasto <b>Shift</b> durante lo spostamento.</p>
<p>Per ruotare la forma, posizionate il cursore del mouse sul punto di manipolazione di rotazione <img alt="Punto di manipolazione di rotazione" src="../images/greencircle.png" /> e trascinatelo in senso orario o antiorario. Per limitare l'angolo di rotazione a 15 gradi, tenete premuto il tasto <b>Shift</b> durante la rotazione.</p>
<hr />
<p>Per allineare e disporre le forme, usate il menu contestuale. Le opzioni del menu sono le seguenti:</p>
<p>It's also possible to add a caption to the autoshape. To learn more on how to work with captions for autoshapes, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddCaption.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</p>
<h3>Move and resize autoshapes</h3>
<p id ="shape_resize"><img class="floatleft" alt="Reshaping autoshape" src="../images/reshaping.png" />To change the autoshape size, drag small squares <img alt="Square icon" src="../images/resize_square.png" /> situated on the shape edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected autoshape while resizing, hold down the <b>Shift</b> key and drag one of the corner icons.</pid>
<p>When modifying some shapes, for example figured arrows or callouts, the yellow diamond-shaped <img alt="Yellow diamond icon" src="../images/yellowdiamond.png" /> icon is also available. It allows you to adjust some aspects of the shape, for example, the length of the head of an arrow.</p>
<p>To alter the autoshape position, use the <img alt="Arrow" src="../images/arrow.png" /> icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the autoshape. Drag the autoshape to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button.
When you move the autoshape, guide lines are displayed to help you position the object on the page precisely (if a wrapping style other than inline is selected).
To move the autoshape by one-pixel increments, hold down the <b>Ctrl</b> key and use the keybord arrows.
To move the autoshape strictly horizontally/vertically and prevent it from moving in a perpendicular direction, hold down the <b>Shift</b> key when dragging.</p>
<p>To rotate the autoshape, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle <img alt="Rotation handle" src="../images/greencircle.png" /> and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the <b>Shift</b> key while rotating.</p>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#workwithobjects" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">here</a>.
<hr />
<h3>Adjust autoshape settings</h3>
<p id ="shape_rightclickmenu">To align and arrange autoshapes, use the <b>right-click menu</b>. The menu options are:</p>
<li><b>Disponi</b> si usa per portare la forma selezionata in primo piano, in secondo piano, avanti o indietro e anche raggruppare per effettuare le operazioni con più forme in una volta o separare le forme raggruppate.</li>
<li><b>Allinea</b> si usa per allineare la forma a sinistra, al centro, a destra, in alto, in mezzo, in basso.</li>
<li><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per selezionare la disposizione testo dagli stili disponibili - in linea, quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto, davanti al testo, dietro al testo - o modificare bordi disposizione testo. L'opzione <b>Modifica bordi disposizione testo</b> è disponibile solo se selezionate uno stile diverso da 'in linea'. Trascinate i punti per personalizzare i bordi. Per creare un nuovo punto, fate clic sulla linea rossa e trascinatela nella posizione desiderata. <img alt="Modifica bordi disposizione testo" src="../images/wrap_boundary.png" /></li>
<li><b>Impostazioni avanzate</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Forma - Impostazioni avanzate'.</li>
<li><b>Cut, Copy, Paste</b> - standard options which are used to cut or copy a selected text/object and paste a previously cut/copied text passage or object to the current cursor position.</li>
<li><b>Arrange</b> is used to bring the selected autoshape to foreground, send to background, move forward or backward as well as group or ungroup shapes to perform operations with several of them at once. To learn more on how to arrange objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Align</b> is used to align the shape left, center, right, top, middle, bottom. To learn more on how to align objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> is used to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind - or edit the wrap boundary. The <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option is available only if you select a wrapping style other than Inline. Drag wrap points to customize the boundary. To create a new wrap point, click anywhere on the red line and drag it to the necessary position. <img alt="Editing Wrap Boundary" src="../images/wrap_boundary.png" /></li>
<li><b>Rotate</b> is used to rotate the shape by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as well as to flip the shape horizontally or vertically.</li>
<li><b>Shape Advanced Settings</b> is used to open the 'Shape - Advanced Settings' window.</li>
<hr />
<p>Certe impostazioni della forma possono essere regolate nella scheda <b>Impostazioni scheda</b> sulla barra destra che appare se cliccate sulla forma selezionata con il tasto sinistro del mouse. Qui potete cambiare le seguenti impostazioni:</p>
<p>Some of the autoshape settings can be altered using the <b>Shape settings</b> tab of the right sidebar. To activate it click the shape and choose the <b>Shape settings</b> <img alt="Shape settings icon" src="../images/shape_settings_icon.png" /> icon on the right. Here you can change the following properties:</p>
<li><b>Riempimento</b> - usate questa opzione per selezionare il riempimento per la forma. Potete usare una delle opzioni:
<li id="shape_fill"><b>Fill</b> - use this section to select the autoshape fill. You can choose the following options:
<li><b>Colore di riempimento</b> - selezionate questa opzione per specificare il colore che desiderate utilizzare per riempire la forma.
<p><img alt="Colore di riempimento" src="../images/fill_color.png" /></p>
<p id="color">Cliccate sulla casella di sotto e selezionate il colore necessario dalla tavolozza o specificate qualsiasi altro colore:</p>
<p><img alt="Tavolozza" src="../images/palette.png" /></p>
<li><b>Colori tema</b> sono i colori che corrispondono alla combinazione colori del documento.</li>
<li><b>Colori standard</b> sono i colori predefiniti.</li>
<li><b>Colore personalizzato</b> - selezionate questa opzione se non avete trovato il colore adatto tra quelli disponibili. Selezionate l'intervallo di colori necessario spostando la barra verticale ed impostate il colore specificato trascinando lo strumento di selezione colori all'interno del campo colori grande. Una volta selezionato il colore, i valori RGB e sRGB corrispondenti vengono visualizzati nei campi a destra. Potete anche specificare un colore in base al modello colore RGB inserendo i valori numerici adatti nei campi <b>R</b>, <b>G</b>, <b>B</b> (Red (rosso), Green (verde), Blue (blu)) o inserire il codice sRGB esadecimale nel campo segnato da <b>#</b>. Il colore selezionato appare nella casella di visualizzazione <b>Nuovo</b>. Se c'è già un colore personalizzato, questo colore viene visualizzato nella casella <b>Attuale</b> per darvi la possibilità di confrontare il colore originale e modificato. Una volta specificato il colore, cliccate su <b>Aggiungi</b>:
<p><img alt="Tavolozza - Colore personalizzato" src="../images/palette_custom.png" /></p>
<p>Il colore personalizzato sarà applicato all'oggetto e aggiunto alla tavolozza <b>Colore personalizzato</b> del menu.</p>
<li><b>Color Fill</b> - select this option to specify the solid color you want to fill the inner space of the selected autoshape with.
<p><img alt="Color Fill" src="../images/fill_color.png" /></p>
<p id="color">Click the colored box below and select the necessary color from the available <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">color sets</a> or specify any color you like:</p>
<li><b>Sfumatura</b> - selezionate questa opzione per riempire la forma creando una fusione graduale di due colori.
<p><img alt="Sfumatura" src="../images/fill_gradient.png" /></p>
<li><b>Gradient Fill</b> - select this option to fill the shape with two colors which smoothly change from one to another.
<p><img alt="Gradient Fill" src="../images/fill_gradient.png" /></p>
<li><b>Stile</b> - selezionate una delle opzioni disponibili: <b>Lineare</b> (la sfumatura viene applicata in linea retta: in orizzontale, in verticale e in diagonale ad un angolo di 45 gradi) o <b>Radiale</b> (la sfumatura viene applicata con progressione circolare dal centro ai bordi).</li>
<li><b>Direzione</b> - selezionate un modello dal menu. Se viene selezionata la sfumatura <b>Lineare</b>, potete scegliere una delle seguenti direzioni: da alto a sinistra verso il basso a destra, verso il basso, da alto a destra verso il basso a sinistra, da destra a sinistra, da basso a destra verso l'alto a sinistra, verso l'alto, da basso a sinistra verso l'alto a destra, da sinistra a destra. Per la sfumatura <b>Radiale</b> c'è un solo modello disponibile.</li>
<li><b>Sfumatura</b> - fate clic sul dispositivo di scorrimento sinistro <img alt="Dispositivo di scorrimento sinistro" src="../images/gradientslider.png" /> sotto la barra della sfumatura per attivare la casella di colore che corrisponde al primo colore. Fate clic sulla casella di colore a destra per selezionare il primo colore nella tavolozza. Trascinate il dispositivo di scorrimento per impostare l'interruzione sfumatura, cioè, il punto in cui la fusione di due colori termina. Usate il dispositivo destro sotto la barra della sfumatura per specificare il secondo colore ed impostare l'interruzione sfumatura.</li>
<li><b>Style</b> - choose one of the available options: <b>Linear</b> (colors change in a straight line i.e. along a horizontal/vertical axis or diagonally at a 45 degree angle) or <b>Radial</b> (colors change in a circular path from the center to the edges).</li>
<li><b>Direction</b> - choose a template from the menu. If the <b>Linear</b> gradient is selected, the following directions are available: top-left to bottom-right, top to bottom, top-right to bottom-left, right to left, bottom-right to top-left, bottom to top, bottom-left to top-right, left to right. If the <b>Radial</b> gradient is selected, only one template is available.</li>
<li><b>Gradient</b> - click on the left slider <img alt="Slider" src="../images/gradientslider.png" /> under the gradient bar to activate the color box which corresponds to the first color. Click on the color box on the right to choose the first color in the palette. Drag the slider to set the gradient stop i.e. the point where one color changes into another. Use the right slider under the gradient bar to specify the second color and set the gradient stop.</li>
<li><b>Immagine e trama</b> - selezionate questa opzione per utilizzare un'immagine o una trama predefinita per lo sfondo della forma.
<p><img alt="Immagine e trama" src="../images/fill_picture.png" /></p>
<li><b>Picture or Texture</b> - select this option to use an image or a predefined texture as the shape background.
<p><img alt="Picture or Texture Fill" src="../images/fill_picture.png" /></p>
<li>Se desiderate usare un'immagine per lo sfondo della forma, potete aggiungerla <b>Da file</b> selezionandola sul disco rigido del computer o <b>Da URL</b> inserendo l'URL adatto nella finestra aperta.</li>
<li>Se desiderata usare una trama per lo sfondo della forma, aprite il menu <b>Da trama</b> e selezionate una trama necessaria.
<p>Al presente, sono disponibili le seguenti trame: Tappeto, Cartone, Tessuto scuro, Grano, Granito, Carta grigia, A maglia, Cuoio, Carta da pacchi, Papiro, Legno.</p>
<li>If you wish to use an image as a background for the shape, you can add an image <b>From File</b> selecting it on your computer HDD or <b>From URL</b> inserting the appropriate URL address into the opened window.</li>
<li>If you wish to use a texture as a background for the shape, open the <b>From Texture</b> menu and select the necessary texture preset.
<p>Currently, the following textures are available: canvas, carton, dark fabric, grain, granite, grey paper, knit, leather, brown paper, papyrus, wood.</p>
<li>Se la dimensione dell'<b>Immagine</b> selezionata è superiore o inferiore alle dimensioni della forma, potete selezionare il parametro <b>Estendi</b> o <b>Tela</b> dall'elenco a discesa.
<p>L'opzione <b>Estendi</b> vi permette di regolare la dimensione dell'immagine per adattarla alle dimensioni della forma per riempire tutto lo spazio.</p>
<p>L'opzione <b>Tela</b> vi permette di visualizzare solo una parte di un'immagine grande mantenendo le dimensioni originali, o ripetere un'immagine piccola le sue dimensioni originali per riempire tutto lo spazio.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: qualsiasi <b>Trama</b> predefinita riempe tutto lo spazio, però potete impostare il parametro <b>Estendi</b> se necessario.</p>
<li>In case the selected <b>Picture</b> has less or more dimensions than the autoshape has, you can choose the <b>Stretch</b> or <b>Tile</b> setting from the dropdown list.
<p>The <b>Stretch</b> option allows you to adjust the image size to fit the autoshape size so that it could fill the space completely.</p>
<p>The <b>Tile</b> option allows you to display only a part of the bigger image keeping its original dimensions or repeat the smaller image keeping its original dimensions over the autoshape surface so that it could fill the space completely.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: any selected <b>Texture</b> preset fills the space completely, but you can apply the <b>Stretch</b> effect if necessary.</p>
<li><b>Modello</b> - selezionate questa opzione per riempire la forma da un disegno bicolore composto dagli elementi ripetuti.
<p><img alt="Modello" src="../images/fill_pattern.png" /></p>
<li><b>Pattern</b> - select this option to fill the shape with a two-colored design composed of regularly repeated elements.
<p><img alt="Pattern Fill" src="../images/fill_pattern.png" /></p>
<li><b>Modello</b> - selezionate un disegno predefinito dal menu.</li>
<li><b>Colore primo piano</b> - fate clic su questa casella di colore per cambiare il colore degli elementi del modello scelto.</li>
<li><b>Colore sfondo</b> - fate clic su questa casella di colore per cambiare il colore dello sfondo del modello.</li>
<li><b>Pattern</b> - select one of the predefined designs from the menu.</li>
<li><b>Foreground color</b> - click this color box to change the color of the pattern elements.</li>
<li><b>Background color</b> - click this color box to change the color of the pattern background.</li>
<li><b>Nessun riempimento</b> - selezionate questa opzione se non desiderate riempire la forma.</li>
<li><b>No Fill</b> - select this option if you don't want to use any fill.</li>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Impostazioni forma" src="../images/right_autoshape.png" /></p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><b>Opacità</b> - usate questa sezione per impostare il livello di <b>Opacità</b> trascinando la barra o inserendo il valore a mano. Il valore predefinito è <b>100%</b>. Questo corrisponde all'opacità completa. Il valore <b>0%</b> corrisponde alla trasparenza completa.</li>
<li><b>Tratto</b> - usate questa sezione per cambiare il colore e lo spessore del tratto per la forma.
<li>Per cambiare lo <b>spessore</b>, selezionate una delle opzioni dall'elenco a discesa <b>Dimensione</b>. Le opzioni disponibili sono: 0.5 pt, 1 pt, 1.5 pt, 2.25 pt, 3 pt, 4.5 pt, 6 pt. O selezionate l'opzione <b>Nessuna linea</b> se non desiderate usare il tratto.</li>
<li>Per cambiare il <b>colore</b>, cliccate sulla casella di colore e <a href="#color" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">selezionate un colore desiderato</a>.</li>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Autoshape Settings tab" src="../images/right_autoshape.png" /></p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><b>Opacity</b> - use this section to set an <b>Opacity</b> level dragging the slider or entering the percent value manually. The default value is <b>100%</b>. It corresponds to the full opacity. The <b>0%</b> value corresponds to the full transparency.</li>
<li id="shape_stroke"><b>Stroke</b> - use this section to change the autoshape stroke width, color or type.
<li>To change the stroke width, select one of the available options from the <b>Size</b> dropdown list. The available options are: 0.5 pt, 1 pt, 1.5 pt, 2.25 pt, 3 pt, 4.5 pt, 6 pt. Alternatively, select the <b>No Line</b> option if you don't want to use any stroke.</li>
<li>To change the stroke <b>color</b>, click on the colored box below and <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">select the necessary color</a>.</li>
<li>To change the stroke <b>type</b>, select the necessary option from the corresponding dropdown list (a solid line is applied by default, you can change it to one of the available dashed lines).</li>
<li><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per selezionare la disposizione testo dagli stili disponibili - in linea, quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto, davanti al testo, dietro al testo (per dettagli vedere la descrizione delle impostazioni avanzate qui sotto).</li>
<li><b>Modifica forma</b> - usate questa sezione per sostituire la forma attuale selezionando un'altra dall'elenco a discesa.</li>
<li><b>Rotation</b> is used to rotate the shape by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as well as to flip the shape horizontally or vertically. Click one of the buttons:
<li><img alt="Rotate counterclockwise icon" src="../images/rotatecounterclockwise.png" /> to rotate the shape by 90 degrees counterclockwise</li>
<li><img alt="Rotate clockwise icon" src="../images/rotateclockwise.png" /> to rotate the shape by 90 degrees clockwise</li>
<li><img alt="Flip horizontally icon" src="../images/fliplefttoright.png" /> to flip the shape horizontally (left to right)</li>
<li><img alt="Flip vertically icon" src="../images/flipupsidedown.png" /> to flip the shape vertically (upside down)</li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> - use this section to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind (for more information see the advanced settings description below).</li>
<li><b>Change Autoshape</b> - use this section to replace the current autoshape with another one selected from the dropdown list.</li>
<li><b>Show shadow</b> - check this option to display shape with shadow.</li>
<hr />
<p>Per regolare le impostazioni avanzate, cliccate sulla forma con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate <b>Impostazioni avanzate</b> dal menu contestuale o cliccate sul collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra. Si apre la finestra 'Forma - Impostazioni avanzate':</p>
<img alt="Forma - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/shape_properties.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Dimensione</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<h3>Adjust autoshape advanced settings</h3>
<p>To change the <b>advanced settings</b> of the autoshape, right-click it and select the <b>Advanced Settings</b> option in the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar. The 'Shape - Advanced Settings' window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Size</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Larghezza</b> e <b>Altezza</b> - usate queste opzioni per modificate la larghezza e/o l'altezza della forma. Se l'opzione <b>Proporzioni costanti</b> <img alt="Proporzioni costanti" src="../images/constantproportions.png" /> è attivata, la larghezza e l'altezza saranno modificate insieme matenendo il rapporto larghezza/altezza della forma originale.</li>
<li><b>Width</b> - use one of these options to change the autoshape width.
<li><b>Absolute</b> - specify an exact value measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab).</li>
<li><b>Relative</b> - specify a percentage <b>relative to</b> the <em>left margin</em> width, the <em>margin</em> (i.e. the distance between the left and right margins), the <em>page</em> width, or the <em>right margin</em> width.</li>
<li><b>Height</b> - use one of these options to change the autoshape height.
<li><b>Absolute</b> - specify an exact value measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab).</li>
<li><b>Relative</b> - specify a percentage <b>relative to</b> the <em>margin</em> (i.e. the distance between the top and bottom margins), the <em>bottom margin</em> height, the <em>page</em> height, or the <em>top margin</em> height.</li>
<li>If the <b>Lock aspect ratio</b> option is checked, the width and height will be changed together preserving the original shape aspect ratio.</li>
<p><img alt="Forma - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/shape_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Disposizione testo</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<p><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties_6.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Rotation</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Angle</b> - use this option to rotate the shape by an exactly specified angle. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the field or adjust it using the arrows on the right. </li>
<li><b>Flipped</b> - check the <b>Horizontally</b> box to flip the shape horizontally (left to right) or check the <b>Vertically</b> box to flip the shape vertically (upside down).</li>
<p id="shape_wrapping"><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Stile di disposizione testo</b> - usate questa opzione per cambiare il modo da posizionare la forma rispetto al testo: questa può fare parte del testo (se selezionate lo stile 'in linea') o essere bypassata da tutti i lati (se selezionate uno di altri stili).
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - In linea" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline.png" /> <b>In linea</b> - la forma rimane insieme al testo, come un carattere, quindi quando il testo si sposta, anche la forma si sposta. In questo caso le opzioni di posizione non sono accessibili.</p>
<p>Se selezionate uno di seguenti stili, potete spostare l'immagine independamente dal testo e selezionare una posizione più esatta:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Quadrato" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square.png" /> <b>Quadrato</b> si usa per disporre il testo intorno al bordo della forma.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Ravvicinato" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight.png" /> <b>Ravvicinato</b> si usa per ravvicinare il testo intorno alla forma.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - All'interno" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through.png" /> <b>All'interno</b> si usa per disporre il testo vicino alla forma in modo da riempire lo spazio negativo intorno alla forma.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Sopra e sotto" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom.png" /> <b>Sopra e sotto</b> si usa per disporre il testo sopra e sotto la forma posizionando la forma sulla propria linea.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Davanti al testo" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront.png" /> <b>Davanti al testo</b> si usa per visualizzare il testo sopra la forma.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Dietro al testo" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind.png" /> <b>Dietro al testo</b> si usa per visualizzare la forma sopra il testo.</p></li>
<p>Se selezionate lo stile quadrato, stretto, attraverso, o sopra e sotto avrete la possibilità di impostare certi parametri addizionali - <b>distanza dal testo</b> (in alto, in basso, a sinistra, a destra).</p>
<p><img alt="Forma - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/shape_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Posizione</b> è disponibile solo se selezionate uno stile di disposizione diverso da 'in linea'. Le impostazioni in questa scheda variano secondo lo stile di disposizione scelto:</p>
<li><b>Orizzontale</b> include l'<b>allineamento</b> della forma (a sinistra, al centro, a destra) <b>rispetto a</b> carattere, colonna, margine sinistro, margine, pagina o margine destro e anche la <b>posizione a destra di </b> carattere, colonna, margine sinistro, margine, pagina o margine destro.</li>
<li><b>Verticale</b> include l'<b>allineamento</b> della forma (in alto, al centro, in basso) <b>rispetto a</b> stringa, margine, margine inferiore, paragrafo, pagina o margine superiore e anche la <b>posizione al di sotto</b> di stringa, margine, margine inferiore, paragrafo, pagina o margine superiore.</li>
<li><b>Sposta oggetto con testo</b> si usa per spostare il testo insieme con la forma inserita.</li>
<li><b>Consenti sovrapposizione</b> si usa per sovrappore due forme quando sono trascinate l'una vicino all'altra.</li>
<p><img alt="Forma - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/shape_properties_3.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Impostazioni forma</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<li><b>Stile linea</b> - questo gruppo di opzioni vi permette di specificare i seguenti parametri:
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> - use this option to change the way the shape is positioned relative to the text: it will either be a part of the text (in case you select the inline style) or bypassed by it from all sides (if you select one of the other styles).
<li><b>Tipo estremità</b> - questa opzione vi permette di impostare lo stile per la fine della linea. Può essere impostato per le forme con il contorno aperto: linee, polilinee ecc.:
<li><b>Uniforme</b> - le estremità saranno uniformi.</li>
<li><b>Rotondo</b> - le estremità saranno arrotondate.</li>
<li><b>Quadrato</b> - le estremità saranno quadrate.</li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Inline" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline.png" /> <b>Inline</b> - the shape is considered to be a part of the text, like a character, so when the text moves, the shape moves as well. In this case the positioning options are inaccessible.</p>
<p>If one of the following styles is selected, the shape can be moved independently of the text and positioned on the page exactly:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Square" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square.png" /> <b>Square</b> - the text wraps the rectangular box that bounds the shape.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Tight" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight.png" /> <b>Tight</b> - the text wraps the actual shape edges.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Through" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through.png" /> <b>Through</b> - the text wraps around the shape edges and fills in the open white space within the shape. So that the effect can appear, use the <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option from the right-click menu.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Top and bottom" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom.png" /> <b>Top and bottom</b> - the text is only above and below the shape.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - In front" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront.png" /> <b>In front</b> - the shape overlaps the text.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Behind" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind.png" /> <b>Behind</b> - the text overlaps the shape.</p></li>
<li><b>Tipo giunzione</b> - questa opzione vi permette di impostare lo stile per l'intersezione di due linee, ad esempio, una polilinea, gli angoli di un triangolo o il contorno di un rettangolo:
<li><b>Rotondo</b> - l'angolo sarà arrotondato.</li>
<li><b>Smussato</b> - l'angolo sarà smussato.</li>
<li><b>Acuto</b> - l'angolo sarà acuto. E' perfetto per le forme con gli angoli nitidi.</li>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: l'effetto sarà più evidente se usate un contorno più largo.</p>
<p>If you select the square, tight, through, or top and bottom style you will be able to set up some additional parameters - <b>distance from text</b> at all sides (top, bottom, left, right).</p>
<p id="position"><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Position</b> tab is available only if you select a wrapping style other than inline. This tab contains the following parameters that vary depending on the selected wrapping style:</p>
The <b>Horizontal</b> section allows you to select one of the following three autoshape positioning types:
<li><b>Alignment</b> (left, center, right) <b>relative to</b> character, column, left margin, margin, page or right margin,</li>
<li>Absolute <b>Position</b> measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) <b>to the right of</b> character, column, left margin, margin, page or right margin,</li>
<li><b>Relative position</b> measured in percent <b>relative to</b> the left margin, margin, page or right margin.</li>
The <b>Vertical</b> section allows you to select one of the following three autoshape positioning types:
<li><b>Alignment</b> (top, center, bottom) <b>relative to</b> line, margin, bottom margin, paragraph, page or top margin,</li>
<li>Absolute <b>Position</b> measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) <b>below</b> line, margin, bottom margin, paragraph, page or top margin,</li>
<li><b>Relative position</b> measured in percent <b>relative to</b> the margin, bottom margin, page or top margin.</li>
<li><b>Move object with text</b> controls whether the autoshape moves as the text to which it is anchored moves.</li>
<li><b>Allow overlap</b> controls whether two autoshapes overlap or not if you drag them near each other on the page.</li>
<p><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties_3.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Weights & Arrows</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Line Style</b> - this option group allows to specify the following parameters:
<li><b>Cap Type</b> - this option allows to set the style for the end of the line, therefore it can be applied only to the shapes with the open outline, such as lines, polylines etc.:
<li><b>Flat</b> - the end points will be flat.</li>
<li><b>Round</b> - the end points will be rounded.</li>
<li><b>Square</b> - the end points will be square.</li>
<li><b>Join Type</b> - this option allows to set the style for the intersection of two lines, for example, it can affect a polyline or the corners of the triangle or rectangle outline:
<li><b>Round</b> - the corner will be rounded.</li>
<li><b>Bevel</b> - the corner will be cut off angularly.</li>
<li><b>Miter</b> - the corner will be pointed. It goes well to shapes with sharp angles.</li>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the effect will be more noticeable if you use a large outline width.</p>
<li><b>Frecce</b> - questo gruppo di opzioni è disponibile solo per le forme dal gruppo <b>Linee</b> e vi permette di impostare lo <b>Stile</b> e la <b>Dimesnione</b> dell'inizio e della fine selezionando l'opzione adatta dagli elenchi a discesa.</li>
<li><b>Arrows</b> - this option group is available if a shape from the <b>Lines</b> shape group is selected. It allows to set the arrow <b>Start</b> and <b>End Style</b> and <b>Size</b> by selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown lists.</li>
<img alt="Forma - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/shape_properties_4.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Margini</b> vi permette di cambiare i margini interni della forma <b>In alto</b>, <b>In basso</b>, <b>A sinistra</b> e <b>A destra</b> (cioè, la distanza tra il testo nella forma e i suoi bordi).</p>
<p><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties_4.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Text Padding</b> tab allows to change the autoshape <b>Top</b>, <b>Bottom</b>, <b>Left</b> and <b>Right</b> internal margins (i.e. the distance between the text within the shape and the autoshape borders).</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: this tab is only available if text is added within the autoshape, otherwise the tab is disabled.</p>
<p><img alt="Shape - Advanced Settings" src="../images/shape_properties_5.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Alternative Text</b> tab allows to specify a <b>Title</b> and <b>Description</b> which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the shape.</p>
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<h1>Add bookmarks</h1>
<p>Bookmarks allow to quickly jump to a certain position in the current document or add a link to this location within the document.</p>
<p>To add a bookmark within a document:</p>
<li>specify the place where you want the bookmark to be added:
<li>put the mouse cursor at the beginning of the necessary text passage, or</li>
<li>select the necessary text passage,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Bookmark icon" src="../images/bookmark.png" /> <b>Bookmark</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Bookmarks</b> window that opens, enter the <b>Bookmark name</b> and click the <b>Add</b> button - a bookmark will be added to the bookmark list displayed below,
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the bookmark name should begin wish a letter, but it can also contain numbers. The bookmark name cannot contain spaces, but can include the underscore character "_".</p>
<p><img alt="Bookmarks window" src="../images/bookmark_window.png" /></p>
<p>To go to one of the added bookmarks within the document text:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Bookmark icon" src="../images/bookmark.png" /> <b>Bookmark</b> icon at the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Bookmarks</b> window that opens, select the bookmark you want to jump to. To easily find the necessary bookmark in the list you can sort the list by bookmark <b>Name</b> or by <b>Location</b> of a bookmark within the document text,</li>
<li>check the <b>Hidden bookmarks</b> option to display hidden bookmarks in the list (i.e. the bookmarks automatically created by the program when adding references to a certain part of the document. For example, if you create a hyperlink to a certain heading within the document, the document editor automatically creates a hidden bookmark to the target of this link).</li>
<li>click the <b>Go to</b> button - the cursor will be positioned in the location within the document where the selected bookmark was added, or the corresponding text passage will be selected,</li>
click the <b>Get Link</b> button - a new window will open where you can press the <b>Copy</b> button to copy the link to the file which specifyes the bookmark location in the document. When you paste this link in a browser address bar and press Enter, the document will open in the location where the selected bookmark was added.
<p><img alt="Bookmarks window" src="../images/bookmark_window2.png" /></p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: if you want to share this link with other users, you'll also need to provide corresponding access rights to the file for certain users using the <b>Sharing</b> option at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab.</p>
<li>click the <b>Close</b> button to close the window.</li>
<p>To delete a bookmark select it in the bookmark list and use the <b>Delete</b> button.</p>
<p>To find out how to use bookmarks when creating links please refer to the <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Add hyperlinks</a> section.</p>
@ -1,95 +1,264 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserire grafici</title>
<title>Insert charts</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Inserite un grafico nel vostro documento e regolate la sua posizione, dimensione e proprietà" />
<meta name="description" content="Add a chart to your document and adjust its position, size and properties" />
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<h1>Inserire grafici</h1>
<p>Per inserire un grafico nel documento,</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Insert charts</h1>
<h3>Insert a chart</h3>
<p>To insert a chart into your document,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel punto dove desiderate inserire il vostro grafico,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci grafico</b> <img alt="Inserisci grafico" src="../images/insertchart.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezonate il tipo grafico necessario - colonna, linea, torta, barra, area, punto, azionario - e il suo stile,</li>
<li>dopo questo si apre la finestra <b>Modifica grafico</b> dove potete inserire i dati necessari nelle celle usando i seguenti controlli:
<li>put the cursor at the place where you want to add a chart,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Chart icon" src="../images/insertchart.png" /> <b>Chart</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the needed chart type from the available ones - Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY (Scatter), or Stock,
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: for <b>Column</b>, <b>Line</b>, <b>Pie</b>, or <b>Bar</b> charts, a 3D format is also available.</p>
<li>after that the <b>Chart Editor</b> window will appear where you can enter the necessary data into the cells using the following controls:
<li><img alt="Copia" src="../images/copy.png" /> e <img alt="Incolla" src="../images/paste.png" /> per copiare ed incollare i dati copiati</li>
<li><img alt="Annulla" src="../images/undo.png" /> e <img alt="Ripristina" src="../images/redo.png" /> per annullare e ripristinare le azioni</li>
<li><img alt="Inserisci funzione" src="../images/insertfunction.png" /> per inserire una funzione</li>
<li><img alt="Diminuisci decimali" src="../images/decreasedec.png" /> e <img alt="Aumenta decimali" src="../images/increasedec.png" /> per diminuire e aumentare i decimali</li>
<li><img alt="Formato numerico" src="../images/numberformat.png" /> per cambiare il formato numerico, cioè il modo da presentare i dati inseriti nelle celle </li>
<p><img alt="Modifica grafico" src="../images/charteditor.png" /></p>
<li>regolate le impostazioni del grafico cliccando sul pulsante <b>Modifica grafico</b> nella finestra <b>Modifica grafico</b>. Si apre la finestra <b>Impostazioni grafico</b>. Nella scheda <b>Tipo di grafico, stile e intervallo di dati</b> potete regolare le seguenti impostazioni:
<p><img alt="Impostazioni grafico" src="../images/chartsettings.png" /></p>
<li><b>Tipo e stile grafico</b> - selezonate il tipo grafico da inserire - colonna, linea, torta, barra, area, punto, azionario - e il suo stile.</li>
<li><b>Intervallo di dati</b> - verificate l'intervallo di celle selezionato, modificatelo, se necessario, e selezionate il modo di ordinare i dati. Potete selezionare sia <b>Serie di dati nelle righe</b> sia <b>Serie di dati nelle colonne</b> da utilizzare sull'asse X.</li>
<p><img alt="Impostazioni grafico" src="../images/chartsettings2.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Elementi di grafico e legenda di grafico</b> vi permette di regolare le seguenti impostazioni:</p>
<li><b>Elementi di grafico</b> - specificate un <b>Titolo di grafico</b> e gli elementi da visualizzare: <b>Valori di grafico</b>, <b>Bordi di grafico</b>, <b>Asse</b> e <b>Linee di griglia</b> e anche cambiate i titoli di assi nei campi corrispondenti.</li>
<li><b>Legenda di grafico</b> - specificate se visualizzare la legenda per il vostro grafico o non. Se desiderate visualizzare la legenda, lasciate selezionata la casella corrispondente e specificate la sua posizione rispetto al grafico selezionando l'opzione adatta dall'elenco a discesa: <b>In basso</b>, <b>In alto</b>, <b>A destra</b>, <b>A sinistra</b>.</li>
<li><img alt="Copy" src="../images/copy.png" /> and <img alt="Paste" src="../images/paste.png" /> for copying and pasting the copied data</li>
<li><img alt="Undo" src="../images/undo1.png" /> and <img alt="Redo" src="../images/redo1.png" /> for undoing and redoing actions</li>
<li><img alt="Insert function" src="../images/insertfunction.png" /> for inserting a function</li>
<li><img alt="Decrease decimal" src="../images/decreasedec.png" /> and <img alt="Increase decimal" src="../images/increasedec.png" /> for decreasing and increasing decimal places</li>
<li><img alt="Number format" src="../images/numberformat.png" /> for changing the number format, i.e. the way the numbers you enter appear in cells</li>
<p><img alt="Chart Editor window" src="../images/charteditor.png" /></p>
<li>change the chart settings clicking the <b>Edit Chart</b> button situated in the <b>Chart Editor</b> window. The <b>Chart - Advanced Settings</b> window will open.
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings window" src="../images/chartsettings.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Type & Data</b> tab allows you to change the chart type as well as the data you wish to use to create a chart.</p>
<li>Select a chart <b>Type</b> you wish to apply: Column, Line, Pie, Bar, Area, XY (Scatter), or Stock.</li>
<li>Check the selected <b>Data Range</b> and modify it, if necessary, clicking the <b>Select Data</b> button and entering the desired data range in the following format: <em>Sheet1!A1:B4</em>.</li>
<li>Choose the way to arrange the data. You can either select the <b>Data series</b> to be used on the X axis: <b>in rows</b> or <b>in columns</b>.</li>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings window" src="../images/chartsettings2.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Layout</b> tab allows you to change the layout of chart elements.</p>
Specify the <b>Chart Title</b> position in regard to your chart selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list:
<li><b>None</b> to not display a chart title,</li>
<li><b>Overlay</b> to overlay and center a title on the plot area,</li>
<li><b>No Overlay</b> to display the title above the plot area.</li>
Specify the <b>Legend</b> position in regard to your chart selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list:
<li><b>None</b> to not display a legend,</li>
<li><b>Bottom</b> to display the legend and align it to the bottom of the plot area,</li>
<li><b>Top</b> to display the legend and align it to the top of the plot area,</li>
<li><b>Right</b> to display the legend and align it to the right of the plot area,</li>
<li><b>Left</b> to display the legend and align it to the left of the plot area,</li>
<li><b>Left Overlay</b> to overlay and center the legend to the left on the plot area,</li>
<li><b>Right Overlay</b> to overlay and center the legend to the right on the plot area.</li>
Specify the <b>Data Labels</b> (i.e. text labels that represent exact values of data points) parameters:<br />
<li>specify the <b>Data Labels</b> position relative to the data points selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list. The available options vary depending on the selected chart type.
<li>For <b>Column/Bar</b> charts, you can choose the following options: <b>None</b>, <b>Center</b>, <b>Inner Bottom</b>, <b>Inner Top</b>, <b>Outer Top</b>.</li>
<li>For <b>Line/XY (Scatter)/Stock</b> charts, you can choose the following options: <b>None</b>, <b>Center</b>, <b>Left</b>, <b>Right</b>, <b>Top</b>, <b>Bottom</b>.</li>
<li>For <b>Pie</b> charts, you can choose the following options: <b>None</b>, <b>Center</b>, <b>Fit to Width</b>, <b>Inner Top</b>, <b>Outer Top</b>.</li>
<li>For <b>Area</b> charts as well as for <b>3D</b> <b>Column</b>, <b>Line</b> and <b>Bar</b> charts, you can choose the following options: <b>None</b>, <b>Center</b>.</li>
<li>select the data you wish to include into your labels checking the corresponding boxes: <b>Series Name</b>, <b>Category Name</b>, <b>Value</b>,</li>
<li>enter a character (comma, semicolon etc.) you wish to use for separating several labels into the <b>Data Labels Separator</b> entry field.</li>
<li><b>Lines</b> - is used to choose a line style for <b>Line/XY (Scatter) charts</b>. You can choose one of the following options: <b>Straight</b> to use straight lines between data points, <b>Smooth</b> to use smooth curves between data points, or <b>None</b> to not display lines.</li>
<b>Markers</b> - is used to specify whether the markers should be displayed (if the box is checked) or not (if the box is unchecked) for <b>Line/XY (Scatter) charts</b>.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the <b>Lines</b> and <b>Markers</b> options are available for <b>Line charts</b> and <b>XY (Scatter) charts</b> only.</p>
The <b>Axis Settings</b> section allows to specify if you wish to display <b>Horizontal/Vertical Axis</b> or not selecting the <b>Show</b> or <b>Hide</b> option from the drop-down list. You can also specify <b>Horizontal/Vertical Axis Title</b> parameters:
Specify if you wish to display the <b>Horizontal Axis Title</b> or not selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list:
<li><b>None</b> to not display a horizontal axis title,</li>
<li><b>No Overlay</b> to display the title below the horizontal axis.</li>
Specify the <b>Vertical Axis Title</b> orientation selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list:
<li><b>None</b> to not display a vertical axis title,</li>
<li><b>Rotated</b> to display the title from bottom to top to the left of the vertical axis,</li>
<li><b>Horizontal</b> to display the title horizontally to the left of the vertical axis.</li>
The <b>Gridlines</b> section allows to specify which of the <b>Horizontal/Vertical Gridlines</b> you wish to display selecting the necessary option from the drop-down list: <b>Major</b>, <b>Minor</b>, or <b>Major and Minor</b>. You can hide the gridlines at all using the <b>None</b> option.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the <b>Axis Settings</b> and <b>Gridlines</b> sections will be disabled for <b>Pie charts</b> since charts of this type have no axes and gridlines.</p>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings window" src="../images/chartsettings3.png" /></p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the <b>Vertical/Horizontal Axis</b> tabs will be disabled for <b>Pie charts</b> since charts of this type have no axes.</p>
<p>The <b>Vertical Axis</b> tab allows you to change the parameters of the vertical axis also referred to as the values axis or y-axis which displays numeric values. Note that the vertical axis will be the category axis which displays text labels for the <b>Bar charts</b>, therefore in this case the <b>Vertical Axis</b> tab options will correspond to the ones described in the next section. For the <b>XY (Scatter) charts</b>, both axes are value axes.</p>
<li>The <b>Axis Options</b> section allows to set the following parameters:
<li><b>Minimum Value</b> - is used to specify a lowest value displayed at the vertical axis start. The <b>Auto</b> option is selected by default, in this case the minimum value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the <b>Fixed</b> option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right.</li>
<li><b>Maximum Value</b> - is used to specify a highest value displayed at the vertical axis end. The <b>Auto</b> option is selected by default, in this case the maximum value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the <b>Fixed</b> option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right.</li>
<li><b>Axis Crosses</b> - is used to specify a point on the vertical axis where the horizontal axis should cross it. The <b>Auto</b> option is selected by default, in this case the axes intersection point value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the <b>Value</b> option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right, or set the axes intersection point at the <b>Minimum/Maximum Value</b> on the vertical axis.</li>
<li><b>Display Units</b> - is used to determine a representation of the numeric values along the vertical axis. This option can be useful if you're working with great numbers and wish the values on the axis to be displayed in more compact and readable way (e.g. you can represent 50 000 as 50 by using the <b>Thousands</b> display units). Select desired units from the drop-down list: <b>Hundreds</b>, <b>Thousands</b>, <b>10 000</b>, <b>100 000</b>, <b>Millions</b>, <b>10 000 000</b>, <b>100 000 000</b>, <b>Billions</b>, <b>Trillions</b>, or choose the <b>None</b> option to return to the default units.</li>
<li><b>Values in reverse order</b> - is used to display values in an opposite direction. When the box is unchecked, the lowest value is at the bottom and the highest value is at the top of the axis. When the box is checked, the values are ordered from top to bottom.</li>
<li>The <b>Tick Options</b> section allows to adjust the appearance of tick marks on the vertical scale. Major tick marks are the larger scale divisions which can have labels displaying numeric values. Minor tick marks are the scale subdivisions which are placed between the major tick marks and have no labels. Tick marks also define where gridlines can be displayed, if the corresponding option is set at the <b>Layout</b> tab. The <b>Major/Minor Type</b> drop-down lists contain the following placement options:
<li><b>None</b> to not display major/minor tick marks,</li>
<li><b>Cross</b> to display major/minor tick marks on both sides of the axis,</li>
<li><b>In</b> to display major/minor tick marks inside the axis,</li>
<li><b>Out</b> to display major/minor tick marks outside the axis.</li>
<li>The <b>Label Options</b> section allows to adjust the appearance of major tick mark labels which display values. To specify a <b>Label Position</b> in regard to the vertical axis, select the necessary option from the drop-down list:
<li><b>None</b> to not display tick mark labels,</li>
<li><b>Low</b> to display tick mark labels to the left of the plot area,</li>
<li><b>High</b> to display tick mark labels to the right of the plot area,</li>
<li><b>Next to axis</b> to display tick mark labels next to the axis.</li>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings window" src="../images/chartsettings4.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Horizontal Axis</b> tab allows you to change the parameters of the horizontal axis also referred to as the categories axis or x-axis which displays text labels. Note that the horizontal axis will be the value axis which displays numeric values for the <b>Bar charts</b>, therefore in this case the <b>Horizontal Axis</b> tab options will correspond to the ones described in the previous section. For the <b>XY (Scatter) charts</b>, both axes are value axes.</p>
<li>The <b>Axis Options</b> section allows to set the following parameters:
<li><b>Axis Crosses</b> - is used to specify a point on the horizontal axis where the vertical axis should cross it. The <b>Auto</b> option is selected by default, in this case the axes intersection point value is calculated automatically depending on the selected data range. You can select the <b>Value</b> option from the drop-down list and specify a different value in the entry field on the right, or set the axes intersection point at the <b>Minimum/Maximum Value</b> (that corresponds to the first and last category) on the horizontal axis.</li>
<li><b>Axis Position</b> - is used to specify where the axis text labels should be placed: <b>On Tick Marks</b> or <b>Between Tick Marks</b>.</li>
<li><b>Values in reverse order</b> - is used to display categories in an opposite direction. When the box is unchecked, categories are displayed from left to right. When the box is checked, the categories are ordered from right to left.</li>
<li>The <b>Tick Options</b> section allows to adjust the appearance of tick marks on the horizontal scale. Major tick marks are the larger divisions which can have labels displaying category values. Minor tick marks are the smaller divisions which are placed between the major tick marks and have no labels. Tick marks also define where gridlines can be displayed, if the corresponding option is set at the <b>Layout</b> tab. You can adjust the following tick mark parameters:
<li><b>Major/Minor Type</b> - is used to specify the following placement options: <b>None</b> to not display major/minor tick marks, <b>Cross</b> to display major/minor tick marks on both sides of the axis, <b>In</b> to display major/minor tick marks inside the axis, <b>Out</b> to display major/minor tick marks outside the axis.</li>
<li><b>Interval between Marks</b> - is used to specify how many categories should be displayed between two adjacent tick marks.</li>
<li>The <b>Label Options</b> section allows to adjust the appearance of labels which display categories.
<li><b>Label Position</b> - is used to specify where the labels should be placed in regard to the horizontal axis. Select the necessary option from the drop-down list: <b>None</b> to not display category labels, <b>Low</b> to display category labels at the bottom of the plot area, <b>High</b> to display category labels at the top of the plot area, <b>Next to axis</b> to display category labels next to the axis.</li>
<li><b>Axis Label Distance</b> - is used to specify how closely the labels should be placed to the axis. You can specify the necessary value in the entry field. The more the value you set, the more the distance between the axis and labels is.</li>
<li><b>Interval between Labels</b> - is used to specify how often the labels should be displayed. The <b>Auto</b> option is selected by default, in this case labels are displayed for every category. You can select the <b>Manual</b> option from the drop-down list and specify the necessary value in the entry field on the right. For example, enter 2 to display labels for every other category etc.</li>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings" src="../images/chartsettings5.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Alternative Text</b> tab allows to specify a <b>Title</b> and <b>Description</b> which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the chart.</p>
<hr />
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Spostamento grafico" src="../images/moving_chart.png" />Una volta inserito il grafico potete cambiare la sua dimensione e la posizione. Per cambiare la <b>dimensione</b> del grafico, trascinate i quadrati <img alt="Quadrato" src="../images/resize_square.png" /> situati negli angoli dell'oggetto. Per mantenere le proporzioni originali dell'oggetto scelto durante il ridimensionamento, premete il tasto <b>Shift</b> e trascinate uno dei quadrati negli angoli.</p>
<p>Per alterare la posizione del grafico, usate la freccia <img alt="Freccia" src="../images/arrow.png" /> che appare quando posizionate il cursore del mouse sul grafico. Trascinate il grafico nella posizione necessaria mantenendo premuto il tasto del mouse.</p>
<hr />
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Impostazioni grafico" src="../images/right_chart.png" />
<p>Certe impostazioni del grafico possono essere regolate nella scheda <b>Impostazioni grafico</b> della barra destra. Per attivarla fate clic sul grafico, quindi sull'icona <b>Impostazioni grafico</b> <img alt="Impostazioni grafico" src="../images/chart_settings_icon.png" /> a destra e regolate le seguente impostazioni, se necessario:</p>
<h3>Move and resize charts</h3>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Moving chart" src="../images/moving_chart.png" />Once the chart is added, you can change its size and position. To change the chart size, drag small squares <img alt="Square icon" src="../images/resize_square.png" /> situated on its edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected chart while resizing, hold down the <b>Shift</b> key and drag one of the corner icons.</p>
<p>To alter the chart position, use the <img alt="Arrow" src="../images/arrow.png" /> icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the chart. Drag the chart to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button. When you move the chart, guide lines are displayed to help you position the object on the page precisely (if a wrapping style other than inline is selected).</p>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#workwithobjects" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">here</a>.
<hr />
<h3>Edit chart elements</h3>
<p>To edit the chart <b>Title</b>, select the default text with the mouse and type in your own one instead.</p>
<p>To change the font formatting within text elements, such as the chart title, axes titles, legend entries, data labels etc., select the necessary text element by left-clicking it. Then use icons at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar to change the font <a href="../UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">type, size, color</a> or its <a href="../UsageInstructions/DecorationStyles.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">decoration style</a>.</p>
<p>When the chart is selected, the <b>Shape settings</b> <img alt="Shape settings icon" src="../images/shape_settings_icon.png" /> icon is also available on the right, since a shape is used as a background for the chart. You can click this icon to open the <b>Shape settings</b> tab at the right sidebar and adjust the shape <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_fill" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Fill</b></a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_stroke" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Stroke</b></a> and <b>Wrapping Style</b>. Note that you cannot change the shape type.</p>
Using the <b>Shape Settings</b> tab at the right panel you can not only adjust the chart area itself, but also change the chart elements, such as <em>plot area</em>, <em>data series</em>, <em>chart title</em>, <em>legend</em> etc and apply different fill types to them. Select the chart element clicking it with the left mouse button and choose the preferred fill type: <em>solid color</em>, <em>gradient</em>, <em>texture</em> or <em>picture</em>, <em>pattern</em>. Specify the fill parameters and set the <em>Opacity</em> level if necessary.
When you select a vertical or horizontal axis or gridlines, the stroke settings are only available at the <b>Shape Settings</b> tab: <em>color</em>, <em>width</em> and <em>type</em>. For more details on how to work with shape colors, fills and stroke, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the <b>Show shadow</b> option is also available at the <b>Shape settings</b> tab, but it is disabled for chart elements.</p>
<p>To delete a chart element, select it by left-clicking and press the <b>Delete</b> key on the keyboard.</p>
<p>You can also rotate 3D charts using the mouse. Left-click within the plot area and hold the mouse button. Drag the cursor without releasing the mouse button to change the 3D chart orientation.</p>
<p><img alt="3D chart" src="../images/3dchart.png" /></p>
<hr />
<h3>Adjust chart settings</h3>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Chart Settings tab" src="../images/right_chart.png" /></p>
<p>Some of the chart settings can be altered using the <b>Chart settings</b> tab of the right sidebar. To activate it click the chart and choose the <b>Chart settings</b> <img alt="Chart settings icon" src="../images/chart_settings_icon.png" /> icon on the right. Here you can change the following properties:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><b>Dimensione</b> si usa per visualizzare la <b>Larghezza</b> e l'<b>Altezza</b> del grafico selezionato.</li>
<li><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per selezionare la disposizione testo dagli stili disponibili - in linea, quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto, davanti al testo, dietro al testo (per dettagli vedere la descrizione delle impostazioni avanzate qui sotto).</li>
<li><b>Cambia tipo grafico</b> si usa per cambiare il tipo e/o lo stile del grafico selezionato.</li>
<li><b>Modifica dati</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Modifica grafico'.</li>
<li><b>Size</b> is used to view the current chart <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b>.</li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> is used to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind (for more information see the advanced settings description below).</li>
<li><b>Change Chart Type</b> is used to change the selected chart type and/or style.
<p>To select the necessary chart <b>Style</b>, use the second drop-down menu in the <b>Change Chart Type</b> section.</p>
<li><b>Edit Data</b> is used to open the 'Chart Editor' window.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to quickly open the 'Chart Editor' window you can also double-click the chart in the document.</p>
<p>Certe impostazioni sono disponibili anche nel <b>menu contestuale</b>. Le impostazioni da regolare sono le seguenti:</p>
<p>Some of these options you can also find in the <b>right-click menu</b>. The menu options are:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><b>Disponi</b> si usa per portare il grafico selezionato in primo piano, in secondo piano, avanti o indietro e anche raggruppare per effettuare le operazioni con più grafici in una volta o separare i grafici raggruppati.</li>
<li><b>Allinea</b> si usa per allineare il grafico a sinistra, al centro, a destra, in alto, in mezzo, in basso.</li>
<li><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per selezionare la disposizione testo dagli stili disponibili - in linea, quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto, davanti al testo, dietro al testo. L'opzione <b>Modifica bordi disposizione testo</b> non è disponibile per i grafici.</li>
<li><b>Modifica dati</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Modifica grafico'.</li>
<li><b>Impostazioni avanzate</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Grafico - Impostazioni avanzate'.</li>
<li><b>Cut, Copy, Paste</b> - standard options which are used to cut or copy a selected text/object and paste a previously cut/copied text passage or object to the current cursor position.</li>
<li><b>Arrange</b> is used to bring the selected chart to foreground, send to background, move forward or backward as well as group or ungroup charts to perform operations with several of them at once. To learn more on how to arrange objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Align</b> is used to align the chart left, center, right, top, middle, bottom. To learn more on how to align objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> is used to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind. The <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option is unavailable for charts.</li>
<li><b>Edit Data</b> is used to open the 'Chart Editor' window.</li>
<li><b>Chart Advanced Settings</b> is used to open the 'Chart - Advanced Settings' window.</li>
<hr />
<p>Per regolare le impostazioni avanzate, cliccate sul grafico con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate <b>Impostazioni avanzate</b> dal menu contestuale o cliccate sul collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra. Si apre la finestra di impostazioni:</p>
<p><img alt="Grafico - Impostazioni avanzate: Dimensione" src="../images/chart_properties.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Dimensione</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<p>To change the chart advanced settings, click the needed chart with the right mouse button and select <b>Chart Advanced Settings</b> from the right-click menu or just click the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar. The chart properties window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings: Size" src="../images/chart_properties.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Size</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Larghezza</b> e <b>Altezza</b> - usate queste opzioni per modificate la larghezza e/o l'altezza del grafico. Se l'opzione <b>Proporzioni costanti</b> <img alt="Proporzioni costanti" src="../images/constantproportions.png" /> è attivata, la larghezza e l'altezza saranno modificate insieme matenendo il rapporto larghezza/altezza del grafico originale.</li>
<li><b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> - use these options to change the chart width and/or height. If the <b>Constant Proportions</b> <img alt="Constant Proportions icon" src="../images/constantproportions.png" /> button is clicked (in this case it looks like this <img alt="Constant Proportions icon activated" src="../images/constantproportionsactivated.png" />), the width and height will be changed together preserving the original chart aspect ratio.</li>
<p><img alt="Grafico - Impostazioni avanzate: Disposizione testo" src="../images/chart_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Disposizione testo</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings: Text Wrapping" src="../images/chart_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Stile di disposizione testo</b> - usate questa opzione per cambiare il modo da posizionare il grafico rispetto al testo: questo può fare parte del testo (se selezionate lo stile In linea) o essere bypassato da tutti i lati (se selezionate uno di altri stili).
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - In linea" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline.png" /> <b>In linea</b> - il grafico rimane insieme al testo, come un carattere, quindi quando il testo si sposta, anche il grafico si sposta. In questo caso le opzioni di posizione non sono accessibili.</p>
<p>Se selezionate uno di seguenti stili, potete spostare il grafico independamente dal testo e selezionare una posizione più esatta:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Quadrato" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square.png" /> <b>Quadrato</b> si usa per disporre il testo intorno al bordo del rettangolo del grafico.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Ravvicinato" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight.png" /> <b>Ravvicinato</b> si usa per ravvicinare il testo intorno al grafico.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - All'interno" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through.png" /> <b>All'interno</b> si usa per disporre il testo vicino al grafico in modo da riempire lo spazio negativo intorno al grafico.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Sopra e sotto" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom.png" /> <b>Sopra e sotto</b> si usa per disporre il testo sopra e sotto il grafico posizionando il grafico sulla propria linea.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Davanti al testo" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront.png" /> <b>Davanti al testo</b> si usa per visualizzare il testo sopra il grafico.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Dietro al testo" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind.png" /> <b>Dietro al testo</b> si usa per visualizzare il grafico sopra il testo.</p></li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> - use this option to change the way the chart is positioned relative to the text: it will either be a part of the text (in case you select the inline style) or bypassed by it from all sides (if you select one of the other styles).
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Inline" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline.png" /> <b>Inline</b> - the chart is considered to be a part of the text, like a character, so when the text moves, the chart moves as well. In this case the positioning options are inaccessible.</p>
<p>If one of the following styles is selected, the chart can be moved independently of the text and positioned on the page exactly:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Square" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square.png" /> <b>Square</b> - the text wraps the rectangular box that bounds the chart.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Tight" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight.png" /> <b>Tight</b> - the text wraps the actual chart edges.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Through" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through.png" /> <b>Through</b> - the text wraps around the chart edges and fills in the open white space within the chart.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Top and bottom" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom.png" /> <b>Top and bottom</b> - the text is only above and below the chart.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - In front" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront.png" /> <b>In front</b> - the chart overlaps the text.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Behind" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind.png" /> <b>Behind</b> - the text overlaps the chart.</p></li>
<p>Se selezionate lo stile quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto avrete la possibilità di impostare certi parametri addizionali - <b>distanza dal testo</b> (in alto, in basso, a sinistra, a destra).</p>
<p><img alt="Grafico - Impostazioni avanzate: Posizione" src="../images/chart_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Posizione</b> è disponibile solo se selezionate uno stile di disposizione diverso da 'in linea'. Le impostazioni in questa scheda variano secondo lo stile di disposizione scelto:</p>
<p>If you select the square, tight, through, or top and bottom style you will be able to set up some additional parameters - <b>distance from text</b> at all sides (top, bottom, left, right).</p>
<p id="position"><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings: Position" src="../images/chart_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Position</b> tab is available only if you select a wrapping style other than inline. This tab contains the following parameters that vary depending on the selected wrapping style:</p>
<li><b>Orizzontale</b> include l'<b>allineamento</b> del grafico (a sinistra, al centro, a destra) <b>rispetto a</b> carattere, colonna, margine sinistro, margine, pagina o margine destro e anche la <b>posizione a destra di </b> carattere, colonna, margine sinistro, margine, pagina o margine destro.</li>
<li><b>Verticale</b> include l'<b>allineamento</b> del grafico (in alto, al centro, in basso) <b>rispetto a</b> stringa, margine, margine inferiore, paragrafo, pagina o margine superiore e anche la <b>posizione al di sotto</b> di stringa, margine, margine inferiore, paragrafo, pagina o margine superiore.</li>
<li><b>Sposta oggetto con testo</b> si usa per spostare il testo insieme con il grafico inserito.</li>
<li><b>Consenti sovrapposizione</b> si usa per sovrappore due grafici quando sono trascinati l'uno vicino all'altro.</li>
The <b>Horizontal</b> section allows you to select one of the following three chart positioning types:
<li><b>Alignment</b> (left, center, right) <b>relative to</b> character, column, left margin, margin, page or right margin,</li>
<li>Absolute <b>Position</b> measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) <b>to the right of</b> character, column, left margin, margin, page or right margin,</li>
<li><b>Relative position</b> measured in percent <b>relative to</b> the left margin, margin, page or right margin.</li>
The <b>Vertical</b> section allows you to select one of the following three chart positioning types:
<li><b>Alignment</b> (top, center, bottom) <b>relative to</b> line, margin, bottom margin, paragraph, page or top margin,</li>
<li>Absolute <b>Position</b> measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) <b>below</b> line, margin, bottom margin, paragraph, page or top margin,</li>
<li><b>Relative position</b> measured in percent <b>relative to</b> the margin, bottom margin, page or top margin.</li>
<li><b>Move object with text</b> controls whether the chart moves as the text to which it is anchored moves.</li>
<li><b>Allow overlap</b> controls whether two charts overlap or not if you drag them near each other on the page.</li>
<p><img alt="Chart - Advanced Settings" src="../images/chart_properties_3.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Alternative Text</b> tab allows to specify a <b>Title</b> and <b>Description</b> which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the chart.</p>
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<h1>Insert content controls</h1>
<p>Content controls are objects containing different types of contents, such as text, objects etc. Depending on the selected content control type, you can create a form with input fields that can be filled in by other users, or protect some parts of the document from being edited or deleted etc.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the possibility to add new content controls is available in the <b>paid</b> version only. In the open source version, you can edit existing content controls, as well as copy and paste them.</p>
<p>Currently, you can add the following types of content controls: <em>Plain Text</em>, <em>Rich Text</em>, <em>Picture</em>, <em>Combo box</em>, <em>Drop-down list</em>, <em>Date</em>, <em>Check box</em>.</p>
<li><em>Plain Text</em> is an object containing text that can be formatted. Plain text content controls cannot contain more than one paragraph.</li>
<li><em>Rich Text</em> is an object containing text that can be formatted. Rich text content controls can contain several paragraphs, lists, and objects (images, shapes, tables etc.).</li>
<li><em>Picture</em> is an object containing a single image.</li>
<li><em>Combo box</em> is an object containing a drop-down list with a set of choices. It allows to choose one of the predefined values from the list and edit the selected value if necessary.</li>
<li><em>Drop-down list</em> is an object containing a drop-down list with a set of choices. It allows to choose one of the predefined values from the list. The selected value cannot be edited.</li>
<li><em>Date</em> is an object containing a calendar that allows to choose a date.</li>
<li><em>Check box</em> is an object that allows to display two states: check box is selected and check box is cleared.</li>
<h3>Adding content controls</h3>
<h5>Create a new Plain Text content control</h5>
<li>position the insertion point within a line of the text where you want the control to be added,<br />or select a text passage you want to become the control contents.</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Plain Text</b> option from the menu.</li>
<p>The control will be inserted at the insertion point within a line of the existing text. Replace the default text within the control ("Your text here") with your own one: select the default text, and type in a new text or copy a text passage from anywhere and paste it into the content control. Plain text content controls do not allow adding line breaks and cannot contain other objects such as images, tables etc.</p>
<p><img alt="New plain text content control" src="../images/addedcontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<h5>Create a new Rich Text content control</h5>
<li>position the insertion point at the end of a paragraph after which you want the control to be added,<br />or select one or more of the existing paragraphs you want to become the control contents.</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Rich Text</b> option from the menu.</li>
<p>The control will be inserted in a new paragraph. Replace the default text within the control ("Your text here") with your own one: select the default text, and type in a new text or copy a text passage from anywhere and paste it into the content control. Rich text content controls allow adding line breaks, i.e. can contain multiple paragraphs as well as some objects, such as images, tables, other content controls etc.</p>
<p><img alt="Rich text content control" src="../images/richtextcontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<h5>Create a new Picture content control</h5>
<li>position the insertion point within a line of the text where you want the control to be added.</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Picture</b> option from the menu - the control will be inserted at the insertion point.</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Insert image icon" src="../images/image_settings_icon.png" /> image icon in the button above the content control border - a standard file selection window will open. Choose an image stored on your computer and click <b>Open</b>.</li>
<p>The selected image will be displayed within the content control. To replace the image, click the <img alt="Insert image icon" src="../images/image_settings_icon.png" /> image icon in the button above the content control border and select another image.</p>
<p><img alt="New picture content control" src="../images/picturecontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<h5>Create a new Combo box or Drop-down list content control</h5>
<p>The <em>Combo box</em> and <em>Drop-down list</em> content controls contain a drop-down list with a set of choices. They can be created in nearly the same way. The main difference between them is that the selected value in the drop-down list cannot be edited, while the selected value in the combo box can be replaced with your own one.</p>
<li>position the insertion point within a line of the text where you want the control to be added.</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Combo box</b> or <b>Drop-down list</b> option from the menu - the control will be inserted at the insertion point.</li>
<li>right-click the added control and choose the <b>Content control settings</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<li>in the the <b>Content Control Settings</b> window that opens switch to the <b>Combo box</b> or <b>Drop-down list</b> tab, depending on the selected content control type.
<p><img alt="Combo box settings window" src="../images/comboboxsettings.png" /></p>
to add a new list item, click the <b>Add</b> button and fill in the available fields in the window that opens:
<p><img alt="Combo box - adding value" src="../images/comboboxaddvalue.png" /></p>
<li>specify the necessary text in the <b>Display name</b> field, e.g. <em>Yes</em>, <em>No</em>, <em>Other</em>. This text will be displayed in the content control within the document.</li>
<li>by default, the text in the <b>Value</b> field corresponds to the one entered in the <b>Display name</b> field. If you want to edit the text in the <b>Value</b> field, note that the entered value must be unique for each item. </li>
<li>click the <b>OK</b> button.</li>
<li>you can edit or delete the list items by using the <b>Edit</b> or <b>Delete</b> buttons on the right or change the item order using the <b>Up</b> and <b>Down</b> button.</li>
<li>when all the necessary choices are set, click the <b>OK</b> button to save the settings and close the window.</li>
<p><img alt="New combo box content control" src="../images/comboboxcontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<p>You can click the arrow button in the right part of the added <b>Combo box</b> or <b>Drop-down list</b> content control to open the item list and choose the necessary one. Once the necessary item is selected from the <b>Combo box</b>, you can edit the displayed text replacing it with your own one entirely or partially. The <b>Drop-down list</b> does not allow to edit the selected item.</p>
<p><img alt="Combo box content control" src="../images/comboboxcontentcontrol2.png" /></p>
<h5>Create a new Date content control</h5>
<li>position the insertion point within a line of the text where you want the control to be added.</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Date</b> option from the menu - the control with the current date will be inserted at the insertion point.</li>
<li>right-click the added control and choose the <b>Content control settings</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
in the the <b>Content Control Settings</b> window that opens switch to the <b>Date format</b> tab.
<p><img alt="Date settings window" src="../images/datesettings.png" /></p>
<li>choose the necessary <b>Language</b> and select the necessary date format in the <b>Display the date like this</b> list.</li>
<li>click the <b>OK</b> button to save the settings and close the window.</li>
<p><img alt="New date content control" src="../images/datecontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<p>You can click the arrow button in the right part of the added <b>Date</b> content control to open the calendar and choose the necessary date.</p>
<p><img alt="Date content control" src="../images/datecontentcontrol2.png" /></p>
<h5>Create a new Check box content control</h5>
<li>position the insertion point within a line of the text where you want the control to be added.</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon.</li>
<li>choose the <b>Check box</b> option from the menu - the control will be inserted at the insertion point.</li>
<li>right-click the added control and choose the <b>Content control settings</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
in the the <b>Content Control Settings</b> window that opens switch to the <b>Check box</b> tab.
<p><img alt="Check box settings window" src="../images/checkboxsettings.png" /></p>
<li>click the <b>Checked symbol</b> button to specify the necessary symbol for the selected check box or the <b>Unchecked symbol</b> to select how the cleared check box should look like. The <b>Symbol</b> window will open. To learn more on how to work with symbols, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertSymbols.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</li>
<li>when the symbols are specified, click the <b>OK</b> button to save the settings and close the window.</li>
<p>The added check box is displayed in the unchecked mode.</p>
<p><img alt="New Check box content control" src="../images/checkboxcontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<p>If you click the added check box it will be checked with the symbol selected in the <b>Checked symbol</b> list.</p>
<p><img alt="Check box content control" src="../images/checkboxcontentcontrol2.png" /></p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: The content control border is visible when the control is selected only. The borders do not appear on a printed version.</p>
<h3>Moving content controls</h3>
<p>Controls can be <b>moved</b> to another place in the document: click the button to the left of the control border to select the control and drag it without releasing the mouse button to another position in the document text.</p>
<p><img alt="Moving content control" src="../images/movecontentcontrol.png" /></p>
<p>You can also <b>copy and paste</b> content controls: select the necessary control and use the <b>Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V</b> key combinations.</p>
<h3>Editing plain text and rich text content controls</h3>
<p>Text within the plain text and rich text content controls can be formatted using the icons on the top toolbar: you can adjust the <a href="../UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">font type, size, color</a>, apply <a href="../UsageInstructions/DecorationStyles.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">decoration styles</a> and <a href="../UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">formatting presets</a>. It's also possible to use the <b>Paragraph - Advanced settings</b> window accessible from the contextual menu or from the right sidebar to change the text properties. Text within rich text content controls can be formatted like a regular text of the document, i.e. you can set <a href="../UsageInstructions/LineSpacing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">line spacing</a>, change <a href="../UsageInstructions/ParagraphIndents.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">paragraph indents</a>, adjust <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetTabStops.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tab stops</a>.</p>
<h3>Changing content control settings</h3>
<p>No matter which type of content controls is selected, you can change the content control settings in the <b>General</b> and <b>Locking</b> sections of the <b>Content Control Settings</b> window.</p>
<p>To open the content control settings, you can proceed in the following ways:</p>
<li>Select the necessary content control, click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon at the top toolbar and select the <b>Control Settings</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>Right-click anywhere within the content control and use the <b>Content control settings</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<p>A new window will open. At the <b>General</b> tab, you can adjust the following settings:</p>
<p><img alt="Content Control settings window - General" src="../images/ccsettingswindow.png" /></p>
<li>Specify the content control <b>Title</b> or <b>Tag</b> in the corresponding fields. The title will be displayed when the control is selected in the document. Tags are used to identify content controls so that you can make reference to them in your code. </li>
<li>Choose if you want to display the content control with a <b>Bounding box</b> or not. Use the <b>None</b> option to display the control without the bounding box. If you select the <b>Bounding box</b> option, you can choose this box <b>Color</b> using the field below. Click the <b>Apply to All</b> button to apply the specified <b>Appearance</b> settings to all the content controls in the document.</li>
<p>At the <b>Locking</b> tab, you can protect the content control from being deleted or edited using the following settings:</p>
<p><img alt="Content Control settings window - Locking" src="../images/ccsettingswindow2.png" /></p>
<li><b>Content control cannot be deleted</b> - check this box to protect the content control from being deleted.</li>
<li><b>Contents cannot be edited</b> - check this box to protect the contents of the content control from being edited.</li>
<p>For certain types of content controls, the third tab is also available that contains the settings specific for the selected content control type only: <em>Combo box</em>, <em>Drop-down list</em>, <em>Date</em>, <em>Check box</em>. These settings are described above in the sections about adding the corresponding content controls.</p>
<p>Click the <b>OK</b> button within the settings window to apply the changes.</p>
<p>It's also possible to highlight content controls with a certain color. To highlight controls with a color:</p>
<li>Click the button to the left of the control border to select the control,</li>
<li>Click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>Select the <b>Highlight Settings</b> option from the menu,</li>
<li>Select the necessary color on the available palettes: <b>Theme Colors</b>, <b>Standard Colors</b> or specify a new <b>Custom Color</b>. To remove previously applied color highlighting, use the <b>No highlighting</b> option.</li>
<p>The selected highlight options will be applied to all the content controls in the document.</p>
<h3>Removing content controls</h3>
<p>To remove a control and leave all its contents, click the content control to select it, then proceed in one of the following ways:</p>
<li>Click the arrow next to the <img alt="Content Controls icon" src="../images/insertccicon.png" /> <b>Content Controls</b> icon at the top toolbar and select the <b>Remove content control</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>Right-click the content control and use the <b>Remove content control</b> option from the contextual menu.</li>
<p>To remove a control and all its contents, select the necessary control and press the <b>Delete</b> key on the keyboard.</p>
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<title>Inserire un capolettera</title>
<title>Insert a drop cap</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Insert a drop cap and adjust its frame properties to make your document look more expressive." />
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<h1>Inserire un capolettera</h1>
<p>Un <b>Capolettera</b> è la prima lettera di un paragrafo di dimensione maggiore che gli altri.</p>
<p>Per inserire una capolettera,</p>
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<h1>Insert a drop cap</h1>
<p>A <b>Drop cap</b> is the first letter of a paragraph that is much larger than others and takes up several lines in height.</p>
<p>To add a drop cap,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore all'interno del paragrafo necessario,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci capolettera</b> <img alt="Inserisci capolettera" src="../images/insert_dropcap_icon.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezionate l'opzione adatta dall'elenco a discesa aperto:
<li>put the cursor within the paragraph you need,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Drop Cap icon" src="../images/insert_dropcap_icon.png" /> <b>Drop Cap</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the opened drop-down list select the option you need:
<li><b>Nel testo</b> <img alt="Inserisci capolettera - Nel testo" src="../images/dropcap_text.png" /> - per inserire il capolettera nel paragrafo.</li>
<li><b>Nel margine</b> <img alt="Inserisci capolettera - Nel margine" src="../images/dropcap_margin.png" /> - per inserire il capolettera nel margine sinistro.</li>
<li><b>In Text</b> <img alt="Insert Drop Cap - In Text" src="../images/dropcap_text.png" /> - to place the drop cap within the paragraph.</li>
<li><b>In Margin</b> <img alt="Insert Drop Cap - In Margin" src="../images/dropcap_margin.png" /> - to place the drop cap in the left margin.</li>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Esempio di capolettera" src="../images/dropcap_example.png" />La lettera iniziale del paragrafo selezionato sarà trasformata in un capolettera. Se desiderate aggiungere più lettere ad un capolettera, fatelo a mano: selezionatelo e digitate gli altri caratteri.</p>
<p>Per regolare l'aspetto del capolettera (es. dimensione, tipo, stile o colore), selezionatela e usate le icone corrispondenti sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p>Il capolettera selezionato ha una <b>cornice</b> (un contenitore usato per posizionare il capolettera nella pagina). Potete velocemente cambiare la dimensione della cornice trascinando i suoi bordi o la sua posizione usando l'icona <img alt="Freccia" src="../images/arrow.png" /> che appare quando puntate con il mouse la cornice.</p>
<p>Per eliminare il capolettera aggiunto, selezionatelo, cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci capolettera</b> <img alt="Inserisci capolettera" src="../images/insert_dropcap_icon.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore e selezionate l'opzione <b>Nessuno</b> <img alt="Inserisci capolettera - Nessuno" src="../images/dropcap_none.png" /> dall'elenco a discesa.</p>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Drop Cap example" src="../images/dropcap_example.png" />The first character of the selected paragraph will be transformed into a drop cap. If you need the drop cap to include some more characters, add them manually: select the drop cap and type in other letters you need.</p>
<p>To adjust the drop cap appearance (i.e. font size, type, decoration style or color), select the letter and use the corresponding icons at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p>When the drop cap is selected, it's surrounded by a <b>frame</b> (a container used to position the drop cap on the page). You can quickly change the frame size dragging its borders or change its position using the <img alt="Arrow" src="../images/arrow.png" /> icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the frame.</p>
<p>To delete the added drop cap, select it, click the <img alt="Drop Cap icon" src="../images/insert_dropcap_icon.png" /> <b>Drop Cap</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar and choose the <b>None</b> <img alt="Insert Drop Cap - None" src="../images/dropcap_none.png" /> option from the drop-down list.</p>
<hr />
<p>Per regolare i parametri del capolettera, selezionatela, cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci capolettera</b> <img alt="Inserisci capolettera" src="../images/insert_dropcap_icon.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni capolettera</b> dall'elenco a discesa. Si apre la finestra <b>Capolettera - Impostazioni avanzate</b>:</p>
<img alt="Capolettera - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/dropcap_properties_1.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Capolettera</b> vi permette di regolare le seguenti impostazioni:</p>
<p>To adjust the added drop cap parameters, select it, click the <img alt="Drop Cap icon" src="../images/insert_dropcap_icon.png" /> <b>Drop Cap</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar and choose the <b>Drop Cap Settings</b> option from the drop-down list. The <b>Drop Cap - Advanced Settings</b> window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Drop Cap - Advanced Settings" src="../images/dropcap_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Drop Cap</b> tab allows to set the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Posizione</b> - si usa per cambiare la posizione del capolettera. Selezionate tra due opzioni <b>Nel testo</b> e <b>Nel margine</b>, o cliccate <b>Nessuno</b> per eliminare il capolettera.</li>
<li><b>Tipo di carattere</b> - si usa per selezionare uno dei tipi di carattere dall'elenco dei tipi disponibili.</li>
<li><b>Altezza righe</b> - si usa per specificare il numero di righe occupate dal capolettera. E' possibile selezionare un valore da 1 a 10.</li>
<li><b>Distanza dal testo</b> - si usa per specificare lo spazio tra il testo del paragrafo e il bordo destro della cornice.</li>
<li><b>Position</b> - is used to change the drop cap placement. Select the <b>In Text</b> or <b>In Margin</b> option, or click <b>None</b> to delete the drop cap.</li>
<li><b>Font</b> - is used to select one of the fonts from the list of the available ones.</li>
<li><b>Height in rows</b> - is used to specify how many lines the drop cap should span. It's possible to select a value from 1 to 10.</li>
<li><b>Distance from text</b> - is used to specify the amount of space between the text of the paragraph and the right border of the frame that surrounds the drop cap.</li>
<img alt="Capolettera - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/dropcap_properties_2.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Bordi e riempimento</b> vi permette di aggiungere un bordo attorno al capolettera e regolare le sue proprietà. Sono le seguenti:</p>
<p><img alt="Drop Cap - Advanced Settings" src="../images/dropcap_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Borders & Fill</b> tab allows to add a border around the drop cap and adjust its parameters. They are the following:</p>
<li>I parametri del <b>Bordo</b> (dimensione, colore e presenza o assenza) - impostate la dimensione del bordo, selezionate il suo colore e i bordi (in alto, in basso, a sinistra, a destra o la loro combinazione) ai quali desiderate applicare i parametri.</li>
<li><b>Colore di sfondo</b> - selezionate il colore dello sfondo del capolettera.</li>
<li><b>Border</b> parameters (size, color and presence or absence) - set the border size, select its color and choose the borders (top, bottom, left, right or their combination) you want to apply these settings to.</li>
<li><b>Background color</b> - choose the color for the drop cap background.</li>
<img alt="Capolettera - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/dropcap_properties_3.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Margini</b> vi permette di impostare la distanza tra il capolettera e i bordi <b>In alto</b>, <b>In basso</b>, <b>A sinistra</b> e <b>A destra</b> (se i bordi sono stati aggiunti prima).</p>
<p><img alt="Drop Cap - Advanced Settings" src="../images/dropcap_properties_3.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Margins</b> tab allows to set the distance between the drop cap and the <b>Top</b>, <b>Bottom</b>, <b>Left</b> and <b>Right</b> borders around it (if the borders have previously been added).</p>
<hr />
<p>Dopo aver aggiunto il capolettera potete cambiare anche i parametri della <b>Cornice</b>. Per farlo, fate clic destro sulla cornice e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate della cornice</b> dal menu. Si apre la finestra <b>Cornice - Impostazioni avanzate</b>:</p>
<img alt="Cornice - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/frame_properties_1.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Cornice</b> vi permette di regolare le sequenti impostazioni:</p>
<p>Once the drop cap is added you can also change the <b>Frame</b> parameters. To access them, right click within the frame and select the <b>Frame Advanced Settings</b> from the menu. The <b>Frame - Advanced Settings</b> window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Frame - Advanced Settings" src="../images/frame_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Frame</b> tab allows to set the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Posizione</b> si usa per selezionare tra <b>Cornice in linea</b> e <b>Cornice mobile</b>. Oppure potete fare clic su <b>Nessuno</b> per eliminare la cornice.</li>
<li><b>Larghezza</b> e <b>Altezza</b> si usano per cambiare le dimensioni della cornice. L'opzione <b>Auto</b> vi permette di automaticamente regolare la dimensione della cornice per adattare il capolettera ad essa. L'opzione <b>Esatta</b> vi permette di specificare i valori esatti. L'opzione <b>Minima</b> si usa per impostare un'altezza minima (se cambiate la dimensione del capolettera, l'altezza della cornice cambia conformemente, però non può essere inferiore al valore specificato).</li>
<li><b>Orizzontale</b> si usa per impostare la <b>posizione</b> esatta della cornice nelle unità di misura selezionate <b>rispetto al</b> margine, pagina o colonna, oppure allineare la cornice (a sinistra, al centro o a destra) <b>rispetto a</b> uno dei punti di riferimento. Potete impostare la <b>Distanza dal testo</b> orizzontale cioè lo spazio tra i bordi verticali e il testo del paragrafo.</li>
<li><b>Verticale</b> si usa per impostare la <b>posizione</b> esatta della cornice nelle unità di misura selezionate <b>rispetto al</b> margine, pagina o paragrafo, oppure allineare la cornice (in alto, al centro o in basso) <b>rispetto a</b> uno dei punti di riferimento. Potete impostare la <b>Distanza dal testo</b> verticale cioè lo spazio tra i bordi verticali e il testo del paragrafo.</li>
<li><b>Sposta col testo</b> - si usa per controllare che la cornice si sposta insieme con il paragrafo nel quale la cornice è integrata.</li>
<li><b>Position</b> - is used to select the <b>Inline</b> or <b>Flow</b> wrapping style. Or you can click <b>None</b> to delete the frame.</li>
<li><b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> - are used to change the frame dimensions. The <b>Auto</b> option allows to automatically adjust the frame size to fit the drop cap in it. The <b>Exactly</b> option allows to specify fixed values. The <b>At least</b> option is used to set the minimum height value (if you change the drop cap size, the frame height changes accordingly, but it cannot be less than the specified value).</li>
<li><b>Horizontal</b> parameters are used either to set the frame exact <b>position</b> in the selected units of measurement <b>relative to</b> a margin, page or column, or to align the frame (left, center or right) <b>relative to</b> one of these reference points. You can also set the horizontal <b>Distance from text</b> i.e. the amount of space between the vertical frame borders and the text of the paragraph.</li>
<li><b>Vertical</b> parameters are used either to set the frame exact <b>position</b> in the selected units of measurement <b>relative to</b> a margin, page or paragraph, or to align the frame (top, center or bottom) <b>relative to</b> one of these reference points. You can also set the vertical <b>Distance from text</b> i.e. the amount of space between the horizontal frame borders and the text of the paragraph.</li>
<li><b>Move with text</b> - controls whether the frame moves as the paragraph to which it is anchored moves.</li>
<!--<img alt="Frame - Advanced Settings" src="../images/Frame_properties_2.png" />-->
<p>Le schede <b>Bordi e riempimento</b> e <b>Margini</b> vi permettono di regolare le impostazioni uguali a quelle presenti nelle stesse schede della finestra <b>Capolettera - Impostazioni avanzate</b>.</p>
<p>The <b>Borders & Fill</b> and <b>Margins</b> tabs allow to set just the same parameters as at the tabs of the same name in the <b>Drop Cap - Advanced Settings</b> window.</p>
<!--<img alt="Frame - Advanced Settings" src="../images/Frame_properties_3.png" />
<p>The <b>Margins</b> tab allows to set just the same parameters as at the tab of the same name in the <b>Drop Cap - Advanced Settings</b> window.</p>-->
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<h1>Insert equations</h1>
<p><b>Document Editor</b> allows you to build equations using the built-in templates, edit them, insert special characters (including mathematical operators, Greek letters, accents etc.).</p>
<h3>Add a new equation</h3>
<p>To insert an equation from the gallery,</p>
<li>put the cursor within the necessary line ,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Equation icon" src="../images/insertequationicon.png" /> <b>Equation</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the opened drop-down list select the equation category you need. The following categories are currently available: <em>Symbols</em>, <em>Fractions</em>, <em>Scripts</em>, <em>Radicals</em>, <em>Integrals</em>, <em>Large Operators</em>, <em>Brackets</em>, <em>Functions</em>, <em>Accents</em>, <em>Limits and Logarithms</em>, <em>Operators</em>, <em>Matrices</em>,</li>
<li>click the certain symbol/equation in the corresponding set of templates.</li>
<p>The selected symbol/equation box will be inserted at the cursor position. If the selected line is empty, the equation will be centered. To align such an equation left or right, click on the equation box and use the <img alt="Align Left icon" src="../images/alignleft.png" /> or <img alt="Align Right icon" src="../images/alignright.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<img alt="Inserted Equation" src="../images/insertedequation.png" />
<p>Each equation template represents a set of slots. Slot is a position for each element that makes up the equation. An empty slot (also called as a placeholder) has a dotted outline <img alt="Equation Placeholder" src="../images/equationplaceholder.png" />. You need to fill in all the placeholders specifying the necessary values.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to start creating an equation, you can also use the <b>Alt + =</b> keyboard shortcut.</p>
<p>It's also possible to add a caption to the equation. To learn more on how to work with captions for equations, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddCaption.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</p>
<h3>Enter values</h3>
<p>The <b>insertion point</b> specifies where the next character you enter will appear. To position the insertion point precisely, click within a placeholder and use the keyboard arrows to move the insertion point by one character left/right or one line up/down.</p>
<p>If you need to create a new placeholder below the slot with the insertion point within the selected template, press <b>Enter</b>.</p>
<img alt="Edited Equation" src="../images/newslot.png" />
<p>Once the insertion point is positioned, you can fill in the placeholder:
<li>enter the desired numeric/literal value using the keyboard,</li>
<li>insert a special character using the <b>Symbols</b> palette from the <img alt="Equation icon" src="../images/insertequationicon.png" /> <b>Equation</b> menu at the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>add another equation template from the palette to create a complex nested equation. The size of the primary equation will be automatically adjusted to fit its content. The size of the nested equation elements depends on the primary equation placeholder size, but it cannot be smaller than the sub-subscript size.</li>
<p><img alt="Edited Equation" src="../images/nestedfraction.png" /></p>
<p>To add some new equation elements you can also use the <b>right-click menu options</b>:</p>
<li>To add a new argument that goes before or after the existing one within <em>Brackets</em>, you can right-click on the existing argument and select the <b>Insert argument before/after</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To add a new equation within <em>Cases</em> with several conditions from the <em>Brackets</em> group (or equations of other types, if you've previously added new placeholders by pressing <b>Enter</b>), you can right-click on an empty placeholder or entered equation within it and select the <b>Insert equation before/after</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To add a new row or a column in a <em>Matrix</em>, you can right-click on a placeholder within it, select the <b>Insert</b> option from the menu, then select <b>Row Above/Below</b> or <b>Column Left/Right</b>.</li>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: currently, equations cannot be entered using the linear format, i.e. <b>\sqrt(4&x^3)</b>.</p>
<p>When entering the values of the mathematical expressions, you do not need to use <b>Spacebar</b> as the spaces between the characters and signs of operations are set automatically.</p>
<p>If the equation is too long and does not fit to a single line, automatic line breaking occurs as you type. You can also insert a line break in a specific position by right-clicking on a mathematical operator and selecting the <b>Insert manual break</b> option from the menu. The selected operator will start a new line. Once the manual line break is added, you can press the <b>Tab</b> key to align the new line to any math operator of the previous line. To delete the added manual line break, right-click on the mathematical operator that starts a new line and select the <b>Delete manual break</b> option.</p>
<h3>Format equations</h3>
<p>To increase or decrease the equation <b>font size</b>, click anywhere within the equation box and use the <img alt="Increment font size" src="../images/larger.png" /> and <img alt="Decrement font size" src="../images/smaller.png" /> buttons at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar or select the necessary font size from the list. All the equation elements will change correspondingly.</p>
<p>The letters within the equation are italicized by default. If necessary, you can change the <b>font style</b> (<em>bold, italic, strikeout</em>) or <b>color</b> for a whole equation or its part. The <em>underlined</em> style can be applied to the entire equation only, not to individual characters. Select the necessary part of the equation by clicking and dragging. The selected part will be highlighted blue. Then use the necessary buttons at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar to format the selection. For example, you can remove the italic format for ordinary words that are not variables or constants.</p>
<img alt="Edited Equation" src="../images/formatastext.png" />
<p>To modify some equation elements you can also use the <b>right-click menu options</b>:</p>
<ul><li>To change the <em>Fractions</em> format, you can right-click on a fraction and select the <b>Change to skewed/linear/stacked fraction</b> option from the menu (the available options differ depending on the selected fraction type). <!--The <b>Remove/Add fraction bar</b> option is also available for stacked fractions.--></li>
<li>To change the <em>Scripts</em> position relating to text, you can right-click on the equation that includes scripts and select the <b>Scripts before/after text</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To change the argument size for <em>Scripts, Radicals, Integrals, Large Operators, Limits and Logarithms, Operators</em> as well as for overbraces/underbraces and templates with grouping characters from the <em>Accents</em> group, you can right-click on the argument you want to change and select the <b>Increase/Decrease argument size</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To specify whether an empty degree placeholder should be displayed or not for a <em>Radical</em>, you can right-click on the radical and select the <b>Hide/Show degree</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To specify whether an empty limit placeholder should be displayed or not for an <em>Integral</em> or <em>Large Operator</em>, you can right-click on the equation and select the <b>Hide/Show top/bottom limit</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To change the limits position relating to the integral or operator sign for <em>Integrals</em> or <em>Large Operators</em>, you can right-click on the equation and select the <b>Change limits location</b> option from the menu. The limits can be displayed to the right of the operator sign (as subscripts and superscripts) or directly above and below the operator sign.</li>
<li>To change the limits position relating to text for <em>Limits and Logarithms</em> and templates with grouping characters from the <em>Accents</em> group, you can right-click on the equation and select the <b>Limit over/under text</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To choose which of the <em>Brackets</em> should be displayed, you can right-click on the expression within them and select the <b>Hide/Show opening/closing bracket</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To control the <em>Brackets</em> size, you can right-click on the expression within them. The <b>Stretch brackets</b> option is selected by default so that the brackets can grow according to the expression within them, but you can deselect this option to prevent brackets from stretching. When this option is activated, you can also use the <b>Match brackets to argument height</b> option.</li>
<li>To change the character position relating to text for overbraces/underbraces or overbars/underbars from the <em>Accents</em> group, you can right-click on the template and select the <b>Char/Bar over/under text</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To choose which borders should be displayed for a <em>Boxed formula</em> from the <em>Accents</em> group, you can right-click on the equation and select the <b>Border properties</b> option from the menu, then select <b>Hide/Show top/bottom/left/right border</b> or <b>Add/Hide horizontal/vertical/diagonal line</b>.</li>
<li>To specify whether empty placeholders should be displayed or not for a <em>Matrix</em>, you can right-click on it and select the <b>Hide/Show placeholder</b> option from the menu.</li>
<p>To align some equation elements you can use the <b>right-click menu options</b>:</p>
<li>To align equations within <em>Cases</em> with several conditions from the <em>Brackets</em> group (or equations of other types, if you've previously added new placeholders by pressing <b>Enter</b>), you can right-click on an equation, select the <b>Alignment</b> option from the menu, then select the alignment type: <b>Top</b>, <b>Center</b>, or <b>Bottom</b>.</li>
<li>To align a <em>Matrix</em> vertically, you can right-click on the matrix, select the <b>Matrix Alignment</b> option from the menu, then select the alignment type: <b>Top</b>, <b>Center</b>, or <b>Bottom</b>.</li>
<li>To align elements within a <em>Matrix</em> column horizontally, you can right-click on a placeholder within the column, select the <b>Column Alignment</b> option from the menu, then select the alignment type: <b>Left</b>, <b>Center</b>, or <b>Right</b>.</li>
<h3>Delete equation elements</h3>
<p>To delete a part of the equation, select the part you want to delete by dragging the mouse or holding down the <b>Shift</b> key and using the arrow buttons, then press the <b>Delete</b> key on the keyboard.</p>
<p>A slot can only be deleted together with the template it belongs to.</p>
<p>To delete the entire equation, select it completely by dragging the mouse or double-clicking on the equation box and press the <b>Delete</b> key on the keyboard.</p>
<img alt="Delete Equation" src="../images/deleteequation.png" />
<p>To delete some equation elements you can also use the <b>right-click menu options</b>:</p>
<li>To delete a <em>Radical</em>, you can right-click on it and select the <b>Delete radical</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To delete a <em>Subscript</em> and/or <em>Superscript</em>, you can right-click on the expression that contains them and select the <b>Remove subscript/superscript</b> option from the menu. If the expression contains scripts that go before text, the <b>Remove scripts</b> option is available.</li>
<li>To delete <em>Brackets</em>, you can right-click on the expression within them and select the <b>Delete enclosing characters</b> or <b>Delete enclosing characters and separators</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>If the expression within <em>Brackets</em> inclides more than one argument, you can right-click on the argument you want to delete and select the <b>Delete argument</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>If <em>Brackets</em> enclose more than one equation (i.e. <em>Cases</em> with several conditions), you can right-click on the equation you want to delete and select the <b>Delete equation</b> option from the menu. This option is also available for equations of other types if you've previously added new placeholders by pressing <b>Enter</b>.</li>
<li>To delete a <em>Limit</em>, you can right-click on it and select the <b>Remove limit</b> option from the menu.</li>
<li>To delete an <em>Accent</em>, you can right-click on it and select the <b>Remove accent character</b>, <b>Delete char</b> or <b>Remove bar</b> option from the menu (the available options differ depending on the selected accent).</li>
<li>To delete a row or a column of a <em>Matrix</em>, you can right-click on the placeholder within the row/column you need to delete, select the <b>Delete</b> option from the menu, then select <b>Delete Row/Column</b>.</li>
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<h1>Insert footnotes</h1>
<p>You can add footnotes to provide explanations or comments for certain sentences or terms used in your text, make references to the sources etc.</p>
<p>To insert a footnote into your document,</p>
<li>position the insertion point at the end of the text passage that you want to add a footnote to,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon at the top toolbar, or<br/>
click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon and select the <b>Insert Footnote</b> option from the menu,
<p>The footnote mark (i.e. the superscript character that indicates a footnote) appears in the document text and the insertion point moves to the bottom of the current page.</p>
<li>type in the footnote text.</li>
<p>Repeat the above mentioned operations to add subsequent footnotes for other text passages in the document. The footnotes are numbered automatically.</p>
<p><img alt="Footnotes" src="../images/footnotesadded.png" /></p>
<p>If you hover the mouse pointer over the footnote mark in the document text, a small pop-up window with the footnote text appears.</p>
<p><img alt="Footnote text" src="../images/footnotetext.png" /></p>
<p>To easily navigate between the added footnotes within the document text,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon at the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>in the <b>Go to Footnotes</b> section, use the <img alt="Previous footnote icon" src="../images/previousfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the previous footnote or the <img alt="Next footnote icon" src="../images/nextfootnote.png" /> arrow to go to the next footnote.</li>
<hr />
<p>To edit the footnotes settings,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon at the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Notes Settings</b> option from the menu,</li>
<li>change the current parameters in the <b>Notes Settings</b> window that opens:
<p><img alt="Footnotes Settings window" src="../images/footnotes_settings.png" /></p>
<li>Set the <b>Location</b> of footnotes on the page selecting one of the available options:
<li><b>Bottom of page</b> - to position footnotes at the bottom of the page (this option is selected by default).</li>
<li><b>Below text</b> - to position footnotes closer to the text. This option can be useful in cases when the page contains a short text.</li>
<li>Adjust the footnotes <b>Format</b>:
<li><b>Number Format</b> - select the necessary number format from the available ones: <em>1, 2, 3,...</em>, <em>a, b, c,...</em>, <em>A, B, C,...</em>, <em>i, ii, iii,...</em>, <em>I, II, III,...</em>.</li>
<li><b>Start at</b> - use the arrows to set the number or letter you want to start numbering with.</li>
<li><b>Numbering</b> - select a way to number your footnotes:
<li><b>Continuous</b> - to number footnotes sequentially throughout the document,</li>
<li><b>Restart each section</b> - to start footnote numbering with the number 1 (or some other specified character) at the beginning of each section,</li>
<li><b>Restart each page</b> - to start footnote numbering with the number 1 (or some other specified character) at the beginning of each page.</li>
<li><b>Custom Mark</b> - set a special character or a word you want to use as the footnote mark (e.g. * or Note1). Enter the necessary character/word into the text entry field and click the <b>Insert</b> button at the bottom of the <b>Notes Settings</b> window.</li>
<li>Use the <b>Apply changes to</b> drop-down list to select if you want to apply the specified notes settings to the <b>Whole document</b> or the <b>Current section</b> only.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to use different footnotes formatting in separate parts of the document, you need to add <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">section breaks</a> first.</p>
<li>When ready, click the <b>Apply</b> button.</li>
<hr />
<p>To remove a single footnote, position the insertion point directly before the footnote mark in the document text and press <b>Delete</b>. Other footnotes will be renumbered automatically.</p>
<p>To delete all the footnotes in the document,</p>
<li>click the arrow next to the <img alt="Footnote icon" src="../images/addfootnote.png" /> <b>Footnote</b> icon at the <b>References</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Delete All Footnotes</b> option from the menu.</li>
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<title>Inserire intestazioni e piè di pagina</title>
<title>Insert headers and footers</title>
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<h1>Inserire intestazioni e piè di pagina</h1>
<p>Per inserire un'intestazione o un piè di pagina nel vostro documento o modificare quelli esistenti,</p>
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<h1>Insert headers and footers</h1>
<p>To add a header or footer to your document or edit the existing one,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Modifica intestazioni e piè di pagina</b> <img alt="Modifica intestazioni e piè di pagina" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezionate una delle opzioni seguenti:
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Header/Footer icon" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> <b>Header/Footer</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select one of the following options:
<li><b>Modifica intestazione</b> per inserire o modificare il testo d'intestazione.</li>
<li><b>Modifica piè di pagina</b> per inserire o modificare il testo di piè di pagina.</li>
<li><b>Edit Header</b> to insert or edit the header text.</li>
<li><b>Edit Footer</b> to insert or edit the footer text.</li>
<li>regolate i parametri attuali per intestazione o piè di pagina sulla barra destra: la <b>posizione</b> del testo rispetto alla parte superiore (per intestazioni) o alla parte inferiore (per piè di pagina) della pagina.
Potete selezionare anche la casella <b>Diversi per la prima pagina</b> per applicare un'intestazione o un piè di pagina diverso alla prima pagina o se non desiderate inserire nessuna intestazione/piè di pagina. La casella <b>Diversi per pagine pari e dispari</b> si usa per inserire le intestazioni/piè di pagina diverse nelle pagine pari e dispari.
<p><img alt="Barra destra - Impostazioni intestazioni e piè di pagina" src="../images/right_headerfooter.png" /></p>
<li>change the current parameters for headers or footers at the right sidebar:
<p><img alt="Right Sidebar - Header and Footer Settings" src="../images/right_headerfooter.png" /></p>
<li>Set the <b>Position</b> of text relative to the top (for headers) or bottom (for footers) of the page.</li>
<li>Check the <b>Different first page</b> box to apply a different header or footer to the very first page or in case you don't want to add any header/ footer to it at all.</li>
<li>Use the <b>Different odd and even pages</b> box to add different headers/footer for odd and even pages.</li>
<li>The <b>Link to Previous</b> option is available in case you've previously added <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sections</a> into your document. If not, it will be grayed out. Moreover, this option is also unavailable for the very first section (i.e. when a header or footer that belongs to the first section is selected). By default, this box is checked, so that the same headers/footers are applied to all the sections. If you select a header or footer area, you will see that the area is marked with the <b>Same as Previous</b> label. Uncheck the <b>Link to Previous</b> box to use different headers/footers for each section of the document. The <b>Same as Previous</b> label will no longer be displayed.</li>
<p><img alt="Same as previous label" src="../images/sameasprevious_label.png" /></p>
<p>Per inserire un testo o modificare il testo già inserito e configurare le impostazioni delle intestazioni e dei piè di pagina, potete anche fare doppio clic all'interno della parte superiore o inferiore di una pagina o cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionare l'unica opzione presente nel menu - <b>Modifica intestazione</b> o <b>Modifica piè di pagina</b>.</p>
<p>Per passare al corpo del documento, fate doppio clic all'interno della zona di lavoro. Il testo usato per intestazione o piè di pagina viene colorato di grigio.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: visitate la sezione <a href="InsertPageNumbers.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Inserire numeri di pagina</a> per sapere come fare per aggiungere i numeri di pagina al vostro documento.</p>
<p>To enter a text or edit the already entered text and adjust the header or footer settings, you can also double-click within the upper or lower part of a page or click with the right mouse button there and select the only menu option - <b>Edit Header</b> or <b>Edit Footer</b>.</p>
<p>To switch to the document body, double-click within the working area. The text you use as a header or footer will be displayed in gray.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: please refer to the <a href="InsertPageNumbers.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Insert page numbers</a> section to learn how to add page numbers to your document.</p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserire immagini</title>
<title>Insert images</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Inserite un'immagine nel vostro documento e regolate la sua posizione e le prorpietà" />
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<h1>Inserire immagini</h1>
<p>TeamLab Document Editor vi permette di inserire le immagini nei formati più popolari. I formati supportati sono i seguenti: <b>BMP</b>, <b>GIF</b>, <b>JPEG</b>, <b>JPG</b>, <b>PNG</b>.</p>
<p>Per inserire un'immagine nel vostro documento,</p>
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<h1>Insert images</h1>
<p>In Document Editor, you can insert images in the most popular formats into your document. The following image formats are supported: <b>BMP</b>, <b>GIF</b>, <b>JPEG</b>, <b>JPG</b>, <b>PNG</b>.</p>
<h3>Insert an image</h3>
<p>To insert an image into the document text,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore dove desiderate inserire la vostra immagine,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci immagine</b> <img alt="Inserisci immagine" src="../images/image.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezionate una delle opzioni per caricare l'immagine:
<li>place the cursor where you want the image to be put,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Image icon" src="../images/image.png" /> <b>Image</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select one of the following options to load the image:
<li>utilizzate l'opzione <b>Immagine da file</b> per aprire la finestra standard di selezione file. Sfogliate il disco rigido del vostro computer per trovare il file necessario e cliccate su <b>Apri</b></li>
<li>utilizzate l'opzione <b>Immagine da URL</b> per aprire la finestra, inserire l'indirizzo web dell'immagine e cliccare su <b>OK</b></li>
<li>the <b>Image from File</b> option will open the standard dialog window for file selection. Browse your computer hard disk drive for the necessary file and click the <b>Open</b> button</li>
<li>the <b>Image from URL</b> option will open the window where you can enter the necessary image web address and click the <b>OK</b> button</li>
<li class="onlineDocumentFeatures"> the <b>Image from Storage</b> option will open the <b>Select data source</b> window. Select an image stored on your portal and click the <b>OK</b> button</li>
<li>dopo aver aggiunto l'immagine potete modificare la sua dimensione, le proprietà e la posizione.</li>
<li>once the image is added you can change its size, properties, and position.</li>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Spostamento immagine" src="../images/moving_image.png" />Per cambiare la <b>dimensione</b> dell'immagine, trascinate i quadrati <img alt="Quadrato" src="../images/resize_square.png" /> situati negli angoli dell'oggetto. Per mantenere le proporzioni originali dell'oggetto scelto, premete e tenete premuto il tasto <b>Shift</b> durante il ridimensionamento.</p>
<p>Per alterare la <b>posizione</b> dell'immagine, usate la freccia <img alt="Freccia" src="../images/arrow.png" /> che appare quando posizionate il cursore del mouse sull'oggetto. Trascinate l'oggetto nella posizione necessaria mantenendo premuto il tasto del mouse.</p>
<p>Per <b>ruotare</b> l'immagine, posizionate il cursore del mouse sul punto di manipolazione di rotazione <img alt="Punto di manipolazione di rotazione" src="../images/greencircle.png" /> e trascinatelo in senso orario o antiorario. Per limitare l'angolo di rotazione a 15 gradi, tenete premuto il tasto <b>Shift</b> durante la rotazione.</p>
<hr />
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Impostazioni immagine" src="../images/right_image.png" />Certe impostazioni dell'immagine possono essere regolate nella scheda <b>Impostazioni immagine</b> della barra destra. Per attivarla, fate clic sull'immagine, quindi sull'icona <b>Impostazioni immagine</b> <img alt="Impostazioni immagine" src="../images/image_settings_icon.png" /> a destra e regolate le seguenti impostazioni, se necessario:</p>
<p>It's also possible to add a caption to the image. To learn more on how to work with captions for images, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddCaption.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</p>
<h3>Move and resize images</h3>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Moving image" src="../images/moving_image.png" />To change the image size, drag small squares <img alt="Square icon" src="../images/resize_square.png" /> situated on its edges. To maintain the original proportions of the selected image while resizing, hold down the <b>Shift</b> key and drag one of the corner icons.</p>
<p>To alter the image position, use the <img alt="Arrow" src="../images/arrow.png" /> icon that appears after hovering your mouse cursor over the image. Drag the image to the necessary position without releasing the mouse button.</p>
<p>When you move the image, guide lines are displayed to help you position the object on the page precisely (if a wrapping style other than inline is selected).</p>
<p>To rotate the image, hover the mouse cursor over the rotation handle <img alt="Rotation handle" src="../images/greencircle.png" /> and drag it clockwise or counterclockwise. To constrain the rotation angle to 15 degree increments, hold down the <b>Shift</b> key while rotating.</p>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: the list of keyboard shortcuts that can be used when working with objects is available <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#workwithobjects" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">here</a>.
<hr />
<h3>Adjust image settings</h3>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Image Settings tab" src="../images/right_image.png" />Some of the image settings can be altered using the <b>Image settings</b> tab of the right sidebar. To activate it click the image and choose the <b>Image settings</b> <img alt="Image settings icon" src="../images/image_settings_icon.png" /> icon on the right. Here you can change the following properties:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><b>Dimensione</b> si usa per visualizzare la <b>Larghezza</b> e l'<b>Altezza</b> dell'immagine selezionata o ripristinare la dimensione <b>Predefinita</b> se necessario.</li>
<li><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per selezionare la disposizione testo dagli stili disponibili - in linea, quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto, davanti al testo, dietro al testo (per dettagli vedere la descrizione delle impostazioni avanzate qui sotto).</li>
<li><b>Sostituisci immagine</b> si usa per sostituire l'immagine corrente caricando un'altra da file o URL.</li>
<li><b>Size</b> is used to view the current image <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b>. If necessary, you can restore the actual image size clicking the <b>Actual Size</b> button. The <b>Fit to Margin</b> button allows to resize the image, so that it occupies all the space between the left and right page margin.
<p>The <b>Crop</b> button is used to crop the image. Click the <b>Crop</b> button to activate cropping handles which appear on the image corners and in the center of each its side. Manually drag the handles to set the cropping area. You can move the mouse cursor over the cropping area border so that it turns into the <img alt="Arrow" src="../images/arrow.png" /> icon and drag the area. </p>
<li>To crop a single side, drag the handle located in the center of this side.</li>
<li>To simultaneously crop two adjacent sides, drag one of the corner handles.</li>
<li>To equally crop two opposite sides of the image, hold down the <em>Ctrl</em> key when dragging the handle in the center of one of these sides. </li>
<li>To equally crop all sides of the image, hold down the <em>Ctrl</em> key when dragging any of the corner handles.</li>
<p>When the cropping area is specified, click the <b>Crop</b> button once again, or press the <em>Esc</em> key, or click anywhere outside of the cropping area to apply the changes.</p>
<p>After the cropping area is selected, it's also possible to use the <b>Fill</b> and <b>Fit</b> options available from the <b>Crop</b> drop-down menu. Click the <b>Crop</b> button once again and select the option you need: </p>
<li>If you select the <b>Fill</b> option, the central part of the original image will be preserved and used to fill the selected cropping area, while other parts of the image will be removed.</li>
<li>If you select the <b>Fit</b> option, the image will be resized so that it fits the cropping area height or width. No parts of the original image will be removed, but empty spaces may appear within the selected cropping area.</li>
<li><b>Rotation</b> is used to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as well as to flip the image horizontally or vertically. Click one of the buttons:
<li><img alt="Rotate counterclockwise icon" src="../images/rotatecounterclockwise.png" /> to rotate the image by 90 degrees counterclockwise</li>
<li><img alt="Rotate clockwise icon" src="../images/rotateclockwise.png" /> to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise</li>
<li><img alt="Flip horizontally icon" src="../images/fliplefttoright.png" /> to flip the image horizontally (left to right)</li>
<li><img alt="Flip vertically icon" src="../images/flipupsidedown.png" /> to flip the image vertically (upside down)</li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> is used to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind (for more information see the advanced settings description below).</li>
<li><b>Replace Image</b> is used to replace the current image loading another one <b>From File</b> or <b>From URL</b>.</li>
<p>Certe impostazioni possono essere regolate anche usando il menu contestuale. Le opzioni del menu sono le seguenti:</p>
<p>Some of these options you can also find in the <b>right-click menu</b>. The menu options are:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><b>Disponi</b> si usa per portare l'immagine selezionata in primo piano, in secondo piano, avanti o indietro e anche raggruppare per effettuare le operazioni con più immagini in una volta o separare le immagini raggruppate.</li>
<li><b>Allinea</b> si usa per allineare l'immagine a sinistra, al centro, a destra, in alto, in mezzo, in basso.</li>
<li><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per selezionare la disposizione testo dagli stili disponibili - in linea, quadrato, ravvicinato, all'interno, sopra e sotto, davanti al testo, dietro al testo - o modificare bordi disposizione testo. L'opzione <b>Modifica bordi disposizione testo</b> è disponibile solo se selezionate uno stile diverso da 'in linea'. Trascinate i punti per personalizzare i bordi. Per creare un nuovo punto, fate clic sulla linea rossa e trascinatela nella posizione desiderata. <img alt="Modifica bordi disposizione testo" src="../images/wrap_boundary.png" /></li>
<li><b>Dimensione predefinita</b> si usa per modificare la dimensione attuale dell'immagine impostando la dimensione predefinita.</li>
<li><b>Impostazioni avanzate</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Immagine - Impostazioni avanzate'.</li>
<li><b>Cut, Copy, Paste</b> - standard options which are used to cut or copy a selected text/object and paste a previously cut/copied text passage or object to the current cursor position.</li>
<li><b>Arrange</b> is used to bring the selected image to foreground, send to background, move forward or backward as well as group or ungroup images to perform operations with several of them at once. To learn more on how to arrange objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Align</b> is used to align the image left, center, right, top, middle, bottom. To learn more on how to align objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> is used to select a text wrapping style from the available ones - inline, square, tight, through, top and bottom, in front, behind - or edit the wrap boundary. The <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option is available only if you select a wrapping style other than Inline. Drag wrap points to customize the boundary. To create a new wrap point, click anywhere on the red line and drag it to the necessary position. <img alt="Editing Wrap Boundary" src="../images/wrap_boundary.png" /></li>
<li><b>Rotate</b> is used to rotate the image by 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise as well as to flip the image horizontally or vertically.</li>
<li><b>Crop</b> is used to apply one of the cropping options: <b>Crop</b>, <b>Fill</b> or <b>Fit</b>. Select the <b>Crop</b> option from the submenu, then drag the cropping handles to set the cropping area, and click one of these three options from the submenu once again to apply the changes.</li>
<li><b>Actual Size</b> is used to change the current image size to the actual one.</li>
<li><b>Replace image</b> is used to replace the current image loading another one <b>From File</b> or <b>From URL</b>.</li>
<li><b>Image Advanced Settings</b> is used to open the 'Image - Advanced Settings' window.</li>
<p><img class="floatleft" alt="Shape Settings tab" src="../images/right_image_shape.png" /> When the image is selected, the <b>Shape settings</b> <img alt="Shape settings icon" src="../images/shape_settings_icon.png" /> icon is also available on the right. You can click this icon to open the <b>Shape settings</b> tab at the right sidebar and adjust the shape <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_stroke" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Stroke</b></a> type, size and color as well as change the shape type selecting another shape from the <b>Change Autoshape</b> menu. The shape of the image will change correspondingly.</p>
<p>At the <b>Shape Settings</b> tab, you can also use the <b>Show shadow</b> option to add a shadow to the image.</p>
<hr />
<p>Per regolare le impostazioni avanzate, cliccate sull'immagine con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate <b>Impostazioni avanzate</b> dal menu contestuale o cliccate sul collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra. Si apre la finestra di impostazioni:</p>
<p><img alt="Immagine - Impostazioni avanzate: Dimensione" src="../images/image_properties.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Dimensione</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<h3>Adjust image advanced settings</h3>
<p>To change the image advanced settings, click the image with the right mouse button and select the <b>Image Advanced Settings</b> option from the right-click menu or just click the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar. The image properties window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Image - Advanced Settings: Size" src="../images/image_properties.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Size</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Larghezza</b> e <b>Altezza</b> - usate queste opzioni per modificate la larghezza e/o l'altezza dell'immagine. Se l'opzione <b>Proporzioni costanti</b> <img alt="Proporzioni costanti" src="../images/constantproportions.png" /> è attivata, la larghezza e l'altezza saranno modificate insieme matenendo il rapporto larghezza/altezza dell'immagine originale. Per restituire la dimensione predefinita dell'immagine aggiunta, cliccate su <b>Predefinita</b>.</li>
<li><b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> - use these options to change the image width and/or height. If the <b>Constant proportions</b> <img alt="Constant proportions icon" src="../images/constantproportions.png" /> button is clicked (in this case it looks like this <img alt="Constant proportions icon activated" src="../images/constantproportionsactivated.png" />), the width and height will be changed together preserving the original image aspect ratio. To restore the actual size of the added image, click the <b>Actual Size</b> button.</li>
<p><img alt="Immagine - Impostazioni avanzate: Disposizione testo" src="../images/image_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Disposizione testo</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<p><img alt="Image - Advanced Settings: Rotation" src="../images/image_properties_4.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Rotation</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Angle</b> - use this option to rotate the image by an exactly specified angle. Enter the necessary value measured in degrees into the field or adjust it using the arrows on the right. </li>
<li><b>Flipped</b> - check the <b>Horizontally</b> box to flip the image horizontally (left to right) or check the <b>Vertically</b> box to flip the image vertically (upside down).</li>
<p><img alt="Image - Advanced Settings: Text Wrapping" src="../images/image_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Stile di disposizione testo</b> - usate questa opzione per cambiare il modo da posizionare l'immagine rispetto al testo: questa può fare parte del testo (se selezionate lo stile In linea) o essere bypassata da tutti i lati (se selezionate uno di altri stili).
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - In linea" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline.png" /> <b>In linea</b> - l'immagine rimane insieme al testo, come un carattere, quindi quando il testo si sposta, anche l'immagine si sposta. In questo caso le opzioni di posizione non sono accessibili.</p>
<p>Se selezionate uno di seguenti stili, potete spostare l'immagine independamente dal testo e selezionare una posizione più esatta:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Quadrato" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square.png" /> <b>Quadrato</b> si usa per disporre il testo intorno al bordo dell'immagine.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Ravvicinato" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight.png" /> <b>Ravvicinato</b> si usa per ravvicinare il testo intorno all'immagine.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - All'interno" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through.png" /> <b>All'interno</b> si usa per disporre il testo vicino all'immagine in modo da riempire lo spazio negativo intorno all'immagine.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Sopra e sotto" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom.png" /> <b>Sopra e sotto</b> si usa per disporre il testo sopra e sotto l'immagine posizionando l'immagine sulla propria linea.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Davanti al testo" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront.png" /> <b>Davanti al testo</b> si usa per visualizzare il testo sopra l'immagine.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Stile di disposizione - Dietro al testo" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind.png" /> <b>Dietro al testo</b> si usa per visualizzare l'immagine sopra il testo.</p></li>
<li><b>Wrapping Style</b> - use this option to change the way the image is positioned relative to the text: it will either be a part of the text (in case you select the inline style) or bypassed by it from all sides (if you select one of the other styles).
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Inline" src="../images/wrappingstyle_inline.png" /> <b>Inline</b> - the image is considered to be a part of the text, like a character, so when the text moves, the image moves as well. In this case the positioning options are inaccessible.</p>
<p>If one of the following styles is selected, the image can be moved independently of the text and positioned on the page exactly:</p>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Square" src="../images/wrappingstyle_square.png" /> <b>Square</b> - the text wraps the rectangular box that bounds the image.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Tight" src="../images/wrappingstyle_tight.png" /> <b>Tight</b> - the text wraps the actual image edges.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Through" src="../images/wrappingstyle_through.png" /> <b>Through</b> - the text wraps around the image edges and fills in the open white space within the image. So that the effect can appear, use the <b>Edit Wrap Boundary</b> option from the right-click menu.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Top and bottom" src="../images/wrappingstyle_topandbottom.png" /> <b>Top and bottom</b> - the text is only above and below the image.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - In front" src="../images/wrappingstyle_infront.png" /> <b>In front</b> - the image overlaps the text.</p></li>
<li><p><img alt="Wrapping Style - Behind" src="../images/wrappingstyle_behind.png" /> <b>Behind</b> - the text overlaps the image.</p></li>
<p>Se selezionate lo stile 'quadrato', 'ravvicinato', 'all'interno', 'sopra e sotto', potete di regolare certe impostazioni addizionali - <b>distanza dal testo</b> (in alto, in basso, a sinistra, a destra).</p>
<p><img alt="Immagine - Impostazioni avanzate: Posizione" src="../images/image_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>La scheda <b>Posizione</b> è disponibile solo se selezionate uno stile di disposizione diverso da 'in linea'. Le impostazioni in questa scheda variano secondo lo stile di disposizione scelto:</p>
<p>If you select the square, tight, through, or top and bottom style, you will be able to set up some additional parameters - <b>distance from text</b> at all sides (top, bottom, left, right).</p>
<p id="position"><img alt="Image - Advanced Settings: Position" src="../images/image_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Position</b> tab is available only if you select a wrapping style other than inline. This tab contains the following parameters that vary depending on the selected wrapping style:</p>
<li><b>Orizzontale</b> permette di regolare l'<b>allineamento</b> dell'immagine (a sinistra, al centro, a destra) <b>rispetto a</b> carattere, colonna, margine sinistro, margine, pagina o margine destro e anche la <b>posizione a destra di </b> carattere, colonna, margine sinistro, margine, pagina o margine destro.</li>
<li><b>Verticale</b> permette di regolare l'<b>allineamento</b> dell'immagine (in alto, al centro, in basso) <b>rispetto a</b> stringa, margine, margine inferiore, paragrafo, pagina o margine superiore e anche la <b>posizione al di sotto</b> di stringa, margine, margine inferiore, paragrafo, pagina o margine superiore.</li>
<li><b>Sposta oggetto con testo</b> si usa per spostare il testo insieme con l'immagine inserita.</li>
<li><b>Consenti sovrapposizione</b> si usa per sovrappore due immagini quando sono trascinate l'una vicino all'altra.</li>
The <b>Horizontal</b> section allows you to select one of the following three image positioning types:
<li><b>Alignment</b> (left, center, right) <b>relative to</b> character, column, left margin, margin, page or right margin,</li>
<li>Absolute <b>Position</b> measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) <b>to the right of</b> character, column, left margin, margin, page or right margin,</li>
<li><b>Relative position</b> measured in percent <b>relative to</b> the left margin, margin, page or right margin.</li>
The <b>Vertical</b> section allows you to select one of the following three image positioning types:
<li><b>Alignment</b> (top, center, bottom) <b>relative to</b> line, margin, bottom margin, paragraph, page or top margin,</li>
<li>Absolute <b>Position</b> measured in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) <b>below</b> line, margin, bottom margin, paragraph, page or top margin,</li>
<li><b>Relative position</b> measured in percent <b>relative to</b> the margin, bottom margin, page or top margin.</li>
<li><b>Move object with text</b> controls whether the image moves as the text to which it is anchored moves.</li>
<li><b>Allow overlap</b> controls whether two images overlap or not if you drag them near each other on the page.</li>
<p><img alt="Image - Advanced Settings" src="../images/image_properties_3.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Alternative Text</b> tab allows to specify a <b>Title</b> and <b>Description</b> which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the image.</p>
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<title>Insert page numbers</title>
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<h1>Inserire numeri di pagina</h1>
<p>Per inserire i numeri di pagina nel vostro documento,</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Insert page numbers</h1>
<p>To insert page numbers into your document,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Modifica intestazione o piè di pagina</b> <img alt="Modifica intestazione o piè di pagina" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>cliccate su <b>Inserisci numero di pagina</b> <img alt="Inserisci numero di pagina" src="../images/insertpagenumber.png" />,</li>
<li>selezionate una delle seguenti opzioni:
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <b>Header/Footer</b> <img alt="Header/Footer icon" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>choose the <b>Insert Page Number</b> submenu,</li>
<li>select one of the following options:
<li>Per mettere un numero su ogni pagina del vostro documento, specificate la posizione del numero nella pagina.</li>
<li>Per inserire un numero alla posizione attuale del cursore, selezionare l'opzione <b>Alla posizione corrente</b>.</li>
<li>To put a page number to each page of your document, select the page number position on the page.</li>
<li>To insert a page number at the current cursor position, select the <b>To Current Position</b> option.
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: to insert a current page number at the current cursor position you can also use the <em>Ctrl+Shift+P</em> key combination.
<p>Per modificare le impostazioni della numerazione,</p>
<p>To insert the total number of pages in your document (e.g. if you want to create the <em>Page X of Y</em> entry):</p>
<li>put the cursor where you want to insert the total number of pages,</li>
<li>click the <b>Header/Footer</b> <img alt="Header/Footer icon" src="../images/headerfooter.png" /> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Insert number of pages</b> option.</li>
<hr />
<p>To edit the page number settings,</p>
<li>fate doppio clic sul numero di pagina inserito,</li>
<li>cambiate i parametri attuali sulla barra destra: la <b>posizione</b> dei numeri nella pagina e anche rispetto alla parte superiore e quella inferiore della pagina.
Potete anche selezionare la casella <b>Diversi per la prima pagina</b> per inserire un numero diverso nella prima pagina o se non desiderate aggiungere nessun numero. La casella <b>Diversi per pagine pari e dispari</b> si usa per inserire i numeri di pagina diversi nelle pagine pari e dispari.
<p><img alt="Barra destra - Impostazioni intestazione o piè di pagina" src="../images/right_headerfooter.png" /></p>
<li>double-click the page number added,</li>
<li>change the current parameters at the right sidebar:
<p><img alt="Right Sidebar - Header and Footer Settings" src="../images/right_headerfooter.png" /></p>
<li>Set the <b>Position</b> of page numbers on the page as well as relative to the top and bottom of the page.</li>
<li>Check the <b>Different first page</b> box to apply a different page number to the very first page or in case you don't want to add any number to it at all. </li>
<li>Use the <b>Different odd and even pages</b> box to insert different page numbers for odd and even pages. </li>
<li>The <b>Link to Previous</b> option is available in case you've previously added <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sections</a> into your document.
If not, it will be grayed out. Moreover, this option is also unavailable for the very first section (i.e. when a header or footer that belongs to the first section is selected).
By default, this box is checked, so that unified numbering is applied to all the sections. If you select a header or footer area, you will see that the area is marked with the <b>Same as Previous</b> label.
Uncheck the <b>Link to Previous</b> box to use different page numbering for each section of the document. The <b>Same as Previous</b> label will no longer be displayed.
<p><img alt="Same as previous label" src="../images/sameasprevious_label.png" /></p></li>
<li>The <b>Page Numbering</b> section allows to adjust page numbering options across different <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">sections</a> of the document.
The <b>Continue from previous section</b> option is selected by default and allows to keep continuous page numbering after a section break.
If you want to start page numbering with a specific number in the current section of the document, select the <b>Start at</b> radio button and enter the necessary starting value in the field on the right. </li>
<p>Per riprendere la modifica del documento, fate doppio clic all'interno della zona di lavoro.</p>
<p>To return to the document editing, double-click within the working area.</p>
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<h1>Inserire simboli e caratteri</h1>
<p>Durante il processo di lavoro potrebbe essere necessario inserire un simbolo che non si trova sulla tastiera. Per inserire tali simboli nel tuo documento, usa l’opzione <img alt="Inserisci simbolo" src="../images/vector.png" /> <b>Inserisci simbolo</b> e segui questi semplici passaggi:</p>
<li>posiziona il cursore nella posizione in cui deve essere inserito un simbolo speciale,</li>
<li>passa alla scheda <b>Inserisci</b> della barra degli strumenti in alto,</li>
fai clic sull’icona <img alt="Simbolo" src="../images/vector.png" /> <b>Simbolo</b>,
<p><img alt="Inserisci simbolo" src="../images/insert_symbol_window.png" /></p>
<li>viene visualizzata la scheda di dialogo <b>Simbolo</b> da cui è possibile selezionare il simbolo appropriato,</li>
<p>utilizza la sezione <b>Intervallo</b> per trovare rapidamente il simbolo necessario. Tutti i simboli sono divisi in gruppi specifici, ad esempio seleziona "Simboli di valuta” se desideri inserire un carattere di valuta.</p>
<p>se questo carattere non è nel set, seleziona un carattere diverso. Molti di loro hanno anche caratteri diversi dal set standard.</p>
<p>in alternativa, immetti il valore esadecimale Unicode del simbolo desiderato nel campo <b>valore Unicode HEX</b>. Questo codice si trova nella <b>Mappa caratteri</b>.</p>
<p>i simboli utilizzati in precedenza vengono visualizzati anche nel campo <b>Simboli usati di recente</b>,</p>
<li>fai clic su <b>Inserisci</b>. Il carattere selezionato verrà aggiunto al documento.</li>
<h2>Inserire simboli ASCII</h2>
<p>La tabella ASCII viene anche utilizzata per aggiungere caratteri.</p>
<p>Per fare ciò, tieni premuto il tasto ALT e usa il tastierino numerico per inserire il codice carattere.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: assicurarsi di utilizzare il tastierino numerico, non i numeri sulla tastiera principale. Per abilitare il tastierino numerico, premere il tasto Bloc Num.</p>
<p>Ad esempio, per aggiungere ad un paragrafo il carattere (§), premere e tenere premuto il tasto ALT mentre si digita 789 e quindi rilasciare il tasto ALT.</p>
<h2>Inserire simboli usando la tabella Unicode</h2>
<p>Ulteriori caratteri e simboli possono essere trovati anche nella tabella dei simboli di Windows. Per aprire questa tabella, effettuate una delle seguenti operazioni:</p>
<li>nel campo Ricerca scrivi 'Tabella caratteri' e aprila,</li>
in alternativa premi contemporaneamente Win + R, quindi nella seguente finestra digita <code>charmap.exe</code> e fai clic su OK.
<p><img alt="Inserisci simbolo" src="../images/insert_symbols_windows.png" /></p>
<p>Nella <b>Mappa caratteri</b> aperta, selezionare uno dei <b>Set di caratteri</b>, <b>Gruppi</b> e <b>Caratteri</b>. Quindi, fai clic sui caratteri necessari, copiali negli appunti e incollali nella posizione corretta del documento.</p>
@ -1,112 +1,191 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserire tabelle</title>
<title>Insert tables</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Aggiungete una tabella al vostro documento e configurate le sue proprietà" />
<meta name="description" content="Add a table to your document and adjust its properties" />
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<h1>Inserire tabelle</h1>
<p>Per inserire una tabella nel documento,</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Insert tables</h1>
<h3>Insert a table</h3>
<p>To insert a table into the document text,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore nel punto dove desiderate inserire la tabella,</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci tabella</b> <img alt="Inserisci tabella" src="../images/table.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore,</li>
<li>selezionate per creare:
<li>place the cursor where you want the table to be put,</li>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>click the <img alt="Table icon" src="../images/table.png" /> <b>Table</b> icon at the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the option to create a table:
<li><p>una tabella con il numero di celle predefinito (10 per 8 celle maximum)</p>
<p>Se desiderate velocemente aggiungere una tabella, selezionate il numero di righe (8 maximum) e di colonne (10 maximum).</p></li>
<li><p>una tabella personalizzata</p>
<p>Se avete bisogno di una tabella superiore a 10 per 8 celle, selezionate l'opzione <b>Inserisci tabella personalizzata</b> per aprire la finestra corrispondente, inserite il numero di righe e colonne necessario e cliccate sul pulsante <b>OK</b>.</p></li>
<li><p>either a table with predefined number of cells (10 by 8 cells maximum)</p>
<p>If you want to quickly add a table, just select the number of rows (8 maximum) and columns (10 maximum).</p></li>
<li><p>or a custom table</p>
<p>In case you need more than 10 by 8 cell table, select the <b>Insert Custom Table</b> option that will open the window where you can enter the necessary number of rows and columns respectively, then click the <b>OK</b> button.</p>
<p><img alt="Custom table" src="../images/customtable.png" /></p>
<li>If you want to draw a table using the mouse, select the <b>Draw Table</b> option. This can be useful, if you want to create a table with rows and colums of different sizes. The mouse cursor will turn into the pencil <img alt="Mouse Cursor when drawing a table" src="../images/pencil_tool.png" />. Draw a rectangular shape where you want to add a table, then add rows by drawing horizontal lines and columns by drawing vertical lines within the table boundary.</li>
<li>dopo aver inserito la tabella potete cambiare i suoi parametri e la posizione.</li>
<li>once the table is added you can change its properties, size and position.</li>
<hr />
<p>Certi parametri della tabella e anche la sua struttura possono essere modificati usando il menu contestuale. Le opzioni del menu sono le seguenti:</p>
<p>To resize a table, hover the mouse cursor over the <img alt="Square icon" src="../images/resizetable_handle.png" /> handle in its lower right corner and drag it until the table reaches the necessary size.</p>
<p><img alt="Resize table" src="../images/resizetable.png" /></p>
<p>You can also manually change the width of a certain column or the height of a row. Move the mouse cursor over the right border of the column so that the cursor turns into the bidirectional arrow <img alt="Mouse Cursor when changing column width" src="../images/changecolumnwidth.png" /> and drag the border to the left or right to set the necessary width. To change the height of a single row manually, move the mouse cursor over the bottom border of the row so that the cursor turns into the bidirectional arrow <img alt="Mouse Cursor when changing row height" src="../images/changerowheight.png" /> and drag the border up or down.</p>
<p>To move a table, hold down the <img alt="Select table handle" src="../images/movetable_handle.png" /> handle in its upper left corner and drag it to the necessary place in the document.</p>
<p>It's also possible to add a caption to the table. To learn more on how to work with captions for tables, you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddCaption.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this article</a>.</p>
<hr />
<h3>Select a table or its part</h3>
<p>To select an entire table, click the <img alt="Select table handle" src="../images/movetable_handle.png" /> handle in its upper left corner.</p>
<p>To select a certain cell, move the mouse cursor to the left side of the necessary cell so that the cursor turns into the black arrow <img alt="Select cell" src="../images/selectcellpointer.png" />, then left-click.</p>
<p>To select a certain row, move the mouse cursor to the left border of the table next to the necessary row so that the cursor turns into the horizontal black arrow <img alt="Select row" src="../images/selectrowpointer.png" />, then left-click.</p>
<p>To select a certain column, move the mouse cursor to the top border of the necessary column so that the cursor turns into the downward black arrow <img alt="Select column" src="../images/selectcolumnpointer.png" />, then left-click.</p>
<p>It's also possible to select a cell, row, column or table using options from the contextual menu or from the <b>Rows & Columns</b> section at the right sidebar.</p>
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: to move around in a table you can use <a href="../HelpfulHints/KeyboardShortcuts.htm#workwithtables" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">keyboard shortcuts</a>.
<hr />
<h3>Adjust table settings</h3>
<p>Some of the table properties as well as its structure can be altered using the right-click menu. The menu options are:</p>
<li><b>Seleziona</b> si usa per selezionare una riga, una colonna, una cella, o una tabella per intera.</li>
<li><b>Inserisci riga</b> si usa per inserire una riga al di sopra o al di sotto della riga sulla quale è posizionato il cursore.</li>
<li><b>Inserisci colonna</b> si usa per inserire una colonna a sinistra o a destra della colonna sulla quale è posizionato il cursore.</li>
<li><b>Elimina</b> si usa per eliminare una riga, una colonna o una tabella.</li>
<li><b>Unisci celle</b> si usa per unire due o più celle selezionate.</li>
<li><b>Dividi cella...</b> si usa per aprire la finestra e specificare il numero di colonne e di righe necessario per dividere la cella.</li>
<li><b>Allineamento verticale celle</b> si usa per allineare il testo in alto, al centro o in basso nella cella selezionata.</li>
<li><b>Stile - In linea</b> si usa per disporre la tabella in linea con il testo e anche regolare il suo allineamento: a sinistra, al centro, a destra.</li>
<li><b>Stile - Mobile</b> si usa per disporre il testo attorno alla tabella.</li>
<li><b>Impostazioni avanzate della tabella</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate'.</li>
<li><b>Collegamento ipertestuale</b> si usa per inserire un collegamento ipertestuale.</li>
<li><b>Paragrafo</b> si usa per mettere le stringhe insieme o aprire la finestra 'Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate'.</li>
<li><b>Cut, Copy, Paste</b> - standard options which are used to cut or copy a selected text/object and paste a previously cut/copied text passage or object to the current cursor position.</li>
<li><b>Select</b> is used to select a row, column, cell, or table.</li>
<li><b>Insert</b> is used to insert a row above or row below the row where the cursor is placed as well as to insert a column at the left or right side from the column where the cursor is placed.
<p>It's also possible to insert several rows or columns. If you select the <b>Several Rows/Columns</b> option, the <b>Insert Several</b> window opens. Select the <b>Rows</b> or <b>Columns</b> option from the list, specify the number of rows/column you want to add, choose where they should be added: <b>Above the cursor</b> or <b>Below the cursor</b> and click <b>OK</b>.</p>
<li><b>Delete</b> is used to delete a row, column, table or cells. If you select the <b>Cells</b> option, the <b>Delete Cells</b> window will open, where you can select if you want to <b>Shift cells left</b>, <b>Delete entire row</b>, or <b>Delete entire column</b>.</li>
<li><b>Merge Cells</b> is available if two or more cells are selected and is used to merge them.
It's also possible to merge cells by erasing a boundary between them using the eraser tool. To do this, click the <img alt="Table icon" src="../images/table.png" /> <b>Table</b> icon at the top toolbar, choose the <b>Erase Table</b> option. The mouse cursor will turn into the eraser <img alt="Mouse Cursor when erasing borders" src="../images/eraser_tool.png" />. Move the mouse cursor over the border between the cells you want to merge and erase it.
<li><b>Split Cell...</b> is used to open a window where you can select the needed number of columns and rows the cell will be split in.
It's also possible to split a cell by drawing rows or columns using the pencil tool. To do this, click the <img alt="Table icon" src="../images/table.png" /> <b>Table</b> icon at the top toolbar, choose the <b>Draw Table</b> option. The mouse cursor will turn into the pencil <img alt="Mouse Cursor when drawing a table" src="../images/pencil_tool.png" />. Draw a horizontal line to create a row or a vertical line to create a column.
<li><b>Distribute rows</b> is used to adjust the selected cells so that they have the same height without changing the overall table height.</li>
<li><b>Distribute columns</b> is used to adjust the selected cells so that they have the same width without changing the overall table width.</li>
<li><b>Cell Vertical Alignment</b> is used to align the text top, center or bottom in the selected cell.</li>
<li><b>Text Direction</b> - is used to change the text orientation in a cell. You can place the text horizontally, vertically from top to bottom (<b>Rotate Text Down</b>), or vertically from bottom to top (<b>Rotate Text Up</b>).</li>
<li><b>Table Advanced Settings</b> is used to open the 'Table - Advanced Settings' window.</li>
<li><b>Hyperlink</b> is used to insert a hyperlink.</li>
<li><b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> is used to open the 'Paragraph - Advanced Settings' window.</li>
<hr />
<p><img class="floatleft"alt="Barra destra - Impostazioni tabella" src="../images/right_table.png" /></p>
<p>Potete configurare le impostazioni della tabella anche sulla barra destra:</p>
<p><img class="floatleft"alt="Right Sidebar - Table Settings" src="../images/right_table.png" /></p>
<p>You can also change the table properties at the right sidebar:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 280px;">
<li><p><b>Righe</b> e <b>Colonne</b> si usano per selezionare le parti da evidenziare.</p>
<p>Per righe:</p>
<li><p><b>Rows</b> and <b>Columns</b> are used to select the table parts that you want to be highlighted.</p>
<p>For rows:</p>
<li><i>Intestazione</i> - per evidenziare la prima riga</li>
<li><i>Totale</i> - per evidenziare l'ultima riga</li>
<li><i>Altera</i> - per attivare le righe alternate evidenziate</li>
<li><i>Header</i> - to highlight the first row</li>
<li><i>Total</i> - to highlight the last row</li>
<li><i>Banded</i> - to highlight every other row</li>
<p>Per colonne:</p>
<p>For columns:</p>
<li><i>Prima</i> - per evidenziare la prima colonna sinistra</li>
<li><i>Ultima</i> - per evidenziare l'ultima colonna</li>
<li><i>Altera</i> - per attivare le colonne alternate evidenziate</li>
<li><i>First</i> - to highlight the first column</li>
<li><i>Last</i> - to highlight the last column</li>
<li><i>Banded</i> - to highlight every other column</li>
<li><p><b>Seleziona da modello</b> si usa per selezionare un modello di tabella da applicare.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Stile bordi</b> si usa per selezionare lo spessore bordi, il colore, lo stile e anche il colore sfondo.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Disposizione testo</b> si usa per applicare uno degli stili: in linea o mobile.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Righe e colonne</b> si usa per effettuare le operazioni con la tabella: selezionare, eliminare, inserire righe e colonne, unire celle, dividere una cella.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Ripeti come riga di intestazione in ogni pagina</b> si usa per inserire la stessa riga di intestazione nella parte superiore di ogni pagina nelle tabelle lunghe.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> si usa per aprire la finestra 'Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate'.</p></li>
<hr style="clear:both" />
<p>Per modificare le impostazioni della tabella avanzate, cliccate sulla tabella con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate della tabella</b> dal menu contestuale o cliccate sul collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra. Si apre la seguente finestra:</p>
<img alt="Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/table_properties_1.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Larghezza e spazi</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<li><b>Larghezza</b> - la larghezza della tabella selezionata regolata a mano o automaticamente per adattare alla larghezza della pagina.</li>
<li><b>Consenti spaziatura tra celle</b> - la spaziatura della cella da riempire con il colore di <b>Sfondo tabella</b>.</li>
<li><b>Adatta automaticamente al contenuto</b> - la modifica automatica della larghezza della colonna per adattarla al testo nella cella.</li>
<li><b>Margini predefiniti</b> - lo spazio predefinito tra il testo nella cella e i bordi della cella. I valori possono essere modificati.</li>
<li><p><b>Select from Template</b> is used to choose a table template from the available ones.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Borders Style</b> is used to select the border size, color, style as well as background color.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Rows & Columns</b> is used to perform some operations with the table: select, delete, insert rows and columns, merge cells, split a cell.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Rows & Columns Size</b> is used to adjust the width and height of the currently selected cell. In this section, you can also <b>Distribute rows</b> so that all the selected cells have equal height or <b>Distribute columns</b> so that all the selected cells have equal width.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Add formula</b> is used to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddFormulasInTables.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">insert a formula</a> into the selected table cell.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Repeat as header row at the top of each page</b> is used to insert the same header row at the top of each page in long tables.</p></li>
<li><p><b>Show advanced settings</b> is used to open the 'Table - Advanced Settings' window.</p></li>
<hr />
<img alt="Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/table_properties_2.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Disposizione testo</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<h3>Adjust table advanced settings</h3>
<p>To change the advanced table properties, click the table with the right mouse button and select the <b>Table Advanced Settings</b> option from the right-click menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar. The table properties window will open:</p>
<p><img alt="Table - Advanced Settings" src="../images/table_properties_1.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Table</b> tab allows to change properties of the entire table.</p>
<li>The <b>Table Size</b> section contains the following parameters:
<b>Width</b> - by default, the table width is automatically adjusted to fit the page width, i.e. the table occupies all the space between the left and right page margin. You can check this box and specify the necessary table width manually.
<li><b>Measure in</b> - allows to specify if you want to set the table width in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) or in <b>Percent</b> of the overall page width.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: you can also adjust the table size manually changing the row height and column width. Move the mouse cursor over a row/column border until it turns into the bidirectional arrow and drag the border. You can also use the <img alt="Table - Column Width Marker" src="../images/columnwidthmarker.png" /> markers on the horizontal ruler to change the column width and the <img alt="Table - Row Height Marker" src="../images/rowheightmarker.png" /> markers on the vertical ruler to change the row height.</p>
<li><b>Automatically resize to fit contents</b> - enables automatic change of each column width in accordance with the text within its cells.</li>
<li>The <b>Default Cell Margins</b> section allows to change the space between the text within the cells and the cell border used by default.</li>
<li>The <b>Options</b> section allows to change the following parameter:
<li><b>Spacing between cells</b> - the cell spacing which will be filled with the <b>Table Background</b> color.</li>
<p><img alt="Table - Advanced Settings" src="../images/table_properties_5.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Cell</b> tab allows to change properties of individual cells. First you need to select the cell you want to apply the changes to or select the entire table to change properties of all its cells.</p>
The <b>Cell Size</b> section contains the following parameters:
<li><b>Preferred width</b> - allows to set a preferred cell width. This is the size that a cell strives to fit to, but in some cases it may not be possible to fit to this exact value. For example, if the text within a cell exceeds the specified width, it will be broken into the next line so that the preferred cell width remains unchanged, but if you insert a new column, the preferred width will be reduced.</li>
<li><b>Measure in</b> - allows to specify if you want to set the cell width in absolute units i.e. <b>Centimeters</b>/<b>Points</b>/<b>Inches</b> (depending on the option specified at the <b>File</b> -> <b>Advanced Settings...</b> tab) or in <b>Percent</b> of the overall table width.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: you can also adjust the cell width manually. To make a single cell in a column wider or narrower than the overall column width, select the necessary cell and move the mouse cursor over its right border until it turns into the bidirectional arrow, then drag the border. To change the width of all the cells in a column, use the <img alt="Table - Column Width Marker" src="../images/columnwidthmarker.png" /> markers on the horizontal ruler to change the column width.</p>
<li>The <b>Cell Margins</b> section allows to adjust the space between the text within the cells and the cell border. By default, standard values are used (the default values can also be altered at the <b>Table</b> tab), but you can uncheck the <b>Use default margins</b> box and enter the necessary values manually.</li>
The <b>Cell Options</b> section allows to change the following parameter:
<li>The <b>Wrap text</b> option is enabled by default. It allows to wrap text within a cell that exceeds its width onto the next line expanding the row height and keeping the column width unchanged.</li>
<p><img alt="Table - Advanced Settings" src="../images/table_properties_3.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Borders & Background</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<b>Border</b> parameters (size, color and presence or absence) - set the border size, select its color and choose the way it will be displayed in the cells.
<p class="note">
<b>Note</b>: in case you select not to show table borders clicking the <img alt="No borders" src="../images/noborders.png" /> button or deselecting all the borders manually on the diagram, they will be indicated by a dotted line in the document.
To make them disappear at all, click the <b>Nonprinting characters</b> <img alt="Nonprinting characters" src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the <b>Hidden Table Borders</b> option.
<li><b>Cell Background</b> - the color for the background within the cells (available only if one or more cells are selected or the <b>Allow spacing between cells</b> option is selected at the <b>Table</b> tab).</li>
<li><b>Table Background</b> - the color for the table background or the space background between the cells in case the <b>Allow spacing between cells</b> option is selected at the <b>Table</b> tab.</li>
<p id="position"><img alt="Table - Advanced Settings" src="../images/table_properties_4.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Table Position</b> tab is available only if the <b>Flow table</b> option at the <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab is selected and contains the following parameters:</p>
<li>Tipo di disposizione testo - <b>Tabella in linea</b> o <b>Tabella mobile</b>. Utilizzate l'opzione necessaria per cambiare il modo da posizionare la tabella rispetto al testo: la tabella può rimanere insieme al testo (in linea con il testo) o il testo può essere disposto attorno alla tabella (mobile).</li>
<li>Dopo aver selezionato il tipo di disposizione, impostate i parametri addizionali:
<li>Per la tabella in linea, potete specificare l'<b>allineamento</b> della tabella e il <b>rientro da sinistra</b>.</li>
<li>Per la tabella mobile, potete specificare la <b>distanza da testo</b> e la <b>posizione</b> della tabella nella pagina (calcolata dalla parte superiore e dalla parte sinistra della pagina).</li>
<hr />
<img alt="Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/table_properties_3.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Bordi e sfondo</b> contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<li>Parametri di <b>Bordo</b> (spessore, colore e presenza o assenza) - impostate lo spessore del bordo, selezionate il suo colore e il modo da visualizzare nelle celle.
<p class="note"><b>Nota</b>: se selezionate non visualizzare i bordi della tabella cliccando sul pulsante <img alt="Nessun bordo" src="../images/noborders.png" /> o deselezionando tutti i bordi a mano sul diagramma, i bordi vengono indicati da una linea punteggiata nel documento.
Per far sparirli completamente, cliccate sull'icona <b>Caratteri non stampabili</b> <img alt="Caratteri non stampabili" src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore e selezionate l'opzione <b>Bordi tabella nascosti</b>.</p>
<li><b>Sfondo cella</b> - il colore dello sfondo nella cella.</li>
<li><b>Sfondo tabella</b> - il colore dello sfondo per lo spazio tra le celle nel caso in cui l'opzione <b>Consenti spaziatura tra celle</b> è selezionata nella scheda <b>Larghezza e spazi</b>.</li>
<img alt="Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/table_properties_4.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Posizione</b> è disponibile solo se viene selezionato il tipo di disposizione <b>Tabella dinamica</b> nella scheda <b>Disposizione testo</b> e contiene i seguenti parametri:</p>
<li><b>Orizzontale</b> permette di regolare l'<b>allineamento</b> della tabella (a sinistra, al centro, a destra) <b>rispetto a</b> margine, pagina o testo e anche la <b>posizione a destra di</b> margine, pagina o testo.</li>
<li><b>Verticale</b> permette di regolare l'<b>allineamento</b> della tabella (in alto, al centro, in basso) <b>rispetto a</b> margine, pagina o testo e anche la <b>posizione al di sotto</b> del margine, pagina o testo.</li>
<li><b>Sposta oggetto con testo</b> si usa per spostare il testo insieme con la tabella inserita.</li>
<li><b>Consenti sovrapposizione</b> si usa per sovrappore due tabelle (se l'opzione è attivata) oppure unirle quando sono trascinate l'una vicino l'altra.</li>
<img alt="Tabella - Impostazioni avanzate" src="../images/table_properties_5.png" />
<p>La scheda <b>Proprietà cella</b> vi permette di regolare i <b>Margini cella</b> cioè lo spazio tra il testo nella cella e i suoi bordi. Potete usare i valori predefiniti (potete modificarli nella scheda <b>Larghezza e spazi</b>), o inserirli a mano.</p>
<li><b>Horizontal</b> parameters include the table <b>alignment</b> (left, center, right) <b>relative to</b> margin, page or text as well as the table <b>position to the right of</b> margin, page or text.</li>
<li><b>Vertical</b> parameters include the table <b>alignment</b> (top, center, bottom) <b>relative to</b> margin, page or text as well as the table <b>position below</b> margin, page or text.</li>
<li>The <b>Options</b> section allows to change the following parameters:
<li><b>Move object with text</b> controls whether the table moves as the text into which it is inserted moves.</li>
<li><b>Allow overlap</b> controls whether two tables are merged into one large table or overlap if you drag them near each other on the page.</li>
<p><img alt="Table - Advanced Settings" src="../images/table_properties_2.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Text Wrapping</b> tab contains the following parameters:</p>
<li>Text <b>wrapping style</b> - <b>Inline table</b> or <b>Flow table</b>. Use the necessary option to change the way the table is positioned relative to the text: it will either be a part of the text (in case you select the inline table) or bypassed by it from all sides (if you select the flow table).</li>
After you select the wrapping style, the additional wrapping parameters can be set both for inline and flow tables:
<li>For the inline table, you can specify the table <b>alignment</b> and <b>indent from left</b>.</li>
<li>For the flow table, you can specify the <b>distance from text</b> and table <b>position</b> at the <b>Table Position</b> tab.</li>
<p><img alt="Table - Advanced Settings" src="../images/table_properties_6.png" /></p>
<p>The <b>Alternative Text</b> tab allows to specify a <b>Title</b> and <b>Description</b> which will be read to the people with vision or cognitive impairments to help them better understand what information there is in the table.</p>
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<h1>Insert text objects</h1>
<p>To make your text more emphatic and draw attention to a specific part of the document, you can insert a text box (a rectangular frame that allows to enter text within it) or a Text Art object (a text box with a predefined font style and color that allows to apply some text effects).</p>
<h3>Add a text object</h3>
<p>You can add a text object anywhere on the page. To do that:</p>
<li>switch to the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the necessary text object type:
<li>to add a text box, click the <img alt="Text Box icon" src="../images/inserttexticon.png" /> <b>Text Box</b> icon at the top toolbar, then click where you want to insert the text box, hold the mouse button and drag the text box border to specify its size. When you release the mouse button, the insertion point will appear in the added text box, allowing you to enter your text.
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: it's also possible to insert a text box by clicking the <img alt="Shape icon" src="../images/insertautoshape.png" /> <b>Shape</b> icon at the top toolbar and selecting the <img alt="Insert Text autoshape" src="../images/text_autoshape.png" /> shape from the <b>Basic Shapes</b> group.</p>
<li>to add a Text Art object, click the <img alt="Text Art icon" src="../images/inserttextarticon.png" /> <b>Text Art</b> icon at the top toolbar, then click on the desired style template – the Text Art object will be added at the current cursor position. Select the default text within the text box with the mouse and replace it with your own text.</li>
<li>click outside of the text object to apply the changes and return to the document.</li>
<p>The text within the text object is a part of the latter (when you move or rotate the text object, the text moves or rotates with it).</p>
<p>As an inserted text object represents a rectangular frame with text in it (Text Art objects have invisible text box borders by default) and this frame is a common autoshape, you can change both the shape and text properties.</p>
<p>To delete the added text object, click on the text box border and press the <b>Delete</b> key on the keyboard. The text within the text box will also be deleted.</p>
<h3>Format a text box</h3>
<p>Select the text box clicking on its border to be able to change its properties. When the text box is selected, its borders are displayed as solid (not dashed) lines.</p>
<p><img alt="Text box selected" src="../images/textbox_boxselected.png" /></p>
<li>to <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_resize" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">resize, move, rotate</a> the text box use the special handles on the edges of the shape.</li>
<li>to edit the text box <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_fill" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">fill</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_stroke" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">stroke</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_wrapping" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">wrapping style</a> or <b>replace</b> the rectangular box with a different shape, click the <b>Shape settings</b> <img alt="Shape settings icon" src="../images/shape_settings_icon.png" /> icon on the right sidebar and use the corresponding options.</li>
<li>to <b>align</b> the text box on the page, <b>arrange</b> text boxes as related to other objects, <b>rotate or flip</b> a text box, change a <b>wrapping style</b> or access the shape <b>advanced settings</b>, right-click on the text box border and use the <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertAutoshapes.htm#shape_rightclickmenu" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">contextual menu options</a>. To learn more on how to arrange and align objects you can refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignArrangeObjects.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</li>
<h3>Format the text within the text box</h3>
<p>Click the text within the text box to be able to change its properties. When the text is selected, the text box borders are displayed as dashed lines.</p>
<p><img alt="Text selected" src="../images/textbox_textselected.png" /></p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: it's also possible to change text formatting when the text box (not the text itself) is selected. In such a case, any changes will be applied to all the text within the text box. Some font formatting options (font type, size, color and decoration styles) can be applied to a previously selected portion of the text separately.</p>
<p>To <b>rotate</b> the text within the text box, right-click the text, select the <b>Text Direction</b> option and then choose one of the available options: <b>Horizontal</b> (is selected by default), <b>Rotate Text Down</b> (sets a vertical direction, from top to bottom) or <b>Rotate Text Up</b> (sets a vertical direction, from bottom to top).</p>
<p>To <b>align the text vertically</b> within the text box, right-click the text, select the <b>Vertical Alignment</b> option and then choose one of the available options: <b>Align Top</b>, <b>Align Center</b> or <b>Align Bottom</b>.</p>
<p>Other formatting options that you can apply are the same as the ones for regular text. Please refer to the corresponding help sections to learn more about the necessary operation. You can:</p>
<li><a href="../UsageInstructions/AlignText.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">align the text horizontally</a> within the text box</li>
<li>adjust the <a href="../UsageInstructions/FontTypeSizeColor.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">font type, size, color</a>, apply <a href="../UsageInstructions/DecorationStyles.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">decoration styles</a> and <a href="../UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">formatting presets</a></li>
<li>set <a href="../UsageInstructions/LineSpacing.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">line spacing</a>, change <a href="../UsageInstructions/ParagraphIndents.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">paragraph indents</a>, adjust <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetTabStops.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">tab stops</a> for the multi-line text within the text box</li>
<li>insert a <a href="../UsageInstructions/AddHyperlinks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">hyperlink</a></li>
<p>You can also click the <b>Text Art settings</b> <img alt="Text Art settings icon" src="../images/textart_settings_icon.png" /> icon on the right sidebar and change some style parameters.</p>
<h3>Edit a Text Art style</h3>
<p>Select a text object and click the <b>Text Art settings</b> <img alt="Text Art settings icon" src="../images/textart_settings_icon.png" /> icon on the right sidebar.</p>
<p><img alt="Text Art setting tab" src="../images/right_textart.png" /></p>
<p>Change the applied text style selecting a new <b>Template</b> from the gallery. You can also change the basic style additionally by selecting a different font type, size etc.</p>
<p>Change the font <b>Fill</b>. You can choose the following options:</p>
<b>Color Fill</b> - select this option to specify the solid color you want to fill the inner space of letters with.
<p><img alt="Color Fill" src="../images/fill_color.png" /></p>
<p id="color">Click the colored box below and select the necessary color from the available <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">color sets</a> or specify any color you like:</p>
<b>Gradient Fill</b> - select this option to fill the letters with two colors which smoothly change from one to another.
<p><img alt="Gradient Fill" src="../images/fill_gradient.png" /></p>
<li><b>Style</b> - choose one of the available options: <b>Linear</b> (colors change in a straight line i.e. along a horizontal/vertical axis or diagonally at a 45 degree angle) or <b>Radial</b> (colors change in a circular path from the center to the edges).</li>
<li><b>Direction</b> - choose a template from the menu. If the <b>Linear</b> gradient is selected, the following directions are available: top-left to bottom-right, top to bottom, top-right to bottom-left, right to left, bottom-right to top-left, bottom to top, bottom-left to top-right, left to right. If the <b>Radial</b> gradient is selected, only one template is available.</li>
<li><b>Gradient</b> - click on the left slider <img alt="Slider" src="../images/gradientslider.png" /> under the gradient bar to activate the color box which corresponds to the first color. Click on the color box on the right to choose the first color in the palette. Drag the slider to set the gradient stop i.e. the point where one color changes into another. Use the right slider under the gradient bar to specify the second color and set the gradient stop.</li>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: if one of these two options is selected, you can also set an <b>Opacity</b> level dragging the slider or entering the percent value manually. The default value is <b>100%</b>. It corresponds to the full opacity. The <b>0%</b> value corresponds to the full transparency.</p>
<li><b>No Fill</b> - select this option if you don't want to use any fill.</li>
<p>Adjust the font <b>Stroke</b> width, color and type.</p>
<li>To change the stroke width, select one of the available options from the <b>Size</b> dropdown list. The available options are: 0.5 pt, 1 pt, 1.5 pt, 2.25 pt, 3 pt, 4.5 pt, 6 pt. Alternatively, select the <b>No Line</b> option if you don't want to use any stroke.</li>
<li>To change the stroke <b>color</b>, click on the colored box below and <a href="../UsageInstructions/ChangeColorScheme.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">select the necessary color</a>.</li>
<li>To change the stroke <b>type</b>, select the necessary option from the corresponding dropdown list (a solid line is applied by default, you can change it to one of the available dashed lines).</li>
<p>Apply a text effect by selecting the necessary text transformation type from the <b>Transform</b> gallery. You can adjust the degree of the text distortion by dragging the pink diamond-shaped handle.</p>
<p><img alt="Text Art Transformation" src="../images/textart_transformation.png" /></p>
@ -1,30 +1,42 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Impostare interlinea di paragrafo</title>
<title>Set paragraph line spacing</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Impostate l'interlinea di paragrafo nel vostro documento" />
<meta name="description" content="Set paragraph line spacing in your document" />
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<h1>Impostare interlinea di paragrafo</h1>
<p>TeamLab Document Editor vi offre la possibilità d'impostare l'altezza della stringa per le stringhe di testo all'interno del paragrafo e anche i margini tra il paragrafo attuale e quello precedente o successivo.</p>
<p>Per farlo,</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Set paragraph line spacing</h1>
<p>In Document Editor, you can set the line height for the text lines within the paragraph as well as the margins between the current and the preceding or the subsequent paragraph.</p>
<p>To do that,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore all'interno del paragrafo necessario, o selezionate più paragrafi con il mouse o tutto il testo nel documento premendo i tasti <b>Ctrl+A</b>,</li>
<li>utilizzate i campi corrispondenti sulla barra destra per ottenere il risultato desiderato:
<li>put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or all the text in the document by pressing the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination,</li>
<li>use the corresponding fields at the right sidebar to achieve the desired results:
<li><b>Interlinea</b> - impostate l'altezza della riga per le righe di testo all'interno del paragrafo. Potete selezionare una di tre opzioni disponibili: <b>minima</b> (imposta un'interlinea minima necessaria per adattare i caratteri o i grafici più grandi nella riga), <b>multipla</b> (imposta un'interlinea espressa con un valore in numeri superiori a 1), <b>esatta</b> (imposta un'interlinea fissa). Nel campo <b>A</b> specificate il volore necessario.</li>
<li><b>Prima</b> - impostate lo spazio prima del paragrafo.</li>
<li><b>Dopo</b> - impostate lo spazio dopo il paragrafo.</li>
<li><b>Non aggiungere intervallo tra paragrafi dello stesso stile</b> - selezionate questa casella se non avete bisogno di nessuno spazio tra i paragrafi dello stesso stile.
<p><img alt="Barra destra - Impostazioni paragrafo" src="../images/right_paragraph.png" /></p>
<li><b>Line Spacing</b> - set the line height for the text lines within the paragraph. You can select among three options: <b>at least</b> (sets the minimum line spacing that is needed to fit the largest font or graphic on the line), <b>multiple</b> (sets line spacing that can be expressed in numbers greater than 1), <b>exactly</b> (sets fixed line spacing). You can specify the necessary value in the field on the right.</li>
<li><b>Paragraph Spacing</b> - set the amount of space between paragraphs.
<li><b>Before</b> - set the amount of space before the paragraph.</li>
<li><b>After</b> - set the amount of space after the paragraph.</li>
<b>Don't add interval between paragraphs of the same style</b> - check this box in case you don't need any space between paragraphs of the same style.
<p><img alt="Right Sidebar - Paragraph Settings" src="../images/right_paragraph.png" /></p>
<p>Per velocemente cambiare l'interlinea attuale del paragrafo, potete anche utilizzare l'icona <b>Interlinea tra i paragrafi</b> <img alt="Interlinea tra i paragrafi" src="../images/linespacing.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore selezionando il valore necessario dall'elenco: 1.0, 1.15, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, o 3.0.</p>
<p>These parameters can also be found in the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window. To open the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window, right-click the text and choose the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option from the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> option at the right sidebar. Then switch to the <b>Indents & Spacing</b> tab and go to the <b>Spacing</b> section.</p>
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Indents & Spacing" src="../images/paradvsettings_indents.png" /></p>
<p>To quickly change the current paragraph line spacing, you can also use the <b>Paragraph line spacing</b> <img alt="Paragraph line spacing" src="../images/linespacing.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar selecting the needed value from the list: 1.0, 1.15, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, or 3.0 lines.</p>
@ -1,62 +1,77 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Visualizzare/nascondere caratteri non stampabili</title>
<title>Show/hide nonprinting characters</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Visualizzate o nascondete i caratteri non stampabili durante la formattazione del testo, la creazione delle tabelle e la modifica dei documenti" />
<meta name="description" content="Show or hide nonprinting characters while formatting text, creating tables, and editing documents" />
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<h1>Visualizzare/nascondere caratteri non stampabili</h1>
<p>I caratteri non stampabili vi aiutano a modificare i documenti. Servono a evidenziare la presenza dei tipi di formattazione diversi, ma non vengono inclusi nel documento durante la stampa, anche quando sono visualizzati sullo schermo.</p>
<p>Per visualizzare o nascondere i caratteri non stampabili, cliccate sull'icona <b>Caratteri non stampabili</b> <img alt="Caratteri non stampabili" src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p>I caratteri non stampabili includono:</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Show/hide nonprinting characters</h1>
<p>Nonprinting characters help you edit a document. They indicate the presence of various types of formatting, but they do not print with the document, even when they are displayed on the screen.</p>
<p>To show or hide nonprinting characters, click the <b>Nonprinting characters</b> <img alt="Nonprinting characters" src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar. Alternatively, you can use the <em>Ctrl+Shift+Num8</em> key combination.</p>
<p>Nonprinting characters include:</p>
<td><img alt="Spazi" src="../images/space.png" /></td>
<td>Vengono inseriti quando premete <b>Spacebar</b> sulla tastiera. Crea uno spazio tra i caratteri.</td>
<td><img alt="Space" src="../images/space.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you press the <b>Spacebar</b> on the keyboard. It creates a space between characters.</td>
<td><img alt="Tabulazione" src="../images/tab.png" /></td>
<td>Vengono inserite quando premete <b>Tab</b> sulla tastiera. Si usa per spostare il cursore alla tabulazione successiva.</td>
<td><img alt="Tab" src="../images/tab.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you press the <b>Tab</b> key. It's used to advance the cursor to the next tab stop.</td>
<td>Segni di paragrafo (ritorno a capo)</td>
<td><img alt="Ritorno a capo" src="../images/hard.png" /></td>
<td>Vengono inseriti quando premete <b>Enter</b> sulla tastiera. Finisce un paragrafo e aggiunge uno spazio dopo questo.</td>
<td>Paragraph marks (i.e. hard returns)</td>
<td><img alt="Hard return" src="../images/hard.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you press the <b>Enter</b> key. It ends a paragraph and adds a bit of space after it. It contains information about the paragraph formatting.</td>
<td>Interruzioni di riga</td>
<td><img alt="Interruzioni di riga" src="../images/soft.png" /></td>
<td>Vengono inserite quando premete <b>Shift+Enter</b> sulla tastiera. Interrompe la riga attuale e mette le righe vicino l'una all'altra. Si usano principalmente nei titoli.</td>
<td>Line breaks (i.e. soft returns)</td>
<td><img alt="Soft return" src="../images/soft.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <b>Shift+Enter</b> key combination. It breaks the current line and puts lines of text close together. Soft return is primarily used in titles and headings.</td>
<td>Spazi unificatori</td>
<td><img alt="Spazi unificatori" src="../images/nonbreakspace.png" /></td>
<td>Vengono inseriti quando premete <b>Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar</b>. Crea uno spazio tra i caratteri che non permette di iniziare una nuova riga.</td>
<td>Nonbreaking spaces</td>
<td><img alt="Nonbreaking space" src="../images/nonbreakspace.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <b>Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar</b> key combination. It creates a space between characters which can't be used to start a new line.</td>
<td>Interruzioni di pagina</td>
<td><img alt="Interruzione di pagina" src="../images/pagebreak.png" /></td>
<td>Vengono inserite quando cliccate sull'icona <b>Inserisci interruzione di pagina</b> <img alt="Inserisci interruzione di pagina" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, selezionate l'opzione <b>Anteponi interruzione</b> dal menu di clic destro o nella finestra delle impostazioni avanzate.</td>
<td>Page breaks</td>
<td><img alt="Page break" src="../images/pagebreak.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <img alt="Breaks icon" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> <b>Breaks</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and then select the <b>Insert Page Break</b> option, or select the <b>Page break before</b> option in the right-click menu or advanced settings window.</td>
<td>Segni di fine di cella e fine di riga nelle tabelle</td>
<td><img alt="Segni in tabelle" src="../images/cellrow.png" /></td>
<td>Questi segni contengono i codici di formattazione per una cella o una riga, rispettivamente.</td>
<td>Section breaks</td>
<td><img alt="Section break" src="../images/sectionbreak.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <img alt="Breaks icon" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> <b>Breaks</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and then select one of the <b>Insert Section Break</b> submenu options (the section break indicator differs depending on which option is selected: Next Page, Continuous Page, Even Page or Odd Page).</td>
<td>Column breaks</td>
<td><img alt="Column break" src="../images/columnbreak.png" /></td>
<td>Inserted when you use the <img alt="Breaks icon" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> <b>Breaks</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar and then select the <b>Insert Column Break</b> option.</td>
<td>End-of-cell and end-of row markers in tables</td>
<td><img alt="Markers in tables" src="../images/cellrow.png" /></td>
<td>These markers contain formatting codes for the individual cell and row, respectively.</td>
<td>Piccolo quadrato nero sul margine a sinistra di un paragrafo</td>
<td><img alt="Quadrato nero" src="../images/square.png" /></td>
<td>Indica che viene applicata almeno una delle opzioni di paragrafo, ad es. <b>Mantieni assieme le righe</b>, <b>Anteponi interruzione</b>.</td>
<td>Small black square in the margin to the left of a paragraph</td>
<td><img alt="Black square" src="../images/square.png" /></td>
<td>It indicates that at least one of the paragraph options was applied, e.g. <b>Keep lines together</b>, <b>Page break before</b>.</td>
<td><img alt="Ancoraggio" src="../images/anchor.png" /></td>
<td>Indica la posizione degli oggetti, es. immagini, figure, grafici.</td>
<td>Anchor symbols</td>
<td><img alt="Anchor symbol" src="../images/anchor.png" /></td>
<td>They indicate the position of floating objects (those with a wrapping style other than <b>Inline</b>), e.g. images, autoshapes, charts. You should select an object to make its anchor visible.</td>
@ -1,27 +1,65 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Creare nuovo documento o aprire documento esistente</title>
<title>Create a new document or open an existing one</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Aprite un documento modificato prima, create un documento nuovo, o tornate all'elenco dei documenti esistenti" />
<meta name="description" content="Open a recently edited document, create a new one, or return to the list of existing documents" />
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<div class="mainpart">
<h1>Creare nuovo documento o aprire documento esistente</h1>
<p>Dopo aver terminato il lavoro su un documento, potete passare ad un documento già esistente modificato di recente, creare un nuovo documento, o tornare all'elenco dei documenti esistenti.</p>
<p>Per creare un nuovo documento,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra,</li>
<li>selezionate l'opzione <b>Crea nuovo oggetto...</b>. <!--Here you can choose whether to create a <b>blank</b> text document or use one of the available document <b>templates</b>: contract, letter, list, or plan.--></li>
<p>Per aprire un documento modificato di recente con TeamLab Document Editor,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra,</li>
<li>selezionate l'opzione <b>Apri recenti...</b>,</li>
<li>scegliete il documento necessario dall'elenco dei documenti modificati di recente.</li>
<p>Per tornare all'elenco dei documenti esistenti, cliccate sul collegamento <b>Va' ai Documenti</b> nell'angolo destro superiore o sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra e selezionate l'opzione <b>Va' ai Documenti</b>.</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Create a new document or open an existing one</h1>
<h4>To create a new document</h4>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>In the <em>online editor</em></p>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Create New</b> option. <!--Here you can choose whether to create a <b>blank</b> text document or use one of the available document <b>templates</b>: contract, letter, list, or plan.--></li>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>In the <em>desktop editor</em></p>
<li>in the main program window, select the <b>Document</b> menu item from the <b>Create new</b> section of the left sidebar - a new file will open in a new tab,</li>
<li>when all the necessary changes are made, click the <b>Save</b> <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/save.png" /> icon in the upper left corner or switch to the <b>File</b> tab and choose the <b>Save as</b> menu item. </li>
<li>in the file manager window, select the file location, specify its name, choose the format you want to save the document to (DOCX, Document template (DOTX), ODT, OTT, RTF, TXT, PDF or PDFA) and click the <b>Save</b> button.</li>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<h4>To open an existing document</h4>
<p>In the <em>desktop editor</em></p>
<li>in the main program window, select the <b>Open local file</b> menu item at the left sidebar,</li>
<li>choose the necessary document from the file manager window and click the <b>Open</b> button.</li>
<p>You can also right-click the necessary document in the file manager window, select the <b>Open with</b> option and choose the necessary application from the menu. If the office documents files are associated with the application, you can also open documents by double-clicking the file name in the file explorer window.</p>
<p>All the directories that you have accessed using the desktop editor will be displayed in the <b>Recent folders</b> list so that you can quickly access them afterwards. Click the necessary folder to select one of the files stored in it.</p>
<h4>To open a recently edited document </h4>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>In the <em>online editor</em></p>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Open Recent...</b> option,</li>
<li>choose the document you need from the list of recently edited documents.</li>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>In the <em>desktop editor</em></p>
<li>in the main program window, select the <b>Recent files</b> menu item at the left sidebar,</li>
<li>choose the document you need from the list of recently edited documents.</li>
<p>To open the folder where the file is stored <span class="onlineDocumentFeatures"> in a new browser tab in the <em>online version</em>,</span> <span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">in the file explorer window in the <em>desktop version</em>,</span> click the <img alt="Open file location" src="../images/gotodocuments.png" /> <b>Open file location</b> icon on the right side of the editor header. Alternatively, you can switch to the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the <b>Open file location</b> option.</p>
@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Inserire interruzione di pagina</title>
<title>Insert page breaks</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="description" content="Inserite le interuzzioni di pagina e mantenete assieme le righe" />
<meta name="description" content="Insert page breaks and keep lines together" />
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<h1>Inserire interruzione di pagina</h1>
<p>TeamLab Document Editor vi permette di aggiungere l'interruzione di pagina per iniziare una nuova pagina e regolare le opzioni di paginazione.</p>
<p>Per inserire un'interruzione di pagina alla posizione attuale del cursore fate clic sull'icona <b>Iserisci interruzione pagina</b> <img alt="Iserisci interruzione pagina" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore.</p>
<p>Per inserire un'interruzione di pagina prima del paragrafo selezionato cioè per spostare questo paragrafo all'unizio di una nuova pagina:</p>
<div class="search-field">
<input id="search" class="searchBar" placeholder="Search" type="text" onkeypress="doSearch(event)">
<h1>Insert page breaks</h1>
<p>In Document Editor, you can add a page break to start a new page, insert a blank page and adjust pagination options.</p>
<p>To insert a page break at the current cursor position click the <img alt="Breaks icon" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> <b>Breaks</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar or click the arrow next to this icon and select the <b>Insert Page Break</b> option from the menu. You can also use the <b>Ctrl+Enter</b> key combination.</p>
<p>To insert a blank page at the current cursor position click the <img alt="Blank page icon" src="../images/blankpage.png" /> <b>Blank Page</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> tab of the top toolbar. This inserts two page breaks that creates a blank page.</p>
<p>To insert a page break before the selected paragraph i.e. to start this paragraph at the top of a new page:</p>
<li>cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionare l'opzione <b>Anteponi interruzione</b> dal menu, oppure</li>
<li>cliccare con il tasto destro del mouse, selezionare l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> dal menu o utilizzare il collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra, e selezionare la casella <b>Anteponi interruzione</b> nella finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b> aperta.</li>
<li>click the right mouse button and select the <b>Page break before</b> option in the menu, or</li>
<li>click the right mouse button, select the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option in the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar, and check the <b>Page break before</b> box at the <b>Line & Page Breaks</b> tab of the opened <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window.
<p>Per mantenere assieme le righe in modo da spostare solo il paragrafo per intero nella nuova pagina (non c'è nessuna interruzione di pagina tra le righe all'interno di un singolo paragrafo),</p>
<p>To keep lines together so that only whole paragraphs will be moved to the new page (i.e. there will be no page break between the lines within a single paragraph),</p>
<li>cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate l'opzione <b>Mantieni assieme le righe</b> dal menu, oppure</li>
<li>cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse, selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> dal menu o utilizzate il collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra, e selezionate la casella <b>Mantieni assieme le righe</b> nella finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b> aperta.</li>
<li>click the right mouse button and select the <b>Keep lines together</b> option in the menu, or</li>
<li>click the right mouse button, select the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option in the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar, and check the <b>Keep lines together</b> box at the <b>Line & Page Breaks</b> in the opened <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window.</li>
<p>La finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b> vi permette di regolare anche due altre opzioni:</p>
<p>The <b>Line & Page Breaks</b> tab of the <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window allows you to set two more pagination options:</p>
<li><b>Mantieni con il successivo</b> si usa per evitare un'interrruzione di pagina tra il paragrafo selezionato e il successivo.</li>
<li><b>Controllo righe isolate</b> è impostata di default e si usa per impedire che vengono visualizzate singole righe di un paragrafo (la prima o l'ultima riga) all'inizio o alla fine di una pagina.</li>
<li><b>Keep with next</b> - is used to prevent a page break between the selected paragraph and the next one.</li>
<li><b>Orphan control</b> - is selected by default and used to prevent a single line of the paragraph (the first or last) from appearing at the top or bottom of the page.</li>
<p><img alt="Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo - Rientri e posizionamento" src="../images/paradvsettings_indents.png" /></p>
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Line & Page Breaks" src="../images/paradvsettings_breaks.png" /></p>
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Modificare rientri di paragrafo</title>
<title>Change paragraph indents</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Modificate i rientri di paragrafo: lo spostamento della prima riga dalla parte sinistra della pagina e anche lo spostamento del paragrafo a destra e a sinistra nella pagina" />
<meta name="description" content="Change paragraph indents: the first line offset from the left part of the page as well as the paragraph offset from the left and right sides of the page" />
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<h1>Modificare rientri di paragrafo</h1>
<p>TeamLab Document Editor vi da la possibilità di modificare lo spostamento della prima riga dalla parte sinistra della pagina e anche lo spostamento del paragrafo a destra e a sinistra nella pagina.</p>
<p>Per farlo,</p>
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<h1>Change paragraph indents</h1>
<p>In Document Editor, you can change the first line offset from the left part of the page as well as the paragraph offset from the left and right sides of the page.</p>
<p>To do that,</p>
<li>posizionate il cursore all'interno del paragrafo necessario, o selezionate più paragrafi con il mouse o tutto il testo nel documento premendo i tasti <b>Ctrl+A</b>,</li>
<li>cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse e selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> dal menu o utilizzate il collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra,</li>
<li>nella finestra aperta <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b> impostate il rientro necessario per la <b>prima riga</b> e lo spostamento del paragrafo <b>a sinistra</b> e <b>a destra</b> nella pagina,</li>
<li>cliccate su <b>OK</b>.
<p><img alt="Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo - Rientri e posizionamento" src="../images/paradvsettings_indents.png" /></p>
<li>put the cursor within the paragraph you need, or select several paragraphs with the mouse or all the text in the document by pressing the <b>Ctrl+A</b> key combination,</li>
<li>click the right mouse button and select the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option from the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar,</li>
<li>in the opened <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window, switch to the <b>Indents & Spacing</b> tab and set the necessary parameters in the <b>Indents</b> section:
<li><b>Left</b> - set the paragraph offset from the <b>left</b> side of the page specifying the necessary numeric value,</li>
<li><b>Right</b> - set the paragraph offset from the <b>right</b> side of the page specifying the necessary numeric value,</li>
<li><b>Special</b> - set an indent for the <b>first line</b> of the paragraph: select the corresponding menu item (<b>(none)</b>, <b>First line</b>, <b>Hanging</b>) and change the default numeric value specified for <b>First Line</b> or <b>Hanging</b>,</li>
<li>click the <b>OK</b> button.
<p><img alt="Paragraph Advanced Settings - Indents & Spacing" src="../images/paradvsettings_indents.png" /></p>
<p>Per velocemente cambiare il rientro del paragrafo a sinistra, potete utilizzare anche le icone corrispondenti sulla barra degli strumenti superiore: <b>Riduci rientro</b> <img alt="Riduci rientro" src="../images/decreaseindent.png" /> e <b>Aumenta rientro</b> <img alt="Aumenta rientro" src="../images/increaseindent.png" />.</p>
<p>Potete anche usare i <b>righelli</b> orizzontali per impostare i rientri.</p>
<img alt="Righelli - Marcatori rientri" src="../images/indents_ruler.png" />
<p>Selezionate il paragrafo necessario e trascinate il marcatore di rientro lungo il righello.</p>
<p>To quickly change the paragraph offset from the left side of the page, you can also use the respective icons at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar: <b>Decrease indent</b> <img alt="Decrease indent" src="../images/decreaseindent.png" /> and <b>Increase indent</b> <img alt="Increase indent" src="../images/increaseindent.png" />.</p>
<p>You can also use the horizontal <b>ruler</b> to set indents.</p>
<img alt="Ruler - Indent markers" src="../images/indents_ruler.png" />
<p>Select the necessary paragraph(s) and drag the indent markers along the ruler.</p>
<li>Marcatore del <b>rientro della prima riga</b> <img alt="Marcatore del rientro della prima riga" src="../images/firstline_indent.png" /> si usa per regolare la posizione iniziale di un paragrafo.</li>
<li>Marcatore del <b>rientro sporgente</b> <img alt="Marcatore del rientro sporgente" src="../images/hanging.png" /> si usa per regolare la seconda riga e le successive righe di un paragrafo.</li>
<li>Marcatore del <b>rientro destro</b> <img alt="Marcatore del rientro destro" src="../images/right_indent.png" /> si usa per l'estensione di un paragrafo verso il lato destro della pagina.</li>
<li><b>First Line Indent</b> marker <img alt="First Line Indent marker" src="../images/firstline_indent.png" /> is used to set the offset from the left side of the page for the first line of the paragraph.</li>
<li><b>Hanging Indent</b> marker <img alt="Hanging Indent marker" src="../images/hanging.png" /> is used to set the offset from the left side of the page for the second line and all the subsequent lines of the paragraph.</li>
<li><b>Left Indent</b> marker <img alt="Left Indent marker" src="../images/leftindent.png" /> is used to set the entire paragraph offset from the left side of the page.</li>
<li><b>Right Indent</b> marker <img alt="Right Indent marker" src="../images/right_indent.png" /> is used to set the paragraph offset from the right side of the page.</li>
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<title>Salvare/scaricare/stampare documento</title>
<title>Save/download/print your document</title>
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<h1>Salvare/scaricare/stampare documento</h1>
<p>Di default, <b>TeamLab Document Editor</b> salva il file automaticamente ogni 10 minuti durante il lavoro per evitare perdite di dati causate dalla chiusura inaspettata del programma. Se è necessario, potete facilmente cambiare la frequenza con cui viene salvato il documento o anche disattivare questa opzione nella pagina <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Impostazioni avanzate</a>.</p>
<p>Per salvare il documento attuale a mano,</p>
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<h1>Save/<span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">download/</span>print your document</h1>
<p class="onlineDocumentFeatures">By default, online <b>Document Editor</b> automatically saves your file each 2 seconds when you work on it preventing your data loss in case of the unexpected program closing. If you co-edit the file in the <b>Fast</b> mode, the timer requests for updates 25 times a second and saves the changes if they have been made. When the file is being co-edited in the <b>Strict</b> mode, changes are automatically saved at 10-minute intervals. If you need, you can easily select the preferred co-editing mode or disable the <b>Autosave</b> feature on the <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Advanced Settings</a> page.</p>
<p>To save your current document manually in the current format and location,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Salva</b> <img alt="Salva" src="../images/save.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, oppure</li>
<li>utilizzate i tasti <b>Ctrl+S</b>, oppure</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra e selezionate l'opzione <b>Salva</b>.</li>
<li>press the <b>Save</b> <img alt="Save icon" src="../images/save.png" /> icon in the left part of the editor header, or</li>
<li>use the <b>Ctrl+S</b> key combination, or</li>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the <b>Save</b> option.</li>
<p>Per scaricare il documento risultante sul disco rigido del vostro computer,</p>
<p class="note desktopDocumentFeatures"><b>Note</b>: in the <em>desktop version</em>, to prevent data loss in case of the unexpected program closing you can turn on the <b>Autorecover</b> option at the <a href="../HelpfulHints/AdvancedSettings.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">Advanced Settings</a> page. </p>
<div class="desktopDocumentFeatures">
<p>In the <em>desktop version</em>, you can save the document with another name, in a new location or format,</p>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Save as...</b> option,</li>
<li>choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT, PDF, PDFA. You can also choose the <b>Document template</b> (DOTX or OTT) option.</li>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p>In the <em>online version</em>, you can download the resulting document onto your computer hard disk drive,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra,</li>
<li>selezionate l'opzione <b>Scarica in</b>,</li>
<li>scegliete uno dei formati disponibili che vi conviene: PDF, TXT, DOCX, DOC, ODT, RTF, HTML, EPUB.</li>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Download as...</b> option,</li>
<li>choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML.</li>
<p>Per stampare il documento attuale,</p>
<h3>Saving a copy</h3>
<p>In the <em>online version</em>, you can save a copy of the file on your portal,</p>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Save Copy as...</b> option,</li>
<li>choose one of the available formats depending on your needs: DOCX, PDF, ODT, TXT, DOTX, PDF/A, OTT, RTF, HTML,</li>
<li>select a location of the file on the portal and press <b>Save</b>.</li>
<h3 id="print">Printing</h3>
<p>To print out the current document,</p>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>Stampa</b> <img alt="Stampa" src="../images/print.png" /> sulla barra degli strumenti superiore, oppure</li>
<li>utilizzate i tasti <b>Ctrl+P</b>, oppure</li>
<li>cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra e selezionate l'opzione <b>Stampa</b>.</li>
<li>click the <b>Print</b> <img alt="Print icon" src="../images/print.png" /> icon in the left part of the editor header, or</li>
<li>use the <b>Ctrl+P</b> key combination, or</li>
<li>click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the <b>Print</b> option.</li>
<p>Dopo questo viene generato un file PDF a base del documento modificato. Potete aprirlo e stamparlo, oppure salvarlo sul disco rigido del vostro computer o un dispositivo rimovibile per stamparlo in seguito.</p>
<p>It's also possible to print a selected text passage using the <b>Print Selection</b> option from the contextual menu.</p>
<p><span class="desktopDocumentFeatures">In the <em>desktop version</em>, the file will be printed directly.</span><span class="onlineDocumentFeatures">In the <em>online version</em>, a PDF file will be generated on the basis of the document. You can open and print it out, or save onto your computer hard disk drive or removable medium to print it out later. Some browsers (e.g. Chrome and Opera) support direct printing.</span></p>
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<title>Insert section breaks</title>
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<h1>Insert section breaks</h1>
<p>Section breaks allow you to apply a different layout or formatting for the certain parts of your document. For example, you can use individual <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertHeadersFooters.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">headers and footers</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertPageNumbers.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">page numbering</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/InsertFootnotes.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">footnotes format</a>, <a href="../UsageInstructions/SetPageParameters.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">margins, size, orientation, or column number</a> for each separate section.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: an inserted section break defines formatting of the preceding part of the document.</p>
<p>To insert a section break at the current cursor position:</p>
<li>click the <img alt="Breaks icon" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> <b>Breaks</b> icon at the <b>Insert</b> or <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar,</li>
<li>select the <b>Insert Section Break</b> submenu</li>
<li>select the necessary section break type:
<li><b>Next Page</b> - to start a new section from the next page</li>
<li><b>Continuous Page</b> - to start a new section at the current page</li>
<li><b>Even Page</b> - to start a new section from the next even page</li>
<li><b>Odd Page</b> - to start a new section from the next odd page</li>
<p>Added section breaks are indicated in your document by a double dotted line: <img alt="Section break" src="../images/sectionbreak.png" /></p>
<p>If you do not see the inserted section breaks, click the <img alt="Nonprinting Characters icon" src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar to display them.</p>
<p>To remove a section break select it with the mouse and press the <b>Delete</b> key. Since a section break defines formatting of the preceding section, when you remove a section break, this section formatting will also be deleted. The document part that preceded the removed section break acquires the formatting of the part that followed it.</p>
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<title>Impostare un livello di struttura del paragarfo</title>
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<h1>Impostare un livello di struttura del paragarfo</h1>
<p>Il livello di struttura indica il livello del paragrafo nella struttura del documento. Sono disponibili i seguenti livelli: <em>Testo Base</em>, <em>Livello 1</em> - <em>Livello 9</em>. Il livello di struttura può essere specificato in diversi modi, ad esempio utilizzando <a href="../UsageInstructions/FormattingPresets.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">gli stili d’intestazione</a>: una volta assegnato uno stile di titolo (<em>Titolo 1</em> - <em>Titolo 9</em>) ad un paragrafo, esso acquisisce un livello di struttura corrispondente. Se assegni un livello a un paragrafo utilizzando le impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo, il paragrafo acquisisce solo il livello della struttura mentre il suo stile rimane invariato. Il livello di struttura può anche essere modificato nel pannello di <a href="../UsageInstructions/CreateTableOfContents.htm#navigation" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)"><b>Navigazione</b></a> a sinistra usando le opzioni del menu contestuale.</p>
<p>Per modificare il livello di struttura di un paragrafo utilizzando le impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo,</p>
<li>fai clic con il pulsante destro e seleziona l’opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> dal menu contestuale o utilizza l’opzione <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> nella barra laterale destra,</li>
<li>apri la scheda <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b>, passa alla scheda <b>Rientri e spaziatura</b>,</li>
<li>seleziona il livello di struttura necessario dall’elenco <b>Livelli di struttura</b>.</li>
<li>fai click sul pulsante <b>OK</b> per applicare le modifiche.</li>
<p><img alt="Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate - Rientri e spaziatura" src="../images/paradvsettings_indents.png" /></p>
@ -1,35 +1,68 @@
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<title>Impostare parametri di pagina</title>
<title>Set page parameters</title>
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<meta name="description" content="Impostate i parametri della pagina: orientamento e dimensione" />
<meta name="description" content="Set page parameters: change page orientation and size, adjust margins and insert columns" />
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<h1>Impostare parametri di pagina</h1>
<p>Per regolare l'orientamento e la dimensione della pagina, utilizzate le icone corrispondenti sulla barra degli strumenti superiore:</p>
<li><b>Orientamento di pagina</b> - cambiate il tipo di orientamento attuale cliccando sull'icona <b>Orientamento di pagina</b> <img alt="Orientamento di pagina" src="../images/orientation.png" />. L'orientamento predefinito è <b>Verticale</b> che potete cambiare a <b>Orizzontale</b>.</li>
<li><b>Dimensione di pagina</b> - cambiate il formato predefinito A4 cliccando sull'icona <b>Dimensione di pagina</b> <img alt="Dimensione di pagina" src="../images/pagesize.png" /> e selezionando il formato necessario dall'elenco. I preset disponibili sono i seguenti:
<li>US Letter (21,59cm x 27,94cm)</li>
<li>US Legal (21,59cm x 35,56cm)</li>
<li>A4 (21cm x 29,7cm)</li>
<li>A5 (14,81cm x 20,99cm)</li>
<li>B5 (17,6cm x 25,01cm)</li>
<li>Envelope #10 (10,48cm x 24,13cm)</li>
<li>Envelope DL (11,01cm x 22,01cm)</li>
<li>Tabloid (27,94cm x 43,17cm)</li>
<li>AЗ (29,7cm x 42,01cm)</li>
<li>Tabloid Oversize (30,48cm x 45,71cm)</li>
<li>ROC 16K (19,68cm x 27,3cm)</li>
<li>Envelope Choukei 3 (11,99cm x 23,49cm)</li>
<li>Super B/A3 (33,02cm x 48,25cm)</li>
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<h1>Set page parameters</h1>
<p>To change page layout, i.e. set page orientation and size, adjust margins and insert columns, use the corresponding icons at the <b>Layout</b> tab of the top toolbar.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: all these parameters are applied to the entire document. If you need to set different page margins, orientation, size, or column number for the separate parts of your document, please refer to <a href="../UsageInstructions/SectionBreaks.htm" onclick="onhyperlinkclick(this)">this page</a>.</p>
<h3 id="orientation">Page Orientation</h3>
<p>Change the current orientation type clicking the <img alt="Orientation icon" src="../images/orientation.png" /> <b>Orientation</b> icon. The default orientation type is <b>Portrait</b> that can be switched to <b>Album</b>.</p>
<h3 id="size">Page Size</h3>
<p>Change the default A4 format clicking the <img alt="Size icon" src="../images/pagesize.png" /> <b>Size</b> icon and selecting the needed one from the list. The available preset sizes are:</p>
<li>US Letter (21,59cm x 27,94cm)</li>
<li>US Legal (21,59cm x 35,56cm)</li>
<li>A4 (21cm x 29,7cm)</li>
<li>A5 (14,81cm x 20,99cm)</li>
<li>B5 (17,6cm x 25,01cm)</li>
<li>Envelope #10 (10,48cm x 24,13cm)</li>
<li>Envelope DL (11,01cm x 22,01cm)</li>
<li>Tabloid (27,94cm x 43,17cm)</li>
<li>AЗ (29,7cm x 42,01cm)</li>
<li>Tabloid Oversize (30,48cm x 45,71cm)</li>
<li>ROC 16K (19,68cm x 27,3cm)</li>
<li>Envelope Choukei 3 (11,99cm x 23,49cm)</li>
<li>Super B/A3 (33,02cm x 48,25cm)</li>
<p>You can also set a special page size by selecting the <b>Custom Page Size</b> option from the list. The <b>Page Size</b> window will open where you'll be able to select the necessary <b>Preset</b> (US Letter, US Legal, A4, A5, B5, Envelope #10, Envelope DL, Tabloid, AЗ, Tabloid Oversize, ROC 16K, Envelope Choukei 3, Super B/A3, A0, A1, A2, A6) or set custom <b>Width</b> and <b>Height</b> values. Enter your new values into the entry fields or adjust the existing values using arrow buttons. When ready, click <b>OK</b> to apply the changes.</p>
<p><img alt="Custom Page Size" src="../images/custompagesize.png" /></p>
<h3 id="margins">Page Margins</h3>
<p>Change default margins, i.e. the blank space between the left, right, top and bottom page edges and the paragraph text, clicking the <img alt="Margins icon" src="../images/pagemargins.png" /> <b>Margins</b> icon and selecting one of the available presets: <b>Normal</b>, <b>US Normal</b>, <b>Narrow</b>, <b>Moderate</b>, <b>Wide</b>. You can also use the <b>Custom Margins</b> option to set your own values in the <b>Margins</b> window that opens. Enter the necessary <b>Top</b>, <b>Bottom</b>, <b>Left</b> and <b>Right</b> page margin values into the entry fields or adjust the existing values using arrow buttons.</p>
<p><img alt="Custom Margins" src="../images/custommargins.png" /></p>
<p><b>Gutter position</b> is used to set up additional space on the left or top of the document. Gutter option might come in handy to make sure bookbinding does not cover text. In <b>Margins</b> window enter the necessary gutter position into the entry fields and choose where it should be placed in.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: Gutter position function cannot be used when <b>Mirror margins</b> option is checked.</p>
<p>In <b>Multiple pages</b> drop-down menu choose <b>Mirror margins</b> option to to set up facing pages for double-sided documents. With this option checked, <b>Left</b> and <b>Right</b> margins turn into <b>Inside</b> and <b>Outside</b> margins respectively.</p>
<p>In <b>Orientation</b> drop-down menu choose from <b>Portrait</b> and <b>Landscape</b> options.</p>
<p>All applied changes to the document will be displayed in the <b>Preview</b> window.</p>
<p>When ready, click <b>OK</b>. The custom margins will be applied to the current document and the <b>Last Custom</b> option with the specified parameters will appear in the <img alt="Margins icon" src="../images/pagemargins.png" /> <b>Margins</b> list so that you can apply them to some other documents.</p></p>
<p>You can also change the margins manually by dragging the border between the grey and white areas on the rulers (the grey areas of the rulers indicate page margins):</p>
<p><img alt="Margins Adjustment" src="../images/margins.png" /></p>
<h3 id="columns">Columns</h3>
<p>Apply a multi-column layout clicking the <img alt="Columns icon" src="../images/insertcolumns.png" /> <b>Columns</b> icon and selecting the necessary column type from the drop-down list. The following options are available:</p>
<li><b>Two</b> <img alt="Two columns icon" src="../images/twocolumns.png" /> - to add two columns of the same width,</li>
<li><b>Three</b> <img alt="Three columns icon" src="../images/threecolumns.png" /> - to add three columns of the same width,</li>
<li><b>Left</b> <img alt="Left column icon" src="../images/leftcolumn.png" /> - to add two columns: a narrow column on the left and a wide column on the right,</li>
<li><b>Right</b> <img alt="Right column icon" src="../images/rightcolumn.png" /> - to add two columns: a narrow column on the right and a wide column on the left.</li>
<p>If you want to adjust column settings, select the <b>Custom Columns</b> option from the list. The <b>Columns</b> window will open where you'll be able to set necessary <b>Number of columns</b> (it's possible to add up to 12 columns) and <b>Spacing between columns</b>. Enter your new values into the entry fields or adjust the existing values using arrow buttons. Check the <b>Column divider</b> box to add a vertical line between the columns. When ready, click <b>OK</b> to apply the changes.</p>
<p><img alt="Custom Columns" src="../images/customcolumns.png" /></p>
<p>To exactly specify where a new column should start, place the cursor before the text that you want to move into the new column, click the <img alt="Breaks icon" src="../images/pagebreak1.png" /> <b>Breaks</b> icon at the top toolbar and then select the <b>Insert Column Break</b> option. The text will be moved to the next column.</p>
<p>Added column breaks are indicated in your document by a dotted line: <img alt="Column break" src="../images/columnbreak.png" />. If you do not see the inserted column breaks, click the <img alt="Nonprinting Characters icon" src="../images/nonprintingcharacters.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar to display them. To remove a column break select it with the mouse and press the <b>Delete</b> key.</p>
<p>To manually change the column width and spacing, you can use the horizontal ruler.</p>
<p><img alt="Column spacing" src="../images/columnspacing.png" /></p>
<p>To cancel columns and return to a regular single-column layout, click the <img alt="Columns icon" src="../images/insertcolumns.png" /> <b>Columns</b> icon at the top toolbar and select the <b>One</b> <img alt="One column icon" src="../images/onecolumn.png" /> option from the list.</p>
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<h1>Impostare punti di tabulazione</h1>
<p>In TeamLab Document Editor, potete modificare i punti di tabulazione, cioè la posizione nella quale si sposta il cursore quando premete il tasto <b>Tab</b> sulla tastiera.</p>
<p>Per impostare la tabulazione potete utilizzare il righello orizzontale:</p>
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<h1>Set tab stops</h1>
<p>In Document Editor, you can change tab stops i.e. the position the cursor advances to when you press the <b>Tab</b> key on the keyboard.</p>
<p>To set tab stops you can use the horizontal ruler:</p>
<li>Selezionate il tipo di tabulazione necessario cliccando sul pulsante <img alt="Tabulazione sinistra" src="../images/tabstopleft.png" /> nell'angolo sinistro superiore dell'area di lavoro. Sono disponibili i seguenti tipi:
<li>Select the necessary tab stop type clicking the <img alt="Left Tab Stop button" src="../images/tabstopleft.png" /> button in the upper left corner of the working area. The following three tab types are available:
<li><b>A sinistra</b> <img alt="Tabulazione sinistra" src="../images/tabstopleft.png" /> - si usa per allineare il testo al lato sinistro alla posizione della tabulazione; il testo si sposta a destra quando lo digitate. Questa tabulazione sarà segnata sul righello orizzontale dal marcatore <img alt="Tabulazione sinistra" src="../images/tabstopleft_marker.png" />.</li>
<li><b>Al centro</b> <img alt="Tabulazione centrata" src="../images/tabstopcenter.png" /> - si usa per centrare il testo nella posizione della tabulazione. Questa tabulazione sarà segnata sul righello orizzontale dal marcatore <img alt="Tabulazione centrata" src="../images/tabstopcenter_marker.png" />.</li>
<li><b>A destra</b> <img alt="Tabulazione destra" src="../images/tabstopright.png" /> - si usa per allineare il testo al lato destro alla posizione della tabulazione; il testo si sposta a sinistra quando lo digitate. Questa tabulazione sarà segnata sul righello orizzontale dal marcatore <img alt="Tabulazione destra" src="../images/tabstopright_marker.png" />.</li>
<li><b>Left</b> <img alt="Left Tab Stop button" src="../images/tabstopleft.png" /> - lines up your text by the left side at the tab stop position; the text moves to the right from the tab stop as you type. Such a tab stop will be indicated on the horizontal ruler by the <img alt="Left Tab Stop marker" src="../images/tabstopleft_marker.png" /> marker.</li>
<li><b>Center</b> <img alt="Center Tab Stop button" src="../images/tabstopcenter.png" /> - centers the text at the tab stop position. Such a tab stop will be indicated on the horizontal ruler by the <img alt="Center Tab Stop marker" src="../images/tabstopcenter_marker.png" /> marker.</li>
<li><b>Right</b> <img alt="Right Tab Stop button" src="../images/tabstopright.png" /> - lines up your text by the right side at the tab stop position; the text moves to the left from the tab stop as you type. Such a tab stop will be indicated on the horizontal ruler by the <img alt="Right Tab Stop marker" src="../images/tabstopright_marker.png" /> marker.</li>
<li>Cliccate sul bordo inferiore del righello nel punto dove desiderate aggiungere una tabulazione. Trascinatela lungo il righello per cambiare la sua posizione. Per eliminare la tabulazione trascinatela fuori del righello.
<p><img alt="Righello orizzontale con le tabulazioni aggiunte" src="../images/tabstops_ruler.png" /></p>
<li>Click on the bottom edge of the ruler where you want to place the tab stop. Drag it along the ruler to change its position. To remove the added tab stop drag it out of the ruler.
<p><img alt="Horizontal Ruler with the Tab stops added" src="../images/tabstops_ruler.png" /></p>
<hr />
<p>Potete usare anche la finestra dei parametri del paragrafo per regolare i punti di tabulazione. Cliccate con il tasto destro del mouse, selezionate l'opzione <b>Impostazioni avanzate del paragrafo</b> nel menu contestuale oppure usate il collegamento <b>Mostra impostazioni avanzate</b> sulla barra destra, e aprite la scheda <b>Tabulazione</b> nella finestra <b>Paragrafo - Impostazioni avanzate</b>.</p>
<img alt="Impostazioni del paragrafo - Tabulazione" src="../images/paradvsettings_tab.png" />
<p>Potete regolare i seguenti parametri:</p>
<p>You can also use the paragraph properties window to adjust tab stops. Click the right mouse button, select the <b>Paragraph Advanced Settings</b> option in the menu or use the <b>Show advanced settings</b> link at the right sidebar, and switch to the <b>Tabs</b> tab in the opened <b>Paragraph - Advanced Settings</b> window.</p>
<img alt="Paragraph Properties - Tabs tab" src="../images/paradvsettings_tab.png" />
<p>You can set the following parameters:</p>
<li><b>Posizione</b> si usa per impostare i punti di tabulazione personalizzati. Inserite il valore necessario nella casella adatta, regolatelo usando le frecce e cliccate sul pulsante <b>Specifica</b>. Il punto di tabulazione specificato sarà aggiunto nell'elenco nel campo al di sotto. Se avete già aggiunto certi punti usando il righello, tutti questi punti vengono anche elencati.</li>
<li>La tabulazione <b>Predefinita</b> è impostata a 1.25 cm. Potete aumentare o diminuire questo valore usando le frecce o inserire il valore necessario nella casella.</li>
<li><b>Allineamento</b> si usa per impostare il tipo di allineamento per ogni punto di tabulazione nell'elenco. Selezionate il punto adatto prima, poi una delle opzioni <b>A sinistra</b>, <b>Al centro</b> o <b>A destra</b> e cliccate sul pulsante <b>Specifica</b>.
<p>Per eliminare un punto di tabulazione dall'elenco, selezionatelo e cliccate su <b>Elimina</b> o usate il pulsante <b>Elimina tutto</b> per svuotare l'elenco.</p>
<li><b>Default Tab</b> is set at 1.25 cm. You can decrease or increase this value using the arrow buttons or enter the necessary one in the box.</li>
<li><b>Tab Position</b> - is used to set custom tab stops. Enter the necessary value in this box, adjust it more precisely using the arrow buttons and press the <b>Specify</b> button. Your custom tab position will be added to the list in the field below. If you've previously added some tab stops using the ruler, all these tab positions will also be displayed in the list.</li>
<li><b>Alignment</b> - is used to set the necessary alignment type for each of the tab positions in the list above. Select the necessary tab position in the list, choose the <b>Left</b>, <b>Center</b> or <b>Right</b> option from the drop-down list and press the <b>Specify</b> button.</li>
<li><b>Leader</b> - allows to choose a character used to create a leader for each of the tab positions. A leader is a line of characters (dots or hyphens) that fills the space between tabs. Select the necessary tab position in the list, choose the leader type from the drop-down list and press the <b>Specify</b> button.
<p>To delete tab stops from the list select a tab stop and press the <b>Remove</b> or <b>Remove All</b> button.</p>
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<h1>Use Mail Merge</h1>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: this option is available in the <em>online version</em> only.</p>
<p>The <b>Mail Merge</b> feature is used to create a set of documents combining a common content which is taken from a text document and some individual components (variables, such as names, greetings etc.) taken from a spreadsheet (for example, a customer list). It can be useful if you need to create a lot of personalized letters and send them to recipients.</p>
<p>To start working with the <b>Mail Merge</b> feature,</p>
<li><b>Prepare a data source and load it to the main document</b>
<li>A data source used for the mail merge must be an <b>.xlsx</b> spreadsheet stored on your portal. Open an existing spreadsheet or create a new one and make sure that it meets the following requirements.
<p>The spreadsheet should have a header row with the column titles, as values in the first cell of each column will designate merge fields (i.e. variables that you can insert into the text). Each column should contain a set of actual values for a variable. Each row in the spreadsheet should correspond to a separate record (i.e. a set of values that belongs to a certain recipient). During the merge process, a copy of the main document will be created for each record and each merge field inserted into the main text will be replaced with an actual value from the corresponding column. If you are goung to send results by email, the spreadsheet must also include a column with the recipients' email addresses.</p>
<li>Open an existing text document or create a new one. It must contain the main text which will be the same for each version of the merged document. Click the <b>Mail Merge</b> <img alt="Mail Merge icon" src="../images/mailmergeicon.png" /> icon at the <b>Home</b> tab of the top toolbar.</li>
<li>The <b>Select Data Source</b> window will open. It displays the list of all your <b>.xlsx</b> spreadsheets stored in the <b>My Documents</b> section. To navigate between other <b>Documents</b> module sections use the menu in the left part of the window. Select the file you need and click <b>OK</b>.</li>
<p>Once the data source is loaded, the <b>Mail Merge setting</b> tab will be available on the right sidebar.</p>
<p><img alt="Mail Merge setting tab" src="../images/right_mailmerge.png" /></p>
<li><b>Verify or change the recipients list</b>
<li>Click the <b>Edit recipients list</b> button on the top of the right sidebar to open the <b>Mail Merge Recipients</b> window, where the content of the selected data source is displayed.
<p><img alt="Mail Merge Recipients window" src="../images/mailmergerecipients.png" /></p>
<li>Here you can add new information, edit or delete the existing data, if necessary. To simplify working with data, you can use the icons on the top of the window:
<li><img alt="Copy" src="../images/copy.png" /> and <img alt="Paste" src="../images/paste.png" /> - to copy and paste the copied data</li>
<li><img alt="Undo" src="../images/undo1.png" /> and <img alt="Redo" src="../images/redo1.png" /> - to undo and redo undone actions</li>
<li><img alt="Sort Lowest to Highest icon" src="../images/sortatoz.png" /> and <img alt="Sort Highest to Lowest icon" src="../images/sortztoa.png" /> - to sort your data within a selected range of cells in ascending or descending order</li>
<li><img alt="Filter icon" src="../images/sortandfilter.png" /> - to enable the filter for the previously selected range of cells or to remove the applied filter</li>
<li><img alt="Clear Filter icon" src="../images/clearfilter.png" /> - to clear all the applied filter parameters
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to learn more on how to use the filter you can refer to the <b>Sort and filter data</b> section of the <b>Spreadsheet Editor</b> help.</p>
<li><img alt="Search icon" src="../images/searchicon.png" /> - to search for a certain value and replace it with another one, if necessary
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: to learn more on how to use the <b>Find and Replace</b> tool you can refer to the <b>Search and Replace Functions</b> section of the <b>Spreadsheet Editor</b> help.</p>
<li>After all the necessary changes are made, click the <b>Save & Exit</b> button. To discard the changes, click the <b>Close</b> button.</li>
<li><b>Insert merge fields and check the results</b>
<li>Place the mouse cursor in the text of the main document where you want a merge field to be inserted, click the <b>Insert Merge Field</b> button at the right sidebar and select the necessary field from the list. The available fields correspond to the data in the first cell of each column of the selected data source. Add all the fields you need anywhere in the document.
<p><img alt="Merge Fields section" src="../images/mergefields.png" /></p>
<li>Turn on the <b>Highlight merge fields</b> switcher at the right sidebar to make the inserted fields more noticeable in the document text.
<p><img alt="Main document with inserted fields" src="../images/insertedfields.png" /></p>
<li>Turn on the <b>Preview results</b> switcher at the right sidebar to view the document text with the merge fields replaced with actual values from the data source. Use the arrow buttons to preview versions of the merged document for each record.
<p><img alt="Preview results" src="../images/previewinsertedfields.png" /></p>
<li>To delete an inserted field, disable the <b>Preview results</b> mode, select the field with the mouse and press the <b>Delete</b> key on the keyboard. </li>
<li>To replace an inserted field, disable the <b>Preview results</b> mode, select the field with the mouse, click the <b>Insert Merge Field</b> button at the right sidebar and choose a new field from the list.</li>
<li><b>Specify the merge parameters</b>
<li>Select the merge type. You can start mass mailing or save the result as a file in the PDF or Docx format to be able to print or edit it later. Select the necessary option from the <b>Merge to</b> list:
<p><img alt="Merge type selection" src="../images/mergeto.png" /></p>
<li><b>PDF</b> - to create a single document in the PDF format that includes all the merged copies so that you can print them later</li>
<li><b>Docx</b> - to create a single document in the Docx format that includes all the merged copies so that you can edit individual copies later</li>
<li><b>Email</b> - to send the results to recipients by email
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the recipients' email addresses must be specified in the loaded data source and you need to have at least one email account connected in the <b>Mail</b> module on your portal.</p>
<li>Choose the records you want to apply the merge to:
<li><b>All records</b> (this option is selected by default) - to create merged documents for all records from the loaded data source</li>
<li><b>Current record</b> - to create a merged document for the record that is currently displayed</li>
<li><b>From</b> ... <b>To</b> - to create merged documents for a range of records (in this case you need to specify two values: the number of the first record and the last record in the desired range)
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: the maximum allowed quantity of recipients is 100. If you have more than 100 recipients in your data source, please, perform the mail merge by stages: specify the values from 1 to 100, wait until the mail merge process is over, then repeat the operation specifying the values from 101 to N etc.</p>
<li>Complete the merge
<li>If you've decided to save the merge results as a file,
<li>click the <b>Download</b> button to store the file anywhere on your PC. You'll find the downloaded file in your default <em>Downloads</em> folder.</li>
<li>click the <b>Save</b> button to save the file on your portal. In the <b>Folder for save</b> window that opens, you can change the file name and specify the folder where you want to save the file. You can also check the <b>Open merged document in new tab</b> box to check the result once the merge process is finished. Finally, click <b>Save</b> in the <b>Folder for save</b> window.</li>
<li>If you've selected the <b>Email</b> option, the <b>Merge</b> button will be available on the right sidebar. After you click it, the <b>Send to Email</b> window will open:
<p><img alt="Send to Email window" src="../images/sendtoemail.png" /></p>
<li>In the <b>From</b> list, select the mail account you want to use for sending mail, if you have several accounts connected in the <b>Mail</b> module.</li>
<li>In the <b>To</b> list, select the merge field corresponding to email addresses of the recipients, if it was not selected automatically.</li>
<li>Enter your message subject in the <b>Subject Line</b> field.</li>
<li>Select the mail format from the list: <b>HTML</b>, <b>Attach as DOCX</b> or <b>Attach as PDF</b>. When one of the two latter options is selected, you also need to specify the <b>File name</b> for attachments and enter the <b>Message</b> (the text of your letter that will be sent to recipients).</li>
<li>Click the <b>Send</b> button.</li>
<p>Once the mailing is over you'll receive a notification to your email specified in the <b>From</b> field.</p>
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<h1>Visualizzare informazioni sul documento</h1>
<p>Per accedere alle informazioni dettagliate sul documento modificato, cliccate sull'icona <b>File</b> <img alt="File" src="../images/file.png" /> sulla barra sinistra e selezionate l'opzione <b>Informazioni documento...</b>.</p>
<p>Le informazioni sul documento includono i dati seguenti: titolo, autore, percorso, data di creazione, persone con i diritti di visualizzazione e modifica del documento, e statistiche: numero di pagine, paragrafi, parole, simboli, simboli con spazi.</p>
<p>Se avete un accesso completo a questo documento, potete anche cambiare i diritti di accesso impostati facendo clic dul pulsante <b>Cambia diritti di accesso</b> nella sezione <b>Persone con i diritti</b>.</p>
<p>Per chiudere il pannello <b>File</b> e riprendere la modifica del documento, selezionate l'opzione <b>Torna al documento</b>.</p>
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<h1>View document information</h1>
<p>To access the detailed information about the currently edited document, click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the <b>Document Info...</b> option.</p>
<h3>General Information</h3>
<p>The document information includes a number of the file properties which describe the document. Some of these properties are updated automatically, and some of them can be edited.</p>
<li class ="onlineDocumentFeatures"><b>Location</b> - the folder in the <b>Documents</b> module where the file is stored. <b>Owner</b> - the name of the user who have created the file. <b>Uploaded</b> - the date and time when the file has been created. These properties are available in the <em>online version</em> only.</li>
<li><b>Statistics</b> - the number of pages, paragraphs, words, symbols, symbols with spaces.</li>
<li><b>Title</b>, <b>Subject</b>, <b>Comment</b> - these properties allow to simplify your documents classification. You can specify the necessary text in the properties fields.</li>
<li><b>Last Modified</b> - the date and time when the file was last modified.</li>
<li><b>Last Modified By</b> - the name of the user who have made the latest change in the document if a document has been shared and it can be edited by several users.</li>
<li><b>Application</b> - the application the document was created with.</li>
<li><b>Author</b> - the person who have created the file. You can enter the necessary name in this field. Press <em>Enter</em> to add a new field that allows to specify one more author.</li>
<p>If you changed the file properties, click the <b>Apply</b> button to apply the changes.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: Online Editors allow you to change the document name directly from the editor interface. To do that, click the <b>File</b> tab of the top toolbar and select the <b>Rename...</b> option, then enter the necessary <b>File name</b> in a new window that opens and click <b>OK</b>.</p>
<div class="onlineDocumentFeatures">
<h3>Permission Information</h3>
<p>In the <em>online version</em>, you can view the information about permissions to the files stored in the cloud.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: this option is not available for users with the <b>Read Only</b> permissions.</p>
<p>To find out, who have rights to view or edit the document, select the <b>Access Rights...</b> option at the left sidebar.</p>
<p>You can also change currently selected access rights by pressing the <b>Change access rights</b> button in the <b>Persons who have rights</b> section.</p>
<h3>Version History</h3>
<p>In the <em>online version</em>, you can view the version history for the files stored in the cloud.</p>
<p class="note"><b>Note</b>: this option is not available for users with the <b>Read Only</b> permissions.</p>
<p>To view all the changes made to this document, select the <b>Version History</b> option at the left sidebar. It's also possible to open the history of versions using the <img alt="Version History icon" src="../images/versionhistoryicon.png" /> <b>Version History</b> icon at the <b>Collaboration</b> tab of the top toolbar. You'll see the list of this document versions (major changes) and revisions (minor changes) with the indication of each version/revision author and creation date and time. For document versions, the version number is also specified (e.g. <em>ver. 2</em>). To know exactly which changes have been made in each separate version/revision, you can view the one you need by clicking it at the left sidebar. The changes made by the version/revision author are marked with the color which is displayed next to the author name on the left sidebar. You can use the <b>Restore</b> link below the selected version/revision to restore it. <!--To hide the list of the revisions within a certain version, use the <img alt="Collapse icon" src="../images/collapse.png" /> icon next to the version. To display revisions again, use the <img alt="Expand icon" src="../images/expand.png" /> icon.--> </p>
<p><img alt="Version History" src="../images/versionhistory.png" /></p>
<p>To return to the document current version, use the <b>Close History</b> option on the top of the version list.</p>
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