mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 05:49:41 +00:00
various fixes
- get rid of userscan - cannot fetch mutual servers from api anymore - minor fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"@janderedev/revolt.js": "^6.0.0-rc.24-patch.1",
"@janderedev/revolt.js": "^6.0.0-patch.3",
"@types/monk": "^6.0.0",
"axios": "^0.22.0",
"dayjs": "^1.10.7",
@ -5,11 +5,10 @@ import { commands, DEFAULT_PREFIX, ownerIDs } from "../../modules/command_handle
import child_process from 'child_process';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { wordlist } from "../../modules/user_scan";
import { User } from "@janderedev/revolt.js/dist/maps/Users";
import { adminBotLog } from "../../logging";
import CommandCategory from "../../../struct/commands/CommandCategory";
import { parseUserOrId } from "../../util";
import { getMutualServers, parseUserOrId } from "../../util";
const BLACKLIST_BAN_REASON = `This user is globally blacklisted and has been banned automatically. If you wish to opt out of the global blacklist, run '/botctl ignore_blacklist yes'.`;
const BLACKLIST_MESSAGE = (username: string) => `\`@${username}\` has been banned automatically. Check the ban reason for more info.`;
@ -76,8 +75,7 @@ export default {
+ `Heartbeat: \`${client.heartbeat}\`\n`
+ `Ping: \`${client.websocket.ping ?? 'Unknown'}\`\n`
+ `### Bot configuration\n`
+ `Owners: \`${ownerIDs.length}\` (${ownerIDs.join(', ')})\n`
+ `Wordlist loaded: \`${wordlist ? `Yes (${wordlist.length} line${wordlist.length == 1 ? '' : 's'})` : 'No'}\`\n`;
+ `Owners: \`${ownerIDs.length}\` (${ownerIDs.join(', ')})\n`;
await message.reply(msg, false);
@ -166,11 +164,8 @@ export default {
const msg = await message.reply(`User update stored.`);
let bannedServers = 0;
const mutuals = await target.fetchMutual();
for (const serverid of mutuals.servers) {
const server = client.servers.get(serverid);
if (!server) continue;
const mutuals = getMutualServers(target);
for (const server of mutuals) {
if (server.havePermission('BanMembers')) {
const config = await dbs.SERVERS.findOne({ id: server._id });
if (config?.allowBlacklistedUsers) continue;
@ -188,7 +183,7 @@ export default {
} catch(e) {
console.error(`Failed to ban in ${serverid}: ${e}`);
console.error(`Failed to ban in ${server._id}: ${e}`);
@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
import { FindOneResult } from "monk";
import { dbs } from "../../..";
import CommandCategory from "../../../struct/commands/CommandCategory";
import SimpleCommand from "../../../struct/commands/SimpleCommand";
import MessageCommandContext from "../../../struct/MessageCommandContext";
import ServerConfig from "../../../struct/ServerConfig";
import { scanServer } from "../../modules/user_scan";
import { isBotManager, NO_MANAGER_MSG } from "../../util";
let userscans: string[] = [];
export default {
name: 'botctl',
aliases: null,
@ -19,35 +14,6 @@ export default {
let action = args.shift();
switch(action) {
case 'scan_userlist':
try {
let serverConf: FindOneResult<ServerConfig> = await dbs.SERVERS.findOne({ id: message.serverContext._id });
if (!serverConf?.enableUserScan) return message.reply(`User scanning is not enabled for this server.`);
if (userscans.includes(message.serverContext._id)) return message.reply(`There is already a scan running for this server.`);
let msg = await message.reply(`Fetching users...`);
let counter = 0;
let onUserScan = async () => {
if (counter % 10 == 0) await msg?.edit({ content: `Fetching users... ${counter}` });
let onDone = async () => {
msg?.edit({ content: `All done! (${counter} users fetched)` });
userscans = userscans.filter(s => s != message.serverContext._id);
await scanServer(message.serverContext._id, onUserScan, onDone);
} catch(e) {
message.reply(`An error occurred: ${e}`);
userscans = userscans.filter(s => s != message.serverContext._id);
case 'ignore_blacklist':
try {
if (args[0] == 'yes') {
@ -68,7 +34,6 @@ export default {
case undefined:
case '':
message.reply(`### Available subcommands\n`
+ `- \`scan_userlist\` - If user scanning is enabled, this will scan the entire user list.\n`
+ `- \`ignore_blacklist\` - Ignore the bot's global blacklist.`);
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { User } from '@janderedev/revolt.js/dist/maps/Users';
import { client } from '../../..';
import { getPermissionLevel, isBotManager } from '../../util';
import { getMutualServers, getPermissionLevel } from '../../util';
import { wsEvents, WSResponse } from '../api_communication';
type ReqData = { user: string }
@ -15,20 +15,19 @@ wsEvents.on('req:getUserServers', async (data: ReqData, cb: (data: WSResponse) =
const mutuals = await user.fetchMutual();
const mutuals = getMutualServers(user);
type ServerResponse = { id: string, perms: 0|1|2|3, name: string, iconURL?: string, bannerURL?: string }
const promises: Promise<ServerResponse>[] = [];
for (const sid of mutuals.servers) {
for (const server of mutuals) {
promises.push(new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
const server = client.servers.get(sid);
if (!server) return reject('Server not found');
const perms = await getPermissionLevel(user, server);
id: sid,
id: server._id,
name: server.name,
bannerURL: server.generateBannerURL(),
@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ let commands: SimpleCommand[];
try {
await cmd.run(message, args);
} catch(e) {
message.reply(`### An error has occurred:\n\`\`\`js\n${e}\n\`\`\``);
@ -149,11 +149,11 @@ async function logModAction(type: 'warn'|'kick'|'ban'|'votekick', server: Server
let fetchUsername = async (id: string) => {
let fetchUsername = async (id: string, fallbackText?: string) => {
try {
let u = client.users.get(id) || await client.users.fetch(id);
return `@${u.username}`;
} catch(e) { return 'Unknown user' }
} catch(e) { return fallbackText || 'Unknown user' }
export { fetchUsername, logModAction }
@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
import { client, dbs } from "../..";
import fs from 'fs';
import { FindOneResult } from "monk";
import ScannedUser from "../../struct/ScannedUser";
import { Member } from "@janderedev/revolt.js/dist/maps/Members";
import ServerConfig from "../../struct/ServerConfig";
import logger from "../logger";
import { sendLogMessage } from "../util";
let { USERSCAN_WORDLIST_PATH } = process.env;
? fs.readFileSync(USERSCAN_WORDLIST_PATH, 'utf8')
.map(word => minifyText(word))
.filter(word => word.length > 0)
: null;
if (wordlist) logger.info("Found word list; user scanning enabled");
let serverConfig: Map<string, ServerConfig> = new Map();
let userScanTimeout: Map<string, number> = new Map();
async function scanServer(id: string, userScanned: () => void, done: () => void) {
if (!wordlist) return;
let conf = await dbs.SERVERS.findOne({ id: id });
serverConfig.set(id, conf as ServerConfig);
if (!conf?.enableUserScan) return;
try {
logger.debug(`Scanning user list for ${id}`);
let server = client.servers.get(id) || await client.servers.fetch(id);
let members = await server.fetchMembers(); // This can take multiple seconds, depending on the size of the server
for (const member of members.members) {
if (!member.user?.bot && member._id.user != client.user?._id) {
await scanUser(member);
} catch(e) { console.error(e) }
async function scanUser(member: Member) {
if (!wordlist) return;
try {
let dbEntry: FindOneResult<ScannedUser|undefined>
= await dbs.SCANNED_USERS.findOne({ id: member._id.user, server: member.server?._id });
let user = member.user || await client.users.fetch(member._id.user);
let profile = await user.fetchProfile();
let report = false;
if (dbEntry) {
if (dbEntry.approved) return;
if (dbEntry.lastLog > Date.now() - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 48)) return;
for (const word of wordlist) {
for (const text of [ user?.username, member.nickname, profile.content, user.status?.text ]) {
if (text && minifyText(text).includes(word)) report = true;
if (report) {
if (dbEntry) {
await dbs.SCANNED_USERS.update({ _id: dbEntry._id }, {
$set: {
lastLog: Date.now(),
lastLoggedProfile: {
username: user.username,
nickname: member.nickname || undefined,
profile: profile.content || undefined,
status: user.status?.text || undefined,
} else {
await dbs.SCANNED_USERS.insert({
approved: false,
id: user._id,
lastLog: Date.now(),
server: member.server!._id,
lastLoggedProfile: {
username: user.username,
nickname: member.nickname,
profile: profile.content,
status: user.status?.text,
} as ScannedUser);
await logUser(member, profile);
} catch(e) { console.error(e) }
async function logUser(member: Member, profile: any) { // `Profile` type doesn't seem to be exported by revolt.js
try {
let conf = serverConfig.get(member.server!._id);
if (!conf || !conf.enableUserScan) return;
logger.debug(`User ${member._id} matched word list; reporting`);
if (conf.enableUserScan && conf.logs?.userScan) {
let bannerUrl = client.generateFileURL({
_id: profile.background._id,
tag: profile.background.tag,
content_type: profile.background.content_type,
}, undefined, true);
let embedFields: { title: string, content: string, inline?: boolean }[] = [];
if (member.nickname) embedFields.push({ title: 'Nickname', content: member.nickname || 'None', inline: true });
if (member.user?.status?.text) embedFields.push({ title: 'Status', content: member.user.status.text || 'None', inline: true });
embedFields.push({ title: 'Profile', content: ((profile?.content || 'No about me text') as string).substring(0, 1000), inline: true });
sendLogMessage(conf.logs.userScan, {
title: 'Potentially suspicious user found',
description: `${member.user?.username ?? 'Unknown user'} | [${member._id.user}](/@${member._id.user}) | [Avatar](<${member.generateAvatarURL()}>)`,
color: '#ff9c11',
fields: embedFields,
image: bannerUrl ? {
type: 'BIG',
url: bannerUrl
} : undefined,
} catch(e) { console.error(e) }
// Removes symbols from a text to make it easier to match against the wordlist
function minifyText(text: string) {
return text
.replace(/\s_./g, '');
new Promise((res: (value: void) => void) => client.user ? res() : client.once('ready', res)).then(() => {
client.on('packet', async packet => {
if (!wordlist) return;
if (packet.type == 'UserUpdate') {
try {
let user = client.users.get(packet.id);
if (!user || user.bot || user._id == client.user?._id) return;
let mutual = await user.fetchMutual();
mutual.servers.forEach(async sid => {
let server = client.servers.get(sid);
if (!server) return;
let conf = await dbs.SERVERS.findOne({ id: server._id });
serverConfig.set(server._id, conf as ServerConfig);
if (conf?.enableUserScan) {
let member = await server.fetchMember(packet.id);
let t = userScanTimeout.get(member._id.user);
if (t && t > (Date.now() - 10000)) return;
userScanTimeout.set(member._id.user, Date.now());
} catch(e) { console.error(e) }
client.on('member/join', async (member) => {
if (!wordlist) return;
try {
let user = member.user || await client.users.fetch(member._id.user);
if (!user || user.bot || user._id == client.user?._id) return;
let server = member.server || await client.servers.fetch(member._id.server);
if (!server) return;
let conf: FindOneResult<ServerConfig> = await dbs.SERVERS.findOne({ id: server._id });
serverConfig.set(server._id, conf as ServerConfig);
if (conf?.enableUserScan) {
let t = userScanTimeout.get(member._id.user);
if (t && t > (Date.now() - 10000)) return;
userScanTimeout.set(member._id.user, Date.now());
} catch(e) { console.error(e) }
export { scanServer, USERSCAN_WORDLIST_PATH, wordlist };
@ -346,6 +346,14 @@ function dedupeArray<T>(...arrays: T[][]): T[] {
return found;
function getMutualServers(user: User) {
const servers: Server[] = [];
for (const member of client.members) {
if (member[1]._id.user == user._id && member[1].server) servers.push(member[1].server);
return servers;
const awaitClient = () => new Promise<void>(async resolve => {
if (!client.user) client.once('ready', () => resolve());
else resolve();
@ -369,6 +377,7 @@ export {
@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import Infraction from './struct/antispam/Infraction';
import PendingLogin from './struct/PendingLogin';
import TempBan from './struct/TempBan';
import { VoteEntry } from './bot/commands/moderation/votekick';
import ScannedUser from './struct/ScannedUser';
import BridgeRequest from './struct/BridgeRequest';
import BridgeConfig from './struct/BridgeConfig';
import BridgedMessage from './struct/BridgedMessage';
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ const dbs = {
SESSIONS: db.get('sessions'),
TEMPBANS: db.get<TempBan>('tempbans'),
VOTEKICKS: db.get<VoteEntry>('votekicks'),
SCANNED_USERS: db.get<ScannedUser>('scanned_users'),
BRIDGE_CONFIG: db.get<BridgeConfig>('bridge_config'),
BRIDGED_MESSAGES: db.get<BridgedMessage>('bridged_messages'),
BRIDGE_REQUESTS: db.get<BridgeRequest>('bridge_requests'),
@ -63,7 +61,6 @@ logger.info(`\
@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
class ScannedUser {
id: string;
server: string;
lastLog: number;
approved: boolean = false;
lastLoggedProfile?: {
username: string;
nickname?: string;
status?: string;
profile?: string;
export default ScannedUser;
@ -23,9 +23,7 @@ class ServerConfig {
logs?: {
messageUpdate?: LogConfig, // Message edited or deleted
modAction?: LogConfig, // User warned, kicked or banned
userScan?: LogConfig // User profile matched word list
enableUserScan?: boolean;
allowBlacklistedUsers?: boolean; // Whether the server explicitly allows users that are globally blacklisted
@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
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Reference in a new issue