warns can now be deleted ig

This commit is contained in:
JandereDev 2021-10-13 21:38:22 +02:00
parent 2b851c813c
commit ceef16e01f
Signed by: Lea
GPG key ID: 5D5E18ACB990F57A

View file

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export default {
name: 'warns',
aliases: [ 'warnings', 'infractions', 'infraction' ],
description: 'Show all user infractions',
syntax: '/warns; /warns @username; /warns @username export-csv',
syntax: '/warns; /warns @username ["export-csv"]; /warns rm [ID]',
run: async (message: Message, args: string[]) => {
if (!await isModerator(message.member!)) return message.reply(NO_MANAGER_MSG);
@ -42,67 +42,90 @@ export default {
message.reply(msg.substr(0, 1999));
} else {
let user = await parseUser(args[0]);
if (!user) return message.reply('Unknown user');
switch(args[0]?.toLowerCase()) {
case 'delete':
case 'remove':
case 'rm':
case 'del':
let id = args[1];
if (!id) return message.reply('No infraction ID provided.');
let inf: Infraction|null = await client.db.get('infractions').findOneAndDelete({
_id: { $eq: id.toUpperCase() },
server: message.channel?.server_id
let infs = userInfractions.get(user._id);
if (!infs) return message.reply(`There are no infractions stored for \`@${user.username}\`.`);
else {
let msg = `## ${infs.length} infractions stored for @${user.username}\n\u200b\n`;
let attachSpreadsheet = false;
for (const i in infs) { console.log(i)
let inf = infs[i];
let toAdd = '';
toAdd += `#${Number(i)+1}: \`${inf.reason}\` (${inf.type == InfractionType.Manual ? await fetchUsername(inf.createdBy!) : 'System'})\n`;
toAdd += `\u200b \u200b \u200b \u200b \u200b ↳ ${Day(inf.date).fromNow()} (Infraction ID: \`${inf._id}\`)\n`;
if (!inf) return message.reply('I can\'t find that ID.');
if ((msg + toAdd).length > 1900 || Number(i) > 5) {
msg += `\u200b\n[${infs.length - Number(i) + 1} more, check attached file]`;
attachSpreadsheet = true;
else msg += toAdd;
message.reply(`## Infraction deleted\n\u200b\n`
+ `ID: \`${inf._id}\`\n`
+ `Reason: \`${inf.reason}\` `
+ `(${inf.type == InfractionType.Manual ? await fetchUsername(inf.createdBy ?? '') : 'System'})\n`
+ `Created ${Day(inf.date).fromNow()}`);
let user = await parseUser(args[0]);
if (!user) return message.reply('Unknown user');
if (args[1]?.toLowerCase() == 'export-csv' ||
args[1]?.toLowerCase() == 'csv' ||
args[1]?.toLowerCase() == 'export') attachSpreadsheet = true;
let infs = userInfractions.get(user._id);
if (!infs) return message.reply(`There are no infractions stored for \`@${user.username}\`.`);
else {
let msg = `## ${infs.length} infractions stored for @${user.username}\n\u200b\n`;
let attachSpreadsheet = false;
for (const i in infs) { console.log(i)
let inf = infs[i];
let toAdd = '';
toAdd += `#${Number(i)+1}: \`${inf.reason}\` (${inf.type == InfractionType.Manual ? await fetchUsername(inf.createdBy!) : 'System'})\n`;
toAdd += `\u200b \u200b \u200b \u200b \u200b ↳ ${Day(inf.date).fromNow()} (Infraction ID: \`${inf._id}\`)\n`;
if (attachSpreadsheet) {
try {
let csv_data = [
[`Warns for @${user.username} (${user._id}) - ${Day().toString()}`],
['Date', 'Reason', 'Created By', 'Type', 'ID'],
for (const inf of infs) {
inf.type == InfractionType.Manual ? `${await fetchUsername(inf.createdBy!)} (${inf.createdBy})` : 'SYSTEM',
inf.type == InfractionType.Automatic ? 'Automatic' : 'Manual',
if ((msg + toAdd).length > 1900 || Number(i) > 5) {
msg += `\u200b\n[${infs.length - Number(i) + 1} more, check attached file]`;
attachSpreadsheet = true;
else msg += toAdd;
let sheet = Xlsx.utils.aoa_to_sheet(csv_data);
if (args[1]?.toLowerCase() == 'export-csv' ||
args[1]?.toLowerCase() == 'csv' ||
args[1]?.toLowerCase() == 'export') attachSpreadsheet = true;
let csv = Xlsx.utils.sheet_to_csv(sheet);
if (attachSpreadsheet) {
try {
let csv_data = [
[`Warns for @${user.username} (${user._id}) - ${Day().toString()}`],
['Date', 'Reason', 'Created By', 'Type', 'ID'],
let apiConfig: any = (await axios.get(client.apiURL)).data;
let autumnURL = apiConfig.features.autumn.url;
for (const inf of infs) {
inf.type == InfractionType.Manual ? `${await fetchUsername(inf.createdBy!)} (${inf.createdBy})` : 'SYSTEM',
inf.type == InfractionType.Automatic ? 'Automatic' : 'Manual',
let data = new FormData();
data.append("file", csv, { filename: `${user._id}.csv` });
let sheet = Xlsx.utils.aoa_to_sheet(csv_data);
let req = await axios.post(autumnURL + '/attachments', data, { headers: data.getHeaders() });
message.reply({ content: msg, attachments: [ (req.data as any)['id'] as string ] });
} catch(e) {
let csv = Xlsx.utils.sheet_to_csv(sheet);
let apiConfig: any = (await axios.get(client.apiURL)).data;
let autumnURL = apiConfig.features.autumn.url;
let data = new FormData();
data.append("file", csv, { filename: `${user._id}.csv` });
let req = await axios.post(autumnURL + '/attachments', data, { headers: data.getHeaders() });
message.reply({ content: msg, attachments: [ (req.data as any)['id'] as string ] });
} catch(e) {
} else message.reply(msg);
} else message.reply(msg);