JandereDev fc740b1795
minor changes
(added redis and made the bot actually functional again)
2022-07-15 17:38:13 +02:00

35 lines
1.1 KiB

import Monk, { IMonkManager } from 'monk';
import Redis from 'redis';
import { logger } from '.';
export default (): IMonkManager => {
let dburl = getDBUrl();
let db = Monk(dburl);
return db;
const redis = Redis.createClient({ url: process.env.REDIS_URL });
export { redis }
// Checks if all required env vars were supplied, and returns the mongo db URL
function getDBUrl() {
let env = process.env;
if (env['DB_URL']) return env['DB_URL'];
if (!env['DB_HOST']) {
logger.error(`Environment variable 'DB_HOST' not set, unable to connect to database`);
logger.error(`Specify either 'DB_URL' or 'DB_HOST', 'DB_USERNAME', 'DB_PASS' and 'DB_NAME'`);
throw 'Missing environment variables';
// mongodb://username:password@hostname:port/dbname
let dburl = 'mongodb://';
if (env['DB_USERNAME']) dburl += env['DB_USERNAME'];
if (env['DB_PASS']) dburl += `:${env['DB_PASS']}`;
dburl += `${process.env['DB_USERNAME'] ? '@' : ''}${env['DB_HOST']}`; // DB_HOST is assumed to contain the port
dburl += `/${env['DB_NAME'] ?? 'automod'}`;
return dburl;