"no_time":"#### You hawen't pwovided a valid timestamp!\nExample: `{{prefix}}remindme 10m Take the pizza out of the oven!!! >w<`",
"message_too_long":"That weminder is too long! >.< It can't exceed {{length}} chawacters.",
"reminder_set":"#### Wemindew set!\nYou will weceive a diwect message {{time}}. Make suwe you always shawe at least one mutuwal sewver with MeowtoMod!"
"body_other":"This action will affect the fowwowing usews: {{users}}.",
"not_all_found":"{{count}} of the pwovided usews could not be found. Do you want to pwoceed anyway? >.<\nThe fowwowing usews will be affected: {{users}}",
"title":"Confiwm action",
"body_one":"This action will affect the fowwowing usew: {{users}}.",
"confirmed":"Action confiwmed!!",
"canceled":"Action cancewwed."
"error_generic":"An ewwor occuwwed",
"title":"No pewmission",
"body":"### ❌ Access denied!!\nYou need the fowwowing pewmissions to run this command: {{permissions}}"
"title":"Not in a sewver",
"body":"This command can only be used in a sewver."
"target_higher_than_you":"The target usew has a ranking equal to or higher than youws >.<",
"bot_cant_kick":"AutoMod does not have sufficient pewmission to eject the target usew.",
"bot_cant_ban":"AutoMod does not have sufficient pewmission to eradicate the target usew."
"title":"Hewe's your weminder!!",
"no_message":"*You didn't set a weminder message, click [hewe]({{url}}) to jump to context :33*",
"body":"#### Hiii~ you asked me to wemind you of the fowwowing {{timestamp}}:\n{{message}}"