Translated using Weblate (owo speak (owo))

Currently translated at 74.1% (126 of 170 strings)

Translation: AutoMod/Bot
This commit is contained in:
Oliver 2023-08-07 14:27:23 +00:00 committed by Weblate
parent 14d887ed45
commit d33b82bf54

View file

@ -66,7 +66,12 @@
"timeout": {
"title": "Twimeowt",
"title_clear": "Clwear twimeowt"
"title_clear": "Clwear twimeowt",
"prompt_clear_one": "Twis will cwear the twimeowt fwor the sewected uswer. Cwontiwnue?",
"prompt_clear_other": "Twis will cwear the twimeout fwor the sewectwed uswers. Cwontwinue?",
"no_permission": "I dwon't have pweemissiwons to twimeowt membwers!",
"cleared_timeout": "Twimeout for `{{displayname}}` cweared!\nUswer: {{username}} (`{{userid}}`)",
"user_timed_out": "### Uswer twimed owt\nInfwactiwon ID: `{{id}}`\nUswer: `{{user}}`\nRweaswon: {{reason}}\nDuwatwion: {{expires}}\nInfwactwion number: **{{count}}**"
"infractions": {
"embed_header_zero": "Thewe awe nwo infwactiowns stowred for {{username}}.",
@ -103,6 +108,19 @@
"revoke_confirm": "Awe ywou swure you want to wewoke infwactwion `{{id}}`?",
"edit_confirm": "Awe you swure you want to cwange thwe reaswon of infwactwion `{{id}}`?",
"edit_cancelled": "Gwot it, infwactwion rweason will nwot bwe edited."
"help": {
"title": "AuwtoMwod commawnd lwist",
"header": "### 👋 Hiiii! :3\n##### I'm AutoMod, thwe cwutest and frwiendlwiesst moderatwion assiwstant.\nBelow is a lwist of availawble commands to gwet ywou stwarted!",
"legend": "A 🔒 pwadlwock mweans dat ywou don't hawe permisswions to rwun the commawnd, whiwle ~~striwkethwough~~ commawnds are unavailable in dis chwat."
"login": {
"title": "Lwogin",
"info": "Ywou cwan lwog intwo AutoMod's dwashbwoard hwere: {{url}}\nIf ywou alweady hwave a lwogin OTP, wun `{{prefix}}login <OTP>`.",
"prompt": "### Was thwis reawwy you~?\nIf swomeone twold ywou to wun this, **swtop!** Swomeowne is twying to **gwain access to ywour accwount**! (Nwaughty person!)\nThwe **onwly plwace** thwat ywou showuld wun dis command fwom is {{url}}.\nTwink someowne is twying to scam ywou? Wight cwick their avatwar and cwick \"Report user\". Don't rwepond to awny owther mwessages. Stway safe!\nIf thwis was ywou and ywou awe twying to lwog iwnto {{url}}, cwick on ✅️ bwelow to appwove dis reqwest.",
"not_found": "Hmm, it dwoesn't lwook like thwe OTP ywou pwowidedis vawid. *T^T",
"approved": "Lwogin requwest appwoved! Refwesh ywour browswer if nwothing hwappened.",
"denied": "Lwogiwn reqwest dwenied! If ywou thwink swomeowne is twying to scwam ywou, pwease repowt them immediwately."
"test": "Test message in Engwish",
@ -150,5 +168,11 @@
"title": "Hewe's your weminder!!",
"no_message": "*You didn't set a weminder message, click [hewe]({{url}}) to jump to context :33*",
"body": "#### Hiii~ you asked me to wemind you of the fowwowing {{timestamp}}:\n{{message}}"
"server_logs": {
"details": {
"new_reason": "New reawson: {{reason}}",
"warn_number_one": "Thwis is **the fiwst** wawn fow dis uswer."