Currently translated at 100.0% (72 of 72 strings) Translation: AutoMod/Bot Translate-URL: http://weblate.insrt.uk/projects/automod/bot/owo/
109 lines
5.5 KiB
109 lines
5.5 KiB
"commands": {
"config": {
"setting_info": {
"type": "Twype: {{type}}",
"title": "Swetting: {{setting}}",
"current": "Cuwwent value: {{value}}",
"options": "Avwailable owptwions: {{options}}"
"title": "Configuwation",
"unknown_setting": "Unkwown setting \"{{setting}}\"",
"usage_hint": "Use **{{command}} <option> <new value>** to cwange a setting, or use **clear** as value to weset it :3",
"setting_updated": "Swetting {{setting}} has bween chwanged fwom {{old}} to {{value}} ^w^",
"setting_unchanged": "Swetting {{setting}} is awready set to {{value}}.",
"needs_server": "This swetting can onwy be cwanged in a sewver.",
"no_permission": "You dwon't have pewmission to cwange this sewver's configuwation :c",
"invalid_value": "Twe vwalue wou pwovided is nyot appwicable to twis optwon.\nAwwowed vawues are: {{values}}"
"ping": {
"title": "Latwency",
"body": "WebSocket: {{latency.ws}}\nWound Twip: {{latency.roundtrip}}"
"whois": {
"data": {
"badges": "Badgwes: {{badges}} (`{{badgesNum}}`)",
"icons": {
"text": "Avwataw: {{links}}",
"global": "Gwobal",
"server": "Sewver",
"banner": "Bannew"
"id": "Usew ID: `{{id}}`",
"username": "Usewnyame: `{{username}}`",
"created": "Acwount cweated: <t:{{ts}}:R> (<t:{{ts}}:F>)",
"flags": "Usew Flags: {{flags}} (`{{flagsNum}}`)",
"privileged": "🔨 This usew is **pwivileged** and has a gwobal pewmission ovewride! 😠",
"nickname": "Nicknyame: `{{nickname}}`",
"colour": "Role cowour: `{{colour}}`",
"ranking": "Role wanking: `{{rank}}` (Youws: `{{own_rank}}`)",
"roles": "Roles: {{roles}}",
"owner": "🦞 **one in a krillion**",
"inferior": "⬇️ This usew is a bottom",
"superior": "⬆️ This user is a top"
"title": "Usew info",
"title_member": "Membew info",
"not_found": "Cannot find the weqwested usew! :("
"warn": {
"user_warned": "### Usew wawned\nInfwaction ID: `{{id}}`\nUsew: `{{user}}`\nWeason: {{reason}}\nInfwaction numbew: **{{count}}**"
"kick": {
"not_a_member": "The tawget (<@{{userid}}>) is not a membew of this sewver.",
"user_kicked": "### Usew kicked\nInfwaction ID: `{{id}}`\nUsew: `{{user}}`\nWeason: {{reason}}\nInfwaction numbew: **{{count}}**"
"remindme": {
"title": "Wemindew",
"no_time": "#### You hawen't pwovided a valid timestamp!\nExample: `{{prefix}}remindme 10m Take the pizza out of the oven!!! >w<`",
"message_too_long": "That weminder is too long! >.< It can't exceed {{length}} chawacters.",
"reminder_set": "#### Wemindew set!\nYou will weceive a diwect message {{time}}. Make suwe you always shawe at least one mutuwal sewver with MeowtoMod!"
"test": "Test message in Engwish",
"i18n_test_f": "She shat hersewf",
"i18n_test": "They shat themsewves",
"i18n_test_m": "He shat himsewf",
"command_failed": {
"title": "Command execwution fwailed >.<",
"bug_report": "File a bug weport!!",
"support_server": "Join suppowt sewver :3"
"infractions": {
"infraction_created": "Infwaction cweated",
"operation_completed": "Opewation compweted",
"too_many_users": "Too many usews pwovided! Pweeease pwovide no more than {{max}} usews.",
"title_create": "Cweate infwaction",
"no_user_other": "The pwovided usews could not be found :c",
"no_user_one": "The pwovided usew could not be found :c",
"death_threats": "There is a pipe bomb in your mail box :3"
"target_uncertain": {
"body_other": "This action will affect the fowwowing usews: {{users}}.",
"not_all_found": "{{count}} of the pwovided usews could not be found. Do you want to pwoceed anyway? >.<\nThe fowwowing usews will be affected: {{users}}",
"title": "Confiwm action",
"body_one": "This action will affect the fowwowing usew: {{users}}.",
"confirmed": "Action confiwmed!!",
"canceled": "Action cancewwed."
"error_generic": "An ewwor occuwwed",
"no_permission": {
"title": "No pewmission",
"body": "### ❌ Access denied!!\nYou need the fowwowing pewmissions to run this command: {{permissions}}"
"server_only": {
"title": "Not in a sewver",
"body": "This command can only be used in a sewver."
"permissions": {
"target_higher_than_you": "The target usew has a ranking equal to or higher than youws >.<",
"bot_cant_kick": "AutoMod does not have sufficient pewmission to eject the target usew.",
"bot_cant_ban": "AutoMod does not have sufficient pewmission to eradicate the target usew."
"reminder": {
"title": "Hewe's your weminder!!",
"no_message": "*You didn't set a weminder message, click [hewe]({{url}}) to jump to context :33*",
"body": "#### Hiii~ you asked me to wemind you of the fowwowing {{timestamp}}:\n{{message}}"