mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 15:15:36 +00:00
Improve sprintf semantics and usage
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ emmc_part_t *system_part;
#define TPRINTFARGS(text, args...) \
end_time = get_tmr_ms(); \
gfx_printf(text" done @ %d.%03ds\n", args, (end_time - start_time) / 1000, (end_time - start_time) % 1000)
#define SAVE_KEY(name, src, len) _save_key(name, src, len, text_buffer, &buf_index)
#define SAVE_KEY_FAMILY(name, src, count, len) _save_key_family(name, src, count, len, text_buffer, &buf_index)
#define SAVE_KEY(name, src, len) _save_key(name, src, len, text_buffer)
#define SAVE_KEY_FAMILY(name, src, count, len) _save_key_family(name, src, count, len, text_buffer)
static u8 temp_key[0x10],
bis_key[4][0x20] = {0},
@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ static const u32 colors[6] = {COLOR_RED, COLOR_ORANGE, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_GREEN
// key functions
static bool _key_exists(const void *data) { return memcmp(data, zeros, 0x10); };
static void _save_key(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 len, char *outbuf, u32 *buf_index);
static void _save_key_family(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 num_keys, const u32 len, char *outbuf, u32 *buf_index);
static void _save_key(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 len, char *outbuf);
static void _save_key_family(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 num_keys, const u32 len, char *outbuf);
static void _generate_kek(u32 ks, const void *key_source, void *master_key, const void *kek_seed, const void *key_seed);
// nca functions
static void *_nca_process(u32 hk_ks1, u32 hk_ks2, FIL *fp, u32 key_offset, u32 len);
@ -682,8 +682,7 @@ dismount:
key_output: ;
char *text_buffer = (char *)calloc(0x4000, 1);
u32 buf_index = 0;
__attribute__ ((aligned (16))) char text_buffer[0x3000] = {0};
SAVE_KEY("aes_kek_generation_source", aes_kek_generation_source, 0x10);
SAVE_KEY("aes_key_generation_source", aes_key_generation_source, 0x10);
@ -746,12 +745,11 @@ key_output: ;
TPRINTFARGS("\n%kFound %d keys.\n%kLockpick totally", colors[0], _key_count, colors[1]);
if (!sd_save_to_file(text_buffer, buf_index, "sd:/switch/prod.keys"))
gfx_printf("%kWrote %d bytes to /switch/prod.keys\n", colors[2], buf_index);
if (!sd_save_to_file(text_buffer, strlen(text_buffer), "sd:/switch/prod.keys") && !f_stat("sd:/switch/prod.keys", &fno)) {
gfx_printf("%kWrote %d bytes to /switch/prod.keys\n", colors[2], (u32)fno.fsize);
} else
EPRINTF("Failed to save keys to SD.");
gfx_printf("\n%kVOL + -> Reboot to RCM\n%kVOL - -> Reboot normally\n%kPower -> Power off", colors[3], colors[4], colors[5]);
@ -765,21 +763,22 @@ out_wait:
static void _save_key(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 len, char *outbuf, u32 *buf_index) {
static void _save_key(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 len, char *outbuf) {
if (!_key_exists(data))
*buf_index += sprintf(outbuf + *buf_index, "%s = ", name);
u32 pos = strlen(outbuf);
pos += sprintf(&outbuf[pos], "%s = ", name);
for (u32 i = 0; i < len; i++)
*buf_index += sprintf(outbuf + *buf_index, "%02x", *(u8*)(data + i));
*buf_index += sprintf(outbuf + *buf_index, "\n");
pos += sprintf(&outbuf[pos], "%02x", *(u8*)(data + i));
sprintf(&outbuf[pos], "\n");
static void _save_key_family(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 num_keys, const u32 len, char *outbuf, u32 *buf_index) {
static void _save_key_family(const char *name, const void *data, const u32 num_keys, const u32 len, char *outbuf) {
char temp_name[0x40] = {0};
for (u32 i = 0; i < num_keys; i++) {
sprintf(temp_name, "%s_%02x", name, i);
_save_key(temp_name, data + i * len, len, outbuf, buf_index);
_save_key(temp_name, data + i * len, len, outbuf);
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ u32 sprintf(char *buffer, const char *fmt, ...) {
buffer[count] = 0;
return count;
Reference in a new issue