Schmenn e840303ea6 2 new modes
[-]skipArgs as it does not work
[^] moved smaller functions to /modules
[+] zerovideo mode
[+] negativevideo mode
[^] made virusimage prettier
2021-01-10 21:18:44 +01:00

24 lines
945 B

package modules
import (
//Help program usage
func Help(progName string) {
fmt.Println("Discord-Exploits Help")
fmt.Println(" Usage: " + progName + " -i <input file> -m <mode> [-q]")
fmt.Println("--quiet -q doesn't show welcome screen")
fmt.Println("-i <file> provide input file")
fmt.Println("-m <mode> specify mode")
fmt.Println(" video:")
fmt.Println(" expandingvideo takes input video (.webm) and edits it so discord will keep making it longer")
fmt.Println(" negativevideo takes input video (.webm) and edits it so discord will think it has got a huge negative duration")
fmt.Println(" zerovideo takes input video (.webm) and edits it so discord will think it has got a 0s duration")
fmt.Println(" image:")
fmt.Println(" virusimage takes an image (.png) and makes other users' windows defender think it's a virus\n ")