Schmenn e840303ea6 2 new modes
[-]skipArgs as it does not work
[^] moved smaller functions to /modules
[+] zerovideo mode
[+] negativevideo mode
[^] made virusimage prettier
2021-01-10 21:18:44 +01:00

20 lines
523 B

package modules
import (
//Welcome greets the user on startup
func Welcome() {
fmt.Println("Discord Exploits --- made by Schmenn")
fmt.Println(" _ _ _")
fmt.Println(" | | (_) |")
fmt.Println(" _____ ___ __ | | ___ _| |_ ___")
fmt.Println(" / _ \\ \\/ / '_ \\| |/ _ \\| | __/ __|")
fmt.Println(" | __/> <| |_) | | (_) | | |_\\__ \\")
fmt.Println(" \\___/_/\\_\\ .__/|_|\\___/|_|\\__|___/")
fmt.Println(" | |")
fmt.Println(" |_|")