checking SEP to match sepmanifest

This commit is contained in:
tihmstar 2017-04-25 17:19:27 +02:00
parent 42b37c5c71
commit 7496ed3607
2 changed files with 25 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -56,6 +56,14 @@ extern "C"{
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
# define SHA1(d, n, md) CC_SHA1(d, n, md)
# define SHA384(d, n, md) CC_SHA384(d, n, md)
# include <openssl/sha.h>
#endif // __APPLE__
#define reterror(code,msg ...) error(msg),throw int(code)
#define safeFree(buf) if (buf) free(buf), buf = NULL
@ -524,11 +532,24 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
plist_t sep_manifest = plist_dict_get_item(sep_build_identity, "Manifest");
plist_t sep_sep = plist_copy(plist_dict_get_item(sep_manifest, "SEP"));
plist_dict_set_item(manifest, "SEP", sep_sep);
//check SEP
unsigned char genHash[48]; //SHA384 digest length
ptr_smart<char *>sephash = NULL;
uint64_t sephashlen = 0;
plist_t digest = plist_dict_get_item(sep_sep, "Digest");
if (!digest || plist_get_node_type(digest) != PLIST_DATA)
reterror(-66, "ERROR: can't find sep digest\n");
plist_get_data_val(digest, &sephash, &sephashlen);
if (sephashlen == 20)
SHA1(_client->sepfwdata, (unsigned int)_client->sepfwdatasize, genHash);
SHA384(_client->sepfwdata, (unsigned int)_client->sepfwdatasize, genHash);
if (memcmp(genHash, static_cast<const char *>(sephash), sephashlen))
reterror(-67, "ERROR: SEP does not match sepmanifest\n");
/* print information about current build identity */

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@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ public:
ptr_smart(){_p = NULL;}
T operator=(T p){return _p = p;}
T *operator&(){return &_p;}
explicit operator const char*() const {return _p;}
~ptr_smart(){if (_p) (_ptr_free) ? _ptr_free(_p) : free((void*)_p);}