
This commit is contained in:
tihmstar 2019-11-05 23:35:01 +01:00
parent 6a3c8c2c9d
commit d5b65775be
3 changed files with 148 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -44,13 +44,13 @@ AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([futurerestore])
LIBIPATCHER_REQUIRES_STR="libipatcher >= 57"
LIBIPATCHER_REQUIRES_STR="libipatcher >= 61"
LIBPLIST_REQUIRES_STR="libplist >= 2.0.0"
LIBZIP_REQUIRES_STR="libzip >= 0.10"
LIBIMOBILEDEVICE_REQUIRES_STR="libimobiledevice-1.0 >= 1.2.1"
LIBFRAGMENTZIP_REQUIRES_STR="libfragmentzip >= 47"
LIBIRECOVERY_REQUIRES_STR="libirecovery >= 0.2.0"
IMG4TOOL_REQUIRES_STR="libimg4tool >= 159"
IMG4TOOL_REQUIRES_STR="libimg4tool >= 162"
LIBGENERAL_REQUIRES_STR="libgeneral >= 26"
PKG_CHECK_MODULES(libplist, libplist >= 2.0.0)

View file

@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ void futurerestore::enterPwnRecovery(plist_t build_identity, string bootargs){
if (_client->image4supported) {
retassure(libipatcher::has64bitSupport(), "libipatcher was compiled without 64bit support");
std::string generator = getGeneratorFromSHSH2(_client->tss);
retassure(img4tool::isGeneratorValidForIM4M({_im4ms[0].first,_im4ms[0].second}, generator), "generator returned from device is not valid from apticket");
int mode = 0;
@ -459,7 +461,6 @@ void futurerestore::enterPwnRecovery(plist_t build_identity, string bootargs){
irecv_get_mode(_client->dfu->client, &mode);
try {
iBSSKeys = libipatcher::getFirmwareKey(_client->device->product_type, _client->build, "iBSS");
iBECKeys = libipatcher::getFirmwareKey(_client->device->product_type, _client->build, "iBEC");
@ -467,7 +468,6 @@ void futurerestore::enterPwnRecovery(plist_t build_identity, string bootargs){
reterror("getting keys failed with error: %d (%s). Are keys publicly available?",e.code(),e.what());
auto iBSS = getIPSWComponent(_client, build_identity, "iBSS");
iBSS = move(libipatcher::patchiBSS((char*)iBSS.first, iBSS.second, iBSSKeys));
@ -492,31 +492,53 @@ void futurerestore::enterPwnRecovery(plist_t build_identity, string bootargs){
retassure(modeIsRecovery, "device not in recovery mode\n");
info("Sending %s (%lu bytes)...\n", "iBSS", iBSS.second);
// FIXME: Did I do this right????
irecv_error_t err = irecv_send_buffer(_client->dfu->client, (unsigned char*)(char*)iBSS.first, (unsigned long)iBSS.second, 1);
retassure(err == IRECV_E_SUCCESS,"ERROR: Unable to send %s component: %s\n", "iBSS", irecv_strerror(err));
/* reconnect */
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&_client->device_event_cond, &_client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((_client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&_client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBSS. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&_client->device_event_cond, &_client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((_client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_DFU] || (mutex_unlock(&_client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBSS. Reset device and try again");
if (_client->build_major > 8) {
/* reconnect */
retassure(!irecv_usb_set_configuration(_client->dfu->client, 1),"ERROR: set configuration failed\n");
retassure(!irecv_usb_set_configuration(_client->dfu->client, 1),"ERROR: set configuration failed\n");
/* send iBEC */
info("Sending %s (%lu bytes)...\n", "iBEC", iBEC.second);
// FIXME: Did I do this right????
irecv_error_t err = irecv_send_buffer(_client->dfu->client, (unsigned char*)(char*)iBEC.first, (unsigned long)iBEC.second, 1);
retassure(err == IRECV_E_SUCCESS,"ERROR: Unable to send %s component: %s\n", "iBSS", irecv_strerror(err));
if (modeIsRecovery)
retassure(err == IRECV_E_SUCCESS,"ERROR: Unable to send %s component: %s\n", "iBEC", irecv_strerror(err));
printf("waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
if (modeIsRecovery){
irecv_send_command(_client->dfu->client, "go");
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&_client->device_event_cond, &_client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((_client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&_client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&_client->device_event_cond, &_client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((_client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&_client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not reconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
// Reconnect to device, but this time make sure we're not still in DFU mode
if (recovery_client_new(_client) < 0) {
@ -527,16 +549,68 @@ void futurerestore::enterPwnRecovery(plist_t build_identity, string bootargs){
reterror("ERROR: Unable to connect to recovery device\n");
#warning THIS FAILS on iPhone5s 10.3.3 for some reason :/
// irecv_get_mode(_client->recovery->client, &mode);
// if (mode == IRECV_K_DFU_MODE) {
// if (_client->recovery->client) {
// irecv_close(_client->recovery->client);
// _client->recovery->client = NULL;
// }
// reterror("ERROR: Unable to connect to recovery device\n");
// }
if (_client->image4supported) {
char *deviceGen = NULL;
//IMG4 requires to have a generator set for the device to successfully boot after restore.
//set generator now and make sure the nonce is the one we are trying to restore
assure(!irecv_send_command(_client->recovery->client, "bgcolor 255 0 0"));
sleep(2); //yes i like displaying colored screens to the user and making him wait for no reason :P
auto nonceelem = img4tool::getValFromIM4M({_im4ms[0].first,_im4ms[0].second}, 'BNCH');
printf("APNonce pre-hax:\n");
get_ap_nonce(_client, &_client->nonce, &_client->nonce_size);
std::string generator = getGeneratorFromSHSH2(_client->tss);
if (memcmp(_client->nonce, nonceelem.payload(), _client->nonce_size) != 0) {
printf("APNonce from device doesn't match IM4M nonce, applying hax...\n");
printf("Writing generator=%s to nvram!\n",generator.c_str());
retassure(!irecv_setenv(_client->recovery->client, "com.apple.System.boot-nonce", generator.c_str()),"failed to write generator to nvram");
retassure(!irecv_saveenv(_client->recovery->client), "failed to save nvram");
/* send iBEC */
info("Sending %s (%lu bytes)...\n", "iBEC", iBEC.second);
irecv_error_t err = irecv_send_buffer(_client->recovery->client, (unsigned char*)(char*)iBEC.first, (unsigned long)iBEC.second, 1);
retassure(err == IRECV_E_SUCCESS,"ERROR: Unable to send %s component: %s\n", "iBEC", irecv_strerror(err));
printf("waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
retassure(!irecv_send_command(_client->recovery->client, "go"),"failed to re-launch iBEC after nonce hax");
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&_client->device_event_cond, &_client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((_client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&_client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect after sending hax-iBEC in pwn-iBEC mode");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&_client->device_event_cond, &_client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((_client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&_client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not reconnect after sending hax-iBEC in pwn-iBEC mode");
retassure(!recovery_client_new(_client), "failed to reconnect to recovery after nonce hax");
printf("APnonce post-hax:\n");
get_ap_nonce(_client, &_client->nonce, &_client->nonce_size);
assure(!irecv_send_command(_client->recovery->client, "bgcolor 255 255 0"));
retassure(memcmp(_client->nonce, nonceelem.payload(), _client->nonce_size) == 0, "APNonce from device doesn't match IM4M nonce after applying noncehax. Aborting!");
printf("APNonce from device already matches IM4M nonce, no need for extra hax...\n");
retassure(!irecv_setenv(_client->recovery->client, "com.apple.System.boot-nonce", generator.c_str()),"failed to write generator to nvram");
retassure(!irecv_saveenv(_client->recovery->client), "failed to save nvram");
sleep(2); //yes i like displaying colored screens to the user and making him wait for no reason :P
void get_custom_component(struct idevicerestore_client_t* client, plist_t build_identity, const char* component, unsigned char** data, unsigned int *size){
@ -596,7 +670,6 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
// verify if ipsw file exists
retassure(!access(client->ipsw, F_OK),"ERROR: Firmware file %s does not exist.\n", client->ipsw);
info("Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW\n");
int unused;
@ -614,6 +687,7 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
client->image4supported = is_image4_supported(client);
info("Device supports Image4: %s\n", (client->image4supported) ? "true" : "false");
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested) //we are in pwnDFU, so we don't need to check nonces
client->tss = _aptickets.at(0);
else if (!(client->tss = nonceMatchesApTickets()))
@ -622,6 +696,11 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
plist_dict_remove_item(client->tss, "BBTicket");
plist_dict_remove_item(client->tss, "BasebandFirmware");
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested && _client->image4supported) {
retassure(plist_dict_get_item(_client->tss, "generator"), "shsh file does not contain generator. But a generator is required for 64bit pwndfu restore");
retassure(build_identity = getBuildidentityWithBoardconfig(buildmanifest, client->device->hardware_model, _isUpdateInstall),"ERROR: Unable to find any build identities for IPSW\n");
if (_client->image4supported) {
@ -679,7 +758,7 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
if (!ticketIdentity) {
printf("Failed to get exact match for build identity, using fallback to ignore certain values");
printf("Failed to get exact match for build identity, using fallback to ignore certain values\n");
ticketIdentity = img4tool::getBuildIdentityForIm4m({im4m.first,im4m.second}, buildmanifest, {"RestoreRamDisk","RestoreTrustCache"});
@ -868,7 +947,7 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
if (_rerestoreiOS9) {
if (dfu_send_component(client, build_identity, "iBSS") < 0) {
client->dfu->client = NULL;
@ -881,8 +960,10 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBSS. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_DFU] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBSS. Reset device and try again");
@ -899,12 +980,15 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not reconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
@ -921,9 +1005,9 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested){ //if pwnrecovery send all components decrypted, unless we're dealing with iOS 10
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested){
if (!_client->image4supported) {
if (strncmp(client->version, "10.", 3))
if (strncmp(client->version, "10.", 3))//if pwnrecovery send all components decrypted, unless we're dealing with iOS 10
client->recovery_custom_component_function = get_custom_component;
}else if (!_rerestoreiOS9){
@ -934,10 +1018,13 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
@ -965,14 +1052,14 @@ void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
if (_client->image4supported) {
info("getting sep ticket\n");
retassure(!get_tss_response(client, sep_build_identity, &client->septss), "ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for SEP\n");
retassure(_client->sepfwdatasize && _client->sepfwdata, "SEP not loaded, refusing to continue");
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
debug("Waiting for device to enter restore mode...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 180000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RESTORE] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device failed to enter restore mode");
@ -1378,3 +1465,22 @@ noerror:
return pathStr;
std::string futurerestore::getGeneratorFromSHSH2(const plist_t shsh2){
plist_t pGenerator = NULL;
uint64_t gen = 0;
char *genstr = NULL;
retassure(pGenerator = plist_dict_get_item(shsh2, "generator"), "shsh file does not contain generator");
retassure(plist_get_node_type(pGenerator) == PLIST_STRING, "generator has unexpected type! We expect string of the format 0x%16llx");
plist_get_string_val(pGenerator, &genstr);
sscanf(genstr, "0x%16llx",&gen);
retassure(gen, "failed to parse generator. Make sure it is in format 0x%16llx");
return {genstr};

View file

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ public:
static plist_t loadPlistFromFile(const char *path);
static void saveStringToFile(const char *str, const char *path);
static char *getPathOfElementInManifest(const char *element, const char *manifeststr, const char *model, int isUpdateInstall);
static std::string getGeneratorFromSHSH2(const plist_t shsh2);