mirror of
synced 2025-02-27 23:16:49 +00:00
WIP updating idevicerestore
This commit is contained in:
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 5411b6bd9a2bbf85ec7ab4bef6bc7d168a5bf79b
Subproject commit 81867167df74c07d83b6784f48be6ca4d70ed4a4
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
8799B0B71D89DAFF002F4D5F /* normal.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8785876C1D89D1C1008689F0 /* normal.c */; };
8799B0B81D89DAFF002F4D5F /* recovery.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8785876E1D89D1C1008689F0 /* recovery.c */; };
8799B0B91D89DB0D002F4D5F /* img3.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8785875E1D89D1C1008689F0 /* img3.c */; };
8799B0BB1D89DB12002F4D5F /* download.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587551D89D1C1008689F0 /* download.c */; };
8799B0BB1D89DB12002F4D5F /* download.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587551D89D1C1008689F0 /* download.c */; settings = {COMPILER_FLAGS = "-DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"\""; }; };
8799B0BC1D89DB27002F4D5F /* ipsw.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587621D89D1C1008689F0 /* ipsw.c */; };
8799B0BD1D89DB27002F4D5F /* limera1n.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587641D89D1C1008689F0 /* limera1n.c */; };
8799B0BE1D89DB27002F4D5F /* restore.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587701D89D1C1008689F0 /* restore.c */; };
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
8799B0CA1D89E371002F4D5F /* img4.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587601D89D1C1008689F0 /* img4.c */; };
8799B0CB1D89F796002F4D5F /* tsschecker.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8785879F1D89D2BA008689F0 /* tsschecker.c */; };
8799B0CC1D89F7B9002F4D5F /* download.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 878587981D89D2BA008689F0 /* download.c */; };
87B517C3236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 87B517C1236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.c */; };
87B517C6236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 87B517C5236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.c */; };
87B517C9236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 87B517C7236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.c */; };
87F574CB1E151E97008D5C4D /* libfragmentzip.0.dylib in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 87F574CA1E151E97008D5C4D /* libfragmentzip.0.dylib */; };
87F574D01E151F44008D5C4D /* libcrypto.dylib in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 87F574C51E151D42008D5C4D /* libcrypto.dylib */; };
/* End PBXBuildFile section */
@ -129,6 +132,12 @@
878E1AC41F73EB3F00B1565B /* libzip.5.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libzip.5.dylib; path = ../../../../usr/local/Cellar/libzip/1.3.0/lib/libzip.5.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8799B0B01D89D99D002F4D5F /* futurerestore.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = futurerestore.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
8799B0B11D89D99D002F4D5F /* futurerestore.hpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.h; path = futurerestore.hpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87B517C1236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = ftab.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87B517C2236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ftab.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87B517C4236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = json_plist.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87B517C5236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = json_plist.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87B517C7236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = jsmn.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87B517C8236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = jsmn.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87F574C51E151D42008D5C4D /* libcrypto.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libcrypto.dylib; path = ../../../../usr/lib/libcrypto.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
87F574C71E151DA6008D5C4D /* libcommonCrypto.tbd */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "sourcecode.text-based-dylib-definition"; name = libcommonCrypto.tbd; path = usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.tbd; sourceTree = SDKROOT; };
87F574CA1E151E97008D5C4D /* libfragmentzip.0.dylib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = "compiled.mach-o.dylib"; name = libfragmentzip.0.dylib; path = ../../../../usr/local/lib/libfragmentzip.0.dylib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@ -224,6 +233,12 @@
8785875F1D89D1C1008689F0 /* img3.h */,
878587601D89D1C1008689F0 /* img4.c */,
878587611D89D1C1008689F0 /* img4.h */,
87B517C5236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.c */,
87B517C4236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.h */,
87B517C1236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.c */,
87B517C2236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.h */,
87B517C7236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.c */,
87B517C8236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.h */,
878587621D89D1C1008689F0 /* ipsw.c */,
878587631D89D1C1008689F0 /* ipsw.h */,
878587641D89D1C1008689F0 /* limera1n.c */,
@ -342,6 +357,7 @@
8799B0B41D89DAF6002F4D5F /* tss.c in Sources */,
8799B0C01D89DB38002F4D5F /* fdr.c in Sources */,
8799B0BC1D89DB27002F4D5F /* ipsw.c in Sources */,
87B517C3236EF36B009EAB8F /* ftab.c in Sources */,
8799B0CC1D89F7B9002F4D5F /* download.c in Sources */,
8799B0B91D89DB0D002F4D5F /* img3.c in Sources */,
8799B0B51D89DAFF002F4D5F /* common.c in Sources */,
@ -350,12 +366,14 @@
8799B0B31D89DAE7002F4D5F /* idevicerestore.c in Sources */,
8799B0BB1D89DB12002F4D5F /* download.c in Sources */,
8799B0B71D89DAFF002F4D5F /* normal.c in Sources */,
87B517C9236EF3CD009EAB8F /* jsmn.c in Sources */,
8799B0C31D89DB4B002F4D5F /* socket.c in Sources */,
8799B0C21D89DB46002F4D5F /* thread.c in Sources */,
8799B0B61D89DAFF002F4D5F /* dfu.c in Sources */,
8799B0BD1D89DB27002F4D5F /* limera1n.c in Sources */,
8799B0C51D89DB67002F4D5F /* locking.c in Sources */,
878587471D89CFDC008689F0 /* main.cpp in Sources */,
87B517C6236EF3B0009EAB8F /* json_plist.c in Sources */,
8799B0BF1D89DB38002F4D5F /* asr.c in Sources */,
8799B0BE1D89DB27002F4D5F /* restore.c in Sources */,
8799B0CB1D89F796002F4D5F /* tsschecker.c in Sources */,
@ -457,6 +475,7 @@
@ -79,6 +79,14 @@ extern "C"{
using namespace tihmstar;
#pragma mark helpers
extern "C"{
void irecv_event_cb(const irecv_device_event_t* event, void *userdata);
void idevice_event_cb(const idevice_event_t *event, void *userdata);
#pragma mark futurerestore
futurerestore::futurerestore(bool isUpdateInstall, bool isPwnDfu) : _isUpdateInstall(isUpdateInstall), _isPwnDfu(isPwnDfu){
_client = idevicerestore_client_new();
@ -117,7 +125,6 @@ int futurerestore::getDeviceMode(bool reRequest){
if (!reRequest && _client->mode && _client->mode->index != MODE_UNKNOWN) {
return _client->mode->index;
return check_mode(_client);
@ -159,7 +166,6 @@ void futurerestore::putDeviceIntoRecovery(){
//these get also freed by destructor
@ -551,57 +557,71 @@ void get_custom_component(struct idevicerestore_client_t* client, plist_t build_
int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
int err = 0;
//some memory might not get freed if this function throws an exception, but you probably don't want to catch that anyway.
struct idevicerestore_client_t* client = _client;
int unused;
int result = 0;
void futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
plist_t buildmanifest = NULL;
int delete_fs = 0;
char* filesystem = NULL;
plist_t buildmanifest = NULL;
info("Cleaning up...\n");
safeFreeCustom(buildmanifest, plist_free);
if (delete_fs && filesystem) unlink(filesystem);
struct idevicerestore_client_t* client = _client;
plist_t build_identity = NULL;
plist_t sep_build_identity = NULL;
client->ipsw = strdup(ipsw);
if (!_isUpdateInstall) client->flags |= FLAG_ERASE;
info("Found device in %s mode\n", client->mode->string);
irecv_device_event_subscribe(&client->irecv_e_ctx, irecv_event_cb, client);
idevice_event_subscribe(idevice_event_cb, client);
client->idevice_e_ctx = (void*)idevice_event_cb;
retassure(client->mode->index == MODE_RECOVERY || (client->mode->index == MODE_DFU && _enterPwnRecoveryRequested), "device not in recovery mode\n");
// discover the device type
retassure(check_hardware_model(client) && client->device, "ERROR: Unable to discover device model\n");
info("Identified device as %s, %s\n", client->device->hardware_model, client->device->product_type);
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure(client->mode != &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN], "Unable to discover device mode. Please make sure a device is attached.\n");
if (client->mode != &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY]) {
retassure(client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_DFU], "Device in unexpected mode detected!");
retassure(_enterPwnRecoveryRequested, "Device in DFU mode detected, but we were expecting recovery mode!");
retassure(!_enterPwnRecoveryRequested, "--pwn-dfu was specified, but device found in recovery mode!");
info("Found device in %s mode\n", client->mode->string);
info("Identified device as %s, %s\n", getDeviceBoardNoCopy(), getDeviceModelNoCopy());
// verify if ipsw file exists
retassure(!access(client->ipsw, F_OK),"ERROR: Firmware file %s does not exist.\n", client->ipsw);
info("Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW\n");
retassure(!ipsw_extract_build_manifest(client->ipsw, &buildmanifest, &unused),"ERROR: Unable to extract BuildManifest from %s. Firmware file might be corrupt.\n", client->ipsw);
int unused;
retassure(!ipsw_extract_build_manifest(client->ipsw, &buildmanifest, &unused),"ERROR: Unable to extract BuildManifest from %s. Firmware file might be corrupt.\n", client->ipsw);
/* check if device type is supported by the given build manifest */
retassure(!build_manifest_check_compatibility(buildmanifest, client->device->product_type),"ERROR: Could not make sure this firmware is suitable for the current device. Refusing to continue.\n");
/* print iOS information from the manifest */
build_manifest_get_version_information(buildmanifest, client);
info("Product Version: %s\n", client->version);
info("Product Build: %s Major: %d\n", client->build, client->build_major);
client->image4supported = is_image4_supported(client);
info("Device supports Image4: %s\n", (client->image4supported) ? "true" : "false");
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested) //we are in pwnDFU, so we don't need to check nonces
client->tss = _aptickets.at(0);
else if (!(client->tss = nonceMatchesApTickets()))
reterror("Devicenonce does not match APTicket nonce\n");
plist_dict_remove_item(client->tss, "BBTicket");
plist_dict_remove_item(client->tss, "BasebandFirmware");
retassure(build_identity = getBuildidentityWithBoardconfig(buildmanifest, client->device->hardware_model, _isUpdateInstall),"ERROR: Unable to find any build identities for IPSW\n");
if (_client->image4supported) {
@ -612,7 +632,7 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
"ERROR: Unable to find any build identities for SEP\n");
//this is the buildidentity used for restore
plist_t manifest = plist_dict_get_item(build_identity, "Manifest");
@ -620,7 +640,7 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
printf("checking APTicket to be valid for this restore...\n");
//if we are in pwnDFU, just use first apticket. no need to check nonces
auto im4m = (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested || _rerestoreiOS9) ? _im4ms.at(0) : nonceMatchesIM4Ms();
uint64_t deviceEcid = getDeviceEcid();
uint64_t im4mEcid = 0;
if (_client->image4supported) {
@ -631,25 +651,25 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
retassure(im4mEcid, "Failed to read ECID from APTicket\n");
if (im4mEcid != deviceEcid) {
error("ECID inside APTicket does not match device ECID\n");
printf("APTicket is valid for %16llu (dec) but device is %16llu (dec)\n",im4mEcid,deviceEcid);
reterror("APTicket can't be used for restoring this device\n");
printf("Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID\n");
if (_client->image4supported) {
printf("checking APTicket to be valid for this restore...\n");
uint64_t deviceEcid = getDeviceEcid();
if (im4mEcid != deviceEcid) {
error("ECID inside APTicket does not match device ECID\n");
printf("APTicket is valid for %16llu (dec) but device is %16llu (dec)\n",im4mEcid,deviceEcid);
reterror("APTicket can't be used for restoring this device\n");
printf("Verified ECID in APTicket matches device ECID\n");
plist_t ticketIdentity = img4tool::getBuildIdentityForIm4m({im4m.first,im4m.second}, buildmanifest);
//TODO: make this nicer!
//for now a simple pointercompare should be fine, because both plist_t should point into the same buildidentity inside the buildmanifest
@ -658,7 +678,7 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
printf("BuildIdentity selected for restore:\n");
printf("\nBuildIdentiy valid for the APTicket:\n");
if (ticketIdentity) img4tool::printGeneralBuildIdentityInformation(ticketIdentity),putchar('\n');
printf("IM4M is not valid for any restore within the Buildmanifest\n");
@ -674,24 +694,24 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
}else if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested){
info("[WARNING] skipping ramdisk hash check, since device is in pwnDFU according to user\n");
info("[WARNING] full buildidentity check is not implemented, only comparing ramdisk hash.\n");
auto ticket = getRamdiskHashFromSCAB(im4m.first, im4m.second);
const char *tickethash = ticket.first;
size_t tickethashSize = ticket.second;
uint64_t manifestDigestSize = 0;
char *manifestDigest = NULL;
plist_t restoreRamdisk = plist_dict_get_item(manifest, "RestoreRamDisk");
plist_t digest = plist_dict_get_item(restoreRamdisk, "Digest");
plist_get_data_val(digest, &manifestDigest, &manifestDigestSize);
if (tickethashSize == manifestDigestSize && memcmp(tickethash, manifestDigest, tickethashSize) == 0){
printf("Verified APTicket to be valid for this restore\n");
@ -701,25 +721,25 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
reterror("APTicket can't be used for this restore\n");
if (_basebandbuildmanifest){
if (!(client->basebandBuildIdentity = getBuildidentityWithBoardconfig(_basebandbuildmanifest, client->device->hardware_model, _isUpdateInstall))){
retassure(client->basebandBuildIdentity = getBuildidentityWithBoardconfig(_basebandbuildmanifest, client->device->hardware_model, !_isUpdateInstall), "ERROR: Unable to find any build identities for Baseband\n");
info("[WARNING] Unable to find Baseband buildidentities for restore type %s, using fallback %s\n", (_isUpdateInstall) ? "Update" : "Erase",(!_isUpdateInstall) ? "Update" : "Erase");
client->bbfwtmp = (char*)_basebandPath;
plist_t bb_manifest = plist_dict_get_item(client->basebandBuildIdentity, "Manifest");
plist_t bb_baseband = plist_copy(plist_dict_get_item(bb_manifest, "BasebandFirmware"));
plist_dict_set_item(manifest, "BasebandFirmware", bb_baseband);
retassure(_client->basebandBuildIdentity, "BasebandBuildIdentity not loaded, refusing to continue");
warning("WARNING: we don't have a basebandbuildmanifest, not flashing baseband!\n");
if (_client->image4supported) {
plist_t sep_manifest = plist_dict_get_item(sep_build_identity, "Manifest");
plist_t sep_sep = plist_copy(plist_dict_get_item(sep_manifest, "SEP"));
@ -731,26 +751,25 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
plist_t digest = plist_dict_get_item(sep_sep, "Digest");
retassure(digest && plist_get_node_type(digest) == PLIST_DATA, "ERROR: can't find sep digest\n");
plist_get_data_val(digest, reinterpret_cast<char **>(&sephash), &sephashlen);
if (sephashlen == 20)
SHA1((unsigned char*)_client->sepfwdata, (unsigned int)_client->sepfwdatasize, genHash);
SHA384((unsigned char*)_client->sepfwdata, (unsigned int)_client->sepfwdatasize, genHash);
retassure(!memcmp(genHash, sephash, sephashlen), "ERROR: SEP does not match sepmanifest\n");
/* print information about current build identity */
//check for enterpwnrecovery, because we could be in DFU mode
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested){
retassure(getDeviceMode(true) == MODE_DFU, "unexpected device mode\n");
// Get filesystem name from build identity
char* fsname = NULL;
retassure(!build_identity_get_component_path(build_identity, "OS", &fsname), "ERROR: Unable get path for filesystem component\n");
@ -775,23 +794,23 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
if (p) {
*p = '\0';
if (stat(tmpf, &st) < 0) {
__mkdir(tmpf, 0755);
strcat(tmpf, "/");
strcat(tmpf, fsname);
memset(&st, '\0', sizeof(struct stat));
if (stat(tmpf, &st) == 0) {
off_t fssize = 0;
ipsw_get_file_size(client->ipsw, fsname, &fssize);
ipsw_get_file_size(client->ipsw, fsname, (uint64_t*)&fssize);
if ((fssize > 0) && (st.st_size == fssize)) {
info("Using cached filesystem from '%s'\n", tmpf);
filesystem = strdup(tmpf);
if (!filesystem) {
char extfn[1024];
strcpy(extfn, tmpf);
@ -800,7 +819,7 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
strcpy(lockfn, tmpf);
strcat(lockfn, ".lock");
lock_info_t li;
lock_file(lockfn, &li);
FILE* extf = NULL;
if (access(extfn, F_OK) != 0) {
@ -821,11 +840,11 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
// Extract filesystem from IPSW
info("Extracting filesystem from IPSW\n");
retassure(!ipsw_extract_to_file_with_progress(client->ipsw, fsname, filesystem, 1),"ERROR: Unable to extract filesystem from IPSW\n");
if (strstr(filesystem, ".extract")) {
// rename <fsname>.extract to <fsname>
@ -834,27 +853,48 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
filesystem = strdup(tmpf);
if (_rerestoreiOS9) {
if (dfu_send_component(client, build_identity, "iBSS") < 0) {
error("ERROR: Unable to send iBSS to device\n");
client->dfu->client = NULL;
return -1;
reterror("ERROR: Unable to send iBSS to device\n");
/* reconnect */
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBSS. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_DFU] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBSS. Reset device and try again");
/* send iBEC */
if (dfu_send_component(client, build_identity, "iBEC") < 0) {
error("ERROR: Unable to send iBEC to device\n");
client->dfu->client = NULL;
return -1;
reterror("ERROR: Unable to send iBEC to device\n");
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
if ((client->build_major > 8)) {
if (!client->image4supported) {
@ -865,9 +905,9 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
if (_enterPwnRecoveryRequested){ //if pwnrecovery send all components decrypted, unless we're dealing with iOS 10
if (!_client->image4supported) {
if (strncmp(client->version, "10.", 3))
@ -879,125 +919,25 @@ int futurerestore::doRestore(const char *ipsw){
printf("waiting for device to reconnect... ");
/* this must be long enough to allow the device to run the iBEC */
/* FIXME: Probably better to detect if the device is back then */
for (int i=0;getDeviceMode(true) != MODE_RECOVERY && i<40; i++) putchar('.'),usleep(USEC_PER_SEC*0.5);
retassure(check_mode(client), "failed to reconnect to device in recovery (iBEC) mode\n");
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_UNKNOWN] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
debug("Waiting for device to reconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 10000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device did not disconnect. Possibly invalid iBEC. Reset device and try again");
retassure(client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RECOVERY], "failed to reconnect to device in recovery (iBEC) mode\n");
//do magic
if (_client->image4supported) get_sep_nonce(client, &client->sepnonce, &client->sepnonce_size);
get_ap_nonce(client, &client->nonce, &client->nonce_size);
get_ecid(client, &client->ecid);
if (client->mode->index == MODE_RECOVERY) {
retassure(client->srnm,"ERROR: could not retrieve device serial number. Can't continue.\n");
if (irecv_send_command(client->recovery->client, "bgcolor 0 255 0") != IRECV_E_SUCCESS) {
error("ERROR: Unable to set bgcolor\n");
return -1;
info("[WARNING] Setting bgcolor to green! If you don't see a green screen, then your device didn't boot iBEC correctly\n");
sleep(2); //show the user a green screen!
retassure(!recovery_enter_restore(client, build_identity),"ERROR: Unable to place device into restore mode\n");
if (_client->image4supported) {
retassure(!get_tss_response(client, sep_build_identity, &client->septss), "ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for SEP\n");
retassure(_client->sepfwdatasize && _client->sepfwdata, "SEP not loaded, refusing to continue");
if (client->mode->index == MODE_RESTORE) {
info("About to restore device... \n");
retassure(!(result = restore_device(client, build_identity, filesystem)), "ERROR: Unable to restore device\n");
info("Cleaning up...\n");
if (delete_fs && filesystem) unlink(filesystem);
if (!result && !err) info("DONE\n");
return result ? abs(result) : err;
int futurerestore::doJustBoot(const char *ipsw, string bootargs){
int err = 0;
//some memory might not get freed if this function throws an exception, but you probably don't want to catch that anyway.
struct idevicerestore_client_t* client = _client;
int unused;
int result = 0;
plist_t buildmanifest = NULL;
plist_t build_identity = NULL;
client->ipsw = strdup(ipsw);
info("Found device in %s mode\n", client->mode->string);
retassure((client->mode->index == MODE_DFU || client->mode->index == MODE_RECOVERY) && _enterPwnRecoveryRequested, "device not in DFU/Recovery mode\n");
// discover the device type
retassure(check_hardware_model(client) && client->device,"ERROR: Unable to discover device model\n");
info("Identified device as %s, %s\n", client->device->hardware_model, client->device->product_type);
// verify if ipsw file exists
retassure(!access(client->ipsw, F_OK), "ERROR: Firmware file %s does not exist.\n", client->ipsw);
info("Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW\n");
retassure(!ipsw_extract_build_manifest(client->ipsw, &buildmanifest, &unused),"ERROR: Unable to extract BuildManifest from %s. Firmware file might be corrupt.\n", client->ipsw);
/* check if device type is supported by the given build manifest */
retassure(!build_manifest_check_compatibility(buildmanifest, client->device->product_type),"ERROR: Could not make sure this firmware is suitable for the current device. Refusing to continue.\n");
/* print iOS information from the manifest */
build_manifest_get_version_information(buildmanifest, client);
info("Product Version: %s\n", client->version);
info("Product Build: %s Major: %d\n", client->build, client->build_major);
client->image4supported = is_image4_supported(client);
info("Device supports Image4: %s\n", (client->image4supported) ? "true" : "false");
retassure(build_identity = getBuildidentityWithBoardconfig(buildmanifest, client->device->hardware_model, 0),"ERROR: Unable to find any build identities for IPSW\n");
/* print information about current build identity */
//check for enterpwnrecovery, because we could be in DFU mode
retassure(_enterPwnRecoveryRequested, "enterPwnRecoveryRequested is not set, but required");
retassure(getDeviceMode(true) == MODE_DFU || getDeviceMode(false) == MODE_RECOVERY, "unexpected device mode\n");
enterPwnRecovery(build_identity, bootargs);
client->recovery_custom_component_function = get_custom_component;
for (int i=0;getDeviceMode(true) != MODE_RECOVERY && i<40; i++) putchar('.'),usleep(USEC_PER_SEC*0.5);
retassure(check_mode(client), "failed to reconnect to device in recovery (iBEC) mode\n");
get_ecid(client, &client->ecid);
client->flags |= FLAG_BOOT;
if (client->mode->index == MODE_RECOVERY) {
retassure(client->srnm,"ERROR: could not retrieve device serial number. Can't continue.\n");
@ -1005,25 +945,120 @@ int futurerestore::doJustBoot(const char *ipsw, string bootargs){
info("[WARNING] Setting bgcolor to green! If you don't see a green screen, then your device didn't boot iBEC correctly\n");
sleep(2); //show the user a green screen!
client->image4supported = true; //dirty hack to not require apticket
retassure(!recovery_enter_restore(client, build_identity),"ERROR: Unable to place device into restore mode\n");
client->image4supported = false;
if (_client->image4supported) {
retassure(!get_tss_response(client, sep_build_identity, &client->septss), "ERROR: Unable to get SHSH blobs for SEP\n");
retassure(_client->sepfwdatasize && _client->sepfwdata, "SEP not loaded, refusing to continue");
info("Cleaning up...\n");
safeFreeCustom(buildmanifest, plist_free);
if (!result && !err) info("DONE\n");
return result ? abs(result) : err;
debug("Waiting for device to disconnect...\n");
cond_wait_timeout(&client->device_event_cond, &client->device_event_mutex, 180000);
retassure((client->mode == &idevicerestore_modes[MODE_RESTORE] || (mutex_unlock(&client->device_event_mutex),0)), "Device failed to enter restore mode");
info("About to restore device... \n");
int result = 0;
retassure(!(result = restore_device(client, build_identity, filesystem)), "ERROR: Unable to restore device\n");
int futurerestore::doJustBoot(const char *ipsw, string bootargs){
reterror("not implemented");
// int err = 0;
// //some memory might not get freed if this function throws an exception, but you probably don't want to catch that anyway.
// struct idevicerestore_client_t* client = _client;
// int unused;
// int result = 0;
// plist_t buildmanifest = NULL;
// plist_t build_identity = NULL;
// client->ipsw = strdup(ipsw);
// getDeviceMode(true);
// info("Found device in %s mode\n", client->mode->string);
// retassure((client->mode->index == MODE_DFU || client->mode->index == MODE_RECOVERY) && _enterPwnRecoveryRequested, "device not in DFU/Recovery mode\n");
// // discover the device type
// retassure(check_hardware_model(client) && client->device,"ERROR: Unable to discover device model\n");
// info("Identified device as %s, %s\n", client->device->hardware_model, client->device->product_type);
// // verify if ipsw file exists
// retassure(!access(client->ipsw, F_OK), "ERROR: Firmware file %s does not exist.\n", client->ipsw);
// info("Extracting BuildManifest from IPSW\n");
// retassure(!ipsw_extract_build_manifest(client->ipsw, &buildmanifest, &unused),"ERROR: Unable to extract BuildManifest from %s. Firmware file might be corrupt.\n", client->ipsw);
// /* check if device type is supported by the given build manifest */
// retassure(!build_manifest_check_compatibility(buildmanifest, client->device->product_type),"ERROR: Could not make sure this firmware is suitable for the current device. Refusing to continue.\n");
// /* print iOS information from the manifest */
// build_manifest_get_version_information(buildmanifest, client);
// info("Product Version: %s\n", client->version);
// info("Product Build: %s Major: %d\n", client->build, client->build_major);
// client->image4supported = is_image4_supported(client);
// info("Device supports Image4: %s\n", (client->image4supported) ? "true" : "false");
// retassure(build_identity = getBuildidentityWithBoardconfig(buildmanifest, client->device->hardware_model, 0),"ERROR: Unable to find any build identities for IPSW\n");
// /* print information about current build identity */
// build_identity_print_information(build_identity);
// //check for enterpwnrecovery, because we could be in DFU mode
// retassure(_enterPwnRecoveryRequested, "enterPwnRecoveryRequested is not set, but required");
// retassure(getDeviceMode(true) == MODE_DFU || getDeviceMode(false) == MODE_RECOVERY, "unexpected device mode\n");
// enterPwnRecovery(build_identity, bootargs);
// client->recovery_custom_component_function = get_custom_component;
// for (int i=0;getDeviceMode(true) != MODE_RECOVERY && i<40; i++) putchar('.'),usleep(USEC_PER_SEC*0.5);
// putchar('\n');
// retassure(check_mode(client), "failed to reconnect to device in recovery (iBEC) mode\n");
// get_ecid(client, &client->ecid);
// client->flags |= FLAG_BOOT;
// if (client->mode->index == MODE_RECOVERY) {
// retassure(client->srnm,"ERROR: could not retrieve device serial number. Can't continue.\n");
// retassure(!irecv_send_command(client->recovery->client, "bgcolor 0 255 0"), "ERROR: Unable to set bgcolor\n");
// info("[WARNING] Setting bgcolor to green! If you don't see a green screen, then your device didn't boot iBEC correctly\n");
// sleep(2); //show the user a green screen!
// client->image4supported = true; //dirty hack to not require apticket
// retassure(!recovery_enter_restore(client, build_identity),"ERROR: Unable to place device into restore mode\n");
// client->image4supported = false;
// recovery_client_free(client);
// }
// info("Cleaning up...\n");
// safeFree(client->sepfwdata);
// safeFreeCustom(buildmanifest, plist_free);
// if (!result && !err) info("DONE\n");
// return result ? abs(result) : err;
for (auto im4m : _im4ms){
@ -1052,26 +1087,50 @@ void futurerestore::loadFirmwareTokens(){
const char *futurerestore::getDeviceModelNoCopy(){
if (!_client->device || !_client->device->product_type){
int mode = getDeviceMode(true);
retassure(mode == MODE_NORMAL || mode == MODE_RECOVERY || mode == MODE_DFU, "unexpected device mode=%d\n",mode);
retassure(check_hardware_model(_client) && _client->device, "ERROR: Unable to discover device model\n");
switch (mode) {
_client->device = restore_get_irecv_device(_client);
_client->device = normal_get_irecv_device(_client);
case MODE_DFU:
_client->device = dfu_get_irecv_device(_client);
return _client->device->product_type;
const char *futurerestore::getDeviceBoardNoCopy(){
if (!_client->device || !_client->device->hardware_model){
int mode = getDeviceMode(true);
if (!_client->device || !_client->device->product_type){
retassure(mode == MODE_NORMAL || mode == MODE_RECOVERY, "unexpected device mode=%d\n",mode);
int mode = getDeviceMode(true);
retassure(mode == MODE_NORMAL || mode == MODE_RECOVERY || mode == MODE_DFU, "unexpected device mode=%d\n",mode);
retassure(check_hardware_model(_client) && _client->device, "ERROR: Unable to discover device model\n");
switch (mode) {
_client->device = restore_get_irecv_device(_client);
_client->device = normal_get_irecv_device(_client);
case MODE_DFU:
_client->device = dfu_get_irecv_device(_client);
return _client->device->hardware_model;
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public:
uint64_t getBasebandGoldCertIDFromDevice();
int doRestore(const char *ipsw);
void doRestore(const char *ipsw);
int doJustBoot(const char *ipsw, std::string bootargs = "");
@ -264,12 +264,11 @@ int main_r(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
try {
if (bootargs)
res = client.doJustBoot(ipsw,bootargs);
res = client.doRestore(ipsw);
} catch (int error) {
if (error == -20) error("maybe you forgot -w ?\n");
err = error;
} catch (tihmstar::exception &e) {
cout << "Done: restoring "<< (!res ? "succeeded" : "failed")<<"." <<endl;
Reference in a new issue