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synced 2025-02-01 19:20:59 +00:00
List Appliance Features
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
@ -4,13 +4,14 @@
[![Home Assistant installs](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?color=blue&label=usage&suffix=%20installs&cacheSeconds=15600&url=https://analytics.home-assistant.io/custom_integrations.json&query=$.hon.total)](https://analytics.home-assistant.io/)
Home Assistant integration for Haier hOn: support for Haier/Candy/Hoover home appliances like washing machines.
## Supported Appliances
- Washing Machine
- Tumble Dryer
- Washer Dryer
- Oven
- Hob
- Dish Washer
- [Washing Machine](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#washing-machine)
- [Tumble Dryer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#tumble-dryer)
- [Washer Dryer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#washer-dryer)
- [Oven](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#oven)
- [Hob](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#hob)
- [Dish Washer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#dish-washer)
## Installation
**Method 1:** [![Open your Home Assistant instance and open a repository inside the Home Assistant Community Store.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/hacs_repository.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/hacs_repository/?owner=Andre0512&repository=hon&category=integration)
@ -28,8 +29,6 @@ _Restart Home Assistant_
**Method 2**: Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration > **Haier hOn**
_If the integration is not in the list, you need to clear the browser cache._
## Contribute
Any kind of contribution is welcome!
### Read out device data
@ -104,3 +103,177 @@ For every device exists a hidden button which can be used to log all info of you
The existing integrations missed some features from the app I liked to have in HomeAssistant.
I tried to create a pull request, but in the structures of these existing repos, I find it hard to fit in my needs, so I basically rewrote everything.
I moved the api related stuff into the package [pyhOn](https://github.com/Andre0512/pyhOn).
## Appliance Features
### Dish washer
#### Controls
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Dish Washer | `mdi:dishwasher` | `switch` | `active` |
#### Configs
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Add Dish | `mdi:silverware-fork-knife` | `switch` | `startProgram.addDish` |
| Delay time | `mdi:timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` |
| Eco Express | `mdi:sprout` | `switch` | `startProgram.ecoExpress` |
| Eco Index | `mdi:sprout` | `sensor` | `startProgram.ecoIndex` |
| Energy Label | `mdi:lightning-bolt-circle` | `sensor` | `startProgram.energyLabel` |
| Extra Dry | `mdi:hair-dryer` | `switch` | `startProgram.extraDry` |
| Half Load | `mdi:fraction-one-half` | `switch` | `startProgram.halfLoad` |
| Open Door | `mdi:door-open` | `switch` | `startProgram.openDoor` |
| Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` |
| Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `sensor` | `startProgram.temp` |
| Three in One | `mdi:numeric-3-box-outline` | `switch` | `startProgram.threeInOne` |
| Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `startProgram.remainingTime` |
| Water Efficiency | `mdi:water` | `sensor` | `startProgram.waterEfficiency` |
| Water Saving | `mdi:water-percent` | `sensor` | `startProgram.waterSaving` |
| Water hard | `mdi:water` | `number` | `startProgram.waterHard` |
#### Sensors
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Connection | | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` |
| Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` |
| Error | `mdi:math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` |
| Machine Status | `mdi:information` | `sensor` | `machMode` |
| Remaining Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` |
| Rinse Aid | `mdi:spray-bottle` | `binary_sensor` | `rinseAidStatus` |
| Salt | `mdi:shaker-outline` | `binary_sensor` | `saltStatus` |
### Hob
#### Controls
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Start Program | `mdi:pot-steam` | `button` | `startProgram` |
#### Configs
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Power Management | `mdi:timelapse` | `number` | `startProgram.powerManagement` |
| Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` |
| Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.temp` |
#### Sensors
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Connection | `mdi:wifi` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` |
| Error | `mdi:math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` |
| Hob Lock | | `binary_sensor` | `hobLockStatus` |
| Hot Status | | `binary_sensor` | `hotStatus` |
| On | `mdi:power-cycle` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.onOffStatus` |
| Remaining Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` |
| Remote Control | `mdi:remote` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.remoteCtrValid` |
| Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` |
### Oven
#### Controls
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Start Program | `mdi:power-cycle` | `button` | `startProgram` |
| Stop Program | `mdi:power-off` | `button` | `stopProgram` |
#### Configs
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Delay time | `mdi:timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` |
| Preheat | | `select` | `startProgram.preheatStatus` |
| Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` |
| Program Duration | `mdi:timelapse` | `number` | `startProgram.prTime` |
| Target Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.tempSel` |
#### Sensors
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Connection | `mdi:wifi` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` |
| On | `mdi:power-cycle` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.onOffStatus` |
| Remaining Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` |
| Remote Control | `mdi:remote` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.parameters.remoteCtrValid` |
| Start Time | `mdi:clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTime` |
| Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` |
| Temperature Selected | `mdi:thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempSel` |
### Tumble dryer
#### Controls
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Pause Tumble Dryer | `mdi:pause` | `switch` | `pause` |
| Tumble Dryer | `mdi:tumble-dryer` | `switch` | `active` |
#### Configs
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Anti-Crease time | `mdi:timer` | `number` | `startProgram.antiCreaseTime` |
| Delay time | `mdi:timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` |
| Dry level | `mdi:hair-dryer` | `number` | `startProgram.dryLevel` |
| Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` |
| Sterilization status | `mdi:clock-start` | `number` | `startProgram.sterilizationStatus` |
| Temperature level | `mdi:thermometer` | `number` | `startProgram.tempLevel` |
| Time | `mdi:timer` | `select` | `startProgram.dryTimeMM` |
#### Sensors
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Connection | | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` |
| Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` |
| Dry level | `mdi:hair-dryer` | `sensor` | `dryLevel` |
| Error | `mdi:math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` |
| Machine Status | `mdi:information` | `sensor` | `machMode` |
| Program | `mdi:tumble-dryer` | `sensor` | `prCode` |
| Program Phase | `mdi:tumble-dryer` | `sensor` | `prPhase` |
| Remaining Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` |
| Start Time | `mdi:clock-start` | `sensor` | `delayTime` |
| Temperature level | `mdi:thermometer` | `sensor` | `tempLevel` |
### Washer dryer
#### Controls
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Pause Washing Machine | `mdi:pause` | `switch` | `pause` |
| Washing Machine | `mdi:washing-machine` | `switch` | `active` |
#### Configs
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Delay Time | `mdi:timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` |
| Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` |
#### Sensors
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Acqua Plus | | `binary_sensor` | `acquaplus` |
| Anti-Crease | | `binary_sensor` | `anticrease` |
| Current Program | `mdi:tumble-dryer` | `sensor` | `prCode` |
| Current Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `sensor` | `temp` |
| Dirt level | `mdi:liquid-spot` | `sensor` | `dirtyLevel` |
| Dry level | `mdi:hair-dryer` | `sensor` | `dryLevel` |
| Extra Rinse 1 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse1` |
| Extra Rinse 2 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse2` |
| Extra Rinse 3 | | `binary_sensor` | `extraRinse3` |
| Good Night Mode | | `binary_sensor` | `goodNight` |
| Machine Status | `mdi:information` | `sensor` | `machMode` |
| Pre Wash | | `binary_sensor` | `startProgram.prewash` |
| Program Phase | `mdi:tumble-dryer` | `sensor` | `prPhase` |
| Remaining Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` |
| Remote Control | `mdi:remote` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` |
| Spin Speed | `mdi:fast-forward-outline` | `sensor` | `spinSpeed` |
| Steam level | `mdi:smoke` | `sensor` | `steamLevel` |
### Washing machine
#### Controls
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Pause Washing Machine | `mdi:pause` | `switch` | `pause` |
| Washing Machine | `mdi:washing-machine` | `switch` | `active` |
#### Configs
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Delay Status | `mdi:timer-check` | `switch` | `startProgram.delayStatus` |
| Delay Time | `mdi:timer-plus` | `number` | `startProgram.delayTime` |
| Main Wash Time | `mdi:clock-start` | `number` | `startProgram.mainWashTime` |
| Program | | `select` | `startProgram.program` |
| Rinse Iterations | `mdi:rotate-right` | `number` | `startProgram.rinseIterations` |
| Soak Prewash Selection | `mdi:tshirt-crew` | `switch` | `startProgram.haier_SoakPrewashSelection` |
| Spin speed | `mdi:numeric` | `select` | `startProgram.spinSpeed` |
| Suggested weight | `mdi:weight-kilogram` | `sensor` | `startProgram.weight` |
| Temperature | `mdi:thermometer` | `select` | `startProgram.temp` |
#### Sensors
| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Current Electricity Used | `mdi:lightning-bolt` | `sensor` | `currentElectricityUsed` |
| Current Water Used | `mdi:water` | `sensor` | `currentWaterUsed` |
| Door | | `binary_sensor` | `doorStatus` |
| Door Lock | | `binary_sensor` | `doorLockStatus` |
| Error | `mdi:math-log` | `sensor` | `errors` |
| Machine Status | `mdi:information` | `sensor` | `machMode` |
| Remaining Time | `mdi:timer` | `sensor` | `remainingTimeMM` |
| Remote Control | `mdi:remote` | `binary_sensor` | `attributes.lastConnEvent.category` |
| Spin Speed | `mdi:speedometer` | `sensor` | `spinSpeed` |
| Total Power | | `sensor` | `totalElectricityUsed` |
| Total Wash Cycle | `mdi:counter` | `sensor` | `totalWashCycle` |
| Total Water | | `sensor` | `totalWaterUsed` |
@ -5,11 +5,12 @@
Support for home appliances of Haier's mobile app hOn.
## Supported Appliances
- Tumble Dryer
- Washer Dryer
- Washing Machine
- Oven
- Hob
- [Washing Machine](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#washing-machine)
- [Tumble Dryer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#tumble-dryer)
- [Washer Dryer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#washer-dryer)
- [Oven](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#oven)
- [Hob](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#hob)
- [Dish Washer](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon#dish-washer)
## Tested Appliances
- Haier WD90-B14TEAM5
@ -17,7 +18,6 @@ Support for home appliances of Haier's mobile app hOn.
- Haier HWO60SM2F3XH
- Hoover H-WASH 500
## Configuration
**Method 1**: [![Open your Home Assistant instance and start setting up a new integration.](https://my.home-assistant.io/badges/config_flow_start.svg)](https://my.home-assistant.io/redirect/config_flow_start/?domain=hon)
@ -25,13 +25,11 @@ Support for home appliances of Haier's mobile app hOn.
**Method 2**: Settings > Devices & Services > Add Integration > **Haier hOn**
_If the integration is not in the list, you need to clear the browser cache._
## Contribute
Want to help us to support more appliances? Or add more sensors? Or help with translating? Or beautify some icons or captions?
Check out the [project on GitHub](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon), every contribution is welcome!
## Useful Links
* [GitHub repository](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon) (please add a star if you like this integration!)
* [pyhOn library](https://github.com/Andre0512/pyhOn)
* [Release notes](https://github.com/Andre0512/hon/releases)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
from custom_components.hon.binary_sensor import BINARY_SENSORS
from custom_components.hon.button import BUTTONS
from custom_components.hon.number import NUMBERS
from custom_components.hon.select import SELECTS
from custom_components.hon.sensor import SENSORS
from custom_components.hon.switch import SWITCHES
"AC": "Air conditioner",
"AP": "Air purifier",
"AS": "Air scanner",
"DW": "Dish washer",
"HO": "Hood",
"IH": "Hob",
"MW": "Microwave",
"OV": "Oven",
"REF": "Fridge",
"RVC": "Robot vacuum cleaner",
"TD": "Tumble dryer",
"WC": "Wine Cellar",
"WD": "Washer dryer",
"WH": "Water Heater",
"WM": "Washing machine",
ENTITY_CATEGORY_SORT = ["control", "config", "sensor"]
entities = {
"binary_sensor": BINARY_SENSORS,
"button": BUTTONS,
"number": NUMBERS,
"select": SELECTS,
"sensor": SENSORS,
"switch": SWITCHES,
result = {}
for entity_type, appliances in entities.items():
for appliance, data in appliances.items():
for entity in data:
attributes = (entity.key, entity.name, entity.icon, entity_type)
category = "control" if entity_type in ["switch", "button"] else "sensor"
result.setdefault(appliance, {}).setdefault(
entity.entity_category or category, []
for appliance, categories in sorted(result.items()):
print(f"### {APPLIANCES[appliance]}")
categories = {k: categories[k] for k in ENTITY_CATEGORY_SORT if k in categories}
for category, data in categories.items():
print(f"#### {str(category).capitalize()}s")
print("| Name | Icon | Entity | Key |")
print("| --- | --- | --- | --- |")
for key, name, icon, entity_type in sorted(data, key=lambda d: d[1]):
icon = f"`{icon}`" if icon else ""
print(f"| {name} | {icon} | `{entity_type}` | `{key}` |")
Reference in a new issue