mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 06:09:40 +00:00
2097 lines
101 KiB
2097 lines
101 KiB
"entity": {
"sensor": {
"washing_modes": {
"state": {
"ready": "Listo",
"running": "Programa en marcha",
"pause": "Pausa",
"scheduled": "Programado",
"error": "Error",
"test": "Test",
"ending": "Parada del ciclo..."
"mach_modes_ac": {
"state": {
"auto": "Automático",
"cool": "Frío",
"dry": "Deshumidificar",
"heat": "Calor",
"fan": "Ventilador"
"program_phases_wm": {
"state": {
"ready": "Listo",
"spin": "Centrifugado",
"rinse": "Aclarado",
"drying": "Secado",
"steam": "Vapor",
"weighting": "Peso",
"scheduled": "Programado",
"tumbling": "Ropa fresca",
"refresh": "Refrescar",
"heating": "Calentamiento",
"washing": "Lavado"
"name": "Fase"
"program_phases_td": {
"state": {
"ready": "Listo",
"heat_stroke": "Secado",
"drying": "Secado",
"cooldown": "Enfriar",
"unknown": "unknown",
"tumbling": "Ropa fresca"
"name": "Fase"
"program_phases_dw": {
"state": {
"ready": "Listo",
"prewash": "Prelavado",
"washing": "Lavado",
"rinse": "Aclarado",
"drying": "Secado",
"hot_rinse": "Hot rinse"
"name": "Fase"
"dry_levels": {
"state": {
"no_dry": "Sin secado",
"iron_dry": "Planchar",
"no_dry_iron": "Listo para guardar",
"cupboard_dry": "Listo para guardar",
"extra_dry": "Extraseco",
"ready_to_wear": "Listo para llevar"
"name": "Nivel de secado"
"programs_ac": {
"state": {
"iot_10_heating": "Función de calentamiento de 10° C",
"iot_auto": "Automático",
"iot_cool": "Frío",
"iot_dry": "Deshumidificar",
"iot_fan": "Ventilador",
"iot_heat": "Calor",
"iot_nano_aqua": "Nano Aqua",
"iot_purify": "Autopurificar",
"iot_self_clean": "Autolimpieza",
"iot_self_clean_56": "Limpieza desinfectante 56°",
"iot_simple_start": "Iniciar ahora",
"iot_uv": "UV",
"iot_uv_and_auto": "UV + Automático",
"iot_uv_and_cool": "UV + Frío",
"iot_uv_and_dry": "UV + Deshumidificador",
"iot_uv_and_fan": "UV + Ventilador",
"iot_uv_and_heat": "UV + Calor"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_dw": {
"state": {
"59_min": "Rápido 59'",
"auto_care": "Auto Care",
"auto_care_soil": "Auto Care",
"auto_hygiene": "Auto Hygiene",
"auto_plus": "AutoPlus",
"auto_rapid": "Auto Rapid",
"auto_sensor": "Auto Sensor",
"auto_sensor_soil": "Auto Sensor",
"auto_universal": "Auto Universal 50 - 60°C",
"auto_universal_plus": "Auto Universal Plus 65 - 75°C",
"auto_universal_plus_soil": "Auto Universal Plus 65 - 75°C",
"auto_universal_soil": "Auto Universal 50 - 60°C",
"auto_wash": "Lavado automático",
"auto_wash_soil": "Lavado automático",
"classe_a_59": "Clase A 59' 65°C",
"delicate": "Delicado 45°C",
"dishwasher_care": "Ciclo de limpieza antical",
"eco": "Eco",
"eco_asynch": "Eco 45°C",
"eco_bldc": "Eco 45°C",
"eco_synch": "Eco 45°C",
"gentle_wash": "Gentle wash",
"glass": "Cristal",
"glassware": "Cristal 45 °C",
"glass_care": "Glass Care",
"hygiene": "Higiene",
"hygiene_plus": "Higiene+ 75 °C",
"intensive": "Intensivo",
"intensive_rapid": "Fuerte rápido",
"iot_auto_sensor": "Auto Sensor",
"iot_auto_universal_soil": "Auto Universal 50 - 60°C",
"iot_auto_wash_soil": "Lavado automático",
"iot_baby_care": "Baby Care",
"iot_breakfast": "Desayuno",
"iot_checkup": "Revisión",
"iot_china_crystals": "Cristal",
"iot_classe_a_59": "Rápido 59'",
"iot_cocktail_glasses": "Copas de cóctel",
"iot_cocktail_glasses_soil": "Copas de cóctel",
"iot_daily_care": "Diario",
"iot_daily_care_soil": "Diario",
"iot_delicate": "Delicado 45°C",
"iot_dinner_for_two": "Cena para 2",
"iot_dinner_for_two_soil": "Cena para 2",
"iot_dreft_quick_cycle": "Dreft Quick",
"iot_eco_asynch": "Eco 45°C",
"iot_eco_bldc": "Eco 45°C",
"iot_eco_synch": "Eco 45°C",
"iot_extra_hygiene": "Ciclo Higienizante",
"iot_fairy_quick_cycle": "Fairy Quick",
"iot_happy_hour": "Happy Hour",
"iot_jar_quick_cycle": "Jar Quick",
"iot_party": "Party",
"iot_party_soil": "Party",
"iot_pizza_menu": "Pizza Menú",
"iot_pizza_menu_soil": "Pizza Menú",
"iot_plastic_tupperware": "Plástico y Tupperware",
"iot_porcelain": "Porcelana",
"iot_power_mix_wash": "Power Mix Wash",
"iot_power_mix_wash_soil": "Power Mix Wash",
"iot_prewash": "Pre-lavado",
"iot_pyrex_and_glassware": "Pyrex & Glassware",
"iot_rapid_29": "Rapido 29'",
"iot_rapid_39": "Rápido 39' 60°C",
"iot_single": "Solo para 1",
"iot_steam": "Vapor 75 °C",
"iot_super_flash": "Super Flash",
"iot_super_wash": "Lavado Super",
"iot_turbopower": "TurboPower",
"iot_universal": "Universal 60 °C",
"iot_wok_grids_maxi_pans": "Especial Ollas (Wok - Parrilas y Ollas)",
"iot_wok_grids_maxi_pans_soil": "Especial Ollas (Wok - Parrilas y Ollas)",
"iot_yes_quick_cycle": "Yes Quick",
"night": "Ultra Silencioso 55°C",
"prewash": "Pre-lavado",
"rapid_20": "Rápido 20'",
"rapid_24": "Rapido 24'",
"rapid_29": "Rapido 29' 50°C",
"rapid_35": "Wash&Dry 35'",
"rapid_39": "Rápido 39' 60°C",
"rapid_49": "Rápido 49'",
"rapid_59": "Rápido 59'",
"sanitising": "Higienizante",
"silence": "Silence",
"silent": "Noche",
"silent_care": "Silent Care",
"smart_ai": "Smart AI",
"smart_ai_pro": "Smart AI Pro",
"smart_ai_pro_soil": "Smart AI Pro",
"smart_ai_rapid": "Smart AI Rapid",
"smart_ai_rapid_soil": "Smart AI Rapid",
"smart_ai_soil": "Smart AI",
"special": "Especial",
"special_pw_prz": "Especial",
"steam": "Vapor 75 °C",
"steam_plus": "Vapor Plus 75 °C",
"total_care": "Total Care 50°C",
"ultra_silence": "Ultra Silencioso 55°C",
"ultra_silent": "Ultra Silencioso 55°C",
"universal": "Universal 60 °C",
"universal_plus": "Universal Plus 70 °C",
"zoom_39": "Zoom 39 min"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_ih": {
"state": {
"iot_special_ash_brown": "Hash Brown",
"iot_special_beef_fillet": "Filete de ternera",
"iot_special_beef_veal_stew": "Estofado de carne de vacuno",
"iot_special_boiled_rice": "Arroz hervido",
"iot_special_chicken_breast": "Pechuga de pollo",
"iot_special_chicken_legs": "Muslos de pollo",
"iot_special_chocolate_pudding": "Pudín de chocolate",
"iot_special_entrecote": "Entrecot",
"iot_special_fresh_tuna": "Atún fresco",
"iot_special_grilled_vegetables": "Verduras a la parrilla",
"iot_special_lamb_cutlet": "Chuletillas de cordero",
"iot_special_meatballs": "Albóndigas",
"iot_special_minestrone": "Minestrone",
"iot_special_mussels": "Mejillones",
"iot_special_omelette": "Tortilla",
"iot_special_pancakes": "Tortitas",
"iot_special_paris_style_peas": "Guisantes al estilo parisino",
"iot_special_poached_eggs": "Huevos escalfados",
"iot_special_pork_fillet": "Solomillo de cerdo",
"iot_special_pork_ribs": "Costillas de cerdo",
"iot_special_prawns": "Gambas",
"iot_special_quinoa": "Quinoa",
"iot_special_ratatouille": "Pisto",
"iot_special_salmon_fillet": "Filete de salmón",
"iot_special_saute_potatoes": "Patatas salteadas",
"iot_special_scallops": "Vieiras",
"iot_special_scrambled_eggs": "Huevos revueltos",
"iot_special_spelt": "Espelta",
"iot_special_veggy_noodles": "Fideos con verdura",
"iot_special_white_fish_fillet": "Filete de pescado blanco",
"iot_standard_boiling": "Hervir",
"iot_standard_frying": "Freír",
"iot_standard_keep_warm": "Keep Warm",
"iot_standard_melting": "Fundir",
"iot_standard_simmering": "Cocer a fuego lento"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_ov": {
"state": {
"bakery": "Pasta y Panadería",
"bakery_steam": "Oven steam",
"bottom_heating": "Calentamiento Inferior",
"bottom_heating_fan": "Calentamiento Inferior + Ventilador",
"bread": "Pan",
"bread_steam": "Pan al vapor",
"combi": "Combi",
"convection_fan": "Convección + Ventilador",
"convection_fan_turnspit": "Asador giratorio convencional ventilada",
"conventional": "Convección",
"conventional_turnspit": "Asador giratorio convencional",
"defrost": "Descongelación",
"descaling": "Descalcificación",
"fish": "Pescado",
"fish_steam": "Pescado al vapor",
"grill_cata": "Grill",
"grill_fan_cata": "Grill y ventilador",
"grill_fan_pyro": "Grill + Ventilador",
"grill_pyro": "Grill",
"h20_clean": "H2O-Clean",
"iot_bread": "Pan",
"iot_h20_clean": "h2O clean",
"leavening": "Fermentación",
"low_temp_cooking": "Cocción a baja temperatura",
"low_temp_cooking_fish": "Cocción a baja temperatura Pescado",
"low_temp_cooking_fish_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura Pescado",
"low_temp_cooking_meat": "Cocción a baja temperatura Carne",
"low_temp_cooking_meat_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura Carne al vapor",
"low_temp_cooking_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura al vapor",
"meat": "Carne",
"meat_steam": "Meat steam",
"multi_level": "Múltiples niveles",
"paella": "Paella",
"pasta_and_bakery": "Pasta y Panadería",
"pizza": "Pizza",
"pyrolysis": "Pirólisis",
"pyrolysis_plus": "Pirólisis +",
"red_meat": "Carne roja",
"red_meat_steam": "Carne roja al vapor",
"regenerate": "Regenerar",
"soft_plus": "Soft+",
"super_grill": "Super Grill",
"tailor_bake": "Tailor bake",
"tailor_bake_cata": "Tailor Bake",
"tailor_bake_pyro": "Tailor Bake",
"vegetables": "Verduras",
"vegetables_cata": "Verduras",
"vegetables_pyro": "Verdura",
"water_discharge": "Descarga de agua",
"white_meat": "Carne blanca",
"white_meat_steam": "Carne blanca al vapor"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_td": {
"state": {
"active_dry": "Secado activo",
"allergy_care": "Antialergénico",
"all_in_one": "All in One",
"antiallergy": "Antialergénico",
"anti_odours": "Anti-olor",
"auto_care": "Autocuidado",
"baby": "Baby",
"bed_quilt": "Edredón",
"care_30": "Cuidado 30",
"care_45": "Cuidado 45",
"care_59": "Cuidado 59",
"coloured": "Color",
"daily_45_min": "DIARIO 45'",
"daily_perfect_59_min": "DIARIO PERFECTO 59'",
"darks_and_coloured": "Oscuro & Color",
"delicates": "Delicados",
"duvet": "Edredón",
"eco": "Algodón Eco",
"ecospeed_cottons": "Ecospeed Algodón",
"ecospeed_delicates": "Ecospeed Delicados",
"ecospeed_mixed": "Ecospeed Mixtos",
"extra_hygiene": "Higiene Extra",
"fitness": "Deporte",
"fresh_care": "Cuidado y frescor",
"genius": "Genius",
"hqd_baby_care": "Baby Care",
"hqd_bath_towel": "Toallas",
"hqd_bed_sheets": "Sábanas",
"hqd_bulky": "Objetos voluminosos",
"hqd_casual": "Casual",
"hqd_cold_wind_30": "Brisa fresca 30 minutos",
"hqd_cold_wind_timing": "Brisa fresca",
"hqd_cotton": "Algodón",
"hqd_curtain": "Cortinas",
"hqd_delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"hqd_diaper": "Pañales",
"hqd_duvet": "Edredones",
"hqd_feather": "Plumíferos",
"hqd_hot_wind_timing": "Aire caliente",
"hqd_hygienic": "Higienizar",
"hqd_i_refresh": "I-Refresh",
"hqd_i_refresh_pro": "I-Refresh Pro",
"hqd_jacket": "Chaquetas",
"hqd_jeans": "Vaqueros",
"hqd_luxury": "Lujo",
"hqd_mix": "Ropa mixta",
"hqd_night_dry": "Secado nocturno",
"hqd_outdoor": "Outdoor",
"hqd_precious_cure": "Precious cure",
"hqd_quick_20": "Rápido 20",
"hqd_quick_30": "Rápido 30",
"hqd_quick_dry": "Secado rápido 30'",
"hqd_quilt": "Colchas",
"hqd_refresh": "Refrescar",
"hqd_school_uniform": "Uniformes escolares",
"hqd_shirt": "Camisas",
"hqd_shoes": "Zapatos",
"hqd_silk": "Seda",
"hqd_sports": "Deporte",
"hqd_synthetics": "Sintéticos",
"hqd_timer": "Temporizado",
"hqd_towel": "Toallas",
"hqd_underwear": "Ropa interior",
"hqd_warm_up": "Calentar",
"hqd_wool": "Lana",
"hqd_working_suit": "Ropa de trabajo",
"hygiene": "Higiene",
"iot_checkup": "Revisión",
"iot_dry_anti_mites": "Antiácaros",
"iot_dry_baby": "Baby",
"iot_dry_backpacks": "Mochilas",
"iot_dry_bathrobe": "Ropa de Baño",
"iot_dry_bed_linen": "Ropa de Cama",
"iot_dry_bed_quilt": "Edredón",
"iot_dry_cotton": "Algodón",
"iot_dry_cuddly_toys": "Peluches",
"iot_dry_curtains": "Cortinas",
"iot_dry_dehumidifier": "Eliminador de humedad",
"iot_dry_delicates": "Delicados",
"iot_dry_delicate_tablecloths": "Mantelería Delicada",
"iot_dry_denim_jeans": "Denim - Vaqueros",
"iot_dry_down_jacket": "Jacket",
"iot_dry_duvet": "Edredón",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_cotton": "Planchado Súper Fácil",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_synthetics": "Planchado muy fácil - Sintéticos",
"iot_dry_gym_fit": "Ropa de Deporte - Fitness",
"iot_dry_lingerie": "Lencería",
"iot_dry_mixed": "Ropa mixta",
"iot_dry_playsuits": "Prendas de una pieza - Mono",
"iot_dry_rapid_30": "Rápido 30’",
"iot_dry_rapid_59": "Rápido 59’",
"iot_dry_refresh": "Refresh",
"iot_dry_regenerates_waterproof": "Regeneración Tejidos Impermeables",
"iot_dry_relax_creases": "Reducción Arrugas",
"iot_dry_shirts": "Camisas",
"iot_dry_small_load": "Carga reducida",
"iot_dry_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Trajes de baño",
"iot_dry_synthetics": "Sintéticos",
"iot_dry_synthetic_dry": "Secado de prendas sintéticas",
"iot_dry_tablecloths": "Mantelería",
"iot_dry_technical_fabrics": "Tejidos Técnicos",
"iot_dry_warm_embrace": "Abrazo cálido",
"iot_dry_wool": "Woolmark",
"jeans": "Vaqueros",
"mix_and_dry": "Mix&Dry",
"pets": "Mascotas",
"pre_iron": "Pre-Planchado",
"rapid_30": "Rápido 30 min",
"rapid_45": "Rápido 45 min",
"rapid_59": "Perfecto Rápido 59 Min",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"relax_creases": "Reducción Arrugas",
"saving_30_min": "ECO 30'",
"shirts": "Camisas",
"shoes": "Zapatos",
"small_load": "Carga reducida",
"soft_care": "Cuidado suave",
"sport_plus": "Deporte",
"super_easy_iron_misti": "Planchado muy fácil ropa mixta",
"super_easy_iron_xxl": "Planchado muy fácil XXL",
"super_fast_cottons": "Algodón Súper Rápido",
"super_fast_delicates": "Delicados Súper Rápidos",
"synthetics": "Sintéticos",
"total_care": "Total Care",
"trainers": "Calzado Deportivo",
"ultra_care": "Ultra Care",
"waterproof_revitalize": "Revitalizante Waterproof",
"whites": "Blanco",
"wool": "Secado Lana",
"woolmark": "Woolmark",
"xxl_load": "Carga XXL",
"zoom_59": "Zoom 59"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_wm": {
"state": {
"20_degrees_coloured_cottons": "Color y algodón 20 °C",
"20_degrees_new_energy_label": "20°C",
"active_steam": "Vapor",
"active_wash": "Lavado activo",
"active_wash_steam": "Lavado activo",
"allergy_care": "Antialergias",
"allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro",
"all_in_one_49": "Todo en uno 49’",
"all_in_one_59": "Todo en uno 59’",
"all_in_one_59_steam": "Todo en uno 59’ + Vapor",
"autocare": "Autocare",
"autoclean": "Limpieza del tambor",
"baby_60": "All Baby 60°C",
"care_14": "Rapid Care 14'",
"care_30": "Rapid Care 30'",
"care_44": "Rapid Care 44'",
"checkup": "Revisión",
"colour_59": "Color 59'",
"colour_59_steam": "Colores 59' + vapor",
"cottons": "Algodón",
"cottons_prewash": "Ropa Blanca + Prelavado",
"cottons_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"cotton_care_59": "Cotton Care 59 Min",
"delicate_59": "Delicado 59'",
"delicate_silk": "Seda delicada",
"delicate_silk_steam": "Seda delicada + vapor",
"delicati_59": "Delicado 59'",
"delicati_59_steam": "Delicado 59'",
"drain_spin": "Desagüe + centrifugado",
"easy_iron": "Planchado fácil",
"eco_40_60_new_energy_label": "Eco 40-60",
"extra_care": "Cuidado extra",
"fitness": "Deporte",
"fitness_care": "Deporte",
"fresh_care": "Cuidado y frescor",
"fresh_care_steam": "Cuidado y frescor + Vapor",
"handwash_wool": "Lana y lavado a mano",
"high_dry": "Secado algodón",
"hqd_20_degrees": "Algodón 20℃",
"hqd_allergy": "Antialergias",
"hqd_autoclean": "Limpieza del tambor",
"hqd_babycare": "Baby Care",
"hqd_checkup": "Revisión",
"hqd_cottons": "Algodón",
"hqd_delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"hqd_delicate_cradle": "Ropa delicada",
"hqd_dry": "Secado algodón",
"hqd_dry_synthetics": "Secado de ropa mixta",
"hqd_duvet": "Edredón",
"hqd_eco_40_60_degrees": "Eco 40-60",
"hqd_handwash_wool": "Lana",
"hqd_i_refresh": "i-Refresh",
"hqd_mix": "Mixta",
"hqd_quick_15": "Rápido 15'",
"hqd_quick_wash_57": "Lavado rápido 57 min",
"hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry": "Lavar y secar",
"hqd_refresh": "Refresh",
"hqd_rinse": "Aclarado",
"hqd_shirts": "Camisas",
"hqd_smart": "Smart A.I.",
"hqd_spin": "Centrifugado",
"hqd_sport": "Deporte",
"hqd_super_fast": "Rápido 39’",
"hqd_synthetic_and_coloured": "Ropa sintética",
"hygiene_59": "Higiene Plus 59'",
"hygiene_60": "Higiene 60° C",
"hygiene_plus_59": "Higiene Plus 59'",
"hygiene_plus_59_min": "Higiene Plus 59'",
"hygiene_pro_49_min": "Higiene Pro 49 min",
"hygiene_pro_steam": "Higiene Pro + Vapor",
"intensive_40": "Intensivo 40°C",
"intensive_40_steam": "Intensivo 40°C + vapor",
"iot_active_steam": "Vapor",
"iot_active_wash_steam": "Lavado activo",
"iot_allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro",
"iot_all_in_one_59_steam": "Todo en uno 59’ + Vapor",
"iot_checkup": "Revisión",
"iot_colour_59_steam": "Colores 59' + vapor",
"iot_cottons_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"iot_delicate_silk_steam": "Seda delicada + vapor",
"iot_delicati_59_steam": "Delicado 59'",
"iot_dry_air_refresh": "Air Refresh",
"iot_dry_anti_mites": "Antiácaros",
"iot_dry_baby": "Bebé",
"iot_dry_backpacks": "Mochilas",
"iot_dry_bathrobe": "Albornoces y telas porosas",
"iot_dry_bed_linen": "Ropa de cama",
"iot_dry_cotton_dry": "Secado algodón",
"iot_dry_cuddly_toys": "Peluches",
"iot_dry_curtains": "Cortinas",
"iot_dry_dehumidifier": "Eliminador de humedad",
"iot_dry_delicates_antiallergy": "Ropa delicada - Antialergias",
"iot_dry_delicate_tablecloths": "Manteles delicados",
"iot_dry_denim_jeans": "Denim - Vaqueros",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_cotton": "Planchado fácil - Algodón",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_synthetics": "Planchado fácil - Sintéticos",
"iot_dry_gym_fit": "Gimnasio - Ropa de deporte",
"iot_dry_lingerie": "Lencería",
"iot_dry_mixed_dry": "Secado de ropa mixta",
"iot_dry_rapid_60_min_delicates": "Rápido 60' - Delicados",
"iot_dry_shirts": "Camisas",
"iot_dry_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Trajes de baño",
"iot_dry_synthetics": "Secado de prendas sintéticas",
"iot_dry_synthetic_dry": "Secado de prendas sintéticas",
"iot_dry_tablecloths": "Manteles",
"iot_dry_technical_fabrics": "Tejidos técnicos",
"iot_dry_warm_embrace": "Cálido abrazo",
"iot_dry_wool_dry": "Secado lana",
"iot_easy_iron": "Planchado fácil",
"iot_fresh_care_steam": "Cuidado y frescor + Vapor",
"iot_hygiene_pro_steam": "Higiene Pro + Vapor",
"iot_intensive_40_steam": "Intensivo 40°C + vapor",
"iot_mixed_steam": "Ropa mixta + Vapor",
"iot_mix_and_colour_59_steam": "Mixta y de color 59' + Vapor",
"iot_perfect_cotton_59_steam": "Algodon Perfecto 59'",
"iot_rapid_a_class_60_steam": "Clase rápida A 60 + vapor",
"iot_resistant_cotton_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"iot_shirts_steam": "Camisas + Vapor",
"iot_single_item_steam": "Elemento único + Vapor",
"iot_smart_wash": "Smart Wash",
"iot_soft_care_steam": "Soft Care + Steam",
"iot_special_39_full_load_steam": "Especial 39' + Vapor",
"iot_steam_hygiene_plus": "Vapor higiene extra",
"iot_synthetic_and_coloured_steam": "Ropa sintética y de color + Vapor",
"iot_wash_and_dry": "Lavar y secar",
"iot_wash_anti_mites": "Antiácaros",
"iot_wash_anti_odor": "Antiolor",
"iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle": "Ariel Ultimate Clean",
"iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle": "Ariel Cold Clean",
"iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle": "Ariel Fresh Clean",
"iot_wash_baby_sanitizer": "Desinfectante",
"iot_wash_baby_sanitizer_steam": "Desinfectante para bebés + vapor",
"iot_wash_backpacks": "Mochilas",
"iot_wash_backpacks_zelig": "Mochilas",
"iot_wash_bathrobe": "Albornoces y toallas",
"iot_wash_bathrobe_steam": "Albornoces + Vapor",
"iot_wash_bed_linen": "Ropa de cama",
"iot_wash_bed_linen_steam": "Ropa de cama + Vapor",
"iot_wash_bed_linen_zelig": "Ropa de cama",
"iot_wash_big_single_load": "Gran carga única",
"iot_wash_bleaching": "Blanqueo",
"iot_wash_blood_stains": "Manchas de sangre",
"iot_wash_cashmere": "Cachemira",
"iot_wash_chocolate_stains": "Manchas de chocolate",
"iot_wash_cold_wash": "Lavado en frío",
"iot_wash_colored": "Color",
"iot_wash_colored_anti_stain": "Eliminación de manchas en prendas de color",
"iot_wash_colored_delicate": "Ropa de color delicada",
"iot_wash_coloured": "Ropa de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_bed_linen": "Ropa de cama de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_bed_linen_steam": "Ropa de cama de color + vapor",
"iot_wash_coloured_curtains": "Cortinas de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_shirts": "Camisas de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_shirts_steam": "Camisas de color + vapor",
"iot_wash_coloured_steam": "Ropa de color + Vapor",
"iot_wash_coloured_tableclothes": "Manteles de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_tableclothes_steam": "Manteles de color + Vapor",
"iot_wash_cotton": "Algodón",
"iot_wash_cotton_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"iot_wash_cuddly_toys": "Peluches",
"iot_wash_curtains": "Cortinas",
"iot_wash_curtains_steam": "Cortinas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_curtains_zelig": "Cortinas",
"iot_wash_dark": "Ropa oscura",
"iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_44": "Ropa oscura y de color 44’",
"iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_59": "Ropa oscura y de color 59’",
"iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_xl": "Ropa oscura y de color XL",
"iot_wash_dark_steam": "Ropa oscura + Vapor",
"iot_wash_dash_clean_cycle": "Dash Ultimate Clean",
"iot_wash_dash_cold_cycle": "Dash Cold Clean",
"iot_wash_dash_fresh_cycle": "Dash Fresh Clean",
"iot_wash_delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy": "Antialergias para prendas delicadas",
"iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy_steam": "Antialergias para prendas delicadas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy_zelig": "Antialergias para prendas delicadas",
"iot_wash_delicate_colors": "Ropa delicada de color",
"iot_wash_delicate_colors_steam": "Colores + vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_dark": "Ropa oscura delicada",
"iot_wash_delicate_steam": "Ropa delicada + Vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths": "Manteles delicados",
"iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths_steam": "Manteles delicados + Vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_whites": "Ropa blanca delicada",
"iot_wash_denim_jeans": "Denim - Vaqueros",
"iot_wash_diving_suits": "Trajes de buceo",
"iot_wash_diving_suits_zelig": "Trajes de buceo",
"iot_wash_down_jackets": "Plumíferos",
"iot_wash_down_jackets_zelig": "Plumíferos",
"iot_wash_duvet": "Edredón",
"iot_wash_fruit_stains": "Manchas de fruta",
"iot_wash_gym_fit": "Gimnasio - Ropa de deporte",
"iot_wash_handwash": "Lavado a mano",
"iot_wash_handwash_colored": "Lavado a mano de ropa de color",
"iot_wash_handwash_dark": "Lavado a mano de ropa oscura",
"iot_wash_lingerie": "Lencería",
"iot_wash_masks_refresh": "Lavado de mascarillas",
"iot_wash_masks_sanification": "Desinfección de mascarillas",
"iot_wash_masks_sanification_steam": "Desinfección de mascarillas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_mats": "Alfombras",
"iot_wash_men_s_trousers": "Pantalones",
"iot_wash_mixed": "Ropa mixta",
"iot_wash_mixed_steam": "Ropa mixta + Vapor",
"iot_wash_mix_and_coloured_44": "Mixta y de color 44’",
"iot_wash_mix_and_coloured_59": "Mixta y de color 59’",
"iot_wash_mix_and_coloured_xl": "Mixta y de color XL",
"iot_wash_new_clothes": "Ropa nueva",
"iot_wash_perfect_white": "Blanco perfecto",
"iot_wash_perfect_white_steam": "Blanco perfecto + Vapor",
"iot_wash_pets": "Accesorios para mascotas",
"iot_wash_pets_hair_removal": "Eliminación del pelo de las mascotas",
"iot_wash_pets_odours_stains_removal": "Eliminación de manchas y olores domésticos",
"iot_wash_pets_steam": "Accesorios para mascotas",
"iot_wash_playsuits": "Monos",
"iot_wash_playsuits_steam": "Monos + Vapor",
"iot_wash_quick_drum_cleaner": "Limpiador rápido de tambor",
"iot_wash_rapid_14": "Rápido 14’",
"iot_wash_rapid_30": "Rápido 30’",
"iot_wash_rapid_44": "Rápido 44’",
"iot_wash_rapid_59": "Rápido 59’",
"iot_wash_rapid_59_steam": "Rápido 59' + vapor",
"iot_wash_refresh_14_min": "Refrescar 14'",
"iot_wash_resistant_colored": "Ropa de color resistente",
"iot_wash_resistant_dark": "Ropa oscura resistente",
"iot_wash_resistant_whites": "Ropa blanca resistente",
"iot_wash_rinse": "Aclarado",
"iot_wash_shirts": "Camisas",
"iot_wash_shirts_steam": "Camisas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_silk": "Seda",
"iot_wash_ski_suit": "Trajes de esquí",
"iot_wash_ski_suit_zelig": "Trajes de esquí",
"iot_wash_spin": "Centrifugado",
"iot_wash_sport": "Deporte",
"iot_wash_sport_anti_odor": "Ropa deportiva antiolor",
"iot_wash_sport_anti_odor_zelig": "Ropa deportiva antiolor",
"iot_wash_stains_remover": "Quitamanchas",
"iot_wash_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Trajes de baño",
"iot_wash_synthetic": "Ropa sintética",
"iot_wash_synthetic_steam": "Ropa sintética + Vapor",
"iot_wash_tablecloths": "Manteles",
"iot_wash_tablecloths_steam": "Manteles + Vapor",
"iot_wash_technical_fabrics": "Tejidos técnicos",
"iot_wash_technical_fabrics_zelig": "Tejidos técnicos",
"iot_wash_technical_jackets": "Chaquetas técnicas",
"iot_wash_technical_jackets_zelig": "Chaquetas técnicas",
"iot_wash_trainers": "Deportivas",
"iot_wash_whites": "Ropa blanca",
"iot_wash_whites_44": "Ropa blanca 44’",
"iot_wash_whites_59": "Ropa blanca 59’",
"iot_wash_whites_xl": "Ropa blanca XL",
"iot_wash_wine_stains": "Manchas de vino",
"iot_wash_wool": "Lana",
"jeans": "Vaqueros",
"jeans_60": "Jeans",
"low_dry": "Secado de ropa mixta",
"mixed": "Ropa mixta",
"mixed_and_colored_59": "Mixta y de color 59'",
"mixed_steam": "Ropa mixta + Vapor",
"mix_and_colour_59": "Color Y Mixtos 59'",
"mix_and_colour_59_steam": "Mixta y de color 59' + Vapor",
"night_and_day": "Noche y día",
"night_wash": "Ciclo nocturno",
"perfect_59": "Perfecto 59'",
"perfect_cotton_59": "Algodon Perfecto 59'",
"perfect_cotton_59_steam": "Algodon Perfecto 59'",
"perfect_whites_59": "Blancos Perfectos 59'",
"rapid_14_min": "Rapido 14'",
"rapid_30_min": "Rápido 30'",
"rapid_44_min": "Rápido 44'",
"rapid_a_class_60": "Clase rápida A 60",
"rapid_a_class_60_steam": "Clase rápida A 60 + vapor",
"rapid_wash_and_dry_59_min": "Lavado y secado 59'",
"resistant_cotton": "Algodón",
"resistant_cotton_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"rinse": "Aclarado",
"shirts_steam": "Camisas + Vapor",
"silent_night": "Ciclo nocturno",
"single_item": "Elemento único",
"single_item_steam": "Elemento único + Vapor",
"smart_wash": "Smart Wash",
"soft_care": "Cuidado suave",
"soft_care_steam": "Soft Care + Steam",
"soft_care_steam_title": "Soft Care + Steam",
"special_39": "Especial 39'",
"special_39_full_load": "Especial 39'",
"special_39_full_load_steam": "Especial 39' + Vapor",
"special_49": "Especial 49'",
"sport_39": "Deporte 39'",
"sport_plus_29": "Deporte Plus 29\"",
"sport_plus_39": "Deporte Plus 39'",
"steam_39": "Vapor 39'",
"steam_care_pro": "Steam Care Pro",
"steam_care_pro_cotton": "Steam Care Pro - Algodón",
"steam_care_pro_delicates": "Steam Care Pro - Delicados",
"steam_care_pro_synthetic": "Steam Care Pro - Sintéticos",
"steam_hygiene_plus": "Vapor higiene extra",
"synthetics": "Ropa sintética",
"synthetic_and_coloured": "Ropa sintética y de color",
"synthetic_and_coloured_steam": "Ropa sintética y de color + Vapor",
"tailored_resistant_cotton": "Tailored Resistant Cotton",
"tailored_synthetic_and_coloured": "Tailored Synthetic Colored",
"total_care": "Cuidado total",
"tumbling": "Rotación",
"wool": "Lana",
"wool_and_delicates_49": "Lana/Delicados 49'",
"wool_dry": "Secado lana",
"wool_soft_care": "Lana & Soft Care"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_ref": {
"state": {
"auto_set": "AJUSTE AUTOMÁTICO",
"cheese": "Queso",
"chiller": "Quick cool",
"cold_drinks": "Soft chill",
"eco": "Eco",
"eco_mode": "Modo Eco",
"fruits_and_veg": "Frutas Y Verduras",
"fruit_and_veg": "Frutas Y Verduras",
"holiday": "VACACIONES",
"keep_fresh": "0° Fresh",
"no_mode_selected": "No se ha seleccionado ningún modo",
"quick_cool": "QUICK COOL",
"sea_food": "Ready to cook meal",
"soft_frozen": "Soft freezing",
"super_cool": "SUPER COOL",
"super_freeze": "SUPER FREEZE",
"tea": "Cold drinks or Beverages",
"zero_fresh": "0° Fresh"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_wc": {
"state": {
"iot_champagne": "Champán",
"iot_dessert": "Postre",
"iot_fortified": "Estructurado",
"iot_rose": "Rosado",
"iot_whisky": "Whisky",
"red": "Tinto",
"sparkling": "Espumoso",
"white": "Blanco"
"dry_time": {
"name": "Tiempo de secado"
"power": {
"name": "Nivel de potencia"
"remaining_time": {
"name": "Tiempo restante"
"temperature": {
"name": "Temperatura"
"water_efficiency": {
"name": "Eficiencia hídrica"
"water_saving": {
"name": "Ahorro de agua"
"duration": {
"name": "Duración"
"target_temperature": {
"name": "Temperatura deseada"
"spin_speed": {
"name": "Centrifugado"
"steam_leve": {
"name": "Nivel de vapor"
"dirt_level": {
"name": "Nivel de suciedad",
"state": {
"little": "Poco",
"normal": "Normal",
"very": "Mucho",
"unknown": "unknown"
"delay_time": {
"name": "Inicio Diferido"
"suggested_load": {
"name": "Capacidad de carga"
"energy_label": {
"name": "Eficiencia energética"
"det_dust": {
"name": "Polvo"
"det_liquid": {
"name": "Líquido"
"errors": {
"name": "Error"
"programs": {
"name": "Programa actual"
"room_temperature": {
"name": "Temperatura ambiente"
"humidity": {
"name": "Humedad"
"cycles_total": {
"name": "Ciclos Total"
"energy_total": {
"name": "Consumo de energía Total"
"water_total": {
"name": "Eficiencia hídrica Total"
"energy_current": {
"name": "Consumo de energía Actual"
"water_current": {
"name": "Eficiencia hídrica Actual"
"freezer_temp": {
"name": "Temperatura del congelador"
"fridge_temp": {
"name": "Temperatura del frigorífico"
"voc": {
"name": "Gas (COV)"
"steam_level": {
"state": {
"no_steam": "Sin vapor",
"cotton": "Algodón",
"delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"synthetic": "Synthetic"
"name": "Nivel de vapor"
"filter_cleaning": {
"name": "Limpieza del filtro"
"filter_life": {
"name": "Vida del filtro"
"air_quality": {
"name": "Calidad del aire"
"fan_speed": {
"name": "Velocidad del ventilador"
"humidity_level": {
"state": {
"low": "Bajo",
"mid": "Medio",
"high": "Alto"
"name": "Nivel de humedad"
"select": {
"dry_levels": {
"state": {
"no_dry": "Sin secado",
"iron_dry": "Planchar",
"no_dry_iron": "Listo para guardar",
"cupboard_dry": "Listo para guardar",
"extra_dry": "Extraseco",
"ready_to_wear": "Listo para llevar"
"name": "Nivel de secado"
"eco_pilot": {
"state": {
"touch_off": "Apagado",
"avoid_touch": "Evitar el contacto",
"follow_touch": "Sígueme",
"unknown": "unknown"
"name": "Eco pilot"
"fan_mode": {
"state": {
"high": "Alta",
"mid": "Media",
"low": "Baja",
"auto": "Automático"
"ref_zones": {
"state": {
"fridge": "Frigorífico",
"freezer": "Congelador",
"vtroom1": "My Zone",
"fridge_freezer": "Frigorífico & Congelador"
"name": "Zona"
"programs_ac": {
"state": {
"iot_10_heating": "Función de calentamiento de 10° C",
"iot_auto": "Automático",
"iot_cool": "Frío",
"iot_dry": "Deshumidificar",
"iot_fan": "Ventilador",
"iot_heat": "Calor",
"iot_nano_aqua": "Nano Aqua",
"iot_purify": "Autopurificar",
"iot_self_clean": "Autolimpieza",
"iot_self_clean_56": "Limpieza desinfectante 56°",
"iot_simple_start": "Iniciar ahora",
"iot_uv": "UV",
"iot_uv_and_auto": "UV + Automático",
"iot_uv_and_cool": "UV + Frío",
"iot_uv_and_dry": "UV + Deshumidificador",
"iot_uv_and_fan": "UV + Ventilador",
"iot_uv_and_heat": "UV + Calor"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_dw": {
"state": {
"59_min": "Rápido 59'",
"auto_care": "Auto Care",
"auto_care_soil": "Auto Care",
"auto_hygiene": "Auto Hygiene",
"auto_plus": "AutoPlus",
"auto_rapid": "Auto Rapid",
"auto_sensor": "Auto Sensor",
"auto_sensor_soil": "Auto Sensor",
"auto_universal": "Auto Universal 50 - 60°C",
"auto_universal_plus": "Auto Universal Plus 65 - 75°C",
"auto_universal_plus_soil": "Auto Universal Plus 65 - 75°C",
"auto_universal_soil": "Auto Universal 50 - 60°C",
"auto_wash": "Lavado automático",
"auto_wash_soil": "Lavado automático",
"classe_a_59": "Clase A 59' 65°C",
"delicate": "Delicado 45°C",
"dishwasher_care": "Ciclo de limpieza antical",
"eco": "Eco",
"eco_asynch": "Eco 45°C",
"eco_bldc": "Eco 45°C",
"eco_synch": "Eco 45°C",
"gentle_wash": "Gentle wash",
"glass": "Cristal",
"glassware": "Cristal 45 °C",
"glass_care": "Glass Care",
"hygiene": "Higiene",
"hygiene_plus": "Higiene+ 75 °C",
"intensive": "Intensivo",
"intensive_rapid": "Fuerte rápido",
"iot_auto_sensor": "Auto Sensor",
"iot_auto_universal_soil": "Auto Universal 50 - 60°C",
"iot_auto_wash_soil": "Lavado automático",
"iot_baby_care": "Baby Care",
"iot_breakfast": "Desayuno",
"iot_checkup": "Revisión",
"iot_china_crystals": "Cristal",
"iot_classe_a_59": "Rápido 59'",
"iot_cocktail_glasses": "Copas de cóctel",
"iot_cocktail_glasses_soil": "Copas de cóctel",
"iot_daily_care": "Diario",
"iot_daily_care_soil": "Diario",
"iot_delicate": "Delicado 45°C",
"iot_dinner_for_two": "Cena para 2",
"iot_dinner_for_two_soil": "Cena para 2",
"iot_dreft_quick_cycle": "Dreft Quick",
"iot_eco_asynch": "Eco 45°C",
"iot_eco_bldc": "Eco 45°C",
"iot_eco_synch": "Eco 45°C",
"iot_extra_hygiene": "Ciclo Higienizante",
"iot_fairy_quick_cycle": "Fairy Quick",
"iot_happy_hour": "Happy Hour",
"iot_jar_quick_cycle": "Jar Quick",
"iot_party": "Party",
"iot_party_soil": "Party",
"iot_pizza_menu": "Pizza Menú",
"iot_pizza_menu_soil": "Pizza Menú",
"iot_plastic_tupperware": "Plástico y Tupperware",
"iot_porcelain": "Porcelana",
"iot_power_mix_wash": "Power Mix Wash",
"iot_power_mix_wash_soil": "Power Mix Wash",
"iot_prewash": "Pre-lavado",
"iot_pyrex_and_glassware": "Pyrex & Glassware",
"iot_rapid_29": "Rapido 29'",
"iot_rapid_39": "Rápido 39' 60°C",
"iot_single": "Solo para 1",
"iot_steam": "Vapor 75 °C",
"iot_super_flash": "Super Flash",
"iot_super_wash": "Lavado Super",
"iot_turbopower": "TurboPower",
"iot_universal": "Universal 60 °C",
"iot_wok_grids_maxi_pans": "Especial Ollas (Wok - Parrilas y Ollas)",
"iot_wok_grids_maxi_pans_soil": "Especial Ollas (Wok - Parrilas y Ollas)",
"iot_yes_quick_cycle": "Yes Quick",
"night": "Ultra Silencioso 55°C",
"prewash": "Pre-lavado",
"rapid_20": "Rápido 20'",
"rapid_24": "Rapido 24'",
"rapid_29": "Rapido 29' 50°C",
"rapid_35": "Wash&Dry 35'",
"rapid_39": "Rápido 39' 60°C",
"rapid_49": "Rápido 49'",
"rapid_59": "Rápido 59'",
"sanitising": "Higienizante",
"silence": "Silence",
"silent": "Noche",
"silent_care": "Silent Care",
"smart_ai": "Smart AI",
"smart_ai_pro": "Smart AI Pro",
"smart_ai_pro_soil": "Smart AI Pro",
"smart_ai_rapid": "Smart AI Rapid",
"smart_ai_rapid_soil": "Smart AI Rapid",
"smart_ai_soil": "Smart AI",
"special": "Especial",
"special_pw_prz": "Especial",
"steam": "Vapor 75 °C",
"steam_plus": "Vapor Plus 75 °C",
"total_care": "Total Care 50°C",
"ultra_silence": "Ultra Silencioso 55°C",
"ultra_silent": "Ultra Silencioso 55°C",
"universal": "Universal 60 °C",
"universal_plus": "Universal Plus 70 °C",
"zoom_39": "Zoom 39 min"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_ih": {
"state": {
"iot_special_ash_brown": "Hash Brown",
"iot_special_beef_fillet": "Filete de ternera",
"iot_special_beef_veal_stew": "Estofado de carne de vacuno",
"iot_special_boiled_rice": "Arroz hervido",
"iot_special_chicken_breast": "Pechuga de pollo",
"iot_special_chicken_legs": "Muslos de pollo",
"iot_special_chocolate_pudding": "Pudín de chocolate",
"iot_special_entrecote": "Entrecot",
"iot_special_fresh_tuna": "Atún fresco",
"iot_special_grilled_vegetables": "Verduras a la parrilla",
"iot_special_lamb_cutlet": "Chuletillas de cordero",
"iot_special_meatballs": "Albóndigas",
"iot_special_minestrone": "Minestrone",
"iot_special_mussels": "Mejillones",
"iot_special_omelette": "Tortilla",
"iot_special_pancakes": "Tortitas",
"iot_special_paris_style_peas": "Guisantes al estilo parisino",
"iot_special_poached_eggs": "Huevos escalfados",
"iot_special_pork_fillet": "Solomillo de cerdo",
"iot_special_pork_ribs": "Costillas de cerdo",
"iot_special_prawns": "Gambas",
"iot_special_quinoa": "Quinoa",
"iot_special_ratatouille": "Pisto",
"iot_special_salmon_fillet": "Filete de salmón",
"iot_special_saute_potatoes": "Patatas salteadas",
"iot_special_scallops": "Vieiras",
"iot_special_scrambled_eggs": "Huevos revueltos",
"iot_special_spelt": "Espelta",
"iot_special_veggy_noodles": "Fideos con verdura",
"iot_special_white_fish_fillet": "Filete de pescado blanco",
"iot_standard_boiling": "Hervir",
"iot_standard_frying": "Freír",
"iot_standard_keep_warm": "Keep Warm",
"iot_standard_melting": "Fundir",
"iot_standard_simmering": "Cocer a fuego lento"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_ov": {
"state": {
"bakery": "Pasta y Panadería",
"bakery_steam": "Oven steam",
"bottom_heating": "Calentamiento Inferior",
"bottom_heating_fan": "Calentamiento Inferior + Ventilador",
"bread": "Pan",
"bread_steam": "Pan al vapor",
"combi": "Combi",
"convection_fan": "Convección + Ventilador",
"convection_fan_turnspit": "Asador giratorio convencional ventilada",
"conventional": "Convección",
"conventional_turnspit": "Asador giratorio convencional",
"defrost": "Descongelación",
"descaling": "Descalcificación",
"fish": "Pescado",
"fish_steam": "Pescado al vapor",
"grill_cata": "Grill",
"grill_fan_cata": "Grill y ventilador",
"grill_fan_pyro": "Grill + Ventilador",
"grill_pyro": "Grill",
"h20_clean": "H2O-Clean",
"iot_bread": "Pan",
"iot_h20_clean": "h2O clean",
"leavening": "Fermentación",
"low_temp_cooking": "Cocción a baja temperatura",
"low_temp_cooking_fish": "Cocción a baja temperatura Pescado",
"low_temp_cooking_fish_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura Pescado",
"low_temp_cooking_meat": "Cocción a baja temperatura Carne",
"low_temp_cooking_meat_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura Carne al vapor",
"low_temp_cooking_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura al vapor",
"meat": "Carne",
"meat_steam": "Meat steam",
"multi_level": "Múltiples niveles",
"paella": "Paella",
"pasta_and_bakery": "Pasta y Panadería",
"pizza": "Pizza",
"pyrolysis": "Pirólisis",
"pyrolysis_plus": "Pirólisis +",
"red_meat": "Carne roja",
"red_meat_steam": "Carne roja al vapor",
"regenerate": "Regenerar",
"soft_plus": "Soft+",
"super_grill": "Super Grill",
"tailor_bake": "Tailor bake",
"tailor_bake_cata": "Tailor Bake",
"tailor_bake_pyro": "Tailor Bake",
"vegetables": "Verduras",
"vegetables_cata": "Verduras",
"vegetables_pyro": "Verdura",
"water_discharge": "Descarga de agua",
"white_meat": "Carne blanca",
"white_meat_steam": "Carne blanca al vapor"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_td": {
"state": {
"active_dry": "Secado activo",
"allergy_care": "Antialergénico",
"all_in_one": "All in One",
"antiallergy": "Antialergénico",
"anti_odours": "Anti-olor",
"auto_care": "Autocuidado",
"baby": "Baby",
"bed_quilt": "Edredón",
"care_30": "Cuidado 30",
"care_45": "Cuidado 45",
"care_59": "Cuidado 59",
"coloured": "Color",
"daily_45_min": "DIARIO 45'",
"daily_perfect_59_min": "DIARIO PERFECTO 59'",
"darks_and_coloured": "Oscuro & Color",
"delicates": "Delicados",
"duvet": "Edredón",
"eco": "Algodón Eco",
"ecospeed_cottons": "Ecospeed Algodón",
"ecospeed_delicates": "Ecospeed Delicados",
"ecospeed_mixed": "Ecospeed Mixtos",
"extra_hygiene": "Higiene Extra",
"fitness": "Deporte",
"fresh_care": "Cuidado y frescor",
"genius": "Genius",
"hqd_baby_care": "Baby Care",
"hqd_bath_towel": "Toallas",
"hqd_bed_sheets": "Sábanas",
"hqd_bulky": "Objetos voluminosos",
"hqd_casual": "Casual",
"hqd_cold_wind_30": "Brisa fresca 30 minutos",
"hqd_cold_wind_timing": "Brisa fresca",
"hqd_cotton": "Algodón",
"hqd_curtain": "Cortinas",
"hqd_delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"hqd_diaper": "Pañales",
"hqd_duvet": "Edredones",
"hqd_feather": "Plumíferos",
"hqd_hot_wind_timing": "Aire caliente",
"hqd_hygienic": "Higienizar",
"hqd_i_refresh": "I-Refresh",
"hqd_i_refresh_pro": "I-Refresh Pro",
"hqd_jacket": "Chaquetas",
"hqd_jeans": "Vaqueros",
"hqd_luxury": "Lujo",
"hqd_mix": "Ropa mixta",
"hqd_night_dry": "Secado nocturno",
"hqd_outdoor": "Outdoor",
"hqd_precious_cure": "Precious cure",
"hqd_quick_20": "Rápido 20",
"hqd_quick_30": "Rápido 30",
"hqd_quick_dry": "Secado rápido 30'",
"hqd_quilt": "Colchas",
"hqd_refresh": "Refrescar",
"hqd_school_uniform": "Uniformes escolares",
"hqd_shirt": "Camisas",
"hqd_shoes": "Zapatos",
"hqd_silk": "Seda",
"hqd_sports": "Deporte",
"hqd_synthetics": "Sintéticos",
"hqd_timer": "Temporizado",
"hqd_towel": "Toallas",
"hqd_underwear": "Ropa interior",
"hqd_warm_up": "Calentar",
"hqd_wool": "Lana",
"hqd_working_suit": "Ropa de trabajo",
"hygiene": "Higiene",
"iot_checkup": "Revisión",
"iot_dry_anti_mites": "Antiácaros",
"iot_dry_baby": "Baby",
"iot_dry_backpacks": "Mochilas",
"iot_dry_bathrobe": "Ropa de Baño",
"iot_dry_bed_linen": "Ropa de Cama",
"iot_dry_bed_quilt": "Edredón",
"iot_dry_cotton": "Algodón",
"iot_dry_cuddly_toys": "Peluches",
"iot_dry_curtains": "Cortinas",
"iot_dry_dehumidifier": "Eliminador de humedad",
"iot_dry_delicates": "Delicados",
"iot_dry_delicate_tablecloths": "Mantelería Delicada",
"iot_dry_denim_jeans": "Denim - Vaqueros",
"iot_dry_down_jacket": "Jacket",
"iot_dry_duvet": "Edredón",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_cotton": "Planchado Súper Fácil",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_synthetics": "Planchado muy fácil - Sintéticos",
"iot_dry_gym_fit": "Ropa de Deporte - Fitness",
"iot_dry_lingerie": "Lencería",
"iot_dry_mixed": "Ropa mixta",
"iot_dry_playsuits": "Prendas de una pieza - Mono",
"iot_dry_rapid_30": "Rápido 30’",
"iot_dry_rapid_59": "Rápido 59’",
"iot_dry_refresh": "Refresh",
"iot_dry_regenerates_waterproof": "Regeneración Tejidos Impermeables",
"iot_dry_relax_creases": "Reducción Arrugas",
"iot_dry_shirts": "Camisas",
"iot_dry_small_load": "Carga reducida",
"iot_dry_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Trajes de baño",
"iot_dry_synthetics": "Sintéticos",
"iot_dry_synthetic_dry": "Secado de prendas sintéticas",
"iot_dry_tablecloths": "Mantelería",
"iot_dry_technical_fabrics": "Tejidos Técnicos",
"iot_dry_warm_embrace": "Abrazo cálido",
"iot_dry_wool": "Woolmark",
"jeans": "Vaqueros",
"mix_and_dry": "Mix&Dry",
"pets": "Mascotas",
"pre_iron": "Pre-Planchado",
"rapid_30": "Rápido 30 min",
"rapid_45": "Rápido 45 min",
"rapid_59": "Perfecto Rápido 59 Min",
"refresh": "Refresh",
"relax_creases": "Reducción Arrugas",
"saving_30_min": "ECO 30'",
"shirts": "Camisas",
"shoes": "Zapatos",
"small_load": "Carga reducida",
"soft_care": "Cuidado suave",
"sport_plus": "Deporte",
"super_easy_iron_misti": "Planchado muy fácil ropa mixta",
"super_easy_iron_xxl": "Planchado muy fácil XXL",
"super_fast_cottons": "Algodón Súper Rápido",
"super_fast_delicates": "Delicados Súper Rápidos",
"synthetics": "Sintéticos",
"total_care": "Total Care",
"trainers": "Calzado Deportivo",
"ultra_care": "Ultra Care",
"waterproof_revitalize": "Revitalizante Waterproof",
"whites": "Blanco",
"wool": "Secado Lana",
"woolmark": "Woolmark",
"xxl_load": "Carga XXL",
"zoom_59": "Zoom 59"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_wm": {
"state": {
"20_degrees_coloured_cottons": "Color y algodón 20 °C",
"20_degrees_new_energy_label": "20°C",
"active_steam": "Vapor",
"active_wash": "Lavado activo",
"active_wash_steam": "Lavado activo",
"allergy_care": "Antialergias",
"allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro",
"all_in_one_49": "Todo en uno 49’",
"all_in_one_59": "Todo en uno 59’",
"all_in_one_59_steam": "Todo en uno 59’ + Vapor",
"autocare": "Autocare",
"autoclean": "Limpieza del tambor",
"baby_60": "All Baby 60°C",
"care_14": "Rapid Care 14'",
"care_30": "Rapid Care 30'",
"care_44": "Rapid Care 44'",
"checkup": "Revisión",
"colour_59": "Color 59'",
"colour_59_steam": "Colores 59' + vapor",
"cottons": "Algodón",
"cottons_prewash": "Ropa Blanca + Prelavado",
"cottons_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"cotton_care_59": "Cotton Care 59 Min",
"delicate_59": "Delicado 59'",
"delicate_silk": "Seda delicada",
"delicate_silk_steam": "Seda delicada + vapor",
"delicati_59": "Delicado 59'",
"delicati_59_steam": "Delicado 59'",
"drain_spin": "Desagüe + centrifugado",
"easy_iron": "Planchado fácil",
"eco_40_60_new_energy_label": "Eco 40-60",
"extra_care": "Cuidado extra",
"fitness": "Deporte",
"fitness_care": "Deporte",
"fresh_care": "Cuidado y frescor",
"fresh_care_steam": "Cuidado y frescor + Vapor",
"handwash_wool": "Lana y lavado a mano",
"high_dry": "Secado algodón",
"hqd_20_degrees": "Algodón 20℃",
"hqd_allergy": "Antialergias",
"hqd_autoclean": "Limpieza del tambor",
"hqd_babycare": "Baby Care",
"hqd_checkup": "Revisión",
"hqd_cottons": "Algodón",
"hqd_delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"hqd_delicate_cradle": "Ropa delicada",
"hqd_dry": "Secado algodón",
"hqd_dry_synthetics": "Secado de ropa mixta",
"hqd_duvet": "Edredón",
"hqd_eco_40_60_degrees": "Eco 40-60",
"hqd_handwash_wool": "Lana",
"hqd_i_refresh": "i-Refresh",
"hqd_mix": "Mixta",
"hqd_quick_15": "Rápido 15'",
"hqd_quick_wash_57": "Lavado rápido 57 min",
"hqd_rapid_wash_and_dry": "Lavar y secar",
"hqd_refresh": "Refresh",
"hqd_rinse": "Aclarado",
"hqd_shirts": "Camisas",
"hqd_smart": "Smart A.I.",
"hqd_spin": "Centrifugado",
"hqd_sport": "Deporte",
"hqd_super_fast": "Rápido 39’",
"hqd_synthetic_and_coloured": "Ropa sintética",
"hygiene_59": "Higiene Plus 59'",
"hygiene_60": "Higiene 60° C",
"hygiene_plus_59": "Higiene Plus 59'",
"hygiene_plus_59_min": "Higiene Plus 59'",
"hygiene_pro_49_min": "Higiene Pro 49 min",
"hygiene_pro_steam": "Higiene Pro + Vapor",
"intensive_40": "Intensivo 40°C",
"intensive_40_steam": "Intensivo 40°C + vapor",
"iot_active_steam": "Vapor",
"iot_active_wash_steam": "Lavado activo",
"iot_allergy_care_pro": "Allergy Care Pro",
"iot_all_in_one_59_steam": "Todo en uno 59’ + Vapor",
"iot_checkup": "Revisión",
"iot_colour_59_steam": "Colores 59' + vapor",
"iot_cottons_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"iot_delicate_silk_steam": "Seda delicada + vapor",
"iot_delicati_59_steam": "Delicado 59'",
"iot_dry_air_refresh": "Air Refresh",
"iot_dry_anti_mites": "Antiácaros",
"iot_dry_baby": "Bebé",
"iot_dry_backpacks": "Mochilas",
"iot_dry_bathrobe": "Albornoces y telas porosas",
"iot_dry_bed_linen": "Ropa de cama",
"iot_dry_cotton_dry": "Secado algodón",
"iot_dry_cuddly_toys": "Peluches",
"iot_dry_curtains": "Cortinas",
"iot_dry_dehumidifier": "Eliminador de humedad",
"iot_dry_delicates_antiallergy": "Ropa delicada - Antialergias",
"iot_dry_delicate_tablecloths": "Manteles delicados",
"iot_dry_denim_jeans": "Denim - Vaqueros",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_cotton": "Planchado fácil - Algodón",
"iot_dry_easy_iron_synthetics": "Planchado fácil - Sintéticos",
"iot_dry_gym_fit": "Gimnasio - Ropa de deporte",
"iot_dry_lingerie": "Lencería",
"iot_dry_mixed_dry": "Secado de ropa mixta",
"iot_dry_rapid_60_min_delicates": "Rápido 60' - Delicados",
"iot_dry_shirts": "Camisas",
"iot_dry_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Trajes de baño",
"iot_dry_synthetics": "Secado de prendas sintéticas",
"iot_dry_synthetic_dry": "Secado de prendas sintéticas",
"iot_dry_tablecloths": "Manteles",
"iot_dry_technical_fabrics": "Tejidos técnicos",
"iot_dry_warm_embrace": "Cálido abrazo",
"iot_dry_wool_dry": "Secado lana",
"iot_easy_iron": "Planchado fácil",
"iot_fresh_care_steam": "Cuidado y frescor + Vapor",
"iot_hygiene_pro_steam": "Higiene Pro + Vapor",
"iot_intensive_40_steam": "Intensivo 40°C + vapor",
"iot_mixed_steam": "Ropa mixta + Vapor",
"iot_mix_and_colour_59_steam": "Mixta y de color 59' + Vapor",
"iot_perfect_cotton_59_steam": "Algodon Perfecto 59'",
"iot_rapid_a_class_60_steam": "Clase rápida A 60 + vapor",
"iot_resistant_cotton_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"iot_shirts_steam": "Camisas + Vapor",
"iot_single_item_steam": "Elemento único + Vapor",
"iot_smart_wash": "Smart Wash",
"iot_soft_care_steam": "Soft Care + Steam",
"iot_special_39_full_load_steam": "Especial 39' + Vapor",
"iot_steam_hygiene_plus": "Vapor higiene extra",
"iot_synthetic_and_coloured_steam": "Ropa sintética y de color + Vapor",
"iot_wash_and_dry": "Lavar y secar",
"iot_wash_anti_mites": "Antiácaros",
"iot_wash_anti_odor": "Antiolor",
"iot_wash_ariel_clean_cycle": "Ariel Ultimate Clean",
"iot_wash_ariel_cold_cycle": "Ariel Cold Clean",
"iot_wash_ariel_fresh_cycle": "Ariel Fresh Clean",
"iot_wash_baby_sanitizer": "Desinfectante",
"iot_wash_baby_sanitizer_steam": "Desinfectante para bebés + vapor",
"iot_wash_backpacks": "Mochilas",
"iot_wash_backpacks_zelig": "Mochilas",
"iot_wash_bathrobe": "Albornoces y toallas",
"iot_wash_bathrobe_steam": "Albornoces + Vapor",
"iot_wash_bed_linen": "Ropa de cama",
"iot_wash_bed_linen_steam": "Ropa de cama + Vapor",
"iot_wash_bed_linen_zelig": "Ropa de cama",
"iot_wash_big_single_load": "Gran carga única",
"iot_wash_bleaching": "Blanqueo",
"iot_wash_blood_stains": "Manchas de sangre",
"iot_wash_cashmere": "Cachemira",
"iot_wash_chocolate_stains": "Manchas de chocolate",
"iot_wash_cold_wash": "Lavado en frío",
"iot_wash_colored": "Color",
"iot_wash_colored_anti_stain": "Eliminación de manchas en prendas de color",
"iot_wash_colored_delicate": "Ropa de color delicada",
"iot_wash_coloured": "Ropa de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_bed_linen": "Ropa de cama de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_bed_linen_steam": "Ropa de cama de color + vapor",
"iot_wash_coloured_curtains": "Cortinas de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_shirts": "Camisas de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_shirts_steam": "Camisas de color + vapor",
"iot_wash_coloured_steam": "Ropa de color + Vapor",
"iot_wash_coloured_tableclothes": "Manteles de color",
"iot_wash_coloured_tableclothes_steam": "Manteles de color + Vapor",
"iot_wash_cotton": "Algodón",
"iot_wash_cotton_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"iot_wash_cuddly_toys": "Peluches",
"iot_wash_curtains": "Cortinas",
"iot_wash_curtains_steam": "Cortinas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_curtains_zelig": "Cortinas",
"iot_wash_dark": "Ropa oscura",
"iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_44": "Ropa oscura y de color 44’",
"iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_59": "Ropa oscura y de color 59’",
"iot_wash_darks_and_coloured_xl": "Ropa oscura y de color XL",
"iot_wash_dark_steam": "Ropa oscura + Vapor",
"iot_wash_dash_clean_cycle": "Dash Ultimate Clean",
"iot_wash_dash_cold_cycle": "Dash Cold Clean",
"iot_wash_dash_fresh_cycle": "Dash Fresh Clean",
"iot_wash_delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy": "Antialergias para prendas delicadas",
"iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy_steam": "Antialergias para prendas delicadas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_antiallergy_zelig": "Antialergias para prendas delicadas",
"iot_wash_delicate_colors": "Ropa delicada de color",
"iot_wash_delicate_colors_steam": "Colores + vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_dark": "Ropa oscura delicada",
"iot_wash_delicate_steam": "Ropa delicada + Vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths": "Manteles delicados",
"iot_wash_delicate_tablecloths_steam": "Manteles delicados + Vapor",
"iot_wash_delicate_whites": "Ropa blanca delicada",
"iot_wash_denim_jeans": "Denim - Vaqueros",
"iot_wash_diving_suits": "Trajes de buceo",
"iot_wash_diving_suits_zelig": "Trajes de buceo",
"iot_wash_down_jackets": "Plumíferos",
"iot_wash_down_jackets_zelig": "Plumíferos",
"iot_wash_duvet": "Edredón",
"iot_wash_fruit_stains": "Manchas de fruta",
"iot_wash_gym_fit": "Gimnasio - Ropa de deporte",
"iot_wash_handwash": "Lavado a mano",
"iot_wash_handwash_colored": "Lavado a mano de ropa de color",
"iot_wash_handwash_dark": "Lavado a mano de ropa oscura",
"iot_wash_lingerie": "Lencería",
"iot_wash_masks_refresh": "Lavado de mascarillas",
"iot_wash_masks_sanification": "Desinfección de mascarillas",
"iot_wash_masks_sanification_steam": "Desinfección de mascarillas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_mats": "Alfombras",
"iot_wash_men_s_trousers": "Pantalones",
"iot_wash_mixed": "Ropa mixta",
"iot_wash_mixed_steam": "Ropa mixta + Vapor",
"iot_wash_mix_and_coloured_44": "Mixta y de color 44’",
"iot_wash_mix_and_coloured_59": "Mixta y de color 59’",
"iot_wash_mix_and_coloured_xl": "Mixta y de color XL",
"iot_wash_new_clothes": "Ropa nueva",
"iot_wash_perfect_white": "Blanco perfecto",
"iot_wash_perfect_white_steam": "Blanco perfecto + Vapor",
"iot_wash_pets": "Accesorios para mascotas",
"iot_wash_pets_hair_removal": "Eliminación del pelo de las mascotas",
"iot_wash_pets_odours_stains_removal": "Eliminación de manchas y olores domésticos",
"iot_wash_pets_steam": "Accesorios para mascotas",
"iot_wash_playsuits": "Monos",
"iot_wash_playsuits_steam": "Monos + Vapor",
"iot_wash_quick_drum_cleaner": "Limpiador rápido de tambor",
"iot_wash_rapid_14": "Rápido 14’",
"iot_wash_rapid_30": "Rápido 30’",
"iot_wash_rapid_44": "Rápido 44’",
"iot_wash_rapid_59": "Rápido 59’",
"iot_wash_rapid_59_steam": "Rápido 59' + vapor",
"iot_wash_refresh_14_min": "Refrescar 14'",
"iot_wash_resistant_colored": "Ropa de color resistente",
"iot_wash_resistant_dark": "Ropa oscura resistente",
"iot_wash_resistant_whites": "Ropa blanca resistente",
"iot_wash_rinse": "Aclarado",
"iot_wash_shirts": "Camisas",
"iot_wash_shirts_steam": "Camisas + Vapor",
"iot_wash_silk": "Seda",
"iot_wash_ski_suit": "Trajes de esquí",
"iot_wash_ski_suit_zelig": "Trajes de esquí",
"iot_wash_spin": "Centrifugado",
"iot_wash_sport": "Deporte",
"iot_wash_sport_anti_odor": "Ropa deportiva antiolor",
"iot_wash_sport_anti_odor_zelig": "Ropa deportiva antiolor",
"iot_wash_stains_remover": "Quitamanchas",
"iot_wash_swimsuits_and_bikinis": "Trajes de baño",
"iot_wash_synthetic": "Ropa sintética",
"iot_wash_synthetic_steam": "Ropa sintética + Vapor",
"iot_wash_tablecloths": "Manteles",
"iot_wash_tablecloths_steam": "Manteles + Vapor",
"iot_wash_technical_fabrics": "Tejidos técnicos",
"iot_wash_technical_fabrics_zelig": "Tejidos técnicos",
"iot_wash_technical_jackets": "Chaquetas técnicas",
"iot_wash_technical_jackets_zelig": "Chaquetas técnicas",
"iot_wash_trainers": "Deportivas",
"iot_wash_whites": "Ropa blanca",
"iot_wash_whites_44": "Ropa blanca 44’",
"iot_wash_whites_59": "Ropa blanca 59’",
"iot_wash_whites_xl": "Ropa blanca XL",
"iot_wash_wine_stains": "Manchas de vino",
"iot_wash_wool": "Lana",
"jeans": "Vaqueros",
"jeans_60": "Jeans",
"low_dry": "Secado de ropa mixta",
"mixed": "Ropa mixta",
"mixed_and_colored_59": "Mixta y de color 59'",
"mixed_steam": "Ropa mixta + Vapor",
"mix_and_colour_59": "Color Y Mixtos 59'",
"mix_and_colour_59_steam": "Mixta y de color 59' + Vapor",
"night_and_day": "Noche y día",
"night_wash": "Ciclo nocturno",
"perfect_59": "Perfecto 59'",
"perfect_cotton_59": "Algodon Perfecto 59'",
"perfect_cotton_59_steam": "Algodon Perfecto 59'",
"perfect_whites_59": "Blancos Perfectos 59'",
"rapid_14_min": "Rapido 14'",
"rapid_30_min": "Rápido 30'",
"rapid_44_min": "Rápido 44'",
"rapid_a_class_60": "Clase rápida A 60",
"rapid_a_class_60_steam": "Clase rápida A 60 + vapor",
"rapid_wash_and_dry_59_min": "Lavado y secado 59'",
"resistant_cotton": "Algodón",
"resistant_cotton_steam": "Algodón + Vapor",
"rinse": "Aclarado",
"shirts_steam": "Camisas + Vapor",
"silent_night": "Ciclo nocturno",
"single_item": "Elemento único",
"single_item_steam": "Elemento único + Vapor",
"smart_wash": "Smart Wash",
"soft_care": "Cuidado suave",
"soft_care_steam": "Soft Care + Steam",
"soft_care_steam_title": "Soft Care + Steam",
"special_39": "Especial 39'",
"special_39_full_load": "Especial 39'",
"special_39_full_load_steam": "Especial 39' + Vapor",
"special_49": "Especial 49'",
"sport_39": "Deporte 39'",
"sport_plus_29": "Deporte Plus 29\"",
"sport_plus_39": "Deporte Plus 39'",
"steam_39": "Vapor 39'",
"steam_care_pro": "Steam Care Pro",
"steam_care_pro_cotton": "Steam Care Pro - Algodón",
"steam_care_pro_delicates": "Steam Care Pro - Delicados",
"steam_care_pro_synthetic": "Steam Care Pro - Sintéticos",
"steam_hygiene_plus": "Vapor higiene extra",
"synthetics": "Ropa sintética",
"synthetic_and_coloured": "Ropa sintética y de color",
"synthetic_and_coloured_steam": "Ropa sintética y de color + Vapor",
"tailored_resistant_cotton": "Tailored Resistant Cotton",
"tailored_synthetic_and_coloured": "Tailored Synthetic Colored",
"total_care": "Cuidado total",
"tumbling": "Rotación",
"wool": "Lana",
"wool_and_delicates_49": "Lana/Delicados 49'",
"wool_dry": "Secado lana",
"wool_soft_care": "Lana & Soft Care"
"name": "Programa"
"programs_ref": {
"state": {
"auto_set": "AJUSTE AUTOMÁTICO",
"cheese": "Queso",
"chiller": "Quick cool",
"cold_drinks": "Soft chill",
"eco": "Eco",
"eco_mode": "Modo Eco",
"fruits_and_veg": "Frutas Y Verduras",
"fruit_and_veg": "Frutas Y Verduras",
"holiday": "VACACIONES",
"keep_fresh": "0° Fresh",
"no_mode_selected": "No se ha seleccionado ningún modo",
"quick_cool": "QUICK COOL",
"sea_food": "Ready to cook meal",
"soft_frozen": "Soft freezing",
"super_cool": "SUPER COOL",
"super_freeze": "SUPER FREEZE",
"tea": "Cold drinks or Beverages",
"zero_fresh": "0° Fresh"
"name": "Programa"
"dry_time": {
"name": "Tiempo de secado"
"spin_speed": {
"name": "Centrifugado"
"temperature": {
"name": "Temperatura"
"remaining_time": {
"name": "Tiempo restante"
"diffuser": {
"name": "Difusor",
"state": {
"soft": "Suave",
"mid": "Medio",
"h_biotics": "H-BIOTICS",
"custom": "Personalizar",
"off": "Desactivado"
"mode": {
"name": "Modo",
"state": {
"standby": "En espera",
"sleep": "Reposo",
"auto": "Automático",
"allergens": "Alérgenos",
"max": "Máx."
"steam_level": {
"state": {
"no_steam": "Sin vapor",
"cotton": "Algodón",
"delicate": "Ropa delicada",
"synthetic": "Synthetic"
"name": "Nivel de vapor"
"dirt_level": {
"state": {
"little": "Poco",
"normal": "Normal",
"very": "Mucho",
"unknown": "unknown"
"name": "Nivel de suciedad"
"switch": {
"anti_crease": {
"name": "Antiarrugas"
"add_dish": {
"name": "Añade platos"
"eco_express": {
"name": "Eco"
"extra_dry": {
"name": "Extraseco"
"half_load": {
"name": "Media carga"
"open_door": {
"name": "Puerta abierta"
"three_in_one": {
"name": "3 en 1"
"preheat": {
"name": "Precalentamiento"
"dish_washer": {
"name": "Lavavajillas"
"tumble_dryer": {
"name": "Secadora"
"washing_machine": {
"name": "Lavadora"
"washer_dryer": {
"name": "Lavadora secadora"
"oven": {
"name": "Horno"
"prewash": {
"name": "Pre-lavado"
"pause": {
"name": "Pausa"
"keep_fresh": {
"name": "Keep Fresh"
"delay_time": {
"name": "Inicio Diferido"
"rapid_mode": {
"name": "Modo rápido"
"eco_mode": {
"name": "Modo ECO"
"10_degree_heating": {
"name": "Función de calentamiento de 10° C"
"self_clean": {
"name": "Autolimpieza"
"self_clean_56": {
"name": "Limpieza desinfectante 56°"
"silent_mode": {
"name": "Modo silencioso"
"mute_mode": {
"name": "Modo silencio"
"extra_rinse_1": {
"name": "+1 Aclarado"
"extra_rinse_2": {
"name": "+2 Aclarados"
"extra_rinse_3": {
"name": "+3 Aclarados"
"acqua_plus": {
"name": "Acquaplus"
"auto_dose_softener": {
"name": "Dosificación automática Suavizante"
"auto_dose_detergent": {
"name": "Dosificación automática Detergente"
"good_night": {
"name": "Buenas noches"
"auto_set": {
"name": "Auto-Set"
"super_cool": {
"name": "Super Cool"
"super_freeze": {
"name": "Super Freeze"
"refrigerator": {
"name": "Frigorífico"
"night_mode": {
"name": "Modo nocturno"
"touch_tone": {
"name": "Volumen del tono táctil"
"hygiene": {
"name": "Higiene extra"
"hood": {
"name": "Campana extractora"
"binary_sensor": {
"door_lock": {
"name": "Bloqueo de la puerta"
"extra_rinse_1": {
"name": "+1 Aclarado"
"extra_rinse_2": {
"name": "+2 Aclarados"
"extra_rinse_3": {
"name": "+3 Aclarados"
"good_night": {
"name": "Buenas noches"
"anti_crease": {
"name": "Antiarrugas"
"acqua_plus": {
"name": "Acquaplus"
"spin_speed": {
"name": "Centrifugado"
"still_hot": {
"name": "Todavía caliente"
"pan_status": {
"name": "Sartén"
"remote_control": {
"name": "Τηλεχειριστήριο"
"rinse_aid": {
"name": "Nivel del agente de enjuague"
"salt_level": {
"name": "Nivel de sal"
"door_open": {
"name": "Puerta abierta"
"connection": {
"name": "Conexión del electrodoméstico"
"child_lock": {
"name": "Bloqueo infantil"
"on": {
"name": "Activado"
"prewash": {
"name": "Pre-lavado"
"buzzer": {
"name": "Campana de fin de ciclo"
"holiday_mode": {
"name": "Modo Holiday"
"auto_set": {
"name": "Auto-Set"
"super_cool": {
"name": "Super Cool"
"super_freeze": {
"name": "Super Freeze"
"freezer_door": {
"name": "Puerta abierta Congelador"
"fridge_door": {
"name": "Puerta abierta Frigorífico"
"filter_replacement": {
"name": "Sustitución del filtro"
"button": {
"induction_hob": {
"name": "Placa de inducción"
"start_program": {
"name": "Programa Inicio"
"stop_program": {
"name": "Programa Detener"
"number": {
"power_management": {
"name": "Control de la energía"
"temperature": {
"name": "Temperatura"
"delay_time": {
"name": "Inicio Diferido"
"water_hard": {
"name": "Dureza del agua"
"program_duration": {
"name": "Duración del programa"
"target_temperature": {
"name": "Temperatura deseada"
"rinse_iterations": {
"name": "Número de enjuagues"
"wash_time": {
"name": "Tiempo de lavado"
"dry_time": {
"name": "Tiempo de secado"
"steam_level": {
"name": "Nivel de vapor"
"freezer_temp_sel": {
"name": "Temperatura deseada Congelador"
"fridge_temp_sel": {
"name": "Temperatura deseada Frigorífico"
"pollen_level": {
"name": "Nivel de polen"
"aroma_time_on": {
"name": "Difusor (ENCENDIDO)"
"aroma_time_off": {
"name": "Difusor (APAGADO)"
"climate": {
"air_conditioner": {
"name": "Aire acondicionado",
"state_attributes": {
"preset_mode": {
"name": "Programas",
"state": {
"iot_10_heating": "Función de calentamiento de 10° C",
"iot_auto": "Automático",
"iot_cool": "Frío",
"iot_dry": "Deshumidificar",
"iot_fan": "Ventilador",
"iot_heat": "Calor",
"iot_nano_aqua": "Nano Aqua",
"iot_purify": "Autopurificar",
"iot_self_clean": "Autolimpieza",
"iot_self_clean_56": "Limpieza desinfectante 56°",
"iot_simple_start": "Iniciar ahora",
"iot_uv": "UV",
"iot_uv_and_auto": "UV + Automático",
"iot_uv_and_cool": "UV + Frío",
"iot_uv_and_dry": "UV + Deshumidificador",
"iot_uv_and_fan": "UV + Ventilador",
"iot_uv_and_heat": "UV + Calor"
"fridge": {
"name": "Frigorífico",
"state_attributes": {
"preset_mode": {
"name": "Modos de frigorífico",
"state": {
"auto_set": "Auto-Set",
"super_cool": "Super Cool",
"holiday": "Holiday",
"no_mode": "No se ha seleccionado ningún modo"
"freezer": {
"name": "Congelador",
"state_attributes": {
"preset_mode": {
"name": "Modos congelador",
"state": {
"auto_set": "Auto-Set",
"super_freeze": "Super Freeze",
"no_mode": "No se ha seleccionado ningún modo"
"oven": {
"name": "Horno",
"state_attributes": {
"preset_mode": {
"name": "Programas",
"state": {
"bakery": "Pasta y Panadería",
"bakery_steam": "Oven steam",
"bottom_heating": "Calentamiento Inferior",
"bottom_heating_fan": "Calentamiento Inferior + Ventilador",
"bread": "Pan",
"bread_steam": "Pan al vapor",
"combi": "Combi",
"convection_fan": "Convección + Ventilador",
"convection_fan_turnspit": "Asador giratorio convencional ventilada",
"conventional": "Convección",
"conventional_turnspit": "Asador giratorio convencional",
"defrost": "Descongelación",
"descaling": "Descalcificación",
"fish": "Pescado",
"fish_steam": "Pescado al vapor",
"grill_cata": "Grill",
"grill_fan_cata": "Grill y ventilador",
"grill_fan_pyro": "Grill + Ventilador",
"grill_pyro": "Grill",
"h20_clean": "H2O-Clean",
"iot_bread": "Pan",
"iot_h20_clean": "h2O clean",
"leavening": "Fermentación",
"low_temp_cooking": "Cocción a baja temperatura",
"low_temp_cooking_fish": "Cocción a baja temperatura Pescado",
"low_temp_cooking_fish_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura Pescado",
"low_temp_cooking_meat": "Cocción a baja temperatura Carne",
"low_temp_cooking_meat_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura Carne al vapor",
"low_temp_cooking_steam": "Cocción a baja temperatura al vapor",
"meat": "Carne",
"meat_steam": "Meat steam",
"multi_level": "Múltiples niveles",
"paella": "Paella",
"pasta_and_bakery": "Pasta y Panadería",
"pizza": "Pizza",
"pyrolysis": "Pirólisis",
"pyrolysis_plus": "Pirólisis +",
"red_meat": "Carne roja",
"red_meat_steam": "Carne roja al vapor",
"regenerate": "Regenerar",
"soft_plus": "Soft+",
"super_grill": "Super Grill",
"tailor_bake": "Tailor bake",
"tailor_bake_cata": "Tailor Bake",
"tailor_bake_pyro": "Tailor Bake",
"vegetables": "Verduras",
"vegetables_cata": "Verduras",
"vegetables_pyro": "Verdura",
"water_discharge": "Descarga de agua",
"white_meat": "Carne blanca",
"white_meat_steam": "Carne blanca al vapor"
"wine": {
"state_attributes": {
"preset_mode": {
"name": "Cámara de vino",
"state": {
"iot_champagne": "Champán",
"iot_dessert": "Postre",
"iot_fortified": "Estructurado",
"iot_rose": "Rosado",
"iot_whisky": "Whisky",
"red": "Tinto",
"sparkling": "Espumoso",
"white": "Blanco"
"fan": {
"air_extraction": {
"name": "Extracción de aire"
"light": {
"light": {
"name": "Luz"
"config": {
"step": {
"user": {
"description": "Inicia sesión",
"data": {
"email": "Correo electrónico",
"password": "Contraseña"
} |