mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 20:29:40 +00:00
[downloader] Reformat manager
This commit is contained in:
@ -78,6 +78,277 @@ class DLManager(Process):
self.num_processed_since_last = 0
self.num_tasks_processed_since_last = 0
def run_analysis(self, manifest: Manifest, old_manifest: Manifest = None,
patch=True, resume=True, file_prefix_filter=None,
file_exclude_filter=None, file_install_tag=None,
processing_optimization=False) -> AnalysisResult:
Run analysis on manifest and old manifest (if not None) and return a result
with a summary resources required in order to install the provided manifest.
:param manifest: Manifest to install
:param old_manifest: Old manifest to patch from (if applicable)
:param patch: Patch instead of redownloading the entire file
:param resume: Continue based on resume file if it exists
:param file_prefix_filter: Only download files that start with this prefix
:param file_exclude_filter: Exclude files with this prefix from download
:param file_install_tag: Only install files with the specified tag
:param processing_optimization: Attempt to optimize processing order and RAM usage
:return: AnalysisResult
analysis_res = AnalysisResult()
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_chunk = max(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_file_size = max(f.file_size for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
is_1mib = analysis_res.biggest_chunk == 1024 * 1024
self.log.debug(f'Biggest chunk size: {analysis_res.biggest_chunk} bytes (== 1 MiB? {is_1mib})')
self.log.debug(f'Creating manifest comparison...')
mc = ManifestComparison.create(manifest, old_manifest)
analysis_res.manifest_comparison = mc
if resume and self.resume_file and os.path.exists(self.resume_file):
completed_files = set(i.strip() for i in open(self.resume_file).readlines())
# remove completed files from changed/added and move them to unchanged for the analysis.
mc.added -= completed_files
mc.changed -= completed_files
mc.unchanged |= completed_files
self.log.debug(f'Skipped {len(completed_files)} files based on resume data!')
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Reading resume file failed: {e!r}, continuing as normal...')
# Not entirely sure what install tags are used for, only some titles have them.
# Let's add it for testing anyway.
if file_install_tag:
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if file_install_tag not in i.install_tags)
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on install tag.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
# if include/exclude prefix has been set: mark all files that are not to be downloaded as unchanged
if file_exclude_filter:
file_exclude_filter = file_exclude_filter.lower()
files_to_skip = set(i for i in mc.added | mc.changed if i.lower().startswith(file_exclude_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on exclude prefix.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter:
file_prefix_filter = file_prefix_filter.lower()
files_to_skip = set(i for i in mc.added | mc.changed if not i.lower().startswith(file_prefix_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on include prefix.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter or file_exclude_filter or file_install_tag:
self.log.info(f'Remaining files after filtering: {len(mc.added) + len(mc.changed)}')
# correct install size after filtering
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if fm.filename in mc.added)
if mc.removed:
analysis_res.removed = len(mc.removed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.removed} removed files')
if mc.added:
analysis_res.added = len(mc.added)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.added} added files')
if mc.changed:
analysis_res.changed = len(mc.changed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.changed} changed files')
if mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged = len(mc.unchanged)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.unchanged} unchanged files')
if processing_optimization and len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) > 8_000:
self.log.warning('Manifest contains too many files, processing optimizations will be disabled.')
processing_optimization = False
elif processing_optimization:
self.log.info('Processing order optimization is enabled, analysis may take a few seconds longer...')
# count references to chunks for determining runtime cache size later
references = Counter()
file_to_chunks = defaultdict(set)
fmlist = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements,
key=lambda a: a.filename.lower())
for fm in fmlist:
# chunks of unchanged files are not downloaded so we can skip them
if fm.filename in mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged += fm.file_size
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
references[cp.guid_num] += 1
if processing_optimization:
if processing_optimization:
# reorder the file manifest list to group files that share many chunks
# 5 is mostly arbitrary but has shown in testing to be a good choice
min_overlap = 5
# enumerate the file list to try and find a "partner" for
# each file that shares the most chunks with it.
partners = dict()
filenames = [fm.filename for fm in fmlist]
for num, filename in enumerate(filenames[:int((len(filenames) + 1) / 2)]):
chunks = file_to_chunks[filename]
max_overlap = min_overlap
for other_file in filenames[num + 1:]:
overlap = len(chunks & file_to_chunks[other_file])
if overlap > max_overlap:
partners[filename] = other_file
max_overlap = overlap
# iterate over all the files again and this time around
_fmlist = []
processed = set()
for fm in fmlist:
if fm.filename in processed:
# try to find the file's "partner"
partner = partners.get(fm.filename, None)
if not partner or partner in processed:
partner_fm = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(partner)
fmlist = _fmlist
# determine reusable chunks and prepare lookup table for reusable ones
re_usable = defaultdict(dict)
if old_manifest and mc.changed and patch:
self.log.debug('Analyzing manifests for re-usable chunks...')
for changed in mc.changed:
old_file = old_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
new_file = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
existing_chunks = dict()
off = 0
for cp in old_file.chunk_parts:
existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)] = off
off += cp.size
for cp in new_file.chunk_parts:
key = (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
if key in existing_chunks:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
re_usable[changed][key] = existing_chunks[key]
analysis_res.reuse_size += cp.size
last_cache_size = current_cache_size = 0
# set to determine whether a file is currently cached or not
cached = set()
# Using this secondary set is orders of magnitude faster than checking the deque.
chunks_in_dl_list = set()
# This is just used to count all unique guids that have been cached
dl_cache_guids = set()
# run through the list of files and create the download jobs and also determine minimum
# runtime cache requirement by simulating adding/removing from cache during download.
self.log.debug('Creating filetasks and chunktasks...')
for current_file in fmlist:
# skip unchanged and empty files
if current_file.filename in mc.unchanged:
elif not current_file.chunk_parts:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, empty=True))
existing_chunks = re_usable.get(current_file.filename, None)
chunk_tasks = []
reused = 0
for cp in current_file.chunk_parts:
ct = ChunkTask(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
# re-use the chunk from the existing file if we can
if existing_chunks and (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) in existing_chunks:
reused += 1
ct.chunk_file = current_file.filename
ct.chunk_offset = existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)]
# add to DL list if not already in it
if cp.guid_num not in chunks_in_dl_list:
# if chunk has more than one use or is already in cache,
# check if we need to add or remove it again.
if references[cp.guid_num] > 1 or cp.guid_num in cached:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
# delete from cache if no references left
if references[cp.guid_num] < 1:
current_cache_size -= analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
# add to cache if not already cached
elif cp.guid_num not in cached:
current_cache_size += analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
if reused:
self.log.debug(f' + Reusing {reused} chunks from: {current_file.filename}')
# open temporary file that will contain download + old file contents
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', fopen=True))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', close=True))
# delete old file and rename temproary
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, delete=True, rename=True,
temporary_filename=current_file.filename + u'.tmp'))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, fopen=True))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, close=True))
# check if runtime cache size has changed
if current_cache_size > last_cache_size:
self.log.debug(f' * New maximum cache size: {current_cache_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
last_cache_size = current_cache_size
self.log.debug(f'Final cache size requirement: {last_cache_size / 1024 / 1024} MiB.')
analysis_res.min_memory = last_cache_size + (1024 * 1024 * 32) # add some padding just to be safe
# Todo implement on-disk caching to avoid this issue.
if analysis_res.min_memory > self.max_shared_memory:
shared_mib = f'{self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
required_mib = f'{analysis_res.min_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
raise MemoryError(f'Current shared memory cache is smaller than required! {shared_mib} < {required_mib}. '
f'Try running legendary with the --enable-reordering flag to reduce memory usage.')
# calculate actual dl and patch write size.
analysis_res.dl_size = \
sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
analysis_res.uncompressed_dl_size = \
sum(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
# add jobs to remove files
for fname in mc.removed:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(fname, delete=True))
analysis_res.num_chunks_cache = len(dl_cache_guids)
self.chunk_data_list = manifest.chunk_data_list
self.analysis = analysis_res
return analysis_res
def download_job_manager(self, task_cond: Condition, shm_cond: Condition):
while self.chunks_to_dl and self.running:
while self.active_tasks < self.max_workers * 2 and self.chunks_to_dl:
@ -243,277 +514,6 @@ class DLManager(Process):
self.log.warning(f'Exception when trying to read writer result queue: {e!r}')
self.log.info('Writer result handler quitting...')
def run_analysis(self, manifest: Manifest, old_manifest: Manifest = None,
patch=True, resume=True, file_prefix_filter=None,
file_exclude_filter=None, file_install_tag=None,
processing_optimization=False) -> AnalysisResult:
Run analysis on manifest and old manifest (if not None) and return a result
with a summary resources required in order to install the provided manifest.
:param manifest: Manifest to install
:param old_manifest: Old manifest to patch from (if applicable)
:param patch: Patch instead of redownloading the entire file
:param resume: Continue based on resume file if it exists
:param file_prefix_filter: Only download files that start with this prefix
:param file_exclude_filter: Exclude files with this prefix from download
:param file_install_tag: Only install files with the specified tag
:param processing_optimization: Attempt to optimize processing order and RAM usage
:return: AnalysisResult
analysis_res = AnalysisResult()
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_chunk = max(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements)
analysis_res.biggest_file_size = max(f.file_size for f in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements)
is_1mib = analysis_res.biggest_chunk == 1024 * 1024
self.log.debug(f'Biggest chunk size: {analysis_res.biggest_chunk} bytes (== 1 MiB? {is_1mib})')
self.log.debug(f'Creating manifest comparison...')
mc = ManifestComparison.create(manifest, old_manifest)
analysis_res.manifest_comparison = mc
if resume and self.resume_file and os.path.exists(self.resume_file):
completed_files = set(i.strip() for i in open(self.resume_file).readlines())
# remove completed files from changed/added and move them to unchanged for the analysis.
mc.added -= completed_files
mc.changed -= completed_files
mc.unchanged |= completed_files
self.log.debug(f'Skipped {len(completed_files)} files based on resume data!')
except Exception as e:
self.log.warning(f'Reading resume file failed: {e!r}, continuing as normal...')
# Not entirely sure what install tags are used for, only some titles have them.
# Let's add it for testing anyway.
if file_install_tag:
files_to_skip = set(i.filename for i in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if file_install_tag not in i.install_tags)
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on install tag.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
# if include/exclude prefix has been set: mark all files that are not to be downloaded as unchanged
if file_exclude_filter:
file_exclude_filter = file_exclude_filter.lower()
files_to_skip = set(i for i in mc.added | mc.changed if i.lower().startswith(file_exclude_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on exclude prefix.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter:
file_prefix_filter = file_prefix_filter.lower()
files_to_skip = set(i for i in mc.added | mc.changed if not i.lower().startswith(file_prefix_filter))
self.log.info(f'Found {len(files_to_skip)} files to skip based on include prefix.')
mc.added -= files_to_skip
mc.changed -= files_to_skip
mc.unchanged |= files_to_skip
if file_prefix_filter or file_exclude_filter or file_install_tag:
self.log.info(f'Remaining files after filtering: {len(mc.added) + len(mc.changed)}')
# correct install size after filtering
analysis_res.install_size = sum(fm.file_size for fm in manifest.file_manifest_list.elements
if fm.filename in mc.added)
if mc.removed:
analysis_res.removed = len(mc.removed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.removed} removed files')
if mc.added:
analysis_res.added = len(mc.added)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.added} added files')
if mc.changed:
analysis_res.changed = len(mc.changed)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.changed} changed files')
if mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged = len(mc.unchanged)
self.log.debug(f'{analysis_res.unchanged} unchanged files')
if processing_optimization and len(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements) > 8_000:
self.log.warning('Manifest contains too many files, processing optimizations will be disabled.')
processing_optimization = False
elif processing_optimization:
self.log.info('Processing order optimization is enabled, analysis may take a few seconds longer...')
# count references to chunks for determining runtime cache size later
references = Counter()
file_to_chunks = defaultdict(set)
fmlist = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements,
key=lambda a: a.filename.lower())
for fm in fmlist:
# chunks of unchanged files are not downloaded so we can skip them
if fm.filename in mc.unchanged:
analysis_res.unchanged += fm.file_size
for cp in fm.chunk_parts:
references[cp.guid_num] += 1
if processing_optimization:
if processing_optimization:
# reorder the file manifest list to group files that share many chunks
# 5 is mostly arbitrary but has shown in testing to be a good choice
min_overlap = 5
# enumerate the file list to try and find a "partner" for
# each file that shares the most chunks with it.
partners = dict()
filenames = [fm.filename for fm in fmlist]
for num, filename in enumerate(filenames[:int((len(filenames)+1)/2)]):
chunks = file_to_chunks[filename]
max_overlap = min_overlap
for other_file in filenames[num+1:]:
overlap = len(chunks & file_to_chunks[other_file])
if overlap > max_overlap:
partners[filename] = other_file
max_overlap = overlap
# iterate over all the files again and this time around
_fmlist = []
processed = set()
for fm in fmlist:
if fm.filename in processed:
# try to find the file's "partner"
partner = partners.get(fm.filename, None)
if not partner or partner in processed:
partner_fm = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(partner)
fmlist = _fmlist
# determine reusable chunks and prepare lookup table for reusable ones
re_usable = defaultdict(dict)
if old_manifest and mc.changed and patch:
self.log.debug('Analyzing manifests for re-usable chunks...')
for changed in mc.changed:
old_file = old_manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
new_file = manifest.file_manifest_list.get_file_by_path(changed)
existing_chunks = dict()
off = 0
for cp in old_file.chunk_parts:
existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)] = off
off += cp.size
for cp in new_file.chunk_parts:
key = (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
if key in existing_chunks:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
re_usable[changed][key] = existing_chunks[key]
analysis_res.reuse_size += cp.size
last_cache_size = current_cache_size = 0
# set to determine whether a file is currently cached or not
cached = set()
# Using this secondary set is orders of magnitude faster than checking the deque.
chunks_in_dl_list = set()
# This is just used to count all unique guids that have been cached
dl_cache_guids = set()
# run through the list of files and create the download jobs and also determine minimum
# runtime cache requirement by simulating adding/removing from cache during download.
self.log.debug('Creating filetasks and chunktasks...')
for current_file in fmlist:
# skip unchanged and empty files
if current_file.filename in mc.unchanged:
elif not current_file.chunk_parts:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, empty=True))
existing_chunks = re_usable.get(current_file.filename, None)
chunk_tasks = []
reused = 0
for cp in current_file.chunk_parts:
ct = ChunkTask(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)
# re-use the chunk from the existing file if we can
if existing_chunks and (cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size) in existing_chunks:
reused += 1
ct.chunk_file = current_file.filename
ct.chunk_offset = existing_chunks[(cp.guid_num, cp.offset, cp.size)]
# add to DL list if not already in it
if cp.guid_num not in chunks_in_dl_list:
# if chunk has more than one use or is already in cache,
# check if we need to add or remove it again.
if references[cp.guid_num] > 1 or cp.guid_num in cached:
references[cp.guid_num] -= 1
# delete from cache if no references left
if references[cp.guid_num] < 1:
current_cache_size -= analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
# add to cache if not already cached
elif cp.guid_num not in cached:
current_cache_size += analysis_res.biggest_chunk
ct.cleanup = True
if reused:
self.log.debug(f' + Reusing {reused} chunks from: {current_file.filename}')
# open temporary file that will contain download + old file contents
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', fopen=True))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename + u'.tmp', close=True))
# delete old file and rename temproary
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, delete=True, rename=True,
temporary_filename=current_file.filename + u'.tmp'))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, fopen=True))
self.tasks.append(FileTask(current_file.filename, close=True))
# check if runtime cache size has changed
if current_cache_size > last_cache_size:
self.log.debug(f' * New maximum cache size: {current_cache_size / 1024 / 1024:.02f} MiB')
last_cache_size = current_cache_size
self.log.debug(f'Final cache size requirement: {last_cache_size / 1024 / 1024} MiB.')
analysis_res.min_memory = last_cache_size + (1024 * 1024 * 32) # add some padding just to be safe
# Todo implement on-disk caching to avoid this issue.
if analysis_res.min_memory > self.max_shared_memory:
shared_mib = f'{self.max_shared_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
required_mib = f'{analysis_res.min_memory / 1024 / 1024:.01f} MiB'
raise MemoryError(f'Current shared memory cache is smaller than required! {shared_mib} < {required_mib}. '
f'Try running legendary with the --enable-reordering flag to reduce memory usage.')
# calculate actual dl and patch write size.
analysis_res.dl_size = \
sum(c.file_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
analysis_res.uncompressed_dl_size = \
sum(c.window_size for c in manifest.chunk_data_list.elements if c.guid_num in chunks_in_dl_list)
# add jobs to remove files
for fname in mc.removed:
self.tasks.append(FileTask(fname, delete=True))
analysis_res.num_chunks_cache = len(dl_cache_guids)
self.chunk_data_list = manifest.chunk_data_list
self.analysis = analysis_res
return analysis_res
def run(self):
if not self.analysis:
raise ValueError('Did not run analysis before trying to run download!')
Reference in a new issue