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synced 2025-03-07 20:29:40 +00:00
[cli] Add new "list-files" command to list files in a manifest
Useful for use with the new --prefix option to search for which prefix to use for the files you want to download. Also supports creating a file usable with sha1sum/hashcheck to verify a local installation manually as well as outputting the list in csv format for other uses.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
# coding: utf-8
import argparse
import csv
import logging
import os
import shlex
@ -11,7 +12,7 @@ import webbrowser
from logging.handlers import QueueListener
from multiprocessing import freeze_support, Queue as MPQueue
from sys import exit
from sys import exit, stdout
from legendary import __version__, __codename__
from legendary.core import LegendaryCore
@ -121,6 +122,39 @@ class LegendaryCLI:
print(f'\nTotal: {len(games)}')
def list_files(self, args):
if args.platform_override:
args.force_download = True
# check if we even need to log in
if args.override_manifest:
logger.info(f'Loading manifest from "{args.override_manifest}"')
manifest, _ = self.core.get_uri_manfiest(args.override_manifest)
elif self.core.is_installed(args.app_name) and not args.force_download:
logger.info(f'Loading installed manifest for "{args.app_name}"')
manifest, _ = self.core.get_installed_manifest(args.app_name)
logger.info(f'Logging in and downloading manifest for {args.app_name}')
if not self.core.login():
logger.error('Login failed! Cannot continue with download process.')
game = self.core.get_game(args.app_name, update_meta=True)
manifest, _ = self.core.get_cdn_manifest(game, platform_override=args.platform_override)
files = sorted(manifest.file_manifest_list.elements,
key=lambda a: a.filename.lower())
if args.hashlist:
for fm in files:
print(f'{fm.hash.hex()} *{fm.filename}')
elif args.csv:
writer = csv.writer(stdout)
writer.writerow(['path', 'hash', 'size'])
writer.writerows((fm.filename, fm.hash.hex(), fm.file_size) for fm in files)
for fm in files:
def launch_game(self, args, extra):
app_name = args.app_name
if not self.core.is_installed(app_name):
@ -344,11 +378,13 @@ def main():
launch_parser = subparsers.add_parser('launch', help='Launch a game', usage='%(prog)s <App Name> [options]',
description='Note: additional arguments are passed to the game')
list_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-games', help='List available (installable) games')
listi_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-installed', help='List installed games')
list_installed_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-installed', help='List installed games')
list_files_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list-files', help='List files in manifest')
install_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='<App Name>')
uninstall_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='<App Name>')
launch_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='<App Name>')
list_files_parser.add_argument('app_name', help='Name of the app', metavar='<App Name>')
# importing only works on Windows right now
if os.name == 'nt':
@ -398,8 +434,18 @@ def main():
list_parser.add_argument('--include-ue', dest='include_ue', action='store_true',
help='Also include Unreal Engine content in list')
listi_parser.add_argument('--check-updates', dest='check_updates', action='store_true',
help='Check for updates when listing installed games')
list_installed_parser.add_argument('--check-updates', dest='check_updates', action='store_true',
help='Check for updates when listing installed games')
list_files_parser.add_argument('--force-download', dest='force_download', action='store_true',
help='Always download instead of using on-disk manifest')
list_files_parser.add_argument('--platform', dest='platform_override', action='store', metavar='<Platform>',
type=str, help='Platform override for download (disables install)')
list_files_parser.add_argument('--manifest', dest='override_manifest', action='store', metavar='<uri>',
help='Manifest URL or path to use instead of the CDN one')
list_files_parser.add_argument('--csv', dest='csv', action='store_true', help='Output in CSV format')
list_files_parser.add_argument('--hashlist', dest='hashlist', action='store_true',
help='Output file hash list in hashcheck/sha1sum compatible format')
args, extra = parser.parse_known_args()
@ -407,7 +453,8 @@ def main():
print(f'legendary version "{__version__}", codename "{__codename__}"')
if args.subparser_name not in ('auth', 'list-games', 'list-installed', 'launch', 'download', 'uninstall'):
if args.subparser_name not in ('auth', 'list-games', 'list-installed', 'list-files',
'launch', 'download', 'uninstall'):
# Print the main help *and* the help for all of the subcommands. Thanks stackoverflow!
@ -443,6 +490,8 @@ def main():
elif args.subparser_name == 'uninstall':
elif args.subparser_name == 'list-files':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
logger.info('Command was aborted via KeyboardInterrupt, cleaning up...')
Reference in a new issue