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2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fnd/SimpleTextOutput.h>
#include <fnd/OffsetAdjustedIFile.h>
#include <nn/hac/GameCardUtil.h>
#include "GameCardProcess.h"
GameCardProcess::GameCardProcess() :
void GameCardProcess::process()
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
// validate header signature
if (mVerify)
// display header
if (_HAS_BIT(mCliOutputMode, OUTPUT_BASIC))
// process root partition
// process partitions
void GameCardProcess::setInputFile(const fnd::SharedPtr<fnd::IFile>& file)
mFile = file;
void GameCardProcess::setKeyCfg(const KeyConfiguration& keycfg)
mKeyCfg = keycfg;
void GameCardProcess::setCliOutputMode(CliOutputMode type)
mCliOutputMode = type;
void GameCardProcess::setVerifyMode(bool verify)
mVerify = verify;
void GameCardProcess::setPartitionForExtract(const std::string& partition_name, const std::string& extract_path)
mExtractInfo.addElement({partition_name, extract_path});
void GameCardProcess::setListFs(bool list_fs)
mListFs = list_fs;
void GameCardProcess::importHeader()
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
fnd::Vec<byte_t> scratch;
if (*mFile == nullptr)
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "No file reader set.");
// allocate memory for header
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
// read header region
(*mFile)->read((byte_t*)scratch.data(), 0, sizeof(nn::hac::sSdkGcHeader));
// determine if this is a SDK XCI or a "Community" XCI
if (((nn::hac::sSdkGcHeader*)scratch.data())->signed_header.header.st_magic.get() == nn::hac::gc::kGcHeaderStructMagic)
mIsTrueSdkXci = true;
mGcHeaderOffset = sizeof(nn::hac::sGcKeyDataRegion);
else if (((nn::hac::sGcHeader_Rsa2048Signed*)scratch.data())->header.st_magic.get() == nn::hac::gc::kGcHeaderStructMagic)
mIsTrueSdkXci = false;
mGcHeaderOffset = 0;
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "GameCard image did not have expected magic bytes");
nn::hac::sGcHeader_Rsa2048Signed* hdr_ptr = (nn::hac::sGcHeader_Rsa2048Signed*)(scratch.data() + mGcHeaderOffset);
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
// generate hash of raw header
fnd::sha::Sha256((byte_t*)&hdr_ptr->header, sizeof(nn::hac::sGcHeader), mHdrHash.bytes);
// save the signature
memcpy(mHdrSignature, hdr_ptr->signature, fnd::rsa::kRsa2048Size);
// decrypt extended header
fnd::aes::sAes128Key header_key;
if (mKeyCfg.getXciHeaderKey(header_key))
nn::hac::GameCardUtil::decryptXciHeader(&hdr_ptr->header, header_key.key);
mProccessExtendedHeader = true;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
// deserialise header
mHdr.fromBytes((byte_t*)&hdr_ptr->header, sizeof(nn::hac::sGcHeader));
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
void GameCardProcess::displayHeader()
std::cout << "[GameCard Header]" << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " CardHeaderVersion: " << std::dec << (uint32_t)mHdr.getCardHeaderVersion() << std::endl;
std::cout << " RomSize: " << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::getRomSizeAsString((nn::hac::gc::RomSize)mHdr.getRomSizeType());
2018-07-01 11:18:38 +00:00
if (_HAS_BIT(mCliOutputMode, OUTPUT_EXTENDED))
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " (0x" << std::hex << (uint32_t)mHdr.getRomSizeType() << ")";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << " PackageId: 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(16) << std::setfill('0') << mHdr.getPackageId() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Flags: 0x" << std::dec << (uint32_t)mHdr.getFlags() << std::endl;
2018-07-01 11:18:38 +00:00
if (mHdr.getFlags() != 0)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (_HAS_BIT(mHdr.getFlags(), i))
std::cout << " " << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::getHeaderFlagsAsString((nn::hac::gc::HeaderFlags)i) << std::endl;
2018-07-01 11:18:38 +00:00
if (_HAS_BIT(mCliOutputMode, OUTPUT_EXTENDED))
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " InitialData:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " KekIndex: " << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::getKekIndexAsString((nn::hac::gc::KekIndex)mHdr.getKekIndex()) << "(" << std::dec << (uint32_t)mHdr.getKekIndex() << ")" << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " TitleKeyDecIndex: " << std::dec << (uint32_t)mHdr.getTitleKeyDecIndex() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Hash:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(mHdr.getInitialDataHash().bytes, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(mHdr.getInitialDataHash().bytes+0x10, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
if (_HAS_BIT(mCliOutputMode, OUTPUT_EXTENDED))
std::cout << " Extended Header AesCbc IV:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(mHdr.getAesCbcIv().iv, sizeof(mHdr.getAesCbcIv().iv), true, ":") << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " SelSec: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getSelSec() << std::endl;
std::cout << " SelT1Key: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getSelT1Key() << std::endl;
std::cout << " SelKey: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getSelKey() << std::endl;
if (_HAS_BIT(mCliOutputMode, OUTPUT_LAYOUT))
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " RomAreaStartPage: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getRomAreaStartPage();
if (mHdr.getRomAreaStartPage() != (uint32_t)(-1))
std::cout << " (0x" << std::hex << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::blockToAddr(mHdr.getRomAreaStartPage()) << ")";
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " BackupAreaStartPage: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getBackupAreaStartPage();
if (mHdr.getBackupAreaStartPage() != (uint32_t)(-1))
std::cout << " (0x" << std::hex << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::blockToAddr(mHdr.getBackupAreaStartPage()) << ")";
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " ValidDataEndPage: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getValidDataEndPage();
if (mHdr.getValidDataEndPage() != (uint32_t)(-1))
std::cout << " (0x" << std::hex << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::blockToAddr(mHdr.getValidDataEndPage()) << ")";
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " LimArea: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getLimAreaPage();
if (mHdr.getLimAreaPage() != (uint32_t)(-1))
std::cout << " (0x" << std::hex << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::blockToAddr(mHdr.getLimAreaPage()) << ")";
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " PartitionFs Header:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " Offset: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getPartitionFsAddress() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Size: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getPartitionFsSize() << std::endl;
if (_HAS_BIT(mCliOutputMode, OUTPUT_EXTENDED))
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " Hash:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(mHdr.getPartitionFsHash().bytes, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(mHdr.getPartitionFsHash().bytes+0x10, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
2018-07-01 11:18:38 +00:00
if (mProccessExtendedHeader)
2018-07-01 11:18:38 +00:00
std::cout << "[GameCard Extended Header]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " FwVersion: v" << std::dec << mHdr.getFwVersion() << " (" << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::getCardFwVersionDescriptionAsString((nn::hac::gc::FwVersion)mHdr.getFwVersion()) << ")" << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " AccCtrl1: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getAccCtrl1() << std::endl;
std::cout << " CardClockRate: " << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::getCardClockRateAsString((nn::hac::gc::CardClockRate)mHdr.getAccCtrl1()) << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " Wait1TimeRead: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getWait1TimeRead() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Wait2TimeRead: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getWait2TimeRead() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Wait1TimeWrite: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getWait1TimeWrite() << std::endl;
std::cout << " Wait2TimeWrite: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getWait2TimeWrite() << std::endl;
std::cout << " FwMode: 0x" << std::hex << mHdr.getFwMode() << std::endl;
std::cout << " CompatibilityType: " << nn::hac::GameCardUtil::getCompatibilityTypeAsString((nn::hac::gc::CompatibilityType)mHdr.getCompatibilityType()) << " (" << std::dec << (uint32_t) mHdr.getCompatibilityType() << ")" << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " Update Partition Info:" << std::endl;
#define _SPLIT_VER(ver) std::dec << ((ver>>26) & 0x3f) << "." << ((ver>>20) & 0x3f) << "." << ((ver>>16) & 0xf) << "." << (ver & 0xffff)
std::cout << " CUP Version: v" << std::dec << mHdr.getUppVersion() << " (" << _SPLIT_VER(mHdr.getUppVersion()) << ")" << std::endl;
#undef _SPLIT_VER
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
std::cout << " CUP TitleId: 0x" << std::hex << std::setw(16) << std::setfill('0') << mHdr.getUppId() << std::endl;
std::cout << " CUP Digest: " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(mHdr.getUppHash(), 8, true, ":") << std::endl;
2018-08-13 17:14:21 +00:00
bool GameCardProcess::validateRegionOfFile(size_t offset, size_t len, const byte_t* test_hash, bool use_salt, byte_t salt)
fnd::Vec<byte_t> scratch;
fnd::sha::sSha256Hash calc_hash;
if (use_salt)
scratch.alloc(len + 1);
scratch.data()[len] = salt;
(*mFile)->read(scratch.data(), offset, len);
fnd::sha::Sha256(scratch.data(), scratch.size(), calc_hash.bytes);
return calc_hash.compare(test_hash);
bool GameCardProcess::validateRegionOfFile(size_t offset, size_t len, const byte_t* test_hash)
return validateRegionOfFile(offset, len, test_hash, false, 0);
void GameCardProcess::validateXciSignature()
fnd::rsa::sRsa2048Key header_sign_key;
if (fnd::rsa::pkcs::rsaVerify(header_sign_key, fnd::sha::HASH_SHA256, mHdrHash.bytes, mHdrSignature) != 0)
std::cout << "[WARNING] GameCard Header Signature: FAIL" << std::endl;
void GameCardProcess::processRootPfs()
if (mVerify && validateRegionOfFile(mHdr.getPartitionFsAddress(), mHdr.getPartitionFsSize(), mHdr.getPartitionFsHash().bytes, mHdr.getCompatibilityType() != nn::hac::gc::COMPAT_GLOBAL, mHdr.getCompatibilityType()) == false)
std::cout << "[WARNING] GameCard Root HFS0: FAIL (bad hash)" << std::endl;
mRootPfs.setInputFile(new fnd::OffsetAdjustedIFile(mFile, mHdr.getPartitionFsAddress(), mHdr.getPartitionFsSize()));
2018-06-06 13:27:46 +00:00
void GameCardProcess::processPartitionPfs()
const fnd::List<nn::hac::PartitionFsHeader::sFile>& rootPartitions = mRootPfs.getPfsHeader().getFileList();
for (size_t i = 0; i < rootPartitions.size(); i++)
2018-06-06 13:27:46 +00:00
// this must be validated here because only the size of the root partiton header is known at verification time
if (mVerify && validateRegionOfFile(mHdr.getPartitionFsAddress() + rootPartitions[i].offset, rootPartitions[i].hash_protected_size, rootPartitions[i].hash.bytes) == false)
std::cout << "[WARNING] GameCard " << rootPartitions[i].name << " Partition HFS0: FAIL (bad hash)" << std::endl;
2018-06-06 13:27:46 +00:00
PfsProcess tmp;
tmp.setInputFile(new fnd::OffsetAdjustedIFile(mFile, mHdr.getPartitionFsAddress() + rootPartitions[i].offset, rootPartitions[i].size));
tmp.setMountPointName(kXciMountPointName + rootPartitions[i].name);
if (mExtractInfo.hasElement<std::string>(rootPartitions[i].name))