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synced 2025-03-26 19:55:10 +00:00
369 lines
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369 lines
10 KiB
#include <cstdio>
#include <crypto/aes.h>
#include <fnd/io.h>
#include <fnd/MemoryBlob.h>
#include <nx/NXCrypto.h>
#include <nx/NcaHeader.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <direct.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
const size_t kNcaSectorSize = nx::NcaHeader::kBlockSize;
std::string kFormatVersionStr[]
std::string kDistributionTypeStr[]
"Game Card"
std::string kContentTypeStr[]
std::string kEncryptionTypeStr[]
std::string kHashTypeStr[]
std::string kFormatTypeStr[]
std::string kKaekIndexStr[]
enum EncryptionType
static const byte_t kNcaMagic[2][4] = {{'N','C','A','2'}, {'N','C','A','3'}};
enum KeysetType
static const byte_t* kNcaHeaderKey[2][2] =
{ crypto::aes::nx::dev::nca_header_key[0], crypto::aes::nx::dev::nca_header_key[1] },
{ crypto::aes::nx::prod::nca_header_key[0], crypto::aes::nx::prod::nca_header_key[1] }
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct sNcaFsHeader
le_uint16_t version; // usually 0x0002
byte_t format_type; // RomFs(0x00), PartitionFs(0x01)
byte_t hash_type; // HashTypeAuto(0x00), HashTypeHierarchicalSha256(0x02), HashTypeHierarchicalIntegrity(0x03).RomFs uses (0x03) this is forced, PartitionFs uses (0x02).
byte_t encryption_type; // EncryptionTypeAuto(0x00), EncryptionTypeNone(0x01), EncryptionTypeAesCtr(0x03)
byte_t reserved[3];
#pragma pack(pop)
inline size_t sectorToOffset(size_t sector_index) { return sector_index * kNcaSectorSize; }
void initNcaCtr(byte_t ctr[crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize], uint32_t generation)
memset(ctr, 0, crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
ctr[7 - i] = (generation >> i * 8) & 0xff;
void hexDump(const byte_t* data, size_t len)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
printf("%02X", data[i]);
void xorData(const byte_t* a, const byte_t* b, byte_t* out, size_t len)
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
out[i] = a[i] ^ b[i];
void decryptNcaHeader(byte_t header[0xc00], const byte_t* key[2])
byte_t tweak[crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize];
// decrypt main header
byte_t raw_hdr[kNcaSectorSize];
nx::NcaHeader hdr;
crypto::aes::AesXtsMakeTweak(tweak, 1);
crypto::aes::AesXtsDecryptSector(header + sectorToOffset(1), kNcaSectorSize, key[0], key[1], tweak, raw_hdr);
hdr.importBinary(raw_hdr, kNcaSectorSize);
// decrypt whole header
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
crypto::aes::AesXtsMakeTweak(tweak, (i > 1 && hdr.getFormatVersion() == nx::NcaHeader::NCA2_FORMAT)? 0 : i);
crypto::aes::AesXtsDecryptSector(header + sectorToOffset(i), kNcaSectorSize, key[0], key[1], tweak, header + sectorToOffset(i));
void decryptNcaSectorXts(const fnd::MemoryBlob& nca, byte_t out[kNcaSectorSize], size_t sector, const byte_t* key[2])
byte_t tweak[crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize];
crypto::aes::AesXtsMakeTweak(tweak, sector);
crypto::aes::AesXtsDecryptSector(nca.getBytes() + sectorToOffset(sector), kNcaSectorSize, key[0], key[1], tweak, out);
void decryptNcaSectorCtr(const fnd::MemoryBlob& nca, byte_t out[kNcaSectorSize], size_t sector, const byte_t* key)
byte_t ctr[crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize];
initNcaCtr(ctr, 0);
crypto::aes::AesIncrementCounter(ctr, (sector*kNcaSectorSize)/crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize, ctr);
crypto::aes::AesCtr(nca.getBytes() + sector*kNcaSectorSize, kNcaSectorSize, key, ctr, out);
void dumpNcaSector(byte_t out[kNcaSectorSize])
for (size_t j = 0; j < kNcaSectorSize / crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize; j++)
hexDump(out + j * crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize, crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize);
void dumpHxdStyleSector(byte_t* out, size_t len)
// iterate over 0x10 blocks
for (size_t i = 0; i < (len / crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize); i++)
// for block i print each byte
for (size_t j = 0; j < crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize; j++)
printf("%02X ", out[i*crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize + j]);
printf(" ");
for (size_t j = 0; j < crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize; j++)
printf("%c", isalnum(out[i*crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize + j]) ? out[i*crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize + j] : '.');
for (size_t i = 0; i < len % crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize; i++)
printf("%02X ", out[(len / crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize)*crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize + i]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize - (len % crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize); i++)
printf(" ");
for (size_t i = 0; i < len % crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize; i++)
printf("%c", out[(len / crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize)*crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize + i]);
bool testNcaHeaderKey(const byte_t* header_src, const byte_t* key[2])
bool validKey = false;
byte_t header_dec[kNcaSectorSize];
byte_t tweak[crypto::aes::kAesBlockSize];
// try key
crypto::aes::AesXtsMakeTweak(tweak, 1);
crypto::aes::AesXtsDecryptSector(header_src + sectorToOffset(1), kNcaSectorSize, key[0], key[1], tweak, header_dec);
if (memcmp(header_dec, kNcaMagic[0], 4) == 0 || memcmp(header_dec, kNcaMagic[1], 4) == 0)
validKey = true;
return validKey;
KeysetType getKeysetFromNcaHeader(const byte_t* header_src)
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
if (testNcaHeaderKey(header_src, kNcaHeaderKey[i]) == true)
return (KeysetType)i;
throw fnd::Exception("Failed to determine NCA header key");
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc < 2)
printf("usage: ncatool <nca file>\n");
return 1;
fnd::MemoryBlob nca;
fnd::io::readFile(argv[1], nca);
KeysetType keyset = getKeysetFromNcaHeader(nca.getBytes());
decryptNcaHeader(nca.getBytes(), kNcaHeaderKey[keyset]);
//dumpHxdStyleSector(nca.getBytes(), 0xc00);
// nca test
if (argc == 2 || argc == 3)
//decryptNcaSectorXts(nca, sector, 1, crypto::aes::nx::dev::nca_header_key[0], crypto::aes::nx::dev::nca_header_key[1]);
nx::NcaHeader hdr;
hdr.importBinary(nca.getBytes() + sectorToOffset(1), kNcaSectorSize);
printf("[NCA Header]\n");
printf(" Format Type: %s\n", kFormatVersionStr[hdr.getFormatVersion()].c_str());
printf(" Dist. Type: %s\n", kDistributionTypeStr[hdr.getDistributionType()].c_str());
printf(" Type: %s\n", kContentTypeStr[hdr.getContentType()].c_str());
printf(" Crypto Type: %d\n", hdr.getCryptoType());
printf(" Kaek Index: %s (%d)\n", kKaekIndexStr[hdr.getKaekIndex()].c_str(), hdr.getKaekIndex());
printf(" Size: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", hdr.getNcaSize());
printf(" ProgID: 0x%016" PRIx64 "\n", hdr.getProgramId());
printf(" Content. Idx: %" PRIu32 "\n", hdr.getContentIndex());
uint32_t ver = hdr.getSdkAddonVersion();
printf(" SdkAddon Ver.: v%d.%d.%d.%d (v%" PRIu32 ")\n", (ver>>24 & 0xff),(ver>>16 & 0xff),(ver>>8 & 0xff),(ver>>0 & 0xff), ver);
printf(" Encrypted Key Area:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < hdr.getEncAesKeys().getSize(); i++)
printf(" %lu: ", i);
hexDump(hdr.getEncAesKeys()[i].key, crypto::aes::kAes128KeySize);
byte_t key[crypto::aes::kAes128KeySize];
crypto::aes::AesEcbDecrypt(hdr.getEncAesKeys()[i].key, crypto::aes::kAes128KeySize, crypto::aes::nx::dev::key_area_encryption_key_0, key);
printf(" dec: ", i);
hexDump(key, crypto::aes::kAes128KeySize);
printf(" Sections:\n");
for (size_t i = 0; i < hdr.getSections().getSize(); i++)
const nx::NcaHeader::sSection& section = hdr.getSections()[i];
printf(" %lu:\n", i);
//printf(" Start Blk: %" PRId32 "\n", section.start_blk);
//printf(" End Blk: %" PRId32 "\n", section.end_blk);
printf(" Offset: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", section.offset);
printf(" Size: 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", section.size);
size_t sector_index = 1 + (hdr.getSections().getSize() - i);
byte_t hash[crypto::sha::kSha256HashLen];
crypto::sha::Sha256(nca.getBytes() + sectorToOffset(sector_index), kNcaSectorSize, hash);
if (section.hash.compare(hash) == false)
throw fnd::Exception("ncatool", "NcaFsHeader has bad sha256 hash");
const sNcaFsHeader* fsHdr = (const sNcaFsHeader*)(nca.getBytes() + sectorToOffset(sector_index));
printf(" FsHeader:\n");
printf(" Version: 0x%d\n", fsHdr->version.get());
printf(" Format Type: %s\n", kFormatTypeStr[fsHdr->format_type].c_str());
printf(" Hash Type: %s\n", kHashTypeStr[fsHdr->hash_type].c_str());
printf(" Enc. Type: %s\n", kEncryptionTypeStr[fsHdr->encryption_type].c_str());
printf(" Hash: ");
hexDump(section.hash.bytes, crypto::sha::kSha256HashLen);
byte_t hash[crypto::sha::kSha256HashLen];
crypto::sha::Sha256(nca.getBytes() + sectorToOffset(sector_index), kNcaSectorSize, hash);
printf(" Hash: ");
hexDump(hash, crypto::sha::kSha256HashLen);
//dumpHxdStyleSector(nca.getBytes() + sectorToOffset(sector_index), 0x10);
if (argc == 3)
#ifdef _WIN32
mkdir(argv[2], S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH);
for (size_t i = 0; i < hdr.getSections().getSize(); i++)
const nx::NcaHeader::sSection& section = hdr.getSections()[i];
#ifdef _WIN32
fnd::io::writeFile(std::string(argv[2]) + "\\" + std::to_string(i) + ".bin" , nca.getBytes() + section.offset, section.size);
fnd::io::writeFile(std::string(argv[2]) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".bin", nca.getBytes() + section.offset, section.size);
if (argc == 4)
printf("decrypt test\n");
byte_t sect[kNcaSectorSize];;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++)
decryptNcaSectorXts(nca, sect, i, crypto::aes::nx::dev::nca_header_key[0], crypto::aes::nx::dev::nca_header_key[1]);
} catch (const fnd::Exception& e)
return 0;
} |