2020-03-14 22:10:09 +08:00

1076 lines
33 KiB

#include "UserSettings.h"
#include "version.h"
#include "PkiValidator.h"
#include "KeyConfiguration.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fnd/io.h>
#include <fnd/SimpleFile.h>
#include <fnd/SimpleTextOutput.h>
#include <fnd/Vec.h>
#include <fnd/ResourceFileReader.h>
#include <nn/hac/ContentArchiveUtil.h>
#include <nn/hac/AesKeygen.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/gc.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/pfs.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/nca.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/meta.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/romfs.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/cnmt.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/nacp.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/nso.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/nro.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/ini.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/kip.h>
#include <nn/hac/define/aset.h>
#include <nn/pki/SignedData.h>
#include <nn/pki/CertificateBody.h>
#include <nn/pki/SignUtils.h>
#include <nn/es/TicketBody_V2.h>
void UserSettings::parseCmdArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_list)
sCmdArgs args;
populateCmdArgs(arg_list, args);
if (_HAS_BIT(mOutputMode, OUTPUT_KEY_DATA))
void UserSettings::showHelp()
printf("%s v%d.%d.%d (C) %s\n", APP_NAME, VER_MAJOR, VER_MINOR, VER_PATCH, AUTHORS);
printf("Built: %s %s\n\n", __TIME__, __DATE__);
printf("Usage: %s [options... ] <file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf("\n General Options:\n");
printf(" -d, --dev Use devkit keyset.\n");
printf(" -k, --keyset Specify keyset file.\n");
printf(" -t, --type Specify input file type. [xci, pfs, romfs, nca, meta, cnmt, nso, nro, ini, kip, nacp, aset, cert, tik]\n");
printf(" -y, --verify Verify file.\n");
printf("\n Output Options:\n");
printf(" --showkeys Show keys generated.\n");
printf(" --showlayout Show layout metadata.\n");
printf(" -v, --verbose Verbose output.\n");
printf("\n XCI (GameCard Image)\n");
printf(" %s [--listfs] [--update <dir> --logo <dir> --normal <dir> --secure <dir>] <.xci file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf(" --listfs Print file system in embedded partitions.\n");
printf(" --update Extract \"update\" partition to directory.\n");
printf(" --logo Extract \"logo\" partition to directory.\n");
printf(" --normal Extract \"normal\" partition to directory.\n");
printf(" --secure Extract \"secure\" partition to directory.\n");
printf("\n PFS0/HFS0 (PartitionFs), RomFs, NSP (Ninendo Submission Package)\n");
printf(" %s [--listfs] [--fsdir <dir>] <file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf(" --listfs Print file system.\n");
printf(" --fsdir Extract file system to directory.\n");
printf("\n NCA (Nintendo Content Archive)\n");
printf(" %s [--listfs] [--bodykey <key> --titlekey <key>] [--part0 <dir> ...] <.nca file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf(" --listfs Print file system in embedded partitions.\n");
printf(" --titlekey Specify title key extracted from ticket.\n");
printf(" --bodykey Specify body encryption key.\n");
printf(" --tik Specify ticket to source title key.\n");
printf(" --cert Specify certificate chain to verify ticket.\n");
printf(" --part0 Extract \"partition 0\" to directory.\n");
printf(" --part1 Extract \"partition 1\" to directory.\n");
printf(" --part2 Extract \"partition 2\" to directory.\n");
printf(" --part3 Extract \"partition 3\" to directory.\n");
printf("\n NSO (Nintendo Software Object), NRO (Nintendo Relocatable Object)\n");
printf(" %s [--listapi --listsym] [--insttype <inst. type>] <file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf(" --listapi Print SDK API List.\n");
printf(" --listsym Print Code Symbols.\n");
printf(" --insttype Specify instruction type [64bit|32bit] (64bit is assumed).\n");
printf("\n INI (Initial Process List Blob)\n");
printf(" %s [--kipdir <dir>] <file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf(" --kipdir Extract embedded KIPs to directory.\n");
printf("\n ASET (Homebrew Asset Blob)\n");
printf(" %s [--listfs] [--icon <file> --nacp <file> --fsdir <dir>] <file>\n", BIN_NAME);
printf(" --listfs Print filesystem in embedded RomFS partition.\n");
printf(" --icon Extract icon partition to file.\n");
printf(" --nacp Extract NACP partition to file.\n");
printf(" --fsdir Extract RomFS partition to directory.\n");
const std::string UserSettings::getInputPath() const
return mInputPath;
const KeyConfiguration& UserSettings::getKeyCfg() const
return mKeyCfg;
FileType UserSettings::getFileType() const
return mFileType;
bool UserSettings::isVerifyFile() const
return mVerifyFile;
CliOutputMode UserSettings::getCliOutputMode() const
return mOutputMode;
bool UserSettings::isListFs() const
return mListFs;
bool UserSettings::isListApi() const
return mListApi;
bool UserSettings::isListSymbols() const
return mListSymbols;
bool UserSettings::getIs64BitInstruction() const
return mIs64BitInstruction;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getXciUpdatePath() const
return mXciUpdatePath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getXciLogoPath() const
return mXciLogoPath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getXciNormalPath() const
return mXciNormalPath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getXciSecurePath() const
return mXciSecurePath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getFsPath() const
return mFsPath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getNcaPart0Path() const
return mNcaPart0Path;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getNcaPart1Path() const
return mNcaPart1Path;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getNcaPart2Path() const
return mNcaPart2Path;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getNcaPart3Path() const
return mNcaPart3Path;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getKipExtractPath() const
return mKipExtractPath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getAssetIconPath() const
return mAssetIconPath;
const sOptional<std::string>& UserSettings::getAssetNacpPath() const
return mAssetNacpPath;
const fnd::List<nn::pki::SignedData<nn::pki::CertificateBody>>& UserSettings::getCertificateChain() const
return mCertChain;
void UserSettings::populateCmdArgs(const std::vector<std::string>& arg_list, sCmdArgs& cmd_args)
// show help text
if (arg_list.size() < 2)
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Not enough arguments.");
cmd_args.input_path = arg_list.back();
for (size_t i = 1; i < arg_list.size(); i++)
if (arg_list[i] == "-h" || arg_list[i] == "--help")
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Nothing to do.");
for (size_t i = 1; i+1 < arg_list.size(); i++)
bool hasParamter = arg_list[i+1][0] != '-' && i+2 < arg_list.size();
if (arg_list[i] == "-d" || arg_list[i] == "--dev")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.devkit_keys = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "-y" || arg_list[i] == "--verify")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.verify_file = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "--showkeys")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.show_keys = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "--showlayout")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.show_layout = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "-v" || arg_list[i] == "--verbose")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.verbose_output = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "-k" || arg_list[i] == "--keyset")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.keyset_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "-t" || arg_list[i] == "--type")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.file_type = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--listfs")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.list_fs = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "--update")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.update_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--normal")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.normal_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--secure")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.secure_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--logo")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.logo_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--fsdir")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.fs_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--titlekey")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.nca_titlekey = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--bodykey")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.nca_bodykey = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--tik")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.ticket_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--cert")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.cert_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--part0")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.part0_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--part1")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.part1_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--part2")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.part2_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--part3")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.part3_path = arg_list[i+1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--listapi")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.list_api = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "--listsym")
if (hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " does not take a parameter.");
cmd_args.list_sym = true;
else if (arg_list[i] == "--insttype")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.inst_type = arg_list[i + 1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--kipdir")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.kip_extract_path = arg_list[i + 1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--icon")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.asset_icon_path = arg_list[i + 1];
else if (arg_list[i] == "--nacp")
if (!hasParamter) throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " requries a parameter.");
cmd_args.asset_nacp_path = arg_list[i + 1];
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, arg_list[i] + " is not recognised.");
i += hasParamter;
void UserSettings::populateKeyset(sCmdArgs& args)
if (args.keyset_path.isSet)
// open other resource files in $HOME/.switch/prod.keys (or $HOME/.switch/dev.keys if -d/--dev is set).
std::string keyset_path;
if (keyset_path.empty())
fnd::io::appendToPath(keyset_path, kGeneralKeyfileName[args.devkit_keys.isSet]);
catch (const fnd::Exception&)
if (args.nca_bodykey.isSet)
fnd::aes::sAes128Key tmp_key;
fnd::Vec<byte_t> tmp_raw;
fnd::SimpleTextOutput::stringToArray(args.nca_bodykey.var, tmp_raw);
if (tmp_raw.size() != sizeof(fnd::aes::sAes128Key))
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Key: \"--bodykey\" has incorrect length");
memcpy(tmp_key.key, tmp_raw.data(), 16);
mKeyCfg.addNcaExternalContentKey(kDummyRightsIdForUserBodyKey, tmp_key);
if (args.nca_titlekey.isSet)
fnd::aes::sAes128Key tmp_key;
fnd::Vec<byte_t> tmp_raw;
fnd::SimpleTextOutput::stringToArray(args.nca_titlekey.var, tmp_raw);
if (tmp_raw.size() != sizeof(fnd::aes::sAes128Key))
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Key: \"--titlekey\" has incorrect length");
memcpy(tmp_key.key, tmp_raw.data(), 16);
mKeyCfg.addNcaExternalContentKey(kDummyRightsIdForUserTitleKey, tmp_key);
// import certificate chain
if (args.cert_path.isSet)
fnd::SimpleFile cert_file;
fnd::Vec<byte_t> cert_raw;
nn::pki::SignedData<nn::pki::CertificateBody> cert;
cert_file.open(args.cert_path.var, fnd::SimpleFile::Read);
cert_file.read(cert_raw.data(), cert_raw.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < cert_raw.size(); i+= cert.getBytes().size())
cert.fromBytes(cert_raw.data() + i, cert_raw.size() - i);
// get titlekey from ticket
if (args.ticket_path.isSet)
fnd::SimpleFile tik_file;
fnd::Vec<byte_t> tik_raw;
nn::pki::SignedData<nn::es::TicketBody_V2> tik;
// open and import ticket
tik_file.open(args.ticket_path.var, fnd::SimpleFile::Read);
tik_file.read(tik_raw.data(), tik_raw.size());
tik.fromBytes(tik_raw.data(), tik_raw.size());
// validate ticket signature
if (mCertChain.size() > 0)
PkiValidator pki_validator;
fnd::Vec<byte_t> tik_hash;
switch (nn::pki::sign::getHashAlgo(tik.getSignature().getSignType()))
case (nn::pki::sign::HASH_ALGO_SHA1):
fnd::sha::Sha1(tik.getBody().getBytes().data(), tik.getBody().getBytes().size(), tik_hash.data());
case (nn::pki::sign::HASH_ALGO_SHA256):
fnd::sha::Sha256(tik.getBody().getBytes().data(), tik.getBody().getBytes().size(), tik_hash.data());
pki_validator.validateSignature(tik.getBody().getIssuer(), tik.getSignature().getSignType(), tik.getSignature().getSignature(), tik_hash);
catch (const fnd::Exception& e)
std::cout << "[WARNING] Ticket signature could not be validated (" << e.error() << ")" << std::endl;
// extract title key
if (tik.getBody().getTitleKeyEncType() == nn::es::ticket::AES128_CBC)
fnd::aes::sAes128Key enc_title_key;
memcpy(enc_title_key.key, tik.getBody().getEncTitleKey(), 16);
fnd::aes::sAes128Key common_key, external_content_key;
if (mKeyCfg.getETicketCommonKey(nn::hac::ContentArchiveUtil::getMasterKeyRevisionFromKeyGeneration(tik.getBody().getCommonKeyId()), common_key) == true)
nn::hac::AesKeygen::generateKey(external_content_key.key, tik.getBody().getEncTitleKey(), common_key.key);
mKeyCfg.addNcaExternalContentKey(tik.getBody().getRightsId(), external_content_key);
std::cout << "[WARNING] Titlekey not imported from ticket because commonkey was not available" << std::endl;
std::cout << "[WARNING] Titlekey not imported from ticket because it is personalised" << std::endl;
void UserSettings::populateUserSettings(sCmdArgs& args)
// check invalid input
if (args.input_path.isSet == false)
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "No input file specified");
// save arguments
mInputPath = *args.input_path;
mVerifyFile = args.verify_file.isSet;
mListFs = args.list_fs.isSet;
mXciUpdatePath = args.update_path;
mXciNormalPath = args.normal_path;
mXciSecurePath = args.secure_path;
mXciLogoPath = args.logo_path;
mFsPath = args.fs_path;
mNcaPart0Path = args.part0_path;
mNcaPart1Path = args.part1_path;
mNcaPart2Path = args.part2_path;
mNcaPart3Path = args.part3_path;
mKipExtractPath = args.kip_extract_path;
// determine the architecture type for NSO/NRO
if (args.inst_type.isSet)
mIs64BitInstruction = getIs64BitInstructionFromString(*args.inst_type);
mIs64BitInstruction = true; // default 64bit
mListApi = args.list_api.isSet;
mListSymbols = args.list_sym.isSet;
mAssetIconPath = args.asset_icon_path;
mAssetNacpPath = args.asset_nacp_path;
// determine output mode
mOutputMode = _BIT(OUTPUT_BASIC);
if (args.verbose_output.isSet)
mOutputMode |= _BIT(OUTPUT_KEY_DATA);
mOutputMode |= _BIT(OUTPUT_LAYOUT);
if (args.show_keys.isSet)
mOutputMode |= _BIT(OUTPUT_KEY_DATA);
if (args.show_layout.isSet)
mOutputMode |= _BIT(OUTPUT_LAYOUT);
// determine input file type
if (args.file_type.isSet)
mFileType = getFileTypeFromString(*args.file_type);
mFileType = determineFileTypeFromFile(mInputPath);
// check is the input file could be identified
if (mFileType == FILE_INVALID)
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Unknown file type.");
FileType UserSettings::getFileTypeFromString(const std::string& type_str)
std::string str = type_str;
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
FileType type;
if (str == "gc" || str == "gamecard" || str == "xci")
else if (str == "nsp")
type = FILE_NSP;
else if (str == "partitionfs" || str == "hashedpartitionfs" \
|| str == "pfs" || str == "pfs0" \
|| str == "hfs" || str == "hfs0")
else if (str == "romfs")
type = FILE_ROMFS;
else if (str == "nca" || str == "contentarchive")
type = FILE_NCA;
else if (str == "meta" || str == "npdm")
type = FILE_META;
else if (str == "cnmt")
type = FILE_CNMT;
else if (str == "nso")
type = FILE_NSO;
else if (str == "nro")
type = FILE_NRO;
else if (str == "ini")
type = FILE_INI;
else if (str == "kip")
type = FILE_KIP;
else if (str == "nacp")
type = FILE_NACP;
else if (str == "cert")
else if (str == "tik")
type = FILE_ES_TIK;
else if (str == "aset" || str == "asset")
return type;
FileType UserSettings::determineFileTypeFromFile(const std::string& path)
static const size_t kMaxReadSize = 0x5000;
FileType file_type = FILE_INVALID;
fnd::SimpleFile file;
fnd::Vec<byte_t> scratch;
// open file
file.open(path, file.Read);
// read file
scratch.alloc(_MIN(kMaxReadSize, file.size()));
file.read(scratch.data(), 0, scratch.size());
// close file
// _TYPE_PTR resolves to a pointer of type 'st' located at scratch.data()
#define _TYPE_PTR(st) ((st*)(scratch.data()))
#define _ASSERT_SIZE(sz) (scratch.size() >= (sz))
// test gamecard
if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sGcHeader_Rsa2048Signed)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sGcHeader_Rsa2048Signed)->header.st_magic.get() == nn::hac::gc::kGcHeaderStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_GAMECARD;
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sSdkGcHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sSdkGcHeader)->signed_header.header.st_magic.get() == nn::hac::gc::kGcHeaderStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_GAMECARD;
// test pfs0
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sPfsHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sPfsHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::pfs::kPfsStructMagic)
// test hfs0
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sPfsHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sPfsHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::pfs::kHashedPfsStructMagic)
// test romfs
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sRomfsHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sRomfsHeader)->header_size.get() == sizeof(nn::hac::sRomfsHeader) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sRomfsHeader)->sections[1].offset.get() == (_TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sRomfsHeader)->sections[0].offset.get() + _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sRomfsHeader)->sections[0].size.get()))
file_type = FILE_ROMFS;
// test npdm
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sMetaHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sMetaHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::meta::kMetaStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_META;
// test nca
else if (determineValidNcaFromSample(scratch))
file_type = FILE_NCA;
// test nso
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sNsoHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sNsoHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::nso::kNsoStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_NSO;
// test nro
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sNroHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sNroHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::nro::kNroStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_NRO;
// test ini
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sIniHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sIniHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::ini::kIniStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_INI;
// test kip
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sKipHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sKipHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::kip::kKipStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_KIP;
// test pki certificate
else if (determineValidEsCertFromSample(scratch))
file_type = FILE_PKI_CERT;
// test ticket
else if (determineValidEsTikFromSample(scratch))
file_type = FILE_ES_TIK;
// test hb asset
else if (_ASSERT_SIZE(sizeof(nn::hac::sAssetHeader)) && _TYPE_PTR(nn::hac::sAssetHeader)->st_magic.get() == nn::hac::aset::kAssetStructMagic)
file_type = FILE_HB_ASSET;
// do heuristics
// test cnmt
else if (determineValidCnmtFromSample(scratch))
file_type = FILE_CNMT;
// test nacp
else if (determineValidNacpFromSample(scratch))
file_type = FILE_NACP;
// else unrecognised
file_type = FILE_INVALID;
#undef _TYPE_PTR
return file_type;
bool UserSettings::determineValidNcaFromSample(const fnd::Vec<byte_t>& sample) const
// prepare decrypted NCA data
byte_t nca_raw[nn::hac::nca::kHeaderSize];
nn::hac::sContentArchiveHeader* nca_header = (nn::hac::sContentArchiveHeader*)(nca_raw + nn::hac::ContentArchiveUtil::sectorToOffset(1));
if (sample.size() < nn::hac::nca::kHeaderSize)
return false;
fnd::aes::sAesXts128Key header_key;
nn::hac::ContentArchiveUtil::decryptContentArchiveHeader(sample.data(), nca_raw, header_key);
if (nca_header->st_magic.get() != nn::hac::nca::kNca2StructMagic && nca_header->st_magic.get() != nn::hac::nca::kNca3StructMagic)
return false;
return true;
bool UserSettings::determineValidCnmtFromSample(const fnd::Vec<byte_t>& sample) const
if (sample.size() < sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader))
return false;
const nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader* data = (const nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader*)sample.data();
size_t minimum_size = sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader) + data->exhdr_size.get() + data->content_count.get() * sizeof(nn::hac::sContentInfo) + data->content_meta_count.get() * sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaInfo) + nn::hac::cnmt::kDigestLen;
if (sample.size() < minimum_size)
return false;
if (data->type == (byte_t)nn::hac::cnmt::ContentMetaType::Application)
const nn::hac::sApplicationMetaExtendedHeader* meta = (const nn::hac::sApplicationMetaExtendedHeader*)(sample.data() + sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader));
if ((meta->patch_id.get() & data->id.get()) != data->id.get())
return false;
else if (data->type == (byte_t)nn::hac::cnmt::ContentMetaType::Patch)
const nn::hac::sPatchMetaExtendedHeader* meta = (const nn::hac::sPatchMetaExtendedHeader*)(sample.data() + sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader));
if ((meta->application_id.get() & data->id.get()) != meta->application_id.get())
return false;
minimum_size += meta->extended_data_size.get();
else if (data->type == (byte_t)nn::hac::cnmt::ContentMetaType::AddOnContent)
const nn::hac::sAddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader* meta = (const nn::hac::sAddOnContentMetaExtendedHeader*)(sample.data() + sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader));
if ((meta->application_id.get() & data->id.get()) != meta->application_id.get())
return false;
else if (data->type == (byte_t)nn::hac::cnmt::ContentMetaType::Delta)
const nn::hac::sDeltaMetaExtendedHeader* meta = (const nn::hac::sDeltaMetaExtendedHeader*)(sample.data() + sizeof(nn::hac::sContentMetaHeader));
if ((meta->application_id.get() & data->id.get()) != meta->application_id.get())
return false;
minimum_size += meta->extended_data_size.get();
if (sample.size() != minimum_size)
return false;
return true;
bool UserSettings::determineValidNacpFromSample(const fnd::Vec<byte_t>& sample) const
if (sample.size() != sizeof(nn::hac::sApplicationControlProperty))
return false;
const nn::hac::sApplicationControlProperty* data = (const nn::hac::sApplicationControlProperty*)sample.data();
if (data->logo_type > (byte_t)nn::hac::nacp::LogoType::Nintendo)
return false;
if (data->display_version[0] == 0)
return false;
if (data->user_account_save_data_size.get() == 0 && data->user_account_save_data_journal_size.get() != 0)
return false;
if (data->user_account_save_data_journal_size.get() == 0 && data->user_account_save_data_size.get() != 0)
return false;
if (data->supported_language_flag.get() == 0)
return false;
return true;
bool UserSettings::determineValidEsCertFromSample(const fnd::Vec<byte_t>& sample) const
nn::pki::SignatureBlock sign;
sign.fromBytes(sample.data(), sample.size());
catch (...)
return false;
if (sign.isLittleEndian() == true)
return false;
if (sign.getSignType() != nn::pki::sign::SIGN_ID_RSA4096_SHA256 && sign.getSignType() != nn::pki::sign::SIGN_ID_RSA2048_SHA256 && sign.getSignType() != nn::pki::sign::SIGN_ID_ECDSA240_SHA256)
return false;
return true;
bool UserSettings::determineValidEsTikFromSample(const fnd::Vec<byte_t>& sample) const
nn::pki::SignatureBlock sign;
sign.fromBytes(sample.data(), sample.size());
catch (...)
return false;
if (sign.isLittleEndian() == false)
return false;
if (sign.getSignType() != nn::pki::sign::SIGN_ID_RSA2048_SHA256)
return false;
return true;
bool UserSettings::getIs64BitInstructionFromString(const std::string & type_str)
std::string str = type_str;
std::transform(str.begin(), str.end(), str.begin(), ::tolower);
bool flag;
if (str == "32bit")
flag = false;
else if (str == "64bit")
flag = true;
throw fnd::Exception(kModuleName, "Unsupported instruction type: " + str);
return flag;
void UserSettings::getHomePath(std::string& path) const
// open other resource files in $HOME/.switch/prod.keys (or $HOME/.switch/dev.keys if -d/--dev is set).
if (path.empty()) fnd::io::getEnvironVar(path, "HOME");
if (path.empty()) fnd::io::getEnvironVar(path, "USERPROFILE");
if (path.empty()) return;
void UserSettings::getSwitchPath(std::string& path) const
std::string home;
if (home.empty())
fnd::io::appendToPath(path, home);
fnd::io::appendToPath(path, kHomeSwitchDirStr);
void UserSettings::dumpKeyConfig() const
fnd::aes::sAes128Key aes_key;
fnd::aes::sAesXts128Key aesxts_key;
fnd::rsa::sRsa2048Key rsa2048_key;
fnd::rsa::sRsa4096Key rsa4096_key;
const std::string kKeyIndex[kMasterKeyNum] = {"00","01","02","03","04","05","06","07","08","09","0a","0b","0c","0d","0e","0f","10","11","12","13","14","15","16","17","18","19","1a","1b","1c","1d","1e","1f"};
std::cout << "[KeyConfiguration]" << std::endl;
std::cout << " NCA Keys:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getContentArchiveHeader0SignKey(rsa2048_key, i) == true)
dumpRsa2048Key(rsa2048_key, "Header0-SignatureKey-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getAcidSignKey(rsa2048_key, i) == true)
dumpRsa2048Key(rsa2048_key, "Acid-SignatureKey-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getContentArchiveHeaderKey(aesxts_key) == true)
dumpAesXtsKey(aesxts_key, "Header-EncryptionKey", 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getNcaKeyAreaEncryptionKey(i,0, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "KeyAreaEncryptionKey-Application-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getNcaKeyAreaEncryptionKey(i,1, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "KeyAreaEncryptionKey-Ocean-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getNcaKeyAreaEncryptionKey(i,2, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "KeyAreaEncryptionKey-System-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getNcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyHw(i,0, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "KeyAreaEncryptionKeyHw-Application-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getNcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyHw(i,1, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "KeyAreaEncryptionKeyHw-Ocean-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getNcaKeyAreaEncryptionKeyHw(i,2, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "KeyAreaEncryptionKeyHw-System-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
std::cout << " NRR Keys:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getNrrCertificateSignKey(rsa2048_key, i) == true)
dumpRsa2048Key(rsa2048_key, "Certificate-SignatureKey-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
std::cout << " XCI Keys:" << std::endl;
if (mKeyCfg.getXciHeaderSignKey(rsa2048_key) == true)
dumpRsa2048Key(rsa2048_key, "Header-SignatureKey", 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getXciHeaderKey(aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "ExtendedHeader-EncryptionKey", 2);
std::cout << " Package1 Keys:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getPkg1Key(i, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "EncryptionKey-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
std::cout << " Package2 Keys:" << std::endl;
if (mKeyCfg.getPkg2SignKey(rsa2048_key) == true)
dumpRsa2048Key(rsa2048_key, "Signature Key", 2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getPkg2Key(i, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "EncryptionKey-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
std::cout << " ETicket Keys:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < kMasterKeyNum; i++)
if (mKeyCfg.getETicketCommonKey(i, aes_key) == true)
dumpAesKey(aes_key, "CommonKey-" + kKeyIndex[i], 2);
if (mKeyCfg.getPkiRootSignKey("Root", rsa4096_key) == true)
dumpRsa4096Key(rsa4096_key, "NNPKI Root Key", 1);
void UserSettings::dumpRsa2048Key(const fnd::rsa::sRsa2048Key& key, const std::string& name, size_t indent) const
std::string indent_str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++)
indent_str += " ";
std::cout << indent_str << name << ":" << std::endl;
if (key.modulus[0] != 0x00 && key.modulus[1] != 0x00)
std::cout << indent_str << " Modulus:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
std::cout << indent_str << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(key.modulus + i * 0x10, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
if (key.priv_exponent[0] != 0x00 && key.priv_exponent[1] != 0x00)
std::cout << indent_str << " Private Exponent:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x10; i++)
std::cout << indent_str << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(key.priv_exponent + i * 0x10, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
void UserSettings::dumpRsa4096Key(const fnd::rsa::sRsa4096Key& key, const std::string& name, size_t indent) const
std::string indent_str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++)
indent_str += " ";
std::cout << indent_str << name << ":" << std::endl;
if (key.modulus[0] != 0x00 && key.modulus[1] != 0x00)
std::cout << indent_str << " Modulus:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x20; i++)
std::cout << indent_str << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(key.modulus + i * 0x10, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
if (key.priv_exponent[0] != 0x00 && key.priv_exponent[1] != 0x00)
std::cout << indent_str << " Private Exponent:" << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 0x20; i++)
std::cout << indent_str << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(key.priv_exponent + i * 0x10, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
void UserSettings::dumpAesKey(const fnd::aes::sAes128Key& key, const std::string& name, size_t indent) const
std::string indent_str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++)
indent_str += " ";
std::cout << indent_str << name << ":" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent_str << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(key.key, 0x10, true, ":") << std::endl;
void UserSettings::dumpAesXtsKey(const fnd::aes::sAesXts128Key& key, const std::string& name, size_t indent) const
std::string indent_str;
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent; i++)
indent_str += " ";
std::cout << indent_str << name << ":" << std::endl;
std::cout << indent_str << " " << fnd::SimpleTextOutput::arrayToString(key.key[0], 0x20, true, ":") << std::endl;