mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 04:19:41 +00:00
Remove padding fields
This commit is contained in:
@ -143,28 +143,17 @@ public:
int32 m_nSampleIndex;
uint8 m_bBankIndex;
bool m_bIs2D;
uint8 field_14; // unused
uint8 field_15; // unused
int32 m_nReleasingVolumeModificator;
int32 m_nFrequency;
uint8 m_bVolume;
uint8 field_25; // unused
uint8 field_26; // unused
uint8 field_27; // unused
float m_fDistance;
int32 m_nLoopCount;
int32 m_nLoopStart;
int32 m_nLoopEnd;
uint8 m_bEmittingVolume;
uint8 field_45; // unused
uint8 field_46; // unused
uint8 field_47; // unused
float m_fSpeedMultiplier;
float m_fSoundIntensity;
bool m_bReleasingSoundFlag;
uint8 field_57; // unused
uint8 field_58; // unused
uint8 field_59; // unused
CVector m_vecPos;
bool m_bReverbFlag;
uint8 m_bLoopsRemaining;
@ -173,15 +162,8 @@ public:
int32 m_nReleasingVolumeDivider;
bool m_bIsProcessed;
bool m_bLoopEnded;
uint8 field_82; // unused
uint8 field_83; // unused
int32 m_nCalculatedVolume;
int8 m_nVolumeChange;
uint8 field_89; // unused
uint8 field_90; // unused
uint8 field_91; // unused
// no methods
static_assert(sizeof(tSound) == 92, "tSound: error");
@ -197,12 +179,8 @@ public:
bool m_bIsUsed;
uint8 m_bStatus;
int16 m_awAudioEvent[NUM_AUDIOENTITY_EVENTS];
//uint8 gap_18[2];
uint8 m_AudioEvents;
uint8 field_25[3];
// no methods
static_assert(sizeof(tAudioEntity) == 40, "tAudioEntity: error");
@ -216,8 +194,6 @@ public:
float m_fDistance;
uint8 m_bVolume;
int8 m_nProcess;
// no methods
static_assert(sizeof(tPedComment) == 28, "tPedComment: error");
@ -244,18 +220,12 @@ class cMissionAudio
CVector m_vecPos;
bool m_bPredefinedProperties;
//uint8 gap_13[3];
int m_nSampleIndex;
uint8 m_bLoadingStatus;
uint8 m_bPlayStatus;
uint8 field_22; // todo find a name
uint8 field_23; // unused
int32 m_nMissionAudioCounter;
bool m_bIsPlayed;
uint8 field_29; // unused
uint8 field_30; // unused
uint8 field_31; // unused
// no methods
static_assert(sizeof(cMissionAudio) == 32, "cMissionAudio: error");
@ -305,17 +275,11 @@ public:
uint8 m_bActiveSamples;
uint8 field_4; // unused
bool m_bDynamicAcousticModelingStatus;
uint8 field_6; // unused
uint8 field_7; // unused
float m_fSpeedOfSound;
bool m_bTimerJustReset;
uint8 field_13; // unused
uint8 field_14; // unused
uint8 field_15; // unused
int32 m_nTimer;
tSound m_sQueueSample;
bool m_bActiveSampleQueue;
uint8 gap_109[3]; // unused
uint8 m_bSampleRequestQueuesStatus[NUM_SOUNDS_SAMPLES_BANKS];
@ -341,7 +305,6 @@ public:
uint8 m_bTimeSpent;
uint8 m_bUserPause;
uint8 m_bPreviousUserPause;
uint8 field_19195; // unused
uint32 m_FrameCounter;
@ -112,20 +112,17 @@ public:
bool m_bFirstCapture;
char _pad0[3];
uint8 ___padd[0x110 * 2];
uint32 ___padd[0x110 / 4 * 2];
bool m_aButtonStates[MAX_BUTTONS];
char _pad1[3];
bool m_bMouseAssociated;
char _pad2[3];
@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ public:
uint8 DisablePlayerControls;
int8 bApplyBrakes;
char CheatString[12];
char _pad0[3];
int32 LastTimeTouched;
int32 AverageWeapon;
int32 AverageEntries;
@ -31,22 +31,13 @@ public:
uint32 m_nLastBumpPlayerCarTimer;
uint32 m_nUnusedTaxiTimer;
bool m_bUnusedTaxiThing;
int8 field_197;
int8 field_198;
int8 field_199;
uint32 m_nNextSexFrequencyUpdateTime;
uint32 m_nNextSexMoneyUpdateTime;
int32 m_nSexFrequency;
CCivilianPed *m_pHooker;
int8 m_WBState; // eWastedBustedState
int8 field_217;
int8 field_218;
int8 field_219;
uint32 m_nWBTime;
bool m_bInRemoteMode;
int8 field_225;
int8 field_226;
int8 field_227;
uint32 m_nTimeLostRemoteCar;
uint32 m_nTimeLastHealthLoss;
uint32 m_nTimeLastArmourLoss;
@ -54,8 +45,6 @@ public:
int32 m_nUpsideDownCounter;
int32 field_248;
int16 m_nTrafficMultiplier;
int8 field_254;
int8 field_255;
float m_fRoadDensity;
uint32 m_nPreviousTimeRewardedForExplosion;
int32 m_nExplosionsSinceLastReward;
@ -90,7 +79,6 @@ public:
void FindClosestCarSectorList(CPtrList&, CPed*, float, float, float, float, float*, CVehicle**);
~CPlayerInfo() { };
void dtor(void) { this->CPlayerInfo::~CPlayerInfo(); }
static_assert(sizeof(CPlayerInfo) == 0x13C, "CPlayerInfo: error");
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#ifndef MASTER
#include "common.h"
#ifndef MASTER
#include "Font.h"
#include "Frontend.h"
#include "Timer.h"
@ -55,20 +55,20 @@ public:
int8 bUseVehicleColours : 1;
int8 m_obj_flag80 : 1;
int8 m_nBonusValue;
int8 field_173;
float m_fCollisionDamageMultiplier;
uint8 m_nCollisionDamageEffect;
uint8 m_nSpecialCollisionResponseCases;
bool m_bCameraToAvoidThisObject;
// this batch is unused
int8 field_17B;
int8 field_17C;
int8 field_17D;
int8 field_17E;
int8 field_17F;
uint32 m_nEndOfLifeTime;
int16 m_nRefModelIndex;
int8 field_186;
int8 field_187;
CEntity *m_pCurSurface;
CEntity *m_pCollidingEntity;
int8 m_colour1, m_colour2;
@ -53,14 +53,12 @@ public:
uint8 m_nSkipFrames;
uint16 m_nFrameCounter;
uint16 m_nState;
char _pad0[2];
CVector m_vecTarget;
float m_fRandVal;
float m_fSize;
CRGBA m_Color;
uint8 m_bRemove;
int8 m_nCreationChance;
char _pad1[2];
static CParticleObject *pCloseListHead;
static CParticleObject *pFarListHead;
@ -13,17 +13,13 @@ class CCopPed : public CPed
int16 m_wRoadblockNode;
int8 field_1342;
int8 field_1343;
float m_fDistanceToTarget;
int8 m_bIsInPursuit;
int8 m_bIsDisabledCop;
bool m_bIsInPursuit;
bool m_bIsDisabledCop;
int8 field_1350;
bool m_bBeatingSuspect;
int8 m_bStopAndShootDisabledZone;
int8 m_bZoneDisabled;
int8 field_1354;
int8 field_1355;
bool m_bStopAndShootDisabledZone;
bool m_bZoneDisabled;
int32 field_1356;
eCopType m_nCopType;
int8 field_1364;
@ -301,95 +301,92 @@ public:
float m_fCollisionSpeed;
// cf. https://github.com/DK22Pac/plugin-sdk/blob/master/plugin_sa/game_sa/CPed.h from R*
uint8 bIsStanding : 1;
uint8 m_ped_flagA2 : 1; // bWasStanding?
uint8 bIsAttacking : 1; // doesn't reset after fist fight
uint8 bIsPointingGunAt : 1;
uint8 bIsLooking : 1;
uint8 bKeepTryingToLook : 1; // if we can't look somewhere due to unreachable angles
uint8 bIsRestoringLook : 1;
uint8 bIsAimingGun : 1;
uint32 bIsStanding : 1;
uint32 m_ped_flagA2 : 1; // bWasStanding?
uint32 bIsAttacking : 1; // doesn't reset after fist fight
uint32 bIsPointingGunAt : 1;
uint32 bIsLooking : 1;
uint32 bKeepTryingToLook : 1; // if we can't look somewhere due to unreachable angles
uint32 bIsRestoringLook : 1;
uint32 bIsAimingGun : 1;
uint8 bIsRestoringGun : 1;
uint8 bCanPointGunAtTarget : 1;
uint8 bIsTalking : 1;
uint8 bIsInTheAir : 1;
uint8 bIsLanding : 1;
uint8 bIsRunning : 1; // on some conditions
uint8 bHitSomethingLastFrame : 1;
uint8 bVehEnterDoorIsBlocked : 1; // because someone else enters/exits from there
uint32 bIsRestoringGun : 1;
uint32 bCanPointGunAtTarget : 1;
uint32 bIsTalking : 1;
uint32 bIsInTheAir : 1;
uint32 bIsLanding : 1;
uint32 bIsRunning : 1; // on some conditions
uint32 bHitSomethingLastFrame : 1;
uint32 bVehEnterDoorIsBlocked : 1; // because someone else enters/exits from there
uint8 bCanPedEnterSeekedCar : 1;
uint8 bRespondsToThreats : 1;
uint8 bRenderPedInCar : 1;
uint8 bChangedSeat : 1;
uint8 bUpdateAnimHeading : 1;
uint8 bBodyPartJustCameOff : 1;
uint8 bIsShooting : 1;
uint8 bFindNewNodeAfterStateRestore : 1;
uint32 bCanPedEnterSeekedCar : 1;
uint32 bRespondsToThreats : 1;
uint32 bRenderPedInCar : 1;
uint32 bChangedSeat : 1;
uint32 bUpdateAnimHeading : 1;
uint32 bBodyPartJustCameOff : 1;
uint32 bIsShooting : 1;
uint32 bFindNewNodeAfterStateRestore : 1;
uint8 bHasACamera : 1; // does ped possess a camera to document accidents involves fire/explosion
uint8 bGonnaInvestigateEvent : 1;
uint8 bPedIsBleeding : 1;
uint8 bStopAndShoot : 1; // Ped cannot reach target to attack with fist, need to use gun
uint8 bIsPedDieAnimPlaying : 1;
uint8 bUsePedNodeSeek : 1;
uint8 bObjectiveCompleted : 1;
uint8 bScriptObjectiveCompleted : 1;
uint32 bHasACamera : 1; // does ped possess a camera to document accidents involves fire/explosion
uint32 bGonnaInvestigateEvent : 1;
uint32 bPedIsBleeding : 1;
uint32 bStopAndShoot : 1; // Ped cannot reach target to attack with fist, need to use gun
uint32 bIsPedDieAnimPlaying : 1;
uint32 bUsePedNodeSeek : 1;
uint32 bObjectiveCompleted : 1;
uint32 bScriptObjectiveCompleted : 1;
uint8 bKindaStayInSamePlace : 1;
uint8 bBeingChasedByPolice : 1; // Unused VC leftover. Should've been set for criminal/gang members
uint8 bNotAllowedToDuck : 1;
uint8 bCrouchWhenShooting : 1;
uint8 bIsDucking : 1;
uint8 bGetUpAnimStarted : 1;
uint8 bDoBloodyFootprints : 1;
uint8 bFleeAfterExitingCar : 1;
uint32 bKindaStayInSamePlace : 1;
uint32 bBeingChasedByPolice : 1; // Unused VC leftover. Should've been set for criminal/gang members
uint32 bNotAllowedToDuck : 1;
uint32 bCrouchWhenShooting : 1;
uint32 bIsDucking : 1;
uint32 bGetUpAnimStarted : 1;
uint32 bDoBloodyFootprints : 1;
uint32 bFleeAfterExitingCar : 1;
uint8 bWanderPathAfterExitingCar : 1;
uint8 bIsLeader : 1;
uint8 bDontDragMeOutCar : 1; // unfinished feature
uint8 m_ped_flagF8 : 1;
uint8 bWillBeQuickJacked : 1;
uint8 bCancelEnteringCar : 1; // after door is opened or couldn't be opened due to it's locked
uint8 bObstacleShowedUpDuringKillObjective : 1;
uint8 bDuckAndCover : 1;
uint32 bWanderPathAfterExitingCar : 1;
uint32 bIsLeader : 1;
uint32 bDontDragMeOutCar : 1; // unfinished feature
uint32 m_ped_flagF8 : 1;
uint32 bWillBeQuickJacked : 1;
uint32 bCancelEnteringCar : 1; // after door is opened or couldn't be opened due to it's locked
uint32 bObstacleShowedUpDuringKillObjective : 1;
uint32 bDuckAndCover : 1;
uint8 bStillOnValidPoly : 1; // set if the polygon the ped is on is still valid for collision
uint8 bAllowMedicsToReviveMe : 1;
uint8 bResetWalkAnims : 1;
uint8 bStartWanderPathOnFoot : 1; // exits the car if he's in it, reset after path found
uint8 bOnBoat : 1; // not just driver, may be just standing
uint8 bBusJacked : 1;
uint8 bGonnaKillTheCarJacker : 1; // only set when car is jacked from right door and when arrested by police
uint8 bFadeOut : 1;
uint32 bStillOnValidPoly : 1; // set if the polygon the ped is on is still valid for collision
uint32 bAllowMedicsToReviveMe : 1;
uint32 bResetWalkAnims : 1;
uint32 bStartWanderPathOnFoot : 1; // exits the car if he's in it, reset after path found
uint32 bOnBoat : 1; // not just driver, may be just standing
uint32 bBusJacked : 1;
uint32 bGonnaKillTheCarJacker : 1; // only set when car is jacked from right door and when arrested by police
uint32 bFadeOut : 1;
uint8 bKnockedUpIntoAir : 1; // has ped been knocked up into the air by a car collision
uint8 bHitSteepSlope : 1; // has ped collided/is standing on a steep slope (surface type)
uint8 bCullExtraFarAway : 1; // special ped only gets culled if it's extra far away (for roadblocks)
uint8 bClearObjective : 1;
uint8 bTryingToReachDryLand : 1; // has ped just exited boat and trying to get to dry land
uint8 bCollidedWithMyVehicle : 1;
uint8 bRichFromMugging : 1; // ped has lots of cash cause they've been mugging people
uint8 bChrisCriminal : 1; // Is a criminal as killed during Chris' police mission (should be counted as such)
uint32 bKnockedUpIntoAir : 1; // has ped been knocked up into the air by a car collision
uint32 bHitSteepSlope : 1; // has ped collided/is standing on a steep slope (surface type)
uint32 bCullExtraFarAway : 1; // special ped only gets culled if it's extra far away (for roadblocks)
uint32 bClearObjective : 1;
uint32 bTryingToReachDryLand : 1; // has ped just exited boat and trying to get to dry land
uint32 bCollidedWithMyVehicle : 1;
uint32 bRichFromMugging : 1; // ped has lots of cash cause they've been mugging people
uint32 bChrisCriminal : 1; // Is a criminal as killed during Chris' police mission (should be counted as such)
uint8 bShakeFist : 1; // test shake hand at look entity
uint8 bNoCriticalHits : 1; // if set, limbs won't came off
uint8 bVehExitWillBeInstant : 1;
uint8 bHasAlreadyBeenRecorded : 1;
uint8 bFallenDown : 1;
uint32 bShakeFist : 1; // test shake hand at look entity
uint32 bNoCriticalHits : 1; // if set, limbs won't came off
uint32 bVehExitWillBeInstant : 1;
uint32 bHasAlreadyBeenRecorded : 1;
uint32 bFallenDown : 1;
uint8 bSomeVCflag1 : 1;
uint32 bSomeVCflag1 : 1;
uint8 m_ped_flagI20 : 1;
uint32 m_ped_flagI20 : 1;
uint8 m_ped_flagI40 : 1; // bMakePedsRunToPhonesToReportCrimes makes use of this as runover by car indicator
uint8 m_ped_flagI80 : 1; // KANGAROO_CHEAT define makes use of this as cheat toggle
uint32 m_ped_flagI40 : 1; // bMakePedsRunToPhonesToReportCrimes makes use of this as runover by car indicator
uint32 m_ped_flagI80 : 1; // KANGAROO_CHEAT define makes use of this as cheat toggle
uint8 stuff10[3];
uint8 CharCreatedBy;
uint8 field_161;
uint8 pad_162[2];
eObjective m_objective;
eObjective m_prevObjective;
CPed *m_pedInObjective;
@ -424,8 +421,6 @@ public:
uint16 m_nPathNodes;
int16 m_nCurPathNode;
int8 m_nPathDir;
int8 _pad2B5[3];
CPathNode *m_pLastPathNode;
CPathNode *m_pNextPathNode;
@ -436,7 +431,6 @@ public:
int16 m_routePointsPassed;
int16 m_routeType; // See PedRouteType
int16 m_routePointsBeingPassed;
uint16 field_2D2;
CVector2D m_moved;
float m_fRotationCur;
float m_fRotationDest;
@ -450,10 +444,8 @@ public:
CEntity *m_pSeekTarget;
CVehicle *m_pMyVehicle;
bool bInVehicle;
uint8 pad_315[3];
float m_distanceToCountSeekDone;
bool bRunningToPhone;
uint8 field_31D;
int16 m_phoneId;
eCrimeType m_crimeToReportOnPhone;
uint32 m_phoneTalkTimer;
@ -468,7 +460,6 @@ public:
uint32 m_collidingThingTimer;
CEntity *m_pCollidingEntity;
uint8 m_stateUnused;
uint8 pad_351[3];
uint32 m_timerUnused;
CVector2D *m_wanderRangeBounds; // array with 2 CVector2D (actually unused CRange2D class) - unused
@ -483,7 +474,6 @@ public:
uint8 m_fightButtonPressure;
FightState m_fightState;
bool m_takeAStepAfterAttack;
uint8 pad_4B3;
CFire *m_pFire;
CEntity *m_pLookTarget;
float m_fLookDirection;
@ -502,11 +492,9 @@ public:
uint8 m_panicCounter;
bool m_deadBleeding;
int8 m_bodyPartBleeding; // PedNode, but -1 if there isn't
uint8 m_field_4F3;
CPed *m_nearPeds[10];
uint16 m_numNearPeds;
int8 m_lastWepDam;
uint8 pad_51F;
uint32 m_lastSoundStart;
uint32 m_soundStart;
uint16 m_lastQueuedSound;
@ -23,20 +23,13 @@ public:
uint32 m_nHitAnimDelayTimer;
float m_fAttackButtonCounter;
bool m_bHaveTargetSelected; // may have better name
int8 field_1381;
int8 field_1382;
int8 field_1383;
CEntity *m_pEvadingFrom; // is this CPhysical?
int32 m_nTargettableObjects[4];
bool m_bAdrenalineActive;
bool m_bHasLockOnTarget;
int8 field_1406;
int8 field_1407;
uint32 m_nAdrenalineTime;
bool m_bCanBeDamaged;
int8 field_1413;
int8 field_1414;
int8 field_1415;
CVector m_vecSafePos[6]; // safe places from the player, for example behind a tree
CPed *m_pPedAtSafePos[6];
float m_fWalkAngle;
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ public:
uint8 m_nTriIndex;
bool m_bActive;
bool m_bShattered;
char _pad0[1];
CFallingGlassPane() { }
~CFallingGlassPane() { }
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ public:
uint16 m_nZRotationTimer;
float m_fCurrentZRadius;
uint16 m_nZRadiusTimer;
char _pad0[2];
float m_fSize;
float m_fExpansionRate;
uint16 m_nFadeToBlackTimer;
@ -36,7 +35,6 @@ public:
int16 m_nRotationStep;
int16 m_nRotation;
RwRGBA m_Color;
char _pad1[2];
CParticle *m_pNext;
@ -120,7 +120,6 @@ struct tParticleSystemData
uint16 m_nFinalAnimationFrame;
uint16 m_nAnimationSpeed;
uint16 m_nRotationSpeed;
char _pad1[2];
float m_fGravitationalAcceleration;
int32 m_nFrictionDecceleration;
int32 m_nLifeSpan;
@ -134,7 +133,6 @@ struct tParticleSystemData
RwRGBA m_RenderColouring;
uint8 m_InitialColorVariation;
RwRGBA m_FadeDestinationColor;
char _pad2[3];
uint32 m_ColorFadeTime;
RwRaster **m_ppRaster;
@ -46,7 +46,6 @@ public:
uint8 bRendered : 1;
//uint8 bDrawOnBuildings : 1;
} m_nFlags;
char _pad0;
RwTexture *m_pTexture;
@ -58,11 +57,9 @@ class CPolyBunch
int16 m_nNumVerts;
char _pad0[2];
CVector m_aVerts[7];
uint8 m_aU[7];
uint8 m_aV[7];
char _pad1[2];
CPolyBunch *m_pNext;
@ -82,7 +79,6 @@ public:
float m_fZDistance;
float m_fScale;
uint8 m_nType;
char _pad0;
int16 m_nIntensity; // unsigned ?
uint8 m_nRed;
uint8 m_nGreen;
@ -90,7 +86,6 @@ public:
bool m_bJustCreated;
bool m_bRendered;
bool m_bTemp;
char _pad1[2];
RwTexture *m_pTexture;
@ -113,7 +108,6 @@ public:
uint8 m_nRed;
uint8 m_nGreen;
uint8 m_nBlue;
char _pad0[2];
uint32 m_nTimeCreated;
uint32 m_nLifeTime;
RwTexture *m_pTexture;
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ public:
int32 m_nId;
int16 m_nCur;
char _pad0[2];
uint32 m_nTimeCreated;
CVector m_avecVelocity[NUM_SEGMENTPOINTS];
@ -86,7 +86,11 @@ C_PcSave::PopulateSlotInfo()
SlotSaveDate[i][0] = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
char savename[MAX_PATH];
char savename[52];
struct {
int size;
wchar FileName[24];
@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ public:
uint8 bWaterTight : 1; // no damage for non-player peds
uint8 bNotDamagedUpsideDown : 1;
uint8 bMoreResistantToDamage : 1;
uint8 field_4DB;
CEntity *m_pBombRigger;
int16 field_4E0;
uint16 m_hydraulicState;
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@ public:
static bool ScriptHeliOn;
CHeli(int32 id, uint8 CreatedBy);
CHeli* ctor(int, uint8);
// from CEntity
void SetModelIndex(uint32 id);
@ -33,8 +33,6 @@ public:
int16 m_nPlaneId;
int16 m_isFarAway;
int16 m_nCurPathNode;
char field_654;
char field_655;
float m_fSpeed;
uint32 m_nFrameWhenHit;
bool m_bHasBeenHit;
@ -130,7 +130,6 @@ public:
int8 m_nGettingInFlags;
int8 m_nGettingOutFlags;
uint8 m_nNumMaxPassengers;
char field_1CD[3];
float field_1D0[4];
CEntity *m_pCurGroundEntity;
CFire *m_pCarFire;
@ -180,7 +179,6 @@ public:
int16 m_nRoadblockNode;
float m_fHealth; // 1000.0f = full health. 250.0f = fire. 0 -> explode
uint8 m_nCurrentGear;
int8 field_205[3];
float m_fChangeGearTime;
uint32 m_nGunFiringTime; // last time when gun on vehicle was fired (used on boats)
uint32 m_nTimeOfDeath;
@ -296,7 +294,6 @@ class cVehicleParams
bool m_bDistanceCalculated;
char gap_1[3];
float m_fDistance;
CVehicle *m_pVehicle;
cTransmission *m_pTransmission;
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ class CWeaponEffects
bool m_bActive;
char _pad[3];
CVector m_vecPos;
uint8 m_nRed;
uint8 m_nGreen;
Reference in a new issue