mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 17:05:06 +00:00
-radardisc shadow fix -fix for the dimension where moon is round -correct radar based on the early gta 3 screenshot -proper scaling based on ps2 gta 3 -ini and debugmenu options
600 lines
19 KiB
600 lines
19 KiB
#include "common.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "Draw.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
float CSprite::m_f2DNearScreenZ;
float CSprite::m_f2DFarScreenZ;
float CSprite::m_fRecipNearClipPlane;
int32 CSprite::m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest;
CVector p = TheCamera.GetPosition() + CVector(TheCamera.CamFrontXNorm, TheCamera.CamFrontYNorm, 0.0f)*3000.0f;
p.z = 0.0f;
p = TheCamera.m_viewMatrix * p;
return p.y * SCREEN_HEIGHT / p.z;
CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(const RwV3d &in, RwV3d *out, float *outw, float *outh, bool farclip)
CVector viewvec = TheCamera.m_viewMatrix * in;
*out = viewvec;
if(out->z <= CDraw::GetNearClipZ() + 1.0f) return false;
if(out->z >= CDraw::GetFarClipZ() && farclip) return false;
float recip = 1.0f/out->z;
out->x *= SCREEN_WIDTH * recip;
out->y *= SCREEN_HEIGHT * recip;
const float fov = DefaultFOV;
// this is used to scale correctly if you zoom in with sniper rifle
float fovScale = fov / CDraw::GetFOV();
*outw = CDraw::ms_bFixSprites ? (fovScale * recip * SCREEN_HEIGHT) : (fovScale * SCREEN_SCALE_AR(recip) * SCREEN_WIDTH);
*outw = fovScale * SCREEN_SCALE_AR(recip) * SCREEN_WIDTH;
*outh = fovScale * recip * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
return true;
static int32 nSpriteBufferIndex;
static RwIm2DVertex SpriteBufferVerts[SPRITEBUFFERSIZE*6];
static RwIm2DVertex verts[4];
m_f2DNearScreenZ = RwIm2DGetNearScreenZ();
m_f2DFarScreenZ = RwIm2DGetFarScreenZ();
m_fRecipNearClipPlane = 1.0f / RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex > 0){
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, SpriteBufferVerts, nSpriteBufferIndex*6);
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, SpriteBufferVerts, nSpriteBufferIndex*6);
nSpriteBufferIndex = 0;
CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, uint8 a)
static short indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
// 0---3
// | |
// 1---2
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x-w; us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x-w; us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x+w; us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x+w; us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y-h; vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y+h; vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y+h; vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y-h; vs[3] = 0.0f;
// clip
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
if(xs[i] < 0.0f){
us[i] = -xs[i] / (2.0f*w);
xs[i] = 0.0f;
if(xs[i] > SCREEN_WIDTH){
us[i] = 1.0f - (xs[i]-SCREEN_WIDTH) / (2.0f*w);
if(ys[i] < 0.0f){
vs[i] = -ys[i] / (2.0f*h);
ys[i] = 0.0f;
if(ys[i] > SCREEN_HEIGHT){
vs[i] = 1.0f - (ys[i]-SCREEN_HEIGHT) / (2.0f*h);
// (DrawZ - DrawNear)/(DrawFar - DrawNear) = (SpriteZ-SpriteNear)/(SpriteFar-SpriteNear)
// So to calculate SpriteZ:
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[i], xs[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[i], ys[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[i], us[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[i], vs[i], recipz);
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRIFAN, verts, 4);
CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
// Fade out when too near
// why not in buffered version?
if(z < 2.3f){
if(z < 1.3f)
int f = (z - 1.3f)/(2.3f-1.3f) * 255;
r = f*r >> 8;
g = f*g >> 8;
b = f*b >> 8;
intens = f*intens >> 8;
xs[0] = x + w*(-c-s); us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x + w*(-c+s); us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + w*(+c+s); us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + w*(+c-s); us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y + h*(-c+s); vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + h*(+c+s); vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + h*(+c-s); vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y + h*(-c-s); vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[i], xs[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[i], ys[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[i], us[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[i], vs[i], recipz);
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRIFAN, verts, 4);
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
// 0---3
// | |
// 1---2
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x-w; us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x-w; us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x+w; us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x+w; us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y-h; vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y+h; vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y+h; vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y-h; vs[3] = 0.0f;
// clip
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
if(xs[i] < 0.0f){
us[i] = -xs[i] / (2.0f*w);
xs[i] = 0.0f;
if(xs[i] > SCREEN_WIDTH){
us[i] = 1.0f - (xs[i]-SCREEN_WIDTH) / (2.0f*w);
if(ys[i] < 0.0f){
vs[i] = -ys[i] / (2.0f*h);
ys[i] = 0.0f;
if(ys[i] > SCREEN_HEIGHT){
vs[i] = 1.0f - (ys[i]-SCREEN_HEIGHT) / (2.0f*h);
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&vert[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Dimension(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
// TODO: replace with lookup
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x - c*w - s*h; us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x - c*w + s*h; us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + c*w + s*h; us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + c*w - s*h; us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y - c*h + s*w; vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + c*h + s*w; vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + c*h - s*w; vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y - c*h - s*w; vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&vert[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x + w*(-c-s); us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x + w*(-c+s); us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + w*(+c+s); us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + w*(+c-s); us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y + h*(-c+s); vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + h*(+c+s); vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + h*(+c-s); vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y + h*(-c-s); vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&vert[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite_Rotate_2Colours(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r1, uint8 g1, uint8 b1, uint8 r2, uint8 g2, uint8 b2, float cx, float cy, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
float cf[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x + w*(-c-s); us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x + w*(-c+s); us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + w*(+c+s); us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + w*(+c-s); us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y + h*(-c+s); vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + h*(+c+s); vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + h*(+c-s); vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y + h*(-c-s); vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
// Colour factors, cx/y is the direction in which colours change from rgb1 to rgb2
cf[0] = (cx*(-c-s) + cy*(-c+s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[0] = clamp(cf[0], 0.0f, 1.0f);
cf[1] = (cx*(-c+s) + cy*( c+s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[1] = clamp(cf[1], 0.0f, 1.0f);
cf[2] = (cx*( c+s) + cy*( c-s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[2] = clamp(cf[2], 0.0f, 1.0f);
cf[3] = (cx*( c-s) + cy*(-c-s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[3] = clamp(cf[3], 0.0f, 1.0f);
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
r1*cf[indices[i]] + r2*(1.0f - cf[indices[i]]),
g1*cf[indices[i]] + g2*(1.0f - cf[indices[i]]),
b1*cf[indices[i]] + b2*(1.0f - cf[indices[i]]),
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::Set6Vertices2D(RwIm2DVertex *verts, const CRect &r, const CRGBA &c0, const CRGBA &c1, const CRGBA &c2, const CRGBA &c3)
float screenz, recipz;
float z = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera); // not done by game
screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ;
recipz = m_fRecipNearClipPlane;
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[0], r.left);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[0], r.top);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[0], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[0], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[0], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[0], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[1], r.right);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[1], r.top);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[1], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[1], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[1], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[1], c3.r, c3.g, c3.b, c3.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[1], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[1], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[2], r.right);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[2], r.bottom);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[2], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[2], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[2], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[2], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[3], r.left);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[3], r.bottom);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[3], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[3], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[3], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[3], c0.r, c0.g, c0.b, c0.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[3], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[3], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[4], r.left);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[4], r.top);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[4], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[4], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[4], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[4], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[5], r.right);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[5], r.bottom);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[5], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[5], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[5], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[5], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
CSprite::Set6Vertices2D(RwIm2DVertex *verts, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4,
const CRGBA &c0, const CRGBA &c1, const CRGBA &c2, const CRGBA &c3)
float screenz, recipz;
float z = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera); // not done by game
screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ;
recipz = m_fRecipNearClipPlane;
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[0], x3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[0], y3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[0], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[0], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[0], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[0], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[1], x4);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[1], y4);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[1], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[1], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[1], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[1], c3.r, c3.g, c3.b, c3.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[1], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[1], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[2], x2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[2], y2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[2], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[2], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[2], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[2], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[3], x1);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[3], y1);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[3], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[3], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[3], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[3], c0.r, c0.g, c0.b, c0.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[3], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[3], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[4], x3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[4], y3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[4], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[4], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[4], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[4], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[5], x2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[5], y2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[5], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[5], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[5], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[5], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite2D(float x, float y, float w, float h, const RwRGBA &colour, int16 intens, uint8 alpha)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 1;
CRGBA col(intens * colour.red >> 8, intens * colour.green >> 8, intens * colour.blue >> 8, alpha);
CRect rect(x - w, y - h, x + h, y + h);
Set6Vertices2D(&SpriteBufferVerts[6 * nSpriteBufferIndex], rect, col, col, col, col);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite2D_Rotate_Dimension(float x, float y, float w, float h, const RwRGBA &colour, int16 intens, float rotation, uint8 alpha)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 1;
CRGBA col(intens * colour.red >> 8, intens * colour.green >> 8, intens * colour.blue >> 8, alpha);
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
Set6Vertices2D(&SpriteBufferVerts[6 * nSpriteBufferIndex],
x + c*w - s*h,
y - c*h - s*w,
x + c*w + s*h,
y + c*h - s*w,
x - c*w - s*h,
y - c*h + s*w,
x - c*w + s*h,
y + c*h + s*w,
col, col, col, col);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)