Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/halpz/re3.git synced 2025-03-20 15:57:32 +00:00
2020-05-06 17:56:38 +02:00

171 lines
5.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include "templates.h"
#include "Game.h" // for eLevelName
// If you spawn many tanks at once, you will see that collisions of two entity exceeds 32.
#ifdef FIX_BUGS
struct CSphere
CVector center;
float radius;
void Set(float radius, const CVector &center) { this->center = center; this->radius = radius; }
struct CBox
CVector min;
CVector max;
CVector GetSize(void) { return max - min; }
void Set(const CVector &min, const CVector &max) { this->min = min; this->max = max; }
struct CColSphere : public CSphere
uint8 surface;
uint8 piece;
void Set(float radius, const CVector &center, uint8 surf, uint8 piece);
using CSphere::Set;
struct CColBox : public CBox
uint8 surface;
uint8 piece;
void Set(const CVector &min, const CVector &max, uint8 surf, uint8 piece);
using CBox::Set;
struct CColLine
CVector p0;
int pad0;
CVector p1;
int pad1;
CColLine(void) { };
CColLine(const CVector &p0, const CVector &p1) { this->p0 = p0; this->p1 = p1; };
void Set(const CVector &p0, const CVector &p1);
struct CColTriangle
uint16 a;
uint16 b;
uint16 c;
uint8 surface;
void Set(const CVector *v, int a, int b, int c, uint8 surf, uint8 piece);
struct CColTrianglePlane
CVector normal;
float dist;
uint8 dir;
void Set(const CVector *v, CColTriangle &tri);
void GetNormal(CVector &n) const { n = normal; }
float CalcPoint(const CVector &v) const { return DotProduct(normal, v) - dist; };
struct CColPoint
CVector point;
int pad1;
// the surface normal on the surface of point
CVector normal;
int pad2;
uint8 surfaceA;
uint8 pieceA;
uint8 surfaceB;
uint8 pieceB;
float depth;
struct CStoredCollPoly
CVector verts[3];
bool valid;
//--MIAMI: done struct
struct CColModel
CSphere boundingSphere;
CBox boundingBox;
int16 numSpheres;
int16 numBoxes;
int16 numTriangles;
int8 numLines;
uint8 level; // colstore slot but probably still named level
bool ownsCollisionVolumes;
CColSphere *spheres;
CColLine *lines;
CColBox *boxes;
CVector *vertices;
CColTriangle *triangles;
CColTrianglePlane *trianglePlanes;
void RemoveCollisionVolumes(void);
void CalculateTrianglePlanes(void);
void RemoveTrianglePlanes(void);
CLink<CColModel*> *GetLinkPtr(void);
void SetLinkPtr(CLink<CColModel*>*);
void GetTrianglePoint(CVector &v, int i) const;
CColModel& operator=(const CColModel& other);
class CCollision
static eLevelName ms_collisionInMemory;
static CLinkList<CColModel*> ms_colModelCache;
static void Init(void);
static void Shutdown(void);
static void Update(void);
static void LoadCollisionWhenINeedIt(bool changeLevel);
static void SortOutCollisionAfterLoad(void);
static void LoadCollisionScreen(eLevelName level);
static void DrawColModel(const CMatrix &mat, const CColModel &colModel);
static void DrawColModel_Coloured(const CMatrix &mat, const CColModel &colModel, int32 id);
static void CalculateTrianglePlanes(CColModel *model);
// all these return true if there's a collision
static bool TestSphereSphere(const CSphere &s1, const CSphere &s2);
static bool TestSphereBox(const CSphere &sph, const CBox &box);
static bool TestLineBox(const CColLine &line, const CBox &box);
static bool TestVerticalLineBox(const CColLine &line, const CBox &box);
static bool TestLineTriangle(const CColLine &line, const CVector *verts, const CColTriangle &tri, const CColTrianglePlane &plane);
static bool TestLineSphere(const CColLine &line, const CColSphere &sph);
static bool TestSphereTriangle(const CColSphere &sphere, const CVector *verts, const CColTriangle &tri, const CColTrianglePlane &plane);
static bool TestLineOfSight(const CColLine &line, const CMatrix &matrix, CColModel &model, bool ignoreSeeThrough);
static bool ProcessSphereSphere(const CColSphere &s1, const CColSphere &s2, CColPoint &point, float &mindistsq);
static bool ProcessSphereBox(const CColSphere &sph, const CColBox &box, CColPoint &point, float &mindistsq);
static bool ProcessLineBox(const CColLine &line, const CColBox &box, CColPoint &point, float &mindist);
static bool ProcessVerticalLineTriangle(const CColLine &line, const CVector *verts, const CColTriangle &tri, const CColTrianglePlane &plane, CColPoint &point, float &mindist, CStoredCollPoly *poly);
static bool ProcessLineTriangle(const CColLine &line , const CVector *verts, const CColTriangle &tri, const CColTrianglePlane &plane, CColPoint &point, float &mindist);
static bool ProcessLineSphere(const CColLine &line, const CColSphere &sphere, CColPoint &point, float &mindist);
static bool ProcessSphereTriangle(const CColSphere &sph, const CVector *verts, const CColTriangle &tri, const CColTrianglePlane &plane, CColPoint &point, float &mindistsq);
static bool ProcessLineOfSight(const CColLine &line, const CMatrix &matrix, CColModel &model, CColPoint &point, float &mindist, bool ignoreSeeThrough);
static bool ProcessVerticalLine(const CColLine &line, const CMatrix &matrix, CColModel &model, CColPoint &point, float &mindist, bool ignoreSeeThrough, CStoredCollPoly *poly);
static int32 ProcessColModels(const CMatrix &matrixA, CColModel &modelA, const CMatrix &matrixB, CColModel &modelB, CColPoint *spherepoints, CColPoint *linepoints, float *linedists);
static bool IsStoredPolyStillValidVerticalLine(const CVector &pos, float z, CColPoint &point, CStoredCollPoly *poly);
static float DistToLine(const CVector *l0, const CVector *l1, const CVector *point);
static float DistToLine(const CVector *l0, const CVector *l1, const CVector *point, CVector &closest);