Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/halpz/re3.git synced 2025-03-23 16:25:07 +00:00

600 lines
19 KiB

#include "common.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "Draw.h"
#include "Camera.h"
#include "Sprite.h"
float CSprite::m_f2DNearScreenZ;
float CSprite::m_f2DFarScreenZ;
float CSprite::m_fRecipNearClipPlane;
int32 CSprite::m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest;
CVector p = TheCamera.GetPosition() + CVector(TheCamera.CamFrontXNorm, TheCamera.CamFrontYNorm, 0.0f)*3000.0f;
p.z = 0.0f;
p = TheCamera.m_viewMatrix * p;
return p.y * SCREEN_HEIGHT / p.z;
CSprite::CalcScreenCoors(const RwV3d &in, RwV3d *out, float *outw, float *outh, bool farclip)
CVector viewvec = TheCamera.m_viewMatrix * in;
*out = viewvec;
if(out->z <= CDraw::GetNearClipZ() + 1.0f) return false;
if(out->z >= CDraw::GetFarClipZ() && farclip) return false;
float recip = 1.0f/out->z;
out->x *= SCREEN_WIDTH * recip;
out->y *= SCREEN_HEIGHT * recip;
const float fov = DefaultFOV;
// this is used to scale correctly if you zoom in with sniper rifle
float fovScale = fov / CDraw::GetFOV();
*outw = CDraw::ms_bFixSprites ? (fovScale * recip * SCREEN_HEIGHT) : (fovScale * SCREEN_SCALE_AR(recip) * SCREEN_WIDTH);
*outw = fovScale * SCREEN_SCALE_AR(recip) * SCREEN_WIDTH;
*outh = fovScale * recip * SCREEN_HEIGHT;
return true;
static int32 nSpriteBufferIndex;
static RwIm2DVertex SpriteBufferVerts[SPRITEBUFFERSIZE*6];
static RwIm2DVertex verts[4];
m_f2DNearScreenZ = RwIm2DGetNearScreenZ();
m_f2DFarScreenZ = RwIm2DGetFarScreenZ();
m_fRecipNearClipPlane = 1.0f / RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex > 0){
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, SpriteBufferVerts, nSpriteBufferIndex*6);
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRILIST, SpriteBufferVerts, nSpriteBufferIndex*6);
nSpriteBufferIndex = 0;
CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, uint8 a)
static short indices[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
// 0---3
// | |
// 1---2
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x-w; us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x-w; us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x+w; us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x+w; us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y-h; vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y+h; vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y+h; vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y-h; vs[3] = 0.0f;
// clip
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
if(xs[i] < 0.0f){
us[i] = -xs[i] / (2.0f*w);
xs[i] = 0.0f;
if(xs[i] > SCREEN_WIDTH){
us[i] = 1.0f - (xs[i]-SCREEN_WIDTH) / (2.0f*w);
if(ys[i] < 0.0f){
vs[i] = -ys[i] / (2.0f*h);
ys[i] = 0.0f;
if(ys[i] > SCREEN_HEIGHT){
vs[i] = 1.0f - (ys[i]-SCREEN_HEIGHT) / (2.0f*h);
// (DrawZ - DrawNear)/(DrawFar - DrawNear) = (SpriteZ-SpriteNear)/(SpriteFar-SpriteNear)
// So to calculate SpriteZ:
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[i], xs[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[i], ys[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[i], us[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[i], vs[i], recipz);
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRIFAN, verts, 4);
CSprite::RenderOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
// Fade out when too near
// why not in buffered version?
if(z < 2.3f){
if(z < 1.3f)
int f = (z - 1.3f)/(2.3f-1.3f) * 255;
r = f*r >> 8;
g = f*g >> 8;
b = f*b >> 8;
intens = f*intens >> 8;
xs[0] = x + w*(-c-s); us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x + w*(-c+s); us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + w*(+c+s); us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + w*(+c-s); us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y + h*(-c+s); vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + h*(+c+s); vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + h*(+c-s); vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y + h*(-c-s); vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[i], xs[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[i], ys[i]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[i], us[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[i], vs[i], recipz);
RwIm2DRenderPrimitive(rwPRIMTYPETRIFAN, verts, 4);
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
// 0---3
// | |
// 1---2
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x-w; us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x-w; us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x+w; us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x+w; us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y-h; vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y+h; vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y+h; vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y-h; vs[3] = 0.0f;
// clip
for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){
if(xs[i] < 0.0f){
us[i] = -xs[i] / (2.0f*w);
xs[i] = 0.0f;
if(xs[i] > SCREEN_WIDTH){
us[i] = 1.0f - (xs[i]-SCREEN_WIDTH) / (2.0f*w);
if(ys[i] < 0.0f){
vs[i] = -ys[i] / (2.0f*h);
ys[i] = 0.0f;
if(ys[i] > SCREEN_HEIGHT){
vs[i] = 1.0f - (ys[i]-SCREEN_HEIGHT) / (2.0f*h);
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&vert[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Dimension(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
// TODO: replace with lookup
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x - c*w - s*h; us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x - c*w + s*h; us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + c*w + s*h; us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + c*w - s*h; us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y - c*h + s*w; vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + c*h + s*w; vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + c*h - s*w; vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y - c*h - s*w; vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&vert[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite_Rotate_Aspect(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, int16 intens, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x + w*(-c-s); us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x + w*(-c+s); us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + w*(+c+s); us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + w*(+c-s); us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y + h*(-c+s); vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + h*(+c+s); vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + h*(+c-s); vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y + h*(-c-s); vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&vert[i], r*intens>>8, g*intens>>8, b*intens>>8, a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite_Rotate_2Colours(float x, float y, float z, float w, float h, uint8 r1, uint8 g1, uint8 b1, uint8 r2, uint8 g2, uint8 b2, float cx, float cy, float recipz, float rotation, uint8 a)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 0;
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
float xs[4];
float ys[4];
float us[4];
float vs[4];
float cf[4];
int i;
xs[0] = x + w*(-c-s); us[0] = 0.0f;
xs[1] = x + w*(-c+s); us[1] = 0.0f;
xs[2] = x + w*(+c+s); us[2] = 1.0f;
xs[3] = x + w*(+c-s); us[3] = 1.0f;
ys[0] = y + h*(-c+s); vs[0] = 0.0f;
ys[1] = y + h*(+c+s); vs[1] = 1.0f;
ys[2] = y + h*(+c-s); vs[2] = 1.0f;
ys[3] = y + h*(-c-s); vs[3] = 0.0f;
// No clipping, just culling
if(xs[0] < 0.0f && xs[1] < 0.0f && xs[2] < 0.0f && xs[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(ys[0] < 0.0f && ys[1] < 0.0f && ys[2] < 0.0f && ys[3] < 0.0f) return;
if(xs[0] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[1] > SCREEN_WIDTH &&
xs[2] > SCREEN_WIDTH && xs[3] > SCREEN_WIDTH) return;
if(ys[0] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[1] > SCREEN_HEIGHT &&
ys[2] > SCREEN_HEIGHT && ys[3] > SCREEN_HEIGHT) return;
// Colour factors, cx/y is the direction in which colours change from rgb1 to rgb2
cf[0] = (cx*(-c-s) + cy*(-c+s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[0] = Clamp(cf[0], 0.0f, 1.0f);
cf[1] = (cx*(-c+s) + cy*( c+s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[1] = Clamp(cf[1], 0.0f, 1.0f);
cf[2] = (cx*( c+s) + cy*( c-s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[2] = Clamp(cf[2], 0.0f, 1.0f);
cf[3] = (cx*( c-s) + cy*(-c-s))*0.5f + 0.5f;
cf[3] = Clamp(cf[3], 0.0f, 1.0f);
float screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ +
(z-CDraw::GetNearClipZ())*(m_f2DFarScreenZ-m_f2DNearScreenZ)*CDraw::GetFarClipZ() /
RwIm2DVertex *vert = &SpriteBufferVerts[nSpriteBufferIndex*6];
static int indices[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 2 };
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++){
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&vert[i], xs[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&vert[i], ys[indices[i]]);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&vert[i], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&vert[i], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&vert[i], recipz);
r1*cf[indices[i]] + r2*(1.0f - cf[indices[i]]),
g1*cf[indices[i]] + g2*(1.0f - cf[indices[i]]),
b1*cf[indices[i]] + b2*(1.0f - cf[indices[i]]),
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&vert[i], us[indices[i]], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&vert[i], vs[indices[i]], recipz);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::Set6Vertices2D(RwIm2DVertex *verts, const CRect &r, const CRGBA &c0, const CRGBA &c1, const CRGBA &c2, const CRGBA &c3)
float screenz, recipz;
float z = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera); // not done by game
screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ;
recipz = m_fRecipNearClipPlane;
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[0], r.left);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[0], r.top);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[0], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[0], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[0], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[0], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[1], r.right);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[1], r.top);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[1], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[1], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[1], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[1], c3.r, c3.g, c3.b, c3.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[1], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[1], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[2], r.right);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[2], r.bottom);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[2], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[2], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[2], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[2], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[3], r.left);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[3], r.bottom);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[3], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[3], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[3], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[3], c0.r, c0.g, c0.b, c0.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[3], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[3], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[4], r.left);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[4], r.top);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[4], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[4], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[4], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[4], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[5], r.right);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[5], r.bottom);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[5], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[5], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[5], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[5], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
CSprite::Set6Vertices2D(RwIm2DVertex *verts, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4,
const CRGBA &c0, const CRGBA &c1, const CRGBA &c2, const CRGBA &c3)
float screenz, recipz;
float z = RwCameraGetNearClipPlane(Scene.camera); // not done by game
screenz = m_f2DNearScreenZ;
recipz = m_fRecipNearClipPlane;
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[0], x3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[0], y3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[0], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[0], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[0], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[0], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[0], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[1], x4);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[1], y4);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[1], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[1], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[1], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[1], c3.r, c3.g, c3.b, c3.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[1], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[1], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[2], x2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[2], y2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[2], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[2], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[2], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[2], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[2], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[3], x1);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[3], y1);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[3], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[3], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[3], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[3], c0.r, c0.g, c0.b, c0.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[3], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[3], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[4], x3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[4], y3);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[4], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[4], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[4], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[4], c2.r, c2.g, c2.b, c2.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[4], 0.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenX(&verts[5], x2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenY(&verts[5], y2);
RwIm2DVertexSetScreenZ(&verts[5], screenz);
RwIm2DVertexSetCameraZ(&verts[5], z);
RwIm2DVertexSetRecipCameraZ(&verts[5], recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetIntRGBA(&verts[5], c1.r, c1.g, c1.b, c1.a);
RwIm2DVertexSetU(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
RwIm2DVertexSetV(&verts[5], 1.0f, recipz);
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite2D(float x, float y, float w, float h, const RwRGBA &colour, int16 intens, uint8 alpha)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 1;
CRGBA col(intens * colour.red >> 8, intens * colour.green >> 8, intens * colour.blue >> 8, alpha);
CRect rect(x - w, y - h, x + h, y + h);
Set6Vertices2D(&SpriteBufferVerts[6 * nSpriteBufferIndex], rect, col, col, col, col);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)
CSprite::RenderBufferedOneXLUSprite2D_Rotate_Dimension(float x, float y, float w, float h, const RwRGBA &colour, int16 intens, float rotation, uint8 alpha)
m_bFlushSpriteBufferSwitchZTest = 1;
CRGBA col(intens * colour.red >> 8, intens * colour.green >> 8, intens * colour.blue >> 8, alpha);
float c = Cos(rotation);
float s = Sin(rotation);
Set6Vertices2D(&SpriteBufferVerts[6 * nSpriteBufferIndex],
x + c*w - s*h,
y - c*h - s*w,
x + c*w + s*h,
y + c*h - s*w,
x - c*w - s*h,
y - c*h + s*w,
x - c*w + s*h,
y + c*h + s*w,
col, col, col, col);
if(nSpriteBufferIndex >= SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)