2020-07-11 13:32:14 -07:00

231 lines
6.7 KiB

package com.he;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.Message;
import com.he.jsbinding.JsContext;
import com.he.jsbinding.JsScopedContext;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public final class JsRunLoop extends Thread {
private static final Delegate delegate = new Delegate();
private static final AtomicInteger thread_id = new AtomicInteger(0);
private Handler handler;
private JsContext mJsContext;
private Runnable posted_task;
private SetupCallback setupCallback;
private RuntimeException thrown;
public JsRunLoop() {
public final Handler getHandler() {
// Byte code:
// 0: aload_0
// 1: getfield handler : Landroid/os/Handler;
// 4: astore_1
// 5: aload_1
// 6: ifnull -> 11
// 9: aload_1
// 10: areturn
// 11: aload_0
// 12: monitorenter
// 13: aload_0
// 14: getfield handler : Landroid/os/Handler;
// 17: ifnonnull -> 41
// 20: aload_0
// 21: getfield thrown : Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;
// 24: astore_1
// 25: aload_1
// 26: ifnonnull -> 36
// 29: aload_0
// 30: invokevirtual wait : ()V
// 33: goto -> 13
// 36: aload_0
// 37: getfield thrown : Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;
// 40: athrow
// 41: aload_0
// 42: monitorexit
// 43: aload_0
// 44: getfield handler : Landroid/os/Handler;
// 47: areturn
// 48: astore_1
// 49: aload_0
// 50: monitorexit
// 51: goto -> 56
// 54: aload_1
// 55: athrow
// 56: goto -> 54
// 59: astore_1
// 60: goto -> 13
// Exception table:
// from to target type
// 13 25 48 finally
// 29 33 59 java/lang/InterruptedException
// 29 33 48 finally
// 36 41 48 finally
// 41 43 48 finally
// 49 51 48 finally
public final JsContext getJsContext() {
return this.mJsContext;
public final void post(Runnable paramRunnable) {
synchronized (delegate) {
if (this.setupCallback == null) {
this.posted_task = paramRunnable;
public final void quit() {
public final void run() {
// Byte code:
// 0: new com/he/jsbinding/JsContext
// 3: dup
// 4: new com/he/jsbinding/JsEngine
// 7: dup
// 8: invokespecial <init> : ()V
// 11: invokespecial <init> : (Lcom/he/jsbinding/JsEngine;)V
// 14: astore_2
// 15: aload_0
// 16: aload_2
// 17: putfield mJsContext : Lcom/he/jsbinding/JsContext;
// 20: invokestatic prepare : ()V
// 23: aload_0
// 24: new android/os/Handler
// 27: dup
// 28: getstatic com/he/JsRunLoop.delegate : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$Delegate;
// 31: invokespecial <init> : (Landroid/os/Handler$Callback;)V
// 34: putfield handler : Landroid/os/Handler;
// 37: aload_0
// 38: monitorenter
// 39: aload_0
// 40: invokevirtual notifyAll : ()V
// 43: aload_0
// 44: monitorexit
// 45: getstatic com/he/JsRunLoop.delegate : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$Delegate;
// 48: astore_1
// 49: aload_1
// 50: monitorenter
// 51: aload_0
// 52: getfield setupCallback : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$SetupCallback;
// 55: ifnonnull -> 88
// 58: aload_0
// 59: getfield posted_task : Ljava/lang/Runnable;
// 62: ifnull -> 79
// 65: aload_0
// 66: getfield posted_task : Ljava/lang/Runnable;
// 69: invokeinterface run : ()V
// 74: aload_0
// 75: aconst_null
// 76: putfield posted_task : Ljava/lang/Runnable;
// 79: getstatic com/he/JsRunLoop.delegate : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$Delegate;
// 82: invokevirtual wait : ()V
// 85: goto -> 51
// 88: aload_1
// 89: monitorexit
// 90: aload_2
// 91: aload_0
// 92: getfield setupCallback : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$SetupCallback;
// 95: invokevirtual run : (Lcom/he/jsbinding/JsContext$ScopeCallback;)V
// 98: aload_2
// 99: getstatic com/he/JsRunLoop.delegate : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$Delegate;
// 102: invokevirtual run : (Lcom/he/jsbinding/JsContext$ScopeCallback;)V
// 105: aload_0
// 106: getfield setupCallback : Lcom/he/JsRunLoop$SetupCallback;
// 109: invokeinterface cleanup : ()V
// 114: aload_2
// 115: invokevirtual getEngine : ()Lcom/he/jsbinding/JsEngine;
// 118: invokevirtual dispose : ()V
// 121: return
// 122: astore_2
// 123: aload_1
// 124: monitorexit
// 125: aload_2
// 126: athrow
// 127: astore_1
// 128: aload_0
// 129: monitorexit
// 130: aload_1
// 131: athrow
// 132: astore_1
// 133: aload_0
// 134: aload_1
// 135: putfield thrown : Ljava/lang/RuntimeException;
// 138: aload_0
// 139: monitorenter
// 140: aload_0
// 141: invokevirtual notifyAll : ()V
// 144: aload_0
// 145: monitorexit
// 146: return
// 147: astore_1
// 148: aload_0
// 149: monitorexit
// 150: goto -> 155
// 153: aload_1
// 154: athrow
// 155: goto -> 153
// 158: astore_3
// 159: goto -> 51
// Exception table:
// from to target type
// 0 20 132 java/lang/RuntimeException
// 39 45 127 finally
// 51 79 122 finally
// 79 85 158 java/lang/InterruptedException
// 79 85 122 finally
// 88 90 122 finally
// 123 125 122 finally
// 128 130 127 finally
// 140 146 147 finally
// 148 150 147 finally
public final void setup(SetupCallback paramSetupCallback) {
this.setupCallback = paramSetupCallback;
synchronized (delegate) {
static class Delegate implements Handler.Callback, JsContext.ScopeCallback {
private Delegate() {}
public boolean handleMessage(Message param1Message) {
return false;
public void run(JsScopedContext param1JsScopedContext) {
public static interface SetupCallback extends JsContext.ScopeCallback {
void cleanup();
/* Location: C:\Users\august\Desktop\tik\df_miniapp\classes.jar!\com\he\JsRunLoop.class
* Java compiler version: 6 (50.0)
* JD-Core Version: 1.1.3