Made example source code visible for all examples in example browser.
Updated Prebuild.exe to newest SVN version (resolves issues with resources).
Added .rtf and .resx files to Examples project in Prebuild.xml.
Renamed T03_RotatingCube.cs to T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube.cs.
Renamed T07_DisplayLists_Cube.cs to T07_Display_Lists_Flower.cs.
Renamed Cube.cs to W02_Immediate_Mode_Cube.cs
Updated colors in T10_GLSL_Cube and T03_Immediate_Mode_Cube
Add S03_Stack_Imbalance.cs test.
Add T01_Simple_Window.cs and T02_Resizable_Window.cs tutorials.
Updated everything to not use raw window handles, but rather WindowInfo objects.
Added code that (hopefully) creates an invisible input window for X11.
Added input driver to W01_First_Window. Works perfectly!
Added a debug message to GameWindow.cs, when accessing the opengl Context before creating a render window (this forces render window creation).
WinRawInput now correctly subclasses WinGLNative or WinGLControl. WinRawKeyboard now correctly responds to events.
Removed T10_GLSL_Cube.cs which was erroneously moved outside the Examples/Tutorial directory.
Updated INativeWindow, IGameWindow and IGLControl interfaces.
Updated examples to use the new GameWindow interface.
Added documentation to GameWindow.
Improved GameWindow error handling. More defensive programming.