It occurred to me that my simple patch that comments out a few lines of code does not correctly remove the dead zone since the calculation presumably assumes the dead zone has been cut out of the range. Then, while looking into how to make it output the correct range of values, I realized SDL wasn't returning the correct range of values to begin with.
This line of code was already present:
printf("Values = { %d, %d, %d, %d, %d }\n", absinfo.value, absinfo.minimum, absinfo.maximum, absinfo.fuzz, absinfo.flat);
For my joystick this yeilds:
Values = { 0, -127, 127, 0, 15 }
Then this code calculates the coefficients:
In SDL1:
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[0] = (absinfo.maximum + absinfo.minimum) / 2 - absinfo.flat;
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[1] = (absinfo.maximum + absinfo.minimum) / 2 + absinfo.flat;
t = ((absinfo.maximum - absinfo.minimum) / 2 - 2 * absinfo.flat);
if ( t != 0 ) {
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[2] = (1 << 29) / t;
} else {
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[2] = 0;
In SDL2:
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[0] = (absinfo.maximum + absinfo.minimum) - 2 * absinfo.flat;
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[1] = (absinfo.maximum + absinfo.minimum) + 2 * absinfo.flat;
t = ((absinfo.maximum - absinfo.minimum) - 4 * absinfo.flat);
if (t != 0) {
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[2] = (1 << 28) / t;
} else {
joystick->hwdata->abs_correct[i].coef[2] = 0;
Neither calculates the correct coefficients for the code in the AxisCorrect function.
In SDL1:
if ( value > correct->coef[0] ) {
if ( value < correct->coef[1] ) {
return 0;
value -= correct->coef[1];
} else {
value -= correct->coef[0];
value *= correct->coef[2];
value >>= 14;
In SDL2:
value *= 2;
if (value > correct->coef[0]) {
if (value < correct->coef[1]) {
return 0;
value -= correct->coef[1];
} else {
value -= correct->coef[0];
In SDL1, the calculated coefficients are coef[0]=15, coef[1]=-15 and coef[2]=5534751. So with a full-scale input of 127, it calculates an output value of 37835, which is considerably out of range.
In SDL2, the calculated coefficients are coef[0]=30, coef[1]=-30, and coef[2]=1383687. So with a full-scale input of 127, it calculates the same output value of 37835.
I tested it with the 3 joysticks I have, and it produces out-of-range values for all of them.
Anyway, since dead zones are garbage, I just deleted all of that junk and wrote some code that takes the absinfo.minimum and absinfo.maximum values and uses them to scale the axis range to -32767 through +32767.
I also made it detect when a range doesn't have an integer center point, e.g. the center of -128 to + 127 is -0.5. In such cases, if either value to the side of the center is provided, it zeros it, but it otherwise doesn't implement any kind of dead zone. This seemed important with my gamepad which provides only the values of 0, 127, and 255, since without this hack it would never be centered.
Also, the previous minimum output value was -32768, but as that creates an output range that has no true center, I changed the minimum value to -32767.
I tested it with the 3 joystick devices I have and it seems to create correct values for all of them.
Jan Bujak
I wrote a new driver for my gamepad on Linux. I'd like SDL to support it out-of-box, as currently it just treats it as a generic joystick instead of a gamepad. From what I can see the only way to do that is to either 1) pick one of the already supported controllers' PID, VID and button layouts and have my driver send that (effectively lying that it's something else), or 2) submit a preconfigured, hardcoded mapping to SDL.
Both of those, in my opinion, are silly when we already have the Linux Gamepad Specification which standarizes this:
Unfortunately SDL doesn't make use of it currently. So I've took it upon myself to add it; patch is in the attachments.
Basically what the patch does is that if SDL finds no built-it controller mappings for a given joystick it then asks the joystick backend to autodetect it, and that uses the relevant evdev bits to figure out which button/axis is which. (See the specs for more details.)
With this patch applied my own driver for my controller works out-of-box with SDL with no extra configuration and is correctly recognized as a gamepad; this is also going to be the case for any other driver which follows the Linux Gamepad Specification.
Matteo Beniamino
Pressing a trigger button on a Steam Controller causes a segmentation fault both with stable version and latest mercurial head on Linux. I'm using the recent hid_steam kernel module with lizard_mode disabled (that is no keyboard/mouse emulation). I suspect this is what's happening: the driver exposes two hats. The two hats have indices 0 and 2. Inside linux/SDL_sysjoystick.c two hats are allocated in allocate_hatdata for joystick->hwdata->hats. In HandleHat function the hat parameter (that can be 2) is directly used as the index of the array that only has two elements, causing an out of bounds access. SDL is not expecting to have "holes" between hats indices.
The index 2 is calculated in HandleInputEvents() as (ABS_HAT2X - ABS_HAT0X) / 2 where ABS_HAT2X is the value associated to the hat inside the hid_steam module.
Include guards in most changed files were missing, I added them keeping
the same style as other SDL files. In some cases I moved the include
guards around to be the first thing the header has to take advantage of
any possible improvements compiler may have for inclusion guards.
The internal function SDL_EGL_LoadLibrary() did not delete and remove a mostly
uninitialized data structure if loading the library first failed. A later try to
use EGL then skipped initialization and assumed it was previously successful
because the data structure now already existed. This led to at least one crash
in the internal function SDL_EGL_ChooseConfig() because a NULL pointer was
dereferenced to make a call to eglBindAPI().