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2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
# Discord RPC
2017-06-23 23:04:36 +00:00
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
This is a library for interfacing your game with a locally running Discord desktop client. It's known to work on Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can use the lib directly if you like, or use it as a guide to writing your own if it doesn't suit your game as is. PRs/feedback welcome if you have an improvement everyone might want, or can describe how this doesn't meet your needs.
2017-06-23 23:04:36 +00:00
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
Included here are some quick demos that implement the very minimal subset to show current status, and
have callbacks for where a more complete game would do more things (joining, spectating, etc).
2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
2017-08-16 21:00:00 +00:00
## Documentation
2018-03-19 17:29:11 +00:00
The most up to date documentation for Rich Presence can always be found on our [developer site](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/rich-presence/how-to)! If you're interested in rolling your own native implementation of Rich Presence via IPC sockets instead of using our SDK—hey, you've got free time, right?—check out the ["Hard Mode" documentation](https://github.com/discordapp/discord-rpc/blob/master/documentation/hard-mode.md).
2017-08-16 21:00:00 +00:00
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
## Basic Usage
2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
2017-07-31 22:58:46 +00:00
Zeroith, you should be set up to build things because you are a game developer, right?
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
First, head on over to the [Discord developers site](https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me) and make yourself an app. Keep track of `Client ID` -- you'll need it here to pass to the init function.
2017-07-25 23:00:12 +00:00
### Unreal Engine 4 Setup
To use the Rich Presense plugin with Unreal Engine Projects:
1. Download the latest [release](https://github.com/discordapp/discord-rpc/releases) for each operating system you are targeting and the zipped source code
2. In the source code zip, copy the UE plugin—`examples/unrealstatus/Plugins/discordrpc`—to your project's plugin directory
3. At `[YOUR_UE_PROJECT]/Plugins/discordrpc/source/ThirdParty/DiscordRpcLibrary/`, create an `Include` folder and copy `discord_rpc.h` and `discord_register.h` to it from the zip
4. Follow the steps below for each OS
5. Build your UE4 project
6. Launch the editor, and enable the Discord plugin.
#### Windows
- At `[YOUR_UE_PROJECT]/Plugins/discordrpc/source/ThirdParty/DiscordRpcLibrary/`, create a `Win64` folder
- Copy `lib/discord-rpc.lib` and `bin/discord-rpc.dll` from `[RELEASE_ZIP]/win64-dynamic` to the `Win64` folder
#### Mac
- At `[YOUR_UE_PROJECT]/Plugins/discordrpc/source/ThirdParty/DiscordRpcLibrary/`, create a `Mac` folder
- Copy `libdiscord-rpc.dylib` from `[RELEASE_ZIP]/osx-dynamic/lib` to the `Mac` folder
#### Linux
- At `[YOUR_UE_PROJECT]/Plugins/discordrpc/source/ThirdParty/DiscordRpcLibrary/`, create a `Linux` folder
- Inside, create another folder `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`
- Copy `libdiscord-rpc.so` from `[RELEASE_ZIP]/linux-dynamic/lib` to `Linux/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu`
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
### Unity Setup
If you're a Unity developer looking to integrate Rich Presence into your game, follow this simple guide to get started towards success:
1. Download the DLLs for any platform that you need from [our releases](https://github.com/discordapp/discord-rpc/releases)
2018-08-17 12:19:17 +00:00
2. In your Unity project, create a `Plugins` folder inside your `Assets` folder if you don't already have one
3. Copy the file `DiscordRpc.cs` from [here](https://github.com/discordapp/discord-rpc/blob/master/examples/button-clicker/Assets/DiscordRpc.cs) into your `Assets` folder. This is basically your header file for the SDK
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
2018-08-17 12:19:17 +00:00
We've got our `Plugins` folder ready, so let's get platform-specific!
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
#### Windows
2018-08-17 12:19:17 +00:00
4. Create `x86` and `x86_64` folders inside `Assets/Plugins/`
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
5. Copy `discord-rpc-win/win64-dynamic/bin/discord-rpc.dll` to `Assets/Plugins/x86_64/`
6. Copy `discord-rpc-win/win32-dynamic/bin/discord-rpc.dll` to `Assets/Plugins/x86/`
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
7. Click on both DLLs and make sure they are targetting the correct architectures in the Unity editor properties pane
8. Done!
#### MacOS
4. Copy `discord-rpc-osx/osx-dynamic/lib/libdiscord-rpc.dylib` to `Assets/Plugins/`
5. Rename `libdiscord-rpc.dylib` to `discord-rpc.bundle`
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
6. Done!
#### Linux
4. Copy `discord-rpc-linux/linux-dynamic-lib/libdiscord-rpc.so` to `Assets/Plugins/`
5. Done!
You're ready to roll! For code examples on how to interact with the SDK using the `DiscordRpc.cs` header file, check out [our example](https://github.com/discordapp/discord-rpc/blob/master/examples/button-clicker/Assets/DiscordController.cs)
2017-07-25 23:00:12 +00:00
### From package
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
Download a release package for your platform(s) -- they have subdirs with various prebuilt options, select the one you need add `/include` to your compile includes, `/lib` to your linker paths, and link with `discord-rpc`. For the dynamically linked builds, you'll need to ship the associated file along with your game.
2017-07-25 23:00:12 +00:00
### From repo
2018-03-26 17:37:03 +00:00
First-eth, you'll want `CMake`. There's a few different ways to install it on your system, and you should refer to [their website](https://cmake.org/install/). Many package managers provide ways of installing CMake as well.
To make sure it's installed correctly, type `cmake --version` into your flavor of terminal/cmd. If you get a response with a version number, you're good to go!
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
There's a [CMake](https://cmake.org/download/) file that should be able to generate the lib for you; Sometimes I use it like this:
2017-07-25 20:40:30 +00:00
2017-07-31 22:58:46 +00:00
cd <path to discord-rpc>
2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
mkdir build
cd build
2017-07-31 22:58:46 +00:00
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path to install discord-rpc to>
2017-07-25 23:00:12 +00:00
cmake --build . --config Release --target install
2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
There is a wrapper build script `build.py` that runs `cmake` with a few different options.
2017-12-14 21:58:03 +00:00
Usually, I run `build.py` to get things started, then use the generated project files as I work on things. It does depend on `click` library, so do a quick `pip install click` to make sure you have it if you want to run `build.py`.
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
There are some CMake options you might care about:
2017-07-31 22:58:46 +00:00
| flag | default | does |
| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `ENABLE_IO_THREAD` | `ON` | When enabled, we start up a thread to do io processing, if disabled you should call `Discord_UpdateConnection` yourself. |
| `USE_STATIC_CRT` | `OFF` | (Windows) Enable to statically link the CRT, avoiding requiring users install the redistributable package. (The prebuilt binaries enable this option) |
| [`BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.7/variable/BUILD_SHARED_LIBS.html) | `OFF` | Build library as a DLL |
| `WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS` | `OFF` | When enabled, compiles with `-Werror` (on \*nix platforms). |
2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
## Continuous Builds
Why do we have three of these? Three times the fun!
| CI | badge |
| -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| TravisCI | [![Build status](https://travis-ci.org/discordapp/discord-rpc.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/discordapp/discord-rpc) |
| AppVeyor | [![Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/qvkoc0w1c4f4b8tj?svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/crmarsh/discord-rpc) |
| Buildkite (internal) | [![Build status](https://badge.buildkite.com/e103d79d247f6776605a15246352a04b8fd83d69211b836111.svg)](https://buildkite.com/discord/discord-rpc) |
2017-11-15 04:40:32 +00:00
2017-07-20 22:59:15 +00:00
## Sample: send-presence
2017-11-29 18:36:14 +00:00
This is a text adventure "game" that inits/deinits the connection to Discord, and sends a presence update on each command.
2017-08-03 17:24:08 +00:00
## Sample: button-clicker
This is a sample [Unity](https://unity3d.com/) project that wraps a DLL version of the library, and sends presence updates when you click on a button. Run `python build.py unity` in the root directory to build the correct library files and place them in their respective folders.
2017-09-06 21:28:49 +00:00
## Sample: unrealstatus
This is a sample [Unreal](https://www.unrealengine.com) project that wraps the DLL version of the library with an Unreal plugin, exposes a blueprint class for interacting with it, and uses that to make a very simple UI. Run `python build.py unreal` in the root directory to build the correct library files and place them in their respective folders.
## Wrappers and Implementations
Below is a table of unofficial, community-developed wrappers for and implementations of Rich Presence in various languages. If you would like to have yours added, please make a pull request adding your repository to the table. The repository should include:
2018-08-17 12:17:57 +00:00
- The code
- A brief ReadMe of how to use it
- A working example
###### Rich Presence Wrappers and Implementations
| Name | Language |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- |
| [Discord RPC C#](https://github.com/Lachee/discord-rpc-csharp) | C# |
| [Discord RPC D](https://github.com/voidblaster/discord-rpc-d) | [D](https://dlang.org/) |
| [discord-rpc.jar](https://github.com/Vatuu/discord-rpc 'Discord-RPC.jar') | Java |
| [java-discord-rpc](https://github.com/MinnDevelopment/java-discord-rpc) | Java |
| [Discord-IPC](https://github.com/jagrosh/DiscordIPC) | Java |
| [Discord Rich Presence](https://npmjs.org/discord-rich-presence) | JavaScript |
| [drpc4k](https://github.com/Bluexin/drpc4k) | [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/) |
| [lua-discordRPC](https://github.com/pfirsich/lua-discordRPC) | LuaJIT (FFI) |
| [pypresence](https://github.com/qwertyquerty/pypresence) | [Python](https://python.org/) |
| [SwordRPC](https://github.com/Azoy/SwordRPC) | [Swift](https://swift.org) |