- Rephrase file/function/parameter/enum/define/error descriptions into full
and clear sentences.
- Make sure to adhere to the Arm writing guidelines.
- Fix missing/incorrect Doxygen tags.
- Standardize terminology used within the file.
- Add full standard name in file description.
GitHub PR: #1316
- Rephrase file/function/parameter/enum/define/error descriptions into full
and clear sentences.
- Make sure to adhere to the Arm writing guidelines.
- Fix missing/incorrect Doxygen tags.
- Standardize terminology used within the file.
- Rephrase the descriptions of all md_alg and hashlen parameters.
GitHub PR: #1327
- Rephrase file/function/parameter/enum/define/error descriptions into full
and clear sentences.
- Make sure to adhere to the Arm writing guidelines.
- Fix missing/incorrect Doxygen tags.
- Standardize terminology used within the file.
- Standardize defines documentation
GitHub PR: #1323
- Rephrase function/parameter/enum/define/error descriptions into full and
clear sentences.
- Make sure to adhere to the Arm writing guidelines.
- Fix missing/incorrect Doxygen tags.
- Standardize terminology used within the file.
GitHub PR: #1306
- Rephrase function/parameter/enum/define/error descriptions into full and
clear sentences.
- Make sure to adhering to the Arm writing guidelines.
- Fix missing/incorrect Doxygen tags.
- Standardize terminology used within the file.
- Fix iv_len values per the standard.
GitHub PR: #1305
- Separate "\file" blocks from copyright, so that Doxygen doesn't repeat
the copyright information in all the Detailed Descriptions.
- Improve phrasing and clarity of functions, parameters, defines and enums.
GitHub PR: #1292
A new test for mbedtls_timing_alarm(0) was introduced in PR 1136, which also
fixed it on Unix. Apparently test results on MinGW were not checked at that
point, so we missed that this new test was also failing on this platform.
Add MBEDTLS_ERR_XXX_HW_ACCEL_FAILED error codes for all cryptography
modules where the software implementation can be replaced by a hardware
This does not include the individual message digest modules since they
currently have no way to return error codes.
This does include the higher-level md, cipher and pk modules since
alternative implementations and even algorithms can be plugged in at
This commit allows users to provide alternative implementations of the
ECJPAKE interface through the configuration option MBEDTLS_ECJPAKE_ALT.
When set, the user must add `ecjpake_alt.h` declaring the same
interface as `ecjpake.h`, as well as add some compilation unit which
implements the functionality. This is in line with the preexisting
support for alternative implementations of other modules.
New functions to write a representation of an elliptic curve group and
point according to X9.62 and RFC5480: ECParameters as OID and ECPoint
as octet string.
Add a new key pair object type: MBEDTLS_PK_OPAQUE, intended for
implementations of asymmetric cryptography operations that call an
external cryptographic module.
External cryptographic module engines must implement the API described
by a mbedtls_pk_info_t structure and, usually, a custom setup function.
Document the fields of the mbedtls_pk_info_t structure and the
requirements on a PK engine. Also document non-obvious aspects of the
behavior of the pk interface functions on opaque keys.
Change the interface of check_pair_func to take a pointer to a full
mbedtls_pk_context as its pub argument, and not just the data part of
the context. This is necessary because when prv is opaque, pub may
legitimately be of a different type (typically prv would be opaque and
pub would be transparent).
This is in preparation to adding support for opaque keys in the pk layer. The
header files are for use as follows:
* pk.h for users of the pk interface.
* pk_info.h for implementers of opaque key engines.
* pk_internal.h only inside libmbedcrypto to implement built-in pk types.
Expose a function mbedtls_pk_signature_size to calculate the maximum
size of a signature made with a given key. Document that this is the
buffer size that mbedtls_pk_sign requires.
Add a corresponding field signature_size_func to the mbedtls_pk_info
Expose ecdsa_signature_to_asn1 in the API. It's useful when converting
between RFC 4492 format and other representations that might be used
in external crypto processors.
In the mbedtls_pk_info_t method can_do, pass the context data. This
will be needed for opaque keys, where the info structure depends on
the method to access the opaque key and not on the key type.
When checking whether a server key matches the handshake parameters,
rely only on the offered certificate and not on the metadata of the
private key. Specifically, with an EC key, check the curve in the
certificate rather than in the associated private key.
This was the only place in the SSL module where mbedtls_pk_ec or
mbedtls_pk_rsa was called to access a private signature or decryption
key (as opposed to a public key or a key used for DH/ECDH).
The _ext suffix suggests "new arguments", but the new functions have
the same arguments. Use _ret instead, to convey that the difference is
that the new functions return a value.
Conflict resolution:
* ChangeLog: put the new entries in their rightful place.
* library/x509write_crt.c: the change in development was whitespace
only, so use the one from the iotssl-1251 feature branch.