"no_time":"#### You hawen't pwovided a valid timestamp!\nExample: `{{prefix}}remindme 10m Take the pizza out of the oven!!! >w<`",
"message_too_long":"That weminder is too long! >.< It can't exceed {{length}} chawacters.",
"reminder_set":"#### Wemindew set!\nYou will weceive a diwect message {{time}}. Make suwe you always shawe at least one mutuwal sewver with MeowtoMod!"
"header":"### 👋 Hiiii! :3\n##### I'm AutoMod, thwe cwutest and frwiendlwiesst moderatwion assiwstant.\nBelow is a lwist of availawble commands to gwet ywou stwarted!",
"legend":"A 🔒 pwadlwock mweans dat ywou don't hawe permisswions to rwun the commawnd, whiwle ~~striwkethwough~~ commawnds are unavailable in dis chwat."
"prompt":"### Was thwis reawwy you~?\nIf swomeone twold ywou to wun this, **swtop!** Swomeowne is twying to **gwain access to ywour accwount**! (Nwaughty person!)\nThwe **onwly plwace** thwat ywou showuld wun dis command fwom is {{url}}.\nTwink someowne is twying to scam ywou? Wight cwick their avatwar and cwick \"Report user\". Don't rwepond to awny owther mwessages. Stway safe!\nIf thwis was ywou and ywou awe twying to lwog iwnto {{url}}, cwick on ✅️ bwelow to appwove dis reqwest.",
"not_found":"Hmm, it dwoesn't lwook like thwe OTP ywou pwowidedis vawid. *T^T",
"approved":"Lwogin requwest appwoved! Refwesh ywour browswer if nwothing hwappened.",
"denied":"Lwogiwn reqwest dwenied! If ywou thwink swomeowne is twying to scwam ywou, pwease repowt them immediwately."
"body_other":"This action will affect the fowwowing usews: {{users}}.",
"not_all_found":"{{count}} of the pwovided usews could not be found. Do you want to pwoceed anyway? >.<\nThe fowwowing usews will be affected: {{users}}",
"title":"Confiwm action",
"body_one":"This action will affect the fowwowing usew: {{users}}.",
"confirmed":"Action confiwmed!!",
"canceled":"Action cancewwed."
"error_generic":"An ewwor occuwwed",
"title":"No pewmission",
"body":"### ❌ Access denied!!\nYou need the fowwowing pewmissions to run this command: {{permissions}}"
"title":"Not in a sewver",
"body":"This command can only be used in a sewver."
"target_higher_than_you":"The target usew has a ranking equal to or higher than youws >.<",
"bot_cant_kick":"AutoMod does not have sufficient pewmission to eject the target usew.",
"bot_cant_ban":"AutoMod does not have sufficient pewmission to eradicate the target usew."
"title":"Hewe's your weminder!!",
"no_message":"*You didn't set a weminder message, click [hewe]({{url}}) to jump to context :33*",
"body":"#### Hiii~ you asked me to wemind you of the fowwowing {{timestamp}}:\n{{message}}"