
799 lines
28 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

2021-12-19 04:10:43 +00:00
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Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.x
value: 0
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- target: {fileID: 6234653029009288364, guid: 75ce9c0b59ff27f46a011e0cafc17fb3, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.y
value: 0
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- target: {fileID: 6234653029009288364, guid: 75ce9c0b59ff27f46a011e0cafc17fb3, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalRotation.z
value: 0
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- target: {fileID: 6234653029009288364, guid: 75ce9c0b59ff27f46a011e0cafc17fb3, type: 3}
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value: 0
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
- target: {fileID: 6234653029009288364, guid: 75ce9c0b59ff27f46a011e0cafc17fb3, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.y
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- target: {fileID: 6234653029009288364, guid: 75ce9c0b59ff27f46a011e0cafc17fb3, type: 3}
propertyPath: m_LocalEulerAnglesHint.z
value: 0
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propertyPath: m_Name
value: CamerasGame
objectReference: {fileID: 0}
Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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propertyPath: m_AnchoredPosition.y
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--- !u!1 &348185264 stripped
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--- !u!1 &348185265 stripped
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--- !u!1 &348185266 stripped
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--- !u!1 &348185267 stripped
Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &348185268 stripped
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--- !u!114 &348185269
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--- !u!1 &638827924
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--- !u!114 &638827925
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--- !u!4 &638827926
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m_RootOrder: 1
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Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
--- !u!1 &645596968
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--- !u!114 &645596969
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--- !u!4 &645596970
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2021-12-25 06:22:09 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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m_NavMeshLayer: 0
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2021-12-31 14:46:11 +00:00
m_IsActive: 1
2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
--- !u!4 &1157422644
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m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0}
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
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m_Father: {fileID: 0}
2021-12-31 14:46:11 +00:00
m_RootOrder: 0
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
--- !u!114 &1157422645
2021-12-31 14:46:11 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2021-12-31 14:46:11 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2021-12-31 14:46:11 +00:00
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2022-01-15 22:52:53 +00:00
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--- !u!1001 &1673703248
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Title Screen (#454) * Barebones title screen prefab added * logo and stuff * cool * Added sfx to title screen * The logo now bops to the beat * epic reveal * Fixed something * put some of the stuff into the main menu * other logo bop * Implemented logobop2 and starbop * added scrolling bg, tweaked positioning and wip splash text for play button * more menu * ooops * Expand implemented * cool * Made stars spawn in in the opening * make UI elements look nicer on different aspect ratios * add sound while hovering over logo * add settings menu to title screen make the title screen properly play after the opening * swap out title screen hover sound remove the old config path warning * every button works, some play mode fixes * fix issues with beataction/multisound and pausing * fix dropdown menus not working in certain screens * fix particles rotating when camera controls are used * touch style pause menu items only trigger if cursor is over an item * various changes make playback (unpausing) more reliable only apply changes to advanced audio settings on launch fix title screen visuals add opening music continue past opening by pressing a key update credits * almost forgot this * lol * initial flow mems * user-taggable fonts in textboxes * alt materials for kurokane * assets prep * plan out judgement screen layout change sound encodings * start sequencing judgement * judgement screen sequence * full game loop * fix major issue with pooled sound objects rebalance ranking audio fix issues with some effects in play mode * new graphics * particles * make certain uses of the beat never go below 0 fix loop of superb music * make markers non clamped lockstep frees rendertextures when unloading * lockstep creates its own rendertextures swapped button order on title screen added null checks to animation helpers disabled controller auto-search for now * enable particles on OK rank * play mode info panel * let play mode handle its own fade out * fix that alignment bug in controller settings * more safety here * Update PauseMenu.cs * settable (one-liner) rating screen text * address minigame loading crashes * don't do this twice * wav converter for mp3 * Update Minigames.cs * don't double-embed the converted audio * studio dance bugfixing spree * import redone sprites for studio dance * update jukebox prep epilogue screen * epilogue screen * studio dance inkling shuffle test * new studio dance choreo system * markers upgrade * fix deleting volume changes and markers prep category markers * Update Editor.unity * new rating / epilogue settings look * update to use new tooltip system mark certain editor components as blocking * finish category system * dedicated tempo / volume marker dialogs * swing prep * open properties dialog if mapper hasn't opened it prior for this chart fix memory copy bug when making new chart * fix ctrl + s * return to title screen button * make graphy work everywhere studio dance selector membillion mems * make sure riq cache is clear when loading chart * lol * fix the stupid * bring back tempo and volume change scrolling * new look for panels * adjust alignment * round tooltip * alignment of chart property prefab * change scale factor of mem * adjust open captions material no dotted BG in results commentary (only epilogue) bugfix for tempo / volume scroll * format line 2 of judgement a bit better update font * oops * adjust look of judgement score bar * new rating bar * judgement size adjustment * fix timing window scaling with song pitch * proper clamping in dialogs better sync conductor to dsptime (experiment) * disable timeline pitch change when song is paused enable perfect challenge if no marker is set to do so * new app icon * timing window values are actually double now * improve deferred timekeep even more * re-generate font atlases new app icon in credits * default epilogue images * more timing window adjustment * fix timing display when pitched * use proper terminology here * new logo on titlescreen * remove wip from play update credits * adjust spacing of play mode panel * redo button spacing * can pass title screen with any controller fix issues with controller auto-search * button scale fixes * controller title screen nav * remove song genre from properties editor * disable circle cursor when not using touch style * proper selection graphic remove refs re-add heart to the opening * controller support in opening --------- Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ThatZeoMan <67521686+ThatZeoMan@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-12-26 05:22:51 +00:00
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