
3069 lines
86 KiB
Raw Permalink Normal View History

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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &175668534089611559
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &6879237219359362440
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &6544443528640677978
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &1992265061004197342
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &4758241403226368494
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
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2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 1, z: 0}
--- !u!212 &5699986438258654680
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_StaticShadowCaster: 0
2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &2904820922900361117
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--- !u!4 &2037913084037357808
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2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
m_LocalScale: {x: 1, y: 1, z: 1}
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
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m_Father: {fileID: 4534486478964924522}
2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
m_RootOrder: 1
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--- !u!95 &5065216968979282284
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_StabilizeFeet: 0
2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1
m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
--- !u!114 &6151251985728575842
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2022-02-11 07:21:43 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &8734625411924137723
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &4534486478964924522
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &6331401567023014501
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!95 &3603513546661280919
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &4368596209713301186
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &3684904985109994079
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &3942464277001988917
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
--- !u!114 &3391455012319192365
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2022-02-11 07:21:43 +00:00
tweezerSpriteTrans: {fileID: 2763505388420312793}
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
--- !u!95 &574744067652312223
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_StabilizeFeet: 0
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1
m_AllowConstantClipSamplingOptimization: 1
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_KeepAnimatorStateOnDisable: 0
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
--- !u!1 &3699538017268986033
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--- !u!4 &3093870637168933024
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
--- !u!212 &6708651066604212979
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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m_Enabled: 1
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m_DynamicOccludee: 1
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_StaticShadowCaster: 0
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &3758930662465072685
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--- !u!4 &1958772841327951779
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_ConstrainProportionsScale: 0
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &7740319080085001650
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_StaticShadowCaster: 0
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &8812709733616465685
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &8741498874449051121
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &8539794534233051743
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!95 &6663364336420735003
Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
m_StabilizeFeet: 0
2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
m_HasTransformHierarchy: 1
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &267307033549538062
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &1567628432339719610
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &906648913160417781
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &2028814728392102610
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &8681571750292172627
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &2553655790574940162
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &5720065505527833233
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &5813499711186931250
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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2022-02-09 06:52:50 +00:00
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2022-02-10 08:13:54 +00:00
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2022-02-09 03:58:25 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &5813499711658895220
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &5813499711658895221
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &8055477133486438454
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &490979363708995888
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!4 &3165624171624290018
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &4499765452033351819
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &8946559871729365377
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--- !u!4 &5361624405334515297
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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--- !u!212 &7714950059230223278
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Rockers + Rhythm Tweezers Call and Response API (#444) * rock hers * Rockers is a real game and also color maps have been added * little more set up * anims and mor sprites * First version of CallAndResponseHandler added * You can mute now wow * Got some stuff working * anim city * Fixed Inputs * Visual goodies * Changed how some events work * Rockers is now stack proof * Fixed a bug * Bend early stages * bendbendbendbendbendover * bend fully implemented * Removed "noise" * pain * Many animation * Bend anims implemented * strum effect implemented * Made bends work way better * dfgdfsgsdffsd * Implemented strumstart and countin * hi * Made strumstart transition into strumidle * Implemented samples * All of the btsds samples are in now too * many anim2 * A buggy version of the custom together system has been implemented * Ok now it's unbuggified * fixed a small thing * lightning eff * anim fixes * oops * you can now mute voiceline and also put in a standalone voiceline block * Tweaks to dropdowns * more tiny anim thing * more animation stuff * Bug fixes * implemented mute and gotomiddle sliders for custom together event * Default cmon and last one added * You can chain last ones and cmons now * Applause sounds added * Fixed some bugs * Made it so you can disable camera movement * fixed an inconsistency * Rhythm tweezers is actually kinda playable now, not finished though, i need to make beat offset work with this * Rhythm tweezers now works between game switches * Beat offset eradication * Made eye size work properly * Camera quad ease rather than quint * Inactive intervals added * Rockers works inactively too now * Bug fix * No peeking! No way! * Alt smile added for tweezers * early and late riff * jj miss anim * icon and miss * Long hair works properly now * Miss anims implemented for rockers --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-05-29 20:09:34 +00:00
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