
847 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
%YAML 1.1
%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011:
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
--- !u!1 &2814421364062256314
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--- !u!224 &8313606602379655831
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-03-10 12:45:21 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-02-03 02:09:50 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-02-03 07:28:14 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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--- !u!20 &6234653028453841297
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-03-10 12:45:21 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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--- !u!81 &6234653028453841299
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2022-02-03 02:09:50 +00:00
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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2022-02-03 02:09:50 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
--- !u!1 &6234653029009288367
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--- !u!4 &6234653029009288364
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- {fileID: 6234653028453841262}
- {fileID: 6234653028281991656}
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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2022-01-03 22:42:43 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &7252983913051326197
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--- !u!224 &9126116407185073410
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--- !u!114 &4765703529618674964
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
--- !u!1 &8244570575520829750
m_ObjectHideFlags: 0
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- component: {fileID: 559692565600295811}
- component: {fileID: 4253744562964381497}
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--- !u!224 &1850376182743320724
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
m_LocalPosition: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_LocalScale: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
- {fileID: 2525279720671331054}
- {fileID: 9126116407185073410}
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
- {fileID: 8313606602379655831}
m_Father: {fileID: 6234653029009288364}
m_RootOrder: 4
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
m_LocalEulerAnglesHint: {x: 0, y: 0, z: 0}
m_AnchorMin: {x: 0, y: 0}
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m_AnchoredPosition: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_SizeDelta: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_Pivot: {x: 0, y: 0}
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
--- !u!223 &559692565600295811
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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--- !u!114 &4253744562964381497
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Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
m_ReferencePixelsPerUnit: 100
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m_ScreenMatchMode: 1
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
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--- !u!1 &8463691957270393964
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m_StaticEditorFlags: 0
m_IsActive: 1
--- !u!4 &1942359490671534657
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--- !u!20 &3903195013731577938
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serializedVersion: 2
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
m_ClearFlags: 2
m_BackGroundColor: {r: 0, g: 0, b: 0, a: 0}
m_projectionMatrixMode: 1
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m_SensorSize: {x: 36, y: 24}
m_LensShift: {x: 0, y: 0}
m_FocalLength: 50
serializedVersion: 2
x: 0
y: 0
width: 1
height: 1
near clip plane: 0.01
far clip plane: 1000
field of view: 53.15
orthographic: 1
orthographic size: 7.5
m_Depth: 1
serializedVersion: 2
m_Bits: 8256
m_RenderingPath: -1
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
m_TargetTexture: {fileID: 8400000, guid: 0fa7c9cc30624a1419ef8f30b8d9758b, type: 2}
m_TargetDisplay: 0
m_TargetEye: 0
Game Overlays (#280) * add accuracy display * temp BG for show * separate overlays prefab make proper shader for star effects * aim shakiness display * implement testing skill star * fully functional skill star * separate section display from editor * fully separate chart section display from timeline * add section to overlays * fix nullreference issues * start game layout settings * add game settings script * fix nonfunctioning scoring * invert y position logic on timing bar * add perfect challenge functionality * fix section not showing up in editor add perfect challenge option * add timing display minimal mode * Update PerfectAndPractice.png * show gismo for minigame bounds in editor * add ability to disable overlays in editor * prepare medals add new timing display graphic * hide screen preview * per-axis camera control added per request * section medals basic functionality * add medal get animations * fix bug with perfect icons * visual enhancements * adjust look of timing display minmode address audio ducking issues(?) * prepare overlay lyt editor add viewport pan, rotate, scale adjust audio setting * add layout editor UI elements * dynamic overlay creation * fix default single timing disp * set up overlay settings controls * start UI events * runtime uuid for component reference * layout editor affects overlay elements * show overlay element previews while editing * advanced audio settings * fix bug in drop-down creation * fallback defaults for the new stuff * fix textbox & overlay visibility bugs
2023-03-11 04:51:22 +00:00
m_HDR: 0
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m_ForceIntoRT: 0
m_OcclusionCulling: 0
m_StereoConvergence: 10
m_StereoSeparation: 0.022