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Meat Grinder Rework (#598) * meat grinder has been entirely reworked * update MeatGrinder.cs, replace assets background is still temporary but this is all im doing til ev can help * Boss New Anims * New Tack Animations * edited anims * new bg * working out merge conflics (cries) * push for anims stuff why r unity animations so suck * Cart guy cart guy cart guy * cart guy :) * explodes :angel: * curves for meat trajectory * typo * cart guy is awesome. and tack reaction. :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: :cat: * I love unity animation * everything but the boss call cancel fix * bacon anim (+ remove interp on other meat anims) * lastbeatpulse + gears are the only thing left i was GONNA add both the beat based and constant gear animations but it just doesn't work out the way i want it to. OHHHH WELLLLL im gonna use straight up transforms anyways so i wont have to deal with unity animation (🤢) * truly, and dearly, finished? NOPE! UNITY ANIMATION BUG :D * mwuhahahaha disable ass buns * meatsplash start, fix riqentity find bug * fixes + particle improvements all that's left is the phone bop and arc/particle adjustments, im pretty sure * particle + arc adjustment, fix weird anim play on gameswitch * fixed phonebop oops i was playing the idle animation in update... * make particles beat based just waiting on mine to fix the offset bug * fix trajectory jank --------- Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: minenice55 <star.elementa@gmail.com>
2023-12-31 04:06:31 +00:00
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