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2022-01-06 00:11:33 +00:00
/// Credit Titinious (https://github.com/Titinious)
/// Sourced from - https://github.com/Titinious/CurlyUI
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEditor;
namespace UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
[AddComponentMenu("UI/Effects/Extensions/Curly UI Graphic")]
public class CUIGraphic : BaseMeshEffect
// Describing the properties that are shared by all objects of this class
#region Nature
readonly public static int bottomCurveIdx = 0;
readonly public static int topCurveIdx = 1;
/// <summary>
/// Describing the properties of this object.
/// </summary>
#region Description
[Tooltip("Set true to make the curve/morph to work. Set false to quickly see the original UI.")]
protected bool isCurved = true;
public bool IsCurved
return isCurved;
[Tooltip("Set true to dynamically change the curve according to the dynamic change of the UI layout")]
protected bool isLockWithRatio = true;
public bool IsLockWithRatio
return isLockWithRatio;
[Tooltip("Pick a higher resolution to improve the quality of the curved graphic.")]
[Range(0.01f, 30.0f)]
protected float resolution = 5.0f;
/// <summary>
/// Reference to other objects that are needed by this object.
/// </summary>
#region Links
protected RectTransform rectTrans;
public RectTransform RectTrans
return rectTrans;
[Tooltip("Put in the Graphic you want to curve/morph here.")]
protected Graphic uiGraphic;
public Graphic UIGraphic
return uiGraphic;
[Tooltip("Put in the reference Graphic that will be used to tune the bezier curves. Think button image and text.")]
protected CUIGraphic refCUIGraphic;
public CUIGraphic RefCUIGraphic
return refCUIGraphic;
[Tooltip("Do not touch this unless you are sure what you are doing. The curves are (re)generated automatically.")]
protected CUIBezierCurve[] refCurves;
public CUIBezierCurve[] RefCurves
return refCurves;
protected Vector3_Array2D[] refCurvesControlRatioPoints;
public Vector3_Array2D[] RefCurvesControlRatioPoints
return refCurvesControlRatioPoints;
public CUIBezierCurve[] EDITOR_RefCurves
refCurves = value;
public Vector3_Array2D[] EDITOR_RefCurvesControlRatioPoints
refCurvesControlRatioPoints = value;
// Methods that are used often.
#region Reuse
protected List<UIVertex> reuse_quads = new List<UIVertex>();
#region Action
protected void solveDoubleEquationWithVector(float _x_1, float _y_1, float _x_2, float _y_2, Vector3 _constant_1, Vector3 _contant_2, out Vector3 _x, out Vector3 _y)
Vector3 f;
float g;
if (Mathf.Abs(_x_1) > Mathf.Abs(_x_2))
f = _constant_1 * _x_2 / _x_1;
g = _y_1 * _x_2 / _x_1;
_y = (_contant_2 - f) / (_y_2 - g);
if (_x_2 != 0)
_x = (f - g * _y) / _x_2;
_x = (_constant_1 - _y_1 * _y) / _x_1;
f = _contant_2 * _x_1 / _x_2;
g = _y_2 * _x_1 / _x_2;
_x = (_constant_1 - f) / (_y_1 - g);
if (_x_1 != 0)
_y = (f - g * _x) / _x_1;
_y = (_contant_2 - _y_2 * _x) / _x_2;
protected UIVertex uiVertexLerp(UIVertex _a, UIVertex _b, float _time)
UIVertex tmpUIVertex = new UIVertex();
tmpUIVertex.position = Vector3.Lerp(_a.position, _b.position, _time);
tmpUIVertex.normal = Vector3.Lerp(_a.normal, _b.normal, _time);
tmpUIVertex.tangent = Vector3.Lerp(_a.tangent, _b.tangent, _time);
tmpUIVertex.uv0 = Vector2.Lerp(_a.uv0, _b.uv0, _time);
tmpUIVertex.uv1 = Vector2.Lerp(_a.uv1, _b.uv1, _time);
tmpUIVertex.color = Color.Lerp(_a.color, _b.color, _time);
return tmpUIVertex;
/// <summary>
/// Bilinear Interpolation
/// </summary>
protected UIVertex uiVertexBerp(UIVertex v_bottomLeft, UIVertex v_topLeft, UIVertex v_topRight, UIVertex v_bottomRight, float _xTime, float _yTime)
UIVertex topX = uiVertexLerp(v_topLeft, v_topRight, _xTime);
UIVertex bottomX = uiVertexLerp(v_bottomLeft, v_bottomRight, _xTime);
return uiVertexLerp(bottomX, topX, _yTime);
protected void tessellateQuad(List<UIVertex> _quads, int _thisQuadIdx)
UIVertex v_bottomLeft = _quads[_thisQuadIdx];
UIVertex v_topLeft = _quads[_thisQuadIdx + 1];
UIVertex v_topRight = _quads[_thisQuadIdx + 2];
UIVertex v_bottomRight = _quads[_thisQuadIdx + 3];
float quadSize = 100.0f / resolution;
int heightQuadEdgeNum = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.CeilToInt((v_topLeft.position - v_bottomLeft.position).magnitude / quadSize));
int widthQuadEdgeNum = Mathf.Max(1, Mathf.CeilToInt((v_topRight.position - v_topLeft.position).magnitude / quadSize));
int quadIdx = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < widthQuadEdgeNum; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < heightQuadEdgeNum; y++, quadIdx++)
_quads.Add(new UIVertex());
_quads.Add(new UIVertex());
_quads.Add(new UIVertex());
_quads.Add(new UIVertex());
float xRatio = (float)x / widthQuadEdgeNum;
float yRatio = (float)y / heightQuadEdgeNum;
float xPlusOneRatio = (float)(x + 1) / widthQuadEdgeNum;
float yPlusOneRatio = (float)(y + 1) / heightQuadEdgeNum;
_quads[_quads.Count - 4] = uiVertexBerp(v_bottomLeft, v_topLeft, v_topRight, v_bottomRight, xRatio, yRatio);
_quads[_quads.Count - 3] = uiVertexBerp(v_bottomLeft, v_topLeft, v_topRight, v_bottomRight, xRatio, yPlusOneRatio);
_quads[_quads.Count - 2] = uiVertexBerp(v_bottomLeft, v_topLeft, v_topRight, v_bottomRight, xPlusOneRatio, yPlusOneRatio);
_quads[_quads.Count - 1] = uiVertexBerp(v_bottomLeft, v_topLeft, v_topRight, v_bottomRight, xPlusOneRatio, yRatio);
protected void tessellateGraphic(List<UIVertex> _verts)
for (int v = 0; v < _verts.Count; v += 6)
reuse_quads.Add(_verts[v]); // bottom left
reuse_quads.Add(_verts[v + 1]); // top left
reuse_quads.Add(_verts[v + 2]); // top right
// verts[3] is redundant, top right
reuse_quads.Add(_verts[v + 4]); // bottom right
// verts[5] is redundant, bottom left
int oriQuadNum = reuse_quads.Count / 4;
for (int q = 0; q < oriQuadNum; q++)
tessellateQuad(reuse_quads, q * 4);
// remove original quads
reuse_quads.RemoveRange(0, oriQuadNum * 4);
// process new quads and turn them into triangles
for (int q = 0; q < reuse_quads.Count; q += 4)
_verts.Add(reuse_quads[q + 1]);
_verts.Add(reuse_quads[q + 2]);
_verts.Add(reuse_quads[q + 2]);
_verts.Add(reuse_quads[q + 3]);
// Events are for handling reoccurring function calls that react to the changes of the environment.
#region Events
protected override void OnRectTransformDimensionsChange()
if (isLockWithRatio)
public void Refresh()
// we use local position as the true value. Ratio position follows it, so it should be updated when refresh
for (int c = 0; c < refCurves.Length; c++)
CUIBezierCurve curve = refCurves[c];
if (curve.ControlPoints != null)
Vector3[] controlPoints = curve.ControlPoints;
for (int p = 0; p < CUIBezierCurve.CubicBezierCurvePtNum; p++)
Undo.RecordObject(this, "Move Point");
Vector3 ratioPoint = controlPoints[p];
ratioPoint.x = (ratioPoint.x + rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x) / rectTrans.rect.width;
ratioPoint.y = (ratioPoint.y + rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y) / rectTrans.rect.height;
refCurvesControlRatioPoints[c][p] = ratioPoint;
// need this to refresh the UI text, SetAllDirty does not seem to work for all cases
if (uiGraphic != null)
uiGraphic.enabled = false;
uiGraphic.enabled = true;
// Methods that change the behaviour of the object.
#region Flash-Phase
protected override void Awake()
protected override void OnEnable()
#region Configurations
/// <summary>
/// Check, prepare and set everything needed.
/// </summary>
public virtual void ReportSet()
if (rectTrans == null)
rectTrans = GetComponent<RectTransform>();
if (refCurves == null)
refCurves = new CUIBezierCurve[2];
bool isCurvesReady = true;
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
isCurvesReady = isCurvesReady & refCurves[c] != null;
isCurvesReady = isCurvesReady & refCurves.Length == 2;
if (!isCurvesReady)
CUIBezierCurve[] curves = refCurves;
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
if (refCurves[c] == null)
GameObject go = new GameObject();
go.transform.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
go.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3.zero;
if (c == 0)
go.name = "BottomRefCurve";
go.name = "TopRefCurve";
curves[c] = go.AddComponent<CUIBezierCurve>();
curves[c] = refCurves[c];
refCurves = curves;
if (refCurvesControlRatioPoints == null)
refCurvesControlRatioPoints = new Vector3_Array2D[refCurves.Length];
for (int c = 0; c < refCurves.Length; c++)
refCurvesControlRatioPoints[c].array = new Vector3[refCurves[c].ControlPoints.Length];
for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++)
refCurves[c].OnRefresh = Refresh;
public void FixTextToRectTrans()
for (int c = 0; c < refCurves.Length; c++)
CUIBezierCurve curve = refCurves[c];
for (int p = 0; p < CUIBezierCurve.CubicBezierCurvePtNum; p++)
if (curve.ControlPoints != null)
Vector3[] controlPoints = curve.ControlPoints;
if (c == 0)
controlPoints[p].y = -rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y;
controlPoints[p].y = rectTrans.rect.height - rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y;
controlPoints[p].x = rectTrans.rect.width * p / (CUIBezierCurve.CubicBezierCurvePtNum - 1);
controlPoints[p].x -= rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x;
controlPoints[p].z = 0;
public void ReferenceCUIForBCurves()
// compute the position ratio of this rect transform in perspective of reference rect transform
Vector3 posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner = rectTrans.localPosition;// Difference between pivot
posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.x += -rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x + (refCUIGraphic.rectTrans.rect.width * refCUIGraphic.rectTrans.pivot.x);
posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.y += -rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y + (refCUIGraphic.rectTrans.rect.height * refCUIGraphic.rectTrans.pivot.y);
//posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.z = rectTrans.localPosition.z;
Vector3 bottomLeftPosRatio = new Vector3(posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.x / refCUIGraphic.RectTrans.rect.width, posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.y / refCUIGraphic.RectTrans.rect.height, posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.z);
Vector3 topRightPosRatio = new Vector3((posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.x + rectTrans.rect.width) / refCUIGraphic.RectTrans.rect.width, (posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.y + rectTrans.rect.height) / refCUIGraphic.RectTrans.rect.height, posDeltaBetweenBottomLeftCorner.z);
refCurves[0].ControlPoints[0] = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(bottomLeftPosRatio.x, bottomLeftPosRatio.y) - rectTrans.localPosition;
refCurves[0].ControlPoints[3] = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(topRightPosRatio.x, bottomLeftPosRatio.y) - rectTrans.localPosition;
refCurves[1].ControlPoints[0] = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(bottomLeftPosRatio.x, topRightPosRatio.y) - rectTrans.localPosition;
refCurves[1].ControlPoints[3] = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(topRightPosRatio.x, topRightPosRatio.y) - rectTrans.localPosition;
// use two sample points from the reference curves to find the second and third controls points for this curves
for (int c = 0; c < refCurves.Length; c++)
CUIBezierCurve curve = refCurves[c];
float yTime = c == 0 ? bottomLeftPosRatio.y : topRightPosRatio.y;
Vector3 leftPoint = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(bottomLeftPosRatio.x, yTime);
Vector3 rightPoint = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(topRightPosRatio.x, yTime);
float quarter = 0.25f,
threeQuarter = 0.75f;
Vector3 quarterPoint = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint((bottomLeftPosRatio.x * 0.75f + topRightPosRatio.x * 0.25f) / 1.0f, yTime);
Vector3 threeQuaterPoint = refCUIGraphic.GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint((bottomLeftPosRatio.x * 0.25f + topRightPosRatio.x * 0.75f) / 1.0f, yTime);
float x_1 = 3 * threeQuarter * threeQuarter * quarter, // (1 - t)(1 - t)t
y_1 = 3 * threeQuarter * quarter * quarter,
x_2 = 3 * quarter * quarter * threeQuarter,
y_2 = 3 * quarter * threeQuarter * threeQuarter;
Vector3 contant_1 = quarterPoint - Mathf.Pow(threeQuarter, 3) * leftPoint - Mathf.Pow(quarter, 3) * rightPoint,
contant_2 = threeQuaterPoint - Mathf.Pow(quarter, 3) * leftPoint - Mathf.Pow(threeQuarter, 3) * rightPoint,
solveDoubleEquationWithVector(x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2, contant_1, contant_2, out p1, out p2);
curve.ControlPoints[1] = p1 - rectTrans.localPosition;
curve.ControlPoints[2] = p2 - rectTrans.localPosition;
// use tangent and start and end time to derive control point 2 and 3
public override void ModifyMesh(Mesh _mesh)
if (!IsActive())
using (VertexHelper vh = new VertexHelper(_mesh))
public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper _vh)
if (!IsActive())
List<UIVertex> vertexList = new List<UIVertex>();
protected virtual void modifyVertices(List<UIVertex> _verts)
if (!IsActive())
if (!isCurved)
for (int index = 0; index < _verts.Count; index++)
var uiVertex = _verts[index];
// finding the horizontal ratio position (0.0 - 1.0) of a vertex
float horRatio = (uiVertex.position.x + rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x) / rectTrans.rect.width;
float verRatio = (uiVertex.position.y + rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y) / rectTrans.rect.height;
//Vector3 pos = Vector3.Lerp(refCurves[0].GetPoint(horRatio), refCurves[1].GetPoint(horRatio), verRatio);
Vector3 pos = GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(horRatio, verRatio);
uiVertex.position.x = pos.x;
uiVertex.position.y = pos.y;
uiVertex.position.z = pos.z;
_verts[index] = uiVertex;
public void UpdateCurveControlPointPositions()
for (int c = 0; c < refCurves.Length; c++)
CUIBezierCurve curve = refCurves[c];
Undo.RecordObject(curve, "Move Rect");
for (int p = 0; p < refCurves[c].ControlPoints.Length; p++)
Vector3 newPt = refCurvesControlRatioPoints[c][p];
newPt.x = newPt.x * rectTrans.rect.width - rectTrans.rect.width * rectTrans.pivot.x;
newPt.y = newPt.y * rectTrans.rect.height - rectTrans.rect.height * rectTrans.pivot.y;
curve.ControlPoints[p] = newPt;
// Methods that serves other objects
#region Services
public Vector3 GetBCurveSandwichSpacePoint(float _xTime, float _yTime)
//return Vector3.Lerp(refCurves[0].GetPoint(_xTime), refCurves[1].GetPoint(_xTime), _yTime);
return refCurves[0].GetPoint(_xTime) * (1 - _yTime) + refCurves[1].GetPoint(_xTime) * _yTime; // use a custom made lerp so that the value is not clamped between 0 and 1
public Vector3 GetBCurveSandwichSpaceTangent(float _xTime, float _yTime)
return refCurves[0].GetTangent(_xTime) * (1 - _yTime) + refCurves[1].GetTangent(_xTime) * _yTime;