155 lines
4.3 KiB
155 lines
4.3 KiB
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BezierSolution
[AddComponentMenu( "Bezier Solution/Bezier Walker Locomotion" )]
[HelpURL( "https://github.com/yasirkula/UnityBezierSolution" )]
public class BezierWalkerLocomotion : BezierWalker
public BezierWalker walker;
#pragma warning disable 0649
private List<Transform> tailObjects;
public List<Transform> Tail { get { return tailObjects; } }
private List<float> tailObjectDistances;
public List<float> TailDistances { get { return tailObjectDistances; } }
#pragma warning restore 0649
public bool highQuality = true; // true by default because when it is set to false, tail objects can jitter too much
public float movementLerpModifier = 10f;
public float rotationLerpModifier = 10f;
public LookAtMode lookAt = LookAtMode.Forward;
public override BezierSpline Spline { get { return walker.Spline; } }
public override bool MovingForward { get { return walker.MovingForward; } }
public override float NormalizedT
get { return walker.NormalizedT; }
set { walker.NormalizedT = value; }
private void Start()
if( !walker )
Debug.LogError( "Need to attach BezierWalkerLocomotion to a BezierWalker!" );
Destroy( this );
if( tailObjects.Count != tailObjectDistances.Count )
Debug.LogError( "One distance per tail object is needed!" );
Destroy( this );
private void LateUpdate()
Execute( Time.deltaTime );
public override void Execute( float deltaTime )
BezierSpline spline = Spline;
float t = highQuality ? spline.evenlySpacedPoints.GetPercentageAtNormalizedT( NormalizedT ) : NormalizedT;
bool forward = MovingForward;
for( int i = 0; i < tailObjects.Count; i++ )
Transform tailObject = tailObjects[i];
Vector3 tailPosition;
float tailNormalizedT;
if( highQuality )
if( forward )
t -= tailObjectDistances[i] / spline.evenlySpacedPoints.splineLength;
t += tailObjectDistances[i] / spline.evenlySpacedPoints.splineLength;
tailNormalizedT = spline.evenlySpacedPoints.GetNormalizedTAtPercentage( t );
tailPosition = spline.GetPoint( tailNormalizedT );
tailPosition = spline.MoveAlongSpline( ref t, forward ? -tailObjectDistances[i] : tailObjectDistances[i] );
tailNormalizedT = t;
tailObject.position = Vector3.Lerp( tailObject.position, tailPosition, movementLerpModifier * deltaTime );
if( lookAt == LookAtMode.Forward )
BezierSpline.Segment segment = spline.GetSegmentAt( tailNormalizedT );
tailObject.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp( tailObject.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation( forward ? segment.GetTangent() : -segment.GetTangent(), segment.GetNormal() ), rotationLerpModifier * deltaTime );
else if( lookAt == LookAtMode.SplineExtraData )
tailObject.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp( tailObject.rotation, spline.GetExtraData( tailNormalizedT, extraDataLerpAsQuaternionFunction ), rotationLerpModifier * deltaTime );
public void AddToTail( Transform transform, float distanceToPreviousObject )
if( transform == null )
Debug.LogError( "Object is null!" );
tailObjects.Add( transform );
tailObjectDistances.Add( distanceToPreviousObject );
public void InsertIntoTail( int index, Transform transform, float distanceToPreviousObject )
if( transform == null )
Debug.LogError( "Object is null!" );
tailObjects.Insert( index, transform );
tailObjectDistances.Insert( index, distanceToPreviousObject );
public void RemoveFromTail( Transform transform )
if( transform == null )
Debug.LogError( "Object is null!" );
for( int i = 0; i < tailObjects.Count; i++ )
if( tailObjects[i] == transform )
tailObjects.RemoveAt( i );
tailObjectDistances.RemoveAt( i );
private void Reset()
BezierWalker[] walkerComponents = GetComponents<BezierWalker>();
for( int i = 0; i < walkerComponents.Length; i++ )
if( !( walkerComponents[i] is BezierWalkerLocomotion ) && ( (MonoBehaviour) walkerComponents[i] ).enabled )
walker = walkerComponents[i];