JSL-Related Improvements (#679)

* *don't* cause a stack overflow when polling split controller

* update JSL (DualSense Edge support)

add ability to update controller bindings

* (temporarily) get rid of everything joy-con pair related

* prepare the new controller

update JSL

* implementation of joycon pair

* properly do the material

* finish implementation
This commit is contained in:
minenice55 2024-02-04 01:54:32 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent b352f3648f
commit 5e804b3bd6
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
20 changed files with 909 additions and 704 deletions

View file

@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ public static class JSL
public const int ButtonMaskPS = 16;
public const int ButtonMaskCapture = 17;
public const int ButtonMaskTouchpadClick = 17;
public const int ButtonMaskSL = 18;
public const int ButtonMaskSR = 19;
public const int ButtonMaskMic = 18;
public const int ButtonMaskSL = 19;
public const int ButtonMaskSR = 20;
public const int ButtonMaskFnL = 21;
public const int ButtonMaskFnR = 22;
public const int TypeJoyConLeft = 1;
public const int TypeJoyConRight = 2;

View file

@ -17,31 +17,33 @@
#define JSMASK_UP 0x00001
#define JSMASK_DOWN 0x00002
#define JSMASK_LEFT 0x00004
#define JSMASK_RIGHT 0x00008
#define JSMASK_PLUS 0x00010
#define JSMASK_OPTIONS 0x00010
#define JSMASK_MINUS 0x00020
#define JSMASK_SHARE 0x00020
#define JSMASK_LCLICK 0x00040
#define JSMASK_RCLICK 0x00080
#define JSMASK_L 0x00100
#define JSMASK_R 0x00200
#define JSMASK_ZL 0x00400
#define JSMASK_ZR 0x00800
#define JSMASK_S 0x01000
#define JSMASK_E 0x02000
#define JSMASK_W 0x04000
#define JSMASK_N 0x08000
#define JSMASK_HOME 0x10000
#define JSMASK_PS 0x10000
#define JSMASK_CAPTURE 0x20000
#define JSMASK_MIC 0x40000
#define JSMASK_SL 0x40000
#define JSMASK_SR 0x80000
#define JSMASK_UP 0x000001
#define JSMASK_DOWN 0x000002
#define JSMASK_LEFT 0x000004
#define JSMASK_RIGHT 0x000008
#define JSMASK_PLUS 0x000010
#define JSMASK_OPTIONS 0x000010
#define JSMASK_MINUS 0x000020
#define JSMASK_SHARE 0x000020
#define JSMASK_LCLICK 0x000040
#define JSMASK_RCLICK 0x000080
#define JSMASK_L 0x000100
#define JSMASK_R 0x000200
#define JSMASK_ZL 0x000400
#define JSMASK_ZR 0x000800
#define JSMASK_S 0x001000
#define JSMASK_E 0x002000
#define JSMASK_W 0x004000
#define JSMASK_N 0x008000
#define JSMASK_HOME 0x010000
#define JSMASK_PS 0x010000
#define JSMASK_CAPTURE 0x020000
#define JSMASK_TOUCHPAD_CLICK 0x020000
#define JSMASK_MIC 0x040000
#define JSMASK_SL 0x080000
#define JSMASK_SR 0x100000
#define JSMASK_FNL 0x200000
#define JSMASK_FNR 0x400000
#define JSOFFSET_UP 0
@ -66,8 +68,10 @@
#define JSOFFSET_MIC 18
#define JSOFFSET_SL 18
#define JSOFFSET_SR 19
#define JSOFFSET_SL 19
#define JSOFFSET_SR 20
#define JSOFFSET_FNL 21
#define JSOFFSET_FNR 22
// PS5 Player maps for the DS Player Lightbar
#define DS5_PLAYER_1 4

View file

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Pairing Second Joy-Con...'
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m_text: Press button on second Joy-Con to select...
m_text: Press ZL + ZR to pair Joy-Con
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using static JSL;
namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem.Loaders
public static class InputJoyconPairInitializer
public static InputController[] Initialize()
return Refresh();
public static InputController[] Refresh()
int joyconLCount = 0, joyconRCount = 0;
foreach (InputController con in PlayerInput.GetInputControllers())
if (con is InputJoyshock)
InputJoyshock joyshock = (InputJoyshock)con;
if (joyshock.GetJoyshockType() == TypeJoyConLeft)
else if (joyshock.GetJoyshockType() == TypeJoyConRight)
if (joyconLCount > 0 && joyconRCount > 0)
InputJoyconPair joyconPair = new InputJoyconPair();
return new InputController[] { joyconPair };
Debug.Log("No Joy-Con connected.");
return null;
namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public class InputJoyconPair : InputController
static readonly string[] nsConButtonNames = new[]
"Left Stick Click",
"Right Stick Click",
"", // mic on playstation, unused here
"", // fnl on playstation, unused here
"", // fnr on playstation, unused here
"Stick Up",
"Stick Down",
"Stick Left",
"Stick Right",
static int[] defaultMappings
return new[]
InputJoyshock leftController, rightController;
int GetButtonForAction(int action)
if (currentBindings.Pad == null) return -1;
if (action < 0 || action >= BINDS_MAX) return -1;
ControlBindings actionMap = currentBindings;
if (actionMap.Pad[action] > ButtonMaskFnR) return -1;
return actionMap.Pad[action];
int GetActionForButton(int button, ControlStyles style)
if (style != ControlStyles.Pad) return -1;
if (currentBindings.Pad == null) return -1;
if (button < 0 || button >= ButtonMaskFnR) return -1;
ControlBindings actionMap = currentBindings;
for (int i = 0; i < BINDS_MAX; i++)
if (actionMap.Pad[i] == button)
return i;
return -1;
public void SetLeftController(InputJoyshock leftController)
this.leftController = leftController;
public void SetRightController(InputJoyshock rightController)
this.rightController = rightController;
public bool HasControllers()
return leftController != null && rightController != null;
public override bool GetAction(ControlStyles style, int action)
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return false;
int button = GetButtonForAction(action);
if (button == -1) { return false; }
return leftController.GetButtonState(button).pressed || rightController.GetButtonState(button).pressed;
public override bool GetActionDown(ControlStyles style, int action, out double dt)
dt = 0;
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return false;
int button = GetButtonForAction(action);
if (button == -1) { dt = 0; return false; }
InputJoyshock.JoyshockButtonState leftState = leftController.GetButtonState(button);
if (leftState.pressed && leftState.isDelta)
dt = leftState.dt;
return true;
InputJoyshock.JoyshockButtonState rightState = rightController.GetButtonState(button);
if (rightState.pressed && rightState.isDelta)
dt = rightState.dt;
return true;
return false;
public override bool GetActionUp(ControlStyles style, int action, out double dt)
dt = 0;
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return false;
int button = GetButtonForAction(action);
if (button == -1) { dt = 0; return false; }
InputJoyshock.JoyshockButtonState leftState = leftController.GetButtonState(button);
if (!leftState.pressed && leftState.isDelta)
dt = leftState.dt;
return true;
InputJoyshock.JoyshockButtonState rightState = rightController.GetButtonState(button);
if (!rightState.pressed && rightState.isDelta)
dt = rightState.dt;
return true;
return false;
public override float GetAxis(InputAxis axis)
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return 0;
return leftController.GetAxis(axis) + rightController.GetAxis(axis);
public override int GetBindingsVersion()
return 1;
public override string[] GetButtonNames()
return nsConButtonNames;
public override ControlBindings GetCurrentBindings()
return currentBindings;
public override bool GetCurrentStyleSupported()
return PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle is ControlStyles.Pad; // or ControlStyles.Baton
public override ControlBindings GetDefaultBindings()
ControlBindings binds = new ControlBindings
Pad = defaultMappings,
version = GetBindingsVersion(),
PointerSensitivity = 3
return binds;
public override ControlStyles GetDefaultStyle()
return ControlStyles.Pad;
public override string GetDeviceName()
return "Joy-Con Pair";
public override InputFeatures GetFeatures()
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return 0;
InputFeatures features = leftController.GetFeatures() | rightController.GetFeatures();
return features;
public override bool GetFlick(out double dt)
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
dt = 0;
return false;
return leftController.GetFlick(out dt) || rightController.GetFlick(out dt);
public override bool GetIsActionUnbindable(int action, ControlStyles style)
return false;
public override bool GetIsConnected()
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return false;
return leftController.GetIsConnected() && rightController.GetIsConnected();
public override bool GetIsPoorConnection()
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return false;
return leftController.GetIsPoorConnection() || rightController.GetIsPoorConnection();
public override int GetLastActionDown()
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return -1;
int lastLeftButton = leftController.GetLastButtonDown();
int lastRightButton = rightController.GetLastButtonDown();
int leftAction = GetActionForButton(lastLeftButton, ControlStyles.Pad);
int rightAction = GetActionForButton(lastRightButton, ControlStyles.Pad);
if (leftAction == -1 && rightAction == -1)
return -1;
if (leftAction == -1)
return rightAction;
return leftAction;
public override int GetLastButtonDown(bool strict = false)
if (strict || leftController == null || rightController == null)
return -1;
return Math.Max(leftController.GetLastButtonDown(strict), rightController.GetLastButtonDown(strict));
public override int? GetPlayer()
return playerNum;
public override Vector2 GetPointer()
Camera cam = GameManager.instance.CursorCam;
Vector3 rawPointerPos = Input.mousePosition;
rawPointerPos.z = Mathf.Abs(cam.gameObject.transform.position.z);
return cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(rawPointerPos);
public override bool GetPointerLeftRight()
return false;
public override bool GetSlide(out double dt)
dt = 0;
return false;
public override bool GetSqueeze()
return false;
public override bool GetSqueezeDown(out double dt)
dt = 0;
return false;
public override bool GetSqueezeUp(out double dt)
dt = 0;
return false;
public override Vector3 GetVector(InputVector vector)
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
return Vector3.zero;
return leftController.GetVector(vector) + rightController.GetVector(vector);
public override void InitializeController()
leftController = null;
rightController = null;
public override void OnSelected()
if (leftController == null || rightController == null)
public override void RecentrePointer()
public override void ResetBindings()
currentBindings = GetDefaultBindings();
public override void SetCurrentBindings(ControlBindings newBinds)
currentBindings = newBinds;
public override void SetMaterialProperties(Material m)
Color colour;
m.SetColor("_BodyColor", ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#2F353A", out colour) ? colour : Color.white);
m.SetColor("_BtnColor", ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#2F353A", out colour) ? colour : Color.white);
if (leftController == null)
m.SetColor("_LGripColor", Color.white);
m.SetColor("_LGripColor", leftController.GetBodyColor());
if (rightController == null)
m.SetColor("_RGripColor", Color.white);
m.SetColor("_RGripColor", rightController.GetBodyColor());
public override void SetPlayer(int? playerNum)
this.playerNum = playerNum;
int handle;
if (leftController != null)
handle = leftController.GetHandle();
if (playerNum == -1 || playerNum == null)
JslSetPlayerNumber(handle, 0);
JslSetPlayerNumber(handle, (int)playerNum);
if (rightController != null)
handle = rightController.GetHandle();
if (playerNum == -1 || playerNum == null)
JslSetPlayerNumber(handle, 0);
JslSetPlayerNumber(handle, (int)playerNum);
public override void TogglePointerLock(bool locked)
public override ControlBindings UpdateBindings(ControlBindings lastBinds)
if (lastBinds.version == 0)
return GetDefaultBindings();
return lastBinds;
public override void UpdateState()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
fileFormatVersion: 2
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externalObjects: {}
serializedVersion: 2
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View file

@ -11,21 +11,31 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem.Loaders
public static class InputJoyshockInitializer
static bool failedJsl = false;
public static InputController[] Initialize()
failedJsl = false;
InputJoyshock.joyshocks = new();
PlayerInput.PlayerInputCleanUp += DisposeJoyshocks;
InputController[] controllers;
List<InputController> controllers;
int jslDevicesFound = 0;
int jslDevicesConnected = 0;
int[] jslDeviceHandles;
jslDevicesFound = JslConnectDevices();
jslDevicesFound = JslConnectDevices();
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError("Failed to initialize JoyShockLibrary: " + e.Message);
failedJsl = true;
return null;
if (jslDevicesFound > 0)
jslDeviceHandles = new int[jslDevicesFound];
@ -40,16 +50,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem.Loaders
Debug.Log("Connected " + jslDevicesConnected + " JoyShocks.");
controllers = new InputController[jslDevicesConnected];
controllers = new();
foreach (int i in jslDeviceHandles)
Debug.Log("Setting up JoyShock: ( Handle " + i + ", type " + JslGetControllerType(i) + " )");
InputJoyshock joyshock = new InputJoyshock(i);
controllers[i] = joyshock;
return controllers;
return controllers.ToArray();
Debug.Log("No JoyShocks found.");
return null;
@ -57,38 +68,42 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem.Loaders
public static void DisposeJoyshocks()
if (failedJsl) return;
foreach (InputJoyshock joyshock in InputJoyshock.joyshocks.Values)
public static InputController[] Refresh()
if (failedJsl) return null;
InputController[] controllers;
List<InputController> controllers;
int jslDevicesFound = 0;
int jslDevicesConnected = 0;
int[] jslDeviceHandles;
jslDevicesFound = JslConnectDevices();
if (jslDevicesFound > 0)
jslDeviceHandles = new int[jslDevicesFound];
jslDevicesConnected = JslGetConnectedDeviceHandles(jslDeviceHandles, jslDevicesFound);
controllers = new InputController[jslDevicesConnected];
controllers = new();
foreach (int i in jslDeviceHandles)
Debug.Log("Setting up JoyShock: ( Handle " + i + ", type " + JslGetControllerType(i) + " )");
InputJoyshock joyshock = new InputJoyshock(i);
controllers[i] = joyshock;
return controllers;
return controllers.ToArray();
Debug.Log("No JoyShocks found.");
return null;
@ -107,7 +122,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
"Joy-Con (R)",
"Pro Controller",
"DualShock 4",
"DualSense/Edge" // jsl doesn't expose a new device ID for DSE
static readonly int[] dsPlayerColours = new[]
@ -148,10 +163,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
return new[]
@ -170,10 +185,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
return new[]
@ -228,8 +243,11 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
"", // mic on playstation, unused here
"", // fnl on playstation, unused here
"", // fnr on playstation, unused here
"Stick Up",
"Stick Down",
"Stick Left",
@ -256,6 +274,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
"Touchpad Click",
static readonly string[] ps5ButtonNames = new[]
@ -279,13 +298,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
"Left Grip",
"Right Grip",
"Left Function",
"Right Function",
static readonly float debounceTime = 1f / 90f;
public static Dictionary<int, InputJoyshock> joyshocks;
float stickDeadzone = 0.5f;
const float STICK_DEAD = 0.6f;
int joyshockHandle;
int type;
@ -293,10 +316,11 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
int lightbarColour;
string joyshockName;
DateTime startTime;
bool joyConWantRotatedStick = true;
//buttons, sticks, triggers
JoyshockButtonState[] actionStates = new JoyshockButtonState[BINDS_MAX];
JoyshockButtonState[] buttonStates = new JoyshockButtonState[ButtonMaskSR + 1];
JoyshockButtonState[] buttonStates = new JoyshockButtonState[ButtonMaskFnR + 1];
JOY_SHOCK_STATE joyBtStateCurrent;
//gyro and accelerometer
IMU_STATE joyImuStateCurrent, joyImuStateLast;
@ -306,9 +330,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
// controller settings
JSL_SETTINGS joySettings;
InputJoyshock otherHalf;
bool isPair;
public struct JoyshockButtonState
public double dt; // time passed since state
@ -333,12 +354,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
joyshockHandle = handle;
int GetButtonForSplitType(int action)
int GetButtonForAction(int action)
if (currentBindings.Pad == null) return -1;
if (action < 0 || action >= BINDS_MAX) return -1;
ControlBindings actionMap = currentBindings;
if (actionMap.Pad[action] > ButtonMaskSR) return -1;
if (actionMap.Pad[action] > ButtonMaskFnR) return -1;
return actionMap.Pad[action];
@ -379,7 +400,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
lastInputStack = new();
actionStates = new JoyshockButtonState[BINDS_MAX];
buttonStates = new JoyshockButtonState[ButtonMaskSR + 1];
buttonStates = new JoyshockButtonState[ButtonMaskFnR + 1];
joyBtStateCurrent = new JOY_SHOCK_STATE();
joyImuStateCurrent = new IMU_STATE();
@ -423,6 +444,9 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
for (int i = 0; i < buttonStates.Length; i++)
buttonStates[i].isDelta = false;
buttonStates[i].debounce -= Time.deltaTime;
if (buttonStates[i].debounce < 0)
buttonStates[i].debounce = 0;
foreach (TimestampedState state in lastInputStack)
@ -431,7 +455,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
for (int i = 0; i < actionStates.Length; i++)
int bt = GetButtonForSplitType(i);
int bt = GetButtonForAction(i);
if (bt != -1)
bool pressed = BitwiseUtils.WantCurrent(state.input.buttons, 1 << bt);
@ -453,9 +477,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
bool pressed = BitwiseUtils.WantCurrent(state.input.buttons, 1 << i);
if (pressed != buttonStates[i].pressed && !buttonStates[i].isDelta)
buttonStates[i].pressed = pressed;
buttonStates[i].isDelta = true;
buttonStates[i].dt = reportTime - state.timestamp;
if (buttonStates[i].debounce <= 0)
buttonStates[i].pressed = pressed;
buttonStates[i].isDelta = true;
buttonStates[i].dt = reportTime - state.timestamp;
buttonStates[i].debounce = debounceTime;
@ -465,22 +493,19 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
//left rotates counterclockwise, right rotates clockwise, all by 90 degrees
float xAxis = 0f;
float yAxis = 0f;
if (otherHalf == null)
if (joyConWantRotatedStick && type is TypeJoyConLeft or TypeJoyConRight)
switch (splitType)
switch (type)
case SplitLeft:
case TypeJoyConLeft:
xAxis = -joyBtStateCurrent.stickLY;
yAxis = joyBtStateCurrent.stickLX;
case SplitRight: //use the right stick instead
case TypeJoyConRight:
xAxis = joyBtStateCurrent.stickRY;
yAxis = -joyBtStateCurrent.stickRX;
case SplitFull:
xAxis = joyBtStateCurrent.stickLX;
yAxis = joyBtStateCurrent.stickLY;
@ -491,17 +516,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
directionStateLast = directionStateCurrent;
directionStateCurrent = 0;
directionStateCurrent |= ((yAxis >= stickDeadzone) ? (1 << ((int)InputDirection.Up)) : 0);
directionStateCurrent |= ((yAxis <= -stickDeadzone) ? (1 << ((int)InputDirection.Down)) : 0);
directionStateCurrent |= ((xAxis >= stickDeadzone) ? (1 << ((int)InputDirection.Right)) : 0);
directionStateCurrent |= ((xAxis <= -stickDeadzone) ? (1 << ((int)InputDirection.Left)) : 0);
//Debug.Log("stick direction: " + directionStateCurrent + "| x axis: " + xAxis + " y axis: " + yAxis);
directionStateCurrent |= (yAxis >= STICK_DEAD) ? (1 << (int)ActionsPad.Up) : 0;
directionStateCurrent |= (yAxis <= -STICK_DEAD) ? (1 << (int)ActionsPad.Down) : 0;
directionStateCurrent |= (xAxis <= -STICK_DEAD) ? (1 << (int)ActionsPad.Left) : 0;
directionStateCurrent |= (xAxis >= STICK_DEAD) ? (1 << (int)ActionsPad.Right) : 0;
// Debug.Log($"{GetDeviceName()} stick direction: {directionStateCurrent}| x axis: {xAxis}, y axis: {yAxis}");
public override void OnSelected()
Task.Run(() => SelectionVibrate());
@ -514,8 +540,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public override string GetDeviceName()
if (otherHalf != null)
return "Joy-Con Pair";
return joyshockName;
@ -530,10 +554,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
case TypeDualSense:
return ps5ButtonNames;
if (otherHalf == null)
return nsConButtonNames;
return nsProButtonNames;
return nsConButtonNames;
@ -577,16 +598,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
switch (type)
case TypeJoyConLeft:
if (otherHalf == null)
binds.Pad = defaultMappingsL;
binds.Pad = defaultMappings;
binds.Pad = defaultMappingsL;
case TypeJoyConRight:
if (otherHalf == null)
binds.Pad = defaultMappingsR;
binds.Pad = defaultMappings;
binds.Pad = defaultMappingsR;
case TypeProController:
binds.Pad = defaultMappings;
@ -599,6 +614,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
binds.PointerSensitivity = 3;
binds.version = GetBindingsVersion();
return binds;
@ -617,20 +633,41 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
currentBindings = newBinds;
public override ControlBindings UpdateBindings(ControlBindings lastBinds)
if (lastBinds.version == 0)
switch (type)
case TypeProController:
case TypeDualShock4:
case TypeDualSense:
return lastBinds;
case TypeJoyConLeft:
case TypeJoyConRight:
for (int i = 0; i < lastBinds.Pad.Length; i++)
if (lastBinds.Pad[i] is 18 or 19)
lastBinds.Pad[i] = lastBinds.Pad[i] + 1;
return lastBinds;
return lastBinds;
public override int GetBindingsVersion()
return 1;
public override bool GetIsActionUnbindable(int action, ControlStyles style)
if (otherHalf == null)
if (type is TypeJoyConLeft or TypeJoyConRight)
switch (splitType)
if (style is ControlStyles.Pad)
case SplitLeft:
case SplitRight:
switch (style)
case ControlStyles.Pad:
return action is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3;
return action is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3;
return false;
@ -652,48 +689,74 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
for (int i = 0; i < actionStates.Length; i++)
if (i is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3)
if (BitwiseUtils.WantCurrentAndNotLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << i))
return i;
if (actionStates[i].pressed && actionStates[i].isDelta)
return i;
if (otherHalf != null)
return otherHalf.GetLastActionDown();
return -1;
public override bool GetAction(ControlStyles style, int button)
public JoyshockButtonState GetButtonState(int button)
if (button == -1) { return false; }
if (otherHalf != null)
return actionStates[button].pressed || otherHalf.actionStates[button].pressed;
return actionStates[button].pressed;
return buttonStates[button];
public override bool GetActionDown(ControlStyles style, int button, out double dt)
public JoyshockButtonState[] GetButtonStates()
if (button == -1) { dt = 0; return false; }
if (otherHalf != null && otherHalf.GetActionDown(style, button, out dt))
return buttonStates;
public override bool GetAction(ControlStyles style, int action)
if (action == -1) { return false; }
bool stick = false;
if (action is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3)
stick = BitwiseUtils.WantCurrent(directionStateCurrent, 1 << action);
return actionStates[action].pressed || stick;
public override bool GetActionDown(ControlStyles style, int action, out double dt)
if (action == -1) { dt = 0; return false; }
dt = actionStates[action].dt;
bool bt = actionStates[action].pressed && actionStates[action].isDelta;
if (bt)
return true;
dt = actionStates[button].dt;
return actionStates[button].pressed && actionStates[button].isDelta;
else if (action is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3)
dt = 0;
return BitwiseUtils.WantCurrentAndNotLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << action);
return false;
public override bool GetActionUp(ControlStyles style, int button, out double dt)
if (button == -1) { dt = 0; return false; }
if (otherHalf != null && otherHalf.GetActionUp(style, button, out dt))
dt = actionStates[button].dt;
bool bt = !actionStates[button].pressed && actionStates[button].isDelta;
if (bt)
return true;
dt = actionStates[button].dt;
return !actionStates[button].pressed && actionStates[button].isDelta;
else if (button is 0 or 1 or 2 or 3)
dt = 0;
return BitwiseUtils.WantNotCurrentAndLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << button);
return false;
public override float GetAxis(InputAxis axis)
@ -713,7 +776,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
case InputAxis.AxisRStickY:
return joyBtStateCurrent.stickRY;
case InputAxis.PointerX: //isn't updated for now, so always returns 0f
//return joyTouchStateCurrent.t0X;
//return joyTouchStateCurrent.t0X;
case InputAxis.PointerY:
//return joyTouchStateCurrent.t0Y;
@ -747,93 +810,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
return cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(rawPointerPos);
public override bool GetHatDirection(InputDirection direction)
int bt;
switch (direction)
case InputDirection.Up:
bt = 0;
case InputDirection.Down:
bt = 1;
case InputDirection.Left:
bt = 2;
case InputDirection.Right:
bt = 3;
return false;
if (otherHalf != null)
return GetAction(ControlStyles.Pad, bt) || BitwiseUtils.WantCurrent(otherHalf.directionStateCurrent, 1 << (int)direction) || BitwiseUtils.WantCurrent(directionStateCurrent, 1 << (int)direction);
return GetAction(ControlStyles.Pad, bt) || BitwiseUtils.WantCurrent(directionStateCurrent, 1 << (int)direction);
public override bool GetHatDirectionDown(InputDirection direction, out double dt)
int bt;
switch (direction)
case InputDirection.Up:
bt = 0;
case InputDirection.Down:
bt = 1;
case InputDirection.Left:
bt = 2;
case InputDirection.Right:
bt = 3;
dt = 0;
return false;
bool btbool = GetActionDown(ControlStyles.Pad, bt, out dt);
if (!btbool) dt = 0;
if (otherHalf != null)
return btbool || BitwiseUtils.WantCurrentAndNotLast(otherHalf.directionStateCurrent, otherHalf.directionStateLast, 1 << (int)direction) || BitwiseUtils.WantCurrentAndNotLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << (int)direction);
return btbool || BitwiseUtils.WantCurrentAndNotLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << (int)direction);
public override bool GetHatDirectionUp(InputDirection direction, out double dt)
int bt;
switch (direction)
case InputDirection.Up:
bt = 0;
case InputDirection.Down:
bt = 1;
case InputDirection.Left:
bt = 2;
case InputDirection.Right:
bt = 3;
dt = 0;
return false;
bool btbool = GetActionUp(ControlStyles.Pad, bt, out dt);
if (!btbool) dt = 0;
if (otherHalf != null)
return btbool || BitwiseUtils.WantNotCurrentAndLast(otherHalf.directionStateCurrent, otherHalf.directionStateLast, 1 << (int)direction) || BitwiseUtils.WantNotCurrentAndLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << (int)direction);
return btbool || BitwiseUtils.WantNotCurrentAndLast(directionStateCurrent, directionStateLast, 1 << (int)direction);
public override void SetPlayer(int? playerNum)
//TODO: dualshock 4 and dualsense lightbar colour support
@ -865,11 +841,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public Color GetBodyColor()
if (otherHalf != null)
// gets the colour of the right controller if is split
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(splitType == SplitRight ? joySettings.bodyColour : GetOtherHalf().joySettings.bodyColour);
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(joySettings.bodyColour);
@ -882,10 +853,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public Color GetLeftGripColor()
if (otherHalf != null)
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(splitType == SplitLeft ? joySettings.lGripColour : GetOtherHalf().joySettings.lGripColour);
if (joySettings.lGripColour == 0xFFFFFF)
return GetBodyColor();
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(joySettings.lGripColour);
@ -893,10 +860,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public Color GetRightGripColor()
if (otherHalf != null)
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(splitType == SplitRight ? joySettings.rGripColour : GetOtherHalf().joySettings.rGripColour);
if (joySettings.rGripColour == 0xFFFFFF)
return GetBodyColor();
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(joySettings.rGripColour);
@ -907,6 +870,16 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
return BitwiseUtils.IntToRgb(lightbarColour);
public int GetJoyshockType()
return type;
public void SetRotatedStickMode(bool rotated)
joyConWantRotatedStick = rotated;
public void SetLightbarColour(Color color)
lightbarColour = BitwiseUtils.RgbToInt(color);
@ -931,47 +904,11 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public void DisconnectJoyshock()
if (otherHalf != null)
otherHalf = null;
JslSetRumble(joyshockHandle, 0, 0);
JslSetLightColour(joyshockHandle, 0);
JslSetPlayerNumber(joyshockHandle, 0);
public void AssignOtherHalf(InputJoyshock otherHalf, bool force = false)
InputFeatures features = otherHalf.GetFeatures();
if (features.HasFlag(InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerLeft) || features.HasFlag(InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerRight))
//two-way link
this.otherHalf = otherHalf;
this.otherHalf.UnAssignOtherHalf(); //juste en cas
this.otherHalf.otherHalf = this;
else if (force)
public void UnAssignOtherHalf()
if (otherHalf != null)
this.otherHalf.otherHalf = null;
otherHalf = null;
public InputJoyshock GetOtherHalf()
return otherHalf;
public override bool GetFlick(out double dt)
dt = 0;
@ -996,12 +933,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
m.SetColor("_LGripColor", ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#2F353A", out colour) ? colour : Color.white);
m.SetColor("_RGripColor", ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#2F353A", out colour) ? colour : Color.white);
case "Joy-Con Pair":
m.SetColor("_BodyColor", splitType == SplitRight ? GetButtonColor() : GetOtherHalf().GetButtonColor());
m.SetColor("_BtnColor", splitType == SplitLeft ? GetButtonColor() : GetOtherHalf().GetButtonColor());
m.SetColor("_LGripColor", GetLeftGripColor());
m.SetColor("_RGripColor", GetRightGripColor());
case "DualShock 4":
m.SetColor("_BodyColor", ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#E1E2E4", out colour) ? colour : Color.white);
m.SetColor("_BtnColor", ColorUtility.TryParseHtmlString("#414246", out colour) ? colour : Color.white);

View file

@ -131,6 +131,16 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
currentBindings = newBinds;
public override ControlBindings UpdateBindings(ControlBindings lastBinds)
return lastBinds;
public override int GetBindingsVersion()
return 0;
public override bool GetIsActionUnbindable(int action, ControlStyles style)
return false;
@ -197,60 +207,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
return cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(rawPointerPos);
//todo: directionals
public override bool GetHatDirection(InputDirection direction)
switch (direction)
case InputDirection.Up:
return Input.GetKey((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[0]);
case InputDirection.Down:
return Input.GetKey((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[1]);
case InputDirection.Left:
return Input.GetKey((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[2]);
case InputDirection.Right:
return Input.GetKey((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[3]);
return false;
public override bool GetHatDirectionDown(InputDirection direction, out double dt)
dt = 0;
switch (direction)
case InputDirection.Up:
return Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[0]);
case InputDirection.Down:
return Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[1]);
case InputDirection.Left:
return Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[2]);
case InputDirection.Right:
return Input.GetKeyDown((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[3]);
return false;
public override bool GetHatDirectionUp(InputDirection direction, out double dt)
dt = 0;
switch (direction)
case InputDirection.Up:
return Input.GetKeyUp((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[0]);
case InputDirection.Down:
return Input.GetKeyUp((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[1]);
case InputDirection.Left:
return Input.GetKeyUp((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[2]);
case InputDirection.Right:
return Input.GetKeyUp((KeyCode)currentBindings.Pad[3]);
return false;
public override void SetPlayer(int? playerNum)
if (playerNum == -1 || playerNum == null)

View file

@ -259,6 +259,16 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
currentBindings = newBinds;
public override ControlBindings UpdateBindings(ControlBindings lastBinds)
return lastBinds;
public override int GetBindingsVersion()
return 0;
public override bool GetIsActionUnbindable(int action, ControlStyles style)
return action is 0;
@ -395,24 +405,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
return realPos;
//todo: directionals
public override bool GetHatDirection(InputDirection direction)
return false;
public override bool GetHatDirectionDown(InputDirection direction, out double dt)
dt = 0;
return false;
public override bool GetHatDirectionUp(InputDirection direction, out double dt)
dt = 0;
return false;
public override void SetPlayer(int? playerNum)
if (playerNum == -1 || playerNum == null)

View file

@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public struct ControlBindings
public int version;
public int[] Pad;
public int[] Baton;
public int[] Touch;
@ -184,7 +185,19 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
string json = File.ReadAllText(path);
if (json is not null or "")
currentBindings = JsonUtility.FromJson<ControlBindings>(json);
currentBindings = JsonUtility.FromJson<ControlBindings>(json);
if (currentBindings.version != GetBindingsVersion())
currentBindings = UpdateBindings(currentBindings);
catch (System.Exception)
@ -220,6 +233,19 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
/// <param name="newBinds"></param>
public abstract void SetCurrentBindings(ControlBindings newBinds);
/// <summary>
/// updates controller bindings to new versions
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lastBinds">bindings of a previous version</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract ControlBindings UpdateBindings(ControlBindings lastBinds);
/// <summary>
/// gets the current bindings version for this controller
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract int GetBindingsVersion();
/// <summary>
/// Whether a given action can have be rebount
/// </summary>
@ -286,29 +312,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.InputSystem
public abstract void TogglePointerLock(bool locked);
public abstract void RecentrePointer();
/// <summary>
/// True if the current direction is active
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool GetHatDirection(InputDirection direction);
/// <summary>
/// True if the current direction just became active this Update
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction"></param>
/// <param name="dt">time since the reported event, use to compensate for controller delays</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool GetHatDirectionDown(InputDirection direction, out double dt);
/// <summary>
/// True if the current direction just became inactive this Update
/// </summary>
/// <param name="direction"></param>
/// <param name="dt">time since the reported event, use to compensate for controller delays</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public abstract bool GetHatDirectionUp(InputDirection direction, out double dt);
public abstract bool GetFlick(out double dt);
public abstract bool GetSlide(out double dt);
public abstract bool GetSqueezeDown(out double dt);

View file

@ -23,16 +23,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
PlayerInputRefresh = new();
PlayerInputCleanUp = null;
controllers = InputJoyshockInitializer.Initialize();
if (controllers != null)
Debug.Log("InputJoyshockInitializer.Initialize had no controllers to initialize.");
controllers = InputKeyboardInitializer.Initialize();
if (controllers != null)
@ -53,6 +43,26 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.Log("InputMouseInitializer.Initialize had no controllers to initialize.");
controllers = InputJoyshockInitializer.Initialize();
if (controllers != null)
Debug.Log("InputJoyshockInitializer.Initialize had no controllers to initialize.");
controllers = InputJoyconPairInitializer.Initialize();
if (controllers != null)
Debug.Log("InputJoyconPairInitializer.Initialize had no controllers to initialize.");
return inputDevices.Count;

View file

@ -32,27 +32,44 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/editorTheme.json"))
string json = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/editorTheme.json");
theme = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Theme>(json);
// Naive way of doing it? Possibly, but we should have a theme editor in the future.
if (defaultTheme.properties.LayerColors != null)
if (json == "")
theme.properties.LayerColors = new string[]
theme = defaultTheme;
theme = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Theme>(json);
// Naive way of doing it? Possibly, but we should have a theme editor in the future.
if (defaultTheme.properties.LayerColors != null)
// Create a function for this in the future.
var savedTheme = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theme, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings()
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None,
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include,
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
theme.properties.LayerColors = new string[]
// Create a function for this in the future.
var savedTheme = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(theme, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings()
TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.None,
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Include,
ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore,
theme = defaultTheme;

View file

@ -67,7 +67,22 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Common
if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/settings.json"))
string json = File.ReadAllText(Application.persistentDataPath + "/settings.json");
gameSettings = JsonUtility.FromJson<GameSettings>(json);
if (json == "")
GlobalGameManager.IsFirstBoot = true;
gameSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GameSettings>(json);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.LogError($"Error while loading settings, creating default settings;\n{e.Message}");
GlobalGameManager.IsFirstBoot = true;

View file

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ public partial class ControllerLoaderGenerator
// sort by load order attribute (lower is first)
loadRunners.Sort((x, y) => x.Method.GetCustomAttribute<LoadOrder>().Order.CompareTo(y.Method.GetCustomAttribute<LoadOrder>().Order));
// USG: static classes are IsAbstract is set.
if (!context.TargetClass.IsClass)

View file

@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ namespace {context.TargetClass.Namespace}
string fullMethodLabel = $"{callingClass}.{method}";
Debug.Log(""Running game loader {callingClass}"");
game = {fullMethodLabel}(eventCaller);
if (game != null)

View file

@ -155,14 +155,9 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
var nextController = newController;
var lastController = PlayerInput.GetInputController(1);
if ((newController is InputMouse) && !(lastController is InputMouse))
Debug.Log("Mouse used, selecting keyboard instead");
nextController = controllers[0];
Debug.Log("Assigning controller: " + newController.GetDeviceName());
if (lastController != nextController && !firstBoot)
if (lastController != nextController)// && !firstBoot)
firstBoot = false;
if (nextController == null)
@ -172,6 +167,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle = nextController.GetDefaultStyle();
usingMouse = PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle == InputController.ControlStyles.Touch;
@ -179,18 +175,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
if ((lastController as InputJoyshock) != null)
(lastController as InputJoyshock)?.UnAssignOtherHalf();
if ((nextController as InputJoyshock) != null)
(nextController as InputJoyshock)?.UnAssignOtherHalf();
@ -276,13 +262,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
else if (settingsPanel.IsOpen)
if (PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle != InputController.ControlStyles.Touch)
if (controller.GetLastActionDown() == (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South)
// if (PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle != InputController.ControlStyles.Touch)
// {
// if (controller.GetLastActionDown() == (int)InputController.ActionsPad.South)
// {
// SettingsClose();
// }
// }
else if (!firstPress)
@ -570,7 +556,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
// waitingForButtonUp = true;
playPanelRevealTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0.2f;
playPanelRevealTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + 0.5f;
playMenuRevealed = true;

View file

@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
[SerializeField] private TMP_Dropdown controllersDropdown;
[SerializeField] private GameObject pairSearchItem;
[SerializeField] private GameObject autoSearchLabel;
[SerializeField] private GameObject pairSearchLabel;
[SerializeField] private GameObject pairSearchCancelBt;
[SerializeField] private TMP_Text pairingLabel;
// [SerializeField] private GameObject pairSearchLabel;
// [SerializeField] private GameObject pairSearchCancelBt;
// [SerializeField] private TMP_Text pairingLabel;
[SerializeField] private List<GameObject> controllerIcons;
[SerializeField] private Material controllerMat;
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
[SerializeField] private Slider cursorSensitivitySlider;
private bool isAutoSearching = false;
private bool isPairSearching = false;
private bool pairSelectLR = false; //true = left, false = right
// private bool isPairSearching = false;
// private bool pairSelectLR = false; //true = left, false = right
private bool bindAllMode;
private int currentBindingBt;
@ -113,28 +113,35 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
else if (isPairSearching)
else if (currentController.GetType() == typeof(InputJoyconPair))
var controllers = PlayerInput.GetInputControllers();
InputController.InputFeatures lrFlag = pairSelectLR ? InputController.InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerLeft : InputController.InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerRight;
foreach (var pairController in controllers)
InputJoyconPair pair = (InputJoyconPair)currentController;
if (!pair.HasControllers())
if (pairController == currentController) continue;
InputController.InputFeatures features = pairController.GetFeatures();
if (!features.HasFlag(lrFlag)) continue;
if (pairController.GetLastButtonDown() > 0)
Debug.Log("Pair searching");
List<InputJoyshock> controllers = PlayerInput.GetInputControllers()
.Select(x => x as InputJoyshock)
.Where(x => x != null && x.GetJoyshockType() is TypeJoyConLeft or TypeJoyConRight)
foreach (var possibleController in controllers)
(PlayerInput.GetInputController(1) as InputJoyshock)?.AssignOtherHalf((InputJoyshock)pairController);
isPairSearching = false;
currentControllerLabel.text = "Current Controller: " + pairController.GetDeviceName();
pairingLabel.text = "Joy-Con Pair Selected\nPairing Successful!";
if (possibleController.GetLastButtonDown(true) == ButtonMaskZL && possibleController.GetJoyshockType() == TypeJoyConLeft)
else if (possibleController.GetLastButtonDown(true) == ButtonMaskZR && possibleController.GetJoyshockType() == TypeJoyConRight)
if (pair.HasControllers())
@ -193,17 +200,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
if ((lastController as InputJoyshock) != null)
(lastController as InputJoyshock)?.UnAssignOtherHalf();
if ((newController as InputJoyshock) != null)
(newController as InputJoyshock)?.UnAssignOtherHalf();
currentControllerLabel.text = "Current Controller: " + newController.GetDeviceName();
if (!newController.GetCurrentStyleSupported())
@ -212,32 +208,23 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
InputController.InputFeatures features = newController.GetFeatures();
if (features.HasFlag(InputController.InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerLeft))
if (newController is InputJoyconPair)
pairingLabel.text = "Joy-Con (L) Selected\nPress any button on Joy-Con (R) to pair.";
pairSelectLR = !features.HasFlag(InputController.InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerLeft);
InputJoyconPair pair = (InputJoyconPair)newController;
else if (features.HasFlag(InputController.InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerRight))
pairingLabel.text = "Joy-Con (R) Selected\nPress any button on Joy-Con (L) to pair.";
pairSelectLR = !features.HasFlag(InputController.InputFeatures.Extra_SplitControllerLeft);
public void ControllerDropdownChange()
@ -253,7 +240,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
public void StartBindSingle(int bt)
if (PlayerInput.GetInputController(1).GetIsActionUnbindable(bt, PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle))
InputController currentController = PlayerInput.GetInputController(1);
if (currentController.GetIsActionUnbindable(bt, PlayerInput.CurrentControlStyle))
if (currentController is InputJoyconPair && !(currentController as InputJoyconPair).HasControllers())
@ -276,9 +268,14 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
public void StartBindAll()
InputController currentController = PlayerInput.GetInputController(1);
if (currentController is InputJoyconPair && !(currentController as InputJoyconPair).HasControllers())
bindAllMode = true;
currentBindingBt = -1;
public void CancelBind()
@ -300,34 +297,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor
public void StartAutoSearch()
if (!isPairSearching)
isAutoSearching = true;
isAutoSearching = true;
public void StartPairSearch()
if (!isAutoSearching)
isPairSearching = true;
public void CancelPairSearch()
if (isPairSearching)
isPairSearching = false;
pairingLabel.text = "Joy-Con Selected\nPairing was cancelled.";
public void SearchAndConnectControllers()

View file

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Minigames.Minigame game;
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlBadmintonLoader");
game = RvlBadmintonLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -24,7 +23,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlBadmintonLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader CtrBearLoader");
game = CtrBearLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -35,7 +33,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader CtrBearLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlBoardMeetingLoader");
game = RvlBoardMeetingLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -46,7 +43,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlBoardMeetingLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrFlickLoader");
game = NtrFlickLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -57,7 +53,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrFlickLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader CtrCatchLoader");
game = CtrCatchLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -68,7 +63,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader CtrCatchLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlBookLoader");
game = RvlBookLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -79,7 +73,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlBookLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbClapLoader");
game = AgbClapLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -90,7 +83,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbClapLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrCoinLoader");
game = NtrCoinLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -101,7 +93,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrCoinLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrCropLoader");
game = NtrCropLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -112,7 +103,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrCropLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrDjLoader");
game = NtrDjLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -123,7 +113,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrDjLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrDogNinjaLoader");
game = NtrDogNinjaLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -134,7 +123,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrDogNinjaLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlDoubleDateLoader");
game = RvlDoubleDateLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -145,7 +133,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlDoubleDateLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader CtrDrummingLoader");
game = CtrDrummingLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -156,7 +143,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader CtrDrummingLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrIdolLoader");
game = NtrIdolLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -167,7 +153,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrIdolLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbFireworkLoader");
game = AgbFireworkLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -178,7 +163,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbFireworkLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader CtrFirstContact");
game = CtrFirstContact.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -189,7 +173,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader CtrFirstContact failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlFlipperFlopLoader");
game = RvlFlipperFlopLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -200,7 +183,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlFlipperFlopLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlForkLoader");
game = RvlForkLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -211,7 +193,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlForkLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrGleeClubLoader");
game = NtrGleeClubLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -222,7 +203,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrGleeClubLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlNewKarateLoader");
game = RvlNewKarateLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -233,7 +213,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlNewKarateLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader CtrTeppanLoader");
game = CtrTeppanLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -244,7 +223,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader CtrTeppanLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlRocketLoader");
game = RvlRocketLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -255,7 +233,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlRocketLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrBackbeatLoader");
game = NtrBackbeatLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -266,7 +243,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrBackbeatLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbMannequinFactoryLoader");
game = AgbMannequinFactoryLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -277,7 +253,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbMannequinFactoryLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlManzaiLoader");
game = RvlManzaiLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -288,7 +263,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlManzaiLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbMarcherLoader");
game = AgbMarcherLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -299,7 +273,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbMarcherLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader PcoMeatLoader");
game = PcoMeatLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -310,7 +283,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader PcoMeatLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlMonkeyWatchLoader");
game = RvlMonkeyWatchLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -321,7 +293,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlMonkeyWatchLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbUpbeatLoader");
game = AgbUpbeatLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -332,7 +303,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbUpbeatLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader ntrMunchyMonkLoader");
game = ntrMunchyMonkLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -343,7 +313,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader ntrMunchyMonkLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbNightWalkLoader");
game = AgbNightWalkLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -354,7 +323,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbNightWalkLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrOctopusMachineLoader");
game = NtrOctopusMachineLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -365,7 +333,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrOctopusMachineLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader CtrPillowLoader");
game = CtrPillowLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -376,7 +343,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader CtrPillowLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbQuizShowLoader");
game = AgbQuizShowLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -387,7 +353,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbQuizShowLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrPingpongLoader");
game = NtrPingpongLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -398,7 +363,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrPingpongLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader PcoSomenLoader");
game = PcoSomenLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -409,7 +373,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader PcoSomenLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbHairLoader");
game = AgbHairLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -420,7 +383,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbHairLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlRingsideLoader");
game = RvlRingsideLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -431,7 +393,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlRingsideLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrRockersLoader");
game = NtrRockersLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -442,7 +403,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrRockersLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrSamuraiLoader");
game = NtrSamuraiLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -453,7 +413,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrSamuraiLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlSeeSawLoader");
game = RvlSeeSawLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -464,7 +423,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlSeeSawLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbGhostLoader");
game = AgbGhostLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -475,7 +433,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbGhostLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbBatterLoader");
game = AgbBatterLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -486,7 +443,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbBatterLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbSpaceDanceLoader");
game = AgbSpaceDanceLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -497,7 +453,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbSpaceDanceLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrSoccerLoader");
game = NtrSoccerLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -508,7 +463,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrSoccerLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrSplashdownLoader");
game = NtrSplashdownLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -519,7 +473,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrSplashdownLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlTambourineLoader");
game = RvlTambourineLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -530,7 +483,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlTambourineLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbTapLoader");
game = AgbTapLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -541,7 +493,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbTapLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlTapTroupeLoader");
game = RvlTapTroupeLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -552,7 +503,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader RvlTapTroupeLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrDazzlesLoader");
game = NtrDazzlesLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -563,7 +513,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrDazzlesLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbTossBoysLoader");
game = AgbTossBoysLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -574,7 +523,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbTossBoysLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader TotemClimbLoader");
game = TotemClimbLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -585,7 +533,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader TotemClimbLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbTramLoader");
game = AgbTramLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -596,7 +543,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbTramLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader MobTrickLoader");
game = MobTrickLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -607,7 +553,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader MobTrickLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader NtrTunnelLoader");
game = NtrTunnelLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -618,7 +563,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader NtrTunnelLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader AgbWaltzLoader");
game = AgbWaltzLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)
@ -629,7 +573,6 @@ namespace HeavenStudio
Debug.LogWarning("Game loader AgbWaltzLoader failed!");
Debug.Log("Running game loader RvlWorkingDoughLoader");
game = RvlWorkingDoughLoader.AddGame(eventCaller);
if (game != null)