background particles, gradient
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second: karateman_rainy_3
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@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ using UnityEngine;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
using static Minigames;
using static Minigames;
@ -44,10 +42,22 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("type3", KarateMan.BackgroundFXType.None, "FX Type", "The background effect to be displayed")
new Param("type3", KarateMan.BackgroundFXType.None, "FX Type", "The background effect to be displayed")
new GameAction("set background texture", delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; KarateMan.instance.SetBgTexture(e.type, e.type2, e.colorA); }, 0.5f, false, new List<Param>()
new Param("type", KarateMan.BackgroundTextureType.Plain, "Texture", "The type of background texture to use"),
new Param("type2", KarateMan.ShadowType.Tinted, "Color Filter Type", "The method used to apply colour to the texture"),
new Param("colorA", new Color(), "Custom Filter Color", "The filter color to use when color filter type is set to Custom"),
new GameAction("special camera", delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; KarateMan.instance.DoSpecialCamera(e.beat, e.length, e.toggle); }, 8f, true, new List<Param>()
new GameAction("special camera", delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; KarateMan.instance.DoSpecialCamera(e.beat, e.length, e.toggle); }, 8f, true, new List<Param>()
new Param("toggle", true, "Return Camera", "Camera zooms back in?"),
new Param("toggle", true, "Return Camera", "Camera zooms back in?"),
new GameAction("particle effects", delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; KarateMan.instance.SetParticleEffect(e.beat, e.type, e.valA, e.valB); }, 0.5f, false, new List<Param>()
new Param("type", KarateMan.ParticleType.None, "Particle Type", "The type of particle effect to spawn"),
new Param("valA", new EntityTypes.Float(0f, 64f, 1f), "Wind Strength", "The strength of the particle wind. (Does not work on the Rain particle.)"),
new Param("valB", new EntityTypes.Float(1f, 12f, 1f), "Particle Intensity", "The intensity of the particle effect.")
// These are still here for backwards-compatibility but are hidden in the editor
// These are still here for backwards-compatibility but are hidden in the editor
new GameAction("pot", delegate { KarateMan.instance.CreateItem(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, (int) KarateMan.HitType.Pot); }, 2, hidden: true),
new GameAction("pot", delegate { KarateMan.instance.CreateItem(eventCaller.currentEntity.beat, (int) KarateMan.HitType.Pot); }, 2, hidden: true),
@ -141,6 +151,14 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public enum BackgroundTextureType
public enum ShadowType
public enum ShadowType
@ -153,40 +171,69 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public enum ParticleType
public Color[] LightBulbColors;
public Color[] LightBulbColors;
public Color[] BackgroundColors;
public Color[] BackgroundColors;
public Color[] ShadowColors;
public Color[] ShadowColors;
//camera positions (normal, special)
//camera positions (normal, special)
[Header("Camera Positions")]
public Transform[] CameraPosition;
public Transform[] CameraPosition;
Vector3 cameraPosition;
Vector3 cameraPosition;
float startCamSpecial = Single.MinValue;
float startCamSpecial = Single.MinValue;
float wantsReturn = Single.MinValue;
float wantsReturn = Single.MinValue;
float cameraReturnLength = 2f;
CameraAngle cameraAngle = CameraAngle.Normal;
//pot trajectory stuff
//pot trajectory stuff
public Transform ItemHolder;
public Transform ItemHolder;
public GameObject Item;
public GameObject Item;
public KarateManJoe Joe;
public KarateManJoe Joe;
//warning text
public Animator Word;
public Animator Word;
float wordClearTime = Single.MinValue;
float wordClearTime = Single.MinValue;
const float hitVoiceOffset = 0.042f;
const float hitVoiceOffset = 0.042f;
public SpriteRenderer BGPlane;
public SpriteRenderer BGPlane;
public GameObject BGEffect;
public GameObject BGEffect;
int bgType = (int) BackgroundType.Yellow;
int bgType = (int) BackgroundType.Yellow;
Color bgColour;
Color bgColour;
public BackgroundFXType currentBgEffect = BackgroundFXType.None;
public BackgroundFXType currentBgEffect = BackgroundFXType.None;
Animator bgEffectAnimator;
Animator bgEffectAnimator;
SpriteRenderer bgEffectSpriteRenderer;
SpriteRenderer bgEffectSpriteRenderer;
int textureFiltertype = (int) ShadowType.Tinted;
ShadowType currentShadowType = ShadowType.Tinted;
public GameObject BGGradient;
SpriteRenderer bgGradientRenderer;
int currentShadowType = (int) ShadowType.Tinted;
Color customShadowColour = Color.white;
Color customShadowColour = Color.white;
public WindZone Wind;
public ParticleSystem SnowEffect;
public GameObject SnowEffectGO;
public ParticleSystem FireEffect;
public GameObject FireEffectGO;
public ParticleSystem RainEffect;
public GameObject RainEffectGO;
private void Awake()
private void Awake()
instance = this;
instance = this;
@ -200,6 +247,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
bgEffectAnimator = BGEffect.GetComponent<Animator>();
bgEffectAnimator = BGEffect.GetComponent<Animator>();
bgEffectSpriteRenderer = BGEffect.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
bgEffectSpriteRenderer = BGEffect.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
bgGradientRenderer = BGGradient.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
SetBgAndShadowCol(0f, bgType, (int) currentShadowType, BackgroundColors[bgType], customShadowColour, (int)currentBgEffect);
SetBgAndShadowCol(0f, bgType, (int) currentShadowType, BackgroundColors[bgType], customShadowColour, (int)currentBgEffect);
@ -228,17 +277,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
float camX = 0f;
float camX = 0f;
float camY = 0f;
float camY = 0f;
float camZ = 0f;
float camZ = 0f;
if (cond.songPositionInBeats <= startCamSpecial + 2f)
if (cond.songPositionInBeats <= startCamSpecial + cameraReturnLength)
float prog = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(startCamSpecial, 2f);
float prog = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(startCamSpecial, cameraReturnLength);
camX = EasingFunction.EaseOutCubic(CameraPosition[0].position.x, CameraPosition[1].position.x, prog);
camX = EasingFunction.EaseOutCubic(CameraPosition[0].position.x, CameraPosition[1].position.x, prog);
camY = EasingFunction.EaseOutCubic(CameraPosition[0].position.y, CameraPosition[1].position.y, prog);
camY = EasingFunction.EaseOutCubic(CameraPosition[0].position.y, CameraPosition[1].position.y, prog);
camZ = EasingFunction.EaseOutCubic(CameraPosition[0].position.z, CameraPosition[1].position.z, prog);
camZ = EasingFunction.EaseOutCubic(CameraPosition[0].position.z, CameraPosition[1].position.z, prog);
cameraPosition = new Vector3(camX, camY, camZ);
cameraPosition = new Vector3(camX, camY, camZ);
else if (cond.songPositionInBeats >= wantsReturn - 2f)
else if (cond.songPositionInBeats >= wantsReturn - cameraReturnLength)
float prog = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(wantsReturn - 2f, 2f);
float prog = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(wantsReturn - cameraReturnLength, cameraReturnLength);
camX = EasingFunction.EaseOutQuad(CameraPosition[1].position.x, CameraPosition[0].position.x, prog);
camX = EasingFunction.EaseOutQuad(CameraPosition[1].position.x, CameraPosition[0].position.x, prog);
camY = EasingFunction.EaseOutQuad(CameraPosition[1].position.y, CameraPosition[0].position.y, prog);
camY = EasingFunction.EaseOutQuad(CameraPosition[1].position.y, CameraPosition[0].position.y, prog);
camZ = EasingFunction.EaseOutQuad(CameraPosition[1].position.z, CameraPosition[0].position.z, prog);
camZ = EasingFunction.EaseOutQuad(CameraPosition[1].position.z, CameraPosition[0].position.z, prog);
@ -251,6 +300,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
if (cameraAngle == CameraAngle.Special)
cameraAngle = CameraAngle.Normal;
cameraPosition = CameraPosition[0].position;
cameraPosition = CameraPosition[0].position;
GameCamera.additionalPosition = cameraPosition - GameCamera.defaultPosition;
GameCamera.additionalPosition = cameraPosition - GameCamera.defaultPosition;
@ -258,9 +309,14 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public void DoSpecialCamera(float beat, float length, bool returns)
public void DoSpecialCamera(float beat, float length, bool returns)
if (cameraAngle == CameraAngle.Normal)
startCamSpecial = beat;
startCamSpecial = beat;
wantsReturn = returns ? beat + Mathf.Max(length, 4f) : Single.MaxValue;
cameraAngle = CameraAngle.Special;
wantsReturn = returns ? beat + length : Single.MaxValue;
cameraReturnLength = Mathf.Min(2f, length*0.5f);
public void DoWord(float beat, int type)
public void DoWord(float beat, int type)
@ -398,6 +454,8 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
UpdateShadowColour(shadowType, b);
UpdateShadowColour(shadowType, b);
if (textureFiltertype == (int) ShadowType.Tinted)
bgGradientRenderer.color = Color.LerpUnclamped(bgColour, ShadowBlendColor, 0.45f);
public void SetBgFx(int fx)
public void SetBgFx(int fx)
@ -405,6 +463,26 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
currentBgEffect = (BackgroundFXType) fx;
currentBgEffect = (BackgroundFXType) fx;
public void SetBgTexture(int type, int filterType, Color filterColor)
Color col;
textureFiltertype = filterType;
if (textureFiltertype == (int) ShadowType.Tinted)
col = Color.LerpUnclamped(bgColour, ShadowBlendColor, 0.45f);
col = filterColor;
switch (type)
case (int) BackgroundTextureType.Gradient:
bgGradientRenderer.color = col;
public void Combo(float beat)
public void Combo(float beat)
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("karateman/barrelOutCombos", forcePlay: true);
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("karateman/barrelOutCombos", forcePlay: true);
@ -464,7 +542,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public static Color ShadowBlendColor = new Color(195 / 255f, 48 / 255f, 2 / 255f);
public static Color ShadowBlendColor = new Color(195 / 255f, 48 / 255f, 2 / 255f);
public Color GetShadowColor()
public Color GetShadowColor()
if(currentShadowType == ShadowType.Custom)
if(currentShadowType == (int) ShadowType.Custom)
return customShadowColour;
return customShadowColour;
@ -478,10 +556,40 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public void UpdateShadowColour(int type, Color colour)
public void UpdateShadowColour(int type, Color colour)
currentShadowType = (ShadowType) type;
currentShadowType = type;
customShadowColour = colour;
customShadowColour = colour;
public void SetParticleEffect(float beat, int type, float windStrength, float particleStrength)
ParticleSystem.EmissionModule emm = SnowEffect.emission;
switch (type)
case (int) ParticleType.Snow:
emm = SnowEffect.emission;
emm.rateOverTime = particleStrength * 16f;
case (int) ParticleType.Fire:
emm = FireEffect.emission;
emm.rateOverTime = particleStrength * 8f;
case (int) ParticleType.Rain:
emm = RainEffect.emission;
emm.rateOverTime = particleStrength * 32f;
Wind.windMain = windStrength;
Reference in a new issue