Misc Release 1 Customization (#945)

* Add files via upload

* Recolorable Dazzles

idk how github works lol

* Fork Lifter - new gradients + extra customization

Currently doesn't have proper support for old charts, those will be made to default to the Classic gradient at some point in the future

* Fork Lifter - Megamix Floor + Backwards Compat

also includes better gradients

* oops

new gradients start as version = 1 now lol. my bad

* oops part 2

fork lifter lines can be toggled off properly now lol

* Recolorable Fireworks

note to self - make sure everything new is actually in the bundles before PRing all this because im realizing i forgot to do that for the bg gradient here

* Recolorable Space Soccer Kicker/Platform (+ assbunning things)

just dazzles easing + a doublecheck of everything left and i'm pr-ing

* Dazzles BG Color Easing

pr soon™️

* Proper Space Soccer sheet + minor text rewrites

can prolly pr now. lemme figure that out

* removing unused stuff + fixing space soccer

i downloaded github desktop and wow this is so much easier lol

also apparently i did an oopsie with space soccer so. fixed that

* removing my settings stuff


* small fork lifter fix

for some reason the flicking guy's shadow peeked out of the viewcircle so here's an incredibly lazy fix for that. should work fine enough

* i thought i got rid of these earlier


* Update TheDazzles.cs

i love minor text errors!!!!!

* Update SpaceSoccer.cs

forgot to update a thing while changing the star colors, oops
This commit is contained in:
MiiKEmblem 2024-05-19 16:14:39 -05:00 committed by minenice55
parent 14c2abc91c
commit 91c300b66a
33 changed files with 2957 additions and 570 deletions

Binary file not shown.


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View file

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Binary file not shown.


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View file

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View file

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--- !u!1 &5813499711658895222
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--- !u!212 &6610291745070879787
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Binary file not shown.


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View file

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View file

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View file

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Binary file not shown.


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View file

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View file

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Binary file not shown.


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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using NaughtyBezierCurves;
using DG.Tweening;
using Jukebox;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
@ -11,6 +12,30 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
public static class AgbFireworkLoader
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller) {
RiqEntity fwBGUpdater(string datamodel, RiqEntity e)
if (datamodel == "fireworks/altBG")
e.CreateProperty("stars", (!e["toggle"]));
e.CreateProperty("faces", (e["toggle"]));
e.CreateProperty("startTop", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f));
e.CreateProperty("endTop", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f));
e.CreateProperty("startBot", new Color(0f, 51/255f, 119/255f));
e.CreateProperty("endBot", new Color(0f, 51/255f, 119/255f));
e.CreateProperty("startCity", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f));
e.CreateProperty("endCity", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f));
e.CreateProperty("ease", 0);
e.datamodel = "fireworks/changeBG";
return e;
return null;
RiqBeatmap.OnUpdateEntity += fwBGUpdater;
return new Minigame("fireworks", "Fireworks \n<color=#adadad>(Hanabi)</color>", "000820", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
new GameAction("firework", "Firework")
@ -58,13 +83,35 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("count", Fireworks.CountInType.CountOne, "Type", "Set the number to be said.")
new GameAction("altBG", "Background Appearance")
new GameAction("changeBG", "Background Appearance")
function = delegate {
var e = eventCaller.currentEntity;
Fireworks.instance.BackgroundColor(e.beat, e.length, e["stars"], e["faces"], e["startTop"], e["endTop"], e["startBot"], e["endBot"], e["startCity"], e["endCity"], e["ease"]);
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("stars", true, "Stars", "Toggle if the stars should appear."),
new Param("faces", false, "Remix 5", "Toggle if the faces from Remix 5 (GBA) should appear."),
new Param("startTop", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f), "Gradient Top Start", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endTop", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f), "Gradient Top End", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("startBot", new Color(0f, 51/255f, 119/255f), "Gradient Bottom Start", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endBot", new Color(0f, 51/255f, 119/255f), "Gradient Bottom End", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("startCity", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f), "City Start", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endCity", new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f), "City End", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("ease", Util.EasingFunction.Ease.Linear, "Ease", "Set the easing of the action.")
new GameAction("altBG", "Background Appearance (OLD)")
function = delegate {var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; Fireworks.instance.ChangeBackgroundAppearance(e["toggle"]); },
defaultLength = 0.5f,
hidden = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("toggle", true, "Remix 5", "Togle if the background from Remix 5 (GBA) should appear.")
new Param("toggle", true, "Remix 5", "Toggle fi ze bckgrond frum realix 5 (GFA) shool aper. (You should never see this.)")
@ -121,11 +168,18 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
[SerializeField] FireworksBomb bomb;
[SerializeField] BezierCurve3D bombCurve;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer flashWhite;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer gradientTop;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer gradientBottom;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer city;
[SerializeField] GameObject faces;
[SerializeField] GameObject stars;
Tween flashTween;
public static List<QueuedFirework> queuedFireworks = new List<QueuedFirework>();
private ColorEase topColorEase = new(new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f));
private ColorEase botColorEase = new(new Color(0f, 51/255f, 119/255f));
private ColorEase cityColorEase = new(new Color(0f, 8/255f, 32/255f));
public static Fireworks instance;
@ -142,6 +196,11 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
instance = this;
public override void OnPlay(double beat)
void Update()
@ -158,12 +217,14 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public void ChangeBackgroundAppearance(bool doIt)
public static void CountIn(double beat, int count)
@ -313,6 +374,39 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
ChangeFlashColor(start, 0f);
ChangeFlashColor(end, beats);
private void BackgroundColorUpdate()
gradientTop.color = topColorEase.GetColor();
gradientBottom.color = botColorEase.GetColor();
city.color = cityColorEase.GetColor();
public void BackgroundColor(double beat, float length, bool dostars, bool dormx5, Color topStart, Color topEnd, Color botStart, Color botEnd, Color cityStart, Color cityEnd, int ease)
topColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, topStart, topEnd, ease);
botColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, botStart, botEnd, ease);
cityColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, cityStart, cityEnd, ease);
private void PersistColor(double beat)
var allEventsBeforeBeat = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("fireworks", new string[] { "changeBG" }).FindAll(x => x.beat < beat);
if (allEventsBeforeBeat.Count > 0)
allEventsBeforeBeat.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //just in case
var lastEvent = allEventsBeforeBeat[^1];
BackgroundColor(lastEvent.beat, lastEvent.length, lastEvent["stars"], lastEvent["faces"], lastEvent["startTop"], lastEvent["endTop"], lastEvent["startBot"], lastEvent["endBot"], lastEvent["startCity"], lastEvent["endCity"], lastEvent["ease"]);
public override void OnGameSwitch(double beat)

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
using Jukebox;
using HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_ForkLifter;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
@ -10,7 +11,21 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
using static Minigames;
public static class RvlForkLoader
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller) {
public static Minigame AddGame(EventCaller eventCaller)
RiqEntity flGradientUpdater(string datamodel, RiqEntity e)
if (datamodel == "forkLifter/colorGrad" && e.version == 0)
e.CreateProperty("type", 2);
e["type"] = 2; // setting it in create property doesn't work for some reason? lol
e.version = 1;
return e;
return null;
RiqBeatmap.OnUpdateEntity += flGradientUpdater;
return new Minigame("forkLifter", "Fork Lifter", "f1f1f1", false, false, new List<GameAction>()
new GameAction("flick", "Flick Food")
@ -64,12 +79,35 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new GameAction("colorGrad", "Gradient Appearance")
function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; ForkLifter.instance.BackgroundColorGrad(e.beat, e.length, e["start"], e["end"], e["ease"]); },
function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; ForkLifter.instance.BackgroundColorGrad(e.beat, e.length, (e.version = 1),
e["type"], e["toggleVC"], e["toggleLines"],
e["start"], e["end"],
e["startBG"], e["endBG"],
e["startLines"], e["endLines"],
e["ease"]); },
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("start", Color.white, "Start Color", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("end", Color.white, "End Color", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("type", ForkLifter.GradientType.Game, "Gradient Type", "Set the type of gradient.", new List<Param.CollapseParam>()
new Param.CollapseParam((x, _) => (int)x != (int)ForkLifter.GradientType.Classic, new string[] { "startBG", "endBG", "toggleLines" })
new Param("toggleVC", false, "Viewcircle Uses Gradient Color", "If toggled, the viewcircle's background will use the gradient top color. Otherwise, it will use the background color."),
new Param("toggleLines", false, "Megamix Lines", "If toggled, the lines from Megamix will be enabled.", new List<Param.CollapseParam>()
new Param.CollapseParam((x, _) => (bool)x, new string[] { "startLines", "endLines" }),
new Param("start", new Color(224/255f, 224/255f, 224/255f), "Gradient Top Start", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("end", new Color(224/255f, 224/255f, 224/255f), "Gradient Top End", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("startBG", Color.white, "Gradient Bottom Start", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endBG", Color.white, "Gradient Bottom End", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("startLines", new Color(243/255f, 243/255f, 243/255f), "Lines Start", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endLines", new Color(243/255f, 243/255f, 243/255f), "Lines End", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("ease", Util.EasingFunction.Ease.Linear, "Ease", "Set the easing of the action.")
@ -84,11 +122,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using Jukebox;
// using Jukebox;
using Scripts_ForkLifter;
public class ForkLifter : Minigame
public enum FlickType
@ -96,6 +135,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public enum GradientType
public static ForkLifter instance;
public static ForkLifterPlayer playerInstance => ForkLifterPlayer.instance;
@ -108,10 +154,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
public GameObject flickedObject;
public SpriteRenderer peaPreview;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer bg;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer bgGradient;
//public Material gradientMaterial;
public SpriteRenderer[] Gradients;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer gradientFiller;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer mmLines;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer viewerCircle;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer viewerCircleBg;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer playerShadow;
[SerializeField] SpriteRenderer handShadow;
public SpriteRenderer[] forkEffects;
public Sprite[] peaSprites;
public Sprite[] peaHitSprites;
@ -144,7 +197,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
var lastColorGrad = actionsBefore.FindLast(e => e.datamodel == "forkLifter/colorGrad");
if (lastColorGrad != null) {
BackgroundColorGrad(lastColorGrad.beat, lastColorGrad.length, lastColorGrad["start"], lastColorGrad["end"], lastColorGrad["ease"]);
BackgroundColorGrad(lastColorGrad.beat, lastColorGrad.length, lastColorGrad.version, lastColorGrad["type"], lastColorGrad["toggleVC"], lastColorGrad["toggleLines"], lastColorGrad["start"], lastColorGrad["end"], lastColorGrad["startBG"], lastColorGrad["endBG"], lastColorGrad["startLines"], lastColorGrad["endLines"], lastColorGrad["ease"]);
var tempFlicks = actions.FindAll(e => e.datamodel == "forkLifter/flick");
@ -179,17 +232,58 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
private ColorEase bgColorEase = new(Color.white);
private ColorEase gradColorEase = new(Color.white);
private ColorEase gradColorEase = new(new Color(224/255f, 224/255f, 224/255f));
private ColorEase linesColorEase = new(new Color (243/255f, 243/255f, 243/255f));
private ColorEase gradBgEase = new(Color.white);
private bool vCircleToggle = false;
//call this in update
private void BackgroundColorUpdate()
bg.color =
viewerCircle.color =
handShadow.color = bgColorEase.GetColor();
bgGradient.color =
playerShadow.color = gradColorEase.GetColor();
bg.color =
viewerCircle.color = bgColorEase.GetColor();
mmLines.color = linesColorEase.GetColor();
for (int i = 0; i < Gradients.Length; i++)
Gradients[i].color = gradColorEase.GetColor();
if (Gradients[2].gameObject.activeSelf)
gradientFiller.color =
playerShadow.color = gradColorEase.GetColor();
for (int i = 0; i < forkEffects.Length; i++)
forkEffects[i].color = gradColorEase.GetColor();
gradientFiller.color =
playerShadow.color = gradBgEase.GetColor();
for (int i = 0; i < forkEffects.Length; i++)
forkEffects[i].color = gradBgEase.GetColor();
if (vCircleToggle)
viewerCircleBg.color =
handShadow.color = gradColorEase.GetColor();
viewerCircleBg.color =
handShadow.color = bgColorEase.GetColor();
public void BackgroundColor(double beat, float length, Color startColor, Color endColor, int ease)
@ -197,9 +291,28 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
bgColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, startColor, endColor, ease);
public void BackgroundColorGrad(double beat, float length, Color startColor, Color endColor, int ease)
public void BackgroundColorGrad(double beat, float length, int version, int gradType, bool vCircle, bool lines, Color startColor, Color endColor, Color startBottom, Color endBottom, Color startLines, Color endLines, int ease)
gradColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, startColor, endColor, ease);
gradBgEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, startBottom, endBottom, ease);
linesColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, startLines, endLines, ease);
for (int i = 0; i < Gradients.Length; i++)
Gradients[i].gameObject.SetActive(gradType == (i));
if (gradType != 2)
vCircleToggle = (vCircle);
//call this in OnPlay(double beat) and OnGameSwitch(double beat)
@ -218,7 +331,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
allEventsBeforeBeatGrad.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //just in case
var lastEventGrad = allEventsBeforeBeatGrad[^1];
BackgroundColorGrad(lastEventGrad.beat, lastEventGrad.length, lastEventGrad["start"], lastEventGrad["end"], lastEventGrad["ease"]);
BackgroundColorGrad(lastEventGrad.beat, lastEventGrad.length, lastEventGrad.version, lastEventGrad["type"], lastEventGrad["toggleVC"], lastEventGrad["toggleLines"], lastEventGrad["start"], lastEventGrad["end"], lastEventGrad["startBG"], lastEventGrad["endBG"], lastEventGrad["startLines"], lastEventGrad["endLines"], lastEventGrad["ease"]);

View file

@ -96,11 +96,37 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
new Param("start", SpaceSoccer.defaultBGColor, "Start Color", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("end", SpaceSoccer.defaultBGColor, "End Color", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("startDots", Color.white, "Start Color (Dots)", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endDots", Color.white, "End Color (Dots)", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("startDots", SpaceSoccer.defaultStarColor, "Start Color (Dots)", "Set the color at the start of the event."),
new Param("endDots", SpaceSoccer.defaultStarColor, "End Color (Dots)", "Set the color at the end of the event."),
new Param("ease", Util.EasingFunction.Ease.Linear, "Ease", "Set the easing of the action.")
new GameAction("changeKick", "Kicker Appearance")
function = delegate {var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; SpaceSoccer.instance.KickerColor(e.beat, e["outfit"], e["boots"], e["skin"]); },
defaultLength = 0.5f,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("outfit", SpaceSoccer.kickerLavender, "Outfit Color", "Set the color of the kicker's outfit."),
new Param("boots", SpaceSoccer.kickerPurple, "Boots Color", "Set the color of the kicker's boots. This color is also used for the kicker's joints and eyebrows."),
new Param("skin", Color.white, "Skin Color", "Set the color of the kicker's skin."),
new GameAction("changePlat", "Platform Appearance")
function = delegate {var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; SpaceSoccer.instance.PlatformColor(e.beat, e["top"], e["side"], e["outline"], e["flame"], e["mid"]); },
defaultLength = 0.5f,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("top", SpaceSoccer.platTop, "Top Color", "Set the color of the platform's top."),
new Param("side", SpaceSoccer.platSide, "Side Color", "Set the color of the platform's side."),
new Param("outline", SpaceSoccer.platOutline, "Outline Color", "Set the color of the platform's outline."),
new Param("flame", SpaceSoccer.kickerLavender, "Flame Color", "Set the color of the flame."),
new Param("mid", SpaceSoccer.fireYellow, "Flame Middle Color", "Set the color of the middle of the flame."),
new GameAction("scroll", "Scrolling Background")
function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; SpaceSoccer.instance.UpdateScrollSpeed(e["x"], e["y"]); },
@ -166,7 +192,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using System;
public class SpaceSoccer : Minigame
public enum EnterExitPresets
@ -191,6 +217,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Exit = 1
public static Color defaultBGColor = new(1f, 0.49f, 0.153f);
public static Color defaultStarColor = new(248/255f, 248/255f, 248/255f);
public static Color kickerLavender = new(184/255f, 136/255f, 248/255f);
public static Color kickerPurple = new(136/255f, 64/255f, 248/255f);
public static Color platTop = new(112/255f, 248/255f, 144/255f);
public static Color platSide = new(88/255f, 168/255f, 128/255f);
public static Color platOutline = new(24/255f, 56/255f, 40/255f);
public static Color fireYellow = new(248/255f, 248/255f, 88/255f);
[SerializeField] private GameObject kickerPrefab;
@ -208,6 +241,12 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
float yScrollMultiplier = 0.3f;
[SerializeField] private float xBaseSpeed = 1;
[SerializeField] private float yBaseSpeed = 1;
public Material kickerMat;
public Material mouthMat;
public Material platMat;
public Material fireMat;
private List<double> _highKickToeBeats = new();
private List<double> _stopBeats = new();
@ -237,6 +276,16 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
kickerMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", kickerLavender);
kickerMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", Color.white);
mouthMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", Color.white);
kickerMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", kickerPurple);
platMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", platOutline);
platMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", platTop);
platMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", platSide);
fireMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", kickerLavender);
fireMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", fireYellow);
new void OnDrawGizmos()
@ -559,7 +608,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
private ColorEase bgColorEase = new(defaultBGColor);
private ColorEase dotColorEase = new(Color.white);
private ColorEase dotColorEase = new(defaultStarColor);
//call this in update
private void BackgroundColorUpdate()
@ -571,6 +620,23 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
bgColorEase = new(beat, length, startColorBG, endColorBG, ease);
dotColorEase = new(beat, length, startColorDot, endColorDot, ease);
public void KickerColor(double beat, Color main, Color alt, Color skin)
kickerMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", main);
kickerMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", skin);
mouthMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", skin);
kickerMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", alt);
public void PlatformColor(double beat, Color top, Color side, Color outline, Color fire, Color mid)
platMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", outline);
platMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", top);
platMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", side);
fireMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", fire);
fireMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", mid);
//call this in OnPlay(double beat) and OnGameSwitch(double beat)
private void PersistColor(double beat)
@ -581,6 +647,22 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
allEventsBeforeBeat.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //just in case
var lastEvent = allEventsBeforeBeat[^1];
BackgroundColor(lastEvent.beat, lastEvent.length, lastEvent["start"], lastEvent["end"], lastEvent["startDots"], lastEvent["endDots"], lastEvent["ease"]);
var allEventsBeforeBeatKick = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("spaceSoccer", new string[] { "changeKick" }).FindAll(x => x.beat < beat);
if (allEventsBeforeBeatKick.Count > 0)
allEventsBeforeBeatKick.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //just in case
var lastEvent = allEventsBeforeBeatKick[^1];
KickerColor(lastEvent.beat, lastEvent["outfit"], lastEvent["boots"], lastEvent["skin"]);
var allEventsBeforeBeatPlat = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("spaceSoccer", new string[] { "changePlat" }).FindAll(x => x.beat < beat);
if (allEventsBeforeBeatPlat.Count > 0)
allEventsBeforeBeatPlat.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //just in case
var lastEvent = allEventsBeforeBeatPlat[^1];
PlatformColor(lastEvent.beat, lastEvent["top"], lastEvent["side"], lastEvent["outline"], lastEvent["flame"], lastEvent["mid"]);

View file

@ -115,6 +115,25 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Loaders
function = delegate { TheDazzles.instance.ForceHold(); },
defaultLength = 0.5f
new GameAction("boxColor", "Background Colors")
function = delegate { var e = eventCaller.currentEntity; TheDazzles.instance.ChangeBoxColor(e.beat, e.length, e["extStart"], e["extEnd"], e["intStart"], e["intEnd"], e["wallStart"], e["wallEnd"], e["roofStart"], e["roofEnd"], e["ease"]); },
defaultLength = 1f,
resizable = true,
parameters = new List<Param>()
new Param("extStart", TheDazzles.defaultExteriorColor, "Exterior Start", "Set the color of the boxes' exterior at the start of the event."),
new Param("extEnd", TheDazzles.defaultExteriorColor, "Exterior End", "Set the color of the boxes' exterior at the end of the event."),
new Param("intStart", TheDazzles.defaultInteriorColor, "Interior Start", "Set the color of the boxes' interiors at the start of the event."),
new Param("intEnd", TheDazzles.defaultInteriorColor, "Interior End", "Set the color of the boxes' interiors at the end of the event."),
new Param("wallStart", TheDazzles.defaultWallColor, "Walls Start", "Set the color of the boxes' walls at the start of the event."),
new Param("wallEnd", TheDazzles.defaultWallColor, "Walls End", "Set the color of the boxes' walls at the end of the event."),
new Param("roofStart", TheDazzles.defaultRoofColor, "Roof Start", "Set the color of the boxes' roofs at the start of the event."),
new Param("roofEnd", TheDazzles.defaultRoofColor, "Roof End", "Set the color of the boxes' roofs at the end of the event."),
new Param("ease", Util.EasingFunction.Ease.Linear, "Ease", "Set the easing of the action.")
new List<string>() {"ntr", "normal"},
@ -129,6 +148,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
using Scripts_TheDazzles;
public class TheDazzles : Minigame
public struct PosesToPerform : IComparable<PosesToPerform>
// override object.Equals
@ -220,6 +240,17 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
Megamix = 1,
Random = 2,
public static Color defaultExteriorColor = new(156/255f, 254/255f, 246/255f);
public static Color defaultInteriorColor = new(66/255f, 255/255f, 239/255f);
public static Color defaultWallColor = new(0f, 222/255f, 197/255f);
public static Color defaultRoofColor = new(0f, 189/255f, 172/255f);
private ColorEase extColorEase = new(defaultExteriorColor);
private ColorEase intColorEase = new(defaultInteriorColor);
private ColorEase wallColorEase = new(defaultWallColor);
private ColorEase roofColorEase = new(defaultRoofColor);
public static TheDazzles instance;
@ -234,6 +265,9 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
[SerializeField] TheDazzlesGirl player;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem poseEffect;
[SerializeField] ParticleSystem starsEffect;
public Material interiorMat;
public Material exteriorMat;
public static PlayerInput.InputAction InputAction_TouchRelease =
new("NtrBoxshowTouchRelease", new int[] { IAEmptyCat, IAReleaseCat, IAEmptyCat },
@ -253,6 +287,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
instance = this;
SetupBopRegion("theDazzles", "bop", "toggle");
interiorMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", defaultRoofColor);
interiorMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", defaultInteriorColor);
interiorMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", defaultWallColor);
exteriorMat.SetColor("_AddColor", defaultExteriorColor);
public override void OnBeatPulse(double beat)
@ -271,10 +309,13 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
if (queuedPoses.Count > 0) queuedPoses.Clear();
if (queuedCrouches.Count > 0) queuedCrouches.Clear();
void Update()
if (conductor.isPlaying && !conductor.isPaused)
if (queuedPoses.Count > 0)
@ -670,6 +711,37 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Games
void Nothing(PlayerActionEvent caller) { }
private void BoxColorUpdate()
interiorMat.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", roofColorEase.GetColor());
interiorMat.SetColor("_ColorBravo", intColorEase.GetColor());
interiorMat.SetColor("_ColorDelta", wallColorEase.GetColor());
exteriorMat.SetColor("_AddColor", extColorEase.GetColor());
public void ChangeBoxColor(double beat, float length, Color exteriorStart, Color exteriorEnd, Color interiorStart, Color interiorEnd, Color wallsStart, Color wallsEnd, Color roofStart, Color roofEnd, int ease)
extColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, exteriorStart, exteriorEnd, ease);
intColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, interiorStart, interiorEnd, ease);
wallColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, wallsStart, wallsEnd, ease);
roofColorEase = new ColorEase(beat, length, roofStart, roofEnd, ease);
private void PersistColor(double beat)
var allEventsBeforeBeat = EventCaller.GetAllInGameManagerList("theDazzles", new string[] { "boxColor" }).FindAll(x => x.beat < beat);
if (allEventsBeforeBeat.Count > 0)
allEventsBeforeBeat.Sort((x, y) => x.beat.CompareTo(y.beat)); //just in case
var lastEvent = allEventsBeforeBeat[^1];
ChangeBoxColor(lastEvent.beat, lastEvent.length, lastEvent["extStart"], lastEvent["extEnd"], lastEvent["intStart"], lastEvent["intEnd"], lastEvent["wallStart"], lastEvent["wallEnd"], lastEvent["roofStart"], lastEvent["roofEnd"], lastEvent["ease"]);
public override void OnGameSwitch(double beat)