prep UI for chart section

This commit is contained in:
minenice55 2022-09-06 20:41:10 -04:00
parent ca73819ea2
commit c6d6cc29a3
6 changed files with 490 additions and 27 deletions

Binary file not shown.


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View file

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Binary file not shown.


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--- !u!114 &1154875944 --- !u!114 &1154875944
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--- !u!224 &2125404436
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--- !u!1 &2127582756 --- !u!1 &2127582756
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View file

@ -34,18 +34,54 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
public class CurrentTimelineState public class CurrentTimelineState
{ {
public bool selected; public enum State
public bool tempoChange; {
public bool musicVolume; Selection,
State currentState = State.Selection;
public bool selected { get { return currentState == State.Selection; } }
public bool tempoChange { get { return currentState == State.TempoChange; } }
public bool musicVolume { get { return currentState == State.MusicVolume; } }
public bool chartSection { get { return currentState == State.ChartSection; } }
public void SetState(bool selected, bool tempoChange, bool musicVolume) public void SetState(bool selected, bool tempoChange, bool musicVolume)
{ {
if (Conductor.instance.NotStopped()) return; if (Conductor.instance.NotStopped()) return;
this.selected = selected; if (selected)
this.tempoChange = tempoChange; {
this.musicVolume = musicVolume; currentState = State.Selection;
instance.SelectionsBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
instance.SelectionsBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray;
if (tempoChange)
currentState = State.TempoChange;
instance.TempoChangeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
instance.TempoChangeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray;
if (musicVolume)
currentState = State.MusicVolume;
instance.MusicVolumeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
instance.MusicVolumeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray;
public void SetState(State state)
if (Conductor.instance.NotStopped()) return;
currentState = state;
if (selected) if (selected)
instance.SelectionsBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white; instance.SelectionsBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
else else
@ -58,7 +94,10 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
instance.MusicVolumeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white; instance.MusicVolumeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
else else
instance.MusicVolumeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray; instance.MusicVolumeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray;
if (chartSection)
instance.ChartSectionBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.white;
instance.ChartSectionBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray;
} }
} }
@ -84,6 +123,7 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
public Button SelectionsBTN; public Button SelectionsBTN;
public Button TempoChangeBTN; public Button TempoChangeBTN;
public Button MusicVolumeBTN; public Button MusicVolumeBTN;
public Button ChartSectionBTN;
public Slider PlaybackSpeed; public Slider PlaybackSpeed;
public Vector3[] LayerCorners = new Vector3[4]; public Vector3[] LayerCorners = new Vector3[4];
@ -170,15 +210,19 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
SelectionsBTN.onClick.AddListener(delegate SelectionsBTN.onClick.AddListener(delegate
{ {
timelineState.SetState(true, false, false); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.Selection);
}); });
TempoChangeBTN.onClick.AddListener(delegate TempoChangeBTN.onClick.AddListener(delegate
{ {
timelineState.SetState(false, true, false); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.TempoChange);
}); });
MusicVolumeBTN.onClick.AddListener(delegate MusicVolumeBTN.onClick.AddListener(delegate
{ {
timelineState.SetState(false, false, true); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.MusicVolume);
}); });
Tooltip.AddTooltip(SongBeat.gameObject, "Current Beat"); Tooltip.AddTooltip(SongBeat.gameObject, "Current Beat");
@ -195,13 +239,14 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
Tooltip.AddTooltip(SelectionsBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Selection <color=#adadad>[1]</color>"); Tooltip.AddTooltip(SelectionsBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Selection <color=#adadad>[1]</color>");
Tooltip.AddTooltip(TempoChangeBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Tempo Change <color=#adadad>[2]</color>"); Tooltip.AddTooltip(TempoChangeBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Tempo Change <color=#adadad>[2]</color>");
Tooltip.AddTooltip(MusicVolumeBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Music Volume <color=#adadad>[3]</color>"); Tooltip.AddTooltip(MusicVolumeBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Music Volume <color=#adadad>[3]</color>");
Tooltip.AddTooltip(ChartSectionBTN.gameObject, "Tool: Beatmap Sections <color=#adadad>[4]</color>");
Tooltip.AddTooltip(PlaybackSpeed.gameObject, "The preview's playback speed. Right click to reset to 1.0"); Tooltip.AddTooltip(PlaybackSpeed.gameObject, "The preview's playback speed. Right click to reset to 1.0");
SetTimeButtonColors(true, false, false); SetTimeButtonColors(true, false, false);
MetronomeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray; MetronomeBTN.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<Image>().color = Color.gray;
timelineState.SetState(true, false, false); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.Selection);
AutoBtnUpdate(); AutoBtnUpdate();
} }
@ -300,15 +345,19 @@ namespace HeavenStudio.Editor.Track
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
{ {
timelineState.SetState(true, false, false); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.Selection);
} }
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
{ {
timelineState.SetState(false, true, false); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.TempoChange);
} }
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))
{ {
timelineState.SetState(false, false, true); timelineState.SetState(CurrentTimelineState.State.MusicVolume);
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4))
} }