MiiKEmblem a72a5f73bb
Misc Release 1 Customization (#945)
* Add files via upload

* Recolorable Dazzles

idk how github works lol

* Fork Lifter - new gradients + extra customization

Currently doesn't have proper support for old charts, those will be made to default to the Classic gradient at some point in the future

* Fork Lifter - Megamix Floor + Backwards Compat

also includes better gradients

* oops

new gradients start as version = 1 now lol. my bad

* oops part 2

fork lifter lines can be toggled off properly now lol

* Recolorable Fireworks

note to self - make sure everything new is actually in the bundles before PRing all this because im realizing i forgot to do that for the bg gradient here

* Recolorable Space Soccer Kicker/Platform (+ assbunning things)

just dazzles easing + a doublecheck of everything left and i'm pr-ing

* Dazzles BG Color Easing

pr soon™️

* Proper Space Soccer sheet + minor text rewrites

can prolly pr now. lemme figure that out

* removing unused stuff + fixing space soccer

i downloaded github desktop and wow this is so much easier lol

also apparently i did an oopsie with space soccer so. fixed that

* removing my settings stuff


* small fork lifter fix

for some reason the flicking guy's shadow peeked out of the viewcircle so here's an incredibly lazy fix for that. should work fine enough

* i thought i got rid of these earlier


* Update TheDazzles.cs

i love minor text errors!!!!!

* Update SpaceSoccer.cs

forgot to update a thing while changing the star colors, oops
2024-05-19 21:14:39 +00:00

262 lines
6 KiB

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