* Lots of small things
Replaced the combined "boing" sound from rhre with the split "boing" sounds from ingame for easier voice replacement.
Split the regular pun and boing pun blocks.
Made the offset for Kosuke's voicelines adapt to the sound's pitch.
Made speech bubble positions randomized.
Made the "ready" animation play in autoplay if you're in touch mode.
Moved the window for when you're allowed to start holding for a slap in touch mode sooner.
* Minor-er things
Attempted and failed to get the "crowd noise interruption" in place.
Removed a log command.
Disabled bopping in the "boing" block sooner.
Fixed how the pun and boing blocks work on game switch.
* Even more minor things ™️
Shuffled around some things in the prefab to be more accurate to the original.
Finally moved the reference images out of the root assets folder
* Did somebody ask for more minor changes
Changed how the input method is called to prepare for random voicelines.
Made playback speed affect voice pitching (unless pitching is turned off in the block)
Fixed input doubling if a Pun block is put on the same beat as a game switch (curse you space soccer and not having to check for that in the method i stole from you)
* QoL tap mode thing
Basically if you hold down the button for long enough, kasuke will play the "ready" animation which is uninterruptable until you let go
* No way is that more minor things
Added figure-farter-esque easter egg. (hold both shoulder buttons while inputting and see what happens :3)
Made whiffs detract from your score.
* Stuff
Added options for audience sounds and added practice crowd sounds.
Fixed Kasuke's pitching and split the "donaiyanen" voice line.
Added spritesheet for the crowd (it's not even split yet i literally just remembered i never pushed last night and i wanted to do that first)
* Crowd (still WIP)
Added the crowd and all the animations that are in vanilla.
Added a block for crowd animations.
Yeah basically just crowd implementation, extra goodies are yet to come.
* Crowd Stuff but More
Made bops low priority animations for the crowd.
Added the jumping animation holy fuck that was a headache please send hlep.
* removed WIP label
bc raffy and astrl and maddy bugged me about it
* Cool Stuff
Added the microphone and animated it using the "birds slide" block.
Added the sprite sheet for particles.
Implemented the feather particles during a slap.
* The Push
Optimized a bit of input code.
ADDED VOICELINES WOOOOO (with randomization)
1037 lines
23 KiB
1037 lines
23 KiB
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Crowd_37: 1137941758
Crowd_38: -1560010625
Crowd_39: 1436553326
Crowd_4: -1469594001
Crowd_40: -232665129
Crowd_41: -342044948
Crowd_42: -1057441148
Crowd_43: 2112709687
Crowd_44: -1740592106
Crowd_45: 1048699212
Crowd_46: 539498229
Crowd_47: -992601819
Crowd_48: 373917142
Crowd_49: 1097618302
Crowd_5: 351836490
Crowd_50: -1958923226
Crowd_51: -1852948594
Crowd_6: -218688172
Crowd_7: 1377019298
Crowd_8: 1922186462
Crowd_9: -557429226
pSDRemoveMatte: 0
pSDShowRemoveMatteOption: 0