- kick barrels can now contain balls - added bomb item - adjusted colour map on bomb glow - removed indev label from game name
385 lines
14 KiB
385 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using HeavenStudio;
using HeavenStudio.Util;
namespace HeavenStudio.Games.Scripts_KarateMan
public class KarateManJoe : MonoBehaviour
public Animator anim;
public Animator FaceAnim;
public GameEvent bop = new GameEvent();
public SpriteRenderer[] Shadows;
public Color BombGlowTint;
float bombGlowStart = Single.MinValue;
float bombGlowLength = 0f;
float bombGlowIntensity;
const float bombGlowRatio = 1f;
float lastPunchTime = Single.MinValue;
float lastComboMissTime = Single.MinValue;
float lastUpperCutTime = Single.MinValue;
public bool inCombo = false;
public bool lockedInCombo = false;
public bool comboWaiting = false;
int inComboId = -1;
int shouldComboId = -1;
public void SetComboId(int id) { inComboId = id; }
public void SetShouldComboId(int id) { shouldComboId = id; }
public int GetComboId() { return inComboId; }
public int GetShouldComboId() { return shouldComboId; }
public bool wantKick = false;
public bool inKick = false;
float lastChargeTime = Single.MinValue;
float unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
float noNuriJabTime = Single.MinValue;
bool canEmote = false;
public int wantFace = 0;
public bool inSpecial { get { return inCombo || lockedInCombo ||
Conductor.instance.GetPositionFromBeat(lastChargeTime, 2.75f) <= 0.25f || inNuriLock; } }
public bool inNuriLock { get { return (Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats >= noNuriJabTime && Conductor.instance.songPositionInBeats < noNuriJabTime + 1f); } }
private void Awake()
private void Update()
var cond = Conductor.instance;
if (cond.songPositionInBeats < bombGlowStart)
bombGlowIntensity = 1f;
float glowProg = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(bombGlowStart, bombGlowLength);
bombGlowIntensity = 1f - glowProg;
if (cond.songPositionInBeats >= bombGlowStart + bombGlowLength)
bombGlowStart = Single.MinValue;
bombGlowLength = 0f;
if (canEmote && wantFace >= 0)
if (wantFace == (int) KarateMan.KarateManFaces.Surprise) wantFace = -1;
if (cond.songPositionInBeats >= noNuriJabTime && cond.songPositionInBeats < noNuriJabTime + 1f)
anim.DoScaledAnimation("JabNoNuri", noNuriJabTime, 1f);
bop.startBeat = noNuriJabTime + 1f;
else if (cond.songPositionInBeats >= noNuriJabTime + 1f && noNuriJabTime != Single.MinValue)
bop.startBeat = noNuriJabTime + 1f;
noNuriJabTime = Single.MinValue;
if (unPrepareTime != Single.MinValue && cond.songPositionInBeats >= unPrepareTime)
unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
anim.speed = 1f;
anim.Play("Beat", -1, 0);
if (cond.ReportBeat(ref bop.lastReportedBeat, bop.startBeat % 1, false) && cond.songPositionInBeats > bop.startBeat && cond.songPositionInBeats < bop.startBeat + bop.length && cond.songPositionInBeats >= unPrepareTime && !inCombo)
anim.speed = 1f;
anim.Play("Beat", -1, 0);
lastChargeTime = Single.MinValue;
if (inCombo && shouldComboId == -2)
float missProg = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(lastComboMissTime, 3f);
if (missProg >= 0f && missProg < 1f)
anim.DoScaledAnimation("LowKickMiss", lastComboMissTime, 3f);
bop.startBeat = lastComboMissTime + 3f;
else if (missProg >= 1f)
anim.speed = 1f;
bop.startBeat = lastComboMissTime + 3f;
lastComboMissTime = Single.MinValue;
inCombo = false;
inComboId = -1;
shouldComboId = -1;
if (inKick)
float chargeProg = cond.GetPositionFromBeat(lastChargeTime, 2.75f);
if (chargeProg >= 0f && chargeProg < 1f)
anim.DoScaledAnimation("ManCharge", lastChargeTime, 2.75f);
bop.startBeat = lastChargeTime + 1.75f;
else if (chargeProg >= 1f)
anim.speed = 1f;
bop.startBeat = lastChargeTime + 1.75f;
lastChargeTime = Single.MinValue;
inKick = false;
if (PlayerInput.Pressed(true) && !inSpecial)
if (!KarateMan.instance.IsExpectingInputNow())
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("karateman/swingNoHit", forcePlay: true);
if (PlayerInput.AltPressed() && KarateMan.IsComboEnable && !inSpecial)
if (!KarateMan.instance.IsExpectingInputNow())
//start a forced-fail combo sequence
else if (PlayerInput.AltPressedUp())
if (!KarateMan.instance.IsExpectingInputNow())
if (inComboId != -1 && !lockedInCombo)
inComboId = -1;
if ((!GameManager.instance.autoplay) && (PlayerInput.PressedUp(true) && !PlayerInput.Pressing(true)))
if (wantKick)
//stopped holding, don't charge
wantKick = false;
else if (inKick && cond.GetPositionFromBeat(lastChargeTime, 2.75f) <= 0.5f && !KarateMan.instance.IsExpectingInputNow())
Jukebox.PlayOneShotGame("karateman/swingKick", forcePlay: true);
public bool Punch(int forceHand = 0)
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame != "karateman") return false;
var cond = Conductor.instance;
bool straight = false;
anim.speed = 1f;
unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
lastChargeTime = Single.MinValue;
inKick = false;
switch (forceHand)
case 0:
if (cond.songPositionInBeats - lastPunchTime < 0.25f + (Minigame.LateTime() - 1f))
lastPunchTime = Single.MinValue;
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Straight", 0.5f);
straight = true;
lastPunchTime = cond.songPositionInBeats;
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Jab", 0.5f);
case 1:
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Jab", 0.5f);
case 2:
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Straight", 0.5f);
straight = true;
case 3:
lastPunchTime = Single.MinValue;
noNuriJabTime = cond.songPositionInBeats;
bop.startBeat = cond.songPositionInBeats + 0.5f;
return straight; //returns what hand was used to punch the object
public void ComboSequence(int seq)
if (GameManager.instance.currentGame != "karateman") return;
var cond = Conductor.instance;
bop.startBeat = cond.songPositionInBeats + 1f;
unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
switch (seq)
case 0:
anim.Play("LowJab", -1, 0);
case 1:
anim.Play("LowKick", -1, 0);
case 2:
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("BackHand", 0.5f);
comboWaiting = true;
case 3:
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("UpperCut", 0.5f);
lockedInCombo = false;
comboWaiting = false;
case 4:
anim.Play("ToReady", -1, 0);
bop.startBeat = cond.songPositionInBeats + 0.5f;
lockedInCombo = false;
comboWaiting = false;
public void ComboMiss(float beat)
var cond = Conductor.instance;
lastComboMissTime = beat;
bop.startBeat = beat + 3f;
unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
public void ForceFailCombo(float beat)
if (inCombo) return;
BeatAction.New(gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate { Punch(1); inCombo = true; inComboId = -1; shouldComboId = -1;}),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.25f, delegate { Punch(2); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.5f, delegate { ComboSequence(0); }),
new BeatAction.Action(beat + 0.75f, delegate { shouldComboId = -2; ComboMiss(beat + 0.75f); }),
MultiSound.Play(new MultiSound.Sound[]
new MultiSound.Sound("karateman/swingNoHit", beat),
new MultiSound.Sound("karateman/swingNoHit_Alt", beat + 0.25f),
new MultiSound.Sound("karateman/swingNoHit_Alt", beat + 0.5f),
new MultiSound.Sound("karateman/comboMiss", beat + 0.75f),
}, forcePlay: true);
public void StartKickCharge(float beat)
wantKick = true;
unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
BeatAction.New(gameObject, new List<BeatAction.Action>()
new BeatAction.Action(beat, delegate {
if (wantKick)
wantKick = false;
inKick = true;
lastChargeTime = beat;
bop.startBeat = beat + 1.75f;
public void Kick(float beat)
if (!inKick) return;
//play the kick animation and reset stance
anim.speed = 1f;
bop.startBeat = beat + 1f;
unPrepareTime = Single.MinValue;
lastChargeTime = Single.MinValue;
inKick = false;
anim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("ManKick", 0.5f);
public void MarkCanEmote()
canEmote = true;
public void MarkNoEmote()
canEmote = false;
public void UpdateShadowColour()
foreach (var shadow in Shadows)
shadow.color = KarateMan.instance.GetShadowColor();
Color mainCol = KarateMan.BodyColor;
Color highlightCol = KarateMan.HighlightColor;
if (bombGlowIntensity > 0)
highlightCol = Color.LerpUnclamped(highlightCol, mainCol, bombGlowIntensity);
mainCol = Color.LerpUnclamped(mainCol, BombGlowTint, bombGlowIntensity * bombGlowRatio);
KarateMan.instance.MappingMaterial.SetColor("_ColorAlpha", mainCol);
KarateMan.instance.MappingMaterial.SetColor("_ColorBravo", new Color(1, 0, 0, 1));
KarateMan.instance.MappingMaterial.SetColor("_ColorDelta", highlightCol);
public void Prepare(float beat, float length)
anim.speed = 0f;
anim.Play("Beat", -1, 0);
unPrepareTime = beat + length;
public void SetFaceExpressionForced(int face)
FaceAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Face" + face.ToString("D2"));
public void SetFaceExpression(int face, bool ignoreCheck = false)
wantFace = face;
if (canEmote || ignoreCheck)
FaceAnim.DoScaledAnimationAsync("Face" + face.ToString("D2"));
public void ApplyBombGlow()
bombGlowStart = Single.MaxValue;
bombGlowLength = 0f;
bombGlowIntensity = 1f;
public void RemoveBombGlow(float beat, float length = 0.5f)
bombGlowStart = beat;
bombGlowLength = length;
bombGlowIntensity = 0f;
} |