HeavenStudio/Assets/Resources/Sprites/Games/CheerReaders/OK It's On Graphics/LockstepPlaceholder.png.meta
Jellirby db81702c22
Cheer Readers (Just in General) (#328)
* Trying to revive cheer readers

* its up to you!

* animation time

* rah rah sis boom ba boom

* position fixes

* Ok it's on and other cool stuff

* help

* lotta stuff

* girls

* implemented faces

* Resetpose

* nature is healing

* anim fixes

* Fixed the lipsync stuff

* more lip sync

* oops

* blushing and lipsync for its up to you

* fixes

* blush fixes

* Fixes with repositioning stuff

* Prefab ready for posters

* Posters work, look ugly af, but they work

* Yay placeholder animation

* yay placeholders

* fixes

* Fixed stuff! Wow epic!

* almost all lipsync is in

* boom placeholder

* Multiple posters

* a bunch of girls

* Implemented da girls

* all anims done

* oops

* more fixes

* Implemented happy faces

* oops

* Oops2

* made timing of the happy face more accurate

* upscaled background

* books

* Fixed a bug with ok its on

* particles for yay

* star particle implemented

* oops the particle

* added another stand

* new icon


Co-authored-by: Rapandrasmus <78219215+Rapandrasmus@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: ev <85412919+evdial@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-03-05 19:41:35 +00:00

205 lines
4.5 KiB

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