* meat grinder prefab + sprite cutting/naming done + icon title :) * Boss Bop, Miss, & Signal Anims can you read * Boss Call Anim self-explanatory * fix the z axis + new sprite still working on getting those bops working. they're a bit weird (not the anim itself) * Restored Meat Grinder Animations i have no idea what just happened with github but the animations are back * All Tack Animations Complete just missing the meat anims * Literally two lines changed skull emoji (forgot to set the light meat for the miss anim to inactive by default) * Meat Grinder Anims (should be) Done Added the Meat Hit anims * goodnight * bopping every beat * tons of sfx * meat calls with their corresponding sfx/animations have been added * prefunctions... * inputs + sfx + prefunction making swift progress here :) * little commit more cues and animation stuff so that i can have new animations * Meat Toss Anims also fixed up some of tack's hit anims to make the smear more consistent * night night * moved all the meat stuff to a new script -this should help with instantiating the meat * animations are a bit more comprehensive * man, barelies are way easier than i thought they were gonna be * instantiating works now committing to work on my pc instead of my laptop but i have been getting a lot done with the meat! it's just that most of that stuff is learning what i can't do... * Boss Animation Tweaks Adjusted Boss' bop and miss animations * woohoo animation! hi sean this is for u. tell me anything to tweak :) * Quick Meat Toss Anim Fix Prevents meat from playing the toss animation twice * meat hit animation works! sometimes there's a frame where the first frame of its animation pops up but i should be able to fix that also just general improvements + framework for different meats * it's done! or at least out of wip! * you can select which meat type is tossed (defaults to random) * ghost meat has been busted (it looped back to its first frame of anim sometimes right before being destroyed; i just added a single frame idle.) * overall just optimized code * removed WIP from game name * a few touch-ups * change all sfx to ogg -also amplified toss.ogg by 4db, was hard to hear at the same time as hitting a cue * fixed boss not bopping a beat after a signal -a very small bit hacky but it really works fine. will fix if any problems come up (but i added a check so that there shouldn't be) * i have stashed changes :P * new bg + remove references title * boss weird bopping fixed + game switches fixed * final touch-ups --------- Co-authored-by: Seanski2 <seanbenedit@gmail.com>
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